Trojans are curly for medium dark skin.

Troyandi The main method of any summer resident and kvitnikara is versatility beautiful flowers

, which would have been completely healthy, would have bloomed for a long time and would have burst out in their uniqueness.

When looking after the climbing trojans, special care should be taken to mold the burning bush from long pasta. According to the Kvitnikars, the best traces for the Moscow region are collected from the Kordes family (Nimechchina). The smells are best suited to the climate of this region and are wonderfully felt during temperature changes.

The advantage is given to weakly thorny and thornless weaving Trojans. For the Moscow region it is impossible to fill up wide range

. For such Trojans you will need some special structures to support them. As you can see from the outside, climbing trojans are a great solution for filling up empty space, molding animals

dacha plot

or a private home, as well as the creation of a fire background on any structures.

Non-perishable varieties are not flexible and resistant to cold weather, and last until the first frost.

Its main feature lies in the continuity of color.

With your permission, I will continue my revelation :) I completely forgot to write about the “best weaving” of the Trojans - but especially Alchymist!
All 3.5 m is less, but again it is not tied up, and the pieces lie on both sides of the chips - on the skin side there are pieces of 10 or more pieces, even long, bungy, but over time the stench begins to become toxic and make trees.
My troyanda blooms very quickly on other saddles, there are a lot of flowers, the stench of the floors is so beautiful that it’s unlikely that one climbing troyanda would want to boast of such smears of shades in fermented pellets, like Alkimist!
take half a day of training, if only once.
Then I would like to write a few words about the James Galway Trojan. This Trojan is ambiguous - some people don’t love it at all, but some people adore it. in the middle, the pellets are laid neatly, like a tile! So I spent the whole day looking at the little flowers! The stench is not to be missed at all, but to marvel at the mountain, the bush is even thicker, even thicker! here 2.5 m and bigger! The rose will not require support, it can be planted up to the arch and lightly swayed somehow. I think it will be beautiful.
I was sick! The leaves are always clean, dark green! The only downside for me is that the flowers are not very large compared to the great cabbage, but there are plenty of them.

The Troyans have plenty of rich fruits, so not all of them can be found in the average smoothie of Russia.

We know which varieties of climbing plants feel comfortable in difficult climates.

First of all, let’s figure out how to create a unique breeding ground for the trio so that it winters successfully, blooms consistently, and is the perfect color in your garden.

Peculiarities of the growth of trojans in the average smoothie of Russia Climate srednya smuha

Russia is not suitable for root-haired troops: first of all, their roots will become full-fledged and strong only 2-3 years after landing in a permanent place, and otherwise, in the cold winter such flowers can freeze and die and. The instability of the climate in this region is more likely to grow than varietal trojans, chipped for winter-hardy spikes. In addition, the Trojans should be planted in lighted areas so that they will not grow nearby

tall trees

, which create shadow and take away from the soil a lot of living speech. In the gardens of the middle smog of Russia, sometimes the wind blows as unfailing “guests”. Stinks can easily foul the bushes of Trojans, so choosing a place for planting should give preference to a quiet and windless one.

Another smart one, very important for a Trojan – the Gruntu type.

It grows well on light (preferably loamy) soil.

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.

Baltimore Belle

The dense bush of this climbing plant can reach a height of 2 m. The flowers and leaves are also not smaller.

The double buds of erysipelas grow up to 5 cm in diameter and bloom only once per season, or for a whole month.

It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.


Roslin height

Tsvitinnya Winter hardiness Disposable,

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.


The double buds of erysipelas grow up to 5 cm in diameter and bloom only once per season, or for a whole month.

It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.

Golden Wings

This variety, popular throughout the world, was awarded the gold medal of the American Trojan Partnership in 1958.

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.


From the submerged buds of this plant, large flowering flowers of a soft yellow color with an orange center are released.

The double buds of erysipelas grow up to 5 cm in diameter and bloom only once per season, or for a whole month.

And although the bush is not very tall (about 1.5 meters), it looks even more boyish.

Another important advantage of the variety is good frost resistance. one-time use– її Dortmund This troyanda is characterized by tight, arched runners, saturated green leaves with a glossy sheen and simple, but even effective flowers (12 cm in diameter) of red marigold with a white core.

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.


Golovna perevaga Troyandi

It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.


bright colors , which begins at the heart and repeats itself like crazy until spring. In addition, this growth is resistant to all growing illnesses. repeat Lawrence Johnston This is a hybrid of the Trojan Thetis and the Tea Trojan Madame Eugenie Verdier

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.

Baltimore Belle


It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.

The bush grows up to 5 m high, and grows up to 2 m wide.

great strength Shipiv, rare leaves and filled with double-bloomed yellow curds, collected from each day, 5-7 pieces each. The flowers develop an unpleasant smell and then bloom early. unacceptable Mermaid

This variety of buv is otrimaniyy shlyakhom shreshchuvannya unsustainable to frost. and filled with double-bloomed yellow curds, collected from each day, 5-7 pieces each. Troyandi Bracteata (Rosa Bracteata)

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.

, which is famous for its unheard-of tea cakes, spread around the bud, and tea trojans.

It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.


Mermaid can grow up to 3 m in height, is distinguished by glossy leaves of pressed green bark, great rewards

The color of the flowers is dark brown, with silvery tints on the outer side of the pellets.

Looking at these features, you can create a garniy rose garden for the middle smoothie of Russia.

If you give preference to the climbing trojans, then it is first of all your responsibility to select similar varieties, in particular

correct view

behind the bushes of the Trojans, about their pruning and binding - about the garnet of growing plants for the winter.

This variety was praised for its incredible beauty back in 1977.


It’s best to cover this type of plant for the winter, as it can withstand frosts down to –30°C.

pershe – ryasna

Flamentanz Climbing Troyanda Flamentant

characterized by vigorous growth, bluish-green skinny leaves and bright-red, fragrant flowers (about 8 cm in diameter), collected in 2-10 pieces per day. Flowering is observed once per season (at the beginning of summer), but it’s clear that the bushes are literally covered with flowers. There are plenty of summer residents and lords of mansions willing to decorate the plot with Trojans. They have an unmistakable aroma and a wonderful.

external look

They have been winning the hearts of gardeners for a long time.

Every day the gardeners decorate their plots

by the climbing Trojans Even planting and looking after the climbing plant is a very difficult process, and this is where the newbie gets stuck. These beautiful and lush flower beds line the walls of the living room with a vertical keel, thereby transforming a simple little living room into a luxurious palace.

What is it about Roslina

This thicket looks like a rich tangle of bent stems, rich in green leaves and small thorns, and throughout the whole area there are scattered flower buds.

The stinks are distinguished from simple trojans because they need support, behind which stinks they follow.

Breeders worked on the breeding

majestic quantity

varieties that differ in color and size of the flower, length and bendiness of the stem..

There you can see an unusual peach color and the pine-like edges of the pellets. Flowers of this variety can be of different shapes, 2-3 pieces per pencil. Flowering occurs up to 3 times per summer.

There are large leaves of dark, saturated wood.

The resistance to illness is unbreakable to climatic minds.

Flower buds exude a faint aroma It grows up to 3.5 m, has lower and thinner leaves of emerald color.

The oval-shaped flowers, when opened, reach a diameter of 10 cm. The buds are brightly colored in a purple-red color

dark cherry colors , lower and oxamite pellets. The stinks are released one by one or collected in the kitty. A subtle, ice-catching aroma lingers. srіblestі.

Their diameter reaches 12 cm, and they have a strong pleasant aroma. The bush is not afraid of frost, is resistant to illness and can withstand the wind and the floor. The bush is brightly covered with leaves, large and sparkling. The stems reach a height of 3 m and cover an area of ​​up to 2 m.

Chorna Queen


The unusual name was chosen for the color of the bud pellets, which highlight the entire color with shades of black with burgundy or red tints. The knuckles are made into a bunch of pieces on the hands.

Flowers bloom all season without interruption.

The squashes have a delicate rye aroma. The length of the stem reaches 3 m, it is well woven onto a support, even longer than the buns. Frost-resistant variety

You can experience frosts in the winter hour up to 35 degrees.

An unshakable bush that can be easily felt both on the sunny side and in the shade.
The flowers come in russet-colored colors and are 8-10 cm in size. In color, the flowers are collected in batches of 2-3 pieces. The leaves are glossy green. The stems are tight and long.

Durability to illness is average. Having looked at the curly plants that will bloom all summer, you can choose the variety to plant in your area. For this purpose, you need to choose a planting place and become familiar with the planting procedure and look after this beautiful flower.

In order to prevent the gardens from drying out and freezing, it is necessary to cover them with soil and sand up to 25 cm in height when planting in the spring.

They also need to be covered for the winter, protecting them from severe frosts.

Before applying them to the soil, it is necessary to carry out preparation.

For this reason, the sajants must be soaked in water.

It is necessary to remove the leaves from the fences and use pruning shears to remove any damaged or damaged fences. Next, shorten the root to 30 cm, also including the above-ground part. Sajants must be disinfected by adding 3% copper sulfate.

Centerless planting begins with the preparation of holes, digging their tracks measuring 50x50 cm and at a distance of 2-3 m one way at a time.

The root of the garden should be placed loosely in the pit so that it does not rot in the heat, and the wood chips should be spread at a 10-centimeter point level with the ground.
Fill the hole with earth to a height of more than half and compact it a little so that it lies well to the roots, then water the sage.

After absorbing the water, close the hole completely and plant the plant to a height of 20 cm.

autumn planting

With the influx of cold weather, the height of the subglottis rises even higher.

When planting in spring, we protect this hump from the wind and sun.

Since there are no boards, it is necessary to water such a garden after 5-6 days.

After 3 years, the soil and the trees will warm up, resulting in gloomy weather, including a sharp temperature drop.

Improvement follows: treat once with nitrogenous fertilizers, and then again with complex ones.

The stench may be different or dry. At the beginning of the winter season, use rare essential minerals according to the instructions. After 10-20 days, water the bushes

organic goodness

: take a bucket of cow milk and dilute it with 5 buckets of water, add 3 kg of ash.

The mixture is diluted with water according to the instructions: a liter of water per bucket of water, water the roots. This will help the plants bloom brightly, and the buds will be brightly fermented. With this method, the plant should be incubated until mid-summer, and then it is necessary to squeeze out the nitrogen fertilizers and begin to set the phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in order to prepare the plants before winter. It is important to ensure precise dosing of the dosage, otherwise you may damage the Trojans. Pruning climbing trojans in the spring

Using a scraping method

horny bushes

є shaping a beautiful crown, maintaining a healthy body and trimming a strong and

long blooming . Newly created trojans grow long stems over the summer, which are laid on the ground and crooked for the winter.

In the spring it is necessary to treat the frozen parts and bend the ends of the legs to the first point.

Then pruning should be done in a long period of time so that the plant blooms again.

If you color the flowers once, the flowers appear on the other strips and then there will be nothing on them, they will disappear altogether.

The tiredness of the bush releases the hopelessness of young branches, as if the oncoming fate is to bloom.