See frost-resistant hydrangeas and 80 cm high.

Hydrangea khurtovina by right occupies a space in a beautiful garden. Rarely grow chagars, as if in order of non-vibrant vibrancy, they breathe with miraculous decorative features and trivality of flowers. Like on your dealership there is not a lot of chagarnik, obov'yazkovo varto yogo start.


The best representative of the variety. This is a miracle chagarnik with majestic cone-shaped buds, blooming on the cob, which will pass from gray-chervonia until autumn.

Є a great representative of the mind. The height and volume of the bush reach 2-3 meters, the height may be 30 and more centimeters. Volodya promoted stamina to sickness and shkidnikiv.


Dwarf form. The maximum height is 1 meter, up to 80 centimeters in total. Blossom from lime to frost with erysipelas, white, yellow flowers.

Good growth at pіvtinі. It will require regular watering and loosening of the soil under the bush.

Vanila Fries

Bush height up to 3 meters. Flowering is brightly colored with small blotches in the form of white to erysipelas, upright pagons, up to 40 cm long.

Kushch calmly sees the coldest winter of Podmoskov'ya without shelter. Let's protect the sleepy peasants, protect them from the wind. May decorative leaves - dark green oxamite.


Looks like a compact bush, the height of the second meter. Sucvittya white color, it is easy to change the color when watering with different fertilizers. You can make the bushes bloom at once with a few flowers.

This variety is a long-liver, with good vigilance, it can bloom up to forty years in one place. Іsnuє pіdvid - Strong Anabel, which is more trivaly brighten the flowers.


Clearly fluffy chagar, through the bushiness of the flowers one cannot see the leaves of the growth. The height of the bush is up to 2.5 meters. Colors are buzkovymi or horn-colored quilts, the length of the hair is 30-35 cm.

May I spread the crown, with straight, tight needles. The bush is good in single planting, and in group plantings. You will need a lingerie dressing after the flower.


The Dutch variety of khurtovinnaya hydrangea, which is distinguished by a rounded crown, decorative leaves, large, lush blooms of lime color, in autumn the color changes to pale erysipelas.

The heads of the mіtsnі, which do not bend under the vagary of the succulence, the variety is often formed in the look of different geometric shapes (sack, cone, oval thinly). The bush reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters.

Pinky Winky

Є chagarnik curls up to 2 meters. Identityє shvidke sprout chagarnik. In one season, vines grow by 30-40 cm.

Irrespective of the big, long, up to 25 cm, succulence, does not require support, good shape. Wide-width stuffing grade landscape design.


Miniature Chagarnik, maximum height 1.5 meters. Colors are white and pale erysipelas to dark red. Red stems, decorative. Vykoristovuetsya for group plantings.

The variety does not tolerate severe frosts, it will require shelter for the winter.

Vims Red

A new variety, є chagarnik, up to 2 meters of curl. The flowers are great, the color changes during the season from pure white to bright burgundy.

It blooms with a trivalent flowering period (more than 4 months). Good winter without shelter.

Description of the characteristics, features of hydrangea khurtovine

“The boat of water” is called my walnut tsiu beautiful roslina. Yogo was brought from the island of Mauritius, stashed in the Indian Ocean at the eighteenth century.

Quietly, the hydrangea miraculously took root and spread throughout Europe and Asia. Palace gardens and kvtniki of the peasants became shanuvalniks.

Zgidno with the description, the hydrangea khurtovin is itself a bush or a tree in a kіlka trunks. A lot of gardeners form її at the sight of a tree with one trunk. The height of the growth, if not cut, can reach more than 8-9 meters.

Leaves roslini oval shape we’ll make a kіnchik. Їх large quantity guarantees fast decorative look bushes to build without tickets.

Flowering time from black cherry to frost.. Blossom with dribbling flowers, chosen at the wall of the pyramidal look.

One of the peculiarities of the color is the change in the development of the flower. In the early season, the infestation of brooms changes on the ear to erysipelas, and until autumn to gray-green colors.

Frost roslin has grown do not require shelter for the winter. Young bushes of the first and other fates are better covered for the winter with spruce branches.

Planting chagarnik near the grassy spring. Ale, as if with a raptom, a sadzhan of a speky lita appeared in you, do not get angry.

Having planted yogo in a kindred soil and defended it from falling sun, it will miraculously take root that will delight you with clear flowers in 2-3 years.

Place of landing choose light, ale without direct exposure sleepy shifts. When landing on pivdenniy side a good watering of the bush is needed.

Planting at the protection in the open air, you can vzdovzh walls or fenced, at times you need to pidv'yazuyut.

Planting is necessary in acidic, watery soil, more beautiful in clay or chervonozem. At the planting pit, add peat, forest land. From above it is possible to stick a thyrsus for morning water.

At the junction with great roses, the vines between the bushes are guilty of no less than 1.5 meters.

Tsikavo: informed the gardeners to get a blue ticket to add a bank at the planting pit.

Planting hydrangea hurtovin in the ground:

Good sight after landing

The sight after planting is near the post-planted basal soil.

It is impossible to allow the earthen breast to dry out under the dew, not only because of the decorativeness of the chagar plant, but it can lead to death.

Hydrangea is better poured, lower underfilled. To water the roslin in the sinter of the day, at the sire, at the vimoga.


Hydrangea will require regular maintenance. Revitalization is rotated once every two days.

Їy needs exposure to soil and ammonium sulphate. To that, the curtains and the inlet to bring nitrogen dobriva. Autumn Kalievu strength.

Roslin grows well with regular breeding with a cow'yak. At the flower shops sell special complex fertilizers for Hortensia. to avenge all the necessary elements.

Pruning chagarnik

For a beautiful flower, bushes are trimmed on the cob, on the cob. Thorny pagons look at the third, they cover 1-3 pairs of nirok, weak, dry chicks are seen more often.

If you don’t cut the roslin, the flowers will be clarified, the decorativeness of the bush will be spent.

Pruning of hydrangeas in the cold spring:

Planting horn, yellow and other hydrangeas in landscape design

Roslin is widely used in landscape design for flowerbeds, green fences, various flower ensembles.

Її eat with geraniums, ornamental herbs. Even hydrangeas look spectacular. different types, sightseeing vzdovzh fencing.

Corisno nobility: hydrangea khurtovin miraculously forms trimmings, taking care of tasks while looking at the trival hour. Її can be molded like a tree, kuli, cone, and other forms.

The appearance of Hortensia khurtovini in the garden, to grow a beautiful plot, to give the design a special chic and spice.

Hydrangeas hurtovine. A look at new, popular and rare varieties.

Hortensia hurtovі-naivitrivalіshі, zimostіyki (zone 3-8, without shelter up to -40), nevibaglivі, more stіykі, lower garden hydrangea and navit, lower tree-like. Hydrangea khurtovin in one place can grow more than 40 years.
The form is a deciduous chagar with large (up to 30 cm at the dovzhin) buds of a pyramidal shape, which are formed from a sum of fruitful (fertile) near the center of sterile flowers at the edges. Blossoms are seen at the peaks of the greatest pagons of this rock. On the cob, the flowers of the flower are greenish, the stench progressively shines (bіlіyut or zhovtіyut), then rozhevіyut or reddish until autumn. Blossom clear, from the ear of summer to spring-zhovtnya. Pagoni are shvidko zderev'yane, which spriya vysokіy holodostіykosti roslini.
Trimming (shortening the pagons by 1/3) is recommended to be hung before the brunok is opened.

Varieties of hydrangeas are distinguished by the height of the bush, the thickness and the stems of the stems, the structure of the leaves, the size, shape, color and structure of the flower. The flowers of panicled hydrangeas can be mentally divided into 4 groups:
vіdkritі (puhkі) - openwork, lungs, with the help of fertile tickets,
napіvvіdkritі - less than half of sterile tickets,
schіlnі - with the help of sterile tickets,
duzhe schіlnі-vazhki, from sterile flowers, fertile flowers are practically daily.

Zrobimo looking around the varieties in order of rozmіrіv and the height of the bush.
Let's start with the most compact ones.
Little Lime/Jane' American compact cultivar, dwarf mutation 'Limelight'. For mass sale - from 2014 to rock. The height of the bush is 0.6-0.8m.

bombshell. Dwarf variety(Up to 1m), with a narrow rounded crown. Vtechі-mіtsnі. The leaves are dark green, swollen, mostly rounded.
Similar to the Belgian Bobo (dwarf 0.7 m with arched boughs).

Little Quick Fire®. Dwarf form of Quick Fire®. Even early bloom! From the cob of litas. The main white blossoms are already swishy rosy, and until autumn they become dark erysipelas. The flowers are growing richly-chervonim, the first lower and other varieties begin to bloom! Dark, privablive leaves, minuscule red pagons. Height view 0.8m.

Baby Lace"®. NEW. "Children's lace" by Dr Michael Dirr (US). bіlі, pіznіshe creamy, leaves are dark green, flowering linden - spring, compact chagarnik up to 1 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter.

Vlasveld02/CONFETTI. Compact variety. New from Peter Vlasveld from the Netherlands. Amazing variety. Confetti to eat all positive hydrangeas: great quiti, garnish color, stronger growth, longer blooming, at least I can see that vіdmіnnu vitrivality. Succulents of Confetti are large, openwork, up to 30 cm long, ruffled vertically, the ends of the hair are folded from sterile (large) and fertile (small) flowers, which are pure white in limes. After a couple of days, the arch of the lower erysipelas is swelled uphill. The leaves are ovoid or oval, zagostrene, dark green, with deep veins. The infested stem is orange, brown and red in color. Sweets - vertical chagarnik, height 1-1.5 m.

Candlelight/HPOPR013 (PBR). In 2013 Candlelight® was awarded a silver medal at the Plantrium exhibition. Vtechі vertical, mіtsnі, beautiful dark red color. The hairs are swish-yellow-lemon, to light-pastel, creamy-white-yellow, large up to 20 cm, sharpened. Ryasne tsvіtіnnya pochinaєtsya to harvest early and trvaє from the middle of the worm to the end of the sickle/cob of spring. Chagarnik of medium height 100-120 cm, with pronounced vertical growth.

"Little Lamb". New, compact, vitrival, hydrangea variety from Belgium. "Little Lamb" is unique, shards of yoga, yogo pellets, and sterile flowers are the least. The branches are wide-pyramidal, rounded, narrow, ale at the same time and the structure is openwork, similar to two small rams. Flowers from mid-summer to deep autumn. Pure white flowers are springing up in autumn. Vtechі - gnuchki. The bush is 1.2m high and 1.5m wide.

Ammarin. Compact (1.2m) stout variety with shriveled, erysipelas buds. Pagoni are red, the leaves are slightly wrinkled.

Dharuma. Contrast of bright-red stems and bright white blossoms. The flower is older than the early wormwood. Height 1.2m.

DIAMANTINO®/ "Ren101". Flows are vertical. Vіdrіznyaєtsya dzhіlnym thick hairs sucvіt 20 cm zavdovka. Mayut more rounded shape, lower varieties of hydrangeas khurtovin. Yellow-green on the cob, the hairs become white, and then erysipelas like the term. Ryasne tsvіtіnnya pochinaєtsya dosit early and trvaє from the middle of the worm to the end of sickle/ear of spring. Chagarnik of medium height 120 cm x 120 cm, trochs of roses.

Magical Candle. A popular variety of hydrangeas from the Magical series, with scary quotes. The linden blossoms with great white hats of flowers, like in autumn they turn into erysipelas. Thick chagarnik zavvisheki 120cm.

Bridal Veil. Rarely still on the market, a variety with original bright flowers. Sterile flowers from the serrated edge of the sepals, fertile - from long-standing stalks. Height 1.3m. Vtechі - not even a mіtsnі.

Magic Fire(R). A popular variety of hydrangeas from the Magical series, which blooms with rich, truncated flowers (from lime to yellow) and bright, red autumns, flowers. Blossoms near the linden with large (up to 30 cm) openwork, white succulents, like a reddish rozhevіyut, and then zabarvlyuyutsya near the bright-red tone. Sterile flowers are too big, they predict blizzards that flutter. Thick, schіlny chagarnik, frills 130-150cm.

Brussels Lace. With thinning, openwork, napіvvіdkrimi with white flowers. Blossom from the middle of the lime tree. Height 1.5m.

Diamond Rouge. Variety assigned to cities. The bud was white, then everything is deeper and deeper red. Autumn-full-red, leaves-purple-orange. Height - up to 1.5m.

Wim's Red ® Pagons are vertical, dark red. Leaves of autumn-chervone. Vіdrіznyaєtsya with narrow thick hairs succulent up to 30-35 cm of the plant. Changing the color for the season has three stages. They were on the cob, the oxen become erysipelas, and then dark crimson.

polar bear. Flows are vertical. It grows with great thick thick hairs (up to 40 cm of a flower!). Wash a rounded shape. Yellow-green on the cob, then the hairs become white. The brighter flowers begin to grow early and continue from the lime tree until the spring. Chagarnik middle height 150cm x 150cm.

Shares. The succulence of the end, the shchilnі, the arc is great. On the cob-yellowish-green, through creamy go to white, then turn pink. Blooms at sickle. The height of the bush is 1.5-1.6m.

'Magical Starlight'. Juvenile pagon-red color. The cards are clean-white, zirchast, with lowered, curved pellets. Bloom in lime-spring. The height of the bush is 1.5-1.7m.

PRIMWHITE/Dolprim"101. Dharuma cultivar subprime. Even early blooming of grass or wormwood (fallow in the region). Vibrating elegant, white, slightly flattened flower hairs. great sepals, like a bunch of cream, then white. The height of the bush is 1.5m-1.7m.

Fire Light® This new variety 2015 is the new standard for the treatment of all hydrangea crops. Vertical mіtsnі swіttya transform into a pure white to rich garnet-and-rye color more swishy. Tovstі, the arches of the stalks utrimuyut important flowers in the vertical position without problems. Even early bloom! From the cob of litas. The flowers are growing richly-pomegranate-chervonimi persh, lower and other varieties start blooming! Already high winter hardiness. The height of the bush is 1.5m - 1.7m.

Zinfin Doll™ A new unique variety of hydrangea. Great, arcane buds on the cob - boiling-white, then step by step, from the bottom uphill (like Pinky Winky) they begin to give birth. This process is carried out from the cob to the end of the summer. And less until autumn, the blooms become more and more erysipelatous. Even early bloom! From the cob of litas. Stylish, majestic, red stems trim majestic blossoms and give bushes to grow. Height 1.8-2.4m.

Big Ben. The bush is straight, lightly spread, up to 1.8 m high. The blooming of the flowers changes from green to white and, then, until the end of color to rich dark erysipelas.

Shikoku Flash. Variety with variegated light-green-white leaves. Blossoming, white, blooming from the last days of lime until spring. Height 1.8-2.5m.

Pink Diamond. A popular variety in Europe. Flowers with a length of up to 30 cm are formed from fruitful and sterile flowers. Flowers are creamy-white, then turn dark erysipelas, may be red. Pagons are strong, red, leaves are short, dull green, elliptical. The booth is straight, ohayny, so it doesn’t “fall apart” after the wood. The color is bright, the lime is yellow. Curly chagarnik up to 2m.

greenspire. Zmіshanі sutsvittya-vіdkritі and napіvvіdkritі. Sterile suits are white, do not change the color. Blossoms of lime linden - an ear of sickle. Height view 2m.

last post. Stela mіtsnі, chervonі. Napіvvіdkritі sutsvittya. A garnet of dark erysipelas fertile flowers and great white sterile ones, like rozhevіyut until the end of bloom. Blossom from the lime tree. Height view 2m.

'White Lady'. Napіvvіdkritі, fragrant bіtєtya, bіlі bіlі on the cob, potіm rozhevіyut. Sepals of sterile flower-teeth along the edge. Curly bush 2-2.5m.

Taiwanform. The stems are mites, dark. Sutsvittya - vіdkritі, openwork, numerical. Bloom from lime until spring. Height 2-4m.

Quick Fire® (Early Sensation/Bulk). Even early bloom! From the cob of litas. The main white blossoms are already swishy rosy, and until autumn they become dark erysipelas. Dark, privablive leaves, minuscule red pagons. Height view 2m.

New varieties include: Chantilly™ (Chazam), Everlasting™ Flame (Bokkatorch, PP21,292), Garnet, Great Star® (PP20,222), Honeycomb (Revival, Ball) , 'Moonlight', 'Mountain Fragrance', Passionate ™ ('Paszam'), 'Pink Beauty', 'Pink Jewel', 'Revival', 'Rosy Morn' , 'Snow Mountain', 'Southern Cross', 'Sweet Summer '('Bokrathirteen', PP21,778), Tickled Pink™, 'Waterfall', 'Yuan-Yang'

є chagarnikovy dew, which is attributed to the genus Hydrangeaceae (Hydrangeaceae). Cicavia for kvіtnikarіv zvdyaky garniy pissі tsvіtіnnu great flowers of different varieties: white, black, erysipelas, blue. Fatherland hydrangeas - China and Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia. The culture of roslin was introduced, for example, in the XVIII century.

You know you? The name of the genus came from three words: hydor - water, angor - tight, hortis - garden, at the crossroads it means “to grieve on water”. Another version is to say that you call Hydrangeaceae the words hydor - water and aggeion - a vessel. It didn’t seem like it was there, but the name suggests the main feature of the growth - the hydrangea is already vologolyubny.

Previously, the hydrangea was respected with a prim and rich growth, but the plants of the seedlings of the breeders were seen, virosity like it is possible to plant a gardener-cob and without special troubles.

One of them is hydrangea khurtovina (Hydrangea paniculata), as it is grafted into the first black building to endure low temperatures and trival flowers. About other advantages of hydrangea hurtovine and її better varieties of mi rozpovіmo in this article.

The gates of hydrangea are characterized by great and long succulents-panicles - up to 30 cm at the height. The chagarnik itself can grow from 1 to 10 meters of curl. When the tickets are released, they turn greenish-white or creamy-white color, closer to the period of blooming, the stench turns rosy, until the end of the bloom, they turn red. Trivality of flowers - from black to yellow. The first flowers bloom through chotiri-five rokiv after planting.

Important!Bazhano do not hang the hydrangea in the immediate vicinity of the view fruit trees to the stench to join the fight for water.

Having turned the respect of the breeders of the chagarnik for example of the XX century. Over 25 varieties of hydrangeas of khurtovini have been bred from these times, descriptions of the most common varieties are given below.

Grandiflora (Grandiflora) was one of the first to be bred. Vіdrіznyаєtsya pіznіmі cob tsvіtіnnya pіvnіnі z іnshimi cultivars - let out flowers in linden. Finishing the blossoms at the Vernes. Tsіkavim in this variety is zabarvlennya bucvit. If the chaffarium only begins to bloom, then the flowers on a new creamy-white color, in the process of color, become pure-white, then erysipelatous, and if they bloom, they become greenish-chervonim.

You know you? Zrobivshi sing manipulations, you can take away the hydrangea flowers of other zabarvlen. So, when watering in front of the flowers, the difference between aluminum and ammonia galloons, the sepals of the growth will become black, the erysipelas - purple. Introduced at the ground floor yes blue color. Also for withdrawal black color vicorist watering with blue vitriol.

Bushes near Grandiflori grow great - up to 2 m, with a rounded, rose-shaped crown. The variety can also be leafed, the new one is dark green, velvety, zagostrene. Roslin vvazha for the best growth in the sleepy plots, but you can put up with a light pivtinnya. Noticeable hydrangeas of the Grandiflora variety stay until frost, young growth for the winter needs to be twisted.

IN decorative culture this variety is more victorious in the standard form. Also, the wine is stagnant for the vigonka. To dry the flowers, the stinks miraculously come to decorate the winter bouquets.

Variety Kyushu can be easily grown in other varieties on a dark green glossy leaf with red petioles. Also, wines are seen as stashed tickets. Blossoms in the middle of the lime tree. Quotes of classic white zabarvlennya. Versni blooms are ending. Virosta chagarnik up to 3 m in height and in diameter. To love light, but you can endure pivtin.

In culture, vicariously grow in mixed borders, Japanese gardens, group plantings and singly.

You know you? The variety is named after the Japanese island of Kyushu. There were also manifestations in the wild in 1926, as well as deliveries to Europe.

Variety Mathilda (Mathilda) commemorated with tall buds of a conical shape (25 cm) and a large bush up to 1.8-2 m. During the period of blooming from lime to spring, the blossoms of the flowers change - from creamy-white to white, then in the autumn the flowers become lower-erysipelas and the flowers turn greenish-chervonim. Survive at low temperatures.

Newer, lower varieties, flowers of Tardiva. Flowering begins at the other half of the sickle, and ends with the present frosts. Succulent in her vuzka cone and pyramidal form. Cream-white flowers, with an hour of erysipelas.

In order not to waste decorativeness, the bushes of Tardivi are the best to hang on the sunken trees. In the winter period, young growths grow brighter. The chagarnik becomes older, there are more wines resistant to cold.

Important! Hydrangeas delight clear flowers in a properly selected soil. The stink will be fluffy, the water will be grunty, rich in humus. Can grow on acidic, clayey and peaty soils. Do not like food and vape soil.

Chagarniki Tardivi zastosovuyut for mixed plantings from bagatorichnik, near chagarnik mixborders. Dried blossoms of vicorist in bouquets.

Bushes of the Limelight variety reach the maximum height of two meters. The succulence of this variety may be brightly expressed in lemon or greenery. For example, the flowers turn erysipelas. In front gardens, hydrangea flowers look beautiful both individually and in group plantings. Together with other chagarnikovy roslins, they vicorist in mixed borders. Flowers are accessories for winter bouquets.

Variety Pinky Winky is valued for mіtsnі, spring stems, yakі zdatnі without support vytrimuvat big vázkі sucvіtya 15-20 cm at the height. Flowering hydrangea flowers are a monster sight. So it goes, like all hydrangeas, Pinky Winky changing the color of fallow during the flowering period - the linden stench was white, and the spring - dark erysipelas. Shards see this process unevenly, bloom at once and can be brewed in a different way: for example, at the bottom they can be erysipelas, in the middle - light erysipelas, but in kinchiks - white. And in the bush itself, you can be as bright as a day, so it’s dark erysipelas.

Chagarnik grows up to 2 m zavdovka and zavdovshki. The crown of the new one is rounded. Vvazha for the best growth on the open land, but not under the direct exchange of the sun. Qiu hydrangea is often hung at the entrance to the house or door, arbors, benches, like a livestock. Approach both single and group landings.

Another popular variety of hydrangea volotis is a variety Vanilla Fraze(Vanille Fraise). The color of the chagars reaches a height of 2 m and a width of 1.5 m. On the cob, the flowers of the succulent-pyramid may have a white color, the stinks of the stench change quickly and become richly erysipelas. This variety is light-loving and frost-resistant.

You know you? Hydrangea khurtovina is characterized by a bitter taste to a cloudy finish. That її can be seen on the flowerbeds of Moscow, vzdovzh zhvavih highways.

In hydrangea khurtovini, low-growing varieties have been bred. Before them, for example, one can see the Belgian hydrangea Bombshell (Bombshell) - it grows more than 70-80 cm. The blossoms of the hydrangea flowers are rounded, slightly droopy, curled 13 div. Change infestation from green-white to erysipelas. In the process of blooming and in the world, the tightness of the succulence of the needles is heeled to the bottom, appeasing with such a rank Kulyastu krona. The trivality of the flowers was already trival - from the chervnia to the middle of autumn.

Roslini of this variety can be hung from pivtin. Suitable for container cultivation.

You know you? Hydrangea is carried up to chagarniks-long-livers. The literature has information about growing up in 60 years.

Seen by Japanese breeders, the variety Presox (Rgaesokh) grows into early flowers - the blossoms turn into red ones. The buds of the new one are small, the peluses are with denticles on the ends.

The popular mid-European variety Floribunda (Floribunda) blooms even with great white-cream end flowers on long flowers. On the aphids of a contrasting dark leaf, the flowers look even thinner. Chagarnik grows up to 2 m. Blooms from lime to spring. Let's see the luck of the good enlightenment of the litters, we'll attach them to the stretches.

The mature growths are characterized by high frost resistance. Young bushes grow shelter for the winter. Floribunda on the lawn is especially beautiful together with coniferous crops and other ornamental chagars.

Hydrangea French variety Great Star (Great Star), maybe not confused with any other. Vaughn has a unique form of succulence, which is made up of two types of tickets: sterile - large white (up to 10 cm) with curved pellets, similar to propellers or stars, the fertile one - dry, inconspicuous. There are about 17 fruitless flowers in succulents, 200 fruitful ones.

Mature bushes grow up to 2 m in height and width. Mayut widely spread the crown. Roslini of this variety is light-loving, ale vitreous and light shade. Like the greater number of hydrangeas, Great Star is not viable, it does not sway the tongue. Zastosovuyutsya in single and group plantings.

Tall and bushy bushes make up the Silver Dollar variety. The height and width of the stench reach 2.5 m. The crown is stench-shaped, rounded. Flower of chagarnik from lime-tree in spring with great flowers of white-green color in the form of pyramids. trochy later tickets melt away, and the autumns turn into a buzkovo-rozhevy vіdtinok.

Roslina, however, is decorative like in the sun (not under direct changes), and in light shade. Vitrimuє winter temperature -29 ° С. Roslini of the first two rokіv for the winter need to be protected under the Ukrainians.

Vykoristovuetsya in solitary and group plantings. From the hydrangeas of Silver Dolar, miraculous sprites of living flesh appear, they embellish the plots of garden paths and stitches near the city parks. Kindly join with bagatarians from other families.

Variety Fantom (Fantom) is seen among its counterparts by looking the largest cone-shaped flowers and garne form foliage. The height and width of the chagarnik is about 2 m. Traditionally, for hydrangea flowers, they change the barvlennya on the ear to the end of the flower - a cream stench, in autumn - erysipelas. Blossoming Phantom at lime tree.

A winter-hardy variety, suitable for hanging on saplings. In landscape design, it hangs like a tapeworm, in plantings in groups, in common with other baguette crops. Gates of hydrangea actively vicorist in the last few years of selection and this year, the rest of the hour new varieties were introduced. Among them you can guess Ammarin, Big Ben, Bobo, Brussels Lace, Dolly, Early Sensation, Mega Mindy, Shikoku Flash, Mustila etc.

Hydrangea khurtovinamore beautiful roslina And it is not without reason that the popularity of the middle kvtnikarіv and breeders of different krain is supported. I would not hesitate to describe the decorativeness of this growth in words, you can, just looking at the photographs clearly fluffy chagars, fall in love with this flower and want to decorate it with a garden or a balcony.

Chi bula tsia article brown?
Ta nі

Hydrangea is one of the garnih chagarnikov, if you grow flowers near your gardens lovers І if you can find a few dozens of varieties for sale, then at once the catalogs of various rose gardens will be shown in a row for dozens of hydrangeas what a mess.

Hydrangea khurtovina grade Vanilla Fraise

Hydrangea paniculata (hydrangea paniculata) is one of the largest winter-hardy species in the minds of the world's latitude. The species form grows well and winters in the Middle Smooth without shelter. In the case of other hydrangeas, the shape of the succulent blooms, as if looking like a cone. Most of the varietal specimens will require light shelter for the winter. In the spring, pruning is carried out, the intensity of which is to lie down, depending on the growth of which rock, lives are established.

The height of this type of hydrangea varies from miniature - no more than 1 meter, to high - up to 3 meters. At the same time, a mature bush can have a significant diameter, which sounds approximately the same height. It is necessary to pay for the hour of the choice of the place for landing.

Also, under the hour of choosing the place of vrahovuє yogo clarification. Hydrangeas do not like the bright sun, for them it is better to pіvtin, it is necessary, so that the flowers do not start dribnіti, but rather zabarvlennya burn.

Also, hydrangeas are sensitive to moisture to the substrate, and in dry periods it is necessary to water.

Sorts, which are suitable for cultivation in Pdmoskov'ї.

On the right, in the fact that there are more gardeners, who are promoted, there are varieties of selection of European nursery gardens. And then, and not adapted for the Middle Smuha of Russia. Prote іsnuє rich varieties, yakі vіdmіnno got accustomed in such minds. About those how the hydrangea hurtovina is growing best varieties for Pdmoskov'ya you know from tsієї stattі.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky

The variety appeared for sale close to 10 years ago. One of the most popular varieties for Pdmoskov. Roslin has grown to a height of 2 meters, with a bush diameter of 1.5 meters. Flowering is more than trivale - from black to spring. Okremi flowers of the same sort, when the bud is opened, may be more zabarvlennya, as if step by step to pass at the purple-rozhevy vіdtinki. At the rozhevі vіdtinki farbuetsya and leafing bushes, until the ear of autumn it becomes practically red color, sometimes with violet vіdtinki.

Hydrangea khurtovina Pink Lady (pink lady)

One of the most attractive hydrangeas of any kind. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters, the width varies from 1.5 to 2 meters. The flower penzliks are too large and can reach 30 centimeters. The blooming of flowers at the brush is white, and during the last period the color practically does not change, only until spring a pale erysipelas blush appears. The flow of hydrangeas until spring melts into practical chervonimy, which, with white tassels, looks even more pleasantly.

Hydrangea khurtovina Unik (Unik)

This variety blooms with one of the rest, in sickle. Ale flower brushes do not waste their susceptibility for a long time, and in this way the bloom grows for 2-3 months, in the middle smoothie until frost.

Flowers in brushes are white, and ale shvidko change the color to midnight erysipelas.

The variety has a pleasant aroma and large flower clusters, up to 30 cm long.

Hydrangea khurtovina Bobo (bobo)

A miniature variety, which can be cultivated in mountaineers, its maximum height does not exceed 75 centimeters, with a bush diameter of more than 50. Flowering starts in the middle of the lime tree and does not stick until spring. Flowers of dewdrops at the time of the release may be more zabarvlennya zovtuvatim vіdtinkom, and then change to pale erysipelas. Trimati tsey variety is the most beautiful in razrіdzhenіy tіnі, oskіlki on sоntsі sucvіtya start dіbnіti.

Hydrangea khurtovina Medzhikal Candl

Roslin with a height of 2 meters, the diameter of the bush can reach 1.5 meters. Flowers are trivay all summer, start in black, and flower clusters are trimmed until spring, saving decorative zabarvlennya. When the tickets are released, a greenish color appears, which then transforms into erysipelas, and until autumn into raspberry colors. A prominent feature of this variety is the presence of a receiving smell of flower cloves.

Hydrangea khurtovina Medzhikal Moonlight (magical moonlight) the variety may have large hairs - flowers, the diameter of some white bases reaches 27 cm, with a length of 30 cm. At the release of the stench, a white color is brewed from the ice with a greenish breeze, which then we know and reappear in autumn. Viroste at a height of up to 2 meters, for the width of the bush 1.5 meters.

Hydrangea hurtovina Magical fire- Height can reach 2 meters. Flowering begins at the lime tree and continues all summer long. Already at the release of the ticket, there is a bright burgundy zabarvlennya, for which the variety and otrimav its name, as it means Magic Vogon.

Hydrangea khurtovina Pastel Green

The variety appeared less in 2016 roci. Awakened by compact roses and unimaginable zabarvlennyam votok. The height of the bush is about 1.5 meters, its diameter is 1.2 meters. Zabarvlennya changes during the autumn season. The flowers at the opening of the buds are white, then the stink of a cream-colored bloom, which, in its black, changes into pistachios and salmon, and the whole brush becomes burgundy-red.

Hydrangea khurtovina Fraise Melba (fraise melba)

Regardless of those that this variety of visions is known recently, in 2014 it has become popular among gardeners.

The height of the bush is up to 2 meters, and its width is yoke.

Flowering continues from the linden through the spring. Zabarvlennya flowers on the cob milky-white, and then it starts to change on the face, flocking until spring, practically chervonim. Change the color of the foundations of the brush and step by step go to the poppy, for a protracted period of color, the brush carried flowers of fresh blessings on itself.

Hydrangea khurtovin Levan

Variety s great tabernacle that rozmirom sucvittya. A mature bush can grow up to 3 meters, and the flower reaches 50 centimeters, while the diameter of the other colors becomes 5 centimeters. May have a strong licorice smell, the strongest among all varieties of hydrangeas. Succulents do not change their color, and, stalely in the minds of the mind, they can be white or creamy.

Hydrangea khurtovina Big Ben

The bush can be up to 1.5 meters high. You can see the burgundy infestation of young pagonists. When the flowers are released, a white color will appear, which will then turn into an erysipelatous color and until the autumn the flowers will become more abundant erysipelas color. One of ourselves frost-resistant varieties- without covering, you can withstand frosts up to - 25 degrees.

Hydrangea Khurtovina Dolly

Variety maє kushch vіd 1.5 to 1.7 meters, diameter up to 1.2 meters. Flowering begins with lime and continues until autumn. A ticket at the dispensation was white, and then the stink of erysipelas swells up.

Hydrangea Khurtovina Diamantin

For a few small roses of bushes, each variety is awakened by great blossoms. The height and width of the bush rarely exceeds 1.2 meters, and the blossoms reach at a height of 20 centimeters. When the ticket is issued, you may be filled with greenery, and then become pure white.

Hydrangea khurtovina Great Star

It is struck by the unusual shape of the flower, as before it can reach 10 centimeters in diameter. The fallow soil acidity varies from pure white to blackite. Blossoming variety starts at black and continues all summer.

Hydrangea Khurtovina Candlelight

The variety grows with an open bush, which reaches a height of 1.2 meters.

Infestation of the flower brush varies from green to golden-white.

The flowering period begins at the lime tree and does not stick until the harvest.

A prominent feature of this variety is the violet color of the upper part of the stem.

This is not an exhaustive list of varieties of hydrangea tree-like hurtovine (hydrangea paniculata), which can successfully grow in the climatic minds of the latitude of the Moscow region.

Here you can see the following varieties:

Sunday fries (sundae fraise);

  • Vanilla and vanilla Strawberry (vanilla);
  • Wim ed (ed) (wim s red);
  • Dentel de Gorron;
  • Mega mindy;
  • Diamantino;
  • pink diamond;
  • Levana;
  • early sensation.

Video "The most beautiful varieties of hydrangea khurtovini"

Preparing for winter

Chi will demand the best varieties of hydrangeas tree-like kurtovini in the minds of Pdmoskov'ya?

Irrespective of those that are all overprotected, the higher varieties are declared as frost-resistant, they are better suited for wintering under light wheat, especially in the first 2-3 years. Especially those varieties that bloom on the pagons of past fates, shards very cold you can mess up the flowers and the flowers will be weak, otherwise you won’t come.

How to decorate the material, you can vicorate burlap, spruce branches, leaf opal.

The basis of the bush can be covered with humus, which is a kind of hanging.

How can you complete this list? green to almost burgundy.

Frost resistance is the purpose of the growth of the growth against the complex of unfriendly factors of the cold environment in the winter hour. In the regions warm winter everyday problems with viroshchuvannyam and flowers large-leaved hydrangea don't blame. However, the colder the winter, the more folded it becomes to look at the growth.

Ale middle garden hydrangeas You see, it’s miraculous to endure the mortal climate and resurrect the inability to see the culture. Active selection gives us more and more different varieties and spices to the fact that new frost-resistant hydrangeas appear in our gardens more and more often.

For gardening middle smuga Ukraine is of the greatest interest to represent hydrangeas tree-like and khurtovina. Tree-like hydrangeas are priceless chagars with a rounded crown, which bloom brightly from a 4-fold vu, from a lime tree to a yellow one. The stench is more powerful to the point of moisture and the acidity of the soil. Before tree like hydrangeas varieties Anabel and Pink Anabel are seen.

Anabel is resplendent with a beautiful dome-like shape of a bush, as if it makes great hats of a bunch of greens, then there are big clumps of flowers, so they are saved until the end of the season.

Pink Anabel - the same variety with a rounded shape of the crown. Maє mіtsnі pagoni, scho trim the shape of the bush to bring on the hour of the hour. Blossoms open dark erysipelas, then bright erysipelas.

Panicles of hydrangeas - chagarniki up to 2 meters in diameter, with a rounded dense crown and full leaves. The stench blooms from the middle of the lime tree to the yellow hairy flowers. Such hydrangeas are capable of moisture, generativity and acidity of the soil, and give priority to pivtiny. The most frost-resistant species.

Most often, the hydrangea variety Grandiflora grows in the gardens. Vіn mає great, shіlnі sutsvittya, scho add up from sterile flowers. The grandiflori flowers were white, and in the autumn the trochs were born.

Zaviryuha hydrangea variety Diamond towels are even brighter, with great flowers. A little stench of a white color, and then we’ll quickly turn red-purple.

Hydrangea Limelight - the first variety with strong flowers from sterile flowers, which can make a clear green look and give birth until the end of the season.

Medzhikal Kendl at the translation means "enchanting candle". Blooms earlier for other hydrangeas. Tse khurtovina hydrangea with straining, on the back of the head with white succulents, autumn erysipelas. Kushch mіtsny, up to 2m.

Hydrangea Pinky-Winky may end openwork flowers great kіlkistyu sterile flowers that swell purple-erysipelas. It reaches a height of 1.5-1.8 m-code.
