How to grow a violet into a leaf.

Skidniki Troyandi Violets – all the same

room rooms

who indulge in the relish of great greatness, and who wouldn’t want to have a cute flower on their birthday, the color of almost the whole river?

Moreover, according to the Duma of the right fakhists, a homemade violet does not have a lot of respect and strength for its ruler, so if you acquire such a plant, you can ensure yourself beauty, which is not easy to keep an eye on y! The bush ball most often has pea, birch and sea buckthorn, and in the grass ball there is a forest, a dagger and a fluffy one, a lumberjack and a turtleneck. In Pomerania, which is the essence of beech, oak trees rarely develop a strong forest sweetness.

At the “Valley of Kohannya” there is an oak tree growing on the tops of the hills and shilіv at the back of the park.

The wine is characterized by a ball of bushes, which value the warm blood of the wild boar breed, such as lily, plumple, hunger and herbaceous grass.

Sered herbs -

The ball of hair that curves it is called a knife.

Kutner isolates plants, protecting them from water loss and overheating.

Another strategy that allows the trees to survive dry conditions is to collect water from the leaves and stems. The waterfalls of the waterfalls in the park are accompanied by swamp forests of the volkhi and sol. The velkha box has high ash with a black velkha house.

In the handicraft industry, hazelnuts, cherries and buryan are preferred. The bottom of this forest is covered with weeds, tied to the soft, shady places of residence: round-haired herring, wild eye, distant sedge, mud hut and fine-grained impala and nettle. Well, it’s great that violet began to grow in household minds not so long ago, as if a hundred years ago, from that hour it became a favorite plant of rich knitnikars, and the diversity of its varieties creates a soothing effect on the skin , who is at the kvitkovy store. Home room violets If you take special care to follow all the subtleties of growth, the result can be a beautiful, well-developed, steadily thriving plant that successfully reproduces. The elm-ash ligaments cover the mostly dry plots, for example, the raised edges of the valley.

In the middle of the trees, the cream will grow, as well as the mountain and sleeping oaks.

Early spring

The hazel tree grows brown clones, and in the grassy ball there are chameleon beetles with wide light green leaves and white flowers, with an intense chameleon smell and white popcorn.

Rare gardens are as rare as the appearance of a hammer and the threads are constricted in the holes to animate the flows of the park.

Possibly, the decline of the sun is the place where underground waters penetrate to the surface, often bicarbonate, taking up the appearance of a gray-travertine sliver.

Severe hydration and light deficiency eliminated more than a few species of mosses and liverworts in dzherel.

The complicity of the look behind the violet is similar to the complicity of the viewer, so feel free to choose the one that suits you best. Once you have decided on the variety, you need to carefully look at the redness, even though it is absolutely healthy and strong, the remains of the disease are not likely to be revealed to the most experienced plant growers. The stench is infused into the coldly watered stones, creating a sweetness in which mosses, ferns and liverworts dominate.

Due to their small size, it is important to treat them, but they are one of the largest natural habitats in the park.

Vologos dovkilya were stolen. At the other end of the park there are two surplus gardens, which will probably occupy a much larger area at the time of their creation. Old apple trees, wide ridges and pears covered with steep layers of high thickness.

It’s more important that they smell valuable, fertile and sickly genetic rice and the unique taste of old varieties that are no longer sold today.

Currently, the old park is a forest with more than 270 species of plants, of which 15 are protected.

Particularly notable are the large-flowered orchid, the oval-leafed orchid and the chapel of immature and purple exotics.

In addition to growing mushrooms, you can grow mushrooms.

The park has over 150 species, including extremely rare and protected species such as natural sardines and sea stars - black fish and ore stars, similar to those from and skins. Remember that the violet is afraid of hypothermia, so it’s best not to water it, but if you still have to, ask the seller not to water it 3-4 days before purchase. Before transporting, pack the sprouts in a ball of newspaper, then seal it in a plastic bag.

If, after transportation, any leaves become damaged or damaged, they must be carefully removed from the socket.

There are many landscape sculptures to make the park characteristic of the great diversity of the place of residence. As a result, a number of large-scale groupings are established, including those that are so called for protection. On the skhila, covered with beech forest, old trees with dimensions were preserved, which give them recognition as a monument to nature.

And one of them screams the most buried.

This old beech is a tree with a wide crown and about 6 m tall, growing on the edge of the entrance to the park.

Dendrochronology has determined that this century lasted 200 years.

Sometimes they call him a wild woman, a wild one, a little-eyed one, or an orphan.

A plant of the violet family, which includes a large number of agaric plants, tea leaves and tree branches. Traditionally, purple symbolizes modesty, humility, truth, beauty and selfishness. The names Viola and Violeta are similar.

If, however, it is practical to reduce the amount of sunshine, it is best to have a shelving unit with individual candles that will allow you to place enough on a small area.

great quantity


In general, the violet should be given 10-12 days of lightening per day, remember that too little lightening for such a violet is as bad as too much.

It has long been appreciated that this plant protects against headaches and migraines.

This is a single river and winter plant. Their gardens appear like spring and spring. The violet leaves of the egg-shaped plant are about 5 mm.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that the leaves hang behind the potter’s boundaries, and the rosette itself is three times larger, which is normal, only in such minds can the violet fully develop and bloom.

Soil and life

It is possible to virulently germinate violets in the minds of the home, and to add due respect to the earthly mind, it is important that a good result can only be achieved only if one selects the correct composition of the soil.

For example, the original city soil is not suitable, it is too strong that it does not allow the rosette to develop normally and give garni kviti.

Herbicide treatment of field violets in grain crops

The coin door is a very strong structure that quickly expands as you plant it in the garden and give it plenty of space. Small light purple flowers appear at the end of the stems and may bloom throughout the growing period. Its flowers are varied, white-violet and grow on long stems 5-20 cm;

They begin to bloom early in the spring until late in the fall.

Other varieties of mint have purple flowers, and the leaves are dark green with golden hues.

Although mint can be planted at any time during the growing period, the freshly separated root will be more beautiful if planted on a cool and wet day, spring or autumn.

Do not plant the mint in the middle of the growing season, because it is not necessary.

When planted on any kind of soil, the marrow soaks up a lot of water, especially if the soil is clay. Remember, pour a large amount of mint into the water immediately after planting, just in case the root smells. To ensure drainage, it is necessary to place loose pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot to prevent stagnation of water, which can cause rotting of the roots of the plants.

Remember that everything is necessary lifelong speeches To ensure normal growth of the growth, keep the violet completely out of the ground.

Make sure mint doesn’t have problems with bad people.

When the disease persists, the leaves of the plant can be cut and rusted at the edges.

This can be saved if you remove all the stems and dry stems, as well as the leaves, before winter sets in. The more leaves and leaves you collect, the more mint grows, the more you can harvest during the growing season. Climbing into great quantities, when the sprout begins to bloom, and when the leaves at the bottom of the sprout begin to turn yellow.

Virizaniya m'yatoy zagali, 5-10 cm higher than the soil.

Peppermint comes out of the bottles and allows them to dry in a warm room in the shade.

After the smell has dried, the leaves can be stored in a jar.

For irrigation, you can’t rely on cold and running water; the ideal option is to keep the water standing for a few degrees warmer than the outside temperature.

Water the rosewood at least twice a week, water can be poured directly into the pan, don’t forget to make a small hole at the bottom of the pot, as this has not happened before.

How does a violet reproduce?

The simplest way to carry out this process is to root the violet petiole, for which it is enough to strengthen the leaf from the other bottom row, cut it with a weed at 45° and place it in water.

You can add a tablet of active vugill to the water, which will speed up the rooting process of the leaf.

After the depth of roots reaches 1.5-2 cm, the leaf is transplanted into peat, whereby the planting depth is carefully adjusted - no more than a centimeter.

The leaf is placed in a warm and bright place, covered with a bag.

As soon as two pairs of new leaves appear on the leaf, they can be resuscitated and transplanted around the container for which plastic cups are used.

If the soil is fluffy and light, it is necessary to provide a high level of peat and perlite.
In addition to live bait, the violet can be propagated by the flowering plant or plants, but the methods are labor-intensive and are far from immediately amenable to the knowledge of flower breeders.
We spin a violet from a leaf.
Now we cut the petiole, removing 3 cm. If it suddenly breaks off and becomes short, the leaf will miraculously take root.
We are preparing a few warm roses of potassium permanganate in a light russet color.

Place the sheet on top of this sheet for a few seconds.
The leaf can be rooted near water: This option is less complicated - live bait often rots near water, leaves placed near water often lose turgor.
It is known that flowers often indicate the death of leaves that need to take root in this way.
Another option for rooting a leaf.
And this method is very clever!
The leaf can also be rooted from light sumisha.
Gotuyemo sumish - just that shvidko:
- A bottle of vermiculite
- Perlite bottle
- a bottle of whatever life-giving soil
You can get by with just perlite and vermiculite without adding soil.
We spill this amount with warm boiled water.
Take a plastic pot with a diameter of 5 - 6 cm and prepare it with a mixture.
When you plant a leaf, bury the bait to 1 cm. As the wine falls, you can create support from medicinal sticks, plastic cocktail straws, etc.
Place it near the greenhouse, or better yet, simply cover it with an individual bag.

There may be water standing at the bottom of the greenhouse, there is enough moisture there.
The sum of water has leaked through the surface, now I need to drain the water.
Until then, it is necessary to add fluff.

The best ones are sphagnum moss, perlite, vermiculite.
Moss absorbs the soil and then gradually distributes it to the roots, perlet provides “spirit-rich” access to the roots, vermiculite absorbs the soil and keeps the soil fluffy.
You can do without moss and vermiculite, but pearlite may be a burden.
You can get by with finely coated polystyrene foam.
Leaves and children must dry at a temperature of at least 20 degrees.
Optimal – 24 – 26. Mature violets – at a minimum temperature of + 18.
It is not possible to germinate leaves or “children” on the windowsill.
Leaves or children require a minimum temperature of +20 degrees.
On the porch at night + 12 – 15. This is acceptable only for mature shoots (albeit even worse).
Place the thermometer on the windowsill and watch what the temperature is early in the morning.
Well, the children have grown up,
Each skin "baby" has 3 - 4 pairs of leaves, the smell reaches a height of about 4 - 5 centimeters.

Rozsadjuemo їх.
We can climb all the vegetation from the miner, without stopping to crumble the earth.
Don’t let the root “children” lose their breasts of earth on them.
We carefully nourish the children from the mother's sheet, one after another.
This axis of the skin process begins almost independently in practice.
A small wound has appeared on the skin of the child - a place of strengthening from the mother's leaf.
On the porch at night + 12 – 15. This is acceptable only for mature shoots (albeit even worse).
Place the thermometer on the windowsill and watch what the temperature is early in the morning.
This wound is attached to cooked vugillas.
The children are planted in pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. The diameter of the children (opened leaves) is equal to the diameter of the pot.
You can try placing it on the countertop if 2–3 months have passed since the children were raised from the mother’s sheet. It’s not the best day of the week.There was a lot of trouble in the windows. The song varieties do not produce sunshine, they require growth. During the day, the stink can “hang” the leaves. On the windowsills the trees are often attacked
powdery mildew
white coating
on the flowers and buds, rotten,
fungal infection
. Well, violets grow best in the police under the candlelight. A lamp (diameter 3 cm) 60 cm long at a distance of 25 cm from the crown of the trees illuminates a surface 30 cm wide. Thin Chinese lamps with a density of 20 Watt (the diameter of such a lamp is 1 cm) require two.
The lamps are suitable depending on the lighting intensity on the right.
The light makes it brighter and easier to read.

The violet must be kept in the bright light for 12-14 years every day.

On the windowsill, in any case, it takes away enough light from birch to heather.