Soil for saintpaulias: is the purchased soil chi “self-made”? The necessary warehouse for soil for room violets.

Violet (Saintpaulia) is not unsightly tall. One of the head minds, which can be vikonuvatisya for the normal life of the Senpolie, is the right choice of soil. Vіn can be balanced, take revenge in your warehouse of life speech, mother need structure and acidity. Not less important is the watch over the ticket.

Modern kvіtnikarі often zastosovuyt already ready ґgrunt, which is in accordance with all the required parameters. And if you don’t start it, it will appear as acidic, it is necessary for you to know that the earth is necessary and is the most accessory for violets.

You can prepare її independently, knowingly, like the components of a shoe, you can go to the її warehouse.

Grinder for roslini

The soil is to blame for its mother's singing characteristics, so that the violets could bloom normally in the new.

At the link with the cym, for the cultivation of the Saintpaulia, the land was not taken, taken from the park, near Budinka territory and etc.:

  • Acidity. The soil can be neutral, and the optimal acidity is 6.5 to 6.8 Ph. If this show will be lower, Roslin does not take away all the necessary alive speeches what can bring yogo to death. When acidity rises, violets do not take away the amount of phosphorus required, through which they become irritated, malignant;
  • Povitropenetration. Roslin needs to be planted in a fluffy soil, which kindly misses the wind.


Vіd nego bezpersedno lie down those, naskіlki kindly get accustomed kvіtka, chi will be healthy.

As a rule, the soil, which is bought in ready-made look, avenges peat. Through the sprat of months, the wines are harder, through the new filthy penetrating again, it is not possible to taste the roslin in the new old hour.

It is necessary for this person to transplant a ticket.

Therefore, it is better to prepare the ground with your own hands, adding the advancing components:

  • Leaf humus (sound of vicarious birches);
  • Perlite. The speech is given in small bags of white zabarvlennya. The stench can be washed on the surface, and they are added to the soil for fluffing. You can pick up perlite at the store;
  • Vermiculite. Yogo often zastosovuyut at once from perlite, but you can also wink only this fluff. Speech can be taken into account by the vologer, as the growth is so necessary, and it’s good to let it pass again;
  • Turf. Behind him is more beautiful virushiti in gay;
  • Moss-sphagnum (we often replace vermiculite). Yogo can be known near water bodies, near wet forests, near swampy mosses. It stagnates like fresh moss, and th drought. Deyaki kvіtkarі prepare sphagnum in reserve, simply freezing it in a freezer in order to, if necessary, prepare the soil for growing with your own hands;
  • River pisok. The main goal of yoga is to protect the soil from the water. For the sumishi pіdіyde, a great sand, uzyaty from the bank of the river.

In small places, peat is added to the summish, which gives the necessary quantity of organic speeches and minerals. If all the components of the soil are correctly selected, there will be no drying out of the wines.

Usі warehouses are more likely to prepare for the next leg, so you choose to replant the roslin.

Even so, you all the same vyrishili pridbati already ready the land for the cultivation of Saintpaulia, її the warehouse can be enriched with perlite, coconut substrate, sphagnum. Such sumishi mayut perevaga. Polegayut stench us in front of that which is biologically sterile, it will not be struck by various microorganism, violets with bacteria.

Dosvіdchenі kvіtnikarі know scho roslin vimagaє good drainage. Therefore, in practice, such a recipe for preparing the earth for growing violets is often used: at the miner, claydite is laid up to half, then we add vugillya, and on top of the soil sips, we prepare or prepare preparations on our own.

Dekogo z quiet, who recently vyrishiv engaged in the development of Saintpaulias, the fact that in the natural middle ground a flower in growth in a poor soil should be introduced into oman.

Why do the wisnovoks grow, so that the violets bloom is practical for any kind of soil. Really the earth, in a yak_y alive roslin, rich on the necessary elements. Without them, it is impossible to get along either in domestic minds or in the natural environment.

Spіvvіdnoshnja warehousing

Kvіtnikari z dosvіdom call "on the eye" signify, as the number of components is necessary to win for the soil. As a rule, vermiculite and perlite are added at a ratio of 1:1.5 and a bottle of sumishi is added to the earth with other warehouses.

Why is it so sad that the land for violets was prepared by one's own hands? For sumish, chosen independently, sound natural components are taken. This is important for healthy growing up, as it takes away the whole range of necessary speeches.

In addition, such a pidkhid significantly reduces the risk of infection with small coma and microorganism. The importance of natural storage fields is important in that there is nothing in them chemical elements That's why it's safe for people and flowers.


Having found out what kind of soil the senpolies need, varto find out about those who need it kindly. Only after the addition of the warehouse soil will be ready before the new one has a hanging violet. But it’s worth it to lose more than that, if you prepare your mind on your own.

Like a good man, you can zasosuvat ash or the village of vugillya, rich in minerals. There are brown micronutrients and cows' yachi "shorts" (people call them "korov'yak"). Before adding to the ground, it is necessary to detail. The Danish kind of goodness allows the root system to develop correctly, so that the buds will be healthy, mother garniy zovnіshniy looking.

Another one garniy looked dobriva - egg shell, which reduces the acidity of the soil, enriches it with calcium, potassium.

Ready sumishi, come to the store, do not require additional delivery. Too much of these speeches also unfriendly pours into the senpolie.


If you have won, plant violets in the earth, prepare them (otherwise you have bought them), you can give the soil by stretching a lot of tizhniv. For the presence of such feasibility, hang your tickets on the fresh soil.

It is important to perekonatisya in that the soil is fluffy, and all warehouses are relatively mixed. It is necessary to sort out and see the elements of the great expansions.

Through those who, being rozsipchastaya, the earth is practically not blessed, it is necessary to water the ticket immediately after the hanging.


It is necessary to care for those, in which the violet will be planted. Deyakі kvіtkarі schilyayutsya to the thought, scho tsyu vіtka can be planted near a small plastic glass. Tim is no less, better than you as a mountain worker - the same color and leaves will be great and beautiful. When it’s not necessary, sob єmnist bula great roses, іnakshe roslin in nomu "be ruined".

Keeping an eye on the violet, remember that the flower is to love the light, but not to love the direct midday sleepy shifts, buildings, burn the leaves.

So that your work of growing violets does not arise for nothing, vrahuyte that it is often impossible to water Saintpaulia. Robiti tse varto 1 time / 7-10 days. Watering is more likely to be done from below with warm water. For whom, a mountain man from a ticket is placed in a bowl with water.

The water in the bowl may reach the edge of the miner, but not overflow. With such a looker, it is necessary to deprive the doti of the ticket, the earth will not become watery. Sounds like you borrow close to 10-12 years, you can boldly deprive yourself of a place with roses in a bowl with water for nothing.

How to water the Saintpaulia beast and often - you can rot the root.

Do not forget about the primality of the violet, that, by the way, that the flower took root, developed correctly, was healthy and beautiful, do not follow the rules of folding the soil.

One of the most important factors for success in growing Saintpaulias is that the earthen sum is properly folded. How can you be, that when you grew up, the trees blossomed and didn’t get sick, the living things took root safely, and the young rosettes grew fast? As you can see, the leather collector may be svіy, misunderstood by the bagatarіchny dosvіdom, a warehouse of earthen sum.

Yak show laboratory follow-up, ґrunti, yakі are sold in stores, there are a number of nedolіkіv: first, too high acidity; in a different way, too much or not enough macro- and microelements; in a third way, it’s an important ground, which is somehow hardened. Why work, because there is no possibility to choose in the forest yourself different components? Bagatorіchny dosvіd fialkovodiv bring, scho vykoristannya "ready ґruntіv" is possible. At the exhibitions at Budinka Fialka, there are growing plants, most of them grown on purchased soils.

In order for the growth to develop well and bloom, the soil is to blame for being fluffy, water-repellent, breathable, revenge the necessary amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, mother slightly acidic medium - pH 5.5-6.5.

Establish different components, which are recommended to be added to purchased soil, schob vin vіdpovіdav vishchezgadanim vimog.

Perlite is a rock of volcanic origin. It is added to the soil up to 30% of the volume, the robs are light, breathable, fluffy, which avoids stiffness, clumping, strengthening. Zavdyaki tsim authorities in the growth of good roots develop, the wind exchange does not break.

Vermiculite - natural material from the hydromud group. Dodaetsya in the ground just like perlite, up to 30% total. The main advantage of perlite in relation to vermiculite is that vermiculite occludes water more deeply, and perlite is more shallow, ensuring post-replacement and delivery of sour to the root.
Moss-sphagnum - hydroscopic, to rob the substrate for penetration. And zavdyaki anti-rotten speech sphagnum may have antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal power. It is also added to the ground (approximately 20-30%).

The village of vugillya is a good antiseptic, it prevents decay and acidification of the soil, and also absorbs salt and improves the structure of the soil.

Propably evocative Gruntu recipe on the basis of the purchased:

  • 6 pieces of purchased soil;
  • 1 part perlite;
  • 1 part vermiculite;
  • 1 part sphagnum moss;
  • 1 part vugillya.

It is important not to forget about drainage. As a drainage, you can vicorate dry expanded clay or perlite.

When folded, the leather coat of kvіtnikar vikoristova own recipe. It is possible to add more or less skin fluff, vicoristate additional components (sand, pine bark, thin needles). Golovne, the result is a fluffy, not very important, homogeneous substrate, building access to water to the roots.

Such a soil can also be vicorated for relatives of violets from the family of Gesnerievs - gloksiny, sinningy, streptokarpusiv, khirit and іn.

Thank you for the success of the growing roslyn!

Maizhe at the skin master in a booth or apartments on the pіdvіkonnі stand violets. Looking after these colors is not easy, just to get the best recommendations. Some kvіtkari-pochatkіvtsі stick with the problem, which is the same soil for violets, so that the stench miraculously felt and developed.

Saintpolії dosit primkhlivі to the warehouse of the earth, and if you take the excellent soil from the forest, then the violets will not grow that rose. Soil for saintpaulias can be bought in a flower shop, for example, for which goodness the land is special Land Miracle Garden abo Fart. But if you don’t want to buy sumish, then you can cook it yourself, but if you want to, it will be indicated below in this article.

Suitable land for violets, for example, the "Garden of Miracles", near the warehouse for presence of leafy and soddy soil, various fillings and fluffing, as well as components for drainage to the substrate. Leafy soil is taken on garden dilyantsi under the trees. Such a sumish is more fluff and sour, shards in it are richly ionized in the water.

Krіm tsikh komponentіv, to the warehouse tsієї zemlі to enter flew around the leaves of linden or birch, yak lay under the tree sprat rokіv.

At the turfy land, there are leaves, which have been overgrown, and the root of the roslin. The earth is similar on the bows of that white dacha cottages, as well as on the special ground “Garden of Miracles”. Korisn_ speechovina m_stya in compost or humus (humus).

Before the warehouse, such warehouses are included, such as peat and wood bedding with fallen needles. Expanded clay vikoristovuetsya as a drainage, well suited for room roslin, as well as this material is placed in the soil for Saintpaulia "Garden of Miracles".

Substrates for violets "Fart" include perlite, vin є fluffy, we can imagine white zabarvlennia in light silica.

In order to grow violets in the distance, or other room growths, it is not the fault of pearlite to be rich., like in kvitnikarstvі, so i gardening. The best vikoristovuvat gіrsku breed not as a powder, but in grains.

Perlite can be found in state stores, which is called "Agroperlite". For planting young roslins, hydromica is stagnant, and rich water is allowed in it.

Zavdyaki hydromen grow do not rot and miraculously die.

Also, to the storage of ground sums for violets, inclusions of sphangum. There is one more component in the warehouse for Saintpaulia - sphagnum. Vin is a miraculous antiseptic, and visibly promotes the hygroscopicity of the soil. Moss-sfangum should be placed near a vessel with a violet, pour hot water over the beast, then dry it.

When planting skin violets, it is necessary to vicorize the village of Vugillya. Yogo needs to be spread on the bottom of the tank with large pieces, and mixed with soil.

Vugillya well regulates the moisture content of the soil and dries up part of the water. Tsey component of obov'yazkovo inclusions to the warehouse of soil sum for room roslin "Garden of Miracles".

What kind of earthy sumish is needed for saintpaulias? Sometimes the soil for the saintpaulias is added to the warehouse with a dolomite coat, it is necessary to work in order to change the acidity of the earth, at the right time.

Like a rozpushuvach to serve a simple sand, you can also enter the warehouse of the earth "Garden of Miracles". Cream pіsku є coconut milk, it will increase the fluffiness of the substrate.

For others room tickets, the warehouse is more important to the soil, and the "Garden of Miracles" is a good substrate for tickets.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that Saintpaulias miraculously grow near the earth with low acidity, or in neutral soils.

However, the acidity is not high (pH< 4), то ощутимо уменьшается поглощение азота и фосфора. Почки фиалок могут полностью не раскрыться и облетать, а нижние листья пожелтеть.

The daily part of phosphorus and nitrogen can be replenished for additional trimmed egg shells in flowerpots made of dews or water mixed with water from ash (20 grams of wood ash per 2 liters of water).

Yakscho home ticket spread in strongly puddle soil (pH more than 8.5), then the claying of phosphorus and nitrogen by senpolia will significantly change.

In such a situation, it is necessary to transplant flowers onto a substrate, to the warehouse of which to enter leaves and coniferous land, or to plant a special soil sum for violets "Garden of Miracles".

To determine the acidity of the substrate, buy a special indicator. Zavdyaki youmu can be easily installed, like an unhealthy know room growth.

Do-it-yourself substrate

What kind of soil is needed to be planted for the room senpoli, so that it actively grows and develops? Use a sprinkling of methods, how to prepare a sum of soil for growing violets yourself in apartment minds.

The warehouse of the soil can be similar to the substrate for Saintpaulia, like the "Garden of Miracles", to prepare yoga. necessary soil It is necessary to win such methods.

  1. The first method: you need to take a universal soil (1), peat (2 parts), perlite (1), moss-sfangum (1) and mix all the components. Let's hurry the villages to the hills and add some yoga to the warehouse. Such a substrate is ready and can be vikoristati.
  2. Another method: it is necessary to take live soil (6 parts), vermiculite and perlite (1 portion), moss-sfangum and village vugillya (one part each). I know everything needs to be mixed up, and such a land is ready to zastosuvannya.
  3. The third method: for which you need peat soil (3), life-giving earth (1), vermiculite and perlite (1) and the village of vugillya (0.5). As a result, we see a wonderful soil, which can be planted not only for the cultivation of violets, but also for other rooms.
  4. The fourth method: take peat land (1), perlite and vermiculite (0.5), village vugillya (a quarter of a part), superphosphate (literally a sprat of peas), and clay granulate Seramis (0.5). As a result, we have created a wonderful substrate for Saintpaulia.

Krіm tsikh retseptіv prigotuvannya primolіshі vlasnoruchіv, іsnuє sche mіchіch podіbnih, аlєtіlki іtlіbnіl lich vrakhovuvati, scho juvenile roslinі require napovnyuvachiі v raspushuvаchivіv, and mature kіtami need zhiviniy soil ( greater number), all these components are to avenge the land of the room trees and violets "Garden of Miracles".


Professional kvіtnikarі stverdzhuyut, scho after 2-3 months, vіdbuvaєtsya practi- cally outside the excavation of the soil in the miner of a small size, which negatively spills on the violets. In the next fall, add fertilizer to the soil. Quotes need to be given such kind words, like:

  • look good complex mineral goodness;
  • simple mineral supplementation;
  • organic goodness for apartments and roslin.

In order for the violets to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to grow and grow with all three types of goodness, only they need to be cherguvat.

At tsіy topics, I'll tell you about the ground(Land sum) for violets(Saintpolie).

I would like to tell you that there is no concrete and ideal recipe for folding soil for violets. Keep everything in order, like warehouses to sell in your region, your material camp, the expansion of the collection. Having tried the impersonal recipes, you will come to your soil warehouse, extremely grounded on the main principles: the land sum for violets is due to be light, fluffy, not greasy, more penetrating and voluminous. The earth is not guilty of being important and strong, it can serve the filthy growth of violets, so it will be easy for the lower roots of the violet to master such soil.

upper peat or land sums based on yoga, such as "KLASMANN", "GREENWORLD", "TERA VITA", "Seliger-Agro" and others.

Perlite- Mayzhe neutral material. Hydro rock of volcanic poaching. It is added to the soil up to 30% of the volume, the robs are light, breathable, fluffy, which avoids stiffness, clumping, strengthening. Zavdyaki tsim authorities in the growth of good roots develop, the wind exchange does not break.

Vermiculite- natural material, which can be seen up to the sight of mica. Wines increase the acidity of the soil. Dodaetsya in the ground just like perlite, up to 30% total. Vermіkuіt zabezpechayuchi poіtroobminі that delivery sour to the root.

Perlite is manually beaten together with vermiculite. At the sum of the stagnant stench, the nedolіk of one of one compensates. Bazhano nabuvat great fractions and obov'yazkovo wash before zastosuvannya.

moss sphagnum- may have antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal powers, venom of rotten speech. So the soil itself is hygroscopic and porous.

Vugillya village- a good antiseptic, it prevents decay and souring of the soil, and also absorbs salt and improves the structure of the soil. Vikoristannya wooden vugillya reduces the risk of bacterial infections of the root system of roslin.

When stocking the soil, you can vicorate one component more or less, so you can not vicorate or replace it with similar ones (coconut, needles, bark, sand), smut, the substrate will be more permeable, watery and fluffy.

I will bring a spear of stock in the warehouse land bags for violets :

6 pieces of purchased soil;
- 1 part perlite;
- 1 part vermiculite;
- 1 part sphagnum moss;
- 1 part vugillya


4 parts of a living soil based on peat (a soil for violets and begonia)
- 1/2 part perlite
-1/2 parts of vermiculite
- 1/2 - 1 part trimmed moss
-1/2 part coconut substrate
- 2-6 tablespoons of the village vugіllya dribnoї fraktsії - to fall in obedience to crushed soil.


6 parts of revitalizing soil ("Seliger-Agro" universal for apartments, "Vermion", "Zashita", "AB5, Greenworldn),
- 1 part perlite,
- 1 part vermiculite,
- 1/2 part on coconut substrate,
- 1 part chopped sphagnum moss,
- Approximately, a tablespoon of wood grain wood.

These are the recipes of our famous collectors and breeders, published by Irina Shchedrina on the forum Budinka violets:

Olga Aksionkina's recipe:

Vermiculite: perlite = 1: 6

Vugillya village 1 pack per 10 liters

Dobriva "Plantofol" - the concentration is 4 times less than recommended. After transplantation, the roslini will be removed clean water, with another watering, that distance was kinder in a different way.

Recipe from Olga Artemova:

Mature violets on notes:

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for drinks 1ml/1l. with skin watering,

Children (the wick is not wicked):

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for instructions before dobriva

Recipe from Irina Danilina

Mature violets and children (I do not use the wick):

"Greenworld" - 1h

Vermion Elite - 1h

Perlite-vermiculite - 0.5 pack

Vugillya village - 0.5 packs per 10l

Mature violets on notes:

"Greenworld" - 1h

Perlite - 1 hour

Vugillya village

Dobrivo Schultz (Schultz) - according to the instructions, watering the skin

Recipe from Nina Starostenko

Senpolia and children have grown up on mats:

Terra Vita (Kvitkova chi is universal) - 10l

Coniferous substrate - 1 pack

Vugilla village - 1 pack

Perlite + vermiculite at a ratio of 4:1 - 10-20% total sum

Dobrivo "Etisso" - not regularly

Transfer as needed.

Recipe from Tamari Kopyikinoi

Mature violets on notes:

Greenworld - 10 pieces

Perlite - 7 pieces

Dobrivo: "Etisso" for tickets 1 ml per 1 liter

Children (wicker wick)

For the same scheme (kind for skin watering).

Recipe from Oleksiya Kuznetsova

For miniature violets:

Mature violets on notes

peat (from nature) - 25%

Perlite - 75%


drawing "Etisso" for flowers (1ml per 1l) and for decorative leafy roslins (2ml per liter) for skin watering

Transplanted after skin color.

Children without a note:

The soil is the same


"Etisso" (for decorative leaves) 2ml per l leather watering


Choose, experiment and you will know your warehouse of soil, which suits you and yours violets. Qi ґrunti can be successfully stagnant with others gesnerievih, for example streptocarpus, decorative leafy begonias.

I will add, if you win again any components of the earthen sum, tk. there could already begin to multiply microbial microorganism!

Good luck to you and success in growing your violets and other beloved flowers.

Main warehouses for violets:
Upper peat and land sums on yoga basis such as "KLASMANN", "GREENWORLD", "TERA VITA", "Seliger-Agro" and others.

Perlite- Mayzhe neutral material. Hydro rock of volcanic poaching. It is added to the soil up to 30% of the volume, the robs are light, breathable, fluffy, which avoids stiffness, clumping, strengthening. Zavdyaki tsim authorities in the growth of good roots develop, the wind exchange does not break.

Vermiculite- natural material, which can be seen up to the sight of mica. Wines increase the acidity of the soil. Dodaetsya in the ground just like perlite, up to 30% total. Vermіkuіt zabezpechayuchi poіtroobminі that delivery sour to the root.

Perlite is manually beaten together with vermiculite. At the sum of the stagnant stench, the nedolіk of one of one compensates. Bazhano nabuvat great fractions and obov'yazkovo wash before zastosuvannya.

moss sphagnum- may have antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal powers, venom of rotten speech. So the soil itself is hygroscopic and porous.

Vugillya village- a good antiseptic, it prevents decay and souring of the soil, and also absorbs salt and improves the structure of the soil. Vikoristannya wooden vugillya reduces the risk of bacterial infections of the root system of roslin.

When stocking the soil, you can vicorate one component more or less, so you can not vicorate or replace it with similar ones (coconut, needles, bark, sand), smut, the substrate will be more permeable, watery and fluffy.

I will bring a dekіlka buttik in the warehouse of land sums for violets:

6 pieces of purchased soil;
- 1 part perlite;
- 1 part vermiculite;
- 1 part sphagnum moss;
- 1 part vugillya


4 parts of a living soil based on peat (a soil for violets and begonia)
- 1/2 part perlite
-1/2 parts of vermiculite
- 1/2 - 1 part trimmed moss
-1/2 part coconut substrate
- 2-6 tablespoons of the village vugіllya dribnoї fraktsії - to fall in obedience to crushed soil.


6 parts of revitalizing soil ("Seliger-Agro" universal for apartments, "Vermion", "Zashita", "AB5, Greenworldn),
- 1 part perlite,
- 1 part vermiculite,
- 1/2 part on coconut substrate,
- 1 part chopped sphagnum moss,
- Approximately, a tablespoon of wood grain wood.

These are the recipes of our famous collectors and breeders, published by Irina Shchedrina on the forum Budinka violets:

Olga Aksionkina's recipe:

Vermiculite: perlite = 1: 6

Vugillya village 1 pack per 10 liters

Dobriva "Plantofol" - the concentration is 4 times less than recommended. After transplantation, the roslins get clean water, with another watering, they are far away with a wide variety of goodness.

Recipe from Olga Artemova:

Mature violets on notes:

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for drinks 1ml/1l. with skin watering,

Children (the wick is not wicked):

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for instructions before dobriva

Recipe from Irina Danilina

Mature violets and children (I do not use the wick):

"Greenworld" - 1h

Vermion Elite - 1h

Perlite-vermiculite - 0.5 pack

Vugillya village - 0.5 packs per 10l

Mature violets on notes:

"Greenworld" - 1h

Perlite - 1 hour

Vugillya village

Dobrivo Schultz (Schultz) - according to the instructions, watering the skin

Recipe from Nina Starostenko

Senpolia and children have grown up on mats:

Terra Vita (Kvitkova chi is universal) - 10l

Coniferous substrate - 1 pack

Vugilla village - 1 pack

Perlite + vermiculite at a ratio of 4:1 - 10-20% total sum

Dobrivo "Etisso" - not regularly

Transfer as needed.

Recipe from Tamari Kopyikinoi

Mature violets on notes:

Greenworld - 10 pieces

Perlite - 7 pieces

Dobrivo: "Etisso" for tickets 1 ml per 1 liter

Children (wicker wick)

For the same scheme (kind for skin watering).

Recipe from Oleksiya Kuznetsova

For miniature violets:

Mature violets on notes

peat (from nature) - 25%

Perlite - 75%


drawing "Etisso" for flowers (1ml per 1l) and for decorative leafy roslins (2ml per liter) for skin watering

Transplanted after skin color.

Children without a note:

The soil is the same


"Etisso" (for decorative leaves) 2ml per l leather watering

Choose, experiment and you will know your warehouse of soil, which suits you and your violets. Qi ґrunti can be successfully planted in the development of other genes, for example, streptocarpus.

I will add, if you win again any components of the earthen sum, tk. there could already begin to multiply microbial microorganism!

Good luck to you and success in growing your violets and other beloved flowers.
