Thuja zakhidna "Tiny Tim".


Description -

Thuja occidentalis Tiny Tim

The dwarf evergreen chagarb with a thick, finely ironed crown is already growing rapidly. The characteristics of the leaves are lustrous, medium-green in color, and the leaves are flattened.
Guess a round mound. In 10 rocks, the height of the growth form is 30 cm, the crown diameter is 40 cm. The diameter of the crown of a mature growth is up to 1.5 m, height is 0.5-1 m. It grows extensively.
Light-loving. Until the soil is not flexible, tolerate dryness of the soil and above-ground fertilization, otherwise it gives the advantage of freshness, add fertilizing native loams.
Frost-resistant. Planting: single plantings, groups on rocky hills.
Needles: The needles are thick, dark green, and have short and dense needles.
Features of growth: Growth is increasing.
Priming: Until the soil is not flexible, tolerate dryness of the soil and above-ground fertilization, otherwise it gives the advantage of freshness, add fertilizing native loams.
Light: Light-loving.
Water: You can tolerate dry soil and supernatural soil.

Frost resistance: Frost-resistant.

USDA zone3.


Remediation should be carried out early in the spring, for which use any complex fertilizer (Kemira-Universal, etc.), 50-60 g per m2.

When the growing season begins, fluff the soil to a shallow depth (10 cm), thus covering the surface root system, and mulch (compost, peat, bark, etc.)

It is good for mature plants to withstand winter frosts.


However, they suffer from sleepiness during the spring period.

Therefore, they need to be adopted, especially the young ones.

In winter, tie the crown tightly with a stitch to prevent damage to the crown from wet snow. In the spring, damaged dry pastures are removed and sanitary pruning is carried out. Evergreens are a broadly rounded chagarb with vertical, short and densely spread branches, curled at the core, like a turtle.

The needles are dark green, bronze, and luscious.

Roslina, who is growing exponentially. Reaches a height of 0.5 - 1 m and a width of 1 -1.5 m. Grows on all fresh or soils, fertile soils, from acidic to moist.

Gives advantage to sleepy areas and light mud, which will be loose in the shade.

At the time of planting, water the sprouts more often, because The root system is compact and is not capable of self-cultivation from soil and soil. At the beginning of the year, it is recommended to water once a week during the dry season.

In order for the water to evaporate from the surface of the earth more, it is necessary to create a mulch with pine bark or cod (ball 5-7 cm), then watering can be carried out earlier - when the upper ball of the earth dries out. In the spring, for the uniform awakening of the sprouts, it is recommended to water them thoroughly. Vesnyane (kviten - grass) can be revived with nitroamophoska (30-40 g/m2) or with complex additives.

In spring (zhovten) it is necessary to add potassium fertilizer. When the growth is affected by fungal diseases (Fusarium, Schutte bure), treatment with fungicides (Hom, Topsin) is necessary. Preventive treatment against fungal diseases - in kvitna

  • Bordeaux's countryside
  • 1%. If the plants are infested with pests (Tuyeva Popelitsa), it is necessary to treat them with insecticides (Detsis, Aktara).
  • Perform the treatment twice at an interval of 7-10 days.
  • Among the dried coniferous chagarniks, which are to be vicorized in
  • landscape design , One of the most popular is the thuja “Tiny Tim”. This is a beautiful dwarf tree, but it does not require great efforts to look at it, and it is good to endure the unpleasant external minds.

Therefore, such a tree is suitable for gardeners who want to decorate their plot without much trouble.

Thuja "Tini Tim" - tse

dwarf variety

The ideal place for planting thuja “Tiny Tim” is the sunny side of the garden or a slightly shaded plot.

Stand between the trees for at least half a meter. With the courtyard method of planting between the rows of bushes, the distance between the trees is 0.4-0.5 m, with planting between the trees there is a distance of 0.5-0.7 m. The width of the alleys, which is recommended, is 5-8 meters, the interval between the thujas is but not less than 4 meters. Before planting the plants that are in the container, water them

great strength drive The hole in the ground must increase the dimensions of the container by approximately 2 times, so the depth reaches 60-70 cm. If there is ground water nearby, then create drainage by pouring a 20-centimeter ball of expanded clay or gravel yu to the bottom of the pit.

The same approach is necessary, since the soil is very important.

Fill the planting hole with mixed peat and dried soil in an even mixture.

For lands that take revenge

great quantity

Clay can be additionally added to a small amount of sand.

Spring revitalization includes a mixture of complex additives, for example, nitroamophoska in a quantity of 30 grams per m 2.

In the spring, it is necessary to give potassium trees a boost - it works best for the harvest. If thuja is infected with a fungus (fusarium and other diseases), it should be treated with special methods - fungicides. The greatest The root system is compact and is not capable of self-cultivation from soil and soil. effective drugs

respect Topsin and Home.

In the same way, you can carry out preventive brushing of the skin

concentration 1%. If pests are detected on trees, treat them with insecticides, such as Aktara or Decis. Any preventive or medicinal scrubbing should be repeated 10 days after the procedure.


Thuja “Tini Tim” – tse

frost-resistant variety


Once the tree has matured, it will not tolerate lower temperatures down to -40 degrees.

Special protection is required for recently planted thuja.

To do this, wrap them for the winter with a curly material, for example, agrofibre or burlap.

  • At the onset of spring, when the soil has not yet eroded, but the sun shines even more brightly, the tufts of the needles of young thujas may have fallen out.
  • To avoid this, from the other half of winter, grow the tree using covering materials or yaline spruce branches.
  • It will only be possible to grow trees once the ground freezes.

Take dry materials from the tree best on a gloomy day when there is no strong wind.

In the spring, they come out of the shelter, carry out all the necessary visits to look after the vegetation: removing the weeds, fermenting them with mineral fertilizers, watering.

They keep an eye on him like a mature tree.


The planting plant for planting thuja also does not allow the gardener to grow large zusils, but this process is more long-term, and is not propagated by livestock. Another peculiarity of planting in spring lies in the likelihood of losing the characters characteristic of the variety. You can buy it at a gardening store, or you can also pick it from a mature tree.

For whom should I collect from

autumn period

tea cones.

Then let them dry in a cool, dry environment.

  • After opening a piece of pine cones, the stuffing is pulled out of them, like putting bags on the linen, where they are saved until the first snow.
  • In late autumn, the bags are buried on the street near the snow.
  • Until spring arrives, stench naturally stratifies in areas of low temperature.
  • When the snow is gone, the plants are drawn out of the snow and planted in the beds with prepared soil (the soil must consist of the same components as when planting live bait), mulching is carried out with peat or thyrso.
  • After watering with cow pus, cover the bed with material that protects from direct changes in sun.

Until the territorial age, weeding, watering, cultivating and protecting the planting from temperature changes are regularly carried out.

The ternary one is planted, and after reaching the pentary age it is transplanted into a permanent bed following all the rules prescribed above. The best time to replant seedlings is in the spring, so that over the summer they can adapt as much as possible to their new place of residence. Vykoristannya in landscape design As a decoration for the garden, thuja “Tini Tim” is respected as a universal plant., and plant them near the potters.

This method is ideal for decorating terraces and loggias.

Having planted sprouts close together, you can form a garden garden, which will not require special attention.

This way you can frame paths in the garden, alleys, or simply divide the plot into a number of small, richly functional zones.

If you plant a tree in the center of the lawn, it will become a miraculous beauty, where such elements as lavenders will ideally look.

Korisni vlastivosti tui This tree, like other representatives of the Cypress family, contains a large number of cinnamon trees for healthy speech. For example, a foot of thuja can be brewed with cinnamon to relieve headaches for the treatment of illness.

Tea made from brewed pine needles has a calming power. From the paws you can prepare a broom for lazna, which will help remove all bad words from the body. Thuja "Tіni Тім" - all garnet and korisne roslina conifer , how can the color of any garden of the Garden of its inflexibility, for the sake of sight, not be seen as a gardener of great people, and is able to take root practically on any soil in the minds of poor minds - both in small plots, and between the city. Tuya Tini Tim

- Dwarf chagarnik with a neat rounded crown.

If you want to decorate your garden or

Country house

let's add that

like an unvibrant leaf , then thuya Tіni Тім - distant choice. Zagalny description Chagarnik was born in 1955. Growth is increasing.

Farmers are pleased to prepare for planting sumis, which is made up of turf soil, peat and sand at a ratio of 2:1:1.

You can add more comprehensively (read the dosage in the instructions).

Acidity indicators - no more than 6 pH.

The root neck is to blame for being on the same level as the ground.

When groundwater flows on the surface, create a drainage pad made of crushed stone.

Tovshchina - 15-20 cm. Pristovburne kolo.

Immediately after planting, water the sprout.

Particularity of view
During the dry period, young seedlings will require regular watering - 2 times per week, 2 buckets per plant.

In addition, spray the pine needles with water from a spray bottle. For a month after planting, water it once every 7 days. 1 container per teapot.

After watering, lightly fluff the soil.

Video: Dwarf fists of Tina Tim, Khozera and Danika

It rises up to the quiet bushes, as if it pleases the eye with the green crown of the long branch of the mustache.

Several varieties of these plants can live up to 50 years. There are also specimens that live close to one hundred years. on garden plots It is possible to grow such varieties of plants that promote diversity

color palette


For example, there are varieties with a black or yellow crown. And while some growths look like chagarna, others can look like a three-meter tree (and not the same in height).

We have great respect for the described variety Tini Tim. This variety has a dwarf form and was first developed in the middle of the last century - in 1955. It displays the beauty of its brethren with its monstrous decorative berries.

The height of the tree can reach up to a meter, the diameter of the crown can reach one and a half meters.

Tuya Tіniі Tіm Maya

kulyastu crown , Their nails are thick and not long. The bark of the tea tree has a blackish or greyish-brown tint, and can easily become flaky.

Looking at the needles, we can say that their color is very dark green and has a luscious consistency.

dwarf variety

The ten-fold growths of this variety reach a height of approximately 30 cm, and the crown of this tea tree has a diameter of approximately 40 cm. Thuja Tiny Tim (Tiny Tim) is popular for landscaping plots. And such popularity is great, it is unimportant to say that the chagarka is already growing at full speed.

Restore respect:

winter temperatures chagarnik is good to tolerate. However, don’t start talking about every fall of the spring, cover the growth with spruce branches or spunbond.

Roslina is light-loving and incapable of reaching the ground. It is easy to transfer the planting to dry soil, and it is also easy to grow there, where the plot is planted above the ground.

They should be kept out in the winter under the snow for faster germination.

It can also be hung in the spring. If you want to propagate this with live bait, then take trees or live bait from trees. They are treated with heteroauxin in front of them.

Live baits are placed not only in greenhouses, but also directly on

garden plot


The shades may be bright and fresh. Only in this way can a chagarnik calm down its decorativeness with a stretch of mustache. Doglyad

The main thing to do is to keep an eye on the type of chagarna before proper weeding and fluffing.