Nevibagly kvituch chagarniki for the garden. Yakі buvayut Chagarniki: see, name the photo

What kind of trees and chagars should be planted on the fence, so that they harmoniously fit into the design of the garden?

Yaki decorative leaves of a tree and chagarniki can be planted in the garden at the dacha

Here you can find out from the photo and the names of the leafy trees and chagarniks for the garden, how to embellish whether or not the house.

Euonymus chrylatium (Euonymus alatus). Bereskleti - champions of autumn zabarvlennya. The stench is just green in the air, then in the autumn they will play a solo part. This leafy chagarnik for the garden is low, adventitious for shearing or free borders, single planting here on the first plan. Grows up to two meters of curls. on the sleepy mist zabarvlennya yaskrivishe. Varto divitsya and to other species of the genus. Beresklet good living creatures, in the first rocks they develop slowly. Virishyuchi, like chagarniki can be planted on a dilyantsi, you know, that the bruslins do not need special attention, do not care for specific "family" ailments and shkidnikiv.

(Hydrangea paniculata ), Vіrnіshe, її sorti, became the star of gardens literally in the rest of the decade. There are no equals for color trivality in the other half of the season. Hydrangeas decorate the garden from lime to frost. Everything that is needed for decorative leafy chagars for the garden is enough for that cool, bright place (it can be done with a little shade). It is easy to take root, it is also easy to live, bloom quickly and with skin rock become only beautiful. There is only a little about the hydrangea voloti (well, more about the tree-like). Large-leaved hydrangeas, which can also often be used for sale, sway the climate middle Russia strong "dances" from the side of the gardener. Hydrangea can be a member of a folding composition, an accent, and a tapeworm. Even though they haven’t yet seen it, like chagarniki can be planted on a farm, it is recommended to put respect on a hydrangea with a lotus.

Deren white (Cornus alba), vіrnіshe, yogo numerical grades, nіbi pіdsvіchuyut garden, even among them so rich with strings and slandering leaves. Tsey decorative chagarnik for a delyanka, a good tim, which is more tolerant to the point of being smart, winter-hardy, multiplies by introductions and live bait, and looks like a plant “at all a hundred hundred thousand”. You can plant one bush and form yoga, you can vicorize varieties like a vilnu, or I live in a fence, which is trimmed. For the help of regular pruning, you can form a tree on a stem.

petiole oakі red oak (Quercur robur, O. rubra). The first one, it would be better to know, the other one is more like a maple leaf and has a different outline of the crown. I offended by oaks are majestic in a mature vіtsі tree. And to the very same cinnamon stinks and miracles: dovgolitty, stability, steadiness, and also miraculous winter graphics. And at the oak of the red cabbage, the garne is osinnє zabarvlennya, which shows the middle.

Oak trees multiply less by acorns (sowing). Vibirayuchi, like a tree to plant on a tree, guard, that in the garden the oaks are not viable, but the appearance of the leather has its own peculiarity: the red oak is tolerant to zavoї vologia, the oak of the chervil is the best of luck, de dry. The fall from the oaks is more well poured into the soil, to rob yoga more structured.

Here, zvichayno, the tree of the background, the long-awaited stump of the garden, which visadzhuyut once and for all. For them, you can be merry from afar, collecting from the vikna of your booth.

Willow hybrid "Kulyasty dwarf"і "Weeping Dwarf" (Salix x hybr.). These are two masterpieces of domestic selection. Call insults to speak for themselves: the first variety grows in a low bag, the other is weeping, but not tall. Offenses are indelible small gardens bіlya vodyom, oskіlki proportional їm.

Like and be-like willows, not unlike old-timers, the impersonal ailments and shkidniks are afflicted. But living creatures are super-easy, so you can always inspire them. Roslin from the petiole becomes decorative after 2-3 rocks, so it’s already fast. "Weeping dwarf" kindly pіdv'yazuvati in the first rocks of life to support.

Kalina zvichayna "Bul-de-nizh" (Viburnum opulus 'Boule de Neige') for a long time and mіtsno ruled in the gardens. Podkupovuє simplicity її viroshchuvannya, nevibaglivist to minds, easy living. Vaughn is similar to the buzz of її vikoristanni: molding the bush is beautiful with its graphics. If you don’t choose to cut your hair, plant a viburnum here a little far away.

Kalina love the waters, may be the growth of the natural water reservoir. Not without reason, in nature, viburnum is most commonly seen on the banks of rivers and lakes.

How many more trees and chagarniki can be planted in the garden to decorate the plot?

False zybold maple (Acer pseudosieboldianum). Dzhe rіdkіsna we have roslin, not respecting those whose species is the aboriginal of our Distant Descent. Itself through tse wines it is winter-hardy and it is miraculous to bear the minds of gardens. middle smuga. New wine is needed, why maple? The whole tree is of medium size with an inconspicuous graphics of the spine and the shape of the leaf. Vin is similar to Japanese maples, which are not winter-hardy in our country. Vlitku tse openwork tree, building reach a maximum of 5-7 meters of curls. And in autumn, the entire tree for the garden is the king of leaf fall, which is dressed at the burning red and purple. Every day the tree does not grow with him according to the autumn zabarvlenny. Suitable for small gardens, putting up with the shading that spring moisture, multiplying by us. Virishyuchi, like a tree to plant in the garden, guard that the first 5-7 years of life have maple growth even more correctly.

(Magnolia kobus, Magnolia stellata). Yes, magnolias. Tse is not a pardon. The same two species (the same varieties) grow well in the middle smooth and bloom regularly. Magnolia kobus can be vimahati and a tree of 4-5 meters, stelata, sirchasta, will be 1.5-2 meters. If the flowers of the roslin bloom, the whole district will suffocate.

There is nothing foldable for growing cich chagarniks on country house nі: soil is easier to use, but it didn’t take too long.

Bulbashok Kalinolistiya "Diyabolo" and "Luteus" (Physocarpus opulifolius'Diabolo', 'Luteus'). Obviously, the varieties of the bulboplod are richer, ale qi two - “hіti”, so do not pass. Stable, simple, lively, to give the Yaskrav a flame of the necessary color in the garden. Zabarvlennya "Diyabolo" gloomy, like a purple variety, "Luteus" can be vicorated with smaller margins.

Plant some more decorative chagars and garden trees on the summer cottage (from the photo)

viberating yaki decorative trees planting that chagarniki on the land, it is recommended to take care of it and see the growth in such a way.

Gorobina zvichayna (Sorbus aucuparia). First songs were written about her, and verses were written. Popular love. І є for what to love: i anniversary, i beauty. For flowers, zvichayno, the gorobina can not especially boast, then the fruitfulness will darken the richness, and it can be equated to a flower for writing, beauty and trivality. As if digging in the vineyard varieties, they show up with dark purple berries (“Pomegranate” or “Titan”), and with the most prominent gorobin, even more savory, without bitterness, for which you can make compote (“Vefed”, for example). Two in one, the beauty of the meanness!

Adzhe є sche weeping variety(Pendula);

In nature, the gorobina is a tree that has a little bit of a knot, in the garden it also develops more beautifully in a bright place, maybe, with a lot of shade. The soil can be navit from some kind of assignment.

This is a wonderfully decorative leaf tree for a garden of medium size, of a different plan, a background for lower plantings (only a weeping dorechna like a tapeworm).

Buzok zvichayny (Syringa vulgaris) - truly Russian folk roslina. Skilky songs about her are written, that height may be at the skin yard. It's important to be more generous fluffy bush. І sortіv - million, for any relish. Moreover, the impersonal old Russian, later, tried and tested.

Hot buzok and simple, ale є kіlka nuances. For example, they are transplanted from sickle-veresn, ce with peculiarities of root formation. It is possible to hang, but it will take root better and bloom better.

Buzka is contraindicated for zayva vogkist, then miles of ґrunti with the presence of vapna.

If you want to grow beautiful tree leaves at the dacha, it is better to bathe the root gardens. If you don’t need to worry about the growth of food, you can give feasts to friends who come from the earth. At the first rock, the buzok can grow properly, then we will quickly transform into the bush of your dream.

Under the hour of flowering buzok, madly, the queen of the garden, but you can put it on the foreground, as if you were convinced that you will carefully take up molding. Unformed bushes to finish off kudlaty, so it’s worth planting dorechnish here on another plane.

Spirea sira "Grefsheim" (Spiraea x cinerea 'Grefsheim') - a favorite among the spirs. Privablyuє early flowers, similar to the waterfall of white stumps. Zezovsim does not mean that it is necessary to oppose other species and varieties. Їх at spіrey impersonal for any relish and rozmіr. From the oak-leaved spirea, beautifully sheared borders appear, for example.

Spireyam is good like in the sun, so it is in pivtіn, abi vologists got out, but did not flood. Sufficiently episodic trimmings, which are trimmed, so that the bushes looked perfect. Maybe a serious haircut.

Chubushnik ( Philadelphus sp.), Yogo is called garden jasmine, another popular favorite. You can choose any sort. Larger garni in color, but rippled and blooms are not required, such is the charm of their leaves.

Chubushniks are suitable for standard gardening in a pivtin. Every now and then, varto grow and renovate the bush, so that the flowers don’t become big.

(Malus sp.). Bring on the fruit of the apple tree in the color is beautiful. And what do you say about varieties with great erysipelas and red flowers? So, the apple tree is not large on them, but when the bazhanni stinks, they get used to cooking and compote, and you don’t want to see them in certain varieties, then the stench embellishes the tree. Color of tsgogo garden tree on the dealership you can match with the legendary sakura. The crown of the apple trees is also a harn, її graphic embellishes the winter garden.

Agrotechnics is standard for apple trees: without stagnant growth with rare vapnuvannya.

Take a look at the photo, how to plant trees and chagarniki on dilyantsi, to decorate the garden:

If you care more about the aesthetically pleasing design of your garden, then different decorative chagars miraculously fit into this roll. Whether it be a garden, it is less likely to play in the form of decorating with evergreen or deciduous chagars.

To their own zabarvlennyam or tsvіtіnnyam decorative chagarniki can help zі vіdnіnnym livestock, divide the territory of the garden into different zones, embellish the entrance to your garden or decorate different elements.

Ornamental chagars serve not only a decorative function, stinks also protect garden alleys from the wind and that saw, help you not in a decorated garden, but also give you an enchanting look in the presence of a ringing storm and create garni moods.

Some cultivars of ornamental chagars have a long flowering period, while others have an unusual leaf shape, or a more zabarvlennya. It’s not easy to keep an eye on them - they stink to the point of ailment, they are rarely opposed by shkidniks.

Let's talk about those chagars, which are wide in the middle Russian smoothies.

As soon as your garden has broken green lawns, miraculous additions to them will be chic bushes of hydrangeas. Among the gardeners, you will always be popular erysipelas- especially beautiful park trojans, frost-resistant stinks, unviable, the axis only blooms once in the whole season.

Deyakі gardeners love to embellish their garden plots chagarniks, like the hour of blossoming in the building, fill the garden with a welcoming aroma - mock oranges, forsythia, and vovnik.

Even more decoratively look pishnі sutsvittya buzka and kalini. In our gardens, more and more often you can grow bushes of rhododendrons or tree-like buds.

Summer is the time for flowers to bloom and spir, flowers and buddles. Closer to autumn, the flowers of the faith begin to bloom - they are small, however, they are chosen in such a beautiful flower that they look like mother-of-pearl, that they simply can’t call out the flood.

Decorative chagarni early spring i to deep autumn decorate the garden. Let's cut with the butt of different varieties of barberry: their leaves can be bright-yellow, purple, bright-green and purple, and wind up blazing.

Aral bushes look original - this bush is prickly, vin similar to a tropical palm tree. Miraculously looking and holobets, young leaves at the new one grow with an invisible erysipelas, but the giblets fill up green colors. The stench of autumn is zhovtiyut and swells a golden breeze.

If your plot is dark, plain wall or high unpretentious parkan, it is recommended that you decorate it with decorative leaf bushes of a white tree. No one can be flooded with bayduzhim yogo elegantly rіzblene dark green leaves, with a creamy outline. In young pagons of a tree, there is a red color, to rob yoga old look richer and brighter.

The right color of your garden can become a black elderberry - hanging її bushes covered with arable blossoms, autumn - black berries and yellow-golden leaves. The only minus is decorative leafy chagarniksє їhnya vysoka vymoglivіst to the temperature regime - bred by way of selection, tsі form less frost, nizh їх vihіdniki.

For the decoration of your garden in the silsky style miraculously pіdіyde viburnum. Hanging viburnum will decorate your garden with flowers, and in autumn will give you a crown of red brown berries. Even more beautiful looking viburnum buldenіzh. Tsya decorative form does not give fruits, but looks like great flowery forms with flowers, like to please you at the grass-chervni.

Another representative of decorative chagarniks is tse barberry. Sered great number thunberg's barberry and splendid barberry are the widest. Tsya decorative form of chagarnik cicava is placed in front of its leaves. Barberry is widely vykoristovuetsya in the landscape in the design of lawns, for the creation of living creatures. Barberry is good to endure a haircut and with the ease of getting into the necessary shape.

Widely wide in the gardens is also nabula and shipshina. For the sake of their versatility, the number of tickets from white to red wine is good for decorating the garden. And this orange-red fruit can be not only decorative, but also more luxurious. When vikoristannі sipshiny in the garden, it is necessary to follow the overgrowth, as if it were a swedish fit.

For the design of the garden, it is also pіdіyde i lіshchina zvichayna. Especially yoga varieties with brown leaves miraculously look when folded livestock. The first cream of the garnet leaves, the forest delights you with those brown peas.

Practically in the skin garden there is another type of fruit-bearing chagarniks: agurus, currant, raspberry. The currant garnet looks like the hour of ripening of the fruit, especially as it entrusts the planting of varieties with different varieties of fruits - chervonim, white, rozhevim, black.

For decorating the garden with yagidnih chagarnikіv miraculously pіdіyde golden currant. The currant took its name through its zabarvlennya flower. This chagarnik may prevail over the splendid black currant, which is more likely to be stricken by shkidniks.

From varietal raspberries abo aґrusu, beautiful living flesh appear, yakі before that they delight their masters with savory berries. It’s a pity, it’s richer, to plant quince, aronia, irgu, glid in the gardens - even tsі chagarniki garno look and at the hour of flowers, and autumn, if the leaves are gray with all the shades of gold and purple. It is necessary to look after the fruitful chagars more carefully, lower the decorative chagars, but the savory fruits will be in the city.

On the problematic plots of your garden, you can hang out and see decorative chagars. At muddy places miraculously grow and save their decorative qualities honeysuckle, snowberry, privet. In cold, dry places, you can hang raspberries - they already bloom beautifully.

On important soils one can miraculously feel the signs of seeing a hand, barberry, spirea, forsythia. Bіlya vodim violently growing, and blooming hydrangea. І navit vapnі ґrunti are suitable for growing bruslin, elderberry, buddle and cotoneaster.

Choose decorative chagars to embellish your garden; Therefore, it is best to create group plantings of decorative chagars of the same variety, lower plantings.

It is also possible to combine and in group plantings various forms of decorative chagarniks, which lie down to one genus - for example, plant barberry bushes with red and green leaves. Kindly looking glіd - yoga varieties are fermented for fertilization of fruits and succulence.

Superchki navkopuvannya barrel stake fruit trees boules, є і will be even more long hour, singsongly, for the time being, sit down. Variants of the morning of the near-stem stake fruit tree to finish it richly, here there is a black steam (the same digging), and a sod, and a mulch, moreover, in the skin zone, there are pluses and minuses. Digging up the soil in a Stovbury smoothie and mulching can be done, including watering here, that introduction is good.

Planting a private house before winter is a good start, here it is necessary to choose the right one planting material, Correctly choose the terms of landing, know the subtle rules, nuances and features. Axis іz such nuances let me і part. The watchmaker has two different forms: one is called a non-shooter, the other is an archer. What is an arrow? The simplest - tse kvitkonos. The arrow is shaped only by a winter watchmaker, that one, which hangs over me in autumn.

Personally z zucchini for the winter with pepper, tomatoes and tsibulei - another way to save crops of vegetables and stock up on the most delicious vegetable stew. The stew looks like a traditional lecho, bell peppers replace the lower zucchini. When you open a jar, the smell expands and is incredibly comforting. Radzha vikoristovuvaty container mistkіstyu 500 to 800 g for harvesting salads - manually sterilize and open canned food can not be saved.

Early transplantation is necessary for all room plants. Ale, in the fall with the room greats, її do not carry out doti, as long as it is possible, the shards of the task are not easy. That and seldom yakі have matured growth will require shorіchno transplant. At rocky, if the transplant is not carried out, recommend the vikonati obov'yazkovu procedure - partial replacement of the soil. The upper ball is replaced with the soil and with the method of hygiene, and the support of the normal state of the substrate.

Ogіrki, marinated for the winter, crisps, in jars with a teapot, chibula and chili - another unpretentious way to prepare piquant vegetables before winter. The recipes for salt and marinade are rich, navit even rich. This recipe has a peculiarity, which is recognized for lovers of spicy: add a pinch of cayenne pepper to the marinade, and a green chili pod to the vegetables. Such ogіrochki, that to sip my wife, fall to the relish of a strong half of humanity - a marvelous cold appetizer.

The majority of gardeners, especially summer residents, are more important, after the end of the harvest season, they forget about their chagars until the coming spring and in the shortest rainy season, to celebrate them immediately after the snow, to grow nitroamofoska and to weed, see the growth of the feast. Tsya share osyagaє i black currant. If you want a good culture, it is built by a healthy and gentle chagar grower, it will also require turbot and respect. And especially in the autumn period, if there is long winter ahead.

Hydrangeas - chagars are not only fashionable, but also irreplaceable. And in the city landscapes, and in private gardens, giving way to the bright leaves, pastel-colored caps, and stable decorativeness. Most often, hydrangeas hang out in groups or alone, mingling with smaller bushes and trees. And in the meantime, the company of these garden queens can be put together by bagatorists, for the help of which you can create barvys, stylish and striking combinations.

Cutlets with companions with chanterelles - savory, original hot grass, you can serve as a side dish with mashed potatoes and thick white sauce. If you want to welcome guests and home guests, cook these lower cutlets. You can replace the chanterelles with pecheritsy, even if you don’t smom_syatsya zustrіnesh at the fox chi on the market itself “forest gold”. I cooked cutlets from Canadian green juice, they cook for about a year. Zvichaynu sochevitsa need to be soaked for a long time.

In the streaming season, unfortunately, I don’t have a record-breaking apple: it made me rain the cold summer, like it was similar to the madness of autumn and spring. Ale, all the same, give birth to є, vіn vіdchutny, and yakscho we don’t want it, so that for a sprat of tyzhnі v іbranі apples were zipsuvali, їх it is necessary to save them correctly. It seems that, with the right picking of an apple, you can lie a sprat of rock, picking up your varieties of power and power, but still, there’s still a check, so you can skushtuvate it ?!

One of the most original types of room ferns Blehnum is rightfully respected and one of the most capricious. Yogo thermolyubnіnіstі і vomogi to vologostі turned tsiu reliktova roslina on the right legend. Blekhnum, but a derb'yanka in a kіmnati - a fern is not for everyone, but it's completely garna. To finish the great roses and palm trees, which are far from far away, the leaves-vayz easily obscure your interior, whether it’s otherwise decorative leafy roslin.

Pancakes from zucchini from cheese and chasnik - savory grass for a week-long meal, especially at the season of picking I give birth. Pancakes are richly corisna, you don’t prepare them in reserve, but you can make a part of the crop as a whole. On a family of three, I will go one sheep of the average size with a vag to 1 kg minus cleaning. For the sake of quantity, the appetizing girka of pancakes is great, as it is enough for sour cream for revisiting the weekly broadcast.

Zmіshanі rabatki and vozki protyazhnі kvіtniki vzdovzh dorіzhok and stіn sogodnі in vogue. I want the most naybarvishy, ​​ale wine is not the only variant of the design of barvisty tall frames of different functional recognition. Sometimes you can create a small ridge with a width of close to a meter, not quite enough, the design has greater rigor and the “subtlety” of a growing line. The narrow and neat border with one growth line is the most obvious, but the only one is out.

Nini the same ear of autumn, still not picking the whole harvest from the plot. But you can’t believe that for the safety of the coming season I’m planting the soil, that I’m growing up, under the future beds, and I’ll start preparing it right away. I don’t call it hot: prepare this soil correctly, so that you don’t become enchanted by the advancing fate. How to prepare beds, how to properly dig up and bring in fertilizer for the widest vegetable crops already at once, we will tell you this year.

Marinated ogirka with circles citric acid- Side dishes of ogirki, the principle of cooking such as I have conceived in one TV show. They showed a great factory, pickling hamburger stumps. These are true miracle garnishes of fritters, as if they are indispensable in emergency situations, if there is no time to prepare the evening, but you need to do it. On a plate to mashed potatoes and sausages, put a girka of ogirkiv with a cibulka - and it’s already delicious!

Proper eating for room roslin- one of the factors of their normal development. Pіdzhivlennya often pomilkovo priymayut less like zasіb svitlyuvannya tsvіtіnnya or podtrimki growth, but their meaning is much more important. Roslini otrimuyut speeches from the ground and show. Ale, in a large amount of substratum, the stink to lie in, in order to properly carry out the regeneration and how good the vicorist is. For indoor lovers, however, both macro- and microelements are important.

Bushes have conquered their niche in growing world. Zustrichayuchi їх on the skin (in forests, cities, gardens, parks and just on the streets), we do not give them the desired value. And for nothing: knowing, like chagarniks, you can create ingeniously. garden compositions, yakі will delight the eye not only with a hinged inlet, but in deep autumn.

Chagarniki: one of the life forms of roslin

The life form, in other words, is biological - the phenotype, the old look of the growth, which reflects the steps of attachment to too much middle ground. The most important thing is the classification of life forms under the authorship of I. G. Serebryakova, it’s good to see what you see:

  • roslini villages (trees, chagarniki, chagarniki);
  • napіvder'yanі roslini (nap_vkuschi and napіvchagarniki);
  • ground herbs;
  • water herbs.

Such a subdivision of all the essential growths of foundations on the steps of the village of the ground part. The growth of the bushes near the chagarniks starts from the foundations, and in the course of time, the head stovbur is also important. At the trees, outline the crowns more clearly, and you can see the whole structure of the growth, I clearly see the main leak. In this rank, the above-ground parts of the Budova are those who, in principle, grow one type of one tree and chagarniki. Buvayut so chagarniki and napіvchagarnichki. A small height (up to 0.5 m) serves as a base for them to be seen in a small group, that weak step of the village of pagons is clear.

Classification - this is a direct reference to food, like chagarniks. The division into groups can be carried out according to different principles, we can look at the most widespread:

Classification of chagarniks by height

Denmark podіl іnodі mozhe vіdnosny character. At the growth stage, adding the addition of the fertilizer, storage of the soil, climate control and zastosuvannya of biostimulants. Fallow species, such varieties are reached by chagar forests in nature, and it is accepted to divide the three groups:

  • low chagar forests, the maximum height of which does not exceed one meter, before them, for example, lie a Cossack's bark (pictured);
  • middle chagars, 1-2.5 meters high, for example, currant, barberry;
  • high chagars (more than 2.5 meters of curls): elderberry chervona, buzok, siberian glans.

Like chagars grow in fallow land due to the intensity of growth

Vrakhovuyuchi those, like a fast grow those chi іnshi vidi chagarnikіv, їх it was accepted to divide five great groups:

  • you can see it very quickly growing (for example, a yellow acacia, which grows up to 3 meters in 2-3 rocks, thickening thick chagars, mock orange, tamarix);
  • shvidkoslі chagarniki, for example, viburnum zvichayna, lіshchina, goof of rіblyasty;
  • chagarniki of a deadly growth (bouzok, cherry, Japanese quince);
  • chagarniki, which grow properly, you can see Cossack hawk, privet, sea buckthorn before them;
  • it is more appropriate to grow, as a rule, all dwarf forms of leafy and coniferous trees.

Classification of the fallow in the trivality of the life of Roslyn

The mustache of the growth was followed by a breeze in the presence of such a large number of pagons. So, for example, raspberries can grow up to 50 years. And the axis її pagony live less than two years. Chotiri groups of chagarniks are divided:

Classification based on frost resistance

This information often calls gardeners, especially in quiet regions, de, as a rule, to finish the winter, but to please yourself invisible roslins really want to. The axis here and blame the food about those, like chagars and herbs, adjuncts for serious climatic minds. It is necessary to protect the chinnik of resistance to the cold, the stones will save you from the wrong purchases, the winning and the rose. Usі chagarniki divide into 5 groups:

  • arcs of frost - tse roslini, yakі vytrimuyut winter temperature drops to -40 degrees, and sometimes more, not zavdaє їm shkodi; Basically, the group is made up of coniferous chagars (cedar stlanik), ale є і representatives of leafy, for example, gloda and Siberian turf;
  • frost-resistant, endure the stench of cold winters, but when it's too late severe frosts not covered with snow, the snow freezes (gloda, viburnum, honeysuckle);
  • notably heat-loving - greenery, scho dvgy vegetative period, young pagons often do not reach villages and that is why it is easy to grow ears during spring frosts and severe winter colds, for example, chagars Euonymus, spirea, biryuchina;
  • heat-loving, such growths with a cold weather, the above-ground part can be overwhelmed, so the stench of the stench means an additional shelter;
  • even heat-loving chagarniks, stinks, we urge you not to endure cold weather below -10 degrees.

How do you see chagarniks fallow in vimoglivost before lightening?

Illumination is another factor in the successful development of growth. Incorrectly chosen place can bring yoga. That is why it is so important to protect the factor of lightening while planting your own plots. If you want to remember that rich people have love of light, this is an inconsistent characteristic. As a rule, young growths sprout tіnі through the nezbezpeka opіkіv, and virostayuchi, stench vіdmіnno grow up under the most beautiful changes.

Let's take a look at how chagars grow fallowly from vigor to sleepy light:

  • light-loving, stench is absolutely not to blame for the trivial shading and the will to grow in open spaces, for example, shipshina, spirea, gorobina;
  • prominently tіnyovitrivali chagarniki: Tatar honeysuckle, khurtovina hydrangea (pictured), yellow acacia;
  • tionyovitrivali chagarniki well endure the tint, but on the lighted place grow all the same more beautifully, before them one can see the euonymus of warty parts, privet, lischina.

Decorative leaves chagarniki

Landscape designers in their robots actively vicorate not only that tree, but also chagars. To that, with their help, you can create light compositions, volumes of liveliness, green figures, or simply form color contrasts, shards of rich views resonate with the very garniture. A lot of gardeners-amateurs know about those who make chagars (name, varieties) with decorative leaves, and good vicarious in practice. Choosing them for yourself, give up, what deciduous trees and evergreens see. Rest - not importantly miniature, dwarf forms coniferous trees. Up to deciduous species large number chagarnikov. It is important to remember that all stinks are warm-loving, light-loving and powerful to the kindness of the soil, that on the territory far from the middle smoky Russia, it is necessary to keep a close eye on the winter. The largest yaskra representatives:

Beautifully fluffy chagarniki

When you know about similar growths, what falls on the thought - tse miracle bushes of trojans, decorative chagarnik, see what is even more popular. Another part and all of the sights of the Russian gardens is the mock orange tree, which, like a chomus, having mitiously closed the name of jasmine behind itself, which is wrong, the shards of the flowers of the roslin should lie down to the birth of birth (Hortenziev and Maslinovі vіdpovіdno). Chubushnikov has about 60 species, the most popular representatives are the Caucasian and Schrenk. Tim, who wants a fragrant mother and an unseen garden, also varto respect the forsythia, viburnum, spirea, buzok, fingers, rhododendrons, buddleia, action, wood-like pivony(in the light).

Yagіdni chagarniki

Yagіdnі chagarniki mayut great gospodarske meaning. It is rare for a garden in our country to do without currants, raspberries, and the closest relatives - wait. The selection has poked its way far ahead in this plan, it has bred impersonal varieties and varieties that are nurtured by the size of the bush, the color of the yagid, and the ripeness of the ripeness. Fragrant currant gives not only berries, but leafing, like brewing like tea or vicorous at the kitchen. Varto try to plant also Japanese quince, chokeberry, glid, irgu, viburnum, (pictured), honeysuckle and sea buckthorn.

Bezperechno, the nature of sight to lie in the sight of confession. So, yagіdnі chagarniki vymagayut greater respect, the stench is often pіddayutsya vіznі shkіdniki and ailments. Ale stained often times, even if you take away the most important vitamins and microelements in the natural “packaging”, grown with the hand.

Picking up the growth for your garden, it’s important to know, like chagars (name, sort, see). Tse is definitely more helpful than robiti correct choice, competently determine the place of landing and achieve a positive result when growing.
