Like on the individual pigment patches. Reasons for the appearance of pigmented patches on the face: the rules of the glee and the watchful eye behind the skin of the face

The reasons for the appearance of pigmented patches on the faces can be done with different ones. Some of them can be blamed, and those that have already appeared can be easily seen in the minds of the home.

Reasons for blaming the individual pigmentation and those who can zastosuvat likuvannya її in home minds, turbulence more women.

Adzhe navit with a real watchfulness, the skin can be shy until the pigmentation of the patches. The stench of a different form, the abundance of zabarvlennya, can be blamed on women for any age.

Most of the pigmented patches appear on the bright spots of the body, and that, for us, is the face of that hand. The stench is a group of oval fragments of the shkir, which can be brown, red, gray and bring on a black color.

Crimea change the color, the skin knows other unacceptable changes:

  • increase in dryness;
  • roughness;
  • walruses settle down.

The reason for these changes is the presence of melanin in the speech of the body, as a reaction to the aggressive action of ultraviolet changes. Surpluses of melanin accumulate in the okremy areas, filling the surface with patches of an unknown form. Most often it is a manifestation of nazdoganya women who have crossed the fortieth line, prote hyperpigmentation schile and ladies richly young age.

Irrespective of those who are pigmented with patches, they do not carry health risks, but one of them is a problem of the skin woman, which is not good to look young and pleasant.

Cause the blazes to appear

In order to successfully fight pigmentation, it is necessary to know the causes of its appearance. Navit with pleats that have already appeared, go, as if the reason is clear, that they called out.

The most widespread reasons for blaming pigment spots are:

  • vikoristannya non-yakіsnoї or stitched cosmetics;
  • Trivale perebuvannya on sun;
  • Evil in tanning beds or not salon procedures;
  • pouring in chemical speeches for an hour of work on a shkidly vibrating machine;
  • post-traumatic manifestations;
  • Hormonal surge at the hour of vaginess;
  • Trivali stress, ill psychosomatic character;
  • Ignition processes of the intestinal tract and liver;
  • Priyom likіv, scho mayut contraindications;
  • The recession factor.

To help determine the correct cause of the appearance of pigmented patches on the face of a doctor, which, if necessary, can be recognized as a consultation of a gynecologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist. As soon as the weather has passed, the correct reason for the appearance of the flames has been established, it is possible to make a decision about the necessary

Even more often, if the cause is simple signs, and not the result of some kind of illness, it’s enough to get stuck, so that the lashes appeared by themselves through a singing interval of an hour.

So for example:

  • varto pripinit likuvannya sumnivnym likarskimi zabobami;
  • encircle the sun by pouring in;
  • turn off solariums;
  • pozbutisya neakіsnoї cosmetics.

Pigmentation, vyklikana one of the ill, only after that, as it will be recognized that it was accepted as necessary.

Pigmented patches, which appeared at the hour of vagity, also through such an hour they will blow by themselves.

As for the results of obstezhennia z'yasuєtsya, scho pigmentation is not associated with any kind of illness, but is simply cosmetic in nature, you can choose to be more exuberant or to relieve the appearance of flames in the minds of the home.

Methods that are victorious to relieve pigmentation

Today, the adoption of pigment patches is a full day of work.

The treatment of pigmentation in beauty salons is established by qualified cosmetologists using the latest methods:

  • Vіdbіlyuvannya. The essence of the method is based on vicarious preparations, which transfer the influx of ultraviolet changes and thereby increase the process of melanin production by the body.
  • Chemical peeling. Organic acids are vicarious, which are poured into the skin on the pigmentation of the skin and illuminate them.
  • Cryotherapy. With a small number of flames, they are given an influx of rare nitrogen, which “freezes” the flame and far away, it swells. Whose way is not to stagnate in the face of the great crowded flames on the faces, so that scars appear.
  • Mesotherapy. The principle of spitting is applied in purified individuals with the use of a mixture of nucleic acids and amino acids.
  • Dermabrasion. Apparatus grinding of the upper ball of the shkir is carried out, at the same time they work with the surface pigment patches.
  • Photoshoot. Having poured into the skin with light whistles, the crying out of the destruction of the cells from the movement of the melanin. This is the most modern method, which excels in giving a hundred hundred results.

Slid vrahuvati, scho all pererakhovanі methods can be zastosovuvat less at beauty parlors, if you don’t start it manually, it will require great financial investment.

Vrakhovuyuchi dorozhnechu salon procedures and spend an hour on the view of salons, rich modern business women joke about ways to solve the problem of pigmentation on the faces of household minds.

Folk medicine, the secrets of which are passed down from generation to generation, may, in its low order of available methods and recipes, vicorist, like a woman who does not leave the house, can overcome the problem of a cosmetic defect, including pigmentation on the face.

The arsenal of home remedies includes:

  • Tonics for purification and rejuvenation of individuals based on herbal infusions;
  • Compressors to saturate the vineyards as a result of a little shkiri flames;
  • Lotions for the removal of shkiri for the hour of thickened pigmentation;
  • Vіdbіlyuyuchi masks.

Krim zastosuvannya domestnyh zasobіv s vіdbіlyuvannya pіgmentnyh plyam on oblichchi, do not forget about those who are not enough in the diet of clean water to provoke the development of pigmentation. Water spriya vyvedennya z shkіdlivih toxicov organism, yakі come out at once from then that section. If the body does not take away the necessary amount of water, then the function of removing toxins will be destroyed, and it will not be worth it to appear on the bench.

Vipita vrantsі in the future a bottle of pure water and porridge, like a snіdanok, to pour into the camp of the shkіri of disguise.

Vіvsyanі plastіvtsі korisnі yak dzherelo mikroelementіv, necessary for the body. The mask made of high plastics with milk is not only made up of the shkir - it clears the upper ball, which has coarsened, puffed up with brown tongues.

Among the home methods to look beyond the skin of the face, there are a lot of recipes for masks and herbal infusions that give a strong effect.

Before that, as you vyrishi vilіkuvati pіgmentnі pіmіvі plіmі on oblichі in domіnі minds, sіd zamyatati kіlka ob'yazkovyh rules:

  1. All the procedures that are recommended, including masks, should be performed in the other half of the day closer to the evening, so as not to add skin after the procedure sleepy shifts;
  2. It is possible to achieve the necessary results only for the mindfulness of the given course of masks - three courses of ten days of skins with breaks of 3-3 days for these days;
  3. Before applying the mask, the next step is to open the skins for help steam bath from the infusion of herbs;
  4. Vіdbіlyuyucha mask is to be poured into the skin more than pіvgodini. The minimum hour is fifteen minutes.
  5. The day after the mask was washed, apply a life-giving cream on the skin;
  6. During the period of passing the course of masks, they should, and nadal, wipe the skin of the face before leaving the booth with a mitzny infusion of tea or a refreshment of shavliy. In addition, protect skin with sunscreen creams, the UV-protection factor of which is as high as twenty five;
  7. Likewise, you vicorist for the use of lemon sik, tsibuli, chrono or black radish, diet carefully, shards of strong sap, zadatni opik.

  • Mix rosemary viburnum berries with a small amount of honey, apply on faces and watch close to pivgodini. Wash the mask with water acidified with lemon juice.
  • Grate a middle apple on a small third, add 50 g of the grated root to the chron. Change the masa, put it on a servlet and put it on a face for a quarter of a year.
  • Thin plastics of peeled fresh potatoes are applied to the pigmentation of the shkiri. You can rub the cleaned syrah bulba and put it on the face of the porridge.
  • Vіdminno vіdbіlyuє ta live shkir bjoliny honey. Just smear with pigment patches a few times a day, and a positive effect will appear in no time.
  • Trim fresh parsley, add honey and lemon juice to it in equal parts. Such a mask may have a high vibrating quality.
  • Take 25 g of fresh yeast, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of milk to them. For the help of this help, you can try to instill more flames.

Celebrate pigmentation in home minds more than three times a day, lower salon procedures with hair removal. And if you add a closer look behind the skin along the new year in the evening, then you will reach not only the best, but also the effect of rejuvenation, with minimal penny vitrates.

It’s even more important in this period, and in the sinter of rock, I’ll spit the sun on the open skin: try to dress the drops with the fields, sun protection eyepieces. Do not forget about cosmetics with UV filters, and also try to get used to zhu, rich in vitamins A, B, C.

Pigmented patches there is no "embellishment" of a woman's individual. Moreover, the light or dark patches, as well as the swine-like sound, do not sound, but bring strong psychological discomfort. And at the same time, there is an inexhaustible bazhanya behind him, escaping the nebazhannyh flames, otrimavshi ideally equal to the shkir. It’s really possible to get pigmentation as a whole, but for the cob it’s necessary to reveal the reason for its appearance.

For no other reason, blamed for sprat eggs, and the adoption of more of them can lead to pigmentation of the coat.

Causes of pigmentation on faces:

  • Invisible cosmetic concerns: be it cream or ointment, components can be removed that cause an allergy in the eyes.
  • Decay: in some families, pigmentation is transmitted in declines, and it appears in children in early age.
  • Infusion: sleepy room and indoor UV lamps to provoke the vinification of pigmentation.
  • Lack of vitamins: stink to take part in the destruction of the necessary hair and eye pigment (melanin). If it is seen too little, the whole skin may be robbed, and they turn brown.
  • Foldable vagіtnіst that canopy: vаgіtnі ї zhіnі іnі і іslja narodzhennya malyuka often viskakuyut small plyami. This is due to those that have disturbed the balance of hormones in the body.
  • The traces of an ugrovy visipka: after the wrong exuberance of pimples and pimples in a whole place, they can turn into red or brown patches.
  • Organ ailments. Often, pigmentation signals about the illness of the shluka, zhovchnoy michur, nirok or liver.
  • Century changes: pigmentation can be blamed after 45 years through hormonal changes.
  • Strong stress.
  • The manifestation of venereal diseases.

See pigmentation shkiri

Chloasma (melasma). They are the great litters of pigmented shkir, who have made themselves out of a bunch of chickens.
Vitiligo. Whose view is with blazing flames, which were blamed through problems with visions of melanin. Ring out the stench is transmitted from the recesses.
Old bridge (lentigo). Tse change, shoulders and hands. There are two types: young lentigo (a genetic manifestation, after up to 10 years on the child’s shkiri a breeze appears) and old lentigo (great whips blame people of a frail age on the faces and in the places available to the sun).
Nevus (family born). For the rahunok of the supra-worldly quantity of melanin, cells are called, in which wines they accumulate. Cі plyami mаut clear edges and are called birthmarks.
Ephelidis (zvichaynі gusset). As a rule, the stench settles on the skins of people who are slender to the point of pigmentation - blonds and ruds. In an hour, the number of chicks becomes less for the rahunok of the fact that the skin itself moves step by step to spread the sleepiness of the mind.

In fact, pigmentation is not only a recessive and allergic, but a centuries-old problem.

She most often blames herself for the woman after 40 years. So it is through those who in this century melanin virolyaetsya richly, and the body through hormonal imbalances, evenly and competently, it is impossible to spread it.

Particularly actively pigmented with patches are settled on the curtains. The sun becomes richly active in the winter, and the skin has not yet changed to a new regime. Special protection creams against ultraviolet light will be the main protection for this time. Try to apply them just in front of him, as you decide to leave the house. When this factor zakhistu can be at least a quarter.

Glittering of pigmentation shkiri

With spitting lashes in disguise, they don’t bring health problems, but bring psychological discomfort to their noses. If you firmly believed that you want to be swayed by them, then immediately get a positive effect. There are a lot of ways and means to fight pigmentation, so it’s really possible to achieve it.

Golovne pіdіbrati effective method and negainoly almost likuvannya. The burden is not varto through those that can penetrate into the lower balls of the shkіri with whips and in an hour you will bring them in a little more folded.

Also, there are many safe ways to deal with this cosmetic defect. Let's look at the back in the simplest way.

Pigments with patches can be brought to the aid of a special warehouse, which you can see. You can use:

  • one of the creams, which are sold in cosmetic stores;
  • zinc ointment - it is especially effective for inflammation and pimples);
  • water peroxide (apply as needed with heat, as they have the most pigment);
  • a cream with mercury (a strong allergen and it helps to test for the rash of the lungs, it is not necessary to stop for a long time).

For whatever reason, the cream does not fit, you can work it out. Vіn i pіgmentnykh plyam pozbutisya, i shkіru, scho orogіv, renovate, robivshi її uniform. Independently, such a person is more likely not to work, but to show off as a beautician's servants.

Tipi peeling, what do you see:

  • (for help, the flow to the light is blocked);
  • Phototherapy (under the influence of infrared changes, the cells with a large number of melanin are destroyed, but the healthy skin does not suffer);
  • Laser (to get rid of the light pigmented patches, you need about three sessions, for an hour of which you can clean the skin of only a few light spots);
  • Ultrasound (in addition to ultrasound, before pigmentation of cells, inject preparations to split melanin and kindly exfoliate the skin curves. The result will appear after 10 sessions).

Є th specially rozrobleni for relieving the type of pigmentation preparations, which can be found in pharmacies and clinics:

  • "Achromin Max" (one hour and protect єїї from changing the sun. It is necessary to apply the day before in the evening, and the result should be assessed in a couple of days);
  • "Retin-A" (this cream significantly changes the amount of melanin in the skin. The wine is applied once on the need and it is definitely washed off after 6 years. The results will be remembered after a couple of years);
  • "VC-IP" (these oily rozchin vengeance of vitamin C, which does not let melanin vibrate and is easily absorbed).

Crimea is happy for additional peeling and creams, you can ask pigmentation for additional folk recipes. Here there are a few effective recipes based on natural speeches, which can be used to saturate the established melanin. Tse masks and tonics with sauerkraut, lemon, kulbabs, radishes, flour and chickpeas. The following recipes are most effective:

  1. Lemon-honey mask (a spoonful of honey and a whole lemon is mixed and applied to the face on the pіvgodini);
  2. Parsley lotion (a large spoonful of parsley is poured over with a burnt, it’s a day and we wipe it on the doba);
  3. Kulbabovy vіdvar (skip'yatiti two spoonfuls of flowers kulbabi i zmaschuvat guise with a warehouse for a day).

With more pigmented patches, you can get in on your own, without going into surgery. Ale, as if the whips were far from the recessions, then they only vomit out. If there is any kind of vipadka, the result will be, it’s better to be patient and zazyatistyu.

To fight against pigmented flames, there is a miraculous preventive measure that allows you to protect the skin of the celestial river and speed up the gully of the gully. Tse zha, de revenge.

Stay beautiful and healthy! Your super beautician!

Nothing so obscures the beauty of the face, like appearing on the screens of pigmented patches. The reasons for blaming more of them are due to the influx of sun on the skin of that summer age of people.

Ways to fix the pigmentation on the faces to make it rich, it’s not the fault of the discord for that. The dermatologist, having established the appearance of the whips and the reason for his adoption, recognize it as a viable rejoicing, after some kind of shkir again, a fresh and healthy color.

Pigmented flame є pofarbovani dіlyanki skіri on the faces, vyklikanі zaseredzhennyam great amount of melanin. Fallow in addition, on a certain clay, there was an accumulation of pigment, the brightness of the patches varies.

If the melanin is scattered at the top balls of the dermis, then the pigmentation of the pigment will become cloudy. The butt of that gusset of light brown color.

If melanin begins to accumulate deeply under the skin, dark woods appear on the faces, which sometimes emboss the surface.

How does the flame look?

In a skin person, pigmentation in appearance can look different. The furnishing of the delyanka shkiri is filled with a different shape, color and relief. Deyakі plyami moyut equal edges and the correct geometric shape of the stake or oval. In other types, pigmentation is manifested in looking poached vines with torn edges.

See pigment patches

Іsnuyut deyakі raznovidi pіgmentnyh dilyanok, scho vyavlyayutsya on the face:

  1. Lentigo.

Plyami dosit small at the rosemary - up to 5 mm zavdovka. Dіlyanki near the viglyadі vityagnuty oval can read the borders. Lentіgo sound z'yavlyayutsya among people of a frail age. This is due to the processes of old shkir and the addition of ultraviolet to the thinning of the curve. Sometimes, in disguise, one can beware of sweating with whips that wash the surface of the dark zabarvlennya.

  1. Lastovinnya or efelidi.

Lastovinnya is respected by the widest type of pigment patches. Most of the time, the brightest people are the brightest people before the vindication. The more we pour the ultraviolet onto the skin, the more the gusset becomes brighter. For the presence of the sleepy light, the stink hour is not visible on the faces. The color of the ephelids is different: rudy, reddish, light-yellow, brown. Lastovinnya do not bring any shkoda to their vlasniks.

  1. Vitiligo.

Another name for the adoption of similar beaches on the face is albinism. Dіlyanki mаyut vіdtinok, richly svіtlіshiy for the color of shkіri. Similar to the "reversible" pigmentation of Viklikan in the presence of the dermis of melanocytes. For people who suffer in the light, it’s almost impossible to change in the sun. Tse can provoke the development of evil wolves.

  1. Melasma.

Pigment with patches of this kind great rosemir, clear contours and an irregular geometric shape. Most of the time, it is possible to test for melasma (or chloasma) in women or people who suffer from a malfunction in the hormonal system. Sound, with the normalization of the imbalance in the body, the patches will disappear.

  1. Birthplaces of plyami.

Farbovani dіlyanki on the shkіrі z'yavlyayutsya z narodzhennya or in the first years of the life of the child. Births of the whips make a nayrіznomanіtnіshu form. The infestation varies in light shades of erysipelas to dark brown in color. Parents are the norm of the Crimea, quiet vipadkiv, if the patches start to get better and cause people discomfort.

  1. Melodermia Brocca.

Pigmented patches grow near the sphere of the nasolabial tricot. Whip up dark color. I will show up from experienced stressful situations.

  1. Xeroderma.

The vindication of such pigment spots is caused by a recessionary factor. The pigmentation of the delyanka is even similar to the gossamer, but streaked with red flecks. Behind the obviousness of xeroderma, there is a great imovirnіst rebirth of the flames of the evil spirit.

Causes of the appearance of pigment patches

To finish often the appearance of pigmentation on the faces will show from the trivial perebuvannyam on the sun. There is not only one reason, through the yak zabarvlenі tsyatki can appear on the lower shkir.

On the adoption of the pigment patches we pour:

  • recession factor;
  • ill-treatment for sunbathing, active zasmagoy without zahisnyh zabiv;
  • prolonged depression, neurosis, stress;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body, including damage to the endocrine system;
  • different diseases of internal organs;
  • nasl_dki mehanіchnogo chi termіchny ushkodzhennya skіrnogo pokrivu;
  • vaginess;
  • trivalium contact with allergens;
  • taking certain medications;
  • cosmetic procedures carried out by unqualified personnel.

Pigmentation may be due to the activity of the sun

Don’t forget that the melanin’s destruction can lie in the middle of direct sleepy exchanges for a guise. Heaping up at the shkіrі, the pigment changes with the fires, or provoking the establishment of a new house.

The vibration of melanin plays the role of defending the skin's curve against aggression to ultraviolet. It is especially inconvenient for the shkiri to become the spring sun, even though the amount of pigment is reduced over the winter, it is not possible to protect the lower appearance.

From the video you can find out about the causes of the appearance of pigment spots, about the methods of relieving them.

How to diagnose pigmentation?

Pigmented patches are easily diagnosed at the appointment with a dermatologist. Fahіvets glancing at the appearance of the patient and revealing the presence of the pigmented plant to a singing appearance.

Even if the results of looking at the doctor do not know the obvious reasons for the appearance of pigmentation, it is recommended to consult with other physicians. If necessary, a biopsy or a signature with pigment patches is prescribed.

Yak vydbіlyuvati disguise: ways to likuvannya

Most of the pigmentation on the face is not a simple cosmetic defect. Vidpovidno to the established diagnosis, likuvalny procedures are prescribed. Establishing the reasons for the appearance of pigmented patches on the shkіrі sprya shvidky appearance of unaesthetic plots on the face.

Professional procedures and peelings

In the minds of a cosmetic cabinet, a number of procedures are carried out, building in the shortest term to increase the pigment flame of less litter. It is reachable by the path to the upper ball of the skinny curve. Progressively problematic dilyanka svetlisha. Biggest effective procedures respect:

  1. Laser peeling.

The procedure is exclusively salon and is carried out using a special laser. Due to the sickness of peeling, for this purpose it is necessary to use a local anesthetic. The building laser not only destroys the stained cells, but also removes the pigment from them, which leads to the inevitable illumination of the patches. The procedure is carried out according to the indications of the ligament of the possible adoption of the appendage number of melanocytes.

  1. Chemical peeling.

The most popular procedure is the use of pigment patches by peeling with vicarious special acids. In addition, pigment particles piled up on the deep dermis, the sing type of procedure is fixed: deep peeling, medium or superficial. Particularly effective may be "yellow" peeling, with which retinoic acid is vicarious. Speech is healthy to normalize the pigment turnover and keep away the accumulation of melanocytes.

  1. Microdermabrasion.

Grinding is carried out for the help of a special tool, the working area of ​​which is a small head. The sawing of the tool can be diamond and aluminum. Type of cover to lie down in the depths of the pigment patches. Microdermabrasion with the use of aluminum filings is considered more convenient and effective. Parts of the upper ball of the shkіri, which are lifted, are wetted by the butt through the tip.

Vision of farbovannyh dilyanok on the face

There are effective methods for the visualization of pigment patches:

  1. Fractional thermolysis.

Similar DOT therapy is carried out with the help of a laser. The priority of the procedure is a point injection on the problem areas, not zachіpayuchi healthy skins. Enough of the whole number of sessions, to clean up the pigmented flame from the individual, moreover, without scars.

  1. Cryotherapy.

Under the procedure, wash on the skin with pigmented patches with rare nitrogen. Zavdyaki krioterapii virіvnyuєtsya kolіr disguise. The only blame for nitrogen stagnation is the old and horny vineyards of the skinny slope.

Irrespective of those who have been given a new technique, there may be a high efficiency in comparison with other other methods of seeing pigment spots. Ruinuvannya pigment vіdbuvaєtsya for rahunok diї biopolar struma.

How to improve shkir with medication

If the patient is not ready for radical methods and relieving pigmentation on the face, he can be speeded up by the same medical procedures and procedures:

  1. Vitamin-mineral complexes.

With the main speech, zdatnoy galmuvat vibrolennya melanin in the skin, vitamin E is important. Do not go into the flame, but it is possible to loosen the pigmentation as much as possible. There is a similar spirit and other speeches:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • folic acid.
  1. Ointments with glucocorticosteroids.

The preparations of this group are hormonal corticosteroids and vary among themselves by their class of activity. Ointments can be anti-seizure, anti-allergic dia. Calling on those who ointment may have a strong warehouse, there is a rise in the emergence of serious warehouses. side effects. To that zastosuvannya miserable koshtiv, which can be controlled by a doctor

Advantan, Hydrocortisone, Afloderm are used for the treatment of pigment patches.

  1. Mistsevy photosensitivity preparations.

The main effect is to stimulate the production of melanin in the skin cells. Therefore, the preparations of this group are prescribed for cases of ill health, so that the nebulous woman gradually took a picture, close to the color of the shkiri. Greater susceptibility of the skin's curve to the infusion of ultraviolet light from the buildings of Beroksan, Ammifurin, Psoberan.

  1. Systemic glucocorticosteroids.

Preparations zastosovuyutsya for the treatment of important shkirnih ailments. Vypuskayutsya in tablets, injections and suspensions. Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, Celeston are prescribed to treat pigment spots.

  1. Celebrating with dovgokhvilovymi UV-changes.

For the help of a special tool, the skin is tested with ultraviolet light, which provokes melanin. Similar photochemotherapy does not only have photosensitivity power, but also improves the structure of the skin, boosting mystic immunity.

Vikoristannya look at cosmetics and ointments

You can lighten the pigmentation with patches with an additional cream for the face. At specialized stores large number koshtіv іz rіzny warehouse.

The main fluffy speech cream can be:

  • arbutin, which is the main base and the most safe;
  • gluconic acid, which inhibits the production of melanin;
  • beta-carotene, which can be active in the diet;
  • glabridin may have a timchasial, ale deviy effect;
  • retinol, which reduces the amount of pigment;
  • hydroquinone suppresses the activity of melanocytes and helps to increase the appearance of pigmented trees, ale boron in rich countries.

Zastosuvannya folk recipes

You can fight against pigmentation on faces in your home minds. Simple recipes as effective as salon procedures. Ale, the vision of pigmented patches on the face will be done with trivalim.

Before the stagnation of the people's welfare, we should speed up with practical recommendations:

  • The regularity of putting homemade masks over the mustache. Prote not varto evil with procedures that illuminate. It is enough to vicorate їх 2-3 times per day.
  • The first time to try the chergovy recipe for homemade zasobu, if you have an allergic reaction to the components of the mask. For this, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the prepared warehouse to the lye. Even if after 20 minutes the redemption did not appear, you can boldly beat the recipe.
  • A mask prepared at home from natural products, without any cost.
  • Before that, in order to overcome the singing recipe, it is necessary to check the type of shkiri on the face.

To illuminate the pigmented patches on the shkir, they use different recipes, to win and work like that just in the home minds.

  • Dairy products.

Lactic acid sees its illuminating action for the skin. This is the price of speech, whether it be fermented milk products: milkweed, sour cream, natural yogurt or kefir.

The mask can be folded from one component, so you can use other products. You can also use honey, which is a good source of vitamins for a weakened skin.

  • Vegetables that you see.

Good efficiency is shown by masks for the appearance of an ogirka. For bazhannya to the grated vegetable, add lemon juice, parsley, natural olive oil or love cream for face.

  • Herbal lotions and compresses.

Particular respect must be given to parsley. Won zdatna illumine the gusset and put on the shkіrі of the equal color. Hand-whisk tonic from green parsley. For this particular leaf, fill it with okrop and deprive it for 3 years. After the procedure, it is necessary to stop the two for a day, wiping the person.

Preparations of nastіy can be vicorated like a lotion. The gauze is clearly soaked at the parsley vіdvarі and put on the vіdrіz on the mask for 20 quills.

  • Lemon.

Not conducive to the effectiveness of the savage lemon, which is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10. Preparing a lotion, as a way to wipe the face, znimaє chervoninnya and virivnyuє color of the face after a sprat of days of zastosuvannya.

How to attach or mask the pigmentation on the face

Sometimes the order of the pigment spots does not last for an hour, and the result is consumed immediately. The only way out of the situation is to mask the shortcomings of the skin. For which vikoristovuyutsya different cosmetic products:

  • concealers of black tints, which neutralize the furring in the brown color of the house;
  • light concealers, masking gore or brown pigmented zones;
  • foundation cream for pale pigmentation;
  • purple corrector for masking the great spots of dry pigment spots;
  • the dark colors of the concealer can cope with the white patches.

It is easy to finish pigmentation with patches. Vsgogo kіlka diy, and appearance of the future of the ideal color:

  • Apply a base for make-up on the cleaned skin.
  • Put a thin ball of foundation on the mask.
  • Disguise the pigmented patch with a concealer or a concealer for a clear look.
  • Apply a ball of powder to set.
  • Victory the rum'yan for the bazhannyam.

How to avoid the appearance of pigmentation?

If the appearance of pigmented patches catches a sign, the thoughts about not allowing them to be blamed fall on the thought. Naturally, it is important to control the pigmentation of the hormonal and genetic nature of the control, but it is possible to reduce the manifestation of the diseased zones as much as possible.

It is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • Protect the lower skin of the face from the inflow of sleepy trades for additional cosmetics. For a century of highness, the person is covered with pigmented flames in quiet areas, as they most often recognized the ultraviolet vibration.
  • Balance the diet. Those, as if looking at the skin, lie down like a proper meal of a person. To change the manifestation of pigmentation, it is necessary to plant sauerkraut, vegetable green color, lemon, fish.
  • Enclose the intake of vitamin A in the body, which will give stronger pigmentation.
  • For the manifestation of schilicity before the appearance of a gusset, one should regularly put on masks for disguise.
  • Use the pigmentation of the delyanka immediately after the vindication.

Increased pigmentation on the faces of people is not only slightly embarrassed, but apparently permanently unhanded.

Particular discomfort is caused by nevi and pigment patches, which are constantly growing. A wide range of benefits for their adoption allows you to choose the best way to improve individual features. Golovne in the process - follow the recommendations of a specialist and regularly review the procedure.

Navit on suntsі є plyami. Ale, it’s unlikely that you can calm down if your skin is filled with such a wadi. With the arrival of spring, under the influence of ultraviolet light, the problem becomes even more acute. Pigmented patches on the faces and colors of the coating are damaged by the vibration of melanin (farming pigment). Well robiti: stock up foundation chi get to the doctor? Let's take a look at the causes of pigment patches and how to fight them!

What is a pigmented flame?

This is a cosmetic nedolіk, having shown on the skin of oval, flat patches a light brown to dark brown color due to century-old changes, insolation, hormonal imbalance and other reasons. Scientific language - tse hyperpigmentation (increased concentration of pigments), supra-world fermentation of other areas of the skies.

Our range of pigments: melanin, melanoid, carotene, hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. Qi 5 decide to pay for the furring of the fur coat. The main role here is played by melanin - it protects against harsh UV changes. There are some signs of increased synthesis, which lead to the establishment of hypermelanosis - the so-called pigmented patches. The stench can be the mother of an innate chi nabuty character. Often accompanied by coarse skins, increased visibility of ships, dryness and wrinkle.

The main reasons why pigment patches are:

  • trivaliy infusion of active sleepy changes - ultraviolet light sprayed to the elevated vibrating melanin;
  • parts of stress, nervous and mental disorders;
  • recession;
  • damage to the robotic thyroid gland;
  • infection of the liver and zhovchnogo michur;
  • problems in the field of gynecology;
  • vagіtnіst (most vipadkіv with such pigmented patches do not have to be reconciled for a long time - the stench will pass nevdovzі after a gentle slope);
  • lack of vitamin C;
  • imbalance of hormones associated with the use of hormonal drugs (oral contraceptives, antimicrobial agents, cytostatics);
  • sickness of the shkіri, opіki and poshkodzhennya of the curves;
  • zastosuvannya low cosmetic benefits.


Pigments with patches can be divided into sprat types:

  • Brown (melasma, chloasma). Viyavlyayutsya under the hour of menopause in women, as well as under the hour of vagity. Covered with damaged melanin.
  • Show white and red pigments. Basically, they can appear after the transferred red lichen, most importantly in women at age 40 to 60 years.
  • Rosy pigment patches. The reason for such patches is wide - erysipelas. It appears at the sight of visipan, which is peeling off.

6 main types of pigment patches:

  • Lentigo. As a rule, there are storms or dark brown streaks, so that the trochs protrude above the skin. Mayut oval or round shape rozmіrom vіd small dot to a small coin. Among them, one can see sleepy lentigo and vіkovі (old people). The sonyachne lentigo appears after a trivial perebubvannya under ultraviolet light. Basically, juveniles are sickly to such beaches, like years to spend without interruption under the scorching sun on the beach. Another category of cosmetology clinics that deal with this problem is those who like solarium. Localization: such pigment patches can be applied on the shoulders, breasts, hands and arms. Stare lentigo already appears in a frail age (sometimes after 40 years), yoga is often called "old man's breeches" or senile keratomas. Їhnya appearance pov'azana mainly z upovіlnennyam exchange of speeches. Against the background of changes in the hormonal background during menopause, there is a sharp increase in the number and intensity of pigment patches. Localization: such pigment patches can be applied to the front of the body, individuals, decollete zone, upper part of the back. The stench is already rotten piddayutsya decorative masquerading. In the case of lentigo, mechanical and chemical peels are used to help exfoliate the upper ball of the epidermis.

  • Lastovinnya (efelidis)- pigmented patches on the arms, and breasts with clearly embossed borders. This problem is especially relevant for people with a bright skin, blonds and rudhs. This type of pigmented beaches may be a decline factor and fallow time in the season: in autumn and winter, if the sun is a rare sight, the gully is of little memory, and in the spring and summer the intensity of their farming is greater, and the gully itself is more abundant. Rosemary and gusseted gussets are different: in the form of great brown to light-colored ice commemorations. The first gully can appear in 4-6 years, and after 30 - a number of such elements on the skies quickly rush. The safety of such pigmented patches is already low: the gusset does not pose a threat to the body, and the rich girls do not care about them with a cosmetic defect, but rather, navpaki, embellishment. And yet, as a last resort, they nevertheless became the cause of your psychological discomfort - no problem. You can use it for additional creams that you can use, and a sun protection lotion with a high SPF filter will help you to appear on the sun (read here how to choose SPF protection). Such pigment patches can be erased with the help of chemical (fruit or lactic acid) and Hollywood peeling, because their glybin is minimal.

  • Chloasmi. The most pigmented patches of the great area of ​​the skinny cover. Most often they are the result of hormonal imbalance in the body (on the cob menstrual cycle, menopause, taking hormones or oral contraceptives) It is important to look at the appearance of young women. Chloasmy looks wrongly outlined and schilnist to anger into one great flame of a cunningly wise form. Sometimes such pigmentation can sway the shkiri in and out, and the insolation is only more difficult to overcome the situation - the trival rebuvannya on the sun can lead to an increase in the scale of the problem. Provoke the establishment of pigmented flames and strength of them, and also show the stagnation of aromatic oils and mystical preparations. After they have been diagnosed, chloasma, as a rule, develops independently.

  • Nevusi- Parents or, so called, born with patches, so that they are crowded with melanocytes, filled with melanin. This is the widest type of pigmentation, which looks like black or yellowish-brown stains. Parents are like swollen, and smooth, they may have a rounded edge. There are nevuses with the same reasons - due to the uneven spread of melanin. The number of birthmarks is small in skin people, including those born. Ale, yakscho beware of the trend to their growth, otherwise the ailment is obvious, the next animal is on the same respect. The pigment flame can be reborn into evil newcomer- melanoma. Show on this process you can burn, change the shape of the color, and the surface of the fold.

  • Postkne. Nothing else, like pigmented streaks, like lichens in the area of ​​​​colish crevices and igniting processes of the shkir. It is most common to torment young people post-acne, as they are suffering from a black ailment (acne). Follow the vіd vgrіv to pass in a long time. But if the problem does not heal by itself, then you can get in touch with it for additional cosmetic procedures.

  • Hypopigmentation of the skin. Here one can see vitiligo and albinism, in case of which the shkir has more or less often melantocytes (to be sure to have nebarvlennia). Tse rіdkіsnі pathological become shkіri, yakі even more importantly pіddayutsya rejoicing. The manifestations are still small and their causes are unknown. This type of pigmented patches may increase sensitivity to the sun - hypopigmented skin following ultraviolet light, high risk of opium and development of oncological processes.

Modern methods of treating pigment patches and methods of their treatment

Before going to the cosmetologist, that znebarvlennya, next review the pigmentation on the subject of її akostі at the doctor. I would like to give special respect to the flames with a tendency to grow with sickly spirits. And only for the obviousness of the indication, it is possible to correct the imperfections of the shkir. For whom there are advanced procedures, how to give clinics and beauty salons:

  • Laser grinding shkiri. The laser cuts the upper ball of the shkiri painlessly, embedding locally on the pigmentation of the plate. Promin ruin melanin, after which the problem area becomes bright. After a few days, the skin opens up, filling up after itself, covering the splendid vision.

  • Peelings. A chemical peel based on fruit acids, for example, amygdalny, can be used for anti-pigmentation anti-pigmentation. The cream has the effect of fruit acids and can regenerate. On the basis of laser technologies, peelings cost more cheaply, but give lesser effect.

Flames on the appearance of brown color (as soon as possible and the reasons for the appearance will be looked at by the statue) - the most extensive type of pigmentation on the body.

The stench blames any person who delivers discomfort, with whom they successfully rejoice at various cosmetic procedures and procedures.

A lot of melanin in the body is added to the skin pigmentation. If it exceeds the norm, then pigment patches appear on the skin.

The following factors are added to the vibration of melanin:

  1. Wrong sight behind the skin;
  2. Century changes in the body;
  3. Hormonal beat;
  4. Too much or not enough vitamins;
  5. Zovnishni factors;
  6. Postiyni ill;
  7. Spadkovist;

With the appearance of pigmentation, the next step is to pass outside the obstezhennia of the internal organs. So how can you testify about a serious illness, or a banal lack of vitamins.

But even though pigmentation did not appear through health problems, you can independently prepare effective cosmetic products from food products and not only.

The main reasons for fahivtsі vvazhayut:

Get respect! As if with flashes on the guise of a brown color to pierce, peel, and also manifests itself in m'yazakh and a sharp change in mood, then terminally it is necessary to turn to the doctor. Such symptoms may be a sign of oncological diseases.

Spit on the guise of a brown color: how to get lost

The exhilaration of brown patches on the face of the lie at the cause of their appearance. Deyakі reason not vymagayut medicamentous exuberance and often pass independently.

Up to such heights can be seen with patches, which are blamed for excess melanin in the body with hormonal disorders. Here they rejoice with the names themselves, skilki factor, which provoked them.

In other times, the colors of brown colors on the skin can be used as home-made, prepared from hand-made ingredients, as well as cosmetic procedures, as they are widely represented on the market of the beauty industry.

In the minds of the house, the most effective are masks made from white clay and the pharmaceutical drug Skinoren cream. Among the most popular cosmetology procedures are peelings and in-line procedures: mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Be careful! Whether it’s a good thing, or the procedure for seeing the flames of a brown color on the skin can help, so provoke the opium, it’s necessary for them to greet the world and not often 2-3 times a day.

Vіdbіlyuvannya shkіri disguise, like pigment patches

Brown pigmentation can be vibility. Such a procedure is successfully carried out not only in cosmetology rooms, but also at home.

As a cosmetologist with professional cosmetics, which can include hydrochiron, kojic acid and glabridin, it is possible to independently prepare two masks of natural products, which are practical for skin masters: honey, viburnum, caviar and crane.

To prepare a mask with honey and viburnum, it is necessary to grind the berry in equal proportions with honey. Apply for 20-30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Scrub with kawi and cranes cleans the pigment patches that have been made. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. l of all plastics and milled kava.

Let's add some crane juice, after which we put it on the face for 10 minutes. Zmivat with warm water in circular motions.

Cosmetological procedures in the form of pigment patches on the face

As if we were blazing with patches on the appearance of a brown color, as if we were going to suggest chemical peeling, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, rehabilitation.

In order to choose your specific method for treating the problem of pigmentation, you should become familiar with skin procedures and consult a dermatologist.

Chemical peeling

Pozbutisya flames on the guise of a brown color is possible for the help of such a procedure, like chemical peeling.

If you have appeared either with fleas in the guise of a brown color, you can find out about the status of a doctor-dermatologist.

The procedure covers the skin at the top of the skin, and as a result, that skin was left without pigmentation for additional cosmetic storage on the basis of organic acids.


qia the procedure is more robust: administer preparations in glybokі balls shkіri, yakі can wash tyrosinase enzymes

Zavdyaks given to the enzymes are seen in the air, beginning with deep balls, after which brown patches appear.


Tse injecting a laser into the skin or introducing an injection from a stopover hyaluronic acid , which penetrates at the deep balls of the skin's curves and insinuates them in the middle.

Face masks

Vіdbіlyuyuchi masks to celebrate a shallow infusion on the skin.

Procedures are carried out using professional cosmetics.

Advantages and shortcomings of cosmetic procedures

Whether a cosmetological procedure may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the results can be discussed.

Positive moments appear in the coming:

Among the negative moments, mark the following:

  • high variety of procedures: not a skin person can afford such satisfaction, they may need more sessions;
  • it is possible to blame for various complications and side effects: scars, scars, do not go through blisters for a long time;
  • the result of the procedure will be remembered only after the next hour, which can be reached by the doctor.

So that the negative moments are not blamed, varto get up to the professional at a special cosmetology office at polyclinics and beauty salons.

Cosmetic care to fight brown spots

The use of some of the same complexes of cosmetic products, which help to get in touch with the problem that has been examined, and prevent the appearance of new pigmentation.

Look like the latest flames of brown color on the face, so help the appearance of new ones to help you:

How to wake up pigmented patches on faces for the help of national benefits

Vykoristovuvaty folk methods to get rid of brown patches more simply, do not carry out complex cosmetic procedures. So, as a result, the methods have already been distorted and bred by the impersonal people.

Zasib with lemon

Lemon juice miraculously fights with pigmented flames. You can vikoristovuvat like sіk, so i zest.

If you take lemon sik, then wine is to blame, but fresh. And lemon zest should be poured with 1/4 l of water and boiled for 30 chills.

Rub the skin with lemon juice and zest To eliminate the effect, it is necessary not less than 3-4 times a day, about 3-4 months.

For curing lotion with lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice and 10 tbsp. l boiled water.

Also varto zrobiti mask: 1 tbsp. l starch should be mixed with juice to a paste-like consistency. Apply qiu sumish as needed locally, on brown patches.

Important to know! Lemon juice can be teased and reddened skins, so before you start it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction: apply the test on the tilna zone of the elbow, so that negative manifestations do not appear for a long time, the mask can be beaten.

Sumish leaves of parsley and sour cream

One of the first months of Wednesday folk methods parsley is used as pigmentation on the face. Vykoristovuєtsya zasіb vyglyadі juice for masks and viklyadі infusion for lotion.

Parsley should be trimmed for the help of a blender and mixed with milk or sour cream. It is important to trim the proportions 1/1. Potim zasіb put in nayavnosti on pіvgodini.

To prepare the infusion, pour parsley into 1 liter of boiled water.

Withdrawal of the warehouse is applied to the skin of the face and zmivati ​​after 30 quills. Vikoristovuetsya tsya mask today. Trivality zastosuvannya uncircumcised.

In addition, such a mask helps with the appearance of the eyes and heals.

Grapefruit and Dryness

To prepare the mask, you need 12 mg of dry yeast and half a medium grapefruit.

Change warehouses to uniformity. Potim put the sum on the bandage and apply it to the problem areas of the shkir.

After 20 minutes resolutely grind.

Kharchov soda

For the preparation of a qiєї mask, 28 mg of soda and 10 ml of water are needed. Apply otrimana porridge on the skin. Zmiti after 10 whilins.

It is also possible to prepare homeland with grub soda, Wipe next problem skin vranci, at lunchtime and in the evening.

To prepare yoga, you need to dispense 90 mg of soda in a glass of water. Water for the shortest time can be a trifle of heat.


Potatoes at the orphan's sight should be washed under running water, grated on a large grater and applied for a year on the skin with pigmentation.

Water peroxide, sweet ammonia

Vіdbіlyuyuche nicely grate on the grater (bazhano drіbnoy, for swedish platter), and add 10 mg per 18 ml of water peroxide (3%).

Mix to a homogeneous, pin-like mass. Add two dots of ammonia to the otriman masu.

Apply no more than 20 coats of pigmentation on the cuttings. After zmivannya zastosuvat volojuchy cream.

Vegetable and fruit juices

Vegetable and fruit juices are effective, because they contain natural acids.

There is a large number of them in the juice of ogirka, black currant, pomegranate, lemon, grapefruit, gorobini.

And you can also use fresh juice from parsley leaves and kulbabi. Amazingly helps and birch sik.

Juices are sown for more than two times a day by wiping problematic plots.

Dairy products in the fight against pigment spots

Dairy products can be handled from the vіdbіlyuvannyam shkіri.

Varto zastosovuvat lotions for 15 quills 1 time for 2 days.

Black currant in the skin

The black currant mask is designed to improve the color of the face. The following ingredients are required: 1 tbsp. l honey did not reach the black currant. Apply qiu sumish on the patches, then wash it with cold water.

Cream of masks and wipes, which are prepared at home for a one-time zasosuvannya, you can prepare lotions, which you can save in the finished one for a decade. Tse give I can spare an hour and at the same time do not disturb the regime of cursing the skinny curves.

Helpful measures against pigmentation of trivial savings

To prepare what I need, I need:

  1. Lemon juice - 1 pc.;
  2. Ocet - 18 ml;
  3. Water peroxide - 10 ml;
  4. Gorilka - 15 ml.

All warehouses are mixed with glass and ceramic containers to homogeneity. Rub the brush, improve the pigmentation of the smallest two for a day.

For a trivial saving, pour it into a container that closes strongly (you can vicorate a pharmacy bottle with alcohol) and save no more than 10 days. The burner can be replaced with 5 ml of alcohol.

And so zasіb vіd pіgmentatsії, which krіm svogo zachennya for the help of warehouses to give shkirі velvety and elasticity.

For yoga preparation you need:

  1. Glycerin
  2. water peroxide
  3. Boric alcohol

Mix 15 ml of water from two 10 ml of boric alcohol. In an okremu jar add 10 ml of glycerin and 5 ml of 3% water peroxide (5 ml).

Combine sums in one container. For a trivial harvest, it is important to vicorate the container, as it closes sharply. And it is also colder protected from the sleepy room.

Zastosovuvat trichi for a day stretching a tribal period.

If it’s easy to pigmentation on the skies, then for the sake of prevention, varto should be respected at the border crossing on the open sleepy exchanges.

Krym tsgogo, saturate your body with vitamins C and PP, as you enter the warehouse of such products, like cabbage, parsley, lemon, tomato, currant, eggplant, legumes, apricots, cherries and peaches.

The combination of outer and inner inflows on pigmented patches will help you to get rid of them without any special zusil.

Prevention: how to escape the appearance of brown patches on the faces

Sob brown patches on the faces did not reappear, warto conduct a retelny scrutiny of the shkiri.

Not varto vіdmovlyatisya in the form of cosmetic zasobіv, scho watch over the skin, and people's warehouses. jubilant masks, cured and eaten shkiri dressed with special creams and lotions.

The stench will protect the appearance of pigmentation, saturate the rich epidermis with brown tongues, why the skin on the face becomes springy, equal and healthy.

Brown patches can make a good trip Before that, it is necessary to explain the reason for blaming this defect as a matter of judging methods. A doctor-dermatologist will help you with this nutrition, which, after looking around, can recognize competently likuvannya.

This video will tell you why they are called fleas on the guise of a brown color and the ways of how you get up.

From this video you will know how you can use pigment patches for home medicine help.
