Garni chagarniki for the garden. Kvіtuchі and іnshі krasivі vіd chagarnіv v landscape design

The planting of ostentatious fluffy chagars gives a miraculous opportunity to transform garden plot. The stench helps at the zoning of the territory, embellishes the plots between the trees and the zone, and can become a right rodinka of the plot. One of them is rich, cream of enchanting beauty, bestowing an aroma that will quiet the scent.


This fox chagarnik from sleepy flowers was called the Japanese Trojan. The vines bloom early and continue the silence of the flowers until the middle of summer. Dali can show up on their own.


At the time of zgadtsі tsієї rosliny richly hto immediately zgaduє the novel "The Lady of the Camellias". Tse is more aristocratic roslin, yak, unfortunately, does not bear the Russian frosts. For the winter, yoga is required to be hovati.

In the photo you can see charіvni kvіti camellia



Until the flowering of the jasmine bushes, do not become of interest in terms of decoration. Ale with the appearance of the lower white flowers, the picture suddenly changes, and again it is reminiscent of a charming aroma. Pelyustki can be taken to flavor the tea.

In the photo, a chagar plant with a rare smell under the name of jasmine


One of the leaders in terms of color. Quiet Vlasnikov with a wonderful aroma, which is carried far beyond the borders of the village.

Irga Canadian

Roslin can be especially decorative not only in grass, if it is covered with lower white flower tassels. The autumn bushes become purple, which is even more effective.

Kalina, gorobina, elderberry

Qi chagarniki rejoice with a sultry look the whole season, even for a change garnimy quotations z'yavlyayutsya not less privablivi yagidki. Tsі yagidni chagarniki not only add decor to the country style, but also actively vicorize for health improvement.

Summer-autumn blooming chagars: photographs with names

The versatility of bushes, which are covered with flowers in a vletka, is hostile. Let's have a look at the beautiful world garden chagarniks, how to quiet your eyes during the summer sinter.


These bushes, which give rise to a special decorative effect, sag. with fresh tickets, like autumn change to red berries. It is effective to look at leafing through the barberry, which may be bardove.

Bushy trojandi

More than we know that Roslin was called Shipshina. Chervonі chi rozhevі personal tickets they appear on prickly needles on the cob of leith, and brown fruits - on the cob of autumn.

On the photo is a kushchova trojan

Park Trojans

Bushes are covered with quids on the cob of lita, and such beauty continues for close to a month. Modern hybrids bloom much longer.


Kushch is seen among others decorative roslins over-the-top variety of quotes. If it’s not too bright, then the composition looks even lower. Enchanting food trivatime all the grass and worms, and if you have mercy, then you will be sold in sickle.


Hydrangea always brings respect: the bushes are even more beautiful and do not know practically all summer. The flowers gathered at the great coolies are so rich at times that you can’t see a green leaf behind them. Frost-resistant hydrangea hurtovina and tree-like are vvazhayutsya. Roslin is good to endure pivtin.

In the photo is a miracle hydrangea

honeysuckle b

May decorative look no less in the period of bloom. Call tickets, white. Honeysuckle gives savory fruits - blue e berries, which will tell blackberry for relish.


Miraculous chagarnik with an unusual flower form. The replacement of the molding of the kvіtіv roslin is growing the length of the kvіtkonosіv, which are covered with a harmata. In the photo you can see the bachiti, as if the skumpiya looks insanely: how big is the darkness.


Lower rozhevі chi bіlі ptіtochki pokryvayut dew perch half a year. Tsya guest immediately looked supervisibly staggeringly.

Hibiscus Syrian

Bloom at sickle. A lot of sightings among themselves zabarvlennyam kvіtіv. The flower on the bushes is rich, but the leather from them is exactly in one day.

The name of the chagarnik from the photo is hibiscus

Veres savage


Tsey Chagarnik often stagnates like a livestock. Tsikava singularity cotoneaster - yoga is more common. Do not swindle this chagarnik from dogwood, which gives true fruits.
Kvituchi chagarni-perennials: photo with names - the whole topic of this article. Yak bachite, your choice is wide. Choose to your taste and enjoy the beauty!

In the photo there is a grown cotoneaster from red berries

Watch video about garnih chagarniks for the garden

The garden area looks indistinctly, as if all the growths have the same height - like soldiers on the parade ground. Change your look country houses you can get beautifully fluffy bagatorichny chagarniks for a rahunok.

We chose the photo and name best varieties fluffy chagars with a short description - not viable, frost-resistant, beautifully fluffy day time fate.

The flowers of the Chagarnikov type look the most beautiful. The stench is staringly reshaping the configuration of the caravan and grabbing the setting of the Christmas mood, putting on colors dilyanki raznomanіtnіst and original look. Roztashovuyt them on the lawns, near the terraces, in the front gardens and on the distant boundaries of the garden area, near the entrance. Zastosovuyt chagarnikovі elementi z metoy rozpodіlu sadibi on the zone.

Chagarnikov's growths, which make buildings beautiful and flourish, rive respect for themselves, form a wild landscape that makes the village like a solid composition.

The cream of this stench accentuates respect for the most important plots in the garden:

  • under the walls;
  • skhodovyh constructions, as such in the garden;
  • stitch turns;
  • terrace zones.

Important! Creating the design of the backyard territory, it is necessary to protect the height of the growth of the growth, and its power to increase in volume in width. Qi parameters can be adjusted, vicorist garden knives.

Chagarniki for small summer cottages

For the humble behind the world garden area It is necessary to competently select chagars, focusing on height and flower hour. You can check the miniatures dwarf chagars, yakі bloom at different periods and trivaly hour to quiet with yaskravimi barves.

In addition, as soon as the snow covered and warmed the sun, the forsythia bloomed - a miniature chagarnikova dewdrop with small yellow flowers that open before the leaves appear. In the first spring months, the garden landscape looks dark, brightly yellow, the blossoms of the sleep-loving forsythia become a fierce competition for the sonechka.

A miniature variety of magnolias - zirchasta, may be white, pleasantly smell of flowers. Tsya Roslin far away to add a quick forsythia.

Impenetrable at sight and resistant to cold, the Japanese variety Praecox rhododendron, which reaches 50-100 cm in height, fill the garden with farbs, after that, like magnolia with rhododendron.

Closer to summer, the village will pretend to be a bunch of fluffy bushes. A wonderful option for a modest garden outside the world will be a Chinese variety of buzka with fragrant horns that slither to the ground.

With the advent of the summer, the baton of flowers will take over the kolkvіtsiya - an unsightly chagar with long hilts, more covered with quotations. In the photo - a bunch of flowers near the flowering period:

From the middle of the summer season and until the autumn cold, you can see burgundy, white, purple and lower-bouzkovy colors of the Syrian hibiscus in the distance.

For a spacious plot

Selection of chagarnikovyh growths with a fluffy crown for a large plot of land in the garden is richly wider. In a spacious garden, you can form compositions, zastosovuyuchi small chagars and great dewy elements, vikoristovuvat order from beautifully blossoming bushes of coniferous dewdrops.

See spring

Pererahuemo name the most popular varieties of chagars, as they bloom in the spring season and endure the climate middle smuga: Canadian irga, Japanese quince, keriya, almond, wolfberry, forsythia and spirea.

In the photo below - chagarnik under the name "forsythia": the wines are opened with lower yellow flowers with hot pellets. Only after the blooming of the bushes blooming green brunki, which spring up quickly, with green leaves:

At the number of the first ones, the vouchers are issued; a wonderful smell emerges from all the growth. Ale cei chagarnik vimagaє protective shutter - vin otruyny.

Flowering chagarnik under the name "Canadian Irga" sows the rest of the month of spring. Small letters are selected in white penzlik, similar to wild cherry. With the arrival of autumn, the leaves turn into rich crimson shades, introducing a string of notes into the autumn landscape.

In the photo below - the bush of the Canadian irga of autumn:

Kalina, red gorobina and elderberry are perfectly suitable for decor in country-directed landscape design. Tsі kuschі, scho better guess the tree, often plant a handful of wells and fences. Gorobinov and Kalinovі Grona embellish the garden in the cold and sing-songly add birds.

In the grassy months on the plots, a spirea is released - the whole chagar garden looked staggeringly and added bjil with fragrant flowers of a white color.

A lot of vlasniks of the zamіsk maids to plant buzok in the garden. A licorice smell comes out of the crown of the buzka, її odors do not deprive anyone of the canoes. Not everyone knows that this chagarnik has one important thing - a fluffy buzok does not cause an allergic reaction.

Chi bachili vi, how is the color of the bush of almonds? Miraculous rozhevі kvіti add vishukanosti decorated garden before the advent of lita - kvіtnі-grass.

As the climate in the region of your residence is mild, you can hang in the garden of rhododendrons, magnolias and lower camellias.

Kvituchі vlitku

For example, in spring, on the cob of summer, a rich variety of chagarniks bloom. Roslini is dumb to pragmatize yaknaishvidshe to please with his pleasant look. IN summer period on the farb yard, but if you want to create a huge string of flames, you can’t do without fluffy chagars.

Axis is a list of the most preferred chagars, the colors of which fall on summer:

  • skumpiya;
  • barberry;
  • hydrangea;
  • mock orange;
  • weigela.

In the thin zone, the honeysuckle is well felt; її fragrant blossoms change with berries without a hitch. Marvel at the photo, as if looking at the honeysuckle:

The landscape decoration often has a decorative chagar plant under the name of the Skumpiya Shkiryan - this tree has a “smoky” look. In the summer season, the chagar-garden is covered with small flowers, which the hairs make up, the stench looks from afar, like a wild one.

How do you look fluffy bush arnik - marvel at the photo below:

Bushes of barberry in chervn_yut with many yellow flowers. Closer to autumn, chagars are covered with penzliks of bright-red berries. The dark-red leaves of the barberry also look out of sight.

Porada: to plant barberry bushes on the background of coniferous growths - the decor is especially effective.

There is one more unfavorable sight of the chagarnikova roslin - an action that pleases the flowers from the cob and until the middle of summer. The flowers of inconspicuous action may have a lower erysipelas that white color.

It is also recommended to plant the Syrian hibiscus on the backyard territory. Tsya Roslina began to victorious in landscape design Not long ago, ale became all the most popular zavdyakov great flowers in the blooming period.

The color of the hibiscus may be buzzy, lower erysipelas, red, white and blue. The period of blossoming is the end of summer.

Autumn varieties

At spring, reshape the garden zone with luxurious flowers of hydrangeas, similar to kuli. To marvel at how luxuriously looking the flower with white flowers of hydrangea:

To give respect, the palette of colors of the beautiful chagarnik is wide large-leaved hydrangeas- from white and white-rye to black and blue tones - in the photo:

Create a holy frosty veres to help. Tse roslina fill the garden with erysipelatous, white, violet and burgundy colors. Bloom veres until leaf fall. Flower Trivale is one of the key advantages of this chagar grower.

To add a shininess to the gloomy autumn landscape and crimson leaves of the gorobini: the redness out of it starts like a scythe - yellow.

You can boast of beautiful leaves and euonymus - chagarnik, which blooms all summer and autumn. For decorating the garden area in the cold season, this rose is just perfect.

There are more bezlіch chagarnikovyh roslin, yakі you can vicorist for the decoration of the garden zone in the autumn-winter season.

  • hunger;
  • shipshina;
  • mahonia;
  • viburnum.

In the photo below - a fluffy bush of shipshini:

Note! The fruits of overexploited roslins can be vicarious not only for decorative purposes, but also as a medicinal plant for a variety of ailments.

The bright berries of the red color look especially presentable against the background of the snowy slope.


The list of chagarniks, which belong to the category of bugs, which embellish the garden landscape with their flowers, is great. Learn about the features of the most popular varieties bagatorichnyh roslins Report.

Read about those how you can win a list of roslins that are suitable for decorating a business, from the photo.

For a report on how to lay a rolled lawn with your own hands, read.

vidi lawn grass, that vishtovhuє bur'yani, that particularity of the landing is described in the article at the address:

Japanese quince

Wild quince can often be harvested in Asian countries. We need two different types of quince - short and tall. The rich crimson and erysipelas look stringy against the background of emerald leaves. The Japanese variety of ivy is considered to be the most presentable among low-growing chagars that open in the spring - looking like a rose is simply marvelous.

Quince miraculously endure dry climate and frost. In especially frosty winters, the upper part of the growth can freeze to the level of the snow, when you see it, but in a day's time you turn a lot of it. Chim is the elder of the bagatorichny chagarnik, tim vishchі yogo frost-resistance.


In the midst of a variety of chagar-growing roslins, which is to calm the flowers in the summer period, special respect is given to the meritorious chagar-grove under the name of Weigela. Vaughn is seen in the midst of fluffy growth, playing the role of a green orchestra.

More presentable dovge color- the main perevaga tsієї roslini. Weigela reigns in the garden from the end of spring to the ear of summer. The height of this Chagarnik should be 2.5 to 3 meters. Just don’t trim the yogo, the crowns of the veins will grow to similar ones.

The colors of the tickets are not too stringy - violet, yellow, lilac and rich burgundy. Numerical flowers turn bush into a rich bouquet.

Weigela called out interest and tim that you can please the second flowers of the end of summer or at the spring, but not so strong.


This chagarnik looks inconspicuous, but until that moment, until its flower buds. The bush, which blooms with white flowers, looks especially luxurious. Bіlі sucvіtya vipromіuyut licorice, smelly aroma. Jasmine is a fragrant chagarnik - there are no competitors here.

Terry vidi jasmine is not so fragrant, but looks more richly shaken.

Jasmine is still called mock orange, but few people know it. The name is unknown, similar to the word "chubuk". Many years later, chibouks, elements of chicken pipes, were mined from the empty pagons.

Kvіtuchі jasmine bushes remake if it's like a garden plot, the stench is not vibegly until the middle of the plant. Jasmine is not afraid of low temperatures, like dry minds. It is best to plant yogo in the sleepy area, and in the birch tree to bring nourishment - cows or 200 gr. ripened, mixed from two with great spoons of nitrophosphate fertilizers. Dobrava zbіlshat trivalіst and tautness of the color of the unviable decorative chagarnik.

Low-growing varieties of vicarious jasmine are used for decorating borders, placing yoga and in mixed borders. In the design of home gardens, jasmine is recommended to eat with viburnum, weigela, hydrangea and spirea.


Effective looking with flowers, there is only one view of chagarnikova dewdrop - hydrangea. Strings of vouchers, selected in swirling kulast form, are strikingly seen on the aphids of an emerald leaf. The flowers of hydrangeas can be strong, so that the leaves become practically unremarkable.

Expensive tickets appear in the last month of summer - at the sickle - and save their beauty from the spring.

Fahіvtsі z landscaping often zastosovuyut tenevitrivala hydrangea for decoration. dacha plots. Tsey chagarnik, cream of rich flowers, may and other perevagi. Yogo can be planted in shady and half-shaded areas, it can be seen better in the building. low temperatures(Up to twenty degrees below zero). The color of the din of hydrangeas cannot help but call out the suffocation.

The acidity of the soil is added to the farbuvannya of the flowers. The more acidity, the more color will be brighter. Hydrangea is strong to the ground - won't tolerate vapnyakovyh gruntiv.

For garny growth that rich color the land was entrusted to blossom by the chagarnik for the whole hour, but it can be laid.

Respect! Krym of garden varieties of hydrangeas, the main variety of indoor varieties, which do not tolerate cold weather. When buying chagarnik, specify the specifics of its growth.

garden hibiscus

The garden hibiscus has one more name - the Syrian troyanda. Bagato who thinks what to go about room roslini- Chinese trojans. Ale є winter varieties hibiscus, accessories for the garden. So you see the building vitrimati lowering the temperature to twenty degrees below zero.

For the placement of this chagar plant, one should choose well-lit areas, protected from cold winds by fences or a wall of a castle cottage. The configuration of the hibiscus is presentable to transform whether it is a place in the garden area. What is worth roztashuvannya, it's beautiful kvituchі chagarniki you can roztashuvat at the entrance to the garden area or near the terrace. Hibiscus is ideal for molding livestock.

After that, like a Syrian Trojan, to finish the flowers (for example, lettuce), the fence transforms at the vertically spreading greens of the kilim.

The leather card of the Syrian Trojans preserves its beauty all day long. In an hour, the flowers on the chagar grow over a thousand lower buds. Negative influx on the flowers of the tsієї roslina nadaє dosch - sutsvіtya even tenditnі, їх just mess up.

Є impersonal sights of fluffy chagarniks, which are suitable for decorating the garden. Golovnya - it is correct to pick up the growth, so that the flower will begin and end in different periods, then garden plot the whole hour you will be reminded by the bright farbs of colors.


Watch the video about the beautifully fluffy baguette bushes for the dacha. early spring, all summer and until late autumn:

Mayzha in the skin garden, you can grow decorative flower chagars. The stench mayut impersonal troubles. In a different way, the stench is even more beautiful, in a different way, it’s rich to make frost-proof from them, thirdly, the stench is high and low (which expands the possibility of victoria for different mind landscapes). Alas, with the right selection, you can reach the permanent flowering of chagars from the first spring days until late autumn. The stench is valued not only for the beautiful, often fragrant flowers, but also for the decorative leaves, the shape of the crown and the different fruits. Іsnuє impersonal decorative chagarniks.

Invisibly red

Most of the chagarniks do not spend their decorative effect during the long warm season, and the deaks become addicted to wind the winter.

Є chagarniks, yakі add to their yaskravim and brighten the flowers, they can be called beautifully fluffy. And yet, they cannot boast beautiful cards but they have leaves of unimaginable zabarvlennya or form. Such bushes can be called decorative leaves.

The first group includes rhododendrons, buzok, hydrangea, bulldenezh, spirea, glid, buddley, bruslini and deyaki vidi barberry. And from another group, one can name Thunberg's barberry, holly, privet, shkiryan skumpia and others.

It is possible to divide flower gardens into groups of flower gardens after an hour of flowers. Forsythia, oxberry, daphne delight us at the kvіtnі. Trochs yearly before them come chaenomeles, low almond, cotoneaster, spirea, barberry. At the herb, viburnum, shipshina, buzok, and mock orange take the baton. Leto give us flowers of trojans, perstach, and various varieties of spires. At the lime trees, hydrangeas cherish their beauty, like embellishing gardens until the very cold. Early autumn bloom: heather, kalmiya. Well, I’ll embellish the garden with holly, gostroleaves and yoga coniferous twins.

Autumn gardens look supra-lingually stringy and staggeringly, zavdyaki like deciduous species of chagarniks. If nothing else blooms, barberry, euonymus, chokeberry, spirea, herpsina, skumpia and hybrid azaleas add to their leaves yaskravih farb most addictive colors in autumn. Most of the chagarniks bear fruits, which are also decorative.

Chagars are divided according to their size; Behind the shape of the crown there are dome-like, straight-growing (pyramidal), fountain-like, that creep.

Crimea is beautiful and decorative, slid pіdkresliti and practical power of chagarniks. The stench is milked shvidko zrostayut і є longevity (up to 5-8 rokіv without transplantation). Most of them are not viable to lightness, soil storage, frost resistance. Do not overlook a constant watch. Zavdyaks of the superficial root system can grow on the slopes, fixing the loose soil.

We are not afraid of frost

In the midst of the great diversity of decorative chagars, you can use enough quantity frost-resistant species that kind. Such flower bushes are good for beautifying gardens in the middle smog of Russia.

Forsythia (Forsythia)- olive family, chagarnik rozlogi garnoi form, curls up to three meters. If in the garden you just start to look at the green leaves, the forsythia forsythia, until the leaves open, are covered with bright-yellow flowers, which make the little twins guess. Flowering is three times less per month. The light-green leaves of the forsythia of the autumn will rob again, having smelt in yaskrav and strings of tone. Ісnuє i dwarf variety(Kanarek), the height of some troch is more than 1 meter.

Nevibagly at the sight. Let us take care of the missions, protect the wind, love the light of the village, or else grow in the darkness. Grunti pіdіdut be-yakі, kindly endure vapnuvannya. With normal falling fall, additional watering is not needed.

Forsythia can be carried to frost-resistant chagars. If you want a bagan for the winter, pinch the forsythia to the ground and cover it with spruce branches. Such a small ukrittya is enough. In the spring, the old frozen woods are cut. Vіdrostaє forzitsіya duzhe shvidko.

It is necessary to note that some hybrid varieties from Europe, including ripples, lack winter hardiness. That is why it is necessary to send obov'yazkovo for respect when buying gardeners.

For the most part of the rock, the forsythia does not look too much, it’s better for it to hang in the back of the curbs, de hanging out there will be a bright accent, and create a green leaf for others. fluffy roslins monster background. Forsythia look good in living fences.

Chaenomeles abo Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica)- a family of erysipelas, mostly deciduous or evergreen chagar, on the ridges there are thorns. Height up to 3 meters. Leaves are shiny, ovoid, hanging - reddish, step by step turn into dark green, do not fall until leaf fall. Even before the leaves are opened, in grass, roslina is covered with raspberry abo orange tickets. On the eve of the month, flowers appear small rounded fruits of yellow-green color. The stench ripens until autumn, the tart relish and reception aroma can be brewed. Rich in vitamin C, vinaigrette for brewing, jams, compotes.

To love quince is the light of the land, like good protection from the wind. Dry transfer is normal. A little shy to the point of poshkodzhen by shkіdniks, that sickness. Shvidko grows up. As a long-liver: for senior minds, you can grow up to 80 years in one job.

For a successful winter, it is necessary to plant a snow-covered snow cover, and it is necessary to put trohi of spruce branches on the bushes (we’ll take the snow and protect it from frost on snowless days).

Quince Japanese is more decorative not only if it is covered all over. best tickets, Ale y in the period of fruiting, even the dark green crown serve as a garnish for ashes for yellow fruit beads. Wonderful low fences and curbs emerge from the Japanese aivi. Appropriate for landing on lawns and gyrs, alone or in groups.

Barberry (Berberis)- deciduous or evergreen prickly chagars, barberry family. Zabarvlennya leafing the barberry is even more varied, the cream of the splendid green will become stringy - with chickens or oblyamivkoy, and also purple or yellow. Rіzna і height of the bush, tse lie down according to the variety. Range low - up to 30 cm, to high - over 3 m. Blooms in the middle of the grass. Excellent honey plant.

duje nevibagly chagarnik. To love is light, but good growth and darkness. Absolutely impervious to the ground, do not take too much stain. Do not be afraid of wind and dryness. Frost-resistant, especially the variety - Thunberg's barberry (Berberis thunbergii), however, the first three rocks need a small amount of winter cover for the winter. If the variety of barberry is unknown to you, then it is necessary to build a frame from arcs and cover two balls with non-woven material (shards of deaky ripple varieties can be less frost-resistant).

Most varieties of barberry are introduced by decorative leafy roslins. Low-growing people look chic on stony ridges and in rock gardens. And tall trees are like specimens in group plantings. This bush is the leader in victoria in livestock and borders, like shearers, and free ones.

Privet biryuchina (Ligustrum vulgare)- deciduous or evergreen chagar, family olive, 2-3 meter curls. Chervni-sickles look pretty hairy succulent with a pleasant aroma, more creamy. They change gleaming black fruits. The leaves are shkiryaste, in most varieties of dark green, ale and decorative forms with yellow, blackish-bright leaves.

Biryuchina is an unviable roslin. You can grow on the sun at the pivtin. Come, be it a kind of soil (clay clay with an acidic reaction). Dry, at the end of the rainy hour, it is recommended to use light, ale watering. Wintertime, easily recognizable, vkrivati ​​necessary deyaki varieties.

The peculiarity of the privet is that it reacts well to a haircut and can take shape for a long time. That is a miracle fit for the little borders. Out of it emerge miraculous molded fences. You can create unimaginable living things. Sculpted with privets, topiary figures are a wonderful landscape embellishment.

Spirea (Spiraea)- deciduous chagar with bushes, which fold beautifully, a family of roses. Tse great rid chagarnikov, which is subdivided into spring and summer climates. The flowers are different for the shape of succulence and zabarvlennyam (from white to deep raspberry). The height of yoga does not exceed 2 m-code.

Roslin is already unviable. Good is adapted to mischievous minds. Normal growth in pіvtinі, ale vіddaє perevagu sleepy area. Soil pіdіyde be-yak, but rather weakly acidic. Watering died down. Shvidko growth, blooming on the third river. Frost resistance.

Pridbala deservedly kohannya from gardeners and landscape designers. Magnificent diversity of її sortіv has a lot of opportunities for creativity. The shape of the bush can be pyramidal, kulastoy, stumu. Infested leaves change from green to yellow, orange, purple-red. Numerical fractional quotes are selected in the most common form of the flower. All these features of the crown, leaves and leaves allow you to create wonderful compositions. And if it’s right to choose sorts, then you can be cute uninterrupted flowers spіreї stretching the warm season. Vikoristovuetsya alive fence, like a frame for green-leaved groups of trees.

Bobovnik (Laburnum)- A family of legumes, may 6 types of chagars, are priced for a bunch of flowers. Naiposhirenishi - Anagyroleaf bean or "Golden wood" (Laburnum anagyroides) and Alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). "Golden plank" - chagarnik with smooth green, and then light brown bark. Maybe the mother is like a pyramidal one, so a dome-like form that droops, crowns. Leaves tripartite, folded into oval leaves, the lower side of which is pubescent. For example, summer stench melts into light yellow colors. Flower in grass. The flowers look like a large brush, which hangs (up to 30 cm), which is formed from yellow flowers with chamois vines. There is a faint aroma. The fruits of the bud become pubescent, then they become smooth. The alpine bean tree is similar to the "Golden Dosch", although it is more frost-resistant. The leaves of that leaf are smaller in the new one, the fruits are not pubescent.

Roslin is crazy! The fruits of revenge are alkaloids - laburnine and cytisine. Children cannot be allowed.

Bobivnik is light-loving. Up to ґruntіv nevimoglivy, ale obov'yazkovy good drainage. Bobovnik needs a post-cutting, so that the transformation of the chagarnik on a large (up to 7 m) tree will disappear. While the tree is young, the stench will require support. The first three years of young growth were mulched and twisted with agrofibre. After a slight freezing, the crown is suddenly restored.

Like in a group, so in a solitary village, looking even brighter and more beautiful, zavdyaki great number majestic flower brushes. Wonderfully hanging pergolas emerge from the beaver plant.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron)- deciduous or evergreen chagar, family of heathers. In nature, the growth of Western Siberia, the Far Departure, Mongolia and China. Use nameless varieties with different leaves: list-like, round, oval. The succulence is corymbose. The shape of the vouchers of that kind is also quite different, for its beauty it can be compared to trojans. Quote from the end of the day is practically all summer. They began to grow their guts in the gardens, and respectfully pick them up. frost-resistant varieties, wintering in our climate.

The plot for planting rhododendrons is guilty, but it is protected from the wind and rebuvat in pivtin. The soil is acidic or neutral. Needs regular watering.

In our region, the stench does not reach great roses. By choosing different varieties of rhododendrons, you can ensure their post-flowering all season long. Even the handrails look beautiful coniferous roslins. These low-growing varieties are perfectly suitable for rock gardens. Plant rhododendrons for breeding near the water of living fences.

Irga (Amelanchier)- Deciduous chagarnik or a small tree, a family of roses. In the spring, often vyperzhayuchi leafing, garni bіli kvіti on іrzі roses. Flowering nedovge, then black-violet fruits of rounded shape appear (similar to small apples).

The fruits are tasty, juice, rich in vitamins (especially P). The green leaves of the irgi of autumn were sleeping with yaskravim farbs: yellow, chervonim.

Irga is more unviable roslin. Light-loving, but to endure and shading. Not to love peresvozhennja. Even more winter-hardy. Do not be afraid of cold wind or spring frosts. Deyakі see tsgogo decorative chagarnik add to decorate the garden in the minds of Siberia and Kraynyo Pivnochi.

This is far from being the latest version of frost-resistant decorative chagars.

Lovers of silence

A lot of ornamental chagars can grow normally and develop in moderately shaded areas. It's true, you can be recognized by the clearness of the flower. Deyakі well endure shading, moreover, it is contraindicated for direct sleepy changes.

Dogwood (Cornus)- deciduous strong-gillia chagar, dogwood family. In spring, dogwood decorates the garden with its flowers. Dribni white, purple or zhovti tickets cornel taken into the head or parasol (to fall in sight). Є sorti, yakih other tickets in succulents they are unpretentious, but sharpened with great ash-like pelust-like leaves (bractei).

In the autumn, leafing the dogwood, you can also calm your eyes with bright yellow, orange and crimson farbs. So autumns ripen and bear fruit. Mostly dark-red, sometimes light-yellow or rozhevy, dovgast form. The stench is not only adding a bush of decorativeness, ale and є savory and brown.

Leafing the dogwood in the bright sun, it is easy to gain opiums, for which the shading of the car is suitable. I’ll see if watery soils prevail and I’ll try again. To the warehouse, the soil is impregnable. Most varieties of frost-resistant, ale deyaki vymagayut small shelter for the winter. Dogwood and dovgovichnostyu are resurrected. In landscape design, bushes of dogwood vicorist like a tapeworm or.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea)- Family of hydrangeas, deciduous ornamental chagar. The tickets were taken from the great dome-like or khurtovinnі sutsvіtya. Most often they are white, but blaky, red and erysipelas are streaked. The color of such roslins can change depending on chemical warehouse soil. IN

Fallow in the variety, the height of bushes is kolivaetsya in 1 to 3 meters. Є th dwarf variety.
Roslina is vologodny, plant more quickly for pіvіnі. A lot of varieties and frost resistance. However, the necessary protection for the winter: pinning the chicks to the ground, with distant ukritty їkh spruce branches and agrofiber. The hives of the hanging hives are frozen, and the roslin is swirling.

In landscape design, it is victorious both singly and in compositions with coniferous and other decorative chagars, as well as cybulin flowers. The bushes marvelously look beyond the rahuka of the forest, the blossoms of that great number.

Holly (Ilex aquifolium) or Gostrolist- evergreens or deciduous chagar, holly family. In wild nature, growth may be everywhere. Tse beautiful roslina with dark green or two-coloured shkiryasty leaves. Flowering occurs only two days from grass to linden (fallow variety). The rooms are small, white and stocky. Particularly decorative in these winters, if modest flowers are replaced with bright supples of yagid beads. The holly is a shoe-skin component of the winter vines.

Many varieties of holly were bred. Deyaki with white or yellow oblyamivkoy on the edges of the leaves or with a bluish blue. Suto human variety Blue Prince is a wonderful zapilyuvach. It should be noted that the holly roslin is double-domed and the female varieties delight us with red berries, only as close to the growth of a human specimen.

Exposing the sun to a holly tree is contraindicated, shards can suffer from sleepy opikiv Visajuwati yoga is necessary in thin place with forest soil. Do not tolerate dry, need regular exposure. Larger frost-resistant varieties.

Zavdyaki thick and prickly leaves holly good vikoristovuvat like livestock. The whole bush, which is sufficient in growth, reacts well to a haircut, the axis of this will be miraculous topiary. The garne leafing the holly inlet becomes an excellent background for cibulin or other rich colors. Evergreen leaves and red berries in the vzimka shatter the holly with an accent in the empty garden.

Coniferous Chagarniki

Another kind of decorative chagarniks, yak beautiful leaf no colors, but the stench is not less addictive. All conifers.

Yalivets (Juniperus)- Evergreen chagarnik of the cypress family. The needles are golkopodibna or luscat. The fruits of the blue-black cone-berry (inode red-storm). Roslina is dioecious. Use

impersonal vidіv yalivtsyu. Є middle i high bushes(more than two meters), є more dwarf (up to 30 cm). The same is represented by the stench and the variety of forms: creeping, pyramidal, dome-like. A lot of frost-resistant varieties.

Yalіvtsі good growth on the bright sleepy plots. Malovimoglivі to ґruntіv. Dryness. In a dry summer, it is necessary to have a sprig of good water. Navit frost-resistant varieties of the first rock after planting to overcome winter frost. Yalivtsy with a pyramidal crown for the winter need to be tied up, so that the chicks do not break under the snow.

Low-growing varieties alpine mountains and for fixing the cuttings and schiliv. Also, you can create even original borders from them. High varieties of vicorist in single and small group plantings.

Thuja- evergreen trees and chagarniki, cypress family. The leaves are luscious. The fruits are oval or oval bumps with a kіlkom in pairs of strips. The last flat with two wings. Tsya Roslina is monoecious. There are a lot of decorative piece-shaped forms.

Growth on the sleepy plots and at the pivtin. The soil should come, be it, but better penetrate. Regular watering and mulching of the root zone is required. Tui frosty, but young growths in the first two or three rocks grow shelter for the winter. Yak and yalіvtsі, high pyramidal varieties of thuja for the winter need to be poked, so that the hives under the snow can be hidden.

Zavdyaks of their longevity, winter hardiness and adherence to the minds of the mind, that arc is widely decorative gardening in rich climatic zones.

In landscape design, victorious for the creation of pictorial alleys. From large planted groups, fallow in the height of the bush, living walls are formed or fenced. So the very good thuja looks like a tapeworm.

Ornamental chagarniki, zdebіshkogo, vіdіznyayutsya nevibaglivіstyu at sight, kindly endure winter frost and at the same time, superbly beautiful. You can buy leather for yourself, for yoga, you can see the variety in the garden. Їhnya raznomanіtnіst allows you to grow a garden yaskravim, fluffy and miraculous practically tsiliy rіk!
