Tsіkavі bagatorіchniki for the garden. Bagatorichny decorative roslini - what you need to know about their growing

Bagatorichni decorative roslins ideal for the garden. Once having adopted their planting, stretching the old fates, you will watch over their growth and flowers, calling for watching over them to a minimum. Zavdyaki majestic assortment of bagatorіchnikіv you can only get by with these roses, creating, be it compositions in your garden.

1 Ornamental bagatoric herbs and bagatorichniki - what is the price?

Under bugatorium gardeners, gardeners most often learn about growing trees, which save their decorativeness in one place by stretching two and more rokivs. For that you don’t give a pardon, as if you’ll go to the bagatatoriks in the bushes of trojans. Proteza for the sake of simplicity, razuminnya razrazryat razraznyat groups of bagatorіchnyh roslin.

Bagatori-chnі kviti - decorative bagatori-chnі herbaceous roslini with beautiful tickets. Up to the tsієї group one can see pіvonії, aistry, lilies, sprouts, poppies, carnations, іrisi, delphіnіumi, buttercups, mallow, phloxi, chrysanthemums, echinacea, enotheri, lobelії, coreopsis and richly others. To tsієї grupi bring also hosts and geyheri, wanting to grow them for the sake of the garnet leaf.

Bagatorichniks are ornamental grassy bushes, in some of them only the ground part is not a tree. In this group, it is customary to heal as beautifully fluffy, and the leaves for the garden. Lavender, rosemary, shavlia, іsop, veres, santolina, ferns - these are the richest roslins that should be called bagatori.

Ornamental gardens - up to the tsієї group bring bagatorіchniki, ground parts of some kind of villages, for example, trojandi, spirea, barberry, buzki toshcho. Decorative tree so you can mentally see to the group, if you want to know the landings and watch over them, you can do it right.

2 Decorative quilts - light-loving and shade-loving bugs

For their classification, bagatoriums are also divided according to the type of laying nirok, the nature of the leaves, the information will be more familiar to botanists, lower gardeners. What is good for the gardeners to know, so the setting grew up to the sun. From the days of the day and the tutors, we know that with the full sun you can take over 3 years of direct midday sleepy shifts for the day, pivtin - about 3 years of direct sleepy shifts of the day, or in the evening and shading in the middle of the day. It is good illumination for a long day, let it be without direct changes, so it is important to drink.

The muddy zone signifies illumination by direct daylight for about 3 years at the middle of the day and the illumination of the entire hour is finished. The Іsnuє y understanding of the rozrizhennogo, rozіyanogo svіtl - roslina visvetlyutsya protyazhy day krіz not thicker leafing or other shift.

Decorative flowers-perennials themselves tell gardeners about their achievements: gray-green, gray, bluish, yellow, stringy, purple leaves, leafing with fluff or waxy coating - these are true signs that without a bright sun you will not reach garni bright color, even in such a leaf there is less chlorophyll. Without sun, you can’t grow eystries, poppies, hairs, tulips, phloxies, pivonia, hyacinths, daylilies, daffodils.

Tenevitrivali roslini good growth like a zatіnku, so і with pink clarification. Some of them get rich before the trees are covered with leaves, and spend their period of peace in the darkness. Iris, astilbe, primrose, aquilegia, dicentri, streaks and streaks, pershotsvets can be seen up to the whole group ... Shade-loving bagatori growers help you in quiet weather, as if you waved their hand at the shaded area under the trees or parkan. Astilbe, angelica, honeysuckle, kupena, euphorbia, niv'yanik, ferns, primroses, hosts - you can help create whole compositions in shaded areas.

3 Bagatorichni decorative roslini for the garden - general planting rules

The most important for bazaar tickets, if you take a seat in your garden, become your first river of life. Give them special respect during this period, and your work will pay off a hundredfold. Otzhe, you were assigned to the Roslins and they brought their sadzhants. There are two options for the development of the subdivision:

  • sadjants came to you at peace;
  • bagatorіchniki caught the way to come to life.

At the first moment, as it is still frosty in the yard, pick up the roses in a cold place, so that you can insulate the balcony or wind the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. Likewise, on the streets of spring-grass, a few days before planting, look at the root or the bagator bulb for dry and loose roots, shorten the root, which has grown, and bury the bagator for a year as a growth stimulant, which will signify a good development of the root system .

Choose suitable for that or else there is a place for your kvіtnik, focusing on us for the benefit of that other bagatorik in sleepy exchanges. If you have miserable soil on your farm, try to fertilize it with compost and pus and dig it up in the fall.

The hole under the planting of the roslin is to resurrect the growth of the root system of the roslin less than twice - then you can freely plant it, without dying the root.

Bagatorichnik is guilty of having rooms near the hole in such a rank, so that the root neck was a few centimeters lower than the earth. Root can be buti evenly spread around the perimeter of the hole. Having spread the bagatorichnik in the hole, sip the root with the earth and tamp the soil well, after which water the dewdrop clearly.

At another vapadku, if the bagatarians have slipped, before planting in the ground, give them a check in the mountaineers, regardless of the weather on the streets. When the hour comes, dig a hole an order of magnitude larger than a miner's heap of earth. Viymayuchi bugatorichnik, try to get along with the minimum poshkozhennye breasts of the earth, and rather go without them. Roslin can be placed in the hole at once with the breast, it is your responsibility to regulate the planting depth, orienting on the root neck. Gently add soil to the hole and tamp it firmly, water it.

It is a good idea to recommend visadzhuvati bagatorichnі decorative rosliny, adding space between them, which is necessary for a grown-up bagatorichnik, so that you are guilty of restoring the residual height and perebachuvani form. At such a time, you happen to look at the back of the garden. If you don’t want to create such a picture - to plant more flowers, so that for 2-3 years of their life between them there was no more empty land left.І navіt yakscho as a bagatorіchnikі in the early days of taking off their susіdіv, їh you can always add and plant them.

4 Zagalnі rules to look after roslins

More bugatorical flowers and chagarniks nevibaglivy, prote deprive your garden without respect, all the same, not a trace. First, sip mulch around the garden. Cream decorative function, mulching is one of the simplest and effective ways save the water from the soil. Until then, the mulch will tame the growth of the weeds.

In a different way, at least 3 times grow the growth in your garden with complex fertilizers. The first time is to fall on the growing season, the other is the hour of ripening of the buds or the opening of the first colors, the third is, for example, the flower, for such a moment it is best to add goodness with potassium and phosphorus, without nitrogen instead.

Thirdly, water the roslinas as needed. If it is necessary, the weather may be dry, if the balloon of mulch is to be rolled up, the water will be near the soil. Water under the roots of the roslin, loosen the leaves and the flowers are not necessary. Warm up the water early on in the sun. cold water, having spent on leaves, you can call out opiki.

Fourthly, regularly go through the garden with scissors or pruners and see the leaves, which can be cut or dried up. Try not to let the new year appear - the bagatarians spend a lot of energy on the "anniversary" of the new year and bloom less. Until then, in view of the trimmings, your quilt looks richly ohaynish.

Fifth point - support the growth. Bagatorichniki can under a vagary of vlasnyh kvіtіv or gіlok zlamatisya or prinaimnі squeezing to the ground, so you can’t even embellish your garden. Pіdpіrki mаyut buti neutral colors, schob on aphids roslin stench were unremarkable.

The sixth point - its own rose bushes. Bagatoriční kvіti sooner or later the flooring grows, which is spent decorative look and navіt stop blooming. For vikonannya tsієї clumsy operation, it is best to choose early spring or late autumn.

Kviti - tse vbrannya, whether it be a yard, a garden, a land lot, stink like life with farbs and create a lull. The flower bed is different, so for all life it is impossible to transplant all the flowers. Shoroku re-visajuvati kvіtniki nabridaє, and front door want a mother of all. The best option is to plant bugatory garden flowers: 2, they will please you independently, they do not need to be looked after. From bagatorіchnіv vykonuyut miraculous compositions, but it is necessary to choose the right color and form, so that it would be correctly designed. I know a lot of seeing such roslins, we will talk about them for a little while.

Why are the bagatorists better than the "relatives"? Obviously, one-way tickets are a monster sight for summer time, but more often than not, flowers give priority to bagatorists. The main reason for this choice is the long-term bloom of the roslin, the stench blooms in the spring, and the blooms of late autumn end. Bagatorіchniki toil a number of advantages:

Such bugatorical suites for summer cottages grow like rocks in one place, and are not viable, take root with other quarters without any problems. Representatives of the growing world are seen in all lands.

Assortment of choice of bagatorichniki in various varieties, head potik - all herbaceous plants, ale and chagarniki, one at a time, there is an unusual composition of various species and forms. Landscaping the garden with rich flowers is not only easy for the work of the master, but also to manage richly cheap. Odnorichny roslina should be bathed in a short time, and bagatorichni enough to come once, and then exchanged with sucid saplings.

Single letters look unique and gaudy, but bagatorists can also be hostile constructions, as if they are correctly grouped in height.

Beautiful tall bugs

High-growing bastard flowers are vicorated in various purposes: some plant them for a wild flower in the garden, others to decorate the parkana decoration, and others to bring them to the background for addition to the kvtnik.

Tall-growing bugatorical growths are also different, one of the best species of stock-trojand. Tsіkava kvіtucha roslin, scho volodye not only to unusual flowers, but also to decorative leaves. It's hard, terry two-meter stalks guess at the sight of pivonia.

On the sites on the Internet there are bagatoric tickets for the dacha - a photo with names, and the list includes Tricirtis Purple Beauty, the name is similar to a lily or an orchid. Such a rose will embellish your garden with wonderful flowers from the middle of summer to the end of spring.

It is a familiar, unviable, tall sapling, which leaves its erysipelas ideally with the trees in the garden, so that the sight of the growth with the skin of the summer month changes.

High-growing kvіtniki are released in the other half of the year, so that through massive undertakings the vegetative process develops more, then, if all the growth blooms, after a century of fall, you should leave, such a kvіtnik to embellish be-like a place. Deyakі creative people specially mayut kvіti so that the stench bloomed through the blue.

High-growing bugs - an ideal option to decorate the veranda, stretch out the ties of the walls, if the stench blooms, weed a nameless kazka. Budinok will become like an old castle.

Middle-growth red

In any garden, buti bagatorіchniki with a size of up to 80 cm, in the middle of kvіtnikarіv, the stench took away the name "medium-grown red". This is a wonderful design option for a home patio. Zvichayny nevibaglivy derevіy to embellish the dacha of chi budinok with picnic flowers. But do not forget that this variety of roslin can be over 20 species of varieties, so be careful with the choice.

The original bagatorical cards for the garden - rozheva rhodiola. It looks like other representatives of the dewy light framed by flowers and soft oval leaves. This view gives romanticism to the flower beds with dark flowers. A wonderful idea for decorating flowerbeds: dark blue single-colored flowers, and in the middle there is a rhodiolus. You can match the little princess among queens.

A beautiful composition emerges from openwork, colorful colors and medium-sized hairs, floksiv and monarda. Only in the right moment it is necessary to make the right arrangement, to protect the hour of flowering of the roslin, as if one flower will come out, and if they are at the fall, then the whole picture will be captured.

Middle-grown bugs are not viable, but they do not care about respect, as tall as they are suitable for embellishment, then middle-grown folded more, to those who happen to think about planting them.

Such flowers take root on the skin territory, in the areas close to the Krayny Pivnochi, you can plant medium-sized bugs and grow a unique design of the garden for the bazhanya.

Amazing low-growing bugs

There is another group of bagatoric kvitiv є kvituchy stunted representatives of the growing world. The stench is below 30 cm, and the vishukane color is a challenge to embellish the interior of the garden.

Head representatives of this mind are brothers. Kvіti bagatorichniki vіdznyayutsya vіd іnshih nevychaynyy form and neimovіrnym poєdnannyam vіdtіnkіv. If you plant them in rows, then we see that the flowers with a strong carpet cover the earth.

Quite tezh pidide for the decoration of the litter box, with marvelous pelyusts of a different color, to give subtlety and enchantment. Tіstechko sing the rozsadzhuyut uzdovzh parkan, sob to grind the garne of sharpening.

From many sights of low-growing bugs you can create an unimaginable composition, like a joyful eye, like at least two seasons. For example, the flowers look creatively, planted in rows, drawing two kinds of roslin.

How to see bagatorichni kvity?

Sadovі kvіti - bagatorіchniki not vymagayut resolute watchfulness, but it is impossible to deprive them of їх зімі without respect. So that the representatives of the roslin world delighted you for a long time, follow these rules for keeping an eye on the rich roslins:

  1. The right hour for the visitation of bagatorists is spring. It was clear that it was possible to plant flowers at a later hour, but not in the frozen ground, so before planting the stench grew in potters or containers and formed a root system;
  2. In the spring period, the flowers are most likely to take root and continue growing without teeth. The ideal landing hour is the end of the day, the ear of grass;
  3. For the first three days, water the bugs more often;
  4. Read the instructions before hanging out, so that the deacons can plant the autumn, stink the root system until the cold.

In the autumn, for example, in the spring, start roses of bastards, like a decorative rhizome, to which the stench is better to take kindly, lower cibulin.

Do not forget about the smut rule of the gardener "The earth is now kind, it is the responsibility of the month to pick up the colorful speeches, and only then can you hang the roses." To the one who grew the yakomoga earlier, fertilize the soil before transplanting, and then remember the rule.

Vibirayuchi bagatorichny kviti, the photo is not a smut, we must first marvel at the fact that we can endure the growth of winter, that in such weathers the stink is filthy to take the cold. And if you knew about the chain, then carry out the transplantation already in the spring, let the bagatorium survive the winter, then there are more chances to save the root.

So that the bastard growths embellished your garden, delighted the flowers for a long time, smut, hang them correctly.

6 nevibagly bugs

1. Lupine. Otherwise, it is called rich Bur'yan, the flooring is not viable and easily clings to whatever the weather minds, the place that grows among the stone slabs. Lupine has such a specialty: if the vines bloom, you can see the top, and the flower will bloom again.

you need

  • In the present hour, they are koristuyutsya with a drink overturned by the hour ornamental crops like hosti, astilbi, geyheri and geyherelli, buzulniki, black cohosh, stubble, sedumi, geranium, floxi khurtovinni.


Hosts nevibagly, wintering bugatorichniki. The stench is different for the height, for the zabarvlennyam of leaves and flowers. Oshatni stretching the summer season. Garni at compositions, at borders, on lawns there was water.

Geyheri have long been loved by kvіtkarami for the garne and rіzblene leaves, the compactness of the bushes and the increase in the color of the lower high-rise kvіtіv. Roslin does not like hot sleepy places. Better to plant a geyher in a pivtіnі, de bude enough light. Before the soil, it won’t be strong, the Crimea is dry and sour. Dry weather will require watering. Without a transplant, it can grow up to 5 years in one place, for the winter, mulch specimens that are old (older than 3 years).
Such varieties of geyher - and decorative leaves are red, can compete for the right to first with non-repeated hosts. Infestation of leaves in geyher has a palette of low-yellow-lemon to mayzhe black, white and silvery to golden-caramel colors. Deyakі mayut navіt kіlka vіdtіnkіv.

Geykhereli, roslin, taken as a result of crossing geykher. The stench is more vologodny, lower geyheri. Ale grows like in the sun, so in the dark.
Geykhereli sing like a shovel leafing with a little one, a compact bush shape and bloom brightly. It is not easy to grow them out of us.

Astilbi to embellish whether it is a garden. The stench will fit in to whatever the composition is. Nevibagly, dogovichnі, stіykі. Garne leaves adorn the roslin all season. Under the hour of flowering, the growth is simply miraculous. To love healthy soil without water, not to endure the sun. Vymagaє watering is less than three times dry weather.

Buzulniki - tse nadіynі bugatorіchniki, love volozhenі be-yakі, navіt clay ґrunti. Blossom at the pidloza muddy places, frosty, mayut garnet leafing high elegant dress. Without a transplant, they grow up to 10 years. Looks great with water. Multiply in those divisions of the bush.

Black cohosh when planted in pvtіnі and on the laid soil with additional organic matter grows up to 20 years in one place without transplantation. Do not swear to cover for the winter, vitrivaliy. When planting on a dormouse field, watering should be done in the order of the growth, so that the root zone will be shaded and the water will be protected. Compositions of hostas, bergenia, geyhers, astilbes look even better.

The window sill is a roslin for a natural garden. Height up to 2 meters. Vitrivala, winter-hardy, decorative, nevibagly, honey-bearing rose, flowers on sleepy areas the one at pіvtinі. A lover of adding soil to adding humus. Maizhe is not afraid of shkidniks, krim miner.

Sedumi or sedums give priority to loams or food soils. Wanting to adapt to any kind of ground, de there is no capacity. Surprisingly alive. Represent a great group of roslins with upright or flat shapes. May be decorative leaves, color only with the presence of light, add bdzhil. Practically do not require pіdgodіvlі. They hover around the darkness and spend their shaky look.

Geranium, bagatorichna roslina, yake vіddaє vyvagu zlozhenim humus soils. Breathe in life, cherish flowers. To love the sun, the growth of pіvtinі. Pіdіyde for planting at rockeries, on stony gіrkah. When planting with trojans or lilies under the shackles, it’s summer in the air hanging on the ground.

Phlox hairy deshcho having established its leadership position. Ale z looking at all the advantages of the unviable growth, the diversity of varieties for height, zabarvlennyam, aroma and trival flowers, the growth will again be among the favorites. Adzhe in our country is a famous variety, which turns over for its decorative qualities that out-of-the-ordinary durability.

Selecting flowers for the garden and the city, you can’t do without smart singles, like allowing you to create flowers uninterrupted bloom without special zusil. Іsnuє impersonal design solutions for the creation of kvіtnikіv at the dacha vlasnoruch.

It is practically impossible not to see in any garden. cities kvіtnik, I want the simplest. Kvituchі roslini zdatnі nadat іndivіdualny style dаchnіy dіlyantsі i povnistyu remake the garden.

For gardeners-pochatkіvtsіv - non-viable kvіtuchі odnorichniki

Like the rulers of a summer cottage - people are already busy and cannot afford good watcher for quotas, do not get enough proof, they follow the respect for the nevibagly Quiet one-liners, as if it were easy to blame Trival on dry land and light-wooden boards, hard soil and light shade. Before such roslins one can see a lot of one-liners, like they bloom without interruption early spring until the late autumn, giving a staggering look to the village and caring for the Christmas mood of the rulers, as they periodically come to the village.

Kvіtuchі odnorichniki

  • black-brown vіdhilenі or upright;

  • single floxi;

  • mouths;

  • calendula;

  • violets;

  • aistry;

  • nasturtium and a lot of other nonviolent quotes.

Klumby and kvіtniki do it yourself - it's easy

You can hang them on a flower bed or in a flower bed in front of a house, at once from the spring cibulin flowers, so that the stench embellished the flowers of the village, since, as the daffodils and tulips flourish, they themselves see the garni of the nevibagly flowers of the uninterrupted flower. Good look rabatki with undersized odnorichnik vdovzh garden paths. You can create a composition of them in a large group of middle lawns, in the form of a border for a quilt, a wall, or in a rock garden. At the skin garden individual features maids and demonstrating the artistic taste of the master.

To bring the growing number of the growth to a sleepy light, it is necessary to choose for it good lighting of the delyanka, prihovani in the strong pivnichnyh winds. Also, they need periodic supplementation with mineral fertilizers. With such a clumsy sight, it is possible, without special efforts, to take flowers of uninterrupted bloom, as they will delight the rulers in the garden-city all season - from early spring to late autumn.

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Buying garden plot Unexpected summer residents often do not know how to plant bugatorical flowers in flower beds. In this season, it is important to choose the unsightly growths, as if they did not have a good eye, but rather gladdened their masters in the flowers of the flowers.

For pochatkivtsiv kvіtnikar_v іdealnі will be nevibagly bagatorіchniki for the garden, shcho not vymagayut shorіchno ї planting. Like a visage, the stench of ancient fates will continue to delight their lords with delicate flowers and a pleasant aroma.

Herbaceous pivonia: landing that sight

Known as the leaders of the middle category of roslyn - pivonії, who are slacking off (herbalists). Tsya called the rich colors for the dacha in a different way in terms of their characteristics. Roslini buildings flourish in one city for more than 20 years, without special respect. Navіt posle tsvetіnnya delyanka embellish their glossy, rіzblene dark green leaves. Having hung on your farm a sprat of varieties of herbaceous pivony, fluffy day time, you can successfully decorate the plot for the whole season.

Irrespective of those who are steady and unviable growers, deacons are able to watch the pivons who are slacking off, all the same, they know:

  1. To protect the public brighter color, required two years for the growing season with a complex mineral fertilizer

  2. After the flowers, it is necessary to see the flower-carriers, not to eat the leaves.

  3. For the winter, you should see the entire above-ground part of the growth and cover it with a ball of mulch or spruce branches - for protection from winter. Tsya Umov is already respectfully dorimuvatisya in the regions of Suvorim winters. In a mild climate, they winter well without shelter.

Transplant pіvonії, scho wilt, only necessary if necessary - as if the bushes became too wide, and the kvіti became frizzy. On the whole, landing that watch over the grassy pivonies will not require a good hour.

Lily Asian hybrids - for unexperienced gardeners

Another type of non-vibrant bugs is lily of the Asian hybrid variety type. Breeders gave such a name to the bagatoric leaves for the dacha, they bred the leaves of marvelous beauty from the wild look of the Daurian lily. We urge you not to be afraid of frosts, not to be able to eat before the warehouse of the soil. The only thing that needs these colors is a large amount of sony light, calm watering and sparse refreshment. Hanging a sprat of tsibulin tsikh roslin, you can create a roaring kvіtnik, which is to congratulate the mustache of that guest. Today's selection promotes lilies of Asiatic hybrids with a different form of flowers, vines that bloom at a different hour, from spring to autumn.

Other non-vibrating bagatories for the garden

Troyanda- Help decorate the garden. Vibrating that having planted in the garden saplings of Canadian trojans of various varieties, you can enjoy the aroma of those rich flowers of rich rocks. All Canadian Trojans are called not to be afraid of low temperatures, they may not be fooled by the poor and sick, but the flowers erysipelas can be continued from the first half of the cherv until the first frost. This is the name of the bugatorical letters for the dacha to look like a type of selection - this type of trojans was introduced over 100 years ago in the harsh Canadian climate.

Popular with gardeners, floxi bagatoric tezh can become the right color of the house and the pride of the master. So that the flowers bloomed brightly, it is necessary to replant them once for 3-4 rocks, not giving a bush baguette phlox thicken superficially.

astilba- Another nevibagly bagatorichnik. Thinned hair and openwork leaves, flowers and decorative growths are not less than a vletka, but they decorate the garden until the frosts themselves. Їx vicorist in mass plantings on lawns, for creating a decorative background for others fluffy roslins, for decorating unpretentious foundations and fences. When landing, that watch for astilba does not require special knowledge, you can induce a newcomer.

Vicoristuuuuuuuchi different types and sorts of non-violent bastard flowers near the garden, you can create a unique holiday, which saves decorativeness the whole season and does not require special attention.

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Up to the ground-covering bagatorichnikiv, one can see a great number of roslins, like buildings growing rapidly, occupying the entire free area of ​​the soil, and satisfyingly succulent, brightly blooming or green kilim.

you need

  • - Ground cover plant or rose garden;
  • - Garden;
  • - tools for hanging ground-covering growths;
  • - Take a look.


The ground-covering growths are successfully planted not only for decorating small plots under trees and bushes, but also for folding curbs, decorating the edges of paths. The ground cover is chosen either low - from 5 to 15 cm or medium height - 25-30 cm.

behind colors you can create contrasting "islands" with vikoristanni fluent bagatoriks, you can win single green colors or else combine the growth with the lines of the leaves. On what kind of solution did you think, smut, that the robot brought you joy, and the result is satisfaction.

Retelny choice of ground covers for landscaping is important and even, if it is necessary to fill the space in front of the main panorama of the roslins, which is already in the open. Even more popular in the rest of the world is the landing of trojans to spread. All the more effective growths, so that no special zusils are visible for the minds of the minds to grow. Roses that creep are short, they multiply in branches that grow on the ground. The streams independently take root, creating new bushes, in such a rite, they quickly fill the territory they have seen. All sorts of trojans that spread, start to bloom once in a season, the flowers are simple, of a small size, the color is bright and clear. For successful growth and intensive coloring of trojans to spread, it is necessary to trim bushes to a height of 15-20 cm. early spring.

Another type of very popular roslin for filling empty plots between plantings is soil-covered conifers. The stinks are decorative, they grow fast, and the stench of the head is evergreen, and inspire and grow, if other growths cannot beautify the garden, the conifers look charming and elegant. Most often, there are numerous varieties of low-growing yalivtsyu, split on a low trunk of weeping modrin, microbiota.

In plots with sufficient lighting, there are widely vicorous and such low-growing chagars, like a variety of barberry, to creep, see different heather, low-growing varieties lavender and others.

Properly, vmіlo i Zi gusto pіdіbravshi ґruntopokrivnі Roslin for garden vie, when mіnіmalnih vitratah forces i hour, zmozhete stvoriti chudovі, zatishnі that privablivі for vіdpochinku kutochki garden SSMSC tsіly Year viglyadatimut doglyanutimi that akuratno, stvoryuyuchi vіdchuttya garmonії that Spock raduyuchi eye krasoyu that reminds your heart of pride.

Porada 5: Plant yakі bagatorіchnі dovgotsvіtі roslina in dachas

For a handful of impersonal summer residents to call for food, like flowers to plant on your own lot, so that wonderful flowerbeds have appeared, so that the flowers will be quiet for more than one season.

Tickets for country houseє natural adornment, to judge from vegetable beds or yagid bushes. Tim, who wants to plant flowerbeds for sprats of the season, and secure his dacha with a riot of farb from grass to leaf fall, you need to do the planting: it is better to choose bagatoric flowers, including cibulin and decorative breeds of chagarniks with colorful leaves.

Popular and simple options

Aistri bagatorichny, yakі mayut close to 100 different, є popular kvіtkoy. Velika palette of colors allows you to choose the appropriate color, which harmonizes or contrasts with other roslins; tse mozhe buti and white, rozhevy, violet and raspberry vіdtinok.

Aistry blooms for a long time with dwarf well-drained watering and well-drained soil. Dry kvіti bagan zrіzati.
Aistry at the dacha can grow scrambled, but they can not be planted on water plots. Visadzhuvati їх is required with a winder of 20 centimeters from each other.

One more Bagatoria ticketє lupine. Vіn_kalny svoїm with a sultry look twisted shape. Tsey dovgokvituchy bagatorichnik give majestic that food booth, sometimes even a dozhina reaches one meter. The color of the din is so self-recognized: yellow, red, white, purple and rozhevі kviti. Visajuvati lupins require 50 centimeters in front of each other.

Nevibagly ticket rudbeckia, or how її they call among the people "fire-kul" for a clear zhovti tickets We love summer residents. She doesn’t care about a special look, her height is close to two meters, through the tse її most often she hangs over the parkana as an embellishment.

With your favorite bagatarian flowers, you can see: lilies, pivonia, tulips, irises, chrysanthemums, georgia and chamomile. Tsі kvіti miraculously judge one with one and even unseen. The tulips bloom first, the flowers and irises come to replace them, and the riot of colors will end just like the lily flowers.

Zruchna simplicity

Bagatorіchnі dovgotsvіtі roslini mаyut impersonal plusіv for horticultural plots. First of all, there are so many varieties of them that it will be a pleasure to make a small update of the kvitnik. In another way, if you choose the right place for planting flowers, then the stench will increase the old days, without special attention. Thirdly, bugatory flowers are most often actively multiplying, why don’t you have to grow up on a large number of plants, the stench does not mean constant transplantation.

Remember about the elementary aesthetics, the flower bed is to blame but the harmony for obsyagy, rozmіrom and color.

But all the same, it is necessary to remember that, like and be-like a rose, bagatorichnі kvіti can make their own specialness. For the skin variety, it is important to correctly select the planting area, and also correctly determine the number of free space, as well as the growing time in the phase of active growth.

Kvіtnikari value ekhinatseyu for the simplicity of growing, beauty, unsightlyness and more importantly - the strength of the growth. Vaughn became more popular in the rest of the world. A lot of decorative varieties with original color flowers appeared.

God bless you in vіdkritiy ґrunt you can from grass to lime. Descend to germinate close to two years at normal temperatures of 20-22оС. Sijantsi need to be planted in 5-7 days after sowing. Echinacea is not viable at the watchful eye. Won to love the sun-lit mist, peacefully vologists and relatives.

On one spot, you can grow up to 5 years, then transplant the plants. I want to live for comfortable minds without a transplant up to 12-15 years. Irrespective of sufficient frost resistance, echinacea can freeze in cold winters. Therefore, in the autumn, the roots grew more beautifully mulched with humus, peat, old frayed thyrsos.

Such varieties of flooring are different, so that "fall to the yard" to bring on the most famous kvіtnikara. Masses of varieties of high and low ones with flowers simple, terry and chimerical. Infestation of white, light erysipelas, erysipelas-orange-brown to yellowish, red and two-coloured.

Echinacea is a unique roslina. It's over the top long-term color, from black to yellow. All varieties of echinacea are widely vicorous in the landscape garden decoration. Її hang out like in different kvіtniks, so in groups, especially garna on aphids on the lawn. Ekhіnatseї will join with low bugs, ground cover stonecrops, phloxes, asters.

Її, how dried flowers love floristry and widely zastosovuyut flower compositions. In addition, echinacea should stand at the sight for a long time.

Ekhіnatseya - miraculous nectar. Zapashnі roslini willingly see bdzholi. Dominions that grow in great number exinacea, otrimuyut the most juicy honey up to 130 kg per 1 ha.

Mustache parts of the growth, root, leaf, stem, succulence - the value of syrovin, for which it is necessary to prepare over 200 medicinal preparations. In the presence of an infusion, vіvara, an extract of exanacea, it zastosovut as an antiviral, antibacterial zasib, which affects the immune system of a person.

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Nevipadkovo, in the 19th century, floxi were already a popular gardening culture. Today, there are no equals in our gardens of floksіv. The hairy phlox is especially appreciated. It’s important for aje to know the culture, to bloom for a couple of months on the river.

Beginning to bloom in the cinci of chervnia medium smoothie In Russia, early varieties of phlox hairy pass on the baton to the middle ones and the bright ones until the very dawn.

In the given hour it was done majestic number cultivars. Most of them have a wonderful decorative quality, the receiving aroma of fluffy dews, but at the same time they subsided from their ancestors, stability and unsightlyness.

The floksіv have a lot of different colors, yakі pofarbovanі yogo flower. From the purest white and white with shades to erysipelas, buzkovyh, red, purple, salmon, violet, carmine, ink-dark. There is no more yellow tone in culture. And the diversity of the color of the eyes in the colors of the pavement of the flower, which is impossible not to be overwhelmed by beauty. Everything a designer can think of is just a kvitnikar-amator of effective colors.

Varto want it, you can choose whether it’s a tone for decoration beautiful garden, even if the group has a lot of varieties of early, fluffy, for example, cherries - on the cob of lime, the middle ones - fell litas, (linden - cob of sickle) and piznіh, fluffy from the sickle to strong autumn cold.

It is impossible not to say about the rippled forms of floksіv, like putting together a harmonious company of asters, georgines, cleomas, zinnias.

Floxi is even better charged with such superfluous sucsida - yak, daylilies, pivonia, iris, monardi, nivyaniki, aconity, heliopsis, clematis, goldenrods, stonecrops.

The stench naturally fits into the composition of the white water, in the classic mixborders, in the landscape gardens.

Alpіyska gіrka (alpіnаriy) - nіn_ fashionable element landscape design Europeans have been posed by the Japanese. It is a fantasy stone garden that imitates a mountainous landscape.

When laying stones, follow the principle of “great to small”, for the top, find a miraculous original copy. There are no hard rules for laying boulders; Mіzh brukіvki fill enough space for roslin. Plant dwarf trees, chagars, add mosses to the composition.

Roslini for alpine girka pick up non-violent ones, so that the stench looked as natural as possible in the “Girsk region”. Geraniums, sedums, carnations of perist, voloska hirska, chicory, tirlich, Carpathian twinkle, alpine edelweiss and many others are among the beautiful flowers of bagatorichniks. Originally looking in a stone garden is a decorative cybula. A beautiful embellishment is a primer coat, such as a naschadkovy breaker, a yaskochka, a bright spot. The stinks grow, frame the boulder, fill the space with themselves and create the appearance of a right mountain shila.

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Bagatorichniki - the basis of the garden. It is impossible to reveal a cage without bugs. The stench itself creates a unique look, it has been given a key role in the creation of landscape design, garden compositions that flower bed. During the current cold weather, the annuals die, and the bagatoric winter growths form the architecture and geometry of the garden. The stinks of the first delight us with the hanging greenery of young pagons and first leaves.
Bigger bugatories near the garden are blooming richly single roslins through those who on the back of the cob grow growths of green mass. І for the beauty of color is often given to single colors. Then the stench allows you to significantly save strength, an hour and earn pennies.

The main advantages of bagatorists

The greater number of bagatorists in non-violent minds grows. The stench does not slander the clopota, like other growths. Bagatorichiki enough to hang out once and then it’s less likely to lift them up at the lean camp, there are no big turds with growing roses, hanging out that living. Deyakі bagatorіchniki grow in one place 5-7 that more rocks, and with skin rock, they become less beautiful. Saving money. Irrespective of those who today bagatorichniks can drink and at a richly seen price to reach the temple, the stench bathe once on a rich rock. With a year of growth, grow, grow and grow, you can become a source of income. Most of them stand to low winter temperatures, frost. The stench is privablivi protyazh season, іnkoli well - і vzimku.

The soundness of garden compositions with bagatoric trees can be changed from rivers to rivers, hanging between them with single flowers, arranging mountaineers with exotics or pidsajuyuchi new growths.
You can buy bagatories for different compositions from our roslyn grower! Mentally, they can be divided into groups according to height, size, lines of color, decorative features and other characteristics.

Ground cover bagatorichnik in the garden

Tsі nevibaglivі roslini s stalks, scho call, vykoristuyutsya with folded rockeries, osipіv, alpinarіїv, kilimovyh flowerbeds and white edge of garden paths. You can hang on the schilas, build the foundations of the fence, vzdovzh borders, under the trees and between the stones. The stinks make up the little ones' cups, or the whole kilimi kilimi.
In the midst of them, I’ll see a tenacious varto, as if it’s a building, and beautifully fill the entire vision of its expanse. Krіm ієї nevibaglivostі zhivuchka koristuєtsyu popularity among gardeners through іє єєєєєєєє єєєєї єєєєї єії єєїї їїї їїії їїїї їїї їєїїї їїїї їїї ї єїїїї їєїї їєїєєєєєєєє їєєєєєє єєєєє єєєєєє єєєєєє єєєєєєєєє with the glare of the color. Ripple forms with white strokes and horn-violet zabarvlennyam. On the cob of summer, a tenacious flower blooms with modest erysipelas with black tickets, like a miraculous look at the aphids of an invisible leaf. Zhivuchka vіdmіnno go with the same unviable roslins, serve as a contrasting background for roslin with erysipelas, black and buzkovy kvitami, light green and lemon colored leaves. The tenacious woman saves her decorativeness and bribe.
To the nevibagly bugs, varto can be seen and such ground covers as acquired, arabis, awl-shaped phlox, yaskochka, chistets with plush slatted leaves and nibi lacquered European kopiten. Larger primhlivy, ale neimovirno beautiful ground cover - tirlich, winter thyme with leaves of lemon color or with a thin white oblyamіvkoy, m'yaka, yak oxamite, bryozoan.

Borders, or low-growing gardens

Most often, there are ridges on the first plan, bridle paths and like a border around the flowerbeds or chagarniks. The stench is not less beautiful in small groups. In the middle of them, there are growing lines with cut or lined leaves (pakhisandra verkhivkova, remove ripples, decorative polynes, santolina). Like a border, you can vicorist and various varieties of geyher and geyherella, miniature hosts, fluff buy armer and decorative cibules, and also call it alium.

Middle-growth bugs for the garden

This group of herbaceous bugs with a height of 30-80 cm is the widest in our gardens. Before her one can see roses of red-peony, lilies of the most named zabarvlen, zapashnі lili, hosta, monarda, echinacea, amazing astilbe, phloxi, rudbecki, bagatorichni aistry. And why is there a variety of colors of the lower ones and the great German irises!
The smells remind our gardens with the aroma on the cob of summer and, with a competent selection of varieties, delight with their notes from the end of the grass to the end of the black one. Daylilies in the fallow in view of that variety can bloom almost all summer. Floxi embellish our gardens, if the rich trojans grow after the first bloom of flowers. And bugatorichnі aistry bloom doti, the docks of їhnі lower kvіti do not cover the right frost.

Tall mushrooms

Pong add dynamics to the garden. Їх vtechі, scho to climb up the hill, screw up your respect from afar, stench ideally look at the background of flowerbeds and rabatok. Blue, white and black "candles" of dolphiniums miraculously look between the bushes of trojans, at the center of the flowerbeds with singles, groups of parkans and gazebos. These effective colors sometimes reach more than 100 cm at the height! With proper trimming, the delphinium can please one flower, for example, the summer.
Do not give in to dolphins and distant relatives of trojans - mallows (or stock-trojans). Modern varieties may have large terry colors from white and lemon, peach-and-rye colors to bright-red, deep-burgundy, violet and black colors. In severe frosts, the mallow can behave like a janitor, so for the winter it is better to open the singed leaves or spruce branches.
The tіn_ leader among bagatorіchnіv є volzhanka. Vaughn is attached to her invisible leaves, and during the flowering period she rejoices with her lower white quilts. Violet and erysipelas flowers of the window sill stand out invisibly on five-meter-high burgundy stems and lower-bouzkovi flowers of the basilist.

Tіnyovitrivali bagatorіchniki

Navіt y tіnі you can create even more pleasant kvіtnik, reminiscent of the aroma of a stream of hoarding and mystery. Here the persist was sung by the name of the host, yak deservedly took off the name "Queen shady garden". Geyheri miraculously coexist with her, lower aquilegs, carved ferns and strings of lungwort, and wild dicentra and lower kupena. Even though the shade is not very strong, here you can grow and lower lilies, brunner, periwinkle. Vibirayuchi rosliny for tіnі, slіd vіddavati vіddavati vіdvagі groupі іnіvіtrivalіkh bagatorіvnіv, аdzhe svіtоlіvіnі roslini will not be so ostentatiously blooming, like in the sun, and deyakі ripples will not show themselves in all beauty or change the color.

Dry bugs

Volagolyubny bugatorichnik near the garden

It’s not rich, but it’s the deaks of bagatori, yaki give the priority to the orphan missions. This is the marsh and German iris, more host, Volzhanka, buzulnik, hydrangeas, turf, more lianas, which are the main ones found in the sun. It is good to endure the increased moisture of kopiten and periwinkle, bryozoan, yasnotka, sleep, decorative sorrel, convaliya travneva.

Proper look after bagatorіchniki

Bagatorichniks for the garden of the zdebіlsh nevibagly and stіykі to unfriendly minds. Ale yak and be-yak іnsha roslin, chuyni on turbotu that sight. So that your kvіtnik always looks good, it is recommended to follow some simple rules.

For the daylight fall, bagatorichniks should be watered. It is especially important for young, not yet mature growths of the first planting date. The best watering is the root. So the vitrata of the driver changes, and the risk of developing illness is significantly reduced.

Vykoristannya bagatorіchnіv in landscape compositions

Bagatorichniki can be seen in groups and one by one. Rose bushes of action, or neat bushes of spirea miraculously look like in the middle of a lawn, so in the center of the flower bed, or near the other horticultural gardens and unicorns. When folding garden compositions, care should be taken to expand the growth of mature growths, growth rate, and especially reproduction. And also a warehouse to the ground on a dilyantsі that mind growing. Change the color of the edging until the end of summer, add a different color, or wear out typical for spring Yaskraya color. Before the speech, from the host, majestic monochrome flowerbeds appear: vibrating growths of different height and width, with different leafy leaves (in the form of matte gray and lemon-yellow to glossy dark green and blue), with contrasting obliamivkoy, swaggering leaves and worms create an incredible composition.
Joden mixborder is impossible to reveal without miracle "candles"
