Vegetative reproduction of tall roslins. Significance of vegetative reproduction. Vegetatively propagated by pagons, roots, leaves, bushes. chipping method

>>Vegetative propagation roslin pagonami

1 - Saintpaulia (Uzambar violet); 2 - briofilum; 3 - sunitsa

§ 38. Vegetative propagation of roslin by pagons

The ability to multiply - the power of all living organisms is important. At the time of life, skin roslin is multiplied.

For the lesson lesson summary supporting frame presentation to the lesson of accelerating methods and interactive technologies Practice task and right self-verification workshops, trainings, cases, quests home tasks rhetorical nutrition for students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, schemes, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comic parables, orders, crossword puzzles, quotes Additional abstract statistics chips for supplementary cribs handbooks basic and supplementary glossary of terms Improvement of tutors and lessonscorrection of pardons from the assistant updating the fragment of the assistant to the element of innovation at the lesson of replacing old knowledge with new ones Tіlki for readers ideal lessons calendar plan for r_k methodical recommendations conversation programs Integration lessons

Task 1. "Characteristics of articleless reproduction"

Write down the numbers and fill in the missing words (or groups of words):

1. In the event of a stateless reproduction, the reproduction will take the fate (_).

2. Vіdmіnіst vіd statovogo proizvodstvennja at tsomu, scho z statovogo proizvodstvennі (_).

3. Razrіznyayut k_lka forms of non-state reproduction of roslin: (_), (_), (_).

4. Non-state reproduction of unicellular organisms (_) and (_).

5. Chromosome recruitment in superchickens of growing roslins (_).

6. Just like superworts settle down on diploid growth, all stinks settle down with a path (_).

7. Just like superworts settle down on a haploid dew, stench settles down a path (_).

8. Spores are genetically neutrophilic in roslins, in some sporophytes (_).

10. Roslina, who makes super girls called (_).

11. Roslin, who makes gametes, are called (_).

12. Equally spore roslins are called (_).

13. Riznosporous roslins are called (_).

14. Lie down to equal-spored growths (_).

15. To lay down to richly sporous growths (_).

Task 2. "Reproduction of roots and leaves"

Task 3. "Reproduction
overhead leaks"

Take a look at the little ones and give advice on food:

1. What are the ways to reproduce the image of a baby with aboveground pagons?

Take a look at the little ones and give advice on food:

1. What methods of reproduction by underground pagons are depicted on the little one with the numbers 1 - 3?

2. How practical is it possible to propagate roslin in these ways?

1. What is the way of reproduction of a small picture?

2. How practical is it possible to propagate roslin in these ways?

3. Why use a growth cone to propagate vicory?

Task 7. "Methods of vegetative reproduction"

Load table:




Description of the method of reproduction

1. Root caps

2. Root live bait

3. Roots

1. Leaves

2. leaf bait

3. Leaf children

Aboveground pagons

1. Vusami (stolons)

2. Pozuchnymi pagonami

3. Vodvodka

4. Live bait

Underground pagons

1. Rhizome

2. Bulboy

3. Cibulins


1. Closer

3. Oculation

Tissue culture

Task 8. "The most important terms that are understood by those"

Give a definition to the terms, or open up the understanding (to some words, substantiating the most important features):

1. Vegetative reproduction. 2. Root blue. 3. Leaf children. 4. Oculation. 5. Chip. 6. Pidshepa. 7. Reproduction by culture of clitin. 8. Vegetative reproduction advances.

Task 1.

1. Ode to a special person. 2. Do not anger the genetic material. 3. Rozpodil, sporulation, vegetative reproduction. 4. Decomposed that sporulation. 5. Haploid. 6. Meiosis. 7. Mitosis. 8. Diploid. 9. Aplanospori, zoospori. 10. Sporophyte. 11. Gametophyte. 12. Roslini, who make supergirls, are morphologically indistinguishable. 13. Roslini, which are morphologically differentiated – microspores and megaspores. 14. Algae, mosses, horsetails, deaks, mosses and ferns. 15. Deyaki mosses, water ferns, golonasin and flower dews.

Task 2.

1. 1 - root caps; 2 - root live bait; 3 - root tubers. 2. Raspberry, zlivu is easily established on the roots of adnexal brunka from which root patches develop, it is enough for them to grow and fall on the bed. The root crown can be cut into pieces and planted, the skin of the root bait gives new growth. Jorgini is propagated by root bulbs. The autumns are wreaking and subduing, hanging on the hinges. 3. 4 - with rows of logs on the sheet; 5 - whole leaves; 6 - leaf bait. 4. At the briophyllum along the edge of the leaf, appendages are established and they are established miniature roslini- Children, yak easily take root in a new place. To the leaves, begonia, senpolia are propagated. Near the water, the leaves make up the appendages of the root and the nirk, as if they take root well. Sansev'era and begonia can be cut on leafy livestock and new growths are established from them.

Select new text

Task 3.

1. 1 - reproduction by above-ground stolons (wuses); 2 - reproduction by pony pagons; 3 - reproduction by introductions; 4 - reproduction by live bait. 2. 1 - after the adoption of the daughter plant, the stolon is planted, the plant is transplanted to the old place; 2 - enough to divide the roslin into independent sprats; 3. Hinged bend down and dig up the middle part of the head, tie the top to the tuft. It is possible to establish the appendage of the root and autumn growth in the vletka in the form of the mother. 4. A lot of roslins are multiplied by live bait, for example, they are planted with Tradescantia near the water, or to the watery soil, they give an appendage of roots and become an independent growth.

Task 4.

1. 1 - rhizome; 2 - bulboy; 3 - cibulin. 2. Rootstocks of indoor roslins can be grown on live bait. So multiply iris, bagatorichnі aistry. Potatoes are propagated with whole bulbs and parts of bulbs and nirks. Children often settle on cibulins, like vicarious growth from the growth of new growths.

Task 5.

1. 1 - copulation (the diameter of the chips and the sub-chips are different); 2 - okulyuvannya, split by an eye; 3 - splitting close; 4 - splitting into a split (the diameter of the chip is less than the diameter of the subchip); 5 - chips in the butt (chip diameter is less than the diameter of the subchip). 2. Prishchep - roslin, yak pinch, pіdshepa - roslin, to pinch.

Task 6.

1. The cultivation of clitin on the life-giving medium is called the culture of clitin. 2. From the growth, take cells of the cone of growth, sterilize the destruction of microorganisms and place them in the middle of the living room, de cells multiply. Then you can separate them in test tubes, making up the songs of the mind, you can reach the transformation of them on miniature growths. 3. Cloths of the cone of growth save building up to the bottom, with light fabric.

Task 7.




Description of the method of reproduction

1. Root caps

2. Root live bait

3. Roots


Appendages are established on the roots, among which root caps develop.

The root is cut into pieces, the skin of the root bait gives new growth.

In the autumn, root-tubers and podіlyayut, visadzhuyut hanging.

1. Leaves

2. Leaf bait

3. Leaf children



Near the water, the leaves make up the appendages of the root and the nirk, as if they take root well.

Narіzayut leaf livestock and put it near the water. New growths are established from them.

Babies that settle along the edge of the leaf easily take root in a new place.

Aboveground pagons

1. Vusami (stolons)

2. Pozuchnymi pagonami

3. Vodvodka

4. Live bait


Konyushina sang



After the adoption of the root at the daughter plant, the stolon is planted, the plant is transplanted to the bed.

After the adoption of the roots, it is sufficient to divide the growth into independent sprats.

Hangings bend down and dig up the middle part of the neck. In the autumn, roslin can be vіdokremiti vіd maternal.

Vіdrіzana vtecha Tradescantia near the water, or to the watery soil, it gives an appendage of roots and becomes an independent growth.

Underground pagons

1. Rhizome

2. Bulboy

3. Cibulins


Razrіzayuchi rhizome room roslin you can get a lot of roslin on live bait.

Potatoes are propagated with whole bulbs and parts of bulbs and nirks.

Children often settle on cibulins, like vicarious growth from the growth of new growths.


1. Closer

2. Splitting with live bait (digging, splitting, peeling the bark)

5. Oculation

Grow a part of the measles with a piece of wood with wood chips and wood chips, eat them and bandage them.

As a rule, the diameter of the chips and the chips are bent, cut obliquely, cut the bark and wood and bandaged. Either split at the split or pid the bark, which means that the diameter of the chip is larger.

Zrіzayut nirku with bark and wood and insert it into the T-like notch of the wood chip. Bandage.


Cells of lighting fabric


From the growers take the cells of the growth cone, sterilize and place in the middle of the living room, de cells multiply. Let's sweat in test tubes, making up the songs of the mind, you can reach the transformation of them on miniature growths

Manager 8.

1. Reproduction for help vegetative organs. 2. Roslini, who hid themselves from adnexal brunioks on the root. 3. Roslini, who have hid themselves from appendage brunios, who have hid themselves on a leaf. 4. A method of vegetative reproduction for additional splitting of nirok. 5. Roslin, pinch the yak. 6. Roslin, pinch to the point. 7. Group of clitins of light fabrics, which grow large number new roslins. 8. Vegetative reproduction more and more takes the power of the mother plant.

Vegetative propagation - one of the methods of stateless reproduction; enlightenment of daughter individuals from rich vegetative organs of the mother organism (or parts of these organs). It is even wider than nature. The vegetative sprouting sprouting springs quickly spread, groaning in new territories. In deyakih upheavals now reproduction it is difficult, and vegetative reproduction is the only possible path. In addition, the vegetative reproduction of actively vicorous people with the reproduction of strong saplings decorative roslins, because it allows you to save valuable varietal signs.
1. Reproduction by root.
1.1. Root covers - raspberries, apple trees, gorobina, poplars, buzok, sour cherries. From the appendage brunoks on the roots grow pagons - root patches. In the course of time, the old villages of the roots will crumble, and the blues will become independent growths.

1.2. Rooted live bait breeds those growths. in some, appendages can form on the roots. The root petiole is the crown of the root with a length of 15-25 cm, on which appendages can be established. On the petiole planted in the ground, adnexal roots are established, and above-ground stalks develop from the nirok. Kulbaba, shipshina, garden raspberry.

1.3. Root bulbs. Korenevі bulbi - tse subterranean species of root from stock alive speeches. Appendages can develop on root tubers. georgia.

2. Reproduction by sheet.

so multiply deyakі vidi kіmnatnyh roslin - begonia, Saintpaulia (violet), sansev'єra. Leaves to plant sand near the waters, and appendages and appendage leaves develop on them. Sometimes you can finish navit parts of the arkush.

3. Reproduction by aboveground pagon.

3.1. Steblovy live bait (ce vіdrіzok vtechі z dekіlkom nirkami) propagate currants, troyanda, poplar, willow and a lot of other trees and chagarnikіv. For this live bait with a length of 25-30 cm, plant soil in good preparations. Until autumn, live bait growers grow adventitious roots, and even live bait grow and transplant on a bed.

3.2. Currants, agrus, apple trees are propagated by introductions. For which lower necks bend down to the ground, and in the middle I will cut the bark. Until autumn, an appendage of the root develops in the area under the crown, and it can be grown in the mother's growth and transplanted to the post-mist.

3.3. Reproduction by sonic pagons - "whisks" is typical for tenacity, meadow tea, sunnitsa, chlorophytum; at the knots of succulent pagons, adnexal roots are established.

3.4. Reproduction of splits in natural minds rarely traps. Ale is even wider at the garden. Nirku-vіchko or livestock of cultural growth grows with a wild-stem (which can be more tight, unviable and frost-resistant). Vichko or live bait of cultural growth is called food, and wild - food. so multiply the fruits of a tree - an apple tree, a pear, a cherry, a plum.

Chipping with live bait - copulation

Splitting by the eye - occultation

4. Reproduction by underground modifications of pagons.

4.1. Reproduction by a rhizome of a majestic bunch of roslin. many of them are evil weeds. Kropiva, pirіy, snit, derevіy, konvalіya, anemone, orchіdeі іn.

4.2. Cibulini are typical for monocotyledonous roslins - tulips, hyacinths, amaryllis, daffodils and others. One cibulin can make a sprat of small cibulin-children, which can be planted.

4.3. Bulbs reproduce potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes. Even though the bulb is not enough, you can vicorate a part of the bulb with a vіchkom (nirka).

5. Propagation by tissue culture . We live in the 21st century, and clitin engineering comes to the aid of the agricultural state. At the special chambers on the revitalizing center, the cells of growing illuminating fabrics are swirling, among which are formed the lines of growing with signs. identical signs of the Batkiv individual. such a way of reproduction allows you to take a large number planting material which is important when introducing a new variety into cultivation. The culture of potato, carnation, gerbera, orchids is well multiplied by the tissue culture.

Vegetative propagation of roslin(from Lat. vegetativas - growing) - the reproduction of roslin for the help of vegetative organs (root, stem, leaf) or their parts. Vegetative reproduction occurs up to stateless reproduction. Biological significance of vegetative reproduction:

a) one of the places for enlightenment there, there are no friendly minds for state reproduction;

b) in plants, the genotype of the Batkiv form is repeated, which is important for conservation of the sign of the variety;

c) one of the ways to preserve valuable varietal signs and dominance;

d) with vegetative reproduction of roslin, it can be saved in the minds of the impossibility of a new creation;

e) the shortest way to reproduce decorative roses;

є) with splitting - in splitting roslins, the stamina is up to the old minds

The following designate and shortfalls of vegetative reproduction:

a) rice is transferred;

b) diseases are transmitted to the mother's organism

Method baby Description butt
Pozuchny pagons The pagons of abo vus sang, at the nodes of which small dewdrops develop with leaves and roots Konyushina, crane, chlorophytum
Rootstock Behind the help of horizontal rhizomes, the growths of the saplings swarm over a large area, sometimes a sprat of square meters. At the rhizomes, the older parts gradually fade and collapse, and the surrounding chicks grow and become independent. Brusnitsa, blackberry, pyriy, konvaliya
bulbami If the bulb is not enough, it can be propagated by parts of the bulb, nirk glasses, parosts and tops of the bulb. Jerusalem artichoke, potato
Cibulins Daughter children are established from the mother's tsibulins on the mother's tsibulins, and they are easily watered. The skin daughter of cibulin can give new growth. Cybula, tulip
leaf bait Leaves to plant sand near the waters, and adnexal nirks and adnexal roots develop on them. Violet, sansev'era
Vіdvodkam Hinged young vtecha bend down so that the middle part of it sticks up to the ground, and the top of the boulder is straightened uphill. On the lower part of the flow, with a thin line, it is necessary to cut the bark; Until autumn, adnexal roots are established. Currant, agrus, viburnum, apple tree
Live bait Put a small veil with 3-4 sheets near the water, or plant a sand near the waters and curl it up to create a friendly mind. On the lower part of the live bait, adnexal roots are established. Tradescantia, willow, poplar, currant
Root live bait Root petiole - 15-20 cm long root stalk. How to cut a shovel of culbabi root with a shovel, appendages of nirk are established on the new winding, from them - new growths Raspberry, shipshina, kulbaba
Root caps Deyakі roslini zdatnі utvoryuvati nirki on korіnі Raspberries
Live bait The back of the hand vibrates from the present one-to-one siants - wildlings. Go to serve food. From the cultural growth, splinters are spawned - live wood chippings. Let's sweat the stem parts of the wood chips and the wood chips soaking up the stalks of their camboes. This makes fabrics grow easier.
Chip with nirka From the fruit tree, they see a single vtechu. You can see the leaves, littering the petiole. With a knife, cut the cuts of the measles at the sight of the letter T. Insert a nirka that has grown out of the cultural growth with a length of 2-3 cm. fruit trees ta chagarniki