Project of growing a violet from a leaf. How to grow violets, choose soil and planting material

However, in order to stay healthy, mіtsne Roslina's room, It is necessary to understand the important subtleties, which are mentioned below. You will learn how to choose the appropriate material for rooting violet leaves, how to properly grow the planting material in water and on a specially prepared substrate, and also what kind of cuttings can negatively affect the final result.

Selecting and preparing the leaf petiole

How to grow a violet from a leaf, I would like to theoretically know everyone who has Usambar violets growing in their home. This option is considered to be the simplest and most reasonable - to grow full-fledged growth from a small leaf under the power of flowering cobs, in addition to other methods (bean plants, flower stalks, etc. rshe, nasinnyam).

Carefully break the selected leaf petiole, releasing it from the violet

For livestock, healthy mature plants with a well-formed rosette are suitable. Take the leaf petiole from the second or third row from the lower part of the rosette, selecting the most greenery, a leaf without signs of rot or drying, without rips or opacine spots. Can't get out of Garna Roslina chewed the leaves through the scooping stock lifelong speeches those leaves in the center of the rosette, as if they had not yet accumulated enough vital forces. For several varieties of violets, choose the leaves that favor the greenery.

Video about growing violets from leaves

Carefully break the selected leaf petiole, releasing it from the violet. It is important that the leg loses at least a few centimeters, but if you suddenly break off the holder too short, nothing particularly terrible will happen - the leaf still has no chance of taking root.

Now trim the leg down to 3 cm, trimming it with a sharp knife or razor. Knives when cutting room apartments It’s impossible to vikorist, the fragments of the stench squeeze the capillaries of the roses. The life of the fish is of utmost importance for the survival of the leaf and the creation of children. If you cut the stem shorter, when germinated near the water, stitch more smoothly so that the petiole does not dry out and the leaf plate does not get wet. Long-term live bait will bring the leaf to the core, and when it is germinated in the substrate, it needs additional stimulation.

If you cut the leg shorter, when germinated near the water, it will be easier to follow it so that the bait does not dry out

To increase the chances of leaf bait to be successfully rooted, leave it for a few seconds near the light-yellow fields of potassium permanganate, and then let it dry.

How to pick up violets in containers with water

The main advantage of germinating live bait near water is that you can see how it develops root system and control this process. As it is possible to best create the spots under the dark glass, the petiole in them does not rest against the bottom, and the leaf falls into the water. Clear plastic cups or containers for yoghurt are also suitable, however, the growth of violets in households often works successfully in clear glasses and small jars. Just don’t use crystal glassware - the live bait will rot in it.

Having emerged from the container, place the leaf petiole of a violet in it and pour in boiled or water at room temperature. Quilt so that the leaf blade does not stick to the water, otherwise it will rot. Now you can cover the container with a violet leaf with a plastic bag and place it somewhere light and warm, where there are no direct sleepy exchanges. The water does not need to be changed; it is enough to add water to the required level.

After two years or later, the first roots appear on the petiole

During the autumn-winter period, there is a high degree of rotting of live bait, so there is no light left for it. Having washed the bait, which has rotted for any reason, trim it to healthy tissue, treat it with active active vugillas, dry it in the air and change the water in the container.

Next, growing violets near the water is done as follows:

  • after two years or later, the first roots appear on the baitfish;
  • if the root grows up to one centimeter, transplant the petiole into a glass with drainage holes, a ball of expanded clay or expanded polystyrene and fluffy earthen mixture;
  • Make small holes near the ground, where you carefully install a support with a root system under the cover;
  • The bait is attached to the earth by 1.5 cm, without compacting it;
  • support the sheet with a toothpick or cheesecake;
  • cover the glass with the stem with a small bag and put it back;
  • When the top ball of soil has dried, water the plant with warm, standing water.

Cover the bottle with a stem with a little bag and put it back

If you notice after a month or two that the baitfish that have taken root have had little children, it means that you have managed to pluck the violet from the leaf! The young shoots will then need to be planted in different flower pots.

The secrets of successfully growing violets from leaves in the ground

Most of the research conducted by veterinarians agrees that growing violets from leaves in a special substrate gives a successful result - the living ones rot sooner, take root faster and produce more children.

Ready-made soil for violets, which is sold in any flower shop, is actually not entirely suitable for growing violets. In any case, you will need to add fluffy agents such as vermiculite, polystyrene foam, perlite or sphagnum moss. And it’s even better to prepare the mixture yourself, mixing perlite and vermiculite in equal proportions, adding the growing soil without being too heavy. Perlite is a binding component for growing violets, the fragments of the violets will provide the roots with access to the wind, vermiculite will break the soil with fluff and absorb the water. The special feature of sphagnum moss is that it absorbs the moisture and gives it to the roots of the growth step by step.

  • To prevent the leaf petiole from falling, you can press it against it;
  • There is no need to water the rosemary immediately after planting;
  • to create a “greenhouse” - place a glass with a stem in a plastic box behind the cake or cover it with a new plastic bag (an individual bag for skin growth).
  • Video about the secrets of growing violets

    After planting, the head of the violet leaf may be slightly lifted - do not rush to pull it out of the ground, as this is a normal occurrence. Within just a week or two, with the appearance of the cortices, the leaf plate will regain its springiness. Water the plantings thoroughly once a week, and then only a little, so that the dry soil does not sour. Do not fertilize the leaf with anything, otherwise it will be better to let out the roots in search of food. Once every three days, open the “greenhouse” for ten hours of ventilation. Remove the bag of roslin after a month, when the babies are visible.

    There is no special wisdom in how to grow a violet from a leaf; all you have to do is follow the basic rules, and then you can achieve success the first time.

    Saintpaulia is highly respected like an invisible leaf at the room cottage industry.

    So that you please your ruler, we trivalim bright colors it is necessary to create different minds for it.

    Seeing violets: choosing planting material

    The correct choice of planting material is a guarantee successful development violets You can add Saintpaulia planting material from livestock, live bait, children, and starters. When it comes to choosing between a baby and a mature flower rosette, rather than giving preference to the other one - “a cat in a bag” (an unflowered plant) can be very disappointing.

    It is best to buy from collectors or at flower exhibitions: there is a risk of over-grading, illness or infected with spoilers, the growth is significantly lower, lower in the fall areas. When purchasing, please show respect for external look growth: a healthy specimen has leaves that are shiny and firm to the touch, without blemishes or blemishes, with proper preparation (for the skin variety there is a different color). For the petiole, the lower leaves of another or third order from below are suitable. Ears of violets breeding should begin with simple varieties: cheap smells and simple to look at, low-breeding novelties.

    Virus of violets: planting

    Miner's vibe

    The root system of violets is grown close to the surface of the soil. There is no need for this from the deep and great miners. Kvitkovy potters are charged 3 times less for the socket. This way the plants bloom more beautifully. For rooting garni, plastic bottles, containers, bulbs with lids.

    Temperature regime

    The most pleasant temperature when growing violets is between +18 and +22 Celsius. Since the rosemary overwinters on a cold windowsill, the potter’s soil should not be very watery, otherwise the death of the flower is inevitable. Avoid overheating of colors on the window in the sun. The violet cannot stand being pulled.


    Saintpaulia feels good on light, soupy soils. To grow violets, you can buy ready-made commercial soil or mix it yourself with 4 parts of leaf (turf) soil, 1 part of peat and sand. It is bad to add humus, cut sphagnum, and perlite.

    Seeing violets: observation, revival

    Successful care of Saintpaulias includes the correct choice of watering method, light regime, and fertilization.


    The violet gives preference to bright rather than diffuse lightening. It’s better not to place them on the sleepy side of the apartment, so as to remove the residue from the leaves and leaves. If you only go out for the day, then Saintpaulia needs to sleep. The duration of insolation is optimal between 12-14 years. You can judge wealth or lack of light when growing violets by looking at the growth.

    If there is a lack of light leaves, the leaves will gravitate upward, lose their “oxamite” appearance, the petioles and flower stalks will become yellow, the color will vary daily or will be weakly visible, and in the ripple-leaved varieties there will be spots. When daylight increases for 14-16 years, growth increases, leaf petioles bend down, encircling the pot, the flower stalks are short, the flowers are small and pale. By controlling the lightening, you can change the appearance of the violet. To ensure that the rosettes are formed correctly, the pots of violets must be turned periodically. Drank from the leaves, brush with a soft brush or wash with warm water (allow the leaves to dry).


    Violets do not like dry weather. This increased moisture is necessary for the germination of plants, the rooting of leaf insects and children. For this purpose, they are placed near the greenhouse or covered with bags, and pots of mature weeds are placed near a tray of loose moss and peat. However, don’t overdo it with smut, otherwise bacteria will quickly develop. fungal infection. The optimal option is 46-50%.


    The watering schedule when the violets are growing is important due to dullness and a soft approach that protects the following factors:

    The miner's earthen bag warehouse;

    Temperature in the room;

    Brightness of lightening;

    Century and physiological state of growth;

    Dimensions and material of the miner;

    It's roku season.

    You can water it in a number of ways.

    When watering The animal needs to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves and flowers. The villi absorb droplets of water, which causes the growth to become rotten and die. To soften the soil, direct water with a thin stream along the edge of the pot. For whom it is advisable to use a syringe or a watering can with a long spout. The advantage of this method is that the loose salts are washed out of the soil at once with water.

    When watering from a tray Cover the pot with violet 1/4 full in a container with water until the earthen breast is completely wet. Excess water from the pan after all this is required. This method is used for watering young plants and children. With this method, it is important not to put a bunch of potters in one tray in order to eliminate the infestation of the weeds.

    At Noteworthy watering The vologist walks step by step with the miner along the twine or cord lowered into the container with water. This option is a magic wand for difficult periods of time when people are at home (vacation, visiting a doctor, etc.). The success of this is ensured by correctly selecting the parameters of the cord (diameter, material, capillary conductivity).

    During the winter, when violets stand on a cold windowsill, the water in the pot cools down quickly. This is rotting the root system. Therefore, at this time it is safer to water in the usual way.

    Tap water for irrigation must warm up to room temperature (18-20 degrees) and wait 20-24 years for chlorine to evaporate from it.


    During the spring-summer period, the period of survival during the growing of violets is carried out 1-2 times per month. In this case, use mineral and organic components. If the sprouts are planted in fresh soil, they can be watered again after 2 months. The abundance of kindness encourages the bushy growth of the leaves, the color changes until it becomes even deeper. As a result decorative look he's a dog. Before digging, the miner needs to water the soil. This will save the root from the dust. Roslins, which are placed on racks when individually hung, will last for a long time.


    When violets grow, they can be propagated in a number of ways.

    Rooted live bait near the water- The most popular way. Next to him comes the kvitnikar-cob. For successful rooting, important correct choice live bait. Old and young leaves are not suitable for this. For this purpose, select a sheet from the 2nd row below. It may be healthy: springy, without rips, deformations, wounds, marks. Cut it more beautifully under a cut of 45 degrees - with such a cut the rooting area will be larger than with a transverse cut. The length of the cut live bait is 4-5 cm. It is necessary to dry and dry the active vugillas. Place the live bait in a container (for which the bulbs behind the lids are best suited), so that the lower part of the petiole is exposed to water. In this case, you don’t have to press into the bottom or the walls of the vessel, but stay in position to “float.” After the crowns appear, the live bait is transplanted into a bowl with light soil mixture. Over the course of a month, miniature rosettes appear that are transplanted next to shallow pots.

    Rooted petiole in soil. This method involves rooting the leaf petiole directly into the prepared soil. It’s really easy to use a clear container or a disposable plastic cup for planting. This one needs to create holes for ventilation. Place 1-1.5 cm of substrate on the bottom, then add vermiculite or perlite to the same ball. Spoil everything. Place the prepared live bait up to the edge of the balls. After planting, place the container near the greenhouse (you can use a zip-bag) to ensure adequate lighting (without direct changes). During the entire rooting process, keep a stitch so that condensation does not fall on the leaf blade.

    Rooted leaf weed at the substrate. This method is recommended if you want to remove children as much as possible from valuable or rare varieties of violets. A new “leaf” emerges from the leaf petiole. This type of pruning encourages children to get creative at the edges that are being trimmed. Or you can cut the leaf blade into pieces, the skin of which may lose at least one large vein.

    Leaf fragments need to be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried, and irrigated with vugillas. Afterwards, plant them on the substrate and place them near the greenhouse. To change the strength of condensate, the greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.

    Rooting of flower-bearing plants and pasinki plant for the propagation of chimera violets (they have dark flowers) and trailers. In other ways, such specimens bloom not according to the variety and produce chaotic flowering of flowers. To make the pastry more fertile, you need to cut the top of the mother shoot. From the bosoms of the sinuses on the hemp, which is in the top, the grains grow. When they grow up, they should be reproached leaf baitfish. In 70-85% of cases, the color of such “sides” differs from the maternal one. More chimeras, flowering ones consistent with the variety (90-95%), can be selected from multiplied flowering plants. For whom should the flower flower flower or be dissolved? From the flower plant, cut the flowers close to the leaves and root them in a greenhouse.

    Varietal children grow from leaves, so those that grow shorter need to be pruned. You can try this method of rooting flower plants.

    Reproduction of children- The most convenient method for diluting Saintpaulia in home-made spirits. Father's lines for extracting changeable material may remain healthy. For children, it is practical to use a transparent container with a lid. You need to fill it with perlite before sowing violets and pour them out of a spray bottle. It is necessary to ventilate thoroughly. The substrate is not to blame for drying out. When the seedlings grow, they need to be picked and planted in cups around them.

    The main bad guys and methods of dealing with them

    As a result of the appearance of discounts, no insurance coverage is required. I can consume fruits through a soil substrate, from new growing plants, through open windows, from field and cut bouquets.

    Fungus gnats (Sciaridi)- black midges, which lay up to 300 eggs in a pot of soil. Spitting, the larvae (white worms with a black head) chew the roots of violets, especially young rosettes. When fighting fungus gnats, include mechanical and chemical options. Adult flies can be killed with sticky strips and fumigators. It is recommended to spray the soil with an insecticide (for example, Nemabakt, Aktara) according to the scheme. Before planting, the soil needs to be steamed.

    Cyclamen tick inconceivable to the human eye. In the great colonies it looks like a ball of popula. The growth is stunted, the color fades, the edges of the leaves curl downwards. At the point of growth, young leaves become super pubescent. On the mature flowers that have blossomed, there is a characteristic friable crop. The flowers themselves, when cracked, are deformed. To combat the mite, bite with Fitoverm, Vermitek or Akarin. Treatments are carried out 4 times every 3 days.

    Horny worm (coccidi)- tse komaha, scho mokche white color. Settles on roots and in leaf axils. On the damaged tissues, red-brown spots appear (bite spots), leaf blades are deformed. To reduce coccids, apply 3-fold treatment with Aktara and Fitoverm at an interval of 5-7 days.

    Fusarium. The disease caused by this disease is the fungus Fusarium. It appears more often in the cold season that leaves appear brown, fall off, and roots rot. Who suffers from incorrect agricultural technology in Saintpaulia: important soil, high moisture content, above-ground watering, sudden temperature changes, vikoristan cold water, displacement instead of nitrogen For prevention, water the plants with fungicides (roschinfundazole), maintain the lightening and watering regime.

    Powdery mildew- disease, which is caused by various mushrooms, attacks the buds and flowers of violets, as well as leaves. Looks like a yak burberry coating. In sick growths you can see rotted parts and spray with Topaz fungicide. Seaweeds also require sprinkling for prevention.

    Late blight- illness caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. Wine penetrates the roots through the roots. When a violet is infected with this pest, the root collar rots, and brown spots appear on the leaves. Roslins can be planted at an early stage by rooting uninfected leaves. The sickly tree needs to be taken care of and the potter needs to be sterilized.

    Sulphur rottenness (botridosis) it looks like a gray coating on parts of the growth that are dying. At high volost And with low temperatures, the disease-causing fungus Botridis affects the health of the plants. In order to avoid fungal spores, the soil before vikoristany needs to be free of infection by frying and freezing. At the cob stage, the leaves lose their springiness, become soft, and brown along the edges. Then sulfur mold appears on the infected plots and the stinks die off. They need to be removed, treated with fungicide and replanted in fresh soil.

    Violet from a leaf. An easy waxing method for beginners

    Ale, after all, I added some extra help for myself violet leaves. Released through one popular service.
    The girl shared her leaves free of charge for independent rooting of those who reject this gift.

    I decided to grow a violet in my house, got home, and got along.
    The girl shared with me a few leaves of violets and a small glass of young shoots of these flowers.
    She didn’t say exactly what color the violets would be, explaining that they would grow in her house different views, And the cut leaves were not marked in any way.

    What was given to me, I took for my home use. She handed me a chocolate bar.

    Three leaves appeared.
    And in a small bottle with rosettes of violet leaves, several appeared nearby.
    As I realized later, one violet gave a few so-called growing points.

    So, how can you grow more than one leaf in your home?

    My pokkovі dії from growing a violet from a leaf

    1. We check the planting material

    The leaves for planting will be healthy, without damage or other defects, not wrinkled, and beautiful.
    In my plant, the leaves were cut, and they were already fairly dry in place.

    2. Preparation before the rooting stage

    Cutting material, in this case our violet leaf, in my case - three in total, I cut a little bit, so I cut a part of the petiole, which had already dried up after being cut from the mother plant.

    3. Choose the rooting method: two ways

    The first method is to put it in water.

    I naturally assumed that a violet leaf could be immediately placed in a pot of soil.
    Whom did I get the idea from after reading this information on the Internet?
    Ale, through its weediness, began to work on another method of rooting violet leaves - with water.

    Many gardeners and gardeners take care of rooted plants for additional water.
    Axis and I decided on this method. I put three leaves in the water and added a tablet of activated vugill to prevent the appearance of foul flora and an unpleasant odor.

    Having done this, I placed the leaves near the water so that the petiole was lost from the water, and the leaf itself became water. The fragments from the smell of violets stick together first, it was even more so, like a root that takes a long time to hatch, which smells of strength, structure, potency, dozhin.

    Of course, to take care of everything, it would be more logical to stir the leaves in a container with water.

    Another way is to plant it in the ground.

    Planting a leaf on the ground is not important. Just carefully place the petiole near the soil, compact the soil and water if necessary.

    My caution

    Watch out for leaves near the water. She often watched the skin, often checked it and marveled at how the skin leaf was doing, but, unfortunately, there were no daily changes.
    If there was a little interest, caution sounded until the moment of adding water to the bottle. One time, and now after 3 years, I began to visually notice that the roots of what looked like small white threads still began to appear on the leaves. This fact made me very happy. An hour later the root grew near the water.
    I can’t say to what extent the presence of the vugill influenced the rapid growth and development of the root, but the root still grew.

    About an hour later, I found small buds of other violet leaves at the root, which is still a sure sign that the plant had entered its full life and began to develop and grow into a proper violet bush. .
    This arrangement made me think about those trees that the time had come to plant in the ground.

    4. Planting the sprout after rooting near the water.

    This point is skipped when planting in the ground.

    Preparation before transplantation: potters, soil, drainage

    The pots for violets at the cob stage were small.
    For leaves on Narazi I found the best option with the least amount of money - a small plastic bottle.
    It is very pleasant for the leaf, there is a place where all the rosettes will grow, and after an hour and the rich green mass grows in the world, you can consider the option of a complete transplant into the same square It's a miner.
    Varto vrahuvat that even a great potter for violets is not needed.

    For planting violets, I purchased additional soil designated for violets and Saintpaulia. Behind the warehouse labels you can talk about the presence of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The virobnik writes that the soil for my violet will be balanced.

    We replant the seedlings

    Of course, when replanting, it is necessary to follow all the rules of placement and drainage, and place the plantings near the old soil.

    I managed without drainage. I just respect that while the growth is too small, it will soon be necessary to replant it again, once it survives the absence in the capacity of this structure.
    Moreover, I always make drainage holes for all glasses every day.
    The planting of leaves went smoothly. It’s just that the ball was buried in the ground, and then I placed it there as comfortably as possible, I bet the roots of the plants covered it with earth.

    As soon as a leaf has grown in the way of planting a leaf in the ground, it has grown into a bunch of rosettes; later you can plant them around.

    I had to tinker with the sockets a little more because I needed to separate them and then plant them around. Ale y iz tsim I got into trouble.
    It had all the same standard procedures: burial in the ground, replanting and, if necessary, adding soil to the cup.
    Dilimo go to the sockets, let's okremo. When the green mass emerges from the ground, it grows over time and produces more flowers, which will bring the first joy to the ruler by the appearance of the first flowers on the foal.

    5. Let's look at the violet

    Doglyad - hourly watering. In this case, flooding and allowing the soil to dry out is not good.

    Ale headache moment - tse light mode. The violet needs to be protected from active dormouse changes in order to prevent leaf opacities. When the day is light, it is time for her to remain active.


    Growing a violet from one leaf is not as easy as you might think at first glance. The newcomer is completely out of it.
    Roslina is rapidly developing due to the evidence of minimal observation and the creation of elementary minds. You can pick out garnia from the smallest leaf home kvitka You can also cut out a leaf from any of your plants and continue reproducing with the help of someone else. A sprout can also form a number of daughter sprouts, a point of growth that grows around the rosette of leaves.

    P.S. (P.S):
    After transplanting into the surrounding area, the largest flock of violets is on guard against a small flowering plant, which, I hope, will soon delight the flowers. The violet color is already indicated.

    Women buried

    Usambar violets, or Saintpaulias, have earned special esteem among lovers of indoor pottery making.

    The stench is easy to see, multiplied and replaced, but one is pleased with the diversity of the preparation, the forms and the great variety of colors of almost the whole river. Propagate Saintpaulias in a vegetative way, which guarantees the preservation of power and the current appearance of the mother plant. Find out how to grow a violet from a leaf so that you can easily and painlessly pick out the violet that you need. This process is very easy and only takes a lot of time.

    Select a leaf suitable for propagation

    The procedure for removing violets from leaves can be divided into several stages:

    • select a confirmation sheet;
    • preparation before rooting;
    • rooted;
    • preparation of planting container and substrate;
    • regeneration of starters.

    The leaf petiole of the violet must be taken from the entire healthy plant. The leaves are without brown spots, have the correct turgor and anatomical shape.

    Best suited for rooting middle row leaves. The lower rows are old leaves that take too long to root or will be completely lost, and the upper rows are young leaves that have not yet gained enough strength to root.

    Cut the leaf with a petiole of 2-4 cm, using a knife or a knife. Place the cut on the mother's tree and sprinkle it with cooked vugillas to prevent rotting.

    The optimal time for propagating violets is spring, but propagation of an entire river is allowed.

    Technology of preparation before rooting

    Rooting of violet leaves can be done either in a container with water or directly in the soil.

    For water rooting The capacity is chosen so that the bait is kept in water by at least 1/2 part of its capacity, and the diameter is less than the leaf part of the petiole, in order to prevent rotting.

    If there is no container of this diameter, then take a paper sheet, put it under the petiole, place the violet leaf over the surface of the paper sheet, which is placed on a container with water, and bury the petiole in the water.

    You can add a small amount of cooked vugill to the container with water to reduce the possibility of the proliferation of pathogenic organisms. The water should be at room temperature, after evaporation, add to the required level.

    To root a violet leaf at Grunti Place a special soil storage container for Saintpaulias in the bottle, wrap it and bury the petiole 2-3 cm. In this case, you need to create a greenhouse, for example, cover the bottle with a plastic bag, otherwise you need to remember about the bindings It is regularly ventilated. The disadvantage of this method is that behind the ball of soil the process of root formation is not visible, as a result of which there is a risk of skipping the rotting of the bait.

    On a petiole placed in water, the root develops in about two days. For the earth, the process takes about three hours, on average three hours. Since the roots were developed in the soil, it is not possible to replant the plants until the children are born.

    Preparation of a miner and soil

    Planting the leaves of violets in the soil is carried out once the bunch of plant roots is formed at least 2 div.

    The soil for violets has either a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, moisture content, and good aeration. You can use ready-made soil for Saintpaulia or prepare the sum yourself: for this purpose, mix leaf soil, peat and river sand in proportions 4:1:1 .

    Robot order:

    1. At the bottom of a small flask, pour a drainage ball made of expanded clay or other similar materials (for example, a bit of a scythe, a knee in the village of Vugilla).
    2. Then lay the soil, and carefully, taking care not to damage the roots, bury the leaf.
    3. Soil the earth, and place the bottle in a greenhouse or put on a plastic bag to create the greenhouse effect.

    Planting gardeners for individual containers

    After about 2-3 years of leaf base, small bushes - children - begin to grow. Make 3-5 pieces. Nowadays, young plants develop their own root system, which allows children to independently extract their daily words from the ground, and not through the mother’s leaf, so they gradually die out.

    If the root system has developed sufficiently for independent sleep, and the young bushes themselves will be the mother of the loosened socket, you can note that the growth is a starter, then it is no longer a child, but not yet an immature specimen.

    At this stage, the violets must be planted in individual pots - one rosette per container. It is necessary to separate the sockets by cutting with a sharp knife or a knife to the roots to connect them, placing the cuts on the sticky carvings.

    Saintpaulias are best felt in plastic pots, on the days of which there are drainage openings.

    Landing technique:

    1. Pour 2-3 cm of drainage into the prepared soil and carefully replant the starter.
    2. Spray the soil with a spray bottle, only getting it on the leaves of the plant.
    3. After planting, transfer the container with violets to a permanent place.

    A further look is like looking after a mature flower.

    Key points for successful growing of violets

    Violets are more likely to be seen on the outgoing or outgoing windows, avoiding the loss of direct dormouse exchanges. The morning temperature is between 20-25 degrees, it is advisable to sharply reduce the temperature by more than 5 degrees above average.

    Watering with water at room temperature will allow the top layer of soil to dry. Call to water the weed once every two days, collection earlier, depending on the intensity of the scorching.

    Violets no longer require fertilization. If the bush is replanted close to the new soil, then there will be no shortage of living trees. If universal substances are still being used, then dilute them at half the concentration prescribed by the manufacturer.

    To form an even and symmetrical rosette, turn the sprout on its axis a quarter to a half times per week. Do not allow the leaves to wilt and grow evenly.

    Replant mature violets once every 1-2 days in the spring. In this case, the bottom row of leaves is removed, and the place is immediately covered with cooked vugillas. The bushes of the lower leaves are dampened, thereby rejuvenating the rosettes.

    Having learned to pick violets from a leaf, you will quickly put together a rich collection of Saintpaulias that are ready to be knitted different periods. Start propagating other plants, for example, or...

    Violets are very beautiful flowers and there are plenty of people who can expand their collection with other varieties or begin to develop new types of existing ones. In households, the propagation of such plants produces leaves that are cut from a specimen that suits them.

    This method of growing violets is respected in the simplest and most advanced way and can be mastered by beginners. Same friendly hour For whom - spring and summer, if there is enough light and warmth. Please note that the quality of the day is short. So how do we stir violets in our household minds? Let's try to get married.

    How to choose the right violet leaf

    The propagation of these flowers will be successful if the planting material is chosen correctly. If the leaf is weak or sick, then we will allow its offspring to mature, so that before choosing it, we must go with all the compatibility.

    It is not recommended for propagation to select leaves that grow on the lower tier closest to the ground, since the smell there is mostly old and weakened. In addition, bacteria and super fungi often settle on them.

    For planting material, it is best to use live bait from another or third tier, It is necessary to prevent the formation of leaves of the required size with varying turgor.

    Sometimes the material used for fabrication becomes drooping, so that it loses its spring and modern appearance. This appears to be the case if the leaflet was picked up in a store, sent by mail from a retailer, or snatched from friends.

    A negative sign on the surface of the leaf blade is that the petiole is damaged by the road, and in some cases, irregular watering. Therefore, before landing, they leave a trace for a few years put boiling water in a warm place with the addition of many potassium permanganate crystals.

    Finally, such a leaf becomes uninfected and turns to the cob. After this, the petiole is carefully cut with a sharp knife at a distance of 3-4 cm from the base of the leaf plate, usually under the straight edge.

    The sooner a leaf hits the water, the sooner its roots begin to emerge. Tim, who hasn’t been involved in breeding these colors before, it’s easier to choose for rooting boiled or stood water.

    This allows you to: accurately stitch the planting material; It is timely to prevent rotting of the petiole and promote the development of roots.

    Capacity for violet propagation is absolutely necessary imitate and sterilize. For these purposes, it is best to use bulbs or small dark glass bottles to prevent the build-up of green algae and muddy water on the walls.

    The rooting procedure is carried out as follows:

    • cover the sheet with 1.5-2 div of water;
    • To avoid sticking through the petiole, fix the leaf with the help of the crust;
    • to prevent the development of microscopic algae and pathogenic bacteria in the water, drop a tablet of active vugill;
    • Since the liquid is about to evaporate, it is necessary to add fresh water for this purpose.

    Depending on the type of violet you choose, you can notice the appearance of corincs after 2-4 days. If it is not the roots that appear in the crop, but traces of rot, the leaves should be removed from the water, dried and carefully rubbed to remove any damage to the fabric.

    The appearance of rot will help you get rid of it activesane vugilla Look at the powder with which to cover the new cut, after which the sheet plate is again immersed in water. When the meat root appears in great quantity, replant it near the ground.

    Transplanting live bait into soil

    You can taste the violet from the leaves in small plastic bottles or potters, which you can open to let the water flow. It is possible to fill the third third with dribble drainage, then fill it with soil to the top.

    Place the holder at once from the sheet to a small depth Otherwise, the closed sockets will be difficult to reach the surface, weaken, and may not open at all.

    The soil around the petiole should be compacted, fertilized, and then the potter with the violet should be covered with a bag to create a pleasant atmosphere for it and protect the soil.

    This type of growth grows over time until small children appear at the petiole. This means that the growing of violets from the leaf was successful. Young shoots are planted in different pots.

    Practically all the previous leaders are united in the Duma, so as soon as you plant a violet in the ground, you will grow much more effective, the fragments of live bait sooner succumb to rotting, quickly take root and produce more children.

    In order to plant a violet, you can add special soil, which add fluff to the feet: polystyrene foam, vermiculite, sphagnum moss or perlite. It’s best to prepare it yourself by mixing perlite and vermiculite in equal proportions without adding any living soil.

    Perlite is obligatory component to pick up the violets, the fragments will provide access to the roots. And vermiculite works as a fluff on the soil mix and better absorbs the moisture.

    The process of rooting a leaf from the soil is carried out as follows:

    1. The live bait is removed from the violet and removed, after which the stem is cut off, lowered for a few seconds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and finally left to dry.
    2. Fill a plastic cup with drainage holes with a warm substrate.
    3. Plant live violets in sumish and tighten a little for durability.
    4. It is not recommended to water the plant immediately.
    5. Then the bottle with live bait is placed in either a plastic box or covered with a plastic bag.

    To prevent flowers from appearing on the ground, the plant should be ventilated. The kidney of the veins may sag a little, which is considered normal. In about an hour, with the emergence of the coriander leaves, the leaves will become springy again.

    Watering with live bait is necessary once a week It is not necessary intensively, but it is not necessary to fertilize it. Tse allow you shvidshe let korіnya u poshukah kharchuvannya.

    Seed of children with propagated violets from arcus

    As soon as the base of the live bait appears, the daughter rosettes appear, the plant is planted. The children should be separated in such a manner that the skin small tree there was at least one pair of leaves and a small number of roots.

    The floor will not be so traumatic, as it is good to turn the earth into a potter, to remove the growth at once from the earthen breast, and carefully clean the roots from the soil.

    This is how we practiced how to grow violets from leaves in the home. This process is not very difficult and a beginner can do it. Golovne tse follow the singing rules And then we can all get out the first time.

    It has been proven that the kvetnikari have grown to feel the kvіts, no matter what the fate, which will bring them a lot of satisfaction.
