Winter solstice day. Winter solstice: when the astronomical winter comes

On this day, about 19:28 after the Moscow hour, the Sun passed from the pivnіchnoy pіvkulі sky to pivdennoy. Nich from 21 to 22 breasts, found on the river, and the day - the shortest. On the 25th of the chest, a bright hour, doby to become more frequent. Our ancestors were aware that on the day of the winter solstice, evil spirits come to earth to satiate with living energy. So that the evil spirits did not reach the booth, they hung the yellow chicks at the new one, so that the unforgiving guests were greeted.

Already in the year, at the day of the winter solstice, they began to celebrate Christmas Kolyada. Staroslov'yanskaya was the name of the God of the new Sontsya. The carols sounded with a special scope - songs and folk dances were in power. It was important that the more cheerfully pass holy, the better God of the new Sun hangs the life of Yogo Shanuvalnikov.

Rites, traditions and practices were formed among the people, tied to the date.

If you want to earn more prosperity in your life, on the day of the winter solstice, take all the rubbish from your hamantsya and put it on the threshold of the house, or in the open entrance doors. Mine is not a good hour, and you see how pennies begin to appear in your life literally from the beginning.

In order to radically change your life, for some of the 21st to 22nd babies, you need to turn over as many objects as possible at your booth. Put cups and flasks upside down, turn upside down, turn the tables upside down. Everything that can be put upside down or on top of the rack - turn it over and put it. During this ritual, it is important to think about those that your life is in your hands and at the very moment you begin to change it. Let's say "Dim uphill at the bottom, otherwise life will begin with a new day!" Go to sleep. In the early days of the world of need, you can turn upside down objects in your primal camp.

Charming days are celebrated on 22, 23, 24 breasts. Make a dream, dream, create new plans.

On the day of the winter solstice of ordinations, the rite of "nasіnєm namіru". At the flower shop, you buy a new day, be it like a roslin, bring it home, put it in a ganchiro soaked in water and whisper the words of an old-fashioned spirit:
"Now it’s true, I’m true, I’m namir (what do you want to build an offensive fate, for example, buy an apartment), that’s how it’s namir my zdіysnivsya, proris, roots mіtsno vp’yavsya in the ground. , and taco buti. Amen." After that, you transplant the seedlings from the mountain worker and water the day with a stretch of the day. Hang on, replant today, be it a tree that has not withered, and check ...

If you think about it, how to make a dream in such a way that it succeeded in a melody, then the coming rite is melodious to you. Write your dream on paper, turn the note sheet at the tube. They let them light a candle and light a leaf from one point. While we are on fire, we need to remember the words:

"Movchazne, and in that commandment, those who are in a secret hut - that are in my soul, all those near the fire - all those half-lights of clay, everything that goes into space, everything, then up to greater strengths, go. And in them come back. - so the Vikonans, she will come so pleased. So, she will not be satisfied.

I drank what I had run out of, take it from the little bear and spread it on the streets in a strong wind. If so, the bazhannya may come.

Nature lives behind its own, special cycles. A person cannot change these cycles, for example, learn monthly doba commemorate the months, the month of growth and the hour of decline. Ale, under all the changes of nature, under the skin from the cycles, you can change, which will help you to start living in harmony with the world.

Practically ancient people were actively using these knowledge. Leather people rozrobiv their calendar of important podіy. The key position in this calendar was occupied by the solstice.


Under the solstice, there is an astronomical podia, which lies in what the sun occupies, or I will find or I will find a point on the earth's horizon. Tsya podia is signified on the trivality of the day, vіn trivaє or maximum number an hour on the river, or the minimum.

You can watch the solstice for the river, the charge and the wind. Winter solstice is characterized by a minimum day of the day and a maximum day of the night. The summer solstice for the trivality of the day and night is directly opposite to the winter one.

In 2019, there will be 22 breasts, or rather about 04:19 GMT (to translate to the Moscow hour, then it will be about 07:19).

The winter solstice occurs at the moment when the axis of the Earth’s axis has become sickly around the Sun’s beak takes on the most significance, this period means the beginning of a step-by-step rise of the day and a shortening of the night. From the day of the winter solstice on December 22, 2019, the day will rise more often, but not less.


Our ancestors commemorated that if a tree is warm all day, then the winter will be cold. 22 breasts picked up a sprat of cherry, brought them in at the booths and placed them near the miner with water. Until the 7th of September there were vouchers on these bells, then I cleared up good harvest the fruits of the tree.

Apple trees grew well and gave a good harvest of apples and shook for 22 babies.
According to the weather on the day of the winter solstice, the weather is forecast for 31 March, tobto. the weather on the 31st will be the same as on the Day of the Winter Solstice.

If there is a wind at the Winter Solstice Day, it is not directly guilty of changing until the Day of the Spring Equal Day.

Even more important for predicting the weather are the days after the winter solstice. If it’s drowsy on the 25th of the baby, then the next check of late spring and not the next hurry from the spring sowing of agricultural crops. If we’ll frown early on the 25th of the chest, then the spring will look early and with the battle of crops, you will need to hurry up.

Our ancestors knew that for 12 days after 25 March they forecast the weather for 12 months of the coming fate. So, the weather for today is the weather on the 26th of December. For a fierce bude, the weather is the same, like 27 babies, for birch trees - like 28 babies thin.

on new holy if the weather is frosty, it will be sleepy on the 25th of the chest. If it’s gloomy on the 25th of the chest, then check for gloomy, warm weather at the newcomers.


Winter Solstice Day is traditionally celebrated in rich cultures. The ancient Celts compared the people of the new sun to St. Yule.

The improvement of the booth on the whole day is a little special. Nasampered tse yalinovі hіlki. They hung them creakingly: over the entrance to the booth between the middle doors, inserted them at the window, laid them out on the fireplace. Obov'yazkovo at the center of the largest kіmnati budinka, in which it was accepted to pick up guests, put the sun, which symbolized. Tse moment buti orange, golden, sleepy light.

On the day when the old sun broke down on the calm, great ritual riches were spat out. These pits were specially painted over, so that the stench helped the birth of a new sun, helped to boost yoga strength at the cob stage.

Skhіdnі slov'yani at tsey hour celebrated Kolyada. Kolyada in the words of the "Janian mythology" is the god of the new sun. Other names: Kaledi, Kadmus, Kolodiy. This deity symbolized the transition to fate. Among the people, the day of yoga chanuvannya has come on the coming day after the winter solstice. The very same day vvazhavshis word'yansky New Rock.

They celebrated Kolyada Day with a special flourish, they ruled songs, folk dances. The traditions of the day were especially celebrated for gifts. On Kolyada, it was customary to give a small gift, but a gift of a skin close to a person. The Slovyans believed that the god of the new sun is not whimsical to stingy people, and does not hang their life with a sleepy light. It was important that a stingy person, who did not please any people on New river, tsiliy r_k lived at the temryava


Obviously, not all ceremonies, as our ancestors victorious, are left with tsikavim and for today's generations. Even for the old hours, the chakluni, for example, fired the bagattya with a bow, as if they were burning all night long, calling out the sun and calling the Sun to turn. And this year, of course, no one can be robbed. Ale є th such rites, yakі did not waste their relevance. I myself will speak about them below.

The ideal option for any kind of person is to win the winter solstice with the method of learning from your life, like a change, new energy, zdіbnosti and possibilities. This day is miraculously suitable for meditation, for performing rituals, tying with the energy of water, and also for new beginnings.

Moreover, you can repair yours, they can be alright in advance - you have the ability to radically change your special life, achieve success with your career, improve your financial well-being, etc. change it. And to that, their relevance does not change from time to time - even if people are powerful, they constantly move the best.

You can take care of the magical rites in the shortest day of fate on your own, or you can entrust the solution of your problems to the right fahivtsu. In any case, in the process of their conduct, prayers and magic spells will be victorious, as well as various paraphernalia. Zokrema, rituals on Zimov Solncestations are held on the vows of the victoria of deyaky roslins: laurel, budyak, cedar, chamomile, yalivtsu, mallow, mistletoe, moss, etc. And besides, you need candles or silvery color) and right stones (zokrema, ruby ​​and tiger's eye).


Winter solstice is the hour of the darkest and found night in the rotation, if we understand about the sense of different speeches. Why wouldn't the lookouts of the Yule prayers-meditations sing? Vykoristovyte one a day, as if I’m thinking for the holy season.


The day of the winter solstice was celebrated by our ancestors on the 21st day of the month. This day is filled with the shortest in the rotation. And the axis nіch z 21 to 22 chest - naytrivalіsha in roci. It is important that she gives the cob to the sleepy rebirth, but it is symbolic for words. On the same day, on the day of the winter solstice, prayers and rituals were held. Chornobog is the patron saint of this day.

Do meditation. Garny effect be in the form of clean meditations, which will help you to grow up in the form of something indecent, which will revive yourself. It is also recommended after cleaning to switch to the visualization of plans for a new sony rock. Varto zazdalegіd prepare your own list of references. Before meditating, it is necessary to read the list, and, having flattened your eyes, reveal that everything has already become. If you plan to stand effectively and at the moment of visualization, you send strong vibrations to the energy plan, everything is planned to be realized in a short term. Make a guess. Traditionally, on the day of the change of calendars, a banquet is made. Asking for a promise and secret on the day of the winter solstice is similar to making a wish for a falling star in a new night.

Conduct a fortune teller. You can tell fortunes on a kohannya, a vicorist mirror, or on an offensive river.

Get in. So that goodness has come into life, it is necessary to cleanse the expanse for whom. Slid into the kіmnati, vikinuti mustache old, evil speech. All speeches, yak for r_k were not needed, it is necessary to pick up in boxes and bring to people what they require. Let's not close the door, the threshold, and the highest window. Itself through them to the booth enter the streams of power. Encouraging space is responsible for the implementation of planned plans and vikonannya bazhan.

Let the past go, what has lived for itself. On the day of the winter solstice, right at the sunset, go to the street or open wide. Take arkush paper and a pen with you. While the old sun is going for a breeze, you need to try to guess all the filth and everything negative that happened to this river. Tse can be with people, the people themselves, ailments, see the courts, change the work, spend pennies, unacceptable conflict situations. It is necessary to write about everything on paper, and then we will burn this paper for additional fire. Stop burning out right before the sun, what are you sitting. All the trash came at once in the old sun. І advancing wound at once with a new sun, come dovgoochіkuvane cleansing and relief.

In 2017, winter solstice will be on 21 March at 16:27 GMT or 19:27 Moscow time.

The hour of the winter solstice is here today, if everything, like our planet wraps around, the Sun will directly take the maximum sign. The greatest value of the kuta on the axis of the Earth on the horizon to Sun is 23 ° 26 '. Fallow on the day of calendar days during the winter solstice in Pivnichniy pivkul, it is either 21 or 22 chests, and in Pivdenny 20 or 21 worms.

Different cultures in a different way tlumachil tsyu podium, prote most of the peoples took the winter solstice as a revival, like setting the beginning of a new one. At the same time, festivals were held, holy, sacred, rituals were held, mass celebrations were held with songs and dances.

The solstice was a special moment of the river cycle in the period of the New Stone Age (Neolithic). Zavdyaks of astronomical occasions, from the last hours, to manage the crops of grain crops, procure food until the harvest is harvested, during periods of mating of creatures, you can prostegize, like vines of different traditions and myths. For the sake of whom, the planning of the oldest monuments of the new stone and bronze centuries is important. So Stonehenge (Great Britain) and Newgrange (Ireland), the main axes of these boules with a special retelling of virivnyaniya and indicated in Newgrange the sun descended, and the sunset - at Stonehenge on the day of the winter solstice. It is noteworthy that the Great Trilith (construction with the “letter P” of the three largest stones) at Stonehenge is called the center of the monument with such a rank that one part of the face of the flat part is seen by the savage Sun until the middle of winter.

How they celebrated the day of the winter solstice of the ancient words

One of the largest significant saints, shanovanyh by our ancestors, were the days of Solstice and Rivnestva. Koloobig, solstice, solstice, equal day - add chotiri to the role of the ancient the words of the yang god The sun of Dazhbog, giving light that heat. Yogo im'ya sound at a short prayer, as it has survived to our hour: "Give me, God!". Behind the beliefs, Dazhdbog sees the summer and closes the fierce winter.

The Slavs respected the holy hour of renewal of that people of the Son, and at the same time with it all living things, an hour of spiritual transformation, an hour that spawned both good material changes and spiritual ones. Before the day of the winter solstice, honor the patroness of all nights, even if the very night of the Goddess is born young sleepy sleepy - Dazhdbog, which symbolizes the people of life from death, order from chaos.

At the hour of the winter solstice, words were marked by the pagan Novy Rik, which was distinguished by the deity Kolyada. The head object of the holy boulo was a great bagattya, which calls out and depicts the Sun, as if writing alone from themselves trivali nights the rotis little rise to the heavenly heights all the more. So obov'yazkovo baked ritual novelty pies of rounded shape, which predicted heavenly light.

The ancient words venerated the day of solstice with the cob of a new fate. On the same day, the month of Christmas carols was sung. It was important that at the hour of the hour the people of the new god of the sun - Kolyada - were born. This deity symbolized the harn of the weather and the harvest. To this very day, the holy celebration on yoga was triwali for about 21 days.

At Christmas time people dressed in new clothes, expensive clothes, scolded a hundred that bazhali one to one good luck. The Slovyans believed in those that the new river of the people was carried out by itself like this, like a widow. In addition, the day of the winter solstice was entered by a magical period, if between the light of the living that dark forces became thinner. In order to ward off evil spirits, rich people sporadzhuvalis, and people dressed up in costumes of creatures and supernatural istots.

Another tradition of the cicada is carolers. Young girls and lads got together in small groups and raised the price of the house to the house, flying the lords of rock and luck and prosperity. And in the city of youth, the couples took off the malt and other parts. Before speech, this tradition is alive and dosі.

Holy winter solstice in other peoples

In the middle of the day, in Europe, the holy tongues start a 12-day cycle of picnic festivities, which marked the beginning of a renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

Scotland had a tradition of launching a burning wheel, which symbolizes the sun turn. The barrel was clearly smeared with tar, spitted and launched from the weights, with ruffles, which wrap around, shining like fire.

In China, earlier for the past seasons (and їх at Chinese calendar 24) a winter solstice was appointed. The Chinese respected that at the very beginning of this period, the human force of nature was given the beginning of a new cycle. The day of the winter solstice was a g_dnim saint; A mustache, from a commoner to an emperor, on which day they had fun, gave one gift to one, went on a visit, set up great tables, lined with wild flowers. important role On that special day, sacrifices were made to the ancestors and to the God of Heaven, and special rites and rituals were performed. to protect yourself from sickness and evil spirits. Winter Solstice Day is one of the Chinese traditional holy days.

Hindus call the day of the winter solstice Sankranti. It was holy in the Sikhs, and in the communities of Hindus, at night, before the day, it was holy, they litted the rich, the half-days of them made the promise of the Sun, like the earth warmed after the cold winter.

Winter Solstice Day and German Yule

The German tribes also celebrated the whole day, celebrating it as a transitional point between the old and the new fate. Like words, holiness was accompanied by bagatti. The key moment is the whole bedroom of the great symbolic deck, which was then mixed with grain. In addition, budinki, the streets of that tree were decorated with candles to burn - so people asked for help from the spirits of their dead ancestors. Before the speech, the flames of embellishment became the bright light of today's garlands.

But still not all. The tradition of decorating the budinki with evergreen trees - yalinkas, mistletoe, ivy and gostroleaf was born right there. Such decorations were a symbol of that conjecture of the fact that nothing is cold and obov'yazkovo vіdstupat.

The solstice is one of two days on the river, if the height of the sun above the horizon is minimum or maximum. The rotation has two solstice - winter and summer.

On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to the lowest height above the horizon.

At pivnіchnіy pіvkulі winter solstice is celebrated on 21 or 22 babies, and even then the shortest day and found nothing. The moment of solstice is dignified, the shards of solitude of sony rock do not stray from the calendar hour.

In 2017, winter solstice will be held on March 21 at 19:28 Moscow time.

The sun, collapsing with the ecliptic, at that moment reaches the farthest place in the celestial equator at the beck of the Pivdenny pole to the world. An astronomical winter has begun at the Pivnіchniy pіvkulі of the planet, and summer will come in the Pivnіchnіy pіvkulі.

On the first day at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon at a height of less than 11 degrees.

On the first day of the day beyond the polar stake (66.5 degrees latitude), the polar night is here, as it does not obov'yazkovo mean exactly dark with a stretch of doby. The main feature of the fact that the Sun does not rise above the volume.

At the Pivnіchny pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but the day, and the miraculous luminary can be recognized only for the suzirs. We see another picture in the area of ​​the Pivdenny Pole of the Earth - in Antarctica at this hour of the day there is a good temperature.

21 breasts The sun crosses the 18th meridian and begins to rise up the ecliptic, beginning the way to spring day if the celestial equator is out of place.

For a thousand years, the day of the winter solstice was of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, as they lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in a similar way to them. Since ancient times, people have been chanting the Sun, rozumiyuchi, that it is light and warm to lay down their life on earth. For them, the day of the winter solstice made the victory of light over the darkness.

So, the Russian folklore of the day is dedicated to the saying: the sun - for summer, winter - for frost. Now the day is incrementally added, and nothing is fast. During the winter solstice, they judged the future harvest. Our ancestors commemorated that if it’s smoky all day long, then the winter will be cold.

In the 16th century in Russia, on the day of the winter solstice, there is a ritual of tying the cicavia. Before the tsar, the ring-bearer of the Moscow cathedral came to the uklin, who gave an oath for the second anniversary. Vin reminded that the sun has now turned to summer, the day is coming, and nothing is short. For tsyu radisnu zvistka tsar shanuvav headman pennies.

At the ancient words, on the day of the winter solstice, the holy pagan Novy rіk, vin poov'yazuvavsya from the deity Kolyada. The main attribute of the holy bulo bagattya, which depicts and calls out the light of the sun, as if after the night found in the rotation, everything is little more and more. A ritual novelty pie - a cow - with the shape of a tezh guessing the sun.

In Europe, the 12-day cycle of pagan saints, consecrated to the winter solstice, marked the beginning of a new life and renewal of nature.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland, buv, let's start the sleepy wheel - "solstice". The barrel was smeared with pitch, which burned, and let it go down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel made changes, the wrapping of the spokes for an hour made the wheel live and look like a light.

The winter solstice earlier for all other seasons was celebrated in China (the Chinese calendar has 24 seasons). Ancient China was respected that at this hour the human force of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The day of the winter solstice is considered a happy day, a holy day. On that day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went to the entrance. The army was sent to the camp of punishment, the fortifications near the cordon and the trading quarters were crying, people went one to one with the guest, gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the god of Heaven and their ancestors, as well as porridge with kvass and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and ailments. Dosi day of the winter solstice is honored by one of the traditional Chinese saints.

Nature lives behind its own, special cycles. A person cannot change these cycles, for example, remember the month of good to be remembered by the months, the month of growth and the hour of decline. Ale, under all the changes of nature, under the skin from the cycles, you can change, which will help you to start living in harmony with the world.

Practically ancient people were actively using these knowledge. Leather people rozrobiv their calendar of important podіy. The key position in this calendar was occupied by the solstice.

Day of winter solstice: what a podium.
Under the solstice, there is an astronomical podia, which lies in what the sun occupies, or I will find or I will find a point on the earth’s horizon. Tsya podiya is signified on the trivality of the day, it is trivaє either the maximum amount of time for the river, or the minimum.

You can watch the solstice for the river, the charge and the wind. Winter solstice is characterized by a minimum day of the day and a maximum day of the night. The summer solstice for the trivality of the day and night is directly opposite to the winter one.

In 2017, winter solstice will be on 21 March at 16:27 GMT or 19:27 Moscow time.

Traditions of the winter solstice.

Winter Solstice Day is traditionally celebrated in rich cultures. The ancient Celts compared the people of the new sun to St. Yule.

The improvement of the booth on the whole day is a little special. Nasampered tse yalinovі hіlki. They hung them creakingly: over the entrance to the booth between the middle doors, inserted them at the window, laid them out on the fireplace. Obov'yazkovo at the center of the largest kіmnati budinka, in which it was accepted to pick up guests, put the sun, which symbolized. Tse moment buti orange, golden, sleepy light.

On the day when the old sun broke down on the calm, great ritual riches were spat out. These pits were specially painted over, so that the stench helped the birth of a new sun, helped to boost yoga strength at the cob stage.

Skhіdnі slov'yani at tsey hour celebrated Kolyada. Kolyada in the words of the "Janian mythology" is the god of the new sun. Other names: Kaledi, Kadmus, Kolodiy. This deity symbolized the transition to fate. Among the people, the day of yoga chanuvannya has come on the coming day after the winter solstice. The very same day vvazhavshis word'yansky New Rock.

They celebrated Kolyada Day with a special flourish, they ruled songs, folk dances. The traditions of the day were especially celebrated for gifts. On Kolyada, it was customary to give a small gift, but a gift of a skin close to a person. The Slovyans believed that the god of the new sun is not whimsical to stingy people, and does not hang their life with a sleepy light. It was important that a stingy person, who did not please the people of the city on Novy Rik, lived the whole Rik in darkness.

How to spend the winter solstice.

On the 21st of the month, the chergovy sonyachny river will end. Already on the 22nd, the sun will set again and will be renewed. To rise up in the wake of the new sleepy rock. End of sleepy rock good hour for carrying out various practices, ceremonies and rituals.

Do meditation. A good effect will be in clear meditations, which will help you to grow up in the presence of something indecent, which will revive yourself. It is also recommended after cleaning to switch to the visualization of plans for a new sony rock. Varto zazdalegіd prepare your own list of references. Before meditating, it is necessary to read the list, and, having flattened your eyes, reveal that everything has already become. If you plan to stand effectively and at the moment of visualization, you send strong vibrations to the energy plan, everything is planned to be realized in a short term.

Make a guess. Traditionally, on the day of the change of calendars, a banquet is made. Asking for a promise and secret on the day of the winter solstice is similar to making a wish for a falling star in a new night.

Conduct a fortune teller. You can tell fortunes on a kohannya, a vicorist mirror, or on an offensive river.

Get in. So that goodness has come into life, it is necessary to cleanse the expanse for whom. Slid into the kіmnati, vikinuti mustache old, evil speech. All speeches, yak for r_k were not needed, it is necessary to pick up in boxes and bring to people what they require. Let's not close the door, the threshold, and the highest window. Itself through them to the booth enter the streams of power. Encouraging space is responsible for the implementation of planned plans and vikonannya bazhan.

Let the past go, what has lived for itself. On the 21st of the day, right at the sunset, enter the street, or open wide open. Take arkush paper and a pen with you. While the old sun is going for a breeze, you need to try to guess all the filth and everything negative that happened to this river. Tse can be with people, the people themselves, ailments, court cases, change of work, waste of pennies, unacceptable conflict situations. It is necessary to write about everything on paper, and then we will burn this paper for additional fire. Stop burning out right before the sun, what are you sitting. All the trash came at once in the old sun. І advancing wound at once with a new sun, come dovgoochіkuvane cleansing and relief.
