What kind of bush bloom with the spring flowers.

Troyandi Forsythia (Forsythia) -

This is, perhaps, one of the peppered chagarniks; When most of the trees and teacups stand naked or just begin to turn green, the forsythia are covered with beautiful golden-yellow flowers, similar to twins, and for 20-25 days they delight us with their awesome appearance.

During this period, the rare chagarnik can compare with them in the great number and beauty of its flowers; It appears after the flowers simply or three times, the light green leaves of spring are immersed in the bright shade.

The name is given in the name of the English botanist W. Forsyth. There are 6 species, expanded in Western Asia and 1 species in Western Europe. All species are similar in their morphological and biological characters, as well as in their breeding habits. In the dead zone of Russia, forsythia most often grows, either egg-shaped or oval, drooping, or pendulous, and intermediary. In modern Russia you can grow European forsythia, dark green and numerous varieties.

During this period, the rare chagarnik can compare with them in the great number and beauty of its flowers;

Forsythia crotch

Golden-yellow flowers collected a few pieces.

Grow up kindly, finish the winter and dryness. Can be felt in medium smoothie s ukrittyam for the winter.

Low, deciduous chagarna, up to 1.5-2 m curls, with sloping, greyish-yellow branches.

Grow up kindly, finish the winter and dryness.

The leaves are up to 7 cm long, sharply bushy at the top, bright green. Bright yellow flowers that bloom before the leaves, singly, up to 2 cm in diameter. It blooms earlier than other types of forsythia, the color lasts 10-17 days.

Autumn leaves are dark purple with an orange tone, which makes them look shaky and barvy in the autumn period.

Greatest winter hardiness, rapid growth, dryness. It reproduces by species, live bait, baits and fish.
Deserves respect as a valuable, decorative chagarnik

early term


Recommended for wide planting in gardens and parks in single and group plantings.

Culture has a fate since 1917.

It winters for the minds of Moscow without shelter, and in the end of winter it is necessary to freeze the ends of the same sections.

In amateur gardening, varieties of egg-like forsythia are widely planted.



"Dresdner Vorfrühling"

A thick bush with light-yellow flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, which open 2-3 times earlier, lower in other varieties, in gardens the flowers are bright.


The height is about 1 m, the flowers are dark yellow, 3 cm in diameter, the color is earlier than other varieties, it deserves to be expanded in gardening.

"Spring Glory"

Vision of X. X. Howarth 1930 rock in the USA. The height of the chagarna and the diameter of the crown are up to 3 m. The leaves are green.

Autumn fermentation varies: from bright yellow to pale violet.: humus, leaf soil, sand (1:1:2) It is good to put it before digging.

When planting in acidic soil, add 300-400 g of slaked wax or 200 g of wood ash into the hole. Drainage from a broken target or crushed stone with a ball of 15-20 cm, sand with a ball of 5-8 cm.

Landing: : distance between the bushes 1.5-2 m. Planting depth 50-70 cm. Dimensions of holes: 50x50 or 70x50 cm. Plant and replant before spring, without worrying about frost. Doglyad early spring, in kvitna, add 60-70 g/sq.m. of mineral goodness.

m, after coloring: when laying new eggplants, it is recommended to use a universal kemira with a size of 100 – 120 g/sq.m. m. With normal fallfall, watering is not required.

Forsythia tolerates dry weather better than the soil has too much water. However, during hot and dry summers, water once a month with 10-12 liters per skin, then fluff and mulch with soil. When weeding the weeds, fluff up the soil with a bagnet shovel. In early spring, near the bushes, not close to the leaves and stems, lay out the rotten ball in a thick ball and water it thoroughly. This and mulch and organically kind

overnight!: Among the deciduous teacups, forsythia are famous for their vinyatkovy decorativeness.

Early and dry flowers look good not only in single and group plantings on lawns, but also as a component of folding compositions. Good-looking species can be successfully used to create very beautiful, powerful living creatures. The plant has a particularly effective effect on aphids of dark green coniferous species.

In addition, after planting in pots, forsythia bushes can serve for winter forcing, and cutting them in juicy water and putting them in water will give you a lower bouquet of bright golden flowers in 8-10 days current, the building will decorate any interior.

When quantity is important

decorative tea leaves

Just as the forsythia begin to bloom from their winter sleep, blooming bright-yellow flowers on leafless stems, one of the first hastens to announce the arrival of spring.

In addition to the early and even bright blooms, the magnificent chagarb gives a wonderful feeling of spring. Go through 2-3 years, and everything is alive, blooming, cultivating, and while forsythia reigns, the golden flowers that appear in the photo will drown the spirit., which bloom earlier from the leaves.

Large golden twinkles reach 2.5-6 cm in diameter and are collected in bunches of several pieces.

The flowers of the plant begin at 4-5 years of age, and the process itself lasts from 10 to 25 days.

Immediately after this, the leaves bloom and the growing season of young vines begins.

Zhovta spring on the rocky terraces


When choosing a teapot, pay attention to its coldness. Most cultivated varieties and hybrids are heat-loving and, as a result, the plants themselves do not freeze, and their flower stems die. The result is sparse single flowers at 30-40 cm above the ground (at the height of the snow cover).

See and sort

Forsythia first appeared in Russian gardens in the middle of the 19th century, and during that period only heat-loving varieties were available, and the plant grew in the cultivation of the potter. In the first half of the XX century. Winter-hardy species of deciduous chagarna begin to be cultivated in open ground.

Let's take a look at the most popular types and garden forms of plants.

In nature, chagarnaceum grows on the Girsky skhila, which is why it is light-loving, but can generally tolerate it adequately, especially in areas with hot, dry summers and low humidity.

Warm-loving cultivars do not like stretches and sudden gusts of cold wind; they give preference to quiet, secluded places in the garden or in the garden.

When choosing forsythia varieties for planting in the Moscow region, ensure the cold resistance of the crop and the terms of flowering, while avoiding frequent turning frosts.

The most resistant forms for the region are egg-shaped forsythia and the middle (crotch) and cultivars similar to them.

When planting in acidic soil, add 300-400 g of slaked wax or 200 g of wood ash into the hole.

F., as long as it hangs, you can plant it, but in the winter you’ll have to close up the nails. And the axis of the European F. is better understood - the heat-loving tea-garden cannot unlock its potential without the gravitational pull of the pitiful sleep. These types of forsythia are relevant for cultivation in the Urals. In terms of soils, chagark is non-vibrating to the point of being corrosive, but it gives an advantage to the water-permeable structure of the soil and the proper reaction of soil erosion. In areas with close ground water, grow the weeds on raised plots or provide drainage and remove excess water.

Forsythia gives advantage autumn planting, until the cold weather arrives, so that the plant can take root. Planting material With a closed root system, it can be planted whenever it is warm.

Prepare the planting hole with clay up to 70 cm, with a diameter of at least half a meter. On important water-bearing soils, drainage from stones, large crushed stones, broken target (up to 20 cm) is laid at the bottom, and the animal is covered with a small ball of sand.


Root system

    placed at garden soil seasoned with humus or leaf compost, wood ash (a bottle per hole).

    In a group planting between the gardeners, create a distance of 1.5-2 m. Forsythia seedlings, prepared before planting in open ground

    Forsythia, just like a garden weed, has a tendency to turbocharge, but is invisible to the eye.

    It requires a minimal set of entries. bright colors, for the winter, bend the stems to the ground, cover the root zone with spruce branches, and scorch the leaves.

One of the binding elements I can see is forsythia pruning.

Trimming technology

Pruning is required not only for the formation of a burning bush, but also for full-fledged vegetation and coloring.

Here, the smut should not be overdone and not call for a supermundane dissolution that could change the color of the coming fate.

Mostly pruning of forsythia is carried out in the spring immediately after flowering.

You can see frozen and dried logs, as well as bushes that grow in the middle, and their stems have shortened by 30-40%.

Another pruning, or rather pinching, is carried out at the sickle, lightly shortening the tops of the young branches.

Here we slow down its growth and give an hour to rip out the nails.

Practice trimming old bushes onto stumps.

    This promotes rejuvenation of the tea leaves and a rapid renewal of its potential.

    Pokrokov's spring pruning scheme Increase your respect! Worried that forsythia is not blooming, not everyone knows that one of the reasons is the lack of pruning (or the constant presence) of large branches.

    Roslina spends an hour on the mulch and does not get around to forming the butternut squash.

Reproduction methods

This forsythia bears little similarity, so gardeners give priority to vegetative methods of propagating chagarna. The first option is the floor of the bush. Once the tree has grown, add 1–3 young shoots with a fragment of the root system.

Another direct use of tea leaves is the design of livestock.

It grows quickly and lends itself well to haircuts.

For these purposes, species of medium height with erect stems are suitable, for example, egg-shaped forsythia, which is ideal in this regard for all parameters - low (up to 1.5 m), cold-resistant, does not require shelter for the winter, is beautiful and dense bright green leaves .

color, in the autumn period a stunning orange-purple bloom blooms.

Forsythia wall Forms with thin stems that droop (F. drooping) hang around the walls, along the perimeter of gazebos, fences, arches and shoot shoots along trellises. Forsythia, especially in view:

Nowadays, chagarniks are gaining popularity. And this is entirely true.

Their look is awkward, and the stench is even more pronounced from a decorative point of view. In terms of size, chagarnas vary greatly: from dwarfs 20-40 cm tall to giant whorls over 3 meters.

This allows you to create their volumetric compositions, like beautiful letters without quotes. Palette of colors

The leaves also show great diversity. Strocati species add light to the garden, and with dark varieties you can enjoy contrasts.

The best forms of chagarnas reach their fullest form at the time of flowering., or Migdal dwarf, or Bobovnik (Prunus tenella).

Thin chagarnik up to two meters of curl. The average smoothie reaches St. Petersburg. Freezes the heifers in the winter and with this color in the lower part of the parcels that were under the snow. Kviti rozhevi, forgive me, just clear up.

At the time of flowering, the chagarb predicts the gloom of erysipelas.

Fruits are set on the growth - small fluffy “pots”, but they smell unnatural.

Fruits and algae cannot survive the winter with us. Spiraea

. Rozmova is particular about these chagarniks.

Spirea sulfur is even winter-hardy, color your cheeks.

It’s good to endure on dry land what the anomalous summer brought about last year. Golden currant (Ribes aureum) - tea leaves, a species of the Currant genus (Ribes) of the monotypic family Arusov (Grossulariaceae). behind

from the outside looking in the leaves are agarus, and the fruits are black currants.

Roslina is vikorized as a fruit. For cucumber fruiting, a plant variety is required. The berries are tasty, although without aroma, like black currants. In the spring, the tea leaves bloom beautifully with various yellow flowers collected in the summer. Golovna perevaga - a wonderful honey aroma.

The wine is so strong that you can feel it on the stand.

Varto mati taku “practical” dew in the garden. Weigela

- currently fashionable chagarnik, widely available for sale. It should be noted that not all types of weigels are winter-hardy. Filled with winter-hardy species for the middle suga of Russia: Weigela early, Weigela middendorff (W. middendorffiana), Weigela kvitucha (W. florida). Most frequently sold - weigela hybrida(W.x hybrida). Under this name, the selected varieties and forms are selected from the hybrid weigel different species


They have beautiful flowers of different colors: white, yellow, purple. It should be noted that not all types of weigels are winter-hardy. Most often, hybrid weigels are winter-hardy and grow shelter for the winter. Filled with winter-hardy weigela species for the Middle Smoga of Russia: - early weigela, c. Middendorf (W. middendorffiana), Art. Kvitucha (W. florida). Weigela early

(W. Praecox). Always pay attention, especially in the spring to the aphids of nature that are only being thrown away.

After flowering, teacups serve as greenery plots, and the neat shape of the crown needs to be maintained by regular pruning, which is done in the spring of teacups immediately after flowering.

Troyandi Types of decorative tea leaves for hanging:

It blooms very early, even at the plant, before leaves appear on the tops.

Thin needles of chagarna fizia, strewn with bright yellow flowers, remind one of a golden fountain. The color of this chagarnik is threefold.

Fatherland's origins include China, Japan, and Korea.

A tea garden with upright, uneven leaves can be more easily shaped with an added crown, so that the leaves can be bent to the ground for the winter, and can be overwintered in the snow without harm. Forsythia trimmings that are formed should be trimmed after coloring. The tops of the nails are trimmed so that more grains are created. To plant forsythia chagarna, choose a sunny spot with little shade, protected from the winds.

The soil should be light and fluffy, so water the chagarnik sparingly. Forsythia does not grow well in shallow, marshy areas with heavy soil.

The quince winters well under the snow, so keep it behind the snow cover and cause it to freeze, while the chagarb quickly renews itself and blooms lushly. Quince will be kind to grow on sleepy mist

, thefts from winds. If there is a lack of lightening, the tea leaves will not bloom or bear fruit.

To plant chagarna, prepare rich, fluffy soil with good drainage properties.

Japanese quince love to be moist and water regularly.

Chubushnik We came to be called jasmine due to the similarity of the aromas of these plants. Clumps of mock orange with first green leaves are covered with large white flowers, giving off a sweet aroma.

The mock orange is blooming near the grass and we are quiet for a long time. Bushes of mock orange are not vibrating; they are good to grow in a dormouse place with native land. In dry weather, chagarnas like to be watered. The crown of the chagarna needs to be rejuvenated, the old shoots have been revived, and it is time to take the place of new branches, which are blooming lusciously on another river of life. Modest, ale kvituchi. Most mist trees and chagarnas bloom early, before the leaves emerge

: willow (Alnus), hazel (Corylus), elm (Ulmus), willow (Salix)

Our gardens can be decorated with spring flowers and rhododendrons.

You can no longer call them modest and inviolable! Deadly cowberry (Daphne mezereum), or even its face, is priced for early and early flowering. This low chagarb blooms until the leaves bloom for 15 - 20 days. The flowers are fried, stocked, lilac-rye or rye-bunch, collected in bundles of 2-5 pieces or single. In mid-summer, the cowberry displays no less decorative fruits of a bright red color. The tea plant is frost-resistant, grows well in shady places, but it requires care - all parts of the plant are cut off. Some popular varieties:'Alba'

- cream-colored flowers and light-yellow fruits;'Bowles White' - with white flowers and yellow fruits;


Select'- with great, bright-red flowers, spring is often wary of re-blooming; ‘Variegata’- with effective white-edged leaves.


(Rhododendron) decorate any fish tank.

Until early-blooming species, people are considered. Daurian (Rhododendron dauricum) and Schlippenbach rhododendron (Rhododendron schlippenbachii). The first flower comes from the middle of the flower, at which time the leafless plant produces horny flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Another admires the most beautiful deciduous rhododendron, for example, the flower shows luxurious pale-russet flowers with purple flowers with a diameter of up to 10 cm.Spravzhni rosliny exoticaDogwood (Comus mas), or dogwoodі , also up to the early blooming shoots, the middle of fruit crops blooms first, for example, birch - on the cob, before the leaves bloom.).

Persha is a tea tree with very large, dark leaves and wonderful flowers, purple bells and white in the middle.

Respected for its frost-hardiness, especially the Nigra variety with flowers of infused purple color. Others grow like a tree, and they are shaped like a teacup.On the aphids of the dark green leaves, white, cup-like flowers up to 10 cm in diameter appear effectively. Magnolias do not like transplantation, so you need to immediately choose a suitable place for them and not disturb them further. To add a promising view for the middle smuga of Russia m. Lebner (M. x

loebneri). Cecavy її varietyMerrille- a small deciduous tree or tall chagarb with a wide pyramidal crown and thin branches. White flowers with 9 – 12 petals, bloom until the leaves open. Good growth on all types of soils, including soils.Let’s brighten it up extraordinarily and the bright colors will please you forsythia is egg-shaped ( Forsythia ovata).

These single bright-yellow buds open earlier than in other forms. Moreover, for the minds of the middle smuga of Russia, it is considered the most winter-hardy.Available varieties: Spring Glory.

- Flowers are numerous, with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm;

Tetragold - tea leaves up to 1 m high, yellow flowersє It is impossible to see spring without blooming apple trees, if orchards similar to majestic erysipelas appear too early;WeekEnd- tea leaves up to 2 m, curls with erect leaves and great rewards Colorful colors of rose flowers Representatives of this numerous homeland today demonstrate a clear and rich color. We most request from

decorative gardening amygdal low (Amygdalusnana), or bobovnik.

The flowers bloom at the same time as the leaves open, very clear, near the grass, stretching for two years. At this hour, the bright rye flowers appear alone.Very light-loving, winter-hardy and dry-resistant, unbreakable to the ground.There are a number of varieties:.

These trees will delight you with their early (before the leaves bloom) and clear flowers. The first type has large, light russet or erysipelas flowers, the other has drab, white or erysipelas, clear colored flowers lasting 7-10 days.

All phases of seasonal development take place earlier than in the Manchurian apricot.

It is possible to worship in order to have more mercy on the flowers of these cultures. Manchurian apricot and Siberian apricot You can grow like sakura replacement plants in Japanese gardens, so you don’t have to be afraid of the stench of early spring frosts to destroy the flower buds.

It is recommended to beat the trunks of these trees for the winter to protect them from frost and frost damage. This can also be included in the list of early-blooming weeds, which are valued not only for their fruits, but also for their decorative properties.

For example, Zlivu spinosa (Prunus spinosa), or blackthorn, will delight you with unusual flowers, especially these varieties: Plena - long-lasting and brightly blooming with white terry flowers;

Purpurea - with erysipelas, which are visible in contrast on the aphids of the great purple leaf.

Chinese plum (Prunus salicina)

It is distinguished by thin, damp leaves and clear flowers. White flowers are collected in bunches to resemble thick bundles. A native of Crimea and the Caucasus pear (Pyrus elaeagnifolia) The family gardener and breeder Richard Ivanovich Schroeder recommended for planting in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where it should withstand frosts down to -30 °C. This beautiful tree, up to 10 m high, is even more decorative during flowering, when its flowers open with bright purple flowers.- A luxurious tree up to 8 m high with a luscious crown. Superbly bright, simple quotes The burgundy color is strongly covered by the nails. Thick, thick crown Street Parade In the spring, great white flowers decorate, and in the spring, red fruits. Niedzwetzkyana apple tree (Malus niedzwetzkyana) opens its flowers of intense

erysipelas color in the other half, the herb is used on the cob of the worm, and in the sickle on the stems, the most effective, violet-purple fruits with rye-colored pulp appear. The following varieties of purple apple (Malus x purpurea) are particularly popular: Macamic- with erysipelas up to 3 – 4 cm in diameter.

Eleyi - at the time of flowering, the bright red flowers will almost cover the dark purple leaves.


- the clearest and brightest colors will ensure great red cards.

Apple plum tree (Malus prunifolia), or I.

Chinese, priced for its clear-colored and dark-red fruits, which produce delicious jam, jam and compote.

Trees and chagarniks, flowers in the spring

Chaenomeles (photo 1)

Chaenomeles japonica is a densely leafy chagarnik.

Flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm. Sharlahovo * chervonі, collected in shields of 2 - 6 pcs. In the average smoothie of Russia, the leaves appear on the cob, the buds do not open overnight. Apple tree (photo 5)

Dovgovichna tree with a crown.

The grass blooms at the end of the flower-cob, and the flowering continues for a period of time and more.

Rye buds, flowers with a pleasant, light aroma, soft rye and whites.

Cherry (photo 2)

Zvichaina cherry is a tree with a wide, spreading crown.

The original pear is a tree with a wide open crown and bare, prickly leaves in youth.

The flowers are white, up to 3 inches in diameter.

The flowers are clear and barvyst, before the leaves open; there is grass in the middle.

Live 300 years and more.

Forsythia (photo 8)

Forsythia crotch is a chagarb with razor-shaped branches and straight leaves.

Golden-yellow flowers collected a few pieces.

The flowers end up like the first half of the grass, stretching three tiers.

Forsythia needles are a wonderful material for making original arrangements. If you cut them from birch trees, then within 8-12 days you will have a rich bouquet of golden-yellow flowers. Plum (photo 9)

Domestic plum can be grown on a large chagarna or a small tree. In the wild, the sprout does not grow.

The flowers are white and bloom in the middle of the grass.

The color is bright and clear and lasts for 10 days.

Kino chestnut (photo 13)

The Chinese chestnut is a tall tree with a dense, wide-round crown.

The flowers are white, from the rose's neck, collected from the Great Pyramid

volotisti sutsvitya


The flower grows on the ear of the grass after the leaves have blossomed.