Hydrangea anabel propagated by live bait.


Hydrangea arborescens “Annabelle”

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(Hydrangea arborescens "Annabelle") - old, ale, prote, one of the most popular varieties.

The variety was found in 1,746 people in the village of Anna (Ohio, USA), grew to the Gulf Stream plant, and spread throughout the world.Є decorative deciduous chagarna with dome-like down and a spread crown.

The height reaches 1-1.5 m-code and up to 3 m-code in diameter. Shvidko's height is up to 15 cm on the river.

The pagones are slightly pubescent, later naked, gray-brown. Leaves

large, on petioles, oval in shape, with a jagged edge, glittering, light green, in the spring they become yellowish green, in the fall they can reach 30 cm. Color

bright and sharp, from the end of the red to the dark. The flowers are picked from large stems when they are dry, 15-25 cm in diameter, green, later become white and do not wilt for a long time. Frost resistance zone: 3-9 (-39 ° C).

Roztashuvannya: Heat-loving, flexible to water.

It grows well in darkened areas, and only those in full sunshine should be careful of the best colors. It is recommended to fluff the soil around the bush at least 2 times per river to a depth of 5 cm. Watering must be carried out at least 5 times per season.

To increase the value of the pasterns, you can water the crowns and under the roots with a weak dose of potassium permanganate. Invigoration with pus or mineral supplements is carried out on the ear of growth, during the period of bud formation, and also 1-2 times during the summer period.

Trimming: Pruning is carried out first at the end of the birch-cob, outside the pruning of the shoots, starting from the 4-fold century.

Cuttings can be used as live bait. Reproduction: easily propagated by green live bait and bush floors. Rooting of live baits is 100% without trimming.

It is good to multiply by breeding. Live bait is best prepared during the flowering period, for which the tops of the flow streams are cut off. Dig a hole with a depth of 60-70 cm and a diameter of 50 cm on the cob. After this, place the petiole in it and simmer behind the prepared mixture. Soil mix: humus, black soil, peat and sand at a ratio of 2:2:1:1.

Also add 20 g of honey, 30 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate. After 2 days, repeat similar activities.

Skidniki: popelitsya (pelargonium, greenhouse, bean), greenhouse tripe, pinnitsa slinna,? Planting the tree-like hydrangea “Annabelle” will give you plenty of room for experimentation. As soon as you plant a bunch of bushes, the stink snail will be covered with plump white caps of flowers.

You can preserve this beauty in its pristine appearance, or you can water the plants with special preparations so that the soil becomes extremely fertile.

Accomplished kitchen makers can, at the same time, release a variety of different colors. In the northern regions, rich plants often cannot withstand dry winters, they have to be insulated or dug up and transferred to shelters. Hydrangea is not afraid of frost, so it is ideal for design.

country plots at cold latitudes, and keeping an eye on her is not at all easy. The beauty of a small bush

Great leaps in the hydraulics of the Anabel -Lydroybn tree is not reaching, a bunch of knighting to pyvtor meters, the back of the outskirts of up to 3 m. Hanging Roslina to shout to the clerks of the head of the Dollo, Potim Grona Butoniv.

Small flowers fit tightly together and form white balls up to 30 cm in diameter.

The spring bush decorates the plot with bright greenery, and from the linden tree until autumn - with fruit blossoms.

  • Correct landing
  • And make sure to rub the top of the table so that the nails reach the ground.
  • They tore off the new one

Country house

You can divide the bush in the spring and autumn.

Move the spade part of the plant so that both the main specimen and the supporting part have enough runners, and replant it in a new place.

Take live bait to root the bush as quickly as possible. If you treat the plants with a root growth stimulant, the roots will take root in 3 years. Planting hydrangeas in dry soil. Hydrangea is tree-like "Anabelle" and grows well on sour soils


To make the flowers colorful and bright, plant the bushes in light shade near the crown.

  • tall trees
  • .
  • It is important to protect the plantings from the ducts.
  • Roslin should not be tolerated in swampy plots; in the lowlands, create drainage.

The root system of tea leaves grows at the top of the soil.

At a distance of 1.5-2 m, dig one at a time with clay and a diameter of 40 cm. Prepare food for the roots for the first hour.

Take the same proportions: black soil; garden soil;


peat. Add complex ingredients to the mixture and pour into the skin hole along the surface. Such preparation will make it easier to further monitor the plantings Never add ash, creed, or anything else that may cause a reaction to this tree-like hydrangea. On neutral and moist soils, water the bushes with acidified water.

Living plants are especially needed in the spring after wintering, when they begin to actively grow and produce leaves, and during the formation of buds.

Add complex fertilizers, rotten soil, compost.

Before the hour of flowering, do not overcrowd the growths, a keen eye will lead to the fact that the pellets will turn green. When choosing, make sure that the warehouse includes magnesium and minerals, as well as microelements of the necessary tree-like hydrangea. If in very cold weather the hydrangea leaves freeze, do not see them. During the warm season, the stench will reappear and the coming fate will be covered with fruit sweets. Before

courtyard age

It’s better not to let “Anabelle” bloom, all the best

lifelong speeches

To remove the erysipelas from the pellets, bring the acidity of the soil closer to a neutral reaction.

Do not overdo it with the additions and additions, as they may bend the hydrangea tree-like “anabel” too much, no matter what you look at it does not lie.

Energize your plants with good fruits that are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus and low in potassium.

If you want to change the color several times, first touch the erysipelas shade, and when the tone is off, change it to black. Changing the preparation in the turnaround order is much more complicated. Visnovok Hydrangea can be planted in any climate zone. These trees miraculously withstand severe frosts, and they never get sick or suffer from bad weather.

  • Looking after the tree-like hydrangea “anabelle” is very simple.
  • The bushes are afraid of dryness, but if you install a drip irrigation system, this problem will be severe.
  • Those who like to experiment can try changing the pellets’ pre-preparedness.
  • Please, let’s get rid of this in the face of these investigations
  • chemical preparations


Do not trim the plants that are located next to the vegetable beds. Remember that after the depletion of the bush, it will not be possible to plant natural crops in this place, and other decorative plants

They may not take root in the ruined land, regardless of the miracle's observation.

If you still decided to come across an unexpected surprise, we wish you success!

decreased immune defense in the body


often vtom- there are round white flowers with flowers, which, tightly adhering one to one, create a strong bath. Using the method of selection, a variety of varieties have been developed that may have other spoilage (for example,"Pink Annabelle"

- let’s give birth to the barvlennyam). Hydrangea "Strong Annabelle"

- Only a small chagarna can grow such gigantic, long-lasting flowers. Hydrangea "Grandiflora" .

(do not be confused with the wider variety) - this variety is very similar to Annabelle, it has the same large flower caps that grow in a less symmetrical shape Hydrangea "Hayes Starburst"

- Pomponies of a unique size will decorate the garden until the end of summer. This is a marvelous variety of tree-like hydrangea with terry flowers.

Hydrangea “Sterilis” or “Bezplidna” (Sterilis)- even the brightest and most stunning colors are revealed.

The rounded flowers are light green, then gradually turn into white (the rusty color does not appear). Hydrangea "Incrediball"

- the rounded flowers are larger than those of the famous Annabelle.

Hydrangea “Pink Percussion” (Pink Percussion)

- Original erysipelas pyramids, small in diameter, up to 10 cm in total.

Zastosuvannya in landscape design.

Composition options If correctly selected to suit the style of the garden, tree-like hydrangea can become a popular color. The farthest river there will be a free Russian garden or a romantic “English” one.

For the trivale of color, shade, vibrancy, and non-vibration of the sophisticated design, amateur gardeners simply use hydrangea to decorate the plot.

The scope of stastosuvannya is incredibly wide - this includes the masking of not the most beautiful places, created by the living flesh, which closes the view of prying eyes.

Plant hydrangeas in a well-lighted or lightly shaded area. Under the steadily scorching sun, the growth dried up and began to grow. The cells will become smaller and grow faster.

An ideal place, where the sun falls in the morning and evening.

Hydrangea hydrangea is water-loving; planting it under a tree that causes the water to become very clayey is not recommended.

It is best to remove the tea leaves from the woody part of the area using a jet or a white carcass, if you want to completely endure the stench

first thoughts

garden to ensure sufficient watering. You can plant sajants starting from the middle to the end of autumn or from the beginning until the middle of spring. Roots with a closed root system can be planted at any time.

At an adult stage, many representatives of this family occupy a lot of space, so plant them on a large (not less than 3 m) distance one at a time. Preparing the place For hydrangeas, it is better for all the well-drained, native loamy soils that can be absorbed by the water.

The place is chosen in advance.

It would be best to prepare the planting hole a week before planting.

The soil must be well maintained and replenished. The added mineral goodness will dissolve and be evenly distributed along the bottom of the planting pits. Subtleties of the process

Before installing the gardener, fluff the bottom again.

Hydrangeas are well suited for all life.

However, if you overdo it with fertilizers, the plants can grow too much and lose their flowers.

During the period of active growing season, hydrangea should be prepared for two months for a month using organic and mineral supplements.

For the first time in the spring, prepare with infusion of green herbs. Fill a bucket with grass, fill it with water and deprive it of sun for a few days. Add the infusion and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10.

A bucket of this kind is spent on mature bushes.

Until then, it is good to water the garden.

At the hour of budding, give a dose of complex mineral fertilizer. Trimming Tree-like hydrangea will require systematic pruning.

It’s better to work at the end of autumn or

early spring

At the beginning of autumn, you can propagate hydrangea to arched branches: cut one-way and secure it in the ground with a metal dart, bent at the shape of the letter “U”.

Mulch the water with life-giving madness.

The spring and sprouts should be given additional shade from the midday sun and watered well. Until the coming autumn, additional roots will sprout from the cut stem and a full-fledged plant will be established. In the spring of the coming year, Yogo can be replanted nearby.

Problems and diseases of tree-like hydrangea The whole range of hydrangeas avoids bad people and illnesses. Not guilty and wood-like.
The biggest Skoda

from the outside looking in

You can apply a spider mite. The most common cause of infection is that of chagarb when it grows in the sun or when there is a lack of watering. To combat the mite biologically, you can water the plantings more often and sprinkle them with water, keeping moisture in the air. There are plenty of chemical ways to reduce poverty. The illness is spreading

boar dew . Preparations will help you get rid of it to remove copper from your warehouse.
On heavily moist soils, chlorosis becomes more pronounced.

Putting it in will help to reduce the amount of blood in the area where the root is located, and boost it with salvage preparations.

The hour of blossom blooms throughout the entire summer period and the first month of autumn.

The knitted cap is important for the crown, so it is necessary to tie up the bushes in order to avoid breaks.

The life of this chagarnik is made up of great white flowers, the size of which can increase depending on the clear observation and survival.
Experiments are being carried out with the tree-like variety Anabel Tsikavo.

If you keep away from special barnberries, which grow when the plants are watered, the buds may become more fermented.

A special mastery of insight is given to the bushes in which the flowers of two species are simultaneously present.

The leaves of this variety are light green on the upper side and more dark, gray on the bottom.

The leaf shape is rounded.

Sorts: Hydrangea is tree-like Annabelle Strong Hydrangea Strong Annabelle It is especially important for the crown, which is necessary for the giant flowers, which are typical during the period of blooming with tremulous green shades and the troubling period of flowering.
Tree-like hydrangea Annabelle Pink Invincibelle Pink Annabelle Invincibelle at correct view

You can choose many more colors from soft horny tint to deep horny, low tree-like hydrangea Anabel photo.

This symbol looks good both in the form of a single planting and in the form of a numerous composition with many copies. Live flesh has gained particular popularity. For all their positive qualities, this kind of love is given to the fahivtsi in Galuzia

landscape design

and amateur gardeners.
These copies of the building cover not entirely aesthetic little patches, thereby embellishing the whole picture of the garden.
Hydrangea tree-like Anabel planting and viewing photo


"Annabelle" - one of the oldest and oldest local varieties tree-like hydrangea.

It is important to note that the village of Anna in Ohio was discovered back in 1746.

The hydrangea blossoms reached the Gulf Stream spring and then spread throughout the entire spring.

True, it’s difficult to verify this information, but the Vidomy variety has already been around for more than a decade.


“Annabelle” is close to the wild form of tree-like hydrangea: it is frost-hardy, indestructible and difficult to see. If you don’t have enough time to look after your plantings, if you like hydrangeas, this is the variety for you. Landing

Tree-like hydrangea grows well on lightly fluffy acidic and slightly acidic soils. It is not very capable of keeping the soil fertile, otherwise it will require good watering and will not tolerate water stagnation. Gives advantage to those who are well-lighted and thus protected from the midday sun. The fastest time to land is early spring


Fill the planting hole with a mixture of sour peat, humus and river sand.