Carefulness of the clinic. Medical precautions for the hour of pregnancy: a general scheme and recommendations

Vagіtnіst is a foldable physiological process, which requires a constant relay guard.

Dopologova preparation, diagnosis of vagity, the system of tests and analyses, regular monitoring of the fetus during the pregnancy period will ensure a favorable result. For the duration of vagity, you are responsible for at least two times to carry out fetocardiotocography (I will continue to become a fetus with a heart attack) and at least three times for ultrasound examination. Tse allow the healer to immediately reveal the development of the fetus and help to overcome the negative effects. They often ask: "How much money do you need to keep your pregnancy?". See below.

The total amount of paid medical care in our private clinic in Chelyabinsk, in the middle, becomes ~ 60 200 rubles. Specify the exact variance for the phone or ours.

Starting from the first months of pregnancy, You are obliged to resolutely prepare yourself to the floor both physically and morally. For whom at the same time there are impersonal people lighting programs, which allow preparing the body to such a viable stage.

At the Medical Center "GIMENEY" you will be honed by the help of your strength and the respect of the doctors of the clinic. Dosvіdchenі likarі will help you to get ready for the slopes and learn how to look after the new people.

Fahіvtsі Medical Center "HYMENEY" give a new set of services for the management of vaginosti.

The transfer of medical services for the guardianship of the care of a vagit woman:

Type of medical services

Price, rub.

Zagalna vartyst

The first appointment of an obstetrician - a gynecologist with a look, with a statement on the appearance of vagity.
Re-appointment of an obstetrician - gynecologist at the process of guarding a vaccinal woman
Consultation of a therapist from the ECG (1 visit, 30 appointments)
Consultation of a therapist (hemastasiologist)
Consultation of a therapist (hemastasiologist) kmn
genetics consultation
Endocrinologist consultation
Global analysis of the blood of flare-ups (1 appearance, 18 days, 30 days)
Global analysis of the section (up to 18 times per vacancy)
Blood type, Rh factor (1 visit, 30 drawings)
Bacteriological culture from the cervical canal with microscopy (1 visit, 30 appointments, 38 appointments)
Bacteriological culture from the nose (30 tests, 38 tests)
Bacteriological culture of feces (30 days, 38 days)
Examination for syphilis (1 turnout, 30 days, 2-3 days before the fall)
Expansion at VIL (1 turnout, 30 days)
Examination for hepatitis (1 turnout, 30 checks)
Hepatitis C infection (1 visit, 30 appointments)
Obstezhennia on ІPSSH by PLR method (chlamydia, ureaplasma urealiticum + parvum, mycoplasma hominіs + genitalis, HSV, CMV, VPL-screening-1 turnout)
Obesity for SARS-infection (immunoglobulin Mі G):
  • Rubella
  • Toxoplasma
Obstezhennya on the inclusion of vad development of the fetus:
  • maternal triad (15 days)
Antiphospholipid antibodies Mі G(APS)
Biochemistry of blood (1 appearance, 30 tests):
  • bilirubin
  • glucose
  • glowing protein
  • protein fractions
  • thymol test
  • sechovin
  • creatinine
  • secic acid
  • potassium
  • sodium
  • calcium
  • puddle of phosphatase
  • sirovatkove zalizo
  • coagulogram
Cytological examination of the cervix and cervical canal
Extended colposcopy

Ultrasound - screening of the fetus:


The total amount of care for a healthy vaginal woman, on average, becomes ~ 60200 rubles (sixty thousand two hundred rubles).

Vagіtnіst - tse majestic joy for the skin woman. Awareness of a new birth of life gives the impression of an unparalleled happiness. But at the same time, vaginess, especially how important it is, - lead to seriously think about your health and that healthy child of the future.

I have a lot of respect for my physical and psychological state at the hour of pregnancy - the main task of a future mother. The medical clinic was correctly chosen, consultations with an experienced doctor-gynecologist were the guarantee of a successful overshoot of the pregnancy rate and the onset of the onset.

Physicians from the Center for Gynecology "SM-Clinic" have been successfully practicing for the 12 years for the program psychological assistance stretching the term of vaginess.

Services within the framework of vaginess:

Caution at the obstetrician-gynecologist

By stretching the usual term for wine making, you are accompanied by a special doctor, to whom you can put a food, what to say to you, and take away all the necessary information. Possibility to promptly take advice on changes that occur in the body, give you the feeling of your own and create psychological comfort, which is so necessary in the whole period.

At "SM-clinic" you have the same opportunity, together with a doctor-gynecologist, individual program, what is the health of your special needs, the peculiarities of your body and the nature of the excess of vaginess.

Consultations of higher education specialists

"SM-Clinic" is a multi-profile medical center that trains doctors of all major specialties, which allows you to be more careful and conduct consultations with other specialists (therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, cardiologist, endologist, geneticist). We offer you also consultations of a psychotherapist and sessions of emotional-figurative psychotherapy.

Laboratory and functional diagnostics

"SM-clinic" can control the laboratory, why a wide range of laboratory results That analysis is carried out in the most stylized terms.

Diagnostic rooms are equipped with the most modern facilities, we conduct chotirivimirne ultrasound, ECG with computer processing and other follow-up, and conduct prenatal biochemical screening, which allows you to detect and develop the fetus at early stages.

School of future mothers

The life of a woman is radically changing with the present vagity, to help her adapt to a new life, to develop fears and anxieties, to prepare for the future of motherhood, calling for employment at the School of Future Mothers “Check for a Baby”.

At the lessons at the School, moms and dads take away all the necessary knowledge about physiology psychological features perebіgu vagіtnostі, about the peculiarities of eating and the way of life of the woman during the whole period. Skin employment includes a lecture on singing topics, if you can provide all the nutrition that you need to chirp, as well as a specially developed complex of physical rights for those who are.

Transportation of vaginal, zocrema. at the gently sloping booths

"SM-Clinic" can help the Swedish Assistance Service. When the hour comes, the doctors of the Swedish brigade will help you to ensure that you are comfortable and safely transported to the canopy booth. In order to get rid of the least concern about those who can stand on the path to the canopy booth, hurry up with the help of our help. Leather car swidkoy for vagіtnih possessions with modern accessories, which allow you to improve a stable state maybe mami that little one. As soon as you wake up in the morning, our doctors will help your little one to appear in the world and professionally give all the necessary help.

Saving vagity in the minds of the hospital

Zavdyaki vysokіy qualіfіkatsії fahivtsіv іn "SM-kіnіtsі" mi zdіysnyuєmo vednya vaginosti, scho prokіkayut z sluknennennі іnіrі character (ailment nirok, heart, thyroid zlozi i іnshі pathologii). As a rule, I pay special attention to women who have a history of fluctuations in dead vaginess, lapses in early terms. We propagate the preservation of vacancy on early terms (up to 12 days) at our comfortable hospital.

Execution of medical documentation (medicine sheet, exchange card)

Our center has all the standards of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Russian Federation, and the execution of all necessary documents for a woman. At the "SM-Clinic" you can issue an exchange card for the canopy booth, so you can take the medical sheet from the connection with the vagitis and the canopies.

Decontaminated woman

The woman of the female woman also needs to go through an obstezhennia in order to protect her future mother and the little one from the infectious diseases. As a rule, it is necessary to undergo fluorography (X-ray examination of the leg), to exclude tuberculosis, blood tests for viral hepatitis, VIL and syphilis, as well as the determination of the blood group and the Rh factor. The fate of the partner in the medical watchfulness shows his tremulous placement before the mother of the future baby.

servants at home

Our patients can call a gynecologist at home for a banquet. Tsya sruchna service includes not only a glance at the consultation of a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist, but also the collection of analyses, smears and complete diagnostics. For whom at once from the doctor we see nurse. (The services of the house for pregnant women are less likely to be provided with a term of vacancy of up to 12 days)

Vagination care program

By choosing one of the programs, you will be able to comprehensively go through all the necessary laboratory and instrumental follow-up and consultations. During the development of the programs, we tried to create the most comfortable minds for the future mothers and її little ones.

At "SM-clinic" you also have the opportunity, together with a doctor-gynecologist, to create an individual program, as your health care needs, the peculiarity of your body and the nature of the excess of pregnancy. By stretching the usual term for wine making, you are accompanied by a special doctor, to whom you can put a food, what to say to you, and take away all the necessary information. Possibility to promptly take advice on changes that occur in the body, give you the feeling of your own and create psychological comfort, which is so necessary in the whole period.

Dovgoochikuvani two marriages on the test, or a surprise surprise - remember the question, even if after it your life changes drastically. In the wake of the sleepless nights of the future fathers, for the rest of the nine months, it’s time to think about who to entrust the care of the vaginess to. Especially the chain of nutrition is quiet, who checks for the first time.

Vitamins, necessary analyses, individual recommendations and self-perceived vagitis - the baby is guilty of growth and development under the sight of a competent fahivtsya.

Zhіnocha consultation

Vedennya vaginosti in Moscow, we are waiting for women's consultations. Acceptance and practically all manipulations are carried out on a free basis. Maybe mami, zgidno іz legislature, can also look for a recipe for dairy cuisine and take free vitamins.

For the rest of the years, the system of health protection has undergone cardinal changes: electronic cards have appeared, notifications about the visit and a lot more. However, the only thing that cannot be changed by legislators is the target of people. Deyakі likarі to be placed before their obov'yazkіv baiduzh, allow admission to the address of the patient with unacceptable respect and call to ignore their nutrition that prohannya.

A happy woman, as she knew about the camp, sticks to the side of the doctor, checks on the vouchers for the ultrasound scan without a box, and re-analyzes through those who simply cannot know in the front. We don’t say that such troubles are experienced at all district consultations, but in case of dissatisfied patients, you don’t get anywhere.

In the future, mother is guilty of trusting her doctor and mother, the ability to turn around until the next day. For the sake of causing a lot of hto vddaє override paid vedenniu vagіtnostі.

Advantages of private clinics

The obvious advantage of the contract, which is the transfer of medical care, is an individual pidkhid. Private clinics don't have much time, and appointments take an hour.

In addition, all necessary reviews and analyzes are carried out in a short term, and the results are definitely not to be wasted. The doctor is ready to respond to all meals, even if you were given some bad stench.

yak i v women's consultations, Closer to the slopes, an exchange card is issued here, as it is necessary to present it to the slope booth.

Cons of private clinics

The contract for the maintenance of vagity, fallow in the term and varnosti, including a doctor’s appointment and a set of analyses. Private clinics rely on dermal clients, and you may be advised to do more treatment for a supplementary fee. In this case, it’s better to consult in another fakhivtsya, so as not to spend on wood.

One more vada of a medicinal leaf. Severe toxicosis, filthy self-feeling, tonus and colds - even more often than not, they need a small remedy. Vipisati likarnyany list guilty likar, kaky zdiisnyu vednya vaginosti. Advice of young mothers mean what is in state establishment otrimati tsey document is richer simpler. We are glad to look into the room for a consultation and buti in good luck with a long-term gynecologist.

Let's take a look at private clinics, how to propagate the vacancies of the contracts and the recommendations of the patients, read our look around.

1. Center for Reproduction and Genetics Nova Clinic

It is better to be careful at the Lapino Clinical Hospital:

Program for the 1st trimester - 243,100 rubles,

Program for the 2nd trimester - 221,000 rubles,

Program for the 3rd trimester - 180,200 rubles.

The contract, arrangements for the first trimester in the clinic "Novogireyevo", for example, if it's cheaper - 95,685 rubles.

Most of the young mothers, as they feared at Lapino, lost their satisfaction with their choice. The miraculously equipped hospital, the highly qualified doctors from the cities of the capital, the strangely strange setting and the best hospitality – it’s easy to know the negative reviews. Respect is worth less than the cost of a medical mortgage: the road with traffic jams takes less than 1.5 years.

3. Scientific center of obstetrics im. Kulakova

Where do you know the acceptable prices for vacancies in Moscow? The rating is continued by the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology at the address: Akademika Oparina St., Budinok 4.

Zgidno with information on the official website the simplest contract for the maintenance of pregnancy (without contraction) early terms"Optima" will cost 100,000 rubles. The execution of the contract is to transfer the exchange card, as well as the outpatient and maternity drug list.

Note that near the center on Oparina Street, qualified doctors are trained. Vedennya vaginosti intermedium zaproponovaniem procedures, and none of them put a penny out of you. Acting gynecologists are encouraged not to lay down a contract, but to pay for skin care. Analyzes can be taken from the clinic itself, from private laboratories you can get it from a woman's consultation. For each person, the exchange card and the license sheet are also issued for the place of residence.

4. Center for traditional obstetrics

The best staff, the current possession and qualifications of medical care - the rating of Moscow clinics cannot be shown without the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. Fahіvtsі namagayutsya nagoditi partner vіdnosini z probable fathers.

As part of the precaution of vaccination at the CTA, three options are suggested to patients:

The basic program transfers the minimum number of dues and appointments with doctors, which are necessary for issuing an exchange card. The minimum deposit is 25,000 rubles.

The “Exclusive” program includes an unrestricted number of appointments with an obstetrician-gynecologist, various laboratory and instrumental follow-ups, group take, as well as a consultation with an osteopathic doctor (once a month) and a perinatal psychologist. Variety of programs - 120,000 rubles.

One-time consultations of fahivtsiv ultrasound and obstetricians-gynecologists.

A lot of time is added to prepare for the slopes. For whom specialists conduct thematic lectures, trainings and practical activities. The school of mothers and tat helps to get ready to learn about the physiology of a baby, basic information about training and learning the main stages in the life of a child.

"Charm and strange people" - this is how the CTA team is characterized by the patients themselves. Vіdpovіdno until vіdgukіv videnny vagіtnostі to pass in a benevolent environment. Someday mothers do not spend the year at the majestic cherga in a well-dressed reception. Sitting on a quiet sofa, you can drink tea. There is a play area for children.

5. Center for Immunology and Reproduction

The Center for Immunology and Reproduction, founded in 1996, is written to support advanced foreign technologies. For future mothers, there is a program of vacancies, courses and master classes, as well as classes at the fitness room.

In the presence of other private clinics, the center maintains the availability of the health laboratory, which allows you to promptly collect data on the necessary examination and work. The branches are located near the Central, Pivdenny and Pivnichny districts of the capital.

Falling into the term of the agreement on the veterinary pregnancy will be charged from 78,000 to 86,000 rubles. Rebuffed the partial payment. Under the hour of laying down the contract, the future patient will receive a 25% discount, as well as a discount card (10%) for additional services.

Damage in the form of alertness in CIR in patients of various types. The middle of the plus signifies the day of the day, that respectful setting. Respect for the work of the okremikh fahivtsіv - we suspect that the clinic's care would like to read reviews at Merezhya.

6. Family planning center

At the time of admission in 2006, there was an advanced hospital, which was supposed to be a lot of future mothers. Today, everyone has the opportunity to come to an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, and it’s even easier to work at once from the purchase of a contract.

On a paid basis, you can become a participant in a unique program of health care, within the framework of which there is not only an enhanced analysis, but also a large number of consultations from all specialists of the center. Krim tsgogo pіd hour of laying the contract for the payment of low wages and keep the little one away.

However, at the fifth place of our modest rating, the advanced Center for Planning Sim'ї having spent for a lot of merit. Mayzhe ten rokіv to that here narodzhuvali zіrkovі mothers and squads of businessmen. From that hour, things changed a lot. Zgіdno z vіdgukami ptsієntіv budіvlі have long needed redecoration. The best doctors having enticed the hospital "Lapino", and the program of medical care on a paid basis (variation must be clarified by phone to the center) transfers the year to the hospital and is put on the side of the staff.

Before the speech, on the basis of the center of the practice branch of the clinic "Mother and Child" - Perinatal Medical Avenue. The minimum contract size for the weekend program is 124,524 rubles.

7. "Healthy generation"

The sloping booth No. 25 is one of the best in Moscow, the medical association “Healthy Generation” is medical for this, as it is actively supported by it, calling for little confidence in young families.

Vagity is the norm of the physiological state of the skin woman. And happiness for the skin woman, without a doubt, is the fatness of the bazhan. It is not surprising that the emotional mood of the future mothers is so infused with the prolongation of the very vagity and development of the fetus. In order to help pregnant women, happily and calmly appear in the world of healthy children, expanding various medical technologies, which allow them to conduct pregnancy and posterity for the camp of a future mother and a baby, who is not born.

For the sake of quietness, whoever needs the most caution, storage of your vaginess, it is necessary to reveal the risks of the development of various comforts, as it is necessary to put them down. Tse reach for the help of a new diagnostic possession and professionalism of doctors.

To the Viborsky Klinіki, Zi Porzostereznzhn for Vagitya, you are hovering for respect for the same, the Nadannni all -to -be monitoring by the seizures of the Fakhivzi, Yaki, for the non -chisel, to play the differential digrny dagnosyv, it is also the same to be appropriately applied.

Need more care for pregnancy

Vagіtnіst, canopies and pіslyalogovе vіdnovlennya organіzmu - tse nayvazhlivіshі etapi for female organism. Therefore, for a successful wine-making, the birth of a child, and an inspiration to the body of a new one, follow the clinic, fakhivtsy, to ensure that your health and the health of your future child are not less than before that, and after them.

Fahіvtsі clinics "Norma" will help you with the passage of such a difficult and weak path from conception to the birth of a baby, posterize for the camp of your health in the period of pregnancy and gradual, and p_slyapological period can give psychological assistance for the need. Aje the people of the child are not so simple and turboless on the right, as if they were at first glance.

How to watch out for vagity

Clinic "Norma" is promoting a program of veterinary care:

    Vedennya vaginosti z minimal terms up to forty days at normal vagity and from the minimum lines up to forty tyzhniv per rich in vagity that after the YBC program;

    Vedennya vaginosti by the term 13-40 tizhniv;

    Vedennya vaginosti by the term 20-40 tizhniv;

    Vedennya vaginosti term 26-40 tizhniv;

    Vedennya vaginosti by the term 30-40 tizhniv;

    Vedennya vaginosti by the term 33-40 tizhniv;

    Management of vagity with minimal terms up to forty days in women who suffer from diabetes, thyroid disease, thyroid disease, pathologies and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

All the programs of the veterinary care are composed of:

    Povnogo clinical and laboratory obstezhennya vaginal;

    Report biochemical research of blood;

    Coagulograms (including prescription of anticoagulant Vovchak);

    Dosledzhennya blood on vmist VKhL-markerіv and AFP;

    Serological follow-up for internal and external infections and infection;

    Three-time ultrasound (including doplerometry of the vessels of the placenta);

    Stay alert obstetrician-gynecologist;

    Consultations of an oculist, therapist, cardiologist, geneticist, urologist.

In our clinic, skin vagitis is monitored by an individual doctor. Patients see the clinic at any convenient hour for them (at the same time at weekends), they can call your doctor for an additional mobile phone call.

Clinic "Norma Med" guarantees comfort and satisfaction during the hour of pregnancy to you and your future little one!

пошук спеціаліста або послуги: Аборти Акушер Алерголог Аналізи Андролог БРТ Ведення вагітності Виклик лікаря додому Гастроентеролог Гематолог Генна діагностика Гепатолог Гінеколог Гірудотерапевт Гомеопат Дерматолог Дитячий лікар Діагностика організму Дієтолог Діагностика Массажист Медицинские книжки Медицинские справки Миколог МРТ Нарколог Невролог Нейрофизиолог Нейрохирург Нетрадиционная медицина Нефролог Онколог Ортопед Остеопат Отоларинголог, ЛОР Офтальмолог, Окулист Очищение организма Паразитолог Педиатр Перевозка больных Пластический хирург Прививки, вакцинация Проктолог Профосмотры Процедурный кабинет Психиатр Психолог Психотерапевт Пульмонолог Реабилитолог Реаниматолог Ревматолог Рентген Репродуктолог Рефлексотерапевт Сексолог Скорая допомога Довідка для ДІБДР Термінові дослідження Стаціонар Стоматолог Сурогатне материнство Терапевт Травматолог Травмпункт Трихолог УЗДГ УЗД Уролог Фізіотерапевт Флеболог Fluorography Functional diagnostics Surgeon ECG IVF Endocrinologist Epilation

Poshuk at the Moscow metro station: Aviamotorna Avtozavodska Akademichna Oleksandrivsky Sad Oleksievska Altuf'evo Annino Arbatska Babushkinska Bagrationivska Airport botanical gardenБратиславская Бульвар Адмирала Ушакова Бульвар Дмитрия Донского Бунинская аллея Варшавская ВДНХ Владыкино Водный стадион Войковская Волгоградский проспект Волжская Волоколамская Воробьёвы горы Выставочный центр Выхино Деловой центр Динамо Дмитровская Добрынинская Домодедовская Достоевская Дубровка Зябликово Измайловская Калужская Кантемировская Каховская Каширская Киевская Китай-город Кожуховская Коломенская Комсомольская Коньково Красногвардейская Краснопресненская Красносельская Красные Gate Selyanska Zastava Kropotkinskaya Krylatsky Kuznetsky Mist of Kuzminki Kuntsevskaya Kursk Kutuzovskaya Leninsky Prospekt Lubyanka Lyublino Marksistskaya Mar'ina Gai Mar'їno Mayakovskaya Medvedkove International Mendelєєvska Mіtіno Molodіzhna Myakіnіno Nagatinskaya Nagіvіrskiy Prospekt


Nareshti A miracle happened, and the test for vaginess showed the required two marriages. We love you! For this moment, your life will no longer be the same as it was before. And the axis will change in some way, lie down in front of you. Perebіg vagіtnostі and podnіnі canopies without intermediary appear on the camp of your healthy baby, as well as on your self-confidence.

Yakshcho Wee were engaged in the planning of pregnancy and passed the necessary obstezhennia, everyday surprises were not to blame. Ale overbіg vagіtnostі all the same change the work of your internal organs to that pratsyuvati їm happen for two.

For this, caution in case of vaginess is absolutely necessary to instill in that depression, if the vaginess itself proceeds without complications.

First, that you are guilty of robiti, as if you felt yourself vagitnoy, ce robiti ultrasound. Tse, because іsnuіє nebezpeka scho vagіtnіst priprilasa over mattsі, tobto. post-uterine vaginess. If the doctor pid an hour of ultrasound to pump at the mother's fruit egg, then everything is good.

After establishing the fact of normal vagity, it is necessary to signify, de Wee will be tested for vagity. Bazhano schob all vagіtnіst you posterіg one likar. You can also have a doctor for a woman's consultations for a place of residence or a paid doctor at a medical center.

It is possible, obviously, to take resentment, see caution: to give analysis and to be careful, mainly in a woman's consultation, and additionally to take paid consultations of another doctor. Tse to spare you a sum of money, prote to change the efficiency of guarding. at a woman’s consultation, you can’t see anything on your hands, so the doctor can’t be reliably recognized as your health camp, or you’ll have to pass them on again.

Ideally, it is recommended to have a look at the connection with the weight in terms of 6-7 days. Todi likar can beat you on the cob of vagity, to reveal possible problems and stock prevention plan possible easy vagity. And for the vacancy, the principle: “It’s easier to get ahead of you, lower the lure” is especially relevant, because. choose medicinal preparations, yakі can be vikoristan in tsymu camp, zavzhda already obmezheni.

Why do you need to know about vaginess

Nasampered, there is a regular look at the obstetrician-gynecologist. In the first three months, 1 time for three days in fallow days, in the other trimester, 1 time for 2 days, and then 1 time for a week. Before the skin reception, you will have a slaughter (stand nirok - an important indicator of the excess of vaginess). At the reception, they will call you, vimiryuvatimut you a vice, near the stomach and the uterus will expand. You will be informed in detail about what is possible and what is not possible with pregnancy, you will be pleased with gymnastics and courses for women, give advice on all your training. The doctor, who guards your vaginess, is available to you at any time. You can contact him by phone and take all the necessary advice.

How is staging on the face

When placed on the appearance of the vagina, looking at the therapist, an ECG is carried out, a great package of analyzes is given: a deep blood test, a biochemical blood test, a follow-up of blood pharynx, a blood type of Rh factor, a blood test for TORCH-complex infection, hepatitis B tal C, and VIL.

The doctor obstetrician-gynecologist looks at you on the armchair, takes a smear on the flora, analyzes for infections, which are transmitted by the way. Obov'yazkovo looks around the cervix, carried out cytological examination of the surface.

If the analyzes are ready, the doctor, fallow with their results, stock the plan for the maintenance of vaginess, tell you how to eat properly, how to produce food. When revealed in the analyzes, the condition is normal, you may need additional obstezhennia.

It is necessary to have a consultation with a dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor. For the presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs - a consultation with a doctor.

When an ultrasound is performed

In case of normal flow of vagity trich, ultrasound of the fetus is performed: at 10-14, 20-24 and 30-34 days. Ultrasound allows you to assess the state of the health of the fetus, its development, including the development of internal organs. After 24 days, for the help of Doppler follow-up, the fetal blood flow, which is an indication of fetal delivery, is observed. lively speeches we sour. In times of need, ultrasound may be more frequent.

At rich clinics, two prenatal screenings are carried out at 10-13 pm and at 2-6 pm. Doslidzhennya allow to exclude the genetic pathology of the fetus - Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome and severe development. nervous system. Prenatal screening is carried out with the help of a special computer program, as looking at all factors allows you to get the most reliable result.

At the term 30 tyzhnіv usі analіzi navіt for normal vagіtnostі vаgіtnosti are repeated. An exchange card is seen in the hands of a woman, in which all reports about the excess of vagity, the results of an obstezhennya, are posted. For consumption, you can see a medical sheet for issuing a maternity permit.

There are up to 36 days of guarding at the clinic, after which the vagitna is transmitted under the sight of the doctor of the canopy booth. And if your little one is born, you will forever be able to turn to the doctor for advice and joy.

We wish you a happy pregnancy and light canopies!

dzherelo: E.M. Nazimova, obstetrician-gynecologist

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