Rhododendron has the greatest description.

Troyandi One of the most attractive plants for your garden is cereododendron. Frost-resistant varieties of chagarna are wonderfully felt in gardens

srednya smuha Russia allows, due to the great variety of species and varieties, to create even more effective compositions. The best way is to grow the “rozhberry tree” in groups of three, selecting them in such a way that the growths create harmony.

color palette . Evergreen and deciduous species mix well. Rhododendrons look wonderful in groups, and in single plantings, for example, in parterre lawns. To become a monstrous backdrop for these chagarniks

conifer tree

, now it is not only possible to highlight the brightness of the world, but also to create the necessary protection from the bright sun and wind.

The light green leaves of the ferns are also in the same warehouse with the rhododendrons in the garden in the distance.

If you are planning to create a composition of “horn trees” in your garden, then for our average smut it is better to select those varieties that are winter-hardy.

Evergreen rhododendrons

Perhaps the most popular, the oldest and

Garni view

– this Rhododendron ketevbinskiy (Rh.catawbiense).

Its bushes, purple-reds, and sometimes white, large buds, the grass begins to blossom.

  • The chagarnik itself is covered with dark green leaves up to 15 cm long.

  • This type of up to 2 m curls contains a sprout of the most frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures as low as -32 °C.

    Rhododendron catawbiense "Album" The Catawbiense "Album" variety produces 13-20 light-like white colors with brown or green flowers in the skin. up to -34 °C.

  • The bush reaches a height of 1 m, the grass blooms with light purple, progressively blooming flowers of 10 flowers with wilting edges of pellets.

  • Rhododendron Smirnovii (Rh. Smirnowii) in cultivation grows to a height of more than 1 m. It has a mixture of leaves and red-red flowers, which are collected in a compact flower, which bloom in the middle of the flower.

  • The rosey bush of R. maximum (Rh. maximum) grows in culture up to 4 m and is covered in red-linden with thick flowers with 16-24 horny or white flowers.
  • Low (up to 60 cm) plants of R. aureum (Rh. aureum) are covered with small golden yellow flowers, collected in small (3-10 flowers) umbrella-like flowers.

    Deciduous species All varieties of rhododendron are frost-resistant varieties that can withstand negative temperatures of up to 29-34 °C. At

    correct view The stench is amazing in our climate. There are a great number of species, varieties, forms, hybrids - all rhododendrons.

    They are profiting from their well-deserved success and popularity among kvitnikars.

    And due to the great quantity of production and forms, they can entirely reduce competition.

    Long time It was important that these are exclusively water-bearing plants, but there are also varieties for medium-smooth and frost-resistant ones - for Siberia. Therefore, it is important to classify and correctly identify those for which zone a different variety is suitable.

    • Biological features
    • This is a representative of the Vereskov family.
    • Species diversity: over a thousand villages and chagarnik forms.

    Most often Kvituchi chagarniks, which reach 2m.

    They share deciduous, like evergreen,


    Rhododendrons grow in light soil, taking root well in the middle of a wooden layer. Some deciduous species love garna lightness. To plant this crop, we need to get it from

    coniferous trees


    Such a place of sleep is most pleasant for them. Rhododendron grows steadily, and then it will delight you with its flowers for dozens of years.

    Growth on sour, good fertilizing soils, without stagnation of water. The surface root system does not allow deep fluffing of the soil. Variety of species

    Deciduous rhododendrons Suitable for areas with a moderately cold climate. The rice is fresh: the buds appear thicker, the bottom of the leaves. The stench is sleep-loving and winter-friendly.

    Tse rhododendroni:

    Zhovtiy or Pontic (Zhovta Odur, Turkish bagon), which grows rapidly, creating flowers with yellow and orange fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs at the same time as the leaves begin to bloom. The place of growth is the mountains of the Caucasus and the Western European part of the region..

    Canadian creates low bushes, studded with bright, erysipelas-purple leaves, which are spread in small groups - 2-5 on short stems. Winter-hardy and very decorative.

    Like a single tree on the lawn or in a composition vikorist landscape design

    , the photo can be viewed from the statistics.

    In many species of rhododendrons, not only the flowers, but also the leaves are fragrant, as the plants are rich essential oils.

    , now it is not only possible to highlight the brightness of the world, but also to create the necessary protection from the bright sun and wind. Gilks ​​are cut and cured for winter distillation (winter coloring).

    The flowers have beautiful bright green, slender leaves, which look harmonious when combined with fruit flowers. Leaves are dropped every two days.

    To love the shadow, to rot the sun. It is clear to them:

    Caucasian, a photo of which can be viewed from the article, has a sparse crown of creamy flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter, creating a flowering parasol. Varieties of this type with flowers of erysipelas are harvested. The skinned leaf blade at the bottom creates a grayish coating.

    The stems are rising.

    Roslin is located in the endemic region of the Caucasus. Adams Or the fragrant bagno is low (30-60cm) and has aromatic tea leaves, covered with pale rye flowers. Peel, winter leaves with a white coating, flattened at the bottom, creating a brown-gray background. Flowers, like most species, occur at the ends of the throat. The flowering period is the other part of the wormwood – limen.

    It can be found in the territory of distant Skhod, Siberia, on the rocky skhila of the High Mountains. Fori and the short-length rhododendron is another representative of the family. Tse erect chagarnik

    great dimensions

    (Up to 3m).- this chagarnik or small tree (up to 3m) is named after the Russian doctor M. Smirnov. The leaves suggest lingonberry leaves, but many times more. The young cartilages are pubescent.

    Decorative for the shell, bright horn color.

    Creates compact life with great amount

    kvіti. Wild plants grow in the Caucasus, in the forests of the middle and lower mountain layers. In the natural environment of our region, 18 species of this culture grow. Zhitla - Caucasus, Siberia, Far Skhid.

    It’s wrong to call it bagno, ale tse. Other members of this family are also known. Evergreen tea leaves

    After the onset of frost, they throw off part of the leaves that are lost - they burn into tubes. Tse rhododendroni: Daursky otherwise called a bagno or a maralnik.
    Lay down to the deciduous chagarniks with the ragons that hang down.

    Leaves often fall off during the winter.

    Roslin is winter-hardy and grows into clear flowers. The golden crown is decorated with large, erysipelatous, single flowers. Bloom until the first leaves appear or immediately after them. This chagarnik is we garden,

    I show you a photo of this.

    Siberian bagno or Ledeboura. , the thicket of which can be seen from afar, although there is a low chagarbush. Sort - important mind for a good result.

    Let's look at the actions of them, the developments in different climatic minds.

    Winter-hardy varieties Rhododendron Smirnova presentation by varieties Aurora, Laika, Dagmar, Ligava . Varieties like Yakushimsky - tse Faling Snow, Emanuela, Sonataine, Mist Maiden.

    Not all varieties of this species can withstand cold winters.

    Large-leaved hybrid varieties have high winter hardiness.

    Album Novum, Lumina, Gradito ..

    Regardless of winter hardiness, all stinks will require shelter in the winter, especially in the light and cold winters in Siberia.

    It’s not a good idea to trim the stems of a flowering rhododendron, and don’t stand near the stinking water for too long.

    And it’s not easy to harvest the plants: they can’t grow in different soil, in different minds.

    Especially for the minds of the polluted place.

    Varieties for the Moscow Region For processing in this zone, deciduous forms are suitable. Because the stench is less wintery. Varieties of rhododendrum species take root here well.

    Mandarin Lights, Lemon Lights, Golden Lights

    And hybrids with good habituation in the Moscow region: Feuerwerk and Fireball, Cecile, Golden Sunset, Persil, Oxydol.

    Rhododendron is also called azalea.

    Azalea is a representative of the same genus. Gorshchikov's varieties of crops are azaleas, and those that grow just like the sky are rhododendrons., otherwise known as azalea, is one of the species of chagaria, which belongs to the heather family.

    These trees love shade and moisture, because their natural habitat is the mountain forests of Asia, as well as Eastern and Central America.

    When they are grown, it is necessary to ensure that the water is close to natural, so the plot should be shaded and protected from the wind. Every day we may be vologous. Rhododendrons – processing and observation

    Rhododendrons feel good under tall trees.

    To ensure sufficient moisture, you can plant them white or white. This type of stench will grow beautifully, and there will be no need to “rotate” them. If the ground suffers, then the fault is either mild or moderate.

    In addition, it is important to maintain moderate moisture and acidity.

    Rhododendrons grow in rich, penetrating soil rich in humus.

    Bushes are best planted in the spring, but teacups in containers can be planted throughout the growing season.

    Roslina should be watered regularly

    • soft water
    • – the best choice for this is board water.
    • In an even more economical solution, the fragments simply fall from the sky.
    • They are designed for dry winters and bloom before the cold weather - this is important because rhododendrons set flowers at the end of summer, and if they freeze, they will not bloom in the coming season.

    What do rhododendrons use in landscape design?

    If you wanted to supplement the flower bed with rhododendrons with other plants, then plant them on the intermediate level between the tall plants on the distant planet and dwarf ones in front.

    In addition, you can place an order of heather family plants (with similar benefits), magnolia, pear or lochina. Good company too dwarf yalinkas , yalitsi, tysi and yalivtsi. The varieties "Peter Tigersteadt", "The Hague" and "Elvira" greatly enhance and revive the beauty of the monotonous.

    coniferous garden . Tim is not less, they cannot be grown from the overly expansive Chinese tree, as well as from shallowly rooted trees, such as ornamental apples and plums.

    At the same time, the stench is clearly felt in the company of beeches and oaks. A great miner's rhododendron can grow a sprout of rocks. How do you create a youma? garni umovi, will be strong and suffer from potential illnesses

    Rhododendrons are supernumerary

    garni chagarniki

    Veresov family.

    There are about six hundred species - there are beautiful bushes who become like a birthmark in any garden, and inevitably gain respect for themselves.

    Another evergreen sprout.

    1. Frost-resistant soils that can grow in Siberia and Yakutia.
    2. The size of this one is small - only a meter tall.
    3. The flowers are bluish, collected in small parasols;

    rhododendron katevbinskiy.

    Evergreen roslin

    , which miraculously brightens the plot, the inlet, and the inlet.

    The tea garden is one and a half meters high, its flowers are large and beautiful, and its flowers are purple and horny; greatest. If you have a large plot, plant the largest rhododendron on the new one. This is a majestic bush, which is scattered across six meters. This is a very effective plant, with voluminous and beautiful white flowers.

    I middle deciduous and frost-resistant varieties:

    The autumn complex works with the care of rhododendrons, including updating the mulch, adding acidifying materials: bark, cod, pine needles, humus and watering before covering for the winter.

    Before trimming the shoots, it is not necessary, unless they have grown beyond the designated area for them.

    Pruning rhododendrons after flowering is also not a complicated procedure, but you can carry out an aesthetic treatment - just remove the dry flowers.

    How to plant and replant

    Such a simple, at first glance, process, like planting a rhododendron, is a whole science that involves wisely choosing the right place for growing according to the type of soil, the place of growing with neighboring plants, and the level of comfort of mind for the species itself odendron.

    • How to plant a rhododendron so that it quickly takes root, grows and, perhaps, blooms in the first river?
    • How is it possible that such a miracle is possible, like the color of the feathers?
    • It is impossible to confirm as it is impossible to convey.

    Roslina is an individual organism that subtly responds to the mind and perception.

    If you feel good, bloom; if you feel uncomfortable, don’t.

    Standard steps for the correct planting process are as follows: