See the dwarf blakitny yalinkas. How many fates does the yalinka grow in, so that for a couple of days you can decorate the holy

Vitchizna blakytnyh yalinkas Northern America, where two states - Utah and Colorado - have their symbol. And before speaking, it’s amazing that there are only two - even though it’s important to see a beautiful tree, you don’t know for sure what the bright one is. How much the black yalin grows and how quickly the black yalin grows, it is imperative that we lay down before the growth of the black yalin.

In the natural minds of the Fatherland, there are trees over four hundred branches and branches up to fifty meters long. How long the black yalina tree is alive in the garden is unknown, because decorative gardeningі landscape design The vicor tree is less than a hundred years old. And the yalinka grows, doesn’t croak anywhere, adding ten centimeters per river.

Blue yalina. Yak Saditi

Sinya yalina koli saditi: It’s best in the spring, and it would be nice to catch that moment when the soil has already swelled and warmed up, and the tree has not yet begun to tip over. Since you haven’t caught up with the spring, but you want this beauty to settle down in the garden, you can get busy this summer.

Look forward to a period of not specky weather, but rather a cold sun and planting - sooner than ever, the yalina will take root. And from landing the dark yalines of spring will not lead to anything good- You’ll be in trouble for the Sajanets. If you use blueberry yalinkas for planting vikorysts - your tree is growing, but may not be melodious at all black color. It would be better for him to get the sardzhanets from the retailer.

Blue yalina. Viroshuvannya

We learned how the black yalina reproduces with live bait, and we also learned that for planting it is necessary to cultivate the gardens so as not to waste the decorative effect. If you plant it, but right it, now it is necessary for the yalinka to take root and retain its beauty for a long time. The shards of blackberry yalinka don’t know very well that it’s snow and frost, and it’s good to endure the stench of winter. And fragments of their wild relatives may grow on rocks; special soil may not be prepared at the site.

If you don’t want to stop the growth of a thirty-meter giant in your garden, but want to further admire the toy-like black tree in the coniferous conifer, you may forget to water it, or water it as many times as necessary. survive, and the axis of growth will be stronger. Saplings, when grown as mature shoots, require regular watering and are more likely to take root in dormouse areas.

Why does the black yalina dry up?

Blakytna yalina guessed - since you didn’t replant the tree when it was mature, it’s not recommended to do so, since blakytny yalina are too bad to tolerate, then there can be two reasons. There was a long period of speckled weather that followed your departure - and the tree did not take away the necessary amount of water. Abo fungal infection. And those who are otherwise right and not in your great beauty, which, with a diligent and completely unpretentious observation, can calm you down with fate, decades, or your future lives.

It is no secret that the skin tree, as well as everything that lives on earth, has its own term of life. Representatives of these tribes are often quite short-lived, while others can live for centuries. So, you can’t call sea buckthorn a long-lived plant - the average one has 25-30 years. A quince can satisfy a people with its fruits for about fifty years. And, for example, sequoia and baobab, since they do not plant anything, can live for five thousand years. How many rocks has Yalina been alive? Today we’ll talk about it ourselves.

Let's find out!

These tabletops are more important for our eyes evergreen tree The Pine family appears to be included in longevity. Meanwhile, there is slaughter among the Yalinkas. That one, which is widespread in Europe and Russia, is called yalina zvichaina. In the Urals and Dalekom Skhod you can eat Siberian, and in the Caucasus - Skhidna. In Japan the growth is yalin Glen, in America - black, in China - short. But don’t go overboard with all the types, there are so many of them!

So how long has she lived to bring joy to children? new holy? The average price is 250-300 rubles. There are, of course, some faults. For example, in the historical province of Sweden, the dollar is growing Zvichaina Yalina on the planet. Just remember, we still respect that this century is 9550 years old! It’s hard to realize how much this prickly beauty has gone through... As Yalina quietly said, then, melodiously, she could reveal something rich and, of course, educational.

Chorna Yalina, who is taller in the United States, lives close to 350 years old. Other conifers produce amazing oval-shaped cones: young ones have purple hues, and the formed “sprouted” cones become a black-raspberry color. You know that you can use it to chop the famous wooden sticks for drying and other similar things.

Yalina Sitkhinska

How long has Yalina Sitkhinska, the symbol of Alaska, been alive? In the middle, as much as ours, it’s between 200 and 300 years. This marvelous chagarna, nearly a meter high, is becoming very popular in America in the design of parks, gardens and country plots. It turns out that such yalinkas can delight three generations of rulers with their beauty.

Now it’s amazing how many yalin reds are alive, growing in Scotland, New England and Canada. A few times more than our average eggs - up to four hundred roki. And she gave her name to the cones of a reddish-brown color.

Japanese beauty

And the axis of how many rocks is alive, the Japanese yalina, who can still be called elegant? Vaughn can boast of another trivial term of life: up to 500 years. Japanese yalina is prickly among its friends. And it grows in a balmy maritime climate, on the volcanic soil of the Pacific coast. As you know, perhaps, in these friendly minds lies the secret of the longevity of the fine yalinka.

Small visnovok

Well, now you know everything about how long Yalinkas can live. And on the eve of the New Year, by absorbing the fragrant redness, you can tell your children some stories about these miracle trees.

One of the most important, just at the same time the most beautiful trees Yalina is impressed. Few people can walk through a tree calmly without fixing their gaze on someone. And the stars are taken by the yalinka, how does the stink grow? The process of growing this tree is even longer.

What is more beautiful: nasinnya or live bait?

Let the yalina grow from the ground. The best news about the growth of yalin can come from foresters. The stinks clean up the topsoil of the earth, softening the soil for faster germination. The plant itself, stored in the cones of the yalinka, reaches maturity at the end of spring, but is often not affected by frost.

Yalina can still reproduce with live bait and even wood chips. Such forms of propagation are carried to garden plants. decorative yalinkas. Only a professional can handle them quickly. It’s easier to dry the yalinka from the ground, but you will have to watch it carefully so that it doesn’t dry out and freeze in winter.

Zrostannya and rozvitok yalinka

First pagoni or similar to pine. Young trees can grow quickly, and after only 10 years they can begin to grow, like the growth of yalinka, sharply increasing the rate of growth. And so it grows up to 100 years, or even a little more, and after this century the rate of growth of yalinka in height decreases.

Yalina can begin to bear fruit at 15 or 70 years. When strawberries grow in open places, they bear fruit earlier than those that grow among other trees. For the rich growth of Yalinka, Vologa and soft soil are important. Closer to the 10th century of the raspberry tree, its taproot dies out. And weak roots are found near the top of the soil, which is why trees suffer from wind damage.

Vik Yalinka

For those who don’t know how long a yalinka grows, we can say that a tree can live for hundreds of years. Make Yalinkas live 300 years. These are unique trees that can live for over 500 years.

Yalinkas are not afraid of frost. Spring frosts can cause detrimental effects on young shoots. Evergreen yalines grow up to 50 meters high, and the diameter of the drill can be up to 2 meters.

“The fox gave birth to an yalinka...”– before the New Year, forests in the Minsk region sold over 41,000 new trees. Once the red conifers reach a height of 1.5 m-code, you have to check about 10 rocks. Ten days before the New Rock they will be cut down. Then take it to Yalinka markets. Who among us doesn’t care about thoseHow many times does it take to grow the yalinka so that it can be beautifully decorated for as many days as possible?

Today, in place of a living new tree, there are many other options: piece yalinka to the trees in the boxes and carved with your own hands from available materials. : It is possible to create a new mood and save the life of the yalinka, which, among others, may have a low level of power, but to embellish the saint.

Yalinka people

Yak write Evgen Oliynyk on the website “Minsk-News”, for example, for the cob of the forest foresters collect cones in their territories, which are then transported from all regions of the region to the Republican forest selection plant one center near the village of Shchomyslitsa near Minsk - into an incubator for future eggs. Around 150 tons of pine cones are harvested here.

In special chambers, dry the pine cones until they are crisp, so that the liquid hangs. The seeding material is placed in the refrigerator for saving or transported to Belarus for further planting in forestry nurseries. There, all day long will be spent in a warm room. When the soil warms up sufficiently and becomes fluffy, they are mixed in the sowing section - in a separate nursery. Water the soil and prepare it with good things. Sajants grow across the river, which then grow at intervals of about a meter, so that they do not care to grow one by one.

Yakimi brown authorities Is there a green beauty?


Practitioners of “Minskgreenbud” give them their kviti and korіnya fruit trees to protect against rodents, as well as to protect the soil from freezing and erosion. The thought is broadened that the nasty bath brooms will come out of the paws. In fact, it’s better to work outside the box.


Previously, they chewed it to eliminate scurvy. Nowadays, medical methods are needed for the treatment of rheumatism, viral infections, ailments, cardiovascular diseases, courts, atrophy of the visual nerve, and multiple sclerosis.

When the Belarusian forests were brought to the standard by harvesting pine needles, which were rich in carotene and fat-rich vitamins (A, D, E). They added thinness to the food. After Saint Nina, you can bring your yalinka to the Minsk Zoo for the price of needles - camels.


Vikorists stand in front of us for preparation medicinal benefits with illnesses in the upper Dikhalnykh Shliakhiv This illness: cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. The stench will also help with sore throats, sore throats, flu, flu, and colds. Speech made from yalin cones boosts the immune system.


It is necessary for the production of paper and cellulose, suitable for the preparation of furniture, household materials and firewood.

Yak stink?

Practical Berliners use the yalinkas that have served in thermal power plants instead of vugill. The city's public utility workers respect that it's not just obvious how much money can be saved, but it's also worth it dovkilla, Adzhe Yalinki is an environmentally friendly product, since the stove practically does not see carbon dioxide.
