Flowers can be transplanted in the spring.

Skidniki Troyandi The rule is that spring-kvituchi types of roses plant and replant along the lines of sickle - heather, and

summer-season and autumn-season

- in the spring, at the end of the season, there is grass on the cob.

Optimal terms

It is normal for plants to tolerate transplantation from spring to autumn, until the time of flowering. Sometimes there is a need to replant the bush at an unusual time, for example, at the time of budding. In such cases, you need to remove all the buds from the bushes, prepare a planting hole, and thoroughly spill it with water.

The bush that is to be replanted must also be well watered, so that by the time it is dug up, the least amount of soil has dried out from the roots.

Some (for example, primroses) - after 3-4 years, others (astilbe, irises, loosestrife and bitterweed) - after 5-6 years, others (Volzhanka, Kupenya, hosta, pivonia, daylilies, hellebores) grow without transplants 10-20 rokiv.

But these terms will never be defined again.

Since the plants are growing well and are healthy, there is no need to divide them.

For example, it seems that 5 years have passed since the planting of astilbe, and their bushes are large, with rich arable leaves, the color is clear, so it is not necessary to plant them.

You can put it on another river. Roslina, right? Your body itself will tell you when it becomes cramped and the time for transplantation has come: the bush begins to crumble, the color weakens.

In irises and astilbes, rhizomes become bare and grow vertically.

This is a signal that the bushes are not growing alive and the time has come for the old bushes to be rejuvenated.

Roslini for the rocket, not lishe burn

It is very important to properly prepare the plot before planting sprouts. Some plants give preference to light nourished soil, while others favor lively soil? finish vologa clay. The structure of important clayey soil should be improved by adding sand and vitrified peat or compost to make it more fluffy. The necessary additives are scattered on the surface of the earth and dug into the bagnet of the shovel, carefully selecting the roots of the weeds (sny, piriya, mother-y-machukhi, etc.).

Add two buckets of peat or compost and one bucket of sand per 1 sq.m. Clayey and loamy soils provide enough living resources for planting decorative bags

It is kind to vikorist in small quantities. Possibly, perhaps early spring Spread nitroamophoska and other complex additives on the surface of the soil. Richly decorative - the price of low aggregators, which are formed during the flowering period, creating barvy pods.

However, in the decorative sky there are not only flowers, a lot of plants also have flowering forms,

leaves of different colors and the smells are so important and yet beautiful, like fruits. This can be done practically throughout the entire season, or the shortest term is spring and summer.

From the beginning of the grass until the end of the harvest, we will not be warm yet, and the planting of sprouts will become a waste of water.

long time ago

Also remember, so as not to harm the acidic views of those who love soil vapnyaku!

Before you plant the sprouts, look at the pots on the stove in the planned locations, and then admire all the sprouts on the rise.

We would like to allow you to edit the entire composition and, perhaps, change it before landing.

Remember that while small trees grow quickly, they create great purchases and become distorted.

Landing rules

After the earth has been dug up and leveled with a rake, it is watered and proceeded to planting new shoots, replanting and subdivision of old bushes. What is the main source of nutrition for vegetable growers, what kind of clay do they plant their plants in? This is what you plant: large bushes, plots, rooted livestock, cuttings of rhizomes, cibulins or seedlings.

Cibulini and bulbocybulini (tulips, daffodils, lilies, scylies, muscari, crocus, chubby) are recommended to be planted in a depth that exceeds their height.

Cuttings of rhizomes (underground or above-ground parts of the growth, which sometimes wander with the roots) need to be placed in grooves at such a depth so that the holes grown on them are level with the ground.

Great and tall heights individually on the side or behind

When planting shrubs, it is recommended to maintain a distance between them so that they can grow well over a long period of time.

They cannot be planted too thickly, because the expansive species will soon begin to grow more.

If the area is large, or even wider, plant it in the middle of the slab. In the first years, the growth looks even decorative, but after many seasons, it grows supernaturally, suppressing all the growth until the end. The plots and rooted livestock were planted so that the holes were located a little lower (1-2 cm) or on a level surface to the ground.

On the lower part of the stem of old bushes of pivonia, volzhanka, astilbe, kupena, aquilegia, a trace under the ground is visible, which shows the depth of planting of the mother plant.

If you are planting seedlings grown from saplings, bury them so that the lower leaves are just above the surface of the soil. It is very important that the little dewdrop does not hang near the ground. It is necessary to press the soil firmly to the roots. A characteristic feature that is allowed during planting is the root, the ends of which are straightened, not down and to the sides, but up. In this case, the vessels that move the water and

lifelong speeches . Roslina, planted in this manner, is ill, and sometimes sheds its leaves and may bend.

The root of the plant is spread downwards. Yakshcho root system The shoots are longer than long, and before planting, shorten them by a few centimeters with pruning shears (depending on the type of shoot). Do not squeeze the rosette of the leaves of the seedlings tightly when planting.

As a result, the leaf that is in the center of the rosette of leaves evaporates, and the shoots may bend.

Decades of stones after soaking in calcium can change the soil through a splint of rocks, so it is important to check the pH of the soil once a day and, if necessary, vikorize acidic or acidic peat or cradle and dolomite.

If your garden is of a reasonable size, it benefits from the good and is made up of good bagatorichnyh roslyn.

Securing the ends of the lines is a practice where you look at the aspect in which you can remove compact and fluffy lines.

To pinch the bush, you need to remove the raised stem of the stem, squeezing it between the cuff and thumb.

The skinned piece of pike will be divided into two other pieces.

For plants that bloom in the spring and early summer, it is best to stock them for the early season.

If you make it too late, you run the risk of losing the beans.

Roslin, which is in color throughout summer and spring, is cut - make sure it is no more than 30 cm long - in late spring.

From these stems, other twisted branches will grow, which will then blossom.Press the main flowers before the lime tree; The heights are approaching until the end of summer. Plants can be replanted either outside or indoors (in strong winds and gloomy weather).

A yellow garden hose is an investment worth pennies.

When picking up the hose, make sure it is a ball-shaped one so that you can move the vise more easily; It is recommended to have a diameter that exceeds the fluidity of the flowing water; And the brass threads run along the stream of water.

When choosing a sprinkler, remember that brass or stainless steel can be treated better than plastic.

New irrigation devices, such as a drip hose or other drip irrigation systems, are more effective for weeding in special gardens.

In the spring, transplant the following flowers: have grown a lot over the summer (there is no fussroom growths

and flowers in garden vases, which, growing, will fill the entire expanse with a root system);

room apartments , which you planted in the ground for the summer, turn them back to you; Flowers that have become infected (they need to be treated with liquids and infectious parts, so as not to harm the plants too much).

Remember that

Rules for kidney transplantation

1. Replant the flowers every morning or evening.

Vibirati for transplanting Varto in cold, gloomy weather.

2. Select a suitable container for transplantation.

The vase or potter needs to be spacious enough for the plant to fit, and there is no room left for growing the flowerpot. If you are replanting the rosebush through its growths, choose pots and vases that are 3-4 cm larger in diameter than those in which the rosebush was previously placed. Kuli with spontaneous flora is ideal for rocky areas or courtyards in the hills and mountains Cibulini can be grown in pure colors or sumishes, and the rest are even more decorative when placed nearby great trees . A special effect is achieved by combining cibulin with bienal.

Vaughn doesn't miss

Kvituchi Tabernacles


The planted field has rich soil garden growing plants The culprits were grown according to the lowest height, so that the mother was adjusted, and all types of plants were installed in the animal.

7. If you do, then choose the right earthling that is suitable for your size.

When replanting, do not forget about drainage, which is responsible for covering a third or half of the pot.

8. Do not fertilize the plants immediately after transplantation; let them take root first.