The transfer of holidays to the new saints. Skilki new weekends will be in rotation

You already know, dear readers, how New river Is 2019 holy for the weekend? Do you know what official holidays will be the days on the new holy skin month? More nі, then mi "let's tell you."

In the order of the day, the calendar of holy days and holidays in 2019 is rotated in Russia: new holy days, traditional holy days, on 8 birch, on 23 fierce, on leaf fall that transfer of holidays.

I'll cut it to hell. The Ministry of Pratsi of Russia, how do you always worry about order new holidays. So the stench already sat in the birch of that fate and praised (in front) that:

  1. The official date for Novyi Rik is 10 days - from December 30, 2018 to September 8, 2019 (inclusive);
  2. On the holy day of 2019, the fate of Russia will be celebrated from 1 to 5 May and from 9 to 12 May;
  3. And also for 23 fierce іz 23 to 24 fierce;
  4. For 8 birch - from 8 to 10 birch (inclusive);
  5. On leaf fall - from 2 to 4 leaf fall.

Official weekend for Novyi Rik 2019 and Holy Day

This year there are two options for new vacations (possible):

  1. On Novyi Rik it is necessary to pay the full amount - 12 days - from 30 th of breast to 10 o'clock. The best option for all Russians.
  2. 10 days (from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019) - optimistic, more accurate and the most recent confirmation, and therefore official (Minpractice is just the variant that has been suggested at a glance).

How do you see it for New Year 2019? Transferring weekends to new holy days

Saturday 29 December 2018 will be a working day for Russians. The protein will be transferred like a weekend on Monday 31st breast.

On the 5th and 6th of September 2019, the date falls on Saturday and the week (and these days will start before the school holidays) - means to be transferred. І transferring "vіdlіtaє" on the grass is holy - on the 2nd and 3rd of the grass it is clear.

September 7 - Christmas - great holy, and also it’s important to officially let you wake up Mondays.

Otzhe, pіdіb'єmo pіdbags, yоu vіdpochivaєєmо on Novy Rіk 2019 thаt postponement оf weekends, sо sоpеt on sіchneі svyato:

  • Svyatkuёmo Novyi Rik ta Rizdvo from 30 March to 8 September inclusive!
  • The working Monday of the 31st of March is transferred to Saturday of the 29th of March (this is a calendar day off, otherwise the working day will be shorter).
  • 5 September - for 2 May.
  • 6 September - for 3 May.

Number of days depending on the year of 2019 in Russia - a random calendar

Let's marvel at the whole day - skils and weekends holy days:

September 2019, 14 holidays and 17 employees

29 30
31 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

The first month of 2019 is the year of the year. And what about the second vacation?

How do you remember on the grass is holy in 2019 rotation (postponement of weekends)?

As it is said above, on Svyatkovі sіchnevi dnі 5 and 6 sіchnya they spend official holidays, so they were to transfer them to travnevi svjat on 2 and 3 days of May.

And this month, 2 urochistos are being checked for us: Day of Peremoga and Holy Spring and Pratsі.

Come out, Russian practitioners sing at the grass from 1 to 5 May - spring parties and from 9 to 12 May - the celebration of the Day of Peremogi.

Axis scho we need to know. Now take a look at virobnichesky calendar.

Number of days depending on the date of May 2019 (variable calendar)

Let's marvel at the whole grass - how many weekends and holy days:

May 2019, 13 weekends and 18 employees

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

Tse shodo veh holy 2019 rock. And how is the reshta of the moons, the reshta of the sovereign saints - How can it be?

Weekends and holy days for the whole of 2019 in Russia – Transfer Calendar

I once again, like a break in the offensive rotation in Russia with transfers? Marvel at the random calendar (transfer calendar):

Virobnichesky calendar for 2019

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

Lute is holy 2019 to rock

Let's put it in order, and our offensive is fierce. And tse means - 23 fierce -. Well, everything is simple here, on the 23rd of the fierce fall on Saturday - this is an official weekend and it is holy in those days. Come out, scho calendar weekend transfer to Friday 10 May.


Berezen and International Women's day of the calendar - 8 birch (). It dawned on me that the 8th of Birch is a holy day, and the wine of which rotis falls on Friday means a holiday. And then they gave him an official calendar: Saturday, 9th of February, that week, 10th of February.


Kviten is a wonderful month. The first time the wines do not change - it must be in the working mode.


First herbs. 1st January is so and so a holy day, and 2nd and 3rd January will be red days for the transfer of holy days from the 5th and 6th of September. In this order, the first days of the summer of 2019 will be from 1 to 5 May.

And then one more weekend - from 9 to 12 May. May 9 - Peremoga Day, Thursday. Friday 10th May, for the first time we will be rescheduled from the 23rd of the fierce.


Sogo roku Day of Russia falls in the middle of the working day - 12 worms - Wednesday. So Russians can only take 1 (one) day.

Listopadovі is holy at 2019

Day national unity and militia in Russia 4 leaf fall is spent on Mondays - this Monday will be spent. And earlier Saturday and week 2 and 3 leaf fall - so and so weekends according to the calendar.

In 2019, Russians can come out on leaf fall holy 3 (three) days - from 2 to 4 leaf fall.


І rest, breast 2019. What month, so that all of Russia has struck and marked the New Year 2020, the year of the calendar will appear like the previous years - 10 days, and less than 8 days. More than 1 September to go out on Wednesday. Ale, it’s possible, there, at the top, to see, that 31 babies are Mondays, not those fast working days, they’re not productive. And it is possible, as if to make the sichnevi holy.

31 breasts - On the first day of the day, people have already bought gifts for that party, and they were ready to get ready. All of them are not up to the job, but if the stink opinyayutsya on the work place, then they are engaged in everything, but not a robot.

Official Weekends and Holy Days in 2019

The decision of the RF Council of Ministers transfers the postponement of the coming holidays in 2019:

  • from Saturday 5 September to Thursday 2 January;
  • from week 6 Sichnya to Friday 3rd May;
  • from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

To this, the picture of the holy days of the Celestial Rik is imalovuetsya:

  • new holy day of the birth of Christ (December 30, 2018 - September 8, 2019);
  • 23-24 fierce - in honor of the Day of the defender of Vitchizni;
  • 8-10 birch - International women's day;
  • 1–5 May – Holy Spring and Pratsі;
  • May 9-12 - in honor of the Victory Day;
  • 12 worms - Day of Russia;
  • 2-4 leaf fall - in honor of the Day of National Unity.

Now you already know how it is on the New River and about the holidays, and about the postponement, and how to try the current holidays and the grass holidays. Well, the hour has come already to sign up with the mischief of zustrichi and new gifts. Do you know what kind of symbol that enters into your life with a horoscope?

2019 - the river is like a creature behind a similar horoscope

Briefly: 2019 r_k - r_k Pig or Zhovtogo Earthen Boar from the same Chinese horoscope. And in our mind, a pig is a creature of goodness, but to love expensive gifts. The boar is also tinkling, to love freedom and beauty. You can’t rest on your own and not endure for the sake of it.

And still Pig believe at the fairy tale enchanting miracles. This is a humorous sign of the zodiac and love to often pozhartuvat and smile.

Schob turn new gift for Zhovtoi Pig, you are guilty of remembrance, that it is more beautiful, more practical and more expensive to love, to bring joy.

Yak zustrіti Novy 2019 river Pig

Mean New River Zhovtoi Pigs it is necessary to grind like this (?):

  1. If you have friends and relatives, from your homeland that relatives. Pig love galaslivі company.
  2. on new style there are no vineyards. Ale Kaban loves mushrooms the most, and this product is “important” for mastering. How about without meat? Weekend: serve meat salad and snacks with cock meat (easier, cheaper and farther without problems). Mustache fruits and citrus fruits - yakraz to speech. See what's new click for ideas: What to cook for Novy Rik 2019?.
  3. Clothes on the holy day are picked up yellow colors (brown and green), it is possible with the additions of red and golden. "Spicy Girchitsya" - fashion chic 2019 rock. Pig - the creature is not too modest - navіt navpak, everything is good for him - maxi and minі spidnitsі, shorts and cloths that fit, overalls and super-shiny cloths.
  4. Decorate new. Let’s hope that the Kabanchik is “not a miss”, and even more will be “golden” in your new wardrobe. Just don't overdo it!
  5. Home calm. If possible, decorate the apartment or the houses with yellow, gold and red colors: tinsel, cuts, stitches. Novorichna Yalinka- beautiful, we її in golden and red sacks uperemіsh, plus a little tinsel and “doschu”.

For the quiet ones, who do not choose to sit and chat at home, we picked a sprat directly, more likely to go to Novyi Rik, where to go?

De zustrіti Novyi Rіk 2019 to the fate of the Pig? Nesvychayny place

Yakshto not at home, de zustrіchati Novy Rіk? Unequal pidhіd that mіstsya for new saints:

  • At home, ale vigadati stylized evening - carnival.
  • Behind the scenes, take a look at the place near your place, where you should go: the park, yes, the embankment.
  • Restaurant or zamіsky hotel.
  • At the country house.
  • In nature: forest, river.
  • At the lazna chi sauna.
  • On the Moscow Yalints on the Maidan.
  • In other countries.

We didn’t get tired and knew you cheap, cheap and three less budgetary places, .

Vidpochinok on Novyi Rik - where to go cheap?

Found a new way - tse Russia. Central places to ask guests to visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan. Incredibly, you will see Father Frost and Sniguronka on Baikal and in Karelia, or right in the residence of Frost - Veliky Ustyuz.

In Europe, the Russians have long fallen in love with the Cossack months (only they have Christmas holidays there on a scale, so they should think about a trip to the cob of the twenty numbers of the chest). Also, budgetary European lands, neighboring countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Estonia.

It is reasonable to invite you to Asia, because the air tickets are obviously not cheap, but the cost of repairs and accommodation - “nothing about” - is cheaper, lower here in Russia. Well, you figured it out: Vietnam, Thailand, China.

De zustrіti Novy Rіk beyond the cordon i in Russia: Top-21 countries

Catch our Top 21 directly (Price is current at the time of writing the article (serpen): air tickets from Moscow in one book, hotels with cheap and average prices, and tour packages for two.):

In Russia

  1. Moscow - Chervona Square, main Yalinka.
  2. St. Petersburg - Palatsova Square. Air tickets start at 2,300 rubles, hotels - at 1,500 rubles for a three-star room and up to 7,000 rubles 5 stars.
  3. Kazan - at the "Park Tisyacholittya". You can fly for 2500 rubles, and rent a hotel room is even cheaper for 1350 rubles.
  4. Karelia, Petrozavodsk - Novorichna Nich on the Maidan of Kirov. Tickets for flights - from 3800 karboventsiv, hotel - from 1800.
  5. Lake Baikal, Listvyanka - not far from Irkutsk, the most popular place to visit. Airfare to Irkutsk from Moscow - flight 11200, hotels - flight 800.
  6. Sochi - the area of ​​the Pivdenny pier of the sea port. Air tickets - from 2800, hotels - from 2500.

Europe and Close Abroad

  1. France, Paris - the main podium eiffel tower, on the Champs-Élysées that order with the Arc de Triomphe. Tickets - from 7800, hotels 2 stars - from 1500.
  2. Czech Republic, Prague - Staromiska square. Tickets - ticket 5800, hotels 2 stars - ticket 500.
  3. Finland, Helsinki - on the Maidan Senate. And also the mountain resorts - Saariselka and Levi. Tickets - from 5600, cheap hotels - from 1000.
  4. Poland, Warsaw - at the "Old Town" on the Castle Square. The most popular mountain resort is Zakopane.
  5. Nіmechchina, Berlin - the Fatherland of the Rіzdvyanoї Yalinka, the Brandenburg Gate Square. The Munich yalinka and the carnival on Wittelsbacherplatz are famous.
  6. Belarus, Minsk - on Zhovtneviy Ploshcha that bіla Sports Palace.
  7. Italy, Rome, Venice - Piazza del Poppolo. І hirskolizhnі kruorti - Cherviniya, Courmayeur, Madonna. Tickets - from 6800, cheap hotels - from 5800.

On the sea near the screeching lands

It’s not a bad lie, sit down on a warm little dog, swim in the warm sea and spice New river near the pool with champagne kelih and sleep fireworks and love the music. Heaven for the people!

And now allow me to skin abi less bajannya, if only that vezinnya! It is recommended to see the New River on the sea in exotic lands, such as:

  1. Thailand
  2. Filippini
  3. Arab Emirates
  4. Maldives
  5. indonesia
  6. Dominican Republic
  7. V'etnam

Unfortunately, through the distance of the flight and after that, the price of air tickets is not so cheap. Then what a buzz - winter is coming, and you are in the bikini on the island in the shade of palms from the cold "Martin" on a hammock!

How many days will be holidays for babies in 2019 labor law what time? On qi and other nutrition, it is reported in our article.

Weekends of September 2019 in Russia calendar with transfers

The calendar for September 2019 tells us 14 holidays and holy days.

The number of holidays in September 2019 was fixed by Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Tsya norm signifies and yak vіdpochivaemo in sіchnі 2019 roku and sіlki tryvіtіnі official vihіdnі.

Non-working holy days(withdrawn) in sіchnі 2019 year є:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4 September, 5, 6 and 8 September - New Year's Holidays 2019;
  • September 7 - the Day of Christ (for believers).

In such a rite, zgіdno іz the law at the sіchnі ofіtsіymi holy days є vіsіm days - from 1st to 8th.


Rescheduling your holidays:

As the holy day is taken from the holidays (Saturday is a week), the workers are given one more day of respite.

In this order, on the weekend of September 2019, the year falls on 2 holy days - the 5th and 6th.

Qi two additional days of recovery are transferred to the 2nd and 3rd of May. Therefore, the early holidays of 2019 last as much as five days - from 1 to 5 May.

We have great respect for those that the weekend of September 2019 will be able to break out more from the beginning of streaming rock. Oskіlki 31 December 2018 - tse mondays, it was said that the Russians will rise to this fate on the 29th of breast at Saturday. Tobto vіdpochinok rozpochnetsya 30 breasts and trivatime to 8 sіchny offensive rock.

Norms of working hours in sіchni 2019

Starting from the calendar of Russia, in September 2019 there are 17 working and 14 weekends and holy days in the country.

  • with a 40-year working day - 136 years (17 x 8, de 17 - the number of working days, 8 - the number of working days);
  • at the age of 36 - 122.4 years (17 x 7.2);
  • with a 24-year-old - 81.6 years (17 x 4.8).

Holy days at the sichny 2019 paid for at the root of the rose

Working at weekends and non-working holy days according to the labor code, the payment is not less than that of the underwire (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The exact amount of payment for working hours on weekdays/non-working holydays (including September 2019) can be specified in the collective agreement, local regulatory act or labor agreement.

Pratsіvnik, yaky pratsyuvav at the weekend / non-working holy day, may be given another day of remembrance. For any part of the robot, a weekend / non-working day is paid in a single payment.

And an appeal to a practitioner is not paid for a day (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the initiative to replace the dependent payment for the next day may come from the practitioner, and not from the robot.

Until what date is practicable for breastfeeding 2018

Monday, March 31st, rescheduled for Saturday, March 29th. Under any wine, I will be fast before the holy day for labor legislation.

Norms of working hours for babies 2018

According to the calendar of Russia, in 2018 there are 21 laborers in the country (including 1 contractions) and 10 weekends and Christmas days.

Norms of three-time working hours:

  • with a 40-year working day - 167 years (21 x 8 - 1, de 21 - the number of working days, 8 - the number of working days,
  • 1 - the number of short working days);
  • at the age of 36 - 150.2 years (21 x 7.2 - 1);
  • at the age of 24 - 99.8 years (21 x 4.8 - 1).

New holidays 2019

In 2019, the stench levels are especially long. Adopt the latest innovations for sure: the Ministry of Pratsi of Russia decided to throw a little extra days, and the RF Unit took the initiative.

Otzhe, sіchnevi svyato 2019 and non-working days according to the labor code, three times 10 days. Vіdpochivati ​​rozpochnemo from 30 breasts. And you will be able to go to work less than 9 September.

The result of the current new vacation is 10 legal non-working days. Plus, before Saturday, the 29th of September in the greater office, better for everything, will become a fast working day.

To comply with the norms of article 110 of the Labor Code about those who between two working days can be at least 42 years of uninterrupted retirement, and let the Russians do good, having accepted the praise “On the postponement of holidays in 2019”.

Video: weekend schedule for 2019

It’s too late to plan a release, to make a plan to allow you to visit your loved ones - all the same, the Russians’ skin grows during the new vacation period. So that it’s easier to stick to the set tasks, it’s easier, you can already get to know that z’yasuvati as expected in Russia on New River 2018, and skilki on us check new holidays, as well as holy days.

How to remember the new holy 2018 rock

According to the proposition of the Ministry of Practice of the Russian Federation, about the postponement of the holidays in 2018, you can already know at once how many new vacations you can take. On the right, in what is coming fate, sacred to New Rock 2018, it falls out of the week to Monday. This miraculous zbіg of conditions was additionally caught up with the mustache before the holy preparations to inspire them, who work on the minds of the six-day day.

In this way, you can get ready before the onset of the New Year 2018, as early as Saturday 30th of March, the shards of the date itself will be opened of official new days, as it will take place until 8th of the day inclusive (div. calendar below).

Official new weekends in 2018

Priming on the draft resolution Russian order And the Rosmіnpratsі zokrema, the schedule of weekends and working dates for the upcoming new period will be coming: starting from 30 March to 8 September inclusive - to pass the new holidays, in such a rank, the valority of the new holidays becomes 10 days, which is 1 day more than 2017.

In this rank, at the beginning of 2018, from the 31st calendar day, there will be workers - 17 days, at their end of the week and holy days of this month will be - 14.

Rescheduling holidays at the village

For a rational choice, the authorities praised the following decision: through those that 6th day falls on Saturday (and according to the law, this day is due until new holidays and is considered non-working), we will be transferred to the 9th day of the week. The description of the postponement of holidays and holy days will not be the same for the current year of 2018. Through those who are on the 7th of September - the Day of Christ, you will be protected until that day falls on the calendar weekend - a week, there will be one more change at the foreman's calendar. In my opinion, the weekend of the 7th of September is transferred to the 2nd of May.

You can blame the food: what rank legalized such a move Christmas dates at the foreman's calendar? You can know by going back to the legislation of the Russian Federation that it is said to you that if the sovereign falls on a calendar holiday (that is Saturday, this week), it will automatically be transferred to the next Monday or other date. The date will be discussed on the most equal and residually established, having adopted the official act and having adopted it.

Novy Rik 2018: Holy Days and Weekends

On the 7th September 2018, Russia, a sacred friend for significance, is sacred to Orthodoxy (following the Great Day) - the Feast of Christ, this day will also be non-working.

You can be sure that our country is not the only one in the world, as it has been living on the New River for a long time. In rich countries, non-working days are less common in kilka. In Russia, this trend has developed historically. The beginning of the innovations of Peter the Great was celebrated before the New Year's Eve, as in the future, it was sent through the praise of the new calendar. Tse and gave the cob to the first, so now children and grown-ups love so much.

Citizens of Russia, like all workers in the world, are impatient to check official days off. For whom the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation A special virobnichesky calendar is being created soon, the workers who walk out of it can know if the day itself comes.

On Saturday, 29 December 2018, the bulk of the population will be paid for the salary of the rest of the working day of 2018, the fate of the 31 day. This day, zgidno z Labor Code, Russia will be short for 1 year. This decision was praised by the Uryad, so as not to cover the long holidays in one working day. The dawn of this new vacation of 2018 will be born in a week, 30th of chest.

  • When new holidays begin in Russia
  • Tsіkavі facts about new saints

If you talk about the new holidays for schoolchildren, then in Russia the stink of this fate will start already on the 25th of December. So children can spend 2 days at home, because it will take them less than 9 days to go to school. People social measures signify that the rest of the years are spent, that the holidays are the same for the workers, and for the children as one of the found ones.

To Shhorok at the Ministry of Education, officials write specific recommendations before lighting mortgage in order for the team of teachers to correctly reverse those numbers, winter holidays for schoolchildren will continue in the future. Deyakі establish vstanovlyuyut independently winter holidays and Holiday holidays collection, tse are not protected by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Read also Taxation of transport tax in 2018 for passenger cars

From what date do new holidays begin in Russia

Hulks, as if they are working on the penultimate day, the coming days are at the new holidays

  1. December 30, 2018 - weekly vacation.
  2. December 31, 2018 – Monday, rescheduling weekend from Saturday 12/29/2018
  3. March 1, 2019 - Tuesday, 1st day of new holidays.
  4. 2 sich 2019 - Wednesday, 2nd day of new holidays.
  5. March 3, 2019 - Thursday, 3rd day of new holidays.
  6. 4 September 2019 - Friday, 4th day of new holidays.
  7. September 5, 2019 - Saturday, 5th day of new holidays.
  8. June 6, 2019 - week, 6th day of new holidays.
  9. September 7, 2019 - Monday, Christmas Day.
  10. September 8, 2019 - Tuesday, 7th day of new holidays.

September 2019, 14 weekends and 17 working days.

Irrespective of those who have 29 breasts on Saturday, Russia will officially have a working day through those who have 31 breasts on Mondays on the same day. Tobto on given moment It can be said that all Russians are expected to start from 30 September right up to 8 September 2019. Less than 9 September you will need to go to work. In this rank, there will be a total of 14 days off this day, so that two Russians of this month will be able to make that victorious hour for any trips, or to see their relatives, close ones, and friends.

In order to perekonatisya in the correctness of the pіdrahunk of the days off, the skin can turn on federal portal normative legal acts, on which the holidays of the same schedule are calculated.

So what fate through those who act winter holy fall on weekends, they will be rescheduled for another date. For example, the 5th day of the week is Saturday, and so is the official weekend. Ale at zv'yazku z tim, scho winter holidays fall at this hour, this weekend will be rescheduled for 2 May. So the very endure of the 6th of September, which is a week. This weekend is carried over to 3 May.

Read more

Shhoroku, the Ministry of Pratsi of Russia is preparing a special calendar, for which the holidays are scheduled, their postponement, and to establish the norms of the working days, as an official mayotmuvatisya employees, organizations and business enterprises

Newly needed short working day 29 March 2018

It is more convenient for those families who are traditionally chosen by great companies. Tsiliy day 31 breasts at the master's house to prepare for the reception of guests. What is the term for the general cleaning, what is the strength of the report before the preparation of the Christmas feast.

For everything you need a lot of time, so that on the eve of the New Rock you will catch up with everything planned. To that, out of satisfaction, the citizens accepted the postponement of the worker on the 31st, so that the 29th of December 2018 became a working day in Russia, and the 31st became a day off.

September 1, 2019 sovereign saint. To the 1st volume, on the 1st of September, it was officially announced on the holy day, which was fixed at the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 112. In 2019, there will be a second time.

Until which sіchnya will be holidays in 2019

As it was already said earlier, on September 9, all people can go to work. If the children are on vacation, then the stink of 2019 will also go to the beginning of the 9th of September. Previously, there were allowances for the fact that the 29th of the chest would be a shortened working day, shards of the pre-Christmas day.

Effectively, according to the decree of the Ministry of Labor, certifiers of various firms sovereign organizations you can make a decision to speed up the pre-Christmas day for one year and not violate the law of the year or labor standards.

But regardless of those who fall on Saturday on the 29th, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation already officially announced that I will be a worker all day.

Everyone knows what some kerivniki can allow the robitniks to sing in the world before the holy days Pratsyuvati less, otherwise they will loosen the vanity on the verge. We know that it’s easy to work out on the eve of Holy Days, if all thoughts are already on the basis of the New Rock. Ale, at most enterprises, especially private ones, in the rest of the days of breastfeeding, various corporate parties will be held, and also come in for preparations for the New Rock.

Deyakі organіzаtsії vlastovuyut for sіїх prаtsіvnіkіv spetsіvnіnі come, pіd аn hour аlіh аrе handed diplomas, rіznomanіtnі penny bonuses аnd podyaks fоr the good conduction of labor rіk.

Practitioners of wealthy businesses know that in the very last days of their breasts they can rozrokhovuvat on additional bonuses and pay, tied with a stable work and high showings of practice, yakі buli dotrimany stretching the earthly fate. After that, as a stretch of the whole rock, the practitioners did good work and showed high quality virobnitstva, stench can drink on the merits of vіdpovchinok and spend at home zustrich of the New Rock, as well as Christmas saints.

Previously, the deputies spoke out against the fact that the holidays were so long. Officials are motivated by the fact that through the trials, the holy economy of the country knows significant gains, which are equal to hundreds of billions of rubles. Ale, the Ministry of Pratsіgo rock vyrіshilo allowed the Russians to give the Russians a little more, lower the old ones.

Novy Rik - one of our most beloved saints, on the yak, children and grown-ups check for impatience. In these days, we become three charmers, if out of love we prepare gifts for the efforts, we decorate the houses and think over the menu of the new table.

What days do you have for 2020?

29th thursday 2019weekshort working day
(Departure Saturday 28th of March was postponed to 30th of March 2019)
30th thursday 2019 mondayweekend
31 December 2019 secondweekend
(due to rescheduling from Saturday 4th September 2020)
1 September 2020 WednesdayNew river
2 September 2020 Thursdayholy day
3 September 2020 Fridayholy day
(Official new holidays)
4 September 2020 Saturdayholy day
(Official new holidays)
5 September 2020 weekholy day
(Official new holidays)
June 6, 2020 mondayholiday svyatvechir
(Official new holidays)
7 September 2020 secondChristmas Day

For a six-day working day schedule:

  • December 29, 2018 - the greatest working day,
  • December 30, 2018 is a short working day.

The schedule of holidays looks like this: new holidays for Russians last from 29 March to 8 September. In this manner, in honor of our previous week, 29 March to Wednesday 8 September, the other day of 2020, the fate of which Christmas is celebrated. With whom the saints are honored only on 1 day (Novy Rik) and 7 days (Rizdvo), and all other days - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 days - New Year's holidays.

How many days are walking on New Year's Eve 2020?

Tsgogo fate - ten days of repair. According to the law, the day before fate, which passes, 30 breasts (Mondays), will be working for those who work for the six-day schedule. Ale wine will be short, so we can drink a year earlier with work.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year of the 1st September begins even before our time. On the same day long ago, the Romans shoved Janus - the god of choice, the cob of that kintsia (in honor of the new one, to the point of speech, having taken away its name, the first month of fate - sіchen).

In Russia, until the 15th century, 1 birch was sacredly celebrated, then - 1 spring. In 1699, the fate of Peter I, having seen the decree, zgіdno z yakim Novy rіk began the celebration of 1 Sichnya. That same time, when you come to us, and the Western European sound, decorate the days of the boudinka with berries of yalinka and pine trees. Truthfully, the new holidays of the Russians were by no means so long, like an infection.

From the same time, they check for us for ten days of restitution - from the 29th of March to the 7th of September. And the axis of the SRSR qi days were robotic workers. Navit 1 day at the Radyansk Union was the most important working day from 1930 to 1947. As soon as in 1947, the citizens of the Krayina gladly stopped going to work near Novy Rik. And since 1992, the 2nd of September has become a day off. And a little more than 2005, the fate of the Russians was taken away for a long time.

Obviously, having found out that on Novy Rik 2020, it’s going to be ten, and not eleven days, many people will be embarrassed. However, in view of this, we will not become less impatient to check on new vacations, to rule for our loved ones sacredly, as if bringing a lot of joy and remembering us for a long time.
