Infectious disease of the nails.


Healthy nails are not just beautiful, but are considered a sign of a healthy body.

Unfortunately, there are more problems with nails, many of which can be solved without a qualified specialist.

All diseases of the nails on the hands and feet can be divided into two main groups: fungal and non-fungal.

First, before proceeding to their conclusion, it is necessary to consider not only the reasons and factors that cause the damage to the nail plate, but also the development of a healthy nail.

Budova nail They represent the function of the dry membrane of our fingertips. The stench is caused by three main storage elements:

The root grows under the skin, the body is the nail plate, and the edge is the part of the nail that has grown.

Growth begins from the root, which gradually grows and creates the nail plate.

    The cuticle or the skin of the nail helps to press the nail onto the skin.

    By the way, we know that cutting the cuticles is awkward, but it doesn’t bother anyone.

  • And darma also plays an important role in the development of the nail.

    The fold that connects the nail plate to the tip of the finger is called the nail bed.

Upper part (

white color

) is called the nail socket.

    The nails themselves are clear-sighted, and this hole creates the visual effect of a white color. Growth of nails;

  • For a hundred days, nails grow by one centimeter.

    The legs of your arms grow faster than your legs.

  • In order for the nail plate to be completely changed, it will be necessary to wait a few minutes.

    If you look at those whose nails on their legs grow 50% more, they will need a whole river.

  • The figures given above are approximate, so everything is based on low factors:

the people themselves,

Also, as deep grooves appeared on the nails, it was also caused by yeast fungus. The appearance of zest, disarray, lamanna - these are the inheritances of serious illnesses, disrupted speech exchange, contact with chemicals that are harmful to nails, non-acidic varnishes and others. cosmetic benefits

, filthy shit.

A healthy nail is what...?

    A healthy nail should look like this:

    Mati rye color,

    Smooth surface

May be unconstrained. Tse three important criteria healthy nails


The deformation of the nail plate has begun (yawning, for example) - the first signal that something is wrong in the body.

It is important to respond promptly to illness, because if you do not show relief, then simply illness can develop into much more.

The relationship between human health and health

As it was known, there is no specific indicator that indicates health or “malfunctions” in the body.

    And this is good, because their functions can be detected early when they are sick and can be started immediately before the next day of rejoicing.

    So, we can easily witness the breakdown of the liver.

    If the nails are white and erysipelas, that means there is a problem with the nails.

    Nig's bed of red color?

Varto check your heart.

Yellowish color of the nails and why should one avoid their deterioration?

Immovable problems with leggi.

A pale nail bed is characteristic of anemia.

However, they are not too fatty, but they have a clear basis, which means diabetes.

Ailments to the body can arise on the nail plate

Less serious signs indicate a person's health:

bіlі plyam: the problem has expanded.

The nails are turning black.

Illness appears due to injury or swelling of the nail bed.


The nail bed progressively deteriorates, with the development of psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema and dermatitis.

Chromonychia No one is waiting. Comes out in a century,

medicinal drugs

, bad blood flow, chicken, cheap nail polishes, liver disease, unknown causes.


The reasons for this include allergies or infections, which cause the nail roller to burn.

Furrows on the nails

Furrows can be transverse or later.

This can be caused by improper diet, lack of vitamins, anemia, problems with the schistula, as well as through unfavorable manicure and pedicure and nail injuries.

Nail polishing

There are many reasons: lack of calcium, illness of the heart and endocrine system, too hard nail files and improper trimming of the nail.

Other diseases of the nails

Other illnesses are those that are associated with an incorrect way of living, but casual illnesses and non-serious illnesses are important.

Healthy nails

Reasons: anemia, chicken, poor health, inexpensive varnish.

What is it timid?

Rub while the nail is growing and there are no cheap varnishes from unknown agents that are absorbed into the nail plate and do not come out.

Nails bitten

It's not sick, it's worse than a filth.

Already lead to the destruction of the nail plate.

To avoid lip irritation, you can coat your fingertips with pepper and perform a manicure more often.

Yellow nails among the Kurts

The nails are not just yellow, but brown.

They can be treated with water and peroxide, or go to the doctor for help.

Corrugated nails

Cause: injury.

Any defect is covered with varnish or sanded with powder and pumice.


It is important to call this swelling of the nail a normal phenomenon.

The characteristic dark violet and even black stripes.

The reason for its appearance: injury and bleeding at the nail bed.

The blood hangs and does not rise.

It is necessary to resist the unique pressure of the supernatural pressure, so that the nail can be removed.

Naughty, what a time

Drying is a popular problem that is caused by improperly trimmed manicure.

For example, none of them reached the roots and they were cut off from the sides.

As a result, it turns out that the nail grows at the ridge, instead of growing straight.

Bring it to the point of burning.

If the situation is important and difficult, it is necessary to proceed before the operation, performed under local anesthesia.

If this is noticed at the cob stage, finger massage can help.


Bullies appear as a result of considerable attention to one's own hands and improper surveillance.

They cannot be destroyed or chewed.

It can cause infection.

Putrid microbes are absorbed from other cracks and wounds, thereby screaming for sore fingers and nails.

This disease can be deep (muscular, subcutaneous, subglobular and tendon) and superficial (sublingual, subcutaneous and dermal).

    For everyone to be healthy, all they need is just correct insight.

    Well, it is possible to work, but it is not recommended to work.

    Don't peel your nails too often.

    І work better in one direction, so as to be unique.

    It is best to perform a manicure on steamed hands, so as not to remove the heat.

    If you are weak, your diet should include magnesium, iodine and calcium.

    It is necessary to consume fruits, pork, vegetables and fish more often.

After washing, they need to be wiped thoroughly so as not to risk the spread of fungal infections.

There's no need for any nasty little sparklers!

    Do not leave the area for removing acetone-based varnish.

    1. Treating sick nails: traditional medicine

      There are no methods that traditional medicine advocates, but the most effective ones are those presented below. Infusion: parsley, celery, crepe are chopped, poured with oil, everything is infused for two days, taken with a tablespoon every day. In Vologa, fungal infections are spreading, so your hands, feet and nails are always dry.

      Let's go back to this one more time

      with a cheap little one

      , How to Grind Your Nails Not only will you not give aesthetics to your hands, but rather inadvertently, but also unsafe microbes in the sclero-intestinal tract will then not be protected.

      Before speech, this speech is a symptom of nerve illness.

      It’s possible that they’ll go crazy like crazy.

    Apply daily to the cuticles and nail plates with a lotion that is used for similar purposes and contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant.

– various changes in the surface and shape of the nail plates, caused by endogenous and exogenous reasons.

The most common types of nail deformations are: late or transverse grooves, bulging nails with the appearance of an age-old nail, curved spoon-shaped nails, flat nails, on the basis of the “thimble” and in. To identify the reasons behind the deformation of the nails, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for a reason).

If the nails are deformed, it may be necessary to carry out local and systemic therapy, correction or resection/removal of the nail plate.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

Normally, the nail plates have a smooth, even, slightly rounded shape;

Approximately half of the cases of deformation of the nails are due to fungal infections - onychomycosis (superficial white, subungual distal, subungual proximal, total dystrophic).

Common causes of deformation of the nails include skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus.

Frequently changing the shape of the nail plates can lead to their mechanical damage: clogged, pinched, improper trimming of the cuticle during manicure and pedicure, improper trimming of the nails. In case of deformation of the nails, not only injury to the nail plate, but also to the nail bed or nail roller may result. In individuals with psychopathic disorder, the characteristics of the person are often at risk of permanent damage to the nail plates (onychotillomania). Changes in the structure and shape of nails may be due to interaction with various chemicals: detergents, detergents, resin agents, acetone and other aggressive agents. Deformations of nails are often avoided in special professions (for example, perukariv), as well as in women who often go to the extention of nails, decorative coating of nails with varnishes of dubious quality (especially contains formaldehyde).

In addition, onychodystrophy may be associated with the use of certain medications (zocrema, antibiotics), chemotherapy, etc.

Often they change their structure as a result of deficiency of vitamins and microelements: in children

early century or the nails in the shape of a “good-looking glass” are in a rounded shape and tend to be associated with deformation of the fingers in the appearance of “drumsticks”.

Such cases most often serve as manifestations of hypertrophic leg osteoarthropathy (bronchiectasis, emphysema or tuberculosis of the leg, purulent pleurisy, abscess of the leg, cancer of the leg). A similar deformation of the nails is also characteristic of congenital blue-type hearts, prolonged septic endocarditis, heart failure, aortic aneurysms, biliary cirrosis of the liver.

Sometimes “Hippocratic” nails have a slump or congenital peculiarity, not associated with pathological conditions. Platonichia

(Flat nails) are often a congenital anomaly, due to the possible development of deformation due to occupational factors, psoriasis, liver cirrhosis, etc. In this type, all the nail plates are affected. Transverse grooves on nails

(Bo's lines) may appear after influenza, fever, Raynaud's disease, syringomia, anorexia.

The depth of the grooves depends on the severity of the impact on the matrix and can reach 1 mm.

The color of the nail does not differ from the color of the entire nail scarf.

Due to the obvious absence of grooves and ridges, the nail swells into a wimpy shape.

  • Late grooves on the nails (ribs, corrugated nails) indicate incorrect or unbalanced nutrition, vitamin deficiency, impaired absorption in the intestines.
  • Finger-like or point deformation of the nails
  • characterized by the presence of multiple pinhole pits on the surface of the nail plate.

Drills have a diameter of 0.3 to 1-1.5 mm and a depth of up to 1 mm;

Its quantity can be varied from 2-3 pieces to several dozen.

This form of onychodystrophy is typical for eczema, psoriasis, rheumatism, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Fungal problems arise through infection different types fungi.

This alarm is even more dangerous due to the fact that it is slightly wider.

  • Likuvati tse illness is necessary ob'yazkovo.
  • The fungus most often infects the very nail plates of the lower ends, because the feet are the most receptive environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  • There are factors that can prevent the development and development of illness:
  • increased sweating of the legs;
  • it’s unclear: it’s suffocating and impenetrable, a filthy block;

knitted clothes made from synthetic materials;

lack of special hygiene;

the provision of public baths without individual treatment, for example, spas, swimming pools, saunas, public showers.

To recognize the beginning of a disease, you need to know what a healthy nail plate looks like.

If there is any doubt about one point, you need to bring a doctor for consultation.

  • Fungal diseases of the nails: signs and treatment
  • Sickness of the nails on the feet of a fungal nature goes by the common name - onychomycosis.
  • Unimportant in appearance, depending on the type of fungus, similar illnesses loom:
  • In the early stages, there are no clear symptoms that can be identified as those that are being diagnosed.
  • Ailments indicate brittleness and shortness of the nail plate.

The main symptom of fungus is the loss of the natural vigor of the nail.

  • Vin becomes kalamutnym.
  • Mozhlive dodatkova viniknenya plіznogo koloru.

At the same time, it is necessary to dress in clothes, clothes, towels, and white linen.

It is important to pay attention to the surface treatment of the house: the bed, the toilet, the bathtub and the toilet.

You can’t steal someone else’s wealth, but you can’t pass on your own to other people. When treating large areas where fungal infection can be prevented, it is necessary to follow the rules of caution and use preventive cosmetics. Medication can be increased with

people's ways


This is only possible after consultation with a doctor.

It is important to understand that self-care at home cannot in any way replace traditional medicine.

  • Onychomycosis
  • Sickness is provoked by dermatophyte diseases.
  • The infection starts from the 1st and 5th toes.

The nail plates of the hands are rarely affected.

  • The most common disease of the nails on the legs is onchomycosis Symptoms of illness: the shape of the nail changes; The color of life changes due to subungual hyperkeratosis, the nail begins to become soft;
  • ruin of the nail plate. Onychomycosis occurs in several forms:
  • Normotrophic– there are patches of white on the nails

yellow color

  • .
  • The plate itself retains its normal shape, hyperkeratosis is present or weakly expressed.


– a condition that provokes hyperkeratosis. In this way, the surface of the nail remains smooth. A person feels pain when walking.
Atrophic– the plate is clearly exposed, and it is left empty.The nail is spherical from the nail bed.
In this case, sickness of the nails on the legs is treated with the following drugs:For external stagnation – Exoderil.For internal administration - Terbinafine, Fluconazole.

Traditional medicine also offers a number of recipes:




A small piece of kombucha Knead the stitch and trim it into porridge Rub the paste into the nails that suffer from fungus, and rub it together.

Vikonuvati 2 times a day

  • if necessary, the picks that are being cured must be removed, the bulbs pierced, the edges of the erosion removed;
  • After the baths, water lotions containing copper, zinc, and resocin are applied;
  • After the weeping plots have been driven, the deposition of fungicidal ointments begins.

A good folk dish is 15-hvilin long baths with manganese.

Bullies appear as a result of considerable attention to one's own hands and improper surveillance.

Whenever a bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics are prescribed.

After all the symptoms have passed, preventive therapy must be carried out for a month.

  • Ringworm is most often associated with skin problems, but this type of ringworm can also affect the skin in some cases.
  • When you are sick, beware of the following picture:
  • a dark mark appears in the growth zone;
  • sometimes it becomes white;

the nail becomes visible, becomes tender and soft;

Often the affected part of the nail collapses.

Ailments to the body can arise on the nail plate

Sickness of the nails, such as ringworm on the legs, can be treated with the help of corticosteroid creams - Mikoseptin or Exoderil.

Ointments work well against lichen.

In patients with advanced illnesses, systemic medications for internal use are used.

  • It is important to take a healthy dose of vitamins, maintain a hypoallergenic diet, and also take immunostimulants.
  • Among traditional medicine, apple cucumber has a beneficial effect. The dissolved sour middle allows the patient to become ill. It is necessary to mix cetacean and water in equal proportions.
  • Powder the plot several times a day.
  • The main manifestation of illness is the removal of the nail from the nail bed.


The process begins from the edge of the nail collapsing straight to the point of mixing.

Also present symptoms:

  • When celebrating, the emphasis is on the main cause of the illness:
  • If onycholysis is caused by dysbacteriosis, use drugs to renovate the intestines and drugs with corium bacteria - Omeprazole, Acipol, Linex.
  • at

bіlі plyam: the problem has expanded.

This disease is characterized by 2 to 4 mm wide spots appearing on the nails of late age, located behind the color of the nail, the color changes from light brown to dark brown.

It comes down to disruption of the processes of melatonin in the skin, which is known to our customers.

Sickness can be provoked by hormonal changes in the body: pregnancy and age, blood diabetes, thyroid disease.

Once a woman undergoes a biopsy, there is a risk of developing a malignant infection.

If the investigation has shown the benign nature of the marriage, no credit is given.


serious injuries

Part of the finger is removed up to the point closest to the nail.

Simultaneously, lymphatic nodes are monitored.

Dark-skinned – shaped with

great amount

  • small dots.
  • Total - more than 50% of the surface of the nail plate.
  • Leukonychia mai kilka dzherel viniknenya:
  • Treatment depends on the cause of illness:
  • In case of a simple manicure, there is no need for a bath; it is enough to carry out complete procedures using traditional methods of traditional medicine. For chemical treatments, traditional medicine can also help. It is necessary to wear gloves for protection.

Chronic illnesses can be treated with special medications.

If there is an infection in the body, you will need to take antibiotics.


lifelong speeches

The most important is the supply of vitamin complexes.

Leukonychia is not a serious illness when treated with a rash.

The nail bed progressively deteriorates, with the development of psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema and dermatitis.

Traditional medicine is ready to introduce a number of recipes:


  • This illness manifests itself in the absence of the nail plate.- Develops due to external aggressive influences: chicken, contact with chemicals, personal injury, unknown manicure products.
  • Reference form comes to light through the pathological processes that occur in the human body.

Additionally, swelling of the fingers, deformation of the nail plate, and swelling may occur.

The bathing form lies in the external infusions and is applied to the applied aggressive infusion on the nails. A few homemade recipes will also help.

The reason for its appearance: injury and bleeding at the nail bed.

There is no effective treatment of the true form.

It is recommended to treat chronic illnesses and take vitamins: A, E.

  • As soon as the symptoms of the wrap appear, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible:
  • The best actions for nails, just a vine once, are prevention:

Always trim the ends of your nails as they may grow.

It is helpful to use staples and springs that are installed on the nail plate.

The device regulates the growth of the nail, as a result the plate grows straight forward, and not at the ends.

If the nail is already old, you can treat household problems in a trained doctor.

It's not sick, it's worse than a filth.

In advanced cases, the nail can be removed using a surgical method or a laser.

However, this is not important, because after manipulating a person there is a long period of renewal.

  • Other illnesses
  • This section includes sickness, which may be a sign of a fungal or fungal pathology, but in this case it is independent.
  • Most often, hypertrophy is transmitted during recessions.
  • This illness is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • the nail is fading;
  • it can be felt up to several centimeters;

Even long legs begin to bend downwards, calling out the bird’s claw; the color of the nail changes from yellow to brown-yellow;
Rarely in this situation does an ingrown nail occur on the skin, which is pulled out from the sides; If the growth is not rejoiced, the ignition process starts. To combat illness, vitamins and physical therapy are prescribed.

To avoid lip irritation, you can coat your fingertips with pepper and perform a manicure more often.

If inflammation is evident, wash with peroxide and chlorhexidine.

Traditional medicine promotes massage with

  • olive oil
  • .
  • In case of significant deformation, which greatly interferes with a person’s current appearance, cosmetic correction is performed.
  • Sickness of the nails on the legs, in which the nails are susceptible to atrophy, often have a congenital character.
  • A newborn baby may have some symptoms:
  • deformation of the nail plates on one or more fingers, stench smaller in size, screaming, the shape is distorted;
  • If the hair growth rate is low, the stench itself will become rare.

Such native pathologies are poorly amenable to treatment.

It is recommended to take vitamins, drink foods rich in collagen, and eat a balanced diet.

Patients must take care of their nails and avoid injury and contact with aggressive substances.


  • Vinication can occur as late as in transverse furrows.
  • In this case, the later ones most often become narrowed.
  • The nail becomes ribbed.
  • Reasons for appearing:

deficiency of bark elements;

Furrows on the nails

lack of food, as well as unbalanced children;

underblood, low hemoglobin;

  • insufficient supply of folic acid and proteins.
  • To recuperate, you need to maintain a balanced diet and take vitamins to correct the deficiency.
  • Drink enough liquid.
  • This is the most common problem people face.
  • The axis of reason її appeared:
  • improper manicure; selection of obscure cosmetic decorative products;

As a result, half of the women face this problem when they regularly undergo the shelak procedure;

lack of vitamins;

Corrugated nails

endocrine disorders, hypercrema, decreased function of the thyroid gland;

chronic illnesses that affect the body;

Synthetic clothing is wrong. You can solve this problem using a set of approaches:

  • Traditional medicine recommends massage with sea salt.
  • You need to adjust the proportion to 2 teaspoons per 200 ml of warm water.
  • A woman’s legs need to be trimmed at least 15 times.

Then you need to massage the skin around the nails.

Sickness of the nails, if not rejoiced, can cause serious consequences. In the middle of the day there is suppuration, abscess, panaritium, and malignant lesions on the legs. Driven by any change

external view nails, consult a dermatologist.

Formatting statistics:

Mila Fridan

Video about nail disease

Olena Malisheva reveals how to cure nail fungus:

The nails of a healthy person are smooth, shiny, soft russet in color, with a clearly visible white lunula at the base.

In this case, the nail plate is gradually renewed, increasing the tension by approximately one millimeter.

As you age, the nail plate shrinks and becomes more fragile.

This part of the natural process is ancient to the body.

Crying is also powerful over the nails of women.

Let’s wait a little while after the curtains and make sure everything returns to normal.

It is acceptable that nails break due to defective vitamins or become yellow due to unclear varnish.

Sometimes the nail plate may become black or fall off if the finger is pinched or hit.

In a healthy person, the nails on the arms are completely renewed over the course of 4–6 months, and on the legs – over the course of 6–8 months.

But there are persistent pathologies, which often lead to the loss of respect.

And darma.

Any changes in the shape, color and texture of the nails, as well as the skin around them, may indicate damage to the internal organs and the presence of various, sometimes serious illnesses.

Having discovered this or any other pathology of the nail, it is not good to engage in self-indulgence.

The first thing you need to do is make an appointment with a therapist or a dermatologist and get an analysis. Only a professional doctor and clinical investigation from this date can accurately determine the cause of the pathology. Perhaps this is the stage of psoriasis, or perhaps there is simply a malfunction in the thyroid or intestinal tract.

Olga Aleynikova,


, master of manicure and pedicure

Lunuli or holes - this is a light mixture of the base of the nail.

It’s your responsibility to take up about a third and be kind.

Athletes and people who engage in important physical activities often experience great problems. Sometimes stench can indicate malfunctions in the work and vessels, low arterial pressure. Small lunulae that appear behind the cuticles may be a sign of a lack of vitamin B12 and fluid, as well as problems with blood flow.

This is called the line of Bo.

The pathology of the nail plate in the form of transverse lines down to one millimeter was first revealed by the French military surgeon Joseph Honore Simon Beau.

Bo lines are created through the distortion of the matrix of the nail plate.

If she doesn’t get food,

chemical warehouse The nail changes and the plate becomes deformed. Most often, this is achieved through harsh diets, interspersed with fasting.

The damage can also be mechanical (if the nail is hit in the area of ​​the hole) or toxic in nature (through strong drugs or chemotherapy).

This is koilonychia, which is a deformation of the nail plate, when its center sag and the edges are turned up.

It does not cause any discomfort, color and smoothness are preserved, but it looks unsightly.

The easiest way to detect koilonychia is to drop water on your nail.

Are the droplets moving around freely?

Lunuli or holes - this is a light mixture of the base of the nail.

It's okay.

Are the droplets stuck in the groove?

Let me start thinking.

Most often, swollen nails are the result of a lack of inflammation in the body and endocrine disorders.

Other causes of koilonia include trauma, contact with chemicals, and sudden changes in temperature.

In addition, spoon-like nails can arise through gene mutations and be transmitted during periods.

Another name is the fingers of Hippocrates. This is a symptom in which the nail plates shrink and become similar to the nail plate. In this case, if you look at the finger from the side, there is a 180° movement between the posterior nail roller and the nail plate.

Drum sticks are always a sign of serious illness.

Smells can appear in diseases of the legs (from tuberculosis to cancer), heart and blood vessels (heart disease, endocarditis and others), and intestinal tract (viral colitis, Crohn's disease and others).

9. Nail polish

In medicine, this is called onycholysis - a damaged ligament of the nail and the nail bed, when there is empty space between them, and the nail plate changes color.

In 60% of seizures, the cause is injury.

If your nails have become rapt, you should check the herbal and cardiac-vascular system and apply special attention to the liver.

A yellow pig also provokes illness of the liver, as well as pathologies of the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

Blueness to talk about lack of sourness, low level of hemoglobin or poor blood flow.

Most often, black stain appears on the nail plate due to injury or malfunction in the work.

And in some peoples there is a peculiarity of natural pigmentation of the skin.

  • If you eat normally, you haven’t hit anywhere, and you’ve got the worst reaction, it’s better to go to the doctor.
  • This could be a symptom of melanoma, a malignant skin cancer.
  • How to preserve the beauty and health of your nails
  • Proper food, healthy sleep and sports are toiling to get ready.
  • Regularly inspect your nail plates and your hands.
  • Get a manicure and pedicure.

Always trim or file the outer edge of your nails and trim the cuticles.

Don't touch your nails.

Put on your gloves when working with chemicals and when digging in the beds.

Take vitamins.

Most often, illnesses are associated with damaged nails; the causes are said to be the addition of chemicals to the nails, including nail polishes and removers.

Traps, it’s much nicer for Mitya Nig to release a negative outflow at the end. It’s difficult to bring up the extreme blue. By avoiding this development, you should give your feet enough respect and proper bathing.

  1. When starting a pedicure, apply a barless base under the varnish to protect the nail plate.
  2. Salons have a special treatment, and at home, nails and cuticles are treated.
  3. cosmetic oil

or mazu.

Illnesses are caused by stress, the constant companions of life.

Regular chickens note in Sweden the loss of nails, similar to the lack of vitamins.

To relieve nicotine toxicity, it is enough to wipe your nails with water peroxide.

You can quickly cook in folk ways, which you can easily prepare at home.

Call for sickness on your feet due to mechanical damage to your toe.

The extreme blueness causes white spots, called wounds, to appear on the plate.

Learn about the development of dystrophy and calcium deficiency.

Pleas gradually appear when the nail grows.

As soon as the nail takes on a dark color, the blue color develops, and pathology appears in the veins that have burst, causing the blue color to develop.

It is necessary to reduce the pressure on the sick person by becoming more relaxed.

If your nails are wandering, you need to remove any damaged areas.

Dystrophy appears in the supra-superficial bend of the nail plate.

Over time, growths appear like lumps that appear on the fingers.

It is allowed to cure the illness in the folk way in the home. The nails on your feet should be thoroughly cleaned and a bath is being prepared. Then an ointment that includes an oil

tea tree

And the needles are buried under the plate on the nose.

To achieve the effect, the finger from the applied ointment is sealed with adhesive tape.