Worms on the indoor growths of Likuvannya.

Troyandi Chervtsi

(Pseudococcidae) - this is a common name for winged cocids that may be present before the eradication of coccids. It includes such families as: giant worms, lamellar worms, horned worms and parnosalous worms, as well as worms.

These are all the closest relatives of these mosquitoes, like the scale insect.

There are over 1,600 species of worms in the world, and they are found in almost every part of the planet, with the largest number in the tropics. Without any treatment for these types of comas that can be harmful to technical, fruit and ornamental crops

, as well as greenhouses and sprouts. The widest range: Australian gullet worm (settles on citrus fruits, quarantine plant), citrus worm, grape worm, olive worm, greenhouse plate worm, bamboo worm, seaside worm, and also there is a comstock (settles in Shovkovitsa). And the types of these skidniks, which are created by the creation of speeches that are used by people in the lacquer-farb production (cochineal - with the help of this, the farb of carmine of the infused red color and the lacquer worm is prepared).

These bad guys can be easily identified because they smell like a bluish, cottony substance.

You can also just look at them without looking at any special instruments.

The next signal that the growth is damaged is the appearance of honeydew (bloodweed), as well as a sooty fungus that settles on it.

Hungry with the juice of young vines, leaves and buds, the fruits of the plant are smothered in the growing shoots and growths.


If it is more severe, then you need to first clean the plant manually, and then treat it with a special method, for example: Biotlin, Confidant, Mospilan, Fitoverm, Aktara, Calypso, Confidor, Tanrek.

  1. Repeat the treatment through the skin 1-2 times. Perhaps you will have to try a few pennies to find out what is most effective.
  2. Maslyaniy Rozchin (Vikorist for sprinkling)- for this preparation, pour 2 large spoons of olive oil into 1 liter of water and mix everything well.
  3. For additional help, prying or another way to harvest the sprouts. Chasnikova tincture
  4. - boil 500 grams of water, and then pour it into a container that has been previously cleaned and removed with 4-5 teaspoons. Let it brew for at least 4 years.

Strain and remove the infusion and, without diluting, apply to all parts of the plant with a pen.

Horsetail infusion

- Horsetail infusion is very effective in fighting these pests.

They can be used both for watering and for sprinkling.

Before you start using the spray, you must carefully read the instructions that come with it.

On the right, it is even more important to get up from which the drug is cut, because if it appears even stronger, the leaves may burn. You can also add pennies to the appearance of granules or a stick for the root system. In this case, it is simply necessary to appreciate the fact that their stock includes not less than licentious, but lifelong speeches.

Therefore, before drying the trace, read the warehouse of the drug, since there are a number of species of plants,

root system

are very sensitive to certain salts and may result in damage (burn). This property cannot be fixed for such growths. In some cases, the problem can be treated with clean water. As a result of this action, lifelong and loving speeches can be completely abandoned. Carefully follow the hour of re-trimming of the growth, as is indicated on the patch that is being treated with the drug. This lack of attention can lead to the generation of light becoming more resistant to chemical preparations. Main types

The sheerness of the growth is dominated by both larvae and mature females. At the end of the day, such a female can reach 3.5 mm, and her body is in the shape of a flattened oval and is painted in a pale russet or orange color has a waxy bluish coating. males.

Young larvae are located throughout the entire plant. So, they can be grown on leaves (the head veins grow), on stems. If the infection is so strong, then the colony of the bad guys is simply of great size and the smell of the plant will absorb all the leaves of the plant, thereby destroying it. The leaves begin to wilt and the stems dry up. Sooty fungus takes up residence in areas that are deprived of wickedness.

This species occurs most often.

When mature, the female has an oval-shaped body, at the end it can reach 3 or 4 mm, and in width - 2-2.5 mm.

There is a erysipelas-gray discoloration, and there is a horny, bluish coating on the surface of the body.

Rotated legs.

Male winged wings are relatively smaller and the stinks, as a rule, fly all over summer period. They reproduce by eggs. Their females lay in special egg sacs, which are a fluffy white mass that does not take the shape of spider webs of wax.

Most often, before laying eggs, females look for quiet places, for example: curled leaves, cracks in the bark, forked nails, etc.

Loose little larvae, minced in

yellow color

, there is no wax filling.

In a short hour, these creatures populate the entire forest, and can also easily be transferred to others, in which they are helped by the wind, creatures and people. You can see plants whose leaves cannot be washed, you need to sprinkle them, or rather with medications.

If the root system is damaged, carefully wash the roots and trim the damaged plots, and then replant the plant in a new substrate.

Cleaning up borer worms often requires a tedious process that can take 6-12 months.

Horny worm close-up

Capture from the boar worm

Cats like borer worms on indoor dews are chemical and popular, which lose their achievements and shortcomings. There is plenty of evidence from veterinarians that insecticides are more.

in an efficient manner

In order to get rid of borer worms, it is necessary to use intestinal and not contact preparations.

Fahivtsi pests can be controlled well with systemic insecticides.

Popular drugs

  1. We present popular preparations for borer worm and indicate a class of unsafety (toxicity): 4 – little unsafe for humans, safe for bjil and bark lumps, 3 – moderately unsafe for rechovina, 2 – highly unsafe for rechovina, 1 – extremely unsafe for people and creatures.
  2. Also indicated by this saying is the approximate price of kosti in Russia.
  3. "Akarin" (old name "Agravertin") - 4, (avertin), price: 4 ml package - 13-20 rubles.
  4. "Actora" - 3, (thiamethoxam), price: 1.2 ml ampoule - 40-50 rubles, 4 g package - 90-120 rubles.
  5. "Aktellik" - 2, (pyrimifos-methyl), price: 2 ml package - 30-50 rubles.
  6. On the territory of Russia, the drug for special use is not registered as of 10/01/2016.
  7. If you want another drug, you can still get it in small stores and on the Internet.
  8. "Bankol" - 3 (bensultap), vart_st: 10 gram package - 30-40 rubles.
  9. "Vertimek" - 2, (abamectin), price: 90 dollars/liter, manual packaging - 2 ml - 25 rubles.
  10. "Inta-Vir" - 3, (cypermethrin), price: 8 g package - 10-15 rubles.
  • "Karbofos" ("Malation", "Fufanon") - 3, (malathion), price: 30 g package - 30-40 rubles (strong, unpleasant odor).

"Confidor Extra" - 3, (imidacloprid), price: 1 g package - 30-40 rubles.

"Tanrek" - 3, (imidacloprid), price: 1 ml ampoule - 10-15 rubles.

Therefore, one can marvel at the reliable preparations for borer worms in indoor plants, which have had positive effects and recommendations from physicians.

  • The magazine “Svyato Kvitiv” recommends starting the fight against horned worms using the drug “Fitoverm”, which is as safe as possible for humans and animals, or “Actori” - a strong systemic insecticide.

If you don’t know these medications or their effectiveness has decreased, then try Inta-Vir or Tanrek/Confidor.

All prescribed medications can be taken as needed.

And in case of a serious or weak influx of the first drugs, use Actellik or Karbofos, Vertimek, the stench is more toxic.

"Karbofos", "Vertimek" and "Aktellik" can be applied to indoor plants only in the open air. UVAGA!

Carefully read the instructions before taking any drug and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Now you know the effective control of horny worms in indoor beds, and we will report on some of them.

"Fitoverm" as a borer worm

“Fitoverm” is a popular and effective method for controlling black borer.

In many situations, it helps to get rid of the mischief-maker in the indoor gardens.

room apartment


Treatments should be carried out on the skin for 5-8 days, depending on the size and age of the home plant, as well as the ambient temperature.

It is most common to complete 3-4 procedures.

Some birds are sprayed with “Fitoverm” against horny worms for 5 days every three days and become sick all the time.

A week after the remaining or final sprinkling with “Fitoverm”, the sprout can be treated with “Epin” to maintain the room water.

There is no need to wash the Aktar card after biting it.

The soaking period when sprinkled is 1-24 years, and when watered – 2-4 days.

After one hour of sprinkling and watering the soil with “Aktaro”, the active drug (thiamethoxam) kills the borer worm on home flowers.

"Confidor" as a borer worm

To reduce borer worms, you can use Confidor: dilute 1 gram of the drug in 500 ml of water (1 ml per 2.5 liters of water) and sprinkle the bud into the top of the soil.

After vodgukami kvitnikariv after 3-4 years, the horned worm will be hysterical, and it’s best not to harm the roslins.

It’s much better to spill the soil with a weak spray twice.

Drug for severe damage: “Aktellik” Dilute an ampoule (2 ml) with a liter of water and sprinkle around the hour when the borer worm appears.

No more than 2-3 treatments.

  1. The recovery period is 3 days.
  3. Actellik can only be frozen in the open air.
  4. It is not suitable for pregnant women who suffer from asthma or allergic diseases.

Drug for severe damage: “Aktellik” Drug treatment plan

In a short hour, these creatures populate the entire forest, and can also easily be transferred to others, in which they are helped by the wind, creatures and people. Spray the plants with insecticides 3-4 times on the skin for 7-8 days at the average temperature - 22-24°, and if the temperature of the plant is (25-28°), then after 5-6 days.

At an average temperature of 15-20 ° - 8-10 days, and below 15 ° - 10-12 days.

  1. If the temperature at the time of harvesting is below 18°, the effectiveness of preparations against borer worms is significantly reduced and the presence of indoor weeds is limited.
  2. After drying the plant, there is no need to put a plastic bag on it; it is more important to repeat the drying process.
  3. A one-time treatment with any preparation will give an immediate effect - therefore it is necessary to fight the borer bug systematically.
  4. Once a horny worm is detected, it is important to clean out all the indoor plants, if you remove only part of the home collection, then there is a great risk of repeated detection of the bug.
  5. The place to treat your home with drugs of the 3rd and 4th class can be a balcony or a bathroom, and with drugs of the 2nd class you can treat your skin in an open air.
  6. For the maximum effect after sprinkling, it is recommended to add a little potash.
  7. It is important to ventilate the area thoroughly after taking medications.

Drug for severe damage: “Aktellik” Carefully read the instructions for the drug - the dose rates may vary depending on the application, some of them are often released with a rare and dry appearance, with different concentrations of active substances or the size of the package.

Prevention of ticks and fleas

Inducing borer worms in indoor weeds effectively helps fight fleas and ticks with the active substance – imidacloprid (finpronil, cypermethrin).

For example, drops - "Advantix" (550 rubles), "Avanpost" (250 rubles).

  1. After 1, 2, 3 points from the original instructions.
  2. Mix the droplets with water: a small pipette 500 ml, and a large pipette in a liter of warm water.
  3. With this emulsion, moisten the leaves, axils, petioles and stem of the plant, as well as the upper part of the substrate, on both sides.

After drying, ventilate the area.

Rozchin does not need to be washed, but if there is a strong smell, it can be washed every other day with water.

Drug for severe damage: “Aktellik” As a rule, one procedure is sufficient; repeat it every other day if necessary.

  • If you cannot re-cultivate the weed, you can cover the pot with the weed with a bag (smudge) and seal off the weed.

Through it, spray the weed for 3-4 seconds with Bolfo aerosol (400 rubles), tie the bag and seal the bag for 24 years - the boreal bug will suffocate.

Carry out all procedures either in open air or on the balcony!

The drugs “Tanrek” and “Confidor” can eliminate such a strong problem, so that you can calmly stagnate them.

How can you get rid of the boar-horned worm by people's efforts? Before the people's efforts in the fight against the black-footed worm, fakhivtsi are placed in different ways. Many veterinarians complain that people’s methods are extremely ineffective and can lead to harm in growing up.

The editors of the magazine “Holy Kvitiv” respect that the people’s behavior against the borer worm can be eliminated in certain situations, leaving the smell harmless for people and creatures.

1. Milniy Rozchin

To prepare the mileage, please gospodarskoe, milk or potassium greens, and in extreme cases, go get some dishes for washing up.

It is necessary to use a small amount to cover the entire house plant, as well as the window frame, window frame, potter and potter tray.

The more penalties the process has, the better it is.

After wiping the cup, it is better to remove the mileage after 2-4 years. RECIPE. Pour a tablespoon of millet shavings into a bottle of warm water. To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon


Drug for severe damage: “Aktellik”(technical, medical, at the extreme end, burner) and 300 grams of water.

Milk alcohol must be washed off after 10-15 minutes with warm water so as not to stain the homemade drink.

Some fahivtsi insist that the stagnation of mileage on room colors is unacceptable.

In my opinion, it blocks the growth of the growth, which leads to the destruction of photosynthesis and the development of the growth.

Alcohol cannot be used to remove the weeds from the lower leaves.

2. Chasnik Nowadays, there is a popular popular interest in the fight against various mischief-makers.

Pour a bottle of water into five small tines (a teaspoon of porridge) into the clock.

Leave the mixture in a tightly closed container for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse the skin for 7-8 days.

To sprinkle, strain the infusion through three balls of gauze. Recipe No. 2.

Place a teaspoon of porridge for a chasnik (4-5 cloves crushed) in 500 ml of sprinkling and leave for 4-5 years.

Process the liquid and wipe the affected container.

3. Cybula

Medium-sized cibulin is cut into pieces, ground and filled with a bottle of water for 2-3 years.

Everything is as it is with the clock.

Carry out 2-3 procedures every 7-10 days.

Before harvesting the plants, cover the potter's soil with spilt!

Treatment with water-oil emulsion is not recommended for thickening of plants with pubescent, lower or even thin leaves.

6. Gus

In a liter of water, mix 40 g of gosp milk (25 g of green potassium) and add five drops of gas, and then stir well.

The sum can be wiped or sprinkled on the leaves of the plant.

7. Tyutyun

Pour 80 g of dry tutyun (shag) into a liter of water and steep for 24 years, then strain and dilute with a liter of water.

Then rinse and spritz the plant.

8. Calendula

Using a swab soaked in a pharmacy infusion of calendula, wipe the area 3-4 days after sleep.


To combat borer worms, you can use fungal and bacterial preparations (microbiological), for example, “Lepodocid”.

Prevention of mischief in the home

The best way to catch borer worms in indoor weeds is to regularly inspect your pets: especially carefully examine the leaf axils, stem, as well as the inner and outer side of the leaf.

In the home mind, ventilating the place, biting and washing the leaves of the plants, the borer worms love the dry wind and are afraid of the vologgers.

Do not allow the situation described in the section “Starts of horned worms” from the supplementary article. ADDITION TO STATTI: The mischief-maker's look at the end.

We hope that now you can fight the borer worm in indoor plants with the help of drugs (insecticides) and folk remedies that are more effective.

And the smut will cause the horned worm to come out and take away the satisfaction from your favorite growths!

In order to recognize the bobwhite worm without harm, carefully look at the bird's eye.

Horned worms (Pseudococcidae) belong to the family of worms or arthropods, related to worms.

Mosquitoes can come in many species, including both live-bearing mosquitoes and worms that lay eggs. All the stench is surrounded by hidden external signs, and external look

Discounts are changing according to the current state of affairs.

So, for example, females and males naturally differ from each other.

The female horned worm is a cat with an oval-shaped body, covered with a white lining, without short legs and long thread-like antennae.

The size of females varies from three to five millimeters, depending on the species.

The larva (nymph) looks approximately the same as the female, but is smaller in size. Male horned worms are distinctly different from females: they are winged mosquitoes, similar to mosquitoes or flies. Males do not grow sick because they do not feed on them; the males’ mouthparts are of the same age.

[!] In the gardening and rural kingdoms, the horny bug is also one of the most widespread pests that are important to remove.

The main targets of the mosquito's attack are tea leaves (currant, agus, buckthorn) and rhizomes (glodu, shishina, troyanda).

Causes the appearance of the borer worm

It is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to the food supply: are borer worms taken as seeds?

The reasons for this and all stinks are connected with incorrect observation and instead of growth:

1. Soils associated with watering: re-watering or, for example, drying the soil(Pseudococcus affinis) is the widest species of borer worm.

Females and males naturally differ from one another. Males are small mosquitoes that fly, that move from tree to tree and do not suffer from harm.

Females can reach a large size (up to 4 mm in size), the legs are well-developed, and the body is covered with a white or white-rust coating. Throughout their lives, females of the seaside horned worm lay eggs in the so-called egg sacs and reliably seek them out in an easily accessible place: at the axil of the leaves, between the branches and the canopy, for the evidence of the stovbur, derniv, at the crack of the measles.

The larvae that hatched from the eggs are formed into tiny yellow-colored mosquitoes. When replacing females, there is no liquid deposit on the body of the larvae.

Approximately a month after hatching, the mature larvae begin to feed on the weeds and gradually consume them. Bristle horned worm

(Pseudococcus longispinus) looks approximately the same as the seaside one, but grows into slightly smaller sizes (the body length of the female is about 3 mm). This type of worm is viviparous; females do not lay eggs.

Bristle worms are favored for being able to gather in large groups more quickly and to live in inaccessible places in the forest.

In order to prevent your home grown plants from becoming infected with the hogweed, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive measures, which include:

  • A quick look around the roslin.
  • Remember that mosquitoes will often hang out, for example, on the inside of a leaf, in young shoots, buds that have not opened, and other highly accessible places.
  • The best selection of dried parts of the plant: dry stems, leaves and buds are very useful for the hogweed.
  • See them immediately, do not deprive the comas of the chance to know better.

Water inputs such as regular and sufficient watering, periodic showers and leaf washing. The horned worm does not like the middle of the forest, and settles freely in dry plots. Moreover, periodic rinsing of the plants and replenishment of the soil is so important.

In this case, it is important not to overdo it, as many other mischievous comas, for example, foolishness, sometimes give precedence to the hairy middle.

Come in quarantine.

New skin growth that is lost on your skin must be placed on karatine: at any time, isolate with other colors and carry out preventive treatment with universal preparations.

You can read the report about quarantine at.

If, despite all the preventive measures, the hogweed still appears on your green lover, you must first begin a merciless fight against it. If the worm colony is still large, try more gentle (folk) methods. Ale, as the bushy mealybug has settled in the bushes near the Great Kalkost, without any current

3. Olive oil with water. Add 2 tbsp in a plant-friendly way. spoons

olive oil

and a liter of water and apply with a spray bottle.

After about one or two years, emulsion.

4. Chasnikovy nastiy.

Take 5-6 tines of chasnik per liter of water.

  • Crush the chapel, fill it with dill and let it sit for four years.
  • Remove the mixture and filter it and, using a foam or soft gancher, apply it to the drill, paste and leaves.
  • 5. Infusion of orange and lemon zest.
  • Orange and lemon peels are filled with dill in a mixture of 30-50 g.
  • zest per liter of water, let sit with a stretch and remove the rosemary from a spray bottle.
  • 6. When fighting rootworms, it helps to treat the roots of the plant with hot water.
  • Remove the pot from the pot, scoop the roots out of the ground and place them in a large saucepan with hot water (about 55 ° C) so that the water covers only the roots without sticking out the above-ground parts.

Wash the sprouts in a saucepan for at least 15 minutes, then dry the roots and replant them in a new container with fresh substrate.

Chemical preparations for borer worm

At this time, especially for the fight against mosquitoes, a large number of drugs are being developed, many of which are well known to gardeners and lovers of home grown plants.

The following insecticides have worked well for horned worms:

Actor Aktellik.

This method is unlikely to suit amateur gardeners, but will most likely stagnate for large greenhouses or gardening kingdoms, but this cannot be ignored.

On the right is that there are natural enemies of the horned worm that they feed on in the wild, so called entomophages.

These, for example, are sunflowers, golden eyes, anthocorysis bugs, spiders, carnival tops.

All these mosquitoes regulate the number of worms and tend to blame the colony of worms.

It is very important for you not to have entomophages in your garden plot.

The borer worm is spreading everywhere.

There are more than 2000 species of mosquitoes of the hornbill family.

And about 300 different species of this mischief linger on the European continent.

It is easy to spot mosquitoes in indoor gardens, in greenhouses on vegetables and fruit crops, with an unbroken eye. Assembling near the colony, the bushy bug creates a coating on the gills and axils of the leaves, similar to white cotton wool. Shkidnik reproduces rapidly on trees.

Each female lays approximately 200 eggs.

Traditional methods of combating borer worms in indoor weeds are suitable if the mosquito has not invaded the cage, or for preventive purposes.

If your room's furniture is covered with worms or cotton wool, then you can't do without chemical preparations.

Anti-borer worm medications The borer on an orchid actually attacks the roots. It is impossible to mark it from the potter with the substrate.

Shchob uryatuvati

Roslina is in love

, you will have to change it instead of the miner. It is important to look back and see the parts that have lost their usefulness.

Afterwards, this root needs to be washed and treated with an insecticide.

The list of methods for combating worms is wide.

You can choose according to your wishes.


The drug has low toxicity and is recommended for the control of indoor weeds.


Systemic contact insecticide based on thiamethoxam.

When the green parts of the plant are bitten, the liquid is quickly absorbed and reaches the highest concentration in the middle of the plant organs over a period of several years.

Iskra “Underwhelming effect”

Contact insecticide is a universal remedy against the sinus complex.

Two active components in this warehouse are effective against the most common scams.

The horned mealybug is from a family of horny winged, lustrous-like comas covered with a horny waxy secretion above the family of worms. The horned worm is a very large and wide-ranging mosquito that can chew up indoor rooms, greenhouse growths, as well as cacti and succulents. The horned mealybug grows to a large group of comas, and its smell is close to a third of the known species.

The smell is wider throughout the world, except the polar regions, and is one of the most economical

important groups

comas known to people because borer worms attack a wide variety of fodder and ornamental plant crops. Most horned worms belong to the family Pseudococcidae. boreal mealybug photo Description of the borer worm The horned worm is a worm with a diameter of approximately 3 to 7 mm, which attacks indoor growing plants, with soft, wingless gnats, which often appear as white cottony masses on the leaves, stems and fruits of growing plants.

, as a rule, get into great quantities curing whites, fluffy masses on the growths. The stench is filled with a bluish “boroshny” infusion, which helps poor people increase the loss of water from their soft bodies. These wicked people will be warm, vologous, stolen from wicked minds and


place of sleep.

Human individuals pass through five centuries.

The stinks do not feed after the first two centuries of groups and live exclusively to seal the females.

In warm, friendly minds, the uninterrupted and uninterrupted birth of new generations will last for a lifetime.

boar-horned mealybug on indoor vegetation Officials, who will pour in on the appearance of the development of the bad guy The development of black horned worms is dependent on the temperature.

Temperatures between approximately 25°C and high

vodnosna vologisti The location is optimal for horned worms, and their numbers can reach the high peaks of spring and spring. The seedings can be small, as you will immediately identify the bad guy, and will not cause great harm to your room colors.

However, with a higher number of horned worms, the leaves can become yellow and twist, causing the leaves to become weaker.

The dewying of the sprouts is usually accompanied by the appearance of cotton wool, which makes the sprouts sticky and stimulates the growth of the sprouts.

  1. Bored worms are a source of greenhouse pests that swim onto
  2. decorative plants
  3. , indoor plants, avocados and fruits.
  4. However, it is important to remember that horned worms can give birth to offspring, even by laying eggs under cotton wool.
  5. The remaining rocks and spoilers are quickly gaining resistance to pesticides. Symptoms of infestation with black borer The nests of the horned worm look like a bunch of loose waxy threads (fluff, cotton wool).
  6. The surface of the shoots is covered with sticky, barless drops, which are called nectar.

Infected plants stop developing, take on a rotten appearance from the spoiled stem, grow deformed, and begin to wither.

The leaves become smaller in size, barren and soon fall off.

Bored worms can also remain in the state of inert material for a long time and become life-giving if the minds become friendly to them.

Bored worm - how to fight it?

What is there to do if the horned worm has grown up in the indoor weeds?

The borer worm is a serious and troublesome problem for indoor plants.

Of course, it would be better if they didn’t get along with such a scoundrel as a black-haired worm. Well, why did your growth get sick after all, as a result of fighting the hogweed worm? With a small infestation of the weed, you can be helped by collecting waste and pruning the damaged parts of the weed.

I recommend using “Decis”, “Karbofos”, “Tsvetofos”, etc.

These preparations are absorbed by the root system and distributed throughout all tissues of the plant.

As a result, the plants, which grieve or suck, the plants themselves wither and die. Z biological methods

You can use microbiological preparations (fungal, bacterial), for example, Lepodocid.

How to control borer worms at home

running water

Using a soft, soft brush, clean the weeds from the dirt.

Then embrace him under the stream of water, showing special respect to


leaves At this time, I recommend soaking the stem and leaves once a week with an infusion of mandarin and orange peels, milk water, cibul juice and chasnik with milo..

The infusion of citrine peels (orange, tangerine) should be steeped for 1-2 db before the vikorstan.

Scrubbing with water

It can help in the fight against black borer and frequent sprinkling with a thin stream of water.

To prevent the insecticide from sticking to the shells of the fish, you can add a third of radish to wash the dishes. It is very important when sampling weeds to wet the soil as much as possible. I would like to believe that such miscreants as borer worms will not infest your living rooms.

When trouble comes, looking like a horned worm, I suspect that this situation will be bad for you.

On your *
summer cottage *

Are you looking to find the most comfortable washbasins for your bath?

What is especially important for those with allergies is that you can not sprinkle it, but simply pour it over the dew, the effect will be the same, only it will appear a little later.