Dolomite boroshno for violets. Soil for saintpaulias: is the purchased soil abo “self-made”?

At tsіy topics, I'll tell you about the soil(land sum) for violets(Saintpolie).

I would like to tell you that there is no specific recipe for the ideal composition of soil for violets. Keep everything in order, like warehouses to sell in your region, your material camp, the expansion of the collection. Having tried the impersonal recipes, you will come to your warehouse of soil, especially rooted on the main principles: the land sum for violets is due to be light, fluffy, not greasy, more penetrating and voluminous. The earth is not guilty of being important and strong, if it can serve the filthy growth of violets, so it will be easy for the lower roots of the violet to master such soil.

upper peat or land sums based on yoga, such as "KLASMANN", "GREENWORLD", "TERA VITA", "Seliger-Agro" and others.

Perlite- Mayzhe neutral material. Hydro rock of volcanic poaching. It is added to the soil up to 30% by volume; Zavdyaki tsim authorities in the growth of good roots develop, the wind exchange does not break.

Vermiculite - natural material, to be brought to the sight of mica Vin zbіlshuєtsya acidity of the soil. Dodaetsya in the ground just like perlite, up to 30% total. Vermіkuіt zabezpechayuchi poіtroobminі that delivery sour to the root.

Perlite is manually beaten together with vermiculite. At a sleepy stasis, the stench compensates for wadi one of one. Bazhano nabuvat great fractions and obov'yazkovo wash before zastosuvannya.

moss sphagnum- antibacterial, disinfectant and antifungal powers, rottenness of rotten speech. So the soil itself is hygroscopic and porous.

Vugillya village- a good antiseptic, it prevents decay and acidification of the soil, and also absorbs salt and improves the structure of the soil. Vikoristannya wooden vugillya reduces the risk of bacterial infections of the root system of roslin.

When stocking the soil, it is possible to vicorate one component more or less, not to vicorate or replace it with similar ones (coconut, needles, bark, dog), smut, the substrate is more permeable, watery and fluffy.

I will bring a spear of stock in the warehouse land bags for violets :

6 pieces of purchased soil;
- 1 part perlite;
- 1 part vermiculite;
- 1 part sphagnum moss;
- 1 part vugillya


4 parts of a peat-based primer (primer for violets and begonias)
- 1/2 part perlite
-1/2 part vermiculite
- 1/2 - 1 part trimmed moss
-1/2 part coconut substrate
- 2-6 tablespoons of the village vugіllya dribnoї fraktsії - to fall in obedience to crushed soil.


6 parts of revitalizing soil ("Seliger-Agro" universal for apartments, "Vermion", "Protection", "AB5, Greenworldn),
- 1 part perlite,
- 1 part vermiculite,
- 1/2 part on coconut substrate,
- 1 part chopped sphagnum moss,
- Approximately, a tablespoon of wood grain wood.

These are the recipes of our famous collectors and breeders, published by Irina Shchedrina on the forum Budinka violets:

Olga Aksionkina's recipe:

Vermiculite: perlite = 1: 6

Vugillya village 1 pack per 10 liters

Dobriva "Plantofol" - the concentration is 4 times less than recommended. After transplantation, the roslins get clean water, with another watering, they are far away with a wide variety of goodness.

Recipe from Olga Artemova:

Mature violets on notes:

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for drinks 1ml/1l. with skin watering,

Children (gnіt do not win):

White upper peat "Klasmann"

Dobrivo "Etisso" for instructions for dobriva

Recipe from Irina Danilina

Mature violets and children (I do not use the wick):

"Greenworld" - 1h

Vermion Elite - 1h

Perlite-vermiculite - 0.5 pack

Vugillya village - 0.5 packs per 10l

Mature violets on notes:

"Greenworld" - 1h

Perlite - 1 hour

Vugillya village

Dobrivo Schultz (Schultz) - for instructions, skin watering

Recipe from Nina Starostenko

Senpolia and children have grown up on mats:

Terra Vita (Kvitkova chi is universal) - 10l

Coniferous substrate - 1 pack

Vugilla village - 1 pack

Perlite + vermiculite at a ratio of 4:1 - 10-20% total sum

Dobrivo "Etisso" - not regularly

Transfer as needed.

Recipe from Tamari Kopyikinoi

Mature violets on notes:

Greenworld - 10 pieces

Perlite - 7 pieces

Dobrivo: "Etisso" for tickets 1 ml per 1 liter

Children (gnіt not vicorist)

For the same scheme (kind for skin watering).

Recipe from Oleksiya Kuznetsova

For miniature violets:

Mature violets on notes

peat (from nature) - 25%

Perlite - 75%


drawing "Etisso" for flowers (1ml per 1l) and for decorative leafy roslins(2ml per liter) skin watering

Transplanted after skin color.

Children without a note:

The soil is the same


"Etisso" (for decorative leaves) 2ml per l leather watering


Choose, experiment and you will know your warehouse of soil, which suits you and yours violets. Qi ґrunti can be successfully stagnant with others gesnerievih, for example streptocarpus, decorative leafy begonias.

I will add, if you win again any components of the earthen sum, tk. there could already begin to multiply microbial microorganism!

Good luck to you and success in growing your violets and other beloved flowers.

Fahivtsі-botanists and lovers, who have been engaged in breeding for a long time, would never plant their own plants in the wonderful garden soil, or a universal gruntozmish. Navіt yakscho tse not rіdkіsnі varietal specimens, but zvichaynі kіmnatnі senpolії, soil for violets merits for the special respect of the kvіtnikar.

The power of the soil

How powerful can mother soil for violets? On the thought of fakhivtsiv, three main ones:

- vologoemnistyu;
- Povitropenetration.

І obov'yazkovo otrimuvat everything pozhivnі speechovina, necessary for the growth and development of roslin. The acidity of yogo bazhan is not too high - about 5.5 to 6.5 pH.

The basis of any kind of soil sumishi is life-giving soil. Tse mozhe buti biohumus, compost, turf or coniferous land. Ale for violets, the most suitable land is leafy, which is nothing else, like a surface ball to the ground, taking z-pіd leafy trees, so that the growth of a clean place can be done. Vin is made up of leaf litter, which is retransferred for sprats of rock. Ale schob secure necessary for violets authority, to add special reminders to the new one.

Reminders for the ground

To ensure fluffiness, put a fluffy bag. You can also use great sand, vermiculite, perlite, coconut substrate, sphagnum, navit village vugillya or hydrogel. Often vikoristovuєtsya peat land. The skin z of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

River pisok can be buti obov'yazkovo great. Not vidsiyana drіbna fraction can become the cause of swedish ramming instead of a flower miner.

Perlite - the purpose of silica granulation white color. Wine is also light, on the vіdmіnu vіd pіska, an alternative to such a wine in tsomu vіpadku є. It’s better to victorious yoga over powdery, but looking grainy.

Vermiculite is a hydromica that can be well treated. Vіn pomitno improve the poіtropereknіnіst і vologoєmnіstі sumisha. It’s not a long time before the differences in the life of the water of speech, but I myself see a small amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Ale, falling apart with the year, maybe a little bit of acidity. When working with him, like with pearlite, it is necessary to beat the mask, so that it is impossible to get into the organs of the breath of a dribbling saw.

Peat land is called upper peat. Wine improves the fluffiness of the substrate and ensures a safe and balanced mineral diet, especially important for young plants.

The village of vugillya vikoristovuyut with the method of zabіgannya sour soil. The live value of the wines is not a good absorbent, absorbing the speeches that are brought in during resurrection.

Hydrogel is also suitable for violets, like fluffing, and for increasing hygroscopicity. When rediscovered, the crystals take in excess water, swelling and increasing in size. And for insufficient watering - give your reserves of water to the roots of the roslins.

The most common vicorist is when planting livestock. Scalding with dill, drying and dry roasting, building wines increase the hygroscopicity of the soil. Ale, beckoning the uncontaminated power, which definitely raises the acidity of the sum.

To neutralize acidity, you can vicorate finely detailed vapnyak - dolomite borosno, or egg shell. Ale, when the acidity is low, the phosphorus and nitrogen are diluted, if the maintenance is normal. In violets, nitrogen-phosphorus deficiency may begin, if the lower leaves are yellow and the buds fall off.

Ready ґrunti

It is important for amateurs-pochatkivtsy to lay down the soil independently. It's easier to buy a good earthling sumish at the store. Ale, the land is often ready to increase acidity and alkalinity, due to the additional introduction of fluffiness. That is why we need to be more careful when choosing, to give special respect not only to the destruction of living elements, but also to the mechanical warehouse.

The simplest soil, adjunctive for violets, is made up of leafy soil, sand and peat, taken from a ratio of 4:1:1. Abo with one part of the revitalizing soil, two parts of peat and one part - vermiculite. They can be reached by a small number of other reminders - fallow in vіku, the variety will become a particular specimen. But at the same time, such a main warehouse can have more sums, which are advertised as a substrate for these roslins.

Do not hurry to plant your vikhovants at the preparations purchased soil. Navit yakscho vin maє marking "for violets". The steaming of the earth before the zastosuvannyam is not reinsurance, but the world of prevention, which allows you to incapacitate expansion. You don’t want to bother with thermal processing - you can freeze the soil on the balcony or in another similar place. For some time ahead, it’s simpler, then we’ll sing and rant.

Correctly picking up the soil - the constipation of the flower of the violets

The dermal senpolist has its own secrets of folding the soil.

Literature about violets also shows different proportions of components. Ale shlyakhom samples and pardons of the skins pick up a suitable warehouse for the substrate. І tse virno, because. the skin variety has its own similarity, its ability, its own mind, so the storehouse of the soil can be recognizable.

But the main principles are still the same.

Wimogi to Gruntu:

  • lightness
  • water retention
  • re-penetration
  • sufficient amount of phosphorus and potassium, as well as necessary microelements
  • instead of nitrogen in sufficient quantity, but not above the world
  • acidity is close to normal pH 5.5-6.5
  • the presence of living and friendly microflora, which helps fight disease-prone bacteria
  • number of shkidniks of those larvae

How to lay down soil for violets

Most of the new earthen sums for sale are not suitable for the development of Saint-Polias and other gesneries. Ale, on the basis of these, it is possible to prepare a necessary substrate.

The main shortfalls of purchase sums:

  • high acidity
  • presence of components that are badly carried by violets
  • not enough or too much macro and microelements, etc.

Incorrectly picked miner - wine is great

Correctly picked a miner with a smaller diameter, lower rosette itself

In addition, mayzhe all purchases of grunts are filthy mixed up on the undertaking-virbnik. As a result, the numbers on the packages, which show both N, P and K, do not reflect the truth. In one package, the main element may appear too much, in the other - not enough.

Impossible in domestic minds z'yasuvati chemical warehouse Grunt-gruntu. Sometimes the picker does not supplement the technology that helps to save the syrovin. If the package is not hermetically sealed, then when buying in a new one, you can see the color fragments, but it’s a good thing, if from the opened package you grow up, fat little thrips!

As a basis for the violet group, I raja vikoristovuvati the universal soil "Terra Vita", the virobnik ZAT "Fart". Before the new, add to the rozrahunka for 5 l of soil:

  • rozkilyuvach (dolomite flour or dribno-hammer shkaralup egg, at the extreme - vapno garmata)
  • rozpushuvach, pure river pisok - 1 bottle
  • vermiculite 1-2 bottles (to increase water absorption and hygroscopicity)
  • village vugіllya
  • superphosphate 1 tbsp. spoon
  • moss sphagnum finely pierced, about two fistulas

As a basis, it is also possible to vikoristovuvaty Grunty universal "GREEN WORLD", virobnitstvo Nіmechchina-Estonіya; "Fialochka", production of Kaliningrad.

The number of additives to the main soil is approx. For Saintpaulia different vіku, different varieties require different proportions.

So the soil for the rooting of the leaves is guilty of revenge more than the fluff. For transplanting old violets, lay a rozkilyuvach, because. the acidity of the soil gradually decreases, when watered with hard water, it becomes zaluzhuetsya. When transplanting chi transshipment at an acidic substrate, the acid itself is neutralized.

If it’s such a possibility, then it’s a good basis for an earthen summish, you can take the earth from linden or birch. It is found in the pits between the roots of these trees, under a ball of overgrown torso leaves.

Walk just like that garden land s dіlyanok, de good midnight growth. In the rural area, you can know the need for land in the areas, de sound the riotous growth of the nettle. The land is harvested by the curtains, if there is snow, and the land has not yet been warmed up. To leaf humus, add peat, upper reaches, coarse fibers, which may have a brown color. Spivvіdnoshennia humus and peat can be different and 2:1 and 1:1. The other components are added the same as for the purchased primers.

For zbіlshennya pozhivnostі can be added to the good stale humus pus - 1/10 part of the stale obyagu. Thermal processing of the soil is necessary for the reduction of shkidnikiv, krіm nematodes, eggs of any building vizhiti and for temperatures over 1000C.

Also, heating or freezing is impossible to get rid of the super-cells of some fungi and a lot of disease-causing bacteria, and there are more viruses. At high temperatures the structure of the soil is warmed up, therefore it is heated up to a distance of three below 1000C.

Tse mozhlivo when steaming. It is possible to heat the water soil to the required temperature in a micro-furnace oven by placing it in a sealed plastic bag.

Do not let it get to the point where an unpleasant smell appears. Thermal processing requires not a ready-made substrate, but these components, so that eggs and larvae of shkidniks can be avenged.

The folded earthling will need to be thoroughly mixed. You can vicorate the substrate in 7 days after preparation. Take care so that the earth does not dry out and at once, so that the access will be repeated.

The author of the article is Rusinova T.O.

The African guest, the violet, or the Saintpaulia, deservedly became the beloved gospodarkoy of the wealthy of our comrades. Amazingly colorful buds appear on neat rosettes practically the whole river, not to please with their beauty.

Whether a kvіtnikar will come in handy from the firms that the earth is properly picked up - a guarantee of a healthy development of that rosy color violets.

In order to take root of livestock and the survival rate of young roslin after transplantation, it is necessary to vicorate the substrate, which is composed of life-giving soil, perlite, vermiculite, moss-sphagnum and trimmed wood vugill .

The best soil for violets is light soil sum from leafy soil, peat and sand (4:1:1), possibly softwood.

Warehouse soil for violets

Lively soil

Leaf land - the top ball of the soil, zіbrany pіd leafy trees- birch, linden. It is more fluffy, water is more permeable with pH 5-6 (acidic). The leafy land is no better, like perepril (with a stretch of 1-2 rokiv) the leaves have fallen.

Sod land is the top ball of the soil, with the roots. Sound to be taken from the bow.

Biohumus and compost are also added to the living soils.


The coniferous earth is the lower ball of the bedding of the coniferous forest, more like the pine forest (the upper ball is from the heads, which have not rotted, are known). May have an acid reaction of pH 4-5 and swell.

Peat land (upper peat) serve to reduce the fluffiness of the substrate and provide a balanced mineral diet for young growths.

Rozpushuvachі and trimachі vologii

Perlite - silica granulation gray color, even lighter, it is an alternative to pisku and can become close to 10-20% of the gross sum. For violets, it is more rational to vicorate granular, and not powdered perlite, for example, "Agroperlite".

Vermіkulit - tse hydromica with a high coefficient of absorption of water (up to 400-530%), it is most often vicorated for rooting livestock, planting material breathe and do not rot.

Moss-sphagnum helps to increase the hygroscopicity of the soil sum, and also can prevent the power. Spilled in front with sprinkles, dried and finely rubbed, vines are laid down like live bait to intimidate the zayvom peresykhanny.

The village of vugillya acts as a water regulator and absorbs water. Great vugіllya is laid on the bottom of the miner, and dribnіshe zmіshuyut іz the earth.

Dolomite boroshno (detailed white vapnyak) vicorist as an additive component in case of need to reduce the acidity of the soil.

Yak rozpushuvach vikoristovuyut pisok (rarely).

Expanded clay - porous clay bags, scorched at high temperatures, placed on the bottom with a drainage ball up to 1.5-2 cm.

Sometimes the coconut fiber is vicorated for fullness of fluffiness, but as a primer for violets, it is necessary to remove perlite and sphagnum, then the coconut fiber is not obov'yazkovo.

The warehouse is already pouring into the soil on the occupied by the tall, old rivers. It should not be forgotten that the Saintpolitans are best felt in slightly acidic or neutral soils with a pH of 5.5 - 6.5. With an underestimation of the acidity of the soil (pH lower than 4), nitrogen and phosphorus clay changes, and it is enough to invigorate with fertilizers. The violets begin to develop nitrogen-phosphorus deficiency: the buds, not opening up, fall off, the lower leaves turn yellow and look lifeless. Roslin can be vryatuvati, transplanted to a new land, adding to 1l. the volume of the mountaineer to the tovchen shkaralup of one egg, or watering 1 time with ash spread by the water (1 tbsp. Spoon per 2 liters of water).

Assimilation of nitrogen and phosphorus by senpolies changes sharply and during the puddle (pH over 8.5) reaction of the soil. І in this season it is necessary to transplant into a new soil with additional leaf or coniferous land.

At the mіskіy kvartir it is easy to fold the sum of the earthman independently, it's easier to quickly buy it from the store, and at the same time get an indicator of the acidity of the soil. Tsey prilad zavzhd to help you know that put the reason for the "nasty mood" of Roslin.

Prepared grounds for violets

It is important for planting violets to choose ґruntosumіsh "For planting nasіnnya and planting roses" ( ASP GREENWORLD), which is made up of live components, sand, high-moor peat and coconut fiber.

On the basis of low-lying peat, the soil "Senpoliya" (" Garden of Miracles”), in which it is recommended to add fluff - perlite, sphagnum and good.

Firm " Terra Vita» It turns the earthman sumish on the basis of peat, but for violets the soil is rather sour, so it’s better to vikorate like a peat additive, and not an independent substrate.

« Academy Rostu» Soil "Vialka" is a slightly acidic soil from high-moor peat with the addition of vape materials.

Virobnik Fusco soil for violets "Bereginya" - for transplanting and sowing violets, it is stored from high-moor and low-lying peat, sand, dolomite borosh, compost and dobriv, as well as "Kvitkove happy Violet" from peat land, sand, dolomite borosh supplementation of complex mineral additives .

Keep in mind that purchases at the store must be steamed with dill or roasted in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. Obviously, it is necessary for such a land to give an hour for the renewal of microflora close to the month, and it will be rich in goodness.

Sound the ground for the violets of trivaly hour, save the life of power with your own revitalization of the roslyn. It is best to transplant the senpolia once on the river, in the period from the day to the grass, replacing the soil.

The most often prepared grounds for violets are ventilated by the acidity of the soil and the addition of refills and fluffs. Dosvіdchenі kvіtnikarі, knowing all the tricks of their green vikhovantsіv, volіyut become soil for violets independently. There are a few options for ground sums, mostly the proportions are the same, and the deuces of the kvіtkari make their secrets.

How to lay down soil for violets

Іsnuє kіlka options ґruntosumіshey, yakі can be folded independently, zmіshavshi all components. Obviously, most of the soil in the distance will be picked up by a well-founded path, but for kvtnikariv-pochatkivtsiv it will be recognized in some proportions of different components.

Below you can find out about some variants of ground sums, overturned by the hour and popular among the wealthy of the saints of the saints.

Option 1

1 part of life-giving earth (universal or special for violets)
2 parts peat
1 part perlite, vermiculite, moss
½ part of a wooden vugill

Option 2

6 parts of revitalizing soil
1 part vermiculite and perlite
1 part sphagnum moss
1 piece of wooden vugill

Option 3

3 parts peat soil
1 part revitalizing primer
1 part vermiculite
½ part of a wooden vugill

Option 4

5 parts of peat soil
1 part revitalizing primer
½ part perlite and vermiculite
½ part of Seramis granulate
¼ part of a wooden vugill
Superphosphate (sprat peas)

Option 5

4 pieces of peat soil
1 part trimmed sphagnum moss
½ part perlite and vermiculite
½ part coconut fiber
Small amount of wooden vugill

For children, more napovnyuvachiv and rozpushuvachiv, for grown-ups, more lively

Obviously, to the point of thinking, who specialize in this food, the soil for violets is guilty of such authorities:

  1. Fluffiness
  2. Water holding capacity
  3. Povitropenetration

So the soil is guilty of revenge speech, necessary for the yakіsny development of violets. Acidity, with its blackness, kolivaetsya in the form of 5.5 to 6.5 pH.

The soil sum is practically responsible for the accumulation of life-giving soil. You can use biohumus, compost, turf, coniferous land. For the above-described growth, it is recommended to take a leafy soil, which is seen as a path to take the top ball of the leafy trees.

Take this ball of bagan from a clean place. It is also a good idea to add up to a new life component for a shorter growth of violets.

Warehouse Gruntu

To the warehouse of land for violets enter a sprig of warehouses, and itself:

1. Lively ground

  1. I have an upper ball of z-pod leafy dews. I have my own blackness, volodya dekilkom with brown colors: puffiness, moisture absorption and increased penetration. Acidity to become: vіd 5.5 to 6.5 pH.
  2. Soddy land also enters, i.e., the upper ball of the soil with the roots of the growths that have been lost in it. As a rule, it is seen as a bow.
  3. Prior to the above described soils, biohumus and compost should be added

2. Reminders

Two types of earth can serve as reminders for violets:

  1. Coniferous. Sound to be taken from the lower globe of the earth, which grows see conifers roslin (followed by conifers). Acidity at the level of 4-5 pH. So I can have such miraculous power, like plumpness.
  2. Torf'yana. Designated as a field for the safe and balanced mineral life of Roslin. So much fluffiness

3. Razpushuvachі and trimachі vologii

Gyroscope materials for today are available large number, but let's take a look at the main ones:

  1. Perlite. It is a silicon granulation, as a rule, it is mixed in gruntosumish. The color ranges from white to gray, may be light and even similar to squeaky. For the above-described growth, fakhivtsi should give priority to granular species.
  2. Vermiculite. Maє visoku poglanannya, which is even more beautiful for young roslins. As a rule, vikoristovuyut for growing livestock.
  3. Moss-sphagnum. Heads of power given material crying in a non-infectious effect. It is recommended to shed with sprinkles before victories, then dry it, after which it is finely rubbed. As a rule, after the development of tsikh diy vin zabobigaє zayvomu peresyhannya roslini.
  4. Vugill village. May absorb power. In practice, there are 2 options for choosing:
  5. Before planting the roslin, a small amount is placed on the bottom of the miner.
  6. In another way, it is recommended to mix with the earth to ensure the regulation of the effect of moisture.
  7. Dolomite is borosno. Gardeners infrequently vicorate this material, shards are only an additive component, but there are no obvious powers. As a rule, the necessary regulation of acidity.

Before re-pushing, the next step is to add a stock of warehouses:

  1. Expanded clay - visually is a red bag that is made up of clay. This effect can be achieved by processing at high temperatures. It is recommended to lay on the bottom of the miner.
  2. Coconut fiber and sand. Ts_ materials gardeners vikoristovuyut seldom. Better to add descriptions to more material.

Prepared grounds for violets

Considering the absence of ready-made soils for growing roslin, it is necessary to look at the most important of them:

  1. ASP GREENWORLD. With the best dzherel of brown, lively speeches for violets. It is recommended to vicorate when growing home grown roses. This soil is made up of sand, peat, coconut fiber and other important living components.
  2. Saintpaulia. If this material is chosen, gardeners recommend additionally adding different fluffs, as described above.
  3. "Terra-vit". Tsya sumish is added to peat, which is not recommended for violets due to increased acidity.
  4. "Academy of growth". There is an order of lifelike speeches, as well as slightly acidity. Storing your peat with additional vapnyak.
  5. "Bereginya". Warehouse dosit standard: sand, dolomite borosno, peat, compost and different kind. Vikoristovuetsya dosit often, so that Roslin feels comfortable in the new.

After buying ready-made flavors, it is recommended to steam with dill, after which put qiu sumish at the pich at a temperature of one hundred degrees. After zdіysnennya tsikh dіy it is necessary to bud close to the month for renewal and enrichment with good fertilizers for the shortest growth of roslin.

How to lay down soil for violets independently

Іsnuє kіlka options ґruntosumіshey, yakі can be folded independently, zmіshavshi all components. Obviously, most of the soil in the distance will be picked up by a well-founded path, but for kvtnikariv-pochatkivtsiv it will be recognized in some proportions of different components.

Below you can find out about the various options for ground sums, overturned by the hour and popular among the wealthy of the masters of the saintpoliy:

  1. Option 1:
    • 1 part of life-giving earth (universal or special for violets).
    • 2 parts peat.
    • 1 part perlite, vermiculite, moss.
    • ½ part of a wooden vugill.
  2. Option 2:
    • 6 parts of revitalizing soil.
    • 1 part vermiculite and perlite.
    • 1 part sphagnum moss.
    • 1 piece of wooden vugill.
  3. Option 3:
    • 3 parts of peat soil.
    • 1 part of revitalizing soil.
    • 1 part vermiculite.
    • ½ part of a wooden vugill.
  4. Option 4:
    • 5 parts of peat soil.
    • 1 part of revitalizing soil.
    • ½ part of Seramis granulate.
    • ¼ part of a wooden vugill.
    • Superphosphate (sprat peas).
  5. Option 5:
    • 4 parts of peat soil.
    • 1 part trimmed sphagnum moss.
    • ½ part perlite and vermiculite.
    • pieces of coconut fibre.
    • Small number of wooden vugillya.


After a thriving hour, the sign of growing up in a miner, the earth slowly begins to spend its crooks of authority, as well as lively speeches. These factors are negatively associated with

violets. In order to zabіgannya tsim naslіdkam nebhіdno add to the soil of raznі dobriva, about which was said more.

Dobriva, due to its nature, is classified into:

  1. Sorry mineral
  2. Complex
  3. organic

At times vikoristannya, be kind to the mind, it is necessary to follow the instructions. Too much more than just a negative note, which, in his line, will appear on the line.
