My first video - ABOUT ME! How to learn how to wear bright colors in clothes: to please stylist Elena Galant

Shoraz, if I sit down to write material about the change of colors, I see how difficult it is. What genus?

Leather color, leather look - this is a manifestation. I, in a good way, skin from them can be seen for the article. Moreover, for a long time.

To that, the amount of color in the image, the magnitude of the accents is the same number, combined with other shades, the top or bottom of the chosen tone - everything (and a lot of what else!) To lie in the type of figure of a particular girl, in the color of the color.

Zagalom, the article grows up to the name of the world. And all the same, I’m guessing that I didn’t tell everything.

I still keep є blame - through them I suffer the most.

I can say: more than two brightly-zhovtih speeches in the image can’t be broken. I matimu ration - for the big, especially for the quiet, who are still on “vi” with color. And in the very same place in the archives there is a butt, dezhovte accents three. Abo chotiri. I butt - miraculous!

And today I want to know you as a girl-“post-leader” of such applications.

Know - Olena, m. Odessa.

Keep a blog under the name Galant Girl de show your own image (you can see them on Instagram and in LiveJournal girls).

I'm not a big fan of bloggers - a lot of people are similar one on one, and half of them are boring. You won't say anything about Lena. Axis of why I am already roaring for її experiments.

And stink to glory! Identityїї postіv є those who won't just show the brand of skin speech and give it actively promoted (like the purchase is broken in the online store), but also promote a squirt of similar options on other resources and in different price categories.

I don’t, I won’t violate the principles of good fortune (it’s good and not rude), I don’t put more pressure on myself and I’m more beautiful, I don’t make a freak out of myself. Everything seems to be “according to the rules” ... but the sub-bag result is achieved not with the help of knowledge of the rules, but for the account of a little color.

Yaka allows you to masterfully juggling with the most complicated meals. And in її karbnichtsі and image zovsіm without bright colors - in white, beige, gray tones. Ale mi divitimemosya not їх!

Today I will not say anything about those, as it is right. Just marvel, have mercy and recognize - how you can not timidly add color to your own image, but “apply farby” with broad strokes.

And yet, about one thing, I’m still pathetic today: about those who can’t put more photos in the material!

So, if you feel like crying - spend independent follow-up on!

It’s easy to show yourself a modern woman like a girl, as if she was swamped by fashion and wouldn’t chula about a Russian, fashionable blogger from Odessa, named after Olena Galant.

Vitonchena Olena is aware of the richness of her comrades-in-arms, that she can be clear, well aware of style and fashion. Її the style is easy to recognize, if you want Olena, in no way victorious, it is loudly and irritatingly bright in its images. Ale, she’s really bright. What and add to the side of your blog galantgirl.compost-readers.

One of the most important ones in її creativity, those who do not copy other trends, but create their own unique style, create. Constantly experimenting with jackets and forms of clothes and accessories.

Її blog add post-fashionable readers, tim scho vіn schiry and rozpovida istoriї storії svetoї, tvorchoї Deer, for help barvist, even yakіsnih photos. For some, it’s hard to break. Let's get rid of stereotypes and masses, like a lot of other works of Russian bloggers.

Fashionable bows Deer, yakі us suffocate.

Having spent at least once on the Deer's blog, rozumієsh, scho so swidko like you wanted to go there, it's impossible to drink! Її fashionable photographs may seem to be an attractive magical splash, you want to look deeply into find more details that details.

Olena has been creating on the basis of fashion and blogging for over 6 years, and with her skin publication, the interest in her is getting bigger and bigger. Olena is steadily getting better.

is a popular personal fashion blog in the Russian Internet, in which the most fashionable bows are supplemented by emotional thoughts about life. Yogo creator Olena Galant Girl shares with Calcano thoughts about success, about friendship between bloggers and about taboo on taboo.

If you first realized what you want to dedicate fashion to yourself? Did you seem to be tied to fashion with that photography before you started blogging?

From the beginning of 12 years, I could not fall asleep until I foresaw for myself a marvelous plan for tomorrow! Navit in the minds of a severe school dress code. But the idea to keep my own blog came to me only for an hour of a deep and most soulful decree, if the possibility of discussing my new cibula with the girls became for me a whirlpool of fresh air in the realm of diapers and slings. And before the blog, I only started to learn how to take photographs and never got involved in the world of fashion professionally.

Above some part of the blog you need to practice - see the image of chi without a middle zjomka?

I'm in awe of the skin stage of the process! Somehow, it inspires puppyish joy in the face of a new day of colors in an invented bow. And sometimes a little bit of pride - in the form of a well-known kazkovo's location and a well-spent sack.

Who else works on the blog at once with you? How do you know the innocence of the one that you are doing everything right? Who is your main critic?

Galant Girl - I'll tell you! And no one, damn me! Everything that you see at the blizzard is the result of my creativity. I'm trying to find photos. About ce mene most often inquire and I also have a lot of roses'explaining posts on this topic. Well, how about the web design of the new blog, I entrusted it to a professional web designer, but with a clear understanding of what, de and in some color, “shine” ... And how much criticism - sing-song, I myself and є my main critic.

One of the factors in the success of a blog is the regularity of the release of materials. Do you look foldable, seeing new topics? Do you have a recipe for getting out of the so-called "writer's stupor"?

Nathnennya navkolo - you just need to learn how to turn on your respect. For example, with friends, or when listening to good music, you can think of a topic for discussion, and then I go to the phone (no, I’m talking about it - I’ll write it down for me) and I’ll write down ideas briefly. Abo I read the classics of the contemporary, but with a garniture warehouse, I write in those for posts, or just beautifully cleverly formulating myself in the “Record” in the iPhone. And if I look at the deaf kut at the text part of the post, I just go to the “Records” and obov'yazkovo know there is a cicada.

How do you catch the mood of your audience, how do you understand that your materials will be popular? Why do you follow your readers and that reader?

Whom belongs to blogging - I am in dialogue with my readers. Obviously, I see the reaction of the audience, I make vysnovkas on the future ... Sometimes I put my own food - but what if my style is different, yakbi I didn’t have a blog? Ale, I don’t know honest opinion. Obviously, my style is outside, stovіdsotkove exposition of my inner world. Ale yak vin changed under the infusion of Galant Girl? Tse rhetorically nutrition ...

What is important for the fashion blogger mother osvitu? Where do you get the knowledge?

Bloggers showed up "from the people". That's why stinks have become so demanded - stinks are not crammed with stereotypes of "lawful style", "ruling the color scheme" too thinly. The blogger has a peculiarity in another way - his inner spark, talent, the courage of an experimenter and to bring such a mind, but a mindfulness, like a power engineer! And knowledge can be gained from our time even more easily. Dosit to buy a new book chi to drink on the course ... And, obviously, there is less basic information about communication with other successful bloggers. At the Reward Style Conference in Dallas, my head was spinning at the sudden flow of new and such bad information.

I was asked to attend the Conference as one of the most successful fashion bloggers on Runet. It would be nice to be featured in the same list with such stars as Sincerely Jules, Wendy's Lookbook, Kristina Bazan or Song of Style. Splicing with such girls charges motivation for a lot of months in advance! Well, the best hostility is's evening in honor of today's National Day with live music and tar-skips of heaven. We were dancing barefoot! That is true buv name charge of positive emotions!

What, in your opinion, do foreign fashion blogs look like blogs in the post-traditional space?

I’m going to do nothing, let’s go around the very style of bloggers. We, obviously, love more accurate female images with a touch of sexuality. At Sunset — vintage and teenage loosened bows.

What are the stereotypes of woman and human friendship, and what is the model of friendship between bloggers? How are you doing?

I don't like stereotypes. Ye people, and stink all the time. If a person is notorious and afraid of the world, then whether or not another person will be accepted as an unsafe competitor. And here there is no meaning, in a kind of gallery of wines working.

Why do we need to run a blog for you for three years already? What do you think about, what else do you want to reach?

It's wonderful, but at the same time, I need to keep my blog more and more less than 3 years ago! If you know your right and won’t bring you success and such a great gift, then post today tsikavo. And about the goals, I’ll say this: I’ll dream about that moment, if my photographs don’t require a zahista with their logo. So be it a maiden, ditch my photo from someone else's resource, she knew what GalantGirl was!

Without a doubt, you love shopping online. Why does yoga have the main advantages for you?

Here my history is banal, like light! I "pіdіla" on online shopping, if bula on maternity leave and long walks in shopping centers became unattainable for me. For me, online shopping is the ability to spare an hour, a penny, a smut, the ability to know whether a bazhan is rich in the city, to know that it is not represented in my city.

Name your fashion taboo.

Daily taboo. Just your inner critic, like a skin new day, marveling at the mirror, to know that point of support and harmony, which I will demand today. Vikhovuvat tsgogogogo critic treba schomitі and old fates. There is no need to create taboos. Remember how we got lucky, if the trend to wear sneakers from classic coats came before us? And yet they survived, and so deeply loved this trick for its brilliance! Or mix a woman with a floral print in one cibul. A taboo for the quiet, who cannot orient themselves in this world for intuition and intuition.

Yake vzutya obov'yazkovo can be in the wardrobe of a right fashionista of this year?

I wanted to say mules - the stench became a hit of this year. Ale, it’s a smut here, don’t go too far in chasing trends! Golovna - it’s better to know for yourself that harmony between your own seductive look and inner light. My main motto is to wear leather those that you want - brand, to be happy when you are!

aaaaaa! Pі… Well, how much stink I think I earn, that I can afford a team of stylists, that photographer and cameraman too… I’m all SO amazing! Look, I'm the Queen here with my court slaves, what? Bgggg...

I want to honestly know - to flatter me! This means that from the side my robot looks SO professionally, that it’s working, that the robot is a whole team of people!

Which stylist would like to spend 5 days a day on someone else's name? How much can I pay for such a healthy robot? And on Instagram Stories or just on Instagram, I also take a stylist for my special pajamas or promenade, beach looks? There, the same team works, if there is a story about my simple life?

Well, it's evolution! Navit from that simple look that I became 5 years older, and that means I became more vishukan and elegant, equal to more "flirty" bows!

I’ll tell you honestly, recently I hired a photographer for a job (I want all the same photographer for my camera, I’ve got it right for me to be special on the location I choose), she gave him the process of processing photos in Photoshop! Alas, it's only been 1 MONTH to that and just for those reasons, I don't have time to launch a brand and launch my youtube channel! I just realized that if I don’t destroy someone, I won’t be able to collapse further.

Ale navit TSE VIDEO was taken again by me especially (in the room it was empty) and edited in a professional video editing program by ME exclusively! If such an intimate process is simply impossible to pass on to other people, let it be taught to a professional in your own right.

I think that people are just realizing their line, if they seem and think that Olena Galant is a team of professionals! Woooooot….

Feeling the style of the Odesa woman Oleni Galant can be more than a compliment. Alternately, bright colors and colors, you create unique images, as if demonstrating in your own blood, even more successfully! Її blog to enter up to 5 most popular fashion blogs in Ukraine! About those who have such a style, that clothes can be worn in the wardrobe of a leather girl, and that they follow trends, - Olena spoke in an interview for the readers of "Labels"!

O.S. Oleno, how did your zahoplennya style? Smak - tse vrodzhene, but will you get it?

Є. G. For me, the taste is often more natural, and as a result, more trained. For example, my fathers always took me to museums, and classical music sounded at home. The axis of the “golden veneer”, like in visual images, like musical ones, - be it, win the wines present in the booth.

Moreover, my mother was chomping on fashion. On a Radianian scale, she was a shopaholic, її wardrobe was already great! Basically, the won, obviously, she made it herself, there were no more pennies to buy, as they called the stench, “possible” speeches. The axis of the future, the atmosphere where I grew up, everything can be described in this way.

And if you take me as special, look at my posture with that atmosphere, those who are the most amazing, I remember that moment when everything started. I was born 12 years old, and as if it were some other pidlet, absolutely everything was for me - just like it was on me.

My mother sewed me a cool jumpsuit. Even invisible, garniy. And I remember how I came to the child's company in my overalls, and one coolest girl in the company said, “Lina, wow, that's cool! Come here, be friends with us!”. At that moment, I had a good idea that style is the only tool, the hell out of which you can spend to the coolest company! It doesn't sound funny, but with a glance of psychology, everything seems to make more sense. Nevpevna little girl in her own otrimala charm wand, For help, as she could have reached a lot of things and drank in like a penny stake, in like a yon she dreamed of drinking.

Tom old look for me it’s a tool, like a woman is guilty of currying.

O.S. Do you like style?

Y.G. Style - ce viav vnutrishny svіtu. Tse posil, what you hope to feel. I respect that there is no absolute style. Do not buy right and wrong. But yours is not yours. It is even more important for him to know himself, to know himself, to smear his style, to try yoga. Ale, with whom, it is important to grow like a specialty, and so that your style grows at once from you.

O.S. Your blog is included in up to 5 most popular fashion blogs in Ukraine, how did the idea of ​​your creation come about?

Y.G. I love telling my story. At that moment I was on maternity leave. Without grandmothers, without nannies - rok at pelyushki. And at that moment, I realized that I didn’t catch my love with those “what to pull in tomorrow”, “how to beat this river”. I went to the Internet for these reasons. I started to just keep a blog, schob mother tsiu vіddushina - spit there those that I didn’t get so into my mum’s pelyushkovo-vіzochnomu life. As I guess at once, I started from the door of scrawny photographs, at home, white walls, moreover, yellow, with a squishy camera. But the topic seemed to be already requested and the blog quickly developed. Especially how to lie, that in those hours they didn’t know what a blog was, and in the vast expanse of the Runet there were only a couple of girls, they were engaged in them.

O.S. Who needs to imagine you? Whom do you like the style?

Y.G. Okremo taken special features, the style of which I will splutter, no. As if I don’t get excited, I just open Pinterest, walk yoga sideways, inhale like street styles. In addition, I am subscribed to rich European and American bloggers;

O.S. Cajuchi pro fashion trends for the whole season, what would you recommend to the girls, if you want to be similar to your style?

Y.G. Chi do not read trendy. Do not follow them. I vzagali vvazhu, scho trendy - tse vismoktane from the finger of understanding, as if they had guessed. glossy magazines to be true to your reason. I really love gloss, I myself grew up on the new, but what about toying with them under the trends? It's like a wild phenomenon, like more fashion houses showed in the singing season. Ale does not mean that we are guilty of wearing everything on ourselves. To whom tse go, to whom do not go. Now fashion - for individuality! We often feel “don’t be like a mustache”, “know your own style”, and show the fashion houses themselves as much as possible. It is not necessary to copy, just know for yourself, and please yourself with your own good looks.

O.S. A chi є yakes blatant rule, maybe a recommendation, how to pick up your basic wardrobe? It is permissible, as a girl of average prosperity.

Y.G. Duzhe zagalna - black sweater with a round viriz. To the point, don't take off your jeans, but your jeans are flared. I’m given a basic rіch, so that only 10% of the girls should go. For them, it can be absolutely cottony figure - our women are not like that, and it’s greedy, if I live a figure tuck in your pants. White shirt Vіlnogo cut, boyfriend style. small Black dress. I, obviously, accessories.
