Reanimation of black-leafed strawberries after planting.

Troyandi Blakitna Yalina - evergreen tree

. Natural habitat – Pivnichnaya America. Roslina is imperturbable and can be felt miraculously on rocky soils or white rivers.

Shade-resistant, frost-resistant, wind-resistant. A rusty coating on the needles, like the growth gives special look

, helps to save the value of the crop and keep the yalinka stable until the cloudy wind.

In natural plants, this plant grows up to 600 meters long, and can reach 35 meters of crown and 1.5 meters of crown.

Growth has been reduced completely.

Towards the end of spring, it appears on the tips of the nails

great quantity

golden beige brown, egg-shaped.

The bark of mature trees has a beige-brown color.

The bark is short, dark brown in color.

Watching the blackberry yalin

After planting, basic attention must be given to the root system of the plant.

Regular watering is required for support after transplantation.

It is especially important to pat dry soil during dry periods. root system Or it is not possible to deprive the lid of the bottom for 5-10 minutes.

The earthen lump is to blame for the savings.

For the sake of the dead minds, the root neck should not be buried under the ground, it is to blame for being on the surface.

The safest time for transplantation is early spring. Reproduction of black grass Reproduction

blakytny yalinki

carried out in woodchips, livestock and livestock.

Before planting, the plant may undergo stratification at low temperatures for 2-3 months.

Before planting them directly, they need to be soaked in warm water for 12 years.

Apply to wet, heated soil.

Reproduction with live bait occurs in greenhouses or hotbeds, since it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature and high humidity in the environment. To improve the results, live bait can be treated in advance with stimulants for the development of the root system. Zastosuvannaya blakytny yalinka in the garden

Looks great in a single planting on a well-lit lawn. It attracts the eye with its inconspicuous color of pine needles. With additional plants, you can create exotic compositions. Blue yalina will be an excellent background for water-rich rich drinks red chi yellow color. Blakitny - reigning queens landscape design

. These pretty trees look wonderful in any part dacha plot

both at the entrance and on the outskirts. To make them truly beautiful decorative look

, it is necessary to ensure

bright insight for.

Previously, has already learned about how to grow dark-colored eggs from the present day.

Mature trees, some of them older, need to be watered more often, about 1-2 times per day (or even once every few days). It will also be necessary to constantly control the moisture content of the soil, for which you will need to mulch. stake stake

otherwise the grass will grow thick in them.

Like the blue yalinka, that squeezing and feeling with warm water.

Every now and then the greens are turned and washed into the saw.

When the tree starts to grow, try to ensure that it is watered every year. It is not advisable to pour water onto a given tree, and if you are at the dacha, organizing beds or irrigating lawns, pick up the grass, throw it in until it reaches the bottom with water. Ale Varto say, it’s not particularly varto to worry.

Having rejoiced with our readers and farmers at the growth of the berries, we found that when the tree grows up, it calmly ventilates up to 1-2 years of growth without watering, but in that period, there is no dryness! Improvement for blackberry yalinka behind

with this drive to walk around without a trace, and in order to reach the truth, we specifically had long conversations with summer residents and rulers of various robberies, and also read the forums, where the rulers of the Yalins share their thoughts and evidence. As it turned out, many people seem to be aware of the preparatory growth, but I want to know that until 5-7 years of age, the growth practically does not go into adulthood.

You can, of course, be victorious and do good things, but you can achieve the effect today

forest tree

at your dacha, but it’s definitely not a problem for anyone.

Blueberry yalinkas do not require systematic pruning, since the crown of the tree is formed independently.

Ale varto grow on the plant at least a few times on the river, so to remove the traces of sickness and sore throats, dry and chewy, which negatively affect the development and decorativeness!

Also, since you need to independently shape the crown and control the growth of the grass, you can work, but it will take up to 7-8 years.

Afterwards, the black yalinka is more beautiful than the calm date and the date of its development is now completely independent.

Breeding and propagation of blackberry yalinka

We would like to remind you that for planting young yalin seedlings, it is not possible to dig up the soil where they used to grow, as well as other urban crops, which are heavily damaged by fungus. Obov'yazkovo should be added when planting forest soil, taken from conifers, which will give a great plus to the development. The black yalina multiplies in both livestock and livestock.

We already looked at the first method earlier, when we talked about turning the blackberry from the ground with our own hands, but let’s skip that one and move on to the other ones. Ozhe, chipped yalinka. It’s a simple way to finish, but few people will spend the rest of the time.

The yalin is splintered into the split of the leak (Verkhivkovy) or, for example. The process should be carried out in friendly hour

- in the spring, or in the first decade there is linden.

With live bait everything is great, it’s great! Blackberry yawl live bait is cut from more or less mature trees and roots in the greenhouse from high climate , how can you create and try to create something. It will be better if the greenhouse or hothouse has a fog-draining device installed, which means less dust.

Fahivtsi recommend propagation with winter baitfish,

early spring

  • Black yallina has a high decorative value.
  • This is because you are not afraid of frost and dryness (you want to love your current watering more);
  • The tree grows to full growth, but does not require a large number of fertilizers, even if it springs in small quantities;
  • To plant sprouts, you need rich and watery soil; yalin fragments do not grow well on wet and dry soils;
  • Young plants may suffer from older ones;
  • Most of the trees multiply by living creatures, and even with the growth of singing minds;

love touching, and they become more beautiful after touching.

Yalinka chips (video) Just a bunch of facts about the black yalinka and a correct view of decorative dew

, and how much easier it is to grow a pretty tree in a summer cottage. I am also happy for the people who planted yalinka trees in their dachas a long time ago and were able to grow stronger trees from them, and also to be happy that yalinka trees have grown to grow for summer residents, who have not yet been harvested! Correct observation of the dark yalinkas.

There’s a simple way to finish it, but still you’ll love Vologa more!

Busyness does not lead to harm. Today we recognize how water must be brought in before taking proper care of oneself. There's no way to walk around this driveway. It is strictly protected to make preparations to make it carefully and be it a coniferous plant, not a warto. They are similar to black berries and when they are finished, they will become swollen. Push into more than one mature tree, then live bait. Black yalina reproduces during maturity and until winter. Virochuvannya ivy planting, observation, apple varieties on the outskirts. For planting, the plants may suffer from growing plants, if you want to love the plant more!

Correct observation of the black yalinkas.

Black yawl tree multiplies in any part of the dacha plot, and it’s especially not worth worrying about.

Correct observation Correct observation of the blue skies.

Correct observation Correct observation Correct observation for yourself.

Yalina takes root to grow quickly, as long as the planting parameters are adjusted to the desired level.

If exposed to fresh air for a long time, the roots of the raspberries can die in 10-20 minutes. It is not exposed to yalin and sand, wind, moisture-rich soil, stagnant water or the presence of ground water.

What kind of soil is required for planting? yalini: fluffy, well-drained.

Yalina takes root on loams and other light, earthen sumishes.

  • Koli visajuvati yalinku:
  • planting is carried out in the autumn-winter period, which is due to the specifics of Yalina (not to like the sun and sun).
  • Rules for planting yalinka in wet soil:
  • planting depth up to 70 cm;
  • stand between the sajants - 3 meters;
  • do not compact or tamp the soil around the gardeners;
  • fill the plot with turf and leaf soil, sand, peat, place drainage elements at the bottom;

the drainage ball must be no more than 20 centimeters (crushed stone, great sand, target bit);

fertilize with mineral fertilizers after planting; water drainage: shaded area (blue grass), drainage, regular watering; Blakitna Yalina – how tall is she?

White yalina is classified mainly as decorative varieties of yalina, which depends on the way it is viewed.For example, black yalina ( siza yalina ) to love in death, or in the presence of relatives, is felt better in the sun. Blakitna yalinka variety

White yalina is classified mainly as decorative varieties of yalina, which depends on the way it is viewed.Nana reaches 2 m in diameter and 3 m in height. For rik tsya blakytna yalina is 3 cm taller!

The crown is decorative, symmetrical, with a dark green color on the lower legs.Hopsii rise to medium-sized yalin trees with bright, dark, barked needles. From the side you can tell about the noticeable density of the crown.

It grows 3-5 cm per river, with an average of 11 m of curl. Iseli Fastigata is a variety of blackberry yalinka, which is suitable for narrow-pointed, selectively bred yalins.

It grows uphill, so it can easily reach 10 m of vines (it grows 1 m per river).

One of the most popular varieties on the market.

Glauca – variety of blackberry yalinka