Helenium Helenium.

Skidniki Troyandi In the rich gardens and flower gardens the growth is so beautiful and

Sonyachna Kvitka

- Helenium.

It is believed that this charming growth, which blooms with its flowers on the first buds of autumn, received such a unique name in honor of the beautiful Deer, the companion of Menelaus, whose beauty covered the hoards of Paris .

Apparently, the golden tone of this flower reminds us of the color of the golden coachmen of the Deer.

Description of Helenium The helenium flower was first discovered in the areas of Central and Northern America. Today, there are more than 30 species of this herbaceous plant. Helenium is not endowed with rich rhizome. The flowering stems wither from the roots after the autumn frosts. In just an hour of extinction, the living orchards that appeared on the ground part of the growth form a rosette of leaves with roots. This new rosette itself forms a flower-bearing stem of the advancing fate.

  • Helenium has no bush shape, smells of independent growths, located close to each other.
  • How to sow Hellenium into the soil Koli plant
  • You can spray helenium directly into the ground.
  • Like any bagator, it is planted in the fall or early in the spring in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.
  • Enough to check
  • warm weather

and ripening of the soil.

Call the end of the week - grass


As has already been said, it is necessary to replant the helenium 4-5 years after planting.

  • The plants will grow over time in order to rejuvenate the growth and give room for growth, and require periodic replanting of the bush.
  • Carefully dig up the roots and remove the bushes from the soil.
  • Take a knife or shovel to cut the bush into pieces, being careful not to break the ground.
  • Make deep holes up to 30 cm, and pour humus into the bottom.
  • Planting rhubarb is kept loose, without rotting the root sheath.

Make sure that the earth settles, so that the roots do not appear on the surface, which is also very bad.

Water thoroughly to cover the entire depth of the hole.

Sometimes you can cut it like this: dig around the edges, water-reinforced parts, and remove the unfinished parts.

So, like a bush of branches, there will be room for the growth of new root branches and the growth will be rejuvenated.

And the fortified plots are being planted in a new place.

Gelenium in landscape design

Helenium is planted near the great flower beds in the background, near the decorative chagarniks, in groups or singly. They decorate the garden with them. Tall helenium is closely connected with austral asteres.

Their flowers look distinctly in bouquets and compositions; when they are cut, they have completely blossomed, so water does not flow into their blossoming buds.

See the varieties of Helenium with photos and descriptions

Hegenium autumnale

Helenium Fuego planting and viewing

Medium-tall Gartenson grows up to 110 cm, produces plump cats with a diameter of 6 cm, the middle of the flower has a brown tone.

The color begins at the end of the lime tree.

The charming Katarina is 140 cm tall, and the middle of her flower is also brown.

Simmer the flowers from the middle of the sickle.

Helenium autumn sunrise chervony How does helenium look photo how to plant helenium

The marvelous variety Moerheim Beauty reaches 180 cm in height, the middle of the flower has a yellow-brown color.

The color also starts from the middle of the sickle. They were also withdrawn from the red stock of the tickets. Among them is the medium-high variety Di Blondet, which has a large bush of curls up to 170 cm.

The color of this variety begins from the middle of the sickle. A low-growing variety called Glutauge, it produces buds with a diameter of 6 cm, the core of the buds is red-brown. The natural habitat is a wide range of heleniums – tsevologi, swampy plots.

The roots of the plant are on the surface and develop a weak development.

The developed varieties of autumn helenium are cultivated in lightened plots.

Garden soil

For them it can be ensured by regular watering.

The medium-height variety Goldlaktsverg grows up to 100 cm. The wine produces flowers of a compact shape, up to 4.5 cm in diameter.

The color of the linden tree begins.

Also in the culture of expansions is the variety Helenium Rotgaut, which grows up to 120 cm curls.

Vintage size is up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The fertilization of the ligulate flowers is intensely brown, the flower parts have a yellow-brown tone, the rich color is protected from the lime. Gelenium in the photo

You need to select flowers for your plot in such a manner that they bloom continuously, from spring to late autumn. Autumn flowers are especially pleasing, as they allow the warmth to continue summer days


It is up to such flowering growths that the helenium can be seen - sparkling golden or orange blossoms, which creates a whole sea of ​​\u200b\u200bflourishment, burning in the autumn garden. Gelenium, planting and observation of open ground does not pose any difficulties, and will become an important element of landscape design. This article has information about the peculiarities of this unidentified growth and these are the main types and varieties.

We will also look at the main nuances of agricultural technology for growing helenium.

Features and description of Helenium

The flower consists of marginal lingual pellets of yellow, orange, purple, brown color, as well as central tubes of yellow or brown color.

Helenium has a wonderful aroma that attracts the soul. Flowering begins at the end of summer and lasts until frost. It’s difficult to finish the difficult period.

The fruit of this plant is a double seed.

  • Variety of species and varieties of helenium
  • Nature has a range of approximately 30
  • different species
  • , which is to become an innumerable number of heleniums.
  • There are at least five options for landscaping and beautifying plots: autumn helenium, hybrid helenium, Hupa helenium, Bigelow helenium, spring helenium.
  • Let's take a closer look at the peculiarities of the skin type. Helenium spring.
  • This is a rich herbaceous plant.
  • The height can reach 1 m-code.

The stems are straight, gills at the tops, densely covered with leaves.

  • The leaves are oval-shaped, lanceolate, dark green in color.
  • At the tops of the sections, single cells are formed or collected in the thyroid gland.
  • The diameter of the flowers reaches 7 cm, orange color The flowering season begins in the middle of the grass and lasts the month.
  • Even the cold appearance miraculously withstands the Siberian frosts without covering.
  • Helenium Hupa
  • This type of helenium inode is called gupes.
  • In nature, this tree is prized for its short growth on rocky heights in the territory of Northern America.
  • Bagatorichne herbalists
  • The color begins at the tip of the worm or at the cob of the linden tree.

Garden soil

  • This species includes the growth of decorative varieties, separated by the interbreeding of different species, the main ones being Helenium aspen.
  • All varieties of this group of plants vary in height, flowering of flowers and leaves.

Popular varieties of hybrid Helenium:

This tree is formed by erect stems that can reach a meter in height.

  • The flowers are small, 3-4 cm in diameter.
  • This variety has a helenium color, orange-brown color with yellow tips.
  • Variety "Rotgaut". Herbalists Bagatorichna Roslina
  • The height reaches approximately 120 cm. The color begins in sticky dark purple flowers with a brown tint.
  • Helenium autumn
  • The most popular and widest species of helenium in Russian gardens.
  • The natural habitat is the territory of Northern America, and the swamps themselves.
  • IN

landscape design

  • The autumn helenium has stagnated since the 17th century. The stems of the mіtsni tree are woody, erect, and can reach a height of 2 m. The stems grow very thickly, one by one, forming a columnar bush.
  • The upper part of the pagon is very gilded.
  • The flowers are small in size, up to 6 cm in diameter.
  • They release at the end of the skin's irritated flow, then at the end of the day the whole plant is brightly covered with bright golden flowers.
  • Variety "Di Blonde".
  • Tall bushes, which can reach 170 cm. During the process, form a thick bush.

The flowers are small, less than 5-6 cm in diameter.

Behind the color is reddish-brown.

Variety "Glutauge".

It grows with low growth, bright red leaves with the same red heart.

  • The diameter of one flower is 6 div.
  • Here is a small selection of helenium varieties that are suitable for decorating your plot.
  • Methods for propagating Helenium
  • All types of helenium can be propagated in the following ways: in plants, under bushes and through livestock.
  • It is most forgivable to respect the cultivation and division of the bush in the present day.
  • Reproduction of helenium pigs
  • There is very little similarity between the current helenium and it is not important to sow them immediately after folding or within a few hours.
  • It is best to sow seedlings in the spring, so you can get rid of valuable and healthy seedlings, which will stick to the wet soil more quickly.
  • It is best to hang out in the garden near the fierce one.

However, over a period of 1-1.5 months, the planting material should be stratified.

For this purpose it is necessary to wet the soil and sow the animal.

  • Afterwards, wrap the entire container in hot water and place it in the refrigerator. And after completion of 1.5 months, remove and place in a warm place. It’s time for today to be in the light and at a comfortable temperature.
  • The optimal temperature for germination is 18-22 degrees Celsius.
  • The first ones are already going to appear for 2-3 years.
  • You need to carefully pick up the mature bush of helenium and divide its roots into a few pieces.
  • For this, you don’t need to report a lot of zusil - the bush itself disintegrates into leaf sockets.
  • After this, plant the skin patch at the back of the place.
  • Using this method will rejuvenate mature plants and enhance their decorativeness.

In this way, newly grown flowers will bloom before fate comes their way.

  • Reproduction of live bait
  • Reproduction of Helenium with live bait can be carried out at the moment of active growth of the stem.
  • For this you need to use a sharp knife to cut the live bait into approximately 10-12 cm long pieces.
  • After which they can be treated with a special root treatment, for example, Kornevin.
  • For roots to appear, live bait can be placed in water, or it can be buried in the soil of a greenhouse.

After the roots have appeared, the young sajants settle down in a permanent place near the open ground.

Stages of preparation before planting helenium in wet soil

Preparation before planting the plants means picking out fresh and healthy flowers in the future, which will be a wonderful decoration for your plot.

Look around the Sajanets in the same way.

It is not anyone's fault if there are daily damages, it is a sign of illness or the appearance of defects, dry soil near the container. When purchasing a helenium plant, it is necessary to take care of the future growth of the plants. Buy high varieties for single plantings or plantings in gardens, and low growing varieties- For edging flower beds.

Stage 2. Select a place for planting helenium Gelenium is already decorative dew Therefore, the ideal place for your full-fledged growth would be a well-lit garden. You can miraculously decorate unshowy or parked floors, and lower grades can be painted to frame borders.

Stage 3. Soil preparation

This culture thrives on rich, light and permeable soils.

The soil is subject to a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

  • Helenium is a non-vibrant growth; it is best to prepare the soil before planting.
  • It is important that it is drained, as debris from stagnant water from the white root is also harmful to helenium.
  • The selected plot needs to be dug well, approximately onto a log of a shovel.
  • When processing the soil, you can add a little compost; the splintered sprouts will respond well to the addition of various living matter.
  • Technology of planting helenium in wet soil
  • The optimal time for planting helenium is in open soil, grass or an ear of wormwood.
  • At this hour there is a threat of frost.
  • Within a few days, dig up the soil at the planting site and fertilize it with compost.

Before planting, it is also necessary to prepare helenium seedlings.

To do this, you need to carefully remove them from the containers and place them in a container of water for about an hour so that the roots absorb more water. After about an hour of swimming near the water, it may become 5-7 hours. Then, at the prepared site, dig up the planting holes. Their size is twice as large, the lower root system of the plant is made from an earthen breast. The gardenings must be planted no deeper than a potter's.

If you are planting a number of sage fences, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the lines between the planting holes and rows are aligned.

Maintenance of helenium includes regular and frequent watering.

In the natural environment, this culture tends to grow on low slopes and swampy lowlands, so in its work it is necessary to create such soils.

The soil next to the roslin is to blame for its damage to the soil, since the dry substrate should not be damaged.

In a dry summer, the amount of watering increases.

Some gardeners recommend giving preference to the drip method of watering.

  • Rotating and mulching
  • They don’t care about those that Helenium already loves Vologa, the supernatural stagnation of water is white and the stem of wine cannot be tolerated.
  • Therefore, after watering, it is periodically recommended to fluff the soil around the bushes to saturate it with sourness.

To change the amount of weeding and fluffing, it is important to gradually add fresh mulch.

Dry peat, thyrsa or humus can be used as mulch. Pіdzhivlennya For the full growth and rich color of the helenium, it is necessary to prepare it throughout the entire season.

The first cultivation may be carried out on the cob of the grass.

During this period, the green part of the plant begins to actively grow.

Gelenium increases its resistance to gas until various illnesses and problems appear.

However, some of the effective flowers can be affected by the chrysanthemum nematode.

When they appear on the leaves and buds of the plant, brown spots appear, and the flower stops blooming. To combat this weed, you need to pour hot water over all the plants, about 50 degrees, and soak the soil with soap or water. Preparation before winter

Before the onset of frost, around harvest time, all helenium stems must be cut off.

Mulch the area where the plants grow.

  • Yak mulch can be purchased vikorista
  • natural materials
  • , such as peat, moss, thyrsus, leaf opal.
  • As an option, you can cover the rosewood with non-woven material. Vikoristannya helenium in landscape design Helenium is wonderfully suitable for decorating a landscaped plot.

There are a number of options for your choice:

Tall helenium plants look good in single plantings on aphids in the lawn.

These plants of high varieties can be harvested for decorating unattractive walls or gardens, as well as for creating a small living garden.

Lower varieties of helenium are suitable for edging garden paths or borders.

High and low varieties are vicorized for making

flower beds

. In this type, tall flowers hang in the background, and short flowers hang in the foreground. Photo of helenium in landscape design

To begin with, you can see all the features of vicoristic helenium in decorating the plot in the presented photos.

Vikoristannya helenimum for planting vegetable gardens

Autumn helenium is tall (up to 160 cm);

The stems are planted, planted, until the end of autumn.

The leaves are small, light green, with toothed edges.

The daisy-shaped pods, with a convex middle, are 3-6 cm in diameter. The edges of the pellets are shaped, then cut with scissors.

The coquettishly dissected ubik, the stinks are guessing. The pith of the helenium is puffed up, at the hour of flowering it is covered with bright-yellow saw blades and takes on a knobby shape.

On the skin stem of the plant at the upper part, 15-20 flowers bloom at one time. This yellow-orange palette fully reflects the current season and fits optimally into the day. How to extend the color of Helenium? Have mercy on the flowers of the modest decoration of the garden, in the process of such a wide variety of varieties, the power can change the overgrowth, you can from linden to the first frost. The row of flowers can be easily ensured by plucking the tops of the stalks, and the wonderful effect can be maintained by plucking the leaves from the small parts of the stem on which they are grown.

This manipulation activates the de-planting and formation of new vines, which will bloom in an hour.

Roslina in the garden landscape

Helenium autumn (photo presented in the article) has been cultivated since the 17th century, and is the most popular species among its sister sisters and the main one for the development of a large number of varieties.

Many of them are used by flower gardeners to decorate their plots and plant them using the method of aesthetic planting.

The linden-spring has a clear color of autumn helenium Moerheim Byuti. Roslina cannot reach the soil, so the optimal place for a new dormouse plot. This variety can also be grown from the Pivtina.

The bush is 90-150 cm long and has a small stem; it does not require tying.

Resistant to windy weather. Decorative call. The flowers are painted in a varied palette: red, golden, orange, yellow, copper; when opened, receive one color - dark brown. A description of the autumn helenium Pip squeak suggests that it is imperative to acquire such a variety on

summer cottage


The non-vibrating autumn flowering plant is characterized by low growth, up to 60 cm. It has a large number of straight stems with bright-yellow flower stalks with a brown center and a mass of narrow leaves.

The color begins at the linden tree.

Roslina is beautiful in group plantings, invisible to the eye. root system.

The skin of them produces full-fledged fruit-bearing pastes, which, despite their dry appearance, can withstand severe frosts in snowless winters.

Subtle look beyond the Helenium

The autumn helenium is absolutely unpretentious to the eye.

When you add such a dew to the moisture area, you should know that you cannot stand it dry.

Therefore, on dry days, it is necessary to water the helenium carefully and often.

  1. It is recommended to periodically weed and lightly fluff the soil.
  2. The fight against weeds can be carried out to a minimum by mulching the plot with peat or a leaf that can be transferred.
  3. To prepare the helenium stem before winter, it is necessary to cut it almost to the surface of the ground, leaving 10-15 cm. After this operation, the plot needs to be mulched with thyrsa or moss and covered with lutrasil.

Pіzhivlyuvalny come

To activate growth during the growing season, Helenium aspen will not need to be treated with the growth stimulator “Bud” in a dose of 10 grams per 10 liters of water.


In a 10-liter bucket of water - potassium sulfate, semolina and the organic preparation “Efecton” (a tablespoon).

Vitrat of the won person per 1 sq. meter – 3-4 liters..

The capacity can be collected when the first leaves appear.

Roslina, planted with a livestock path, will delight the flowers across the river after planting.

The present method

The current method of propagation is less popular due to its low similarity and difficulty in planting.

You can hang in wet soil at the end of autumn or in grassy, ​​well-warmed soil.

To protect against possible frosts, it is recommended to cover the plot with polyethylene melt.

To grow helenium seedlings, hanging seed material should be carried out in the spring (in kettle grass) near the planting container. First of all, carry out stratification of the mixture by mixing it with water and leaving it for 3 degrees at a temperature of +3...+5°С. It is necessary to germinate at a temperature of +18...+22°C. The appearance of 2-3 full-fledged leaves indicates the need for pricking (rosaling) of young plants.

In dry soil, plant seedlings next to the grass.

Before digging into the hole of the plant, lower the trace with the roots into water using a method of inoculation.

The number of sprouts per square meter is no more than 4-5 pieces per actively growing bush. After planting, the plot needs to be mulched with peat and humus. Preparation for today The collection of current traces is carried out before prolonged falls, powerful Just before our inconspicuousness - until the singing hour.

When, at the end of summer, the riot in the garden subsides, you suddenly see a modest bush of helenium, which you haven’t marked yet.

And today’s golden cats, which change their color, will win your respect not so much with a shock, but with a warm, calm and quiet beauty.

Listen to the article

Kvitka gelenium – description

Bagatoric helenium has such a peculiarity: its roots die before winter from the flower stalks, and from the underground shoots of a single stem a leaf rosette is created with the roots, which will give rise to a new flower in the coming river ITCONOS.

Those that we respect for the current helenium are really tightly growing independent plants with straight stems at the top that are gilded, up to a half meter of curl.

Leaves lanceolate, chergove.

The buds, either singly or collected in shield-like clusters, are made up of marginal lingual buds of orange, brown, yellow, red or purple color, and the central tubes are yellow or brown.

The plaid is completely pubescent and has a cylindrical shape. Virtue of helenium from the present day The freshly picked earth of the helenium, without seeming to have already been laid, bears little resemblance.

If you, of course, need to conduct an experiment with live reproductions of Helenium, go ahead, and we will help you with anyone by sharing our knowledge.

The hole for the plant is responsible for twice as much as a root coma. Before lowering the sprout into the hole, lower the roots onto a splinter of pine so that the roots are saturated with moisture, then plant the seedlings in the same depth in which it grew in the pot and in such a manner that there is no stand between the specimens less than 30 cm ., and between the rows no less than 35 cm. After planting, mulch the plot with peat or humus. Helenium, grown by seedlings from the plant, bloom in another river.

And let me tell you that in this way you can propagate the species helenium, and to propagate the varietal species, you can use the vegetative method, so that when

born in spring

The varietal signs of the fathers are preserved. Helenium – look How to virosti Helenium.

As soon as the tavern is running out, then we reach out

summer period

Invigoration of helenium with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out 3 times:

If you take care of the water balance in the soil, then your heleniums are not afraid of getting sick.

Helenium after flowering

How and if to choose this helenium.

If you want to save the earth from Helenium, you must work until the long autumn rains, otherwise the earth will rot.

When it is ripe, you will see darkened lingual cells and blackened tubular parts.

Ale, as has already been said, in this day and age it is better to buy in specialized stores, the fragments you have collected, despite all your efforts, may not come out, but if they do come out, it is not a fact that you end up taking away those that have come out. Don’t waste your money, buy it now, or quickly use vegetative methods to propagate Helenium. Helenium is taking a charge.

In winter, the stems of the helenium are cut down to the surface of the ground, removing 10-15 cm of the stem.

After pruning, mulch the plot with moss or thyrsa and cover the animal with lutrasil to fall. severe frosts or snowless winter.

See the varieties of Helenium

Of over thirty species of Helenium, there are only five in cultivation.

We present to you

short description

the most popular types.

Helenium bigelovii

the least expansion of the Helenium culture from the Sunset of Southern America.

Straight stems reach a height of 80 cm, leaves are lanceolate, whole, up to 6 cm in diameter, the tubular part (middle) of the flower is brown in color, and the ligules are yellow.

The color is red and linden.

Helenium vernalis

Due to the demands of the crop varieties, special interest arises:

  • Helenium Rubintswerg (Ruby Dwarf)– a very popular variety: a thick bush of curls about 65 cm with bushes of ruby ​​color.
  • This red helenium blooms from the end of the linden tree. Sometimes they are confused with the Rose Jam variety;
  • Cockade- The height of the bush is up to 120 cm, the flowers are 4.5 cm in diameter, the yellow flowers are red with a brown tinge, the edges are yellow, until the center of the red pigment becomes gray, the tubular parts of the flower are yellow-brown.

4.5172413793103 Flower from the ear of the sickle throughout the second month;

Moerheim Beauty

– one of the most popular varieties.

It is characteristic that, when they open, the flowers show different colors - red, yellow, golden, copper, and when they open, they turn red-brown.

The height of the bush when lying in the soil, at any height of the helenium, is 90-120 cm. The color ranges from linden to leaf fall.

Rating 4.52 (29 votes)

Helenium is a beautiful and unobtrusive plant of the Astrov family, native to Northern and Central America.It looks like you can grow a tea tree from a height of 80 cm to 160-170 cm. In fact, the bush of helenium consists of several independent shoots, which allow it to grow vigorously.There are over 30 varieties and types of helenium.) – The stems are silky, thin and tall.

The leaves are small, gostre. (It looks like you can grow a tea tree from a height of 80 cm to 160-170 cm. In fact, the bush of helenium consists of several independent shoots, which allow it to grow vigorously.The flowers look like a cat, and the flowers themselves resemble small daisies in shape.) The range of colors varies from light yellow to dark red and brown.

The fruit of this plant is a double seed. (It looks like you can grow a tea tree from a height of 80 cm to 160-170 cm. In fact, the bush of helenium consists of several independent shoots, which allow it to grow vigorously.The special beauty of helenium flowers lies not only in the bright brew, but also in the strong, welcoming aroma.) It has straight tall stems (up to 1 m), green lanceolate leaves and great flowers.

It looks like you can grow a tea tree from a height of 80 cm to 160-170 cm. In fact, the bush of helenium consists of several independent shoots, which allow it to grow vigorously.Kviti with thin orange pellets and a brown center.) The grass is already beginning to bloom. hibridum– this type that includes most

garden varieties

  • and hybrids, as well as forms of helenium of unknown gait.
  • All of them are completely different in terms of sizes, color variations, and color terms.
  • The widest varieties are:

Gartenzonne (curls up to 130 cm, made with red and yellow leaves);It looks like you can grow a tea tree from a height of 80 cm to 160-170 cm. In fact, the bush of helenium consists of several independent shoots, which allow it to grow vigorously.Rotgaut (kviti chervono-buri, tree height 120 cm);) Goldklatswerk (orange-brown flowers, grows up to 100 cm).

Helenium autumn (


  • It is the widest garden variety.
  • The stems are thin, long (up to 160 cm), the leaves are thin, toothed along the edges.
  • The cats are small, collected near the scutellum.
  • Kviti with yellow or red pellets and a yellow center.
  • Bloom from the end of linden to spring.

The seed is ripening in the cow.

  • Varieties of this type are classified as buds and fermented leaves.
  • Popular varieties with hardened pellets:
  • Sonyachna girka (tall, about 160 cm);

Magnificum (short, up to 70-80 cm);

  • Superboom (curls 170-180 cm);
  • Katarina (height 140 cm);

Septemberzonne (up to 160 cm).

Varieties with stringy, red and yellow pellets:

Goldfuks (height height 140 div);

Altgold (short, up to 80 cm);

Altgoldreze (curls about 110 cm). To do this, mix it with a thin layer and place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 degrees.

After this, they can be planted as seedlings.

Carry out this procedure as quickly as possible, and the flowers will begin to bloom within 2-3 days.

The soil for planting is better than prepared soil, with high peat content.

It is good to be loved, but the present one hangs on top, without sinking.

Cover the planting area with a rock and place it in a well-lit area.

Ventilate periodically and lightly sprinkle with water.

After the appearance of two healthy leaves, plant the seedlings in a container. How to plant Helenium Seedlings hang from the surface of the heated soil, near the grass.

Choose a plot that is well illuminated, with neutral native land.

Plants can grow other varieties of Helenium from yellow buds.

  • To place low-growing seedlings with water at least 35 div from each other, and high-growing ones - up to 70-75 div.
  • Before planting, it is important to dig up the soil and fertilize it with humus or compost.
  • Since the earth is important, you can add a little to the sand.
  • Carefully pull the roslin out of the container and lower the roots onto a splinter of water.

After that, apply it in a regular place and water it well.

Another treatment is carried out on the flower cob.

In this case, use 1 liter of pus, 1 tbsp.

l. good "Agricola-Fantasy" and the same amount of "Agricola-7" per glass of water. The third cultivation is carried out immediately after flowering, on the beginning of the harvest.

For fertilizer, take 1 tbsp.


potassium sulfate and superphosphate per 10 l.


Tying buds helps a lot on the cob age-old living

be some kind of growth stimulant.

Water thoroughly to cover the entire depth of the hole.

Sick people, illnesses and what you need to know in order to avoid their appearance If a chrysanthemum nematode has appeared on Helenium, it is necessary to remove the infected leaves. Helenium may not suffer from illness or disease.

The culprit is a chrysanthemum nematode that chews leaves and flower stems.

You can only get behind her by cutting up and spitting out the harvested plots of the forest.

To get rid of this troublesome mischief that appears, add a little bit of slaked vapor to the soil before planting.

Collect the lingering autumn logs until the beginning, so that the stench does not rot.

The first sign that it is ripe is the darkening of the center of the flower and the darkening of the petals.

It is best to dry it in a dark and cool place. Reproduction of helenium In the simplest way

in an efficient way

Reproduction takes place in the heap of the bush.

This procedure must be carried out in the spring, near the grass.

For this mature helenium, dig up and carefully strengthen a bunch of leaf rosettes with roots.