Mask for pov_k z sir and honey. The best masks for shkiri near the eyes of home minds

All women know that the blindfold of the eyes is on the face - the most splendid place, the first ones are the promenades of the sea, and the wrong food and the lack of time for the regime of the day are mittevo in the bears and the blues.

It is very important for the very same to secure the very problematic zone of its appearance and that regular inspection. One of the main points of this vision is effective, irreplaceable, and even more necessary masks for the eyes, as you can easily cook soup at home from a range of available products.

The high sensitivity of the shkiri is now explained by the eyes of everyday life: under it there is no m'yazyv, no fat, like they would steal away from the different ovnishnіh infusions. It is so important for him to know the rules for putting on masks for revealing eyes wide, so that you don’t get shkodi shkir.

  1. Do not put on the area near the eyes of a zvichayny mask, as if zastosovuєte to watch over the faces: the stench can avenge aggressive speech, like a filthy vplyat on the camp of the shkіri.
  2. Do not choose masks, before the warehouse of which products are included, for which you have an allergy.
  3. The ideal hour for applying masks on the skin around the eyes h- A year before bedtime. Beforehand, it is necessary to take off the make-up and take it seriously: the skin can be cleaned as much as possible and bazhano-rozparena.
  4. Be it a mask, apply it with extreme care, smearing it in the edges of your eyes: ingredients sumish, having drunk in your eyes, can tease the mucous membrane.
  5. Kashopodibnі homemade masks for the appearance of eyes are recommended to be applied with hands, to splash, as if to perform the massage function at once.
  6. The maximum hour for such masks is 10-15 minutes. At this hour it is necessary to rest at the recumbent position.
  7. Removing masks is recommended with a cotton pad soaked in warm milk.
  8. After the mask, apply a special cream on the skin for the skin around the eyes.
  9. The effect will be maximum with regular use of masks: no less than two times per day.

Be it masks for shkiri, it’s easy for the eyes of home minds to be effective and corny, as if not bad recommendations. It is even more important to choose the right products, for which you prepare masks.

Products for masks around the eyes

Remembering that the shkir on this dilyantsi is thin and not protected by fatty prosciuts, it is the fault of the nobility that it is possible to vicorate for such masks, and yaki is categorically fenced. The masks for the skin around the eyes appear brown, made from the following products:

  • parsley, krip, nasіnnya coriander;
  • potatoes, ogirok;
  • apricot;
  • white bread;
  • black chi green tea;
  • cheese, tops, sour cream (home-made sour-milk products increase the effectiveness of any mask);
  • herbs: chamomile, mallow, hair, shavlia, calendula, aloe, plantain, birch, wild cherry, bagno.

These are the basic components, on the basis of which masks are prepared for the eyes in the home minds and you can wink in a clean look. Other products can be stored in the warehouse of masks only as additive ingredients and not great numbers: honey, olive oil, protein. And the axis of citrus fruits is categorically fenced, the shards can hurt the thin skin of the vineyard. Like vinyatok, you can add sprats of drops of lemon juice, but be careful.

Best recipes for eye masks

In order to prepare homemade masks for the eyes, just read the recipes you have found - and you will notice that the eyesight has become smaller, the swelling has gone and the blue has gone, and the look has become radiant and striking.

  • 1. Green masks

Parsley and krip podrіbnit and put on the eyes. You can drop them all at once in equal proportions, or win over one kind of one. You can also add the same amount of mashed potatoes, syrup, tops or sour cream, and also add 5-6 drops to it. olive oil.

  • 2. Herbal masks

Herbs can be brewed (2 tablespoons of herbs are poured into a bottle of okrop), soak, soak servets and gauze in them and put on compresses on the eyes. And you can use masks on their basis, rotting white bread in them or porridge with potatoes or ogirkiv (3 tablespoons of solid ingredients for 1 tablespoon of herbal infusion).

  • 3. Mask from gray potatoes

Syrah is peeled, grated potatoes, wrapped in cheesecloth and applied to the eyes. You can put a swirl of gray potatoes on your eyes.

  • 4. Mask of boiled potatoes in their uniforms

Cook the potatoes in their uniforms, cut them with a saw, cool them, cover them with gauze and put them on your eyes. You can add sour cream (1 tablespoon) or olive oil (a teaspoon) in mashed potatoes (2 tablespoons), whichever you like. Then the gauze will be unusable.

  • 5. Sirno-zmetana mask

Syr in equal parts are mixed with sour cream or tops.

  • 6. Apricot mask

Stiglius, rose apricot sap, add a teaspoon of rare honey and olive oil (3-4 drops).

  • 7. Tea masks-compressors

With steeply brewed tea, you can soak gauze and work compresses on your eyes (or you can apply tea bags to them). You can change the tea leaves with sour cream and cheese (in equal proportions).

  • 8. Coriander Mask

Boil fresh coriander (distant spoon) with dip (bottle). Apply, prociditi, soak gauze in the pan and apply to the eyes.

A regular look behind the screen for a long time will ensure you preventive measures early antiquity shkiri, the appearance of the first wrinkles, swollen, bears and blue (dark) kіl pіd ochima. Do not hesitate to make homemade masks for the sensitive zone of your appearance, and your look will be beautiful and vivacious.

Mask z siru is a wide-ranging folk cosmetic zasib that can have a healing, soothing and refreshing effect.

Sir is a natural product, which can be not only a source of calcium for the body, but also serve as the main ingredient of various masks for all types of skins.

Korist sire for shkiri

Sir - dzherelo vіtaminіv, kіlkіst іn kіlієstі vіlієtsya іn zalezhі vіd vіd іd іd іd іd іd іd іd tіdіnіstі і product (divided іn table below; value іlkosti rіchovіnі vіdіnі mіlіgramah / 100 gramіv product).

Name the vitamin

Siru view

Low fat



Of these, vitamins A, C, E and PP are the most popular among cosmetologists, which can be easily overestimated by you during your first trip to a cosmetics store. Vitamin A helps to soften the skin, vitamin C increases the reddening and teasing of the skin, and also stimulates the production of collagen, vitamin PP protects the skin from the harmful impact of ultraviolet radiation, and vitamin E has its own antioxidant power. In case of severe congestion, the remaining changes in the visibility of scars, help to change the number of free radicals, which are the cause of the appearance of a wrinkle. However, for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that vitamins, which are stored in syria, give an overall positive effect only in that case, for example, the cream of the right application of the product, which is to avenge the vitamin, take the colors of the speech inside.

Sir is also to take such a necessary for health shkir minerals, like calcium and magnesium.

Zavdyaki warehouse of this fermented milk product, a mask with syrah - even more of a cosmetology zasib, a recipe for taking note of a skin representative of a beautiful state.

Mask z sire for denunciation

First of all, go directly to the other recipes for the variations of blue masks for disguise, I would like to learn about them important recommendationsїх preparation and zastosuvannya.

  1. The best sir for zastosuvannya in cosmetic purposes - sire, preparations with hand or purchases on the market, as it seems, "home". Buy from the wrong seller, but if there is no such thing - choose the product respectfully. Give respect to the color of the syrah: the wine may be the same, but the mother was a light creamy breeze. Like Sir Syria, with a blue abo, like in a new commemorative vein erysipelas color, - go through the post: vіn zіpsovaniy. Don't hesitate to ask to taste the product: a slight sourness speaks of freshness, pronounced acidity and malt - about those that the cheese is stale on the counter. It smells of fresh syrup with lower vershokovy sourness, but not sharply at any time.
  2. In addition, buying the sire, give respect to your fatness. Cheruvatisya is necessary according to the principle: the fatter coat, the less fat instead of the syrup. For dry skins - fat cheese, for oily skins - low fat, and for normal skins, apparently - napa fat.
  3. As a matter of fact, preparing that homemade mask with a sire is new for you - the product, or I’m ready to sum it up more often to protest on the wrist, including an allergic reaction.
  4. Prepare sumish slid without intermediary in front of victorious students.
  5. Before applying - remove the make-up and peel.
  6. Apply a mask of the syru as necessary, as if it were your own, rushing from the backs of the nose to the crown, from the upper lip to the earlobes, from the forehead to the crown.
  7. If the mask is applied, it will take an hour, lie down on a soft or sofa. Take the pillow with you as soon as possible, and put a roller under your feet - to reduce the rush of blood. You have є 15-20 hvilin, if only you lie down: try to relax and think about it well.
  8. After taking off the mask of the sir for help by washing in water of contrasting temperatures, anoint the face. Apply cream to the new one that suits your skin type.

Contra-indication of a mask is not a problem. The only thing that varto vrakhovuvati is the same type of shkiri: choose the ingredients necessary for the improvement of the task, so you can make a mask.

Mask z syrah for pimples

The skin of us, at least once in life, has had to deal with the problem of acne on the face. Whom had more luck, and prischі were deprived of less in the minds of a young age with yogo boisterous hormones. Ale, and so, to whom the stink of life is given, calling "behind the law of meanness" before the important podia of life, if you need to stand before the light of all beauty. How do you like this time? It’s good, I’m trying to start a fight.

Methods of likuvannya prischiv dosit rich. Although the stench caused by timchasovymi factors, be of a non-deep character and small localization, you can get rid of them by preparing a mask in your home minds. One of the wildest national benefitsє mask z sira.

If the next spring is for sale, there is fresh sorrel, you can prepare an offensive recipe. Mix a tablespoon of syrah (far - tbsp.) with chopped sorrel, add white and honey - one teaspoon each (dale - tsp.). Її next to take on the faces with a stretch of 15-20 strands, then we will sweep with water.

There is one more variation of the mask with a syrah for the eyes. Needed: art. l. low-fat syrah and tsp. lemon juice. Put the sumish with a big ball on the skin. Zmivati ​​through 15-20 khvilin, with warm clean water.

Mask for denunciation of sir and honey

About the miraculous pouring of honey on the shkir has been known for a long time. Up to the yogo of brown authorities one can bring:

  1. Happy. Fruity zucru, which is buried in copper, binds it and trims the homeland.
  2. antiseptic effect.
  3. Pom'yakshenya shkiri.

Recipes of beauty, to the warehouse of which honey enters, to spriyat the turn of youth and springiness of the skin, to give it a healthy and glanced look.

Surely, the skin woman knows about the honey-milk baths of the old Egyptian ruler Cleopatri. Obviously, it is important to show yourself today a representative of a weak state, who regularly bathes in milk and copper. But take note of the cosmetology practices, long-standing people, and adapt them to the lower minds of life - it’s completely real.

For example, you can prepare such things in your home minds for watching over the skin, what is in you:

  1. Mask with sire and honey. For її preparing you need Art. l. sirah, 2 tbsp. l. warm milk, tsp honey and lemon juice. You need to change it, put it on the face.
  2. Mask with syrup, honey and midnight puree. Їx tezh it is necessary to mix it up with such spіvvіdnoshnі: for one tbsp. l. milk and honey per tsp. midnight puree. Then add a little bit of olive oil and you can apply it on the faces.

This and the other mask with sir need to be trimmed on the face no more than 20 quills, and then washed with water, vicorist contrasting method of washing.

Such masks may be contraindicated in the case of depression, as if you are allergic to honey (or midnight). You can check the possibility of an allergic reaction by applying a few masks on your wrist and scoring 20 quills.

Mask with sour cream and sir

Zavdyaks of their warehouse sour cream pouring into the camp of our shkir. Won ryatuє vіd unacceptable perceptions in case of sleepy opikah, it helps, heals and revitalizes the skin.

Sour cream and sir - the basis of many masks for different types shkiri. It is not easy for home minds to prepare one of the upcoming recipes.

  1. Revitalizing mask with exfoliating effect: 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. syrah 1 tsp sea ​​salt - they are mixed and applied to the skin for 5-7 strands.
  2. Live mask: at equal spivvіdnoshnіnі zmіshati syrah, sour cream, olive oil and carrot sіk. Trimati on shkіrі 15 hvilin|minutes|.
  3. Pom'yakshuvalna mask with syrup and sour cream. Є two variations of the recipe. Persha: for 2 tbsp. l. syrah abo sour cream - 1 tsp honey, 10 drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Friend: 2 tbsp. l. mix fatty syrup with finely sown parsley. Hour dії - 15 hvilin.
  4. Mask for winding skins: 1 tbsp. l. fatty syrah 1 tbsp. l. sour cream zmіshati z|іz| 1 tsp juice abo s | iz | chopped parsley, 1 tsp. lemon juice and half tsp. olive oil.
  5. Toning mask. Required: 1 tbsp. l. sirah, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 1 tsp kitchen salt.

Refurbished masks can be drawn, vicarious once a day, or you can make a recipe that best suits your type of mask.

Mask with cheese and egg

Korisn_ authority eggs for shkіri disguise that hair in the house long ago. You can enter the storehouse of folk zasobіv like a whole egg, so white or zhovtok - okay. Bilok maє pіdsushyuyuyuchu deyu and miraculously pull pori, and zhovtok - to live that volozhuє shkіra. Cream of chicken eggs, home cosmetology you can also beat quails.

For dry shkіri, skhilnoї to peeling pіdіyde mask from such warehouses: sir (1 tbsp.), Oliya (2 tsp), one egg. For cosmetological purposes, it is better to use unrefined sonyashnikova oliya: it heals dry skin, it helps to regenerate and smooth out frizzy seaweed.

For a type of shkiri pidide mask with sire (2 tablespoons) and offensive components: 2 zhovtki, 1 tbsp. l. cold olive oil, 1 tsp. cognac. The cheese needs to be ground and mixed with other components. Let's apply the mask on the skin of the face, on the neckline and on the neckline. Take 10 strands, then apply the mask for another eye, cover everything for 5 strands. Wash with warm water. As soon as after the procedure, a little bit of sumishi was lost, put it in a closed looking in the refrigerator. The next day, repeat the manipulation. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. In order for the effect of the procedure to be remembered, it is necessary to repeat it for five days - the skin will be smoothed out, become soft, and the number of small eyes will change.

Mask for hair with sira

More richly it was said about the melancholy of syrah for shkiri, - it would be fair to say that this sour-milk product, zavdyaki to its warehouse, is also miraculously suitable for looking after the hair.

Recipes for masks from syru for hair are already rich. Below we point out most of them, which are easy to cook in home minds.

One of the most popular recipes, we call on the Internet “the mask of Queen Cleopatri”, is the sum of low-fat syrup and fruit puree. Fruit puree can be prepared with the help of a blender from fruits, as if by hand, do not forget to check if you have any allergies to them. For dry hair, use: avocado, apricot, dinya, tangerine; for fat people: pear, red currant, raspberry, and for normal people - orange, grapes, kiwi and peach. Current option These masks also transfer additional collagen, which you can get in a pharmacy. One gram of speech costs 5 hryvnias; for the preparation of the mask, 1-5 g is needed - fallow from the dozhina. The mask is prepared in the coming rank: low-fat syrah (2 tbsp.), Fruit puree (1 tbsp.) and collagen are strongly mixed. Let's take the mass away circular movements rub the scalp of the head, massaging the roots, the leftovers - spread over the whole length of the hair. Trim the mask with syru cost 20 hvilin, after which it is necessary to wash it with warm water for additional shampoo.

If the hair has lost its glare and needs a term change, take a mask with syrup (3 tbsp.) And cocoa powder (2 tsp.) You need to mix it up, adding a little warm water. Apply Otrimanu masu to the hair and trimati with a stretch of the godini. In order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure - wrap the hair with a warm towel. It is recommended to use warm purified water and shampoo.

A healthy hair mask can be prepared with milk syrup. For the cob, you need trohi to add 100 ml of milk, then we will mix yogo from 3 tbsp. spoons of syrup. Masu apply to the hair and leave it for 30 quills. Zmivat with warm purified water.

In case of dryness of the hair, a mask with syrah (3 tbsp.), honey and olive oil (on the insole) will help: it is necessary to thoroughly compress, apply on the root, and then on the whole length of the hair. You don't need to tilt your head. Having checked pіvgodini, - zmiti with water for additional shampoo.

As a rule, the result after such procedures does not change for a long time. Well, the wines are not especially memorable - do not get embarrassed. Try to repeat the manipulations under the hour of the coming mitt hair. Remember that homemade masks are most effective with regular use.

Mask z syrah for povik

So like a shkіra povik is more sensitive than that lower one, with masks you need to be careful. To that, the mask is applied through gauze. Zmivat is recommended to drink with herbs: chemist's chamomile or parsley, and also with linden color. Vitirati shkіra better for the help of servets, light ruhs. Ingredients that go to the warehouse of masks for povіk must be fresh, and the masks themselves must be prepared immediately before application.

Familiarize yourself with simple recipes:

  1. A mask with a sir in the dark kіl pіd ochima: zagornuty at gauze sir it is necessary to simply touch 10 quills on your eyes. Let's rub the skin with an ice cube. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least once a day. Tse to improve the blood flow in other ships and turn the natural color of the shkir around the eyes.
  2. Honey-syrup mask. 3 tsp rubbed with a spoonful of honey until creamy. Relatively twisting the area around the eyes, fill the masa for 15 quills. Gently clean the skin behind the help of a cotton sponge, soaked in cold milk in front.
  3. Gorobina mask with sira. A tablespoon of yagid is ground to a porridge, mixed with a spoonful of grated syrup, egg white and honey. If the mass becomes uniform, light up a piece of gauze and apply it to the eyes. Hour of the mask - 15-20 quills.

Regular application of such masks will immediately activate blood flow and turn the elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

  • Mask with honey
  • Parsley and potato mask
  • mask h egg yolk
  • Bread mask
  • Mask from top oil

Various masks against wrinkle for a few eyes allow you to get rid of obvious folds. Looks too rich folk recipes. The stench is reminiscent of its naming simplicity and efficiency. And most of all - such masks do not avenge chemical and other harsh speeches for shkiri.

Mask with honey

Honey does a good job of smoothing out the eyes. To make a life-giving cream, it is necessary to mix honey, olive oil and half a part of syrup (fatty) in equal proportions. For clarity, the ingredients are beaten with teaspoons. In order to ensure that the consistency of the mask in the form of smorshok was not overly thick, add a little warm milk (natural aubergine) to it. Mix well until you have a homogeneous consistency. Masu, who has made up her mind, is put on the eyes for 20 quills.

Parsley and potato mask

Prepare a brew of green parsley. I volume 1 art. a spoonful of chopped greens is poured into 100 g of dill. Mistkіst schіlno curve on 15 quills. Under the hour of ochіkuvannya next clean one sir potato and grate it finely. For one part of potato porridge, add two parts of parsley (previously strained) and one part of olive oil. It is necessary for the substance to take away the gauze with an even ball.

Dali put the mask together with gauze on the eyes, lightly press it with palms and leave it for 15 strands. I will follow the procedure for the best work of the eyes in the evening. After removing the mask, it is recommended not to wash it with water, but simply clean it with a servlet or cotton swabs.

Eggworm Mask

For eating shkiri and fighting with the front of the mouths of the eyes, it is necessary to coat the area with a simple egg yellow. The mask is trimmed with more than 15-20 strands. For those who already have zmorshki, this recipe needs to be modified a little - change in equal proportions of zhovtok and oliya.

The second recipe for an egg mask. In proportions of two to one, they mix yellow and melted honey, and here they add one portion of boar boar. Sumish good rozmishuet. At the same time, it has a thick consistency, and you can dilute it with a chewing gum, which is too dry, and warm milk is also allowed. The mask is applied under the eyes. After 10 hvilin її know.

Bread mask

To prepare the mask, take the pulp of white bread, soak in warm dewy olive oil (you can take rosemary topsoil). Otriman's masu is applied for 20 whilins. The remnants of the mask are washed away by clean water.

Mask from top oil

Vershkov's oil is a garnish for life and a healthy care for the eyes. Yogo recommend vikoristovuvati as a great night cream for the eyes. For this yoga, it is necessary to beat softly into the skin with your fingertips. In the heat of the shkiri, it’s more likely to tanuti and climb into the shkir. Such a mask is left out for the whole night. If there is no vershokovo, then you can beat the oliya.

Even if it's an hour, then you can prepare a folding version of the mask with topsoil. For the cob, sprout the broth from the flowers of chamomile and linden (in equal parts). The sum of these herbs is poured with half a bottle of hot water and filled. It is infused at 15 hvilin, then we proceed to the room.

They gave vershkov oil, which, without breaking it, mix it with herbal infusion at a proportion of one to two. Since there is little ricin in the home state, it can also be added to the recipe (1 teaspoon). Otrimanu madly remixed. Consistency comes out like a cream, so you have to manually apply the mask around the eyes. The preparations of the cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

The main reasons for the adoption of the eyelids, crim vіku, є: stress, lack of sleep, improper eating, that bad luck. Therefore, remember that, at the same time as masks, you need to take care of the correct daily regimen, eat properly, drink vitamins, go in for sports and, obviously, be mindful of shkidlivykh zvichok.

Masks with turmeric for the appearance of zmorshok: the roots of power and home recipes

Turmeric is an Indian spice, without which you can’t do the preparation of any kind of grass. Її love zavdyaki with a rich relish that garnogo color, but few people know about exuberant power spices. In cosmetologists, turmeric for appearance in the form of smorshok vicorist is as successful as it is in cooking.

Korisn_ power of turmeric for shkiri

Curcumin's power values ​​reflect a unique warehouse. Special revenge:

  • ethereal oils in large bones for the improvement of macular blood circulation and antimicrobial treatment of the skin;
  • choline for the normalization of the functions of sweat cavities of the dermis and the absorption of excess fat;
  • niacin for short regeneration of ear tissues on the clitin level;
  • vitamin K1 for reducing swelling and changing ignition processes;
  • vitamin C for the improvement of the macular immunity of the skin and defense against negative influence external factors (sleepy shifts, frost, wind);
  • pyridoxine for the yaknaishvidshy zagoennya drіbnih poshkodzhenskogo shkіrnogo pokryva.

Components of turmeric, strimko penetrating into the middle of silk fabrics, saturate the use of small mimic wrinkles in problem areas (white eyes, near the mouth) and iron out more serious folds on the face. Cream of this mask with turmeric to heal wounds, sags, sag less commemorative scars and scars, change the burning and clean up the negligent sebaceous glare.

With regular application on the basis of spices, the skin is hardened by brown speech, after which it looks fresh, it is significantly rejuvenated.

Rules for applying masks with turmeric

Before trying masks with turmeric for face masks, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of cosmetologists. By dorimuyuchis їх, you can ensure the optimal result without the risk of applying a small amount of skin.

Turmeric may be richer orange color, which is friend on the shkіrі under the hour of the rejuvenation procedure. It's easy to swallow yoga - wipe it off with fresh lemon juice or kefir. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, vikoristovuvaty turmeric in the form of smorshok, preferably before going to bed, and trim zasib no more than 15 quills.

The mask is recommended to be applied to a cleansed person. For usunennya zabrudnen and decorative cosmetics, before the cob of the procedure, it is necessary to resolutely mitigate against the most special methods and steam the skin over the couple.

Recipes with turmeric and smorshok

Masks with the addition of turmeric exude ease of preparation and high efficiency. They are suitable for practically everyone, but show the best result on fat shkіri zdatnosti normalize the work of sebaceous deposits.

Rejuvenation mask

Zasіb vіdmіnno tonіzuє i pіdtyaguє v'yalu shkіru, after what guise nabuvaє syayva youth. For cooking, you need to mix a tablespoon of warm milk, turmeric and rare honey. After a real remix, the mask can be applied to the face. Robity is better with soft massage lines.

After 15 hvilin zasіb, it is necessary to kill with warm water and bring the appearance of be-yakim life cream. If necessary, follow the barvnika vikoristovuvat wadding disc, kefir wetting.

calming mask

Shards of turmeric can clearly show the anti-authority power, kindly calm down practically be a mask for її inclusions. But the best result in this gallery can be reached for an additional step-by-step recipe.

  • flasks of sprouted soy beans are trimmed with a knife;
  • mix three tablespoons of beans with two tablespoons of turmeric and one teaspoon of honey;
  • Relatively mix the components and apply with a big even ball on the faces, especially giving respect to the problematic workers.

Anti visipu mask

Vugri is posed before problems, with which it is important to fight. You can eat them with a simple recipe based on turmeric.

Two tablespoons of low-fat syrup mixed with half a teaspoon of turmeric. Add sandalwood powder to the masu at the cost of half a teaspoon. After the relativistic mixing, it is necessary to have a creamy mass of a uniform consistency. Apply with a smooth ball without strong rubbing.

Cleansing mask

Turmeric does not only spriya the usunennya zmorshok on the face, but also improves the color of the coat, vibrating the tone. For a uniform look of dermis and the use of pigmented patches and a gusset, it is necessary:

  • mix rare honey and turmeric powder in proportion 2:1;
  • dilute the masa with unsweetened yogurt or kefir of the raised rind in a quantity of 2 tablespoons;
  • apply a mask on the guise for an additional cosmetic brush and vitrimati 15 khvilin;
  • Smite with warm water and thoroughly soak the skin in the water.

Live mask

For optimal vivification of dry skin, it is recommended to use a mask with effect deep commitment that meal. With regular application with turmeric, the seaweed will help smooth out wrinkles, tighten the contours and increase the elasticity of the skin.

  • half a teaspoon of turmeric powder should be mixed with the same amount of fresh lemon juice;
  • add 0.5 tsp. ground saffron and almond oil, 1 tsp. fatty syrup and glycerin, 2 tsp each. rare honey and aloe juice (lemon);
  • for example homemade 1 tbsp. l. black radish juice and carrots (2 tablespoons);
  • after otrimannya of a homogeneous mass її apply on the faces with neat hands, including the area around the eyes. If you get on the slime, the mask can tease the mother, so we need to protect it.

Recipes for smorshok on the eyes

The power of turmeric is like a miracle. Vykoristovuyuchi masks and other well-known folk cosmetology, you can get the use of dribnih zmorshok on the backs, as if they are settled in the aftermath of the frequent shortness of the m'yaziv. At the same time, the skin is seen to be smoothed out, pleasing to the freshness of that beauty.

Mask with a refreshing effect

Two teaspoons of turmeric powder are mixed with three tablespoons of pineapple juice without zucru. Apply to the cleaned skin by the term 20 khvilin. Zmiti with warm water and put on the excess water with a soft towel.

With regular vikoristannі mask priyaє usunennya nabryakіv pіd ochima, znyattya vtomi, razglazhuvannya zmorshok. The tone of the shkiri becomes more equal and softer.

Lifting mask

In the event of a pronounced lethargy, the shkiri povіk and clearly visible dark kolakh pіd ochima zgіdno z vіdgukami kindly help the offensive recipe.

  • a sprat of freshly minted leaves into a porridge.
  • for the help of a clean gauze vіdzhati sіk.
  • add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and chickpea boar to the homeland
  • apply on the plots near the eyes, trying not to waste on the slime.
  • after 20 hvilin, wash with warm water, if necessary, clean up the excess barvnik with kefir.

You can twist the mask more often three times a day.

Protinabryakov mask

Vporatisya with stakes under the eyes of a mask based on turmeric and buttermilk. This dairy product has a high biological activity, why should live deep shkiri shkiri and spriya to the shortest usunennyu vіdmerlih clitin. As a result, the skin of the povik becomes more elastic and softer, and the sea cucumbers are less compressible.

Two teaspoons of buttermilk mixed with half a teaspoon of turmeric. The mask is applied to the face with soft hands, which are massaged, streaked through 20 whilins with not hot water. To achieve the optimal result, it is recommended to win at least three times per day.

If turmeric for the guise of smorshok brought only greed before її vikoristannyam, it is necessary to be aware of contraindications. Oskіlki the main component of folk remedies is natural, side reactions Vіn viklikaє vkrai seldom. Ale masks with turmeric are not supposed to be applied for obviousness:

  • open wounds on the shkir;
  • strong peeling and flaking;
  • increased sensitivity to mask components.

To minimize the appearance of unfavorable reactions, the ingredients of the masks are recommended to be changed in strictly prescribed proportions. And in order to reveal individual sensitivity before applying a new plant, it is necessary to carry out an allergy test on smaller plots of shkiri.


Alisa, 30 years

Olena, 28 years


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Dribni and deep wrinkles, bears under the eye and shaved, Loss of elasticity and oval appearance. Do you know everything?

Mask for the denunciation of the zhovtka: the secret of a thriving rejuvenation and rejuvenation

Zvichayne chicken egg is a product that you will always have in the refrigerator of any master. However, few women know that yoga can be won cosmetic care on the lookout for the skin. Zokrema, a mask for disguising a zhovtka, yak can be easily prepared at home with wet hands - a miracle-worker. Vaughn will relieve you of the dryness of the skin’s curve, the patches, which are peeling off, the uneven pigmentation and the unhealthy (yellow or gray) color. Obov'yazkovo varto try zastosuvati yogo for the solution of your cosmetic problems. The result may please and reassure. So you didn’t hesitate at the dim miraculous zasobu, varto rozіbratisya, in which the strength is strong.


By itself, the zhovtok is a unique speech, as a treasury of vitamins and microelements, necessary for the full meal of the shkir. Usi stink, complexly vplyvayuchi on the epidermis, paint yoga camp. Tom home mask from an egg zhovtka for disguise - even a richly functional zasib, a kind of building help to overcome a whole number of high-profile problems:

  • вітамін A (інша назва - ретинол) прискорює процеси регенерації пошкоджених або вже застарілих, віджили свій вік клітин (омолоджуюча дія на шкіру, яка в результаті стає пружною та еластичною), істотно зменшує кількість мікробів (протизапальний ефект жовткової маски проти прищів), перешкоджає істонч skіrnogo pokrivu (zahisna funktіya);
  • vitamin B5 (cepantothenic acid) smoothes the most common sea cucumbers - moreover, it is both mimic and everlasting;
  • vitamin B12 (abo cyanocobalamin) - an active participant in the process of updating the clitin, so be it ever-changing the masks of the yellow will bypass you;
  • vitamin H (yogo is also called biotin) activates a lot of clitinic exchanges of speech - zocrema, carbohydrate and fat, so the zhovtkova mask has its own lifting effect: regularly vicorous in home minds, you can not worry about the appearance of shavings or another drink;
  • vitamin D (can be used under the name of cholecalciferol) is able to improve all the processes of old (stars - successful fight against eagles), giving a beautiful tone, actively fight against century-old changes in the appearance of pigmentation and eagles;
  • choline (a unique vitamin-like speech) normalizes the production of sebaceous secretion of the epidermis, mitigates the volume in the clitins (the very veins of your skin are actively healed), exfoliate, rejuvenate;
  • zalizo (signs of Fe) delivers to the clients the necessary oxygen, in order to lay down a healthy color of appearance and bypass all other processes;
  • cobalt (denoted as Co) - another unique speech, like to be hidden in the egg zhovtka, also to improve the color of the face, which becomes natural, without the grayness of that life, and also to actively fight against the pigmentation lastovinnya and ending with flames at the hour of vaginess.

The axis of such a complex d_yu may be all masks from a zhovtka for skins, supplemented and enriched with other ingredients.

But the most important thing is to prepare such a mask in your home minds, so that you need special preparation.

M'yaki and effective effective masks for disguise pigmented flames that post-acne.

Laminariya can be wicked for all types of masks:

Indications and contraindications before the Zhovtkov mask

The main indications for victoria will be:

  • cracked dry skin with flames, to be peeled;
  • unhealthy, dark colors of disguise with a glimpse of life and grayness;
  • v'yane, mature, wrinkled, wrinkled skin;
  • century change.

Contraindication: vouch for the fact that the zhovtok is the strongest allergen, it is obligatory to turn it over, since you don’t have any allergies to it. The accessibility is that you can take yoga in your mouth without any problems, and the axis of the skin can react to the yellow mask with an allergic reaction. To that, for the cob of the cob, cover with a sirim zhovtkom (small kіlkіstyu) of the wrist, or a bend of the lіktya in the middle. Tonka shkira in these areas, it instantly reacts to the presence of an allergen, as if the wine is present for it, it’s visipous.

Preparing a Zhovtkov mask for the denunciation

A homemade mask for egg laying will be as effective as possible in that case, if you prepare it correctly. Obviously, the simplest thing is to smear the shkir and check on the result. Zvichayno, vіn bude, ale not vіdrazu i not so effective, like a moment be bouti. Therefore, the most optimal option is to listen to the recommendations of those who have already tried on their own this miraculous way.

  1. Too many who care about this cosmetic problem, for those who cannot afford to cream the zhovtok in the squirrel, take it with their right hand, as they take a lot of time. In fact, in today's world, you can know 100 and one way, how to grow quickly and without any problems.

The axis would like to pierce the shell from one edge with a thorny bark or with a knitting needle and let the squirrel drain, and the zhovtok will be lost in the egg itself.

  1. Without a squirrel, the zhovtok zbivaetsya dosit importantly - the axis here is just to try hard. Take a blender or a wine glass for something. If you don’t turn the zhovtok into a pina, you can give a mass of uneven consistency - breasts, which affects the effectiveness of the koshti you prepared. The zhovtok burns out of harm's way, like white, but still wine on the building.

So mix it up with the ingredients of room temperature, or bring it to a warm state. It is worth drinking milk, infusions of herbs, herbs and cosmetic oils.

The ideal container for mixing mask components is ceramic/glass/wooden. Non-bag material - metal and plastic.

  1. Victory zasіb vіdrazu well, like only yogo was prepared, do not fill it up in the oven and do not save it in the refrigerator.
  1. To apply a marvelous mask on the face, it is not necessary to vicorist cosmetic brushes, but cotton pads - to rub them with fingertips with circular massage hands.
  1. Under the hour of the procedure, the m'yazi of your appearance is guilty, but you are relaxed, lie down, do not give free rein to your emotions.
  1. It's time for the mask to lie down at the stage of zanedbanosity of your skin problems and the aggressiveness of the other components of the mask. If the eyes are deep, or the skin is overly dry, fill in the faces on the pivgodini. If you want to add more than a trifle, 10-15 quills will be enough.
  1. Zhovtok may have the power of pidsihati, to that, knowing such a mask with a dry cotton pad, you risk injuring the lower and sensitive skin.

If nothing happened, soak it in warm milk or divine water. Then you can already rush in and put on your veils of your own primal cream for a smart look.

  1. The frequency of procedures - two per day, as the results are needed negligently, and 1 time - as a lesser prophylaxis.
  1. After 10-12 masks, it will be necessary to give shkіrі dpochiti and break for 2-3 days.

If masks for disguise on the basis of zhovtka in household minds were prepared correctly, the stench will show its effectiveness even more quickly. Already after the first zastosuvannya, you will see the difference between them, what happened and what happened. And after the course of rejuvenation, your skin is filled with freshness and purity. The sight of deep eyes, flakes, husking, and unacceptable pigmentation will delight and confuse you in the fact that the great egg zhovtok is truly a unique natural gift, which simply needs to be shriveled up. I have lost the recipe for my type of shkiri - and enjoy the result.

Vibіr recipe Zhovtkov masks for face masks

Looking over the faceless recipes of masks from the added chewing, pay attention to such nuances, like the added ingredients and recognized as special. First, the warehouse is not guilty of unknown products and is quiet, because you have an allergy. In a different way, a kind, good, savory recipe may be appointed, as a mask to solve the problem itself. Zagalom їhnya dіya zavzhdė bude sprjamovana on zlozhennja that rejuvenation, but additional components can help or weaken їх. So be more respectful.

    Zhovtok + honey = eating

Rare, ice warm honey (2 teaspoons) beat until I become kicks with 1 egg. A life-giving mask for the appearance of a zhovtka that honey is good for an hour of avitaminosis and is suitable for any type of skin.

  • Zhovtok + honey + oliya = curry

Rare, ice-cold honey (2 teaspoons) beat to a kick with 1 egg, add unrefined (100% natural) olive oil (one tablespoon). A healing mask for the appearance of a honey-zhovtok-oliya is an ideal zasib for the patches to be peeled. You can zastosovuvat locally as an application on a problematic lot of shkiri even a leather day - and in the case of peeling, you won’t be left behind. The mid-season is especially korisna.

  • Zhovtok + tops = rejuvenation

Fresh maximally fat tops (1 tablespoon) are resolutely mixed with egg yolk. Such a mask, which rejuvenates, for the appearance of a zhovtkom in the form of a seaweed, with regular zastosuvanni, make you younger for a sprat of rock. The processes of antiquity in the clitins are converging, and the age-old folds become not so clear-cut.

  • Zhovtok + oliya = for dry skins

You can make a healthy mask without adding honey, which often causes an allergy to skin. For this unrefined olive oil (2 tablespoons) is mixed with 1 egg. Zbivati ​​sumish dosit importantly, and then varte. Healing mask of yellow and olive oil for face - ideal for dry skin, peeling, cracked.

  • Zhovtok + sіk aloe + honey \u003d pr

Fresh juice from aloe leaves (2 teaspoons) is eaten with rare, natural honey (1 teaspoon), then we add egg to them. As a result, an even more effective anti-seizure mask will come out for revealing from a zhovtka in the eyes, as it can be vryatuvat in the complex in any case.

  • Zhovtok + lemon = vіdbіlyuvannya

Rare, ice-cold honey (2 teaspoons) beat until I become a kick with 1 egg, add lemon juice or yogo zest (no more than 1 teaspoon). Such a mask, scho vіdbіlyuє, for denunciation with a zhovtkom and lemon, to give pigmentation to any kind. You can vikoristovuvat її navit to see the gusset of the hinged.

  • Zhovtok + sour cream = freshness

For example, an important day of work, to help you relax, refresh that tonic mask with a yellow and sour cream for disguise, how to paint a color, add energy and a charge of vigor. For cooking, mix 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

  • Zhovtok + sir = eating

A life-mask for a denunciation: sire and zhovtok - tse yakіsne eating any type of shkіri at any time of fate. Choose the fat content of the dairy product according to the thickness before you have a dry skin or a fat one. The far spoon of homemade syrah is rubbed with 1 egg.

  • Zhovtok + banana = rejuvenation

A rejuvenating mask for the appearance of a banana-sour cream-zhovtok miraculously copes with wrinkles, be it glibini. Mix 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and banana puree.

Now you know what the mask is for a face mask: rejuvenation with the effect of lifting, and a rejuvenation for a long time - the axis of two main advances. Vrakhovuchi those who are available for preparation, whether it be fate or not, there is simply no value for them. And in squalid summer, if the skin suffers from ultraviolet radiation, and in frosty winter, if cold winds blow, you can become an indispensable helper at any time of fate. This is your special home beautician, who in the complex solves more skin problems.

Syr for the eyes vicorist at the warehouse of various masks. Today, the website shares recipes with you, like calling on you to get zigzag, swollen, dark stakes and pigmentation of the skins of the lower povik.

First, give these other recipes, I would like to be ahead of you about the lower sensitive skin centurion. Therefore, all the sirns of the mask with you are imposed not on the skin without a middle, but through gauze.

And if it is indicated in the rich recipes that you can wash with water, you can strengthen the effect of washing with herbs: pharmacy chamomile, lime color, parsley.

Mask z siru pіd ochі: wrestling with dark stakes

Take two marlechkas and light up the Sir. Spend ten quills at the dealership for your eyes. After that we wipe the skin with ice cubes (from herbal brews, bring that milk, milk and brew). Robiti such varto sessions 2 times per day.

View of swelling and dark veins

A helper mask for the eyes of the sire that. Take two small spoons of tea leaves, twice less for syrah, mix and apply on the hips, trim 20 quills.

Swedish eye mask from siru

Recipe for a team, who wants to refresh, cleanse, nurture the shkir. For the best wit.

In order to make this mask, you need three small spoons of strong syrup and a spoonful of honey. Rub the whole mass and gently beat. The warehouse is to blame for the result, which is the cream for the consistency.

You can apply this mask on all appearances, but especially resolutely work on the space of the white of the eyes. Fill the warehouse with twenty minutes, and then, wacky cotton pads, roll up the mask. Soak the cotton wool in front of.

Mask with a sir under the eyes with a hump

Recipe for eating shkiri and prevention of early morsels. Porada to the site: if you want to work її tsiliy rіk, stock up on berries for the winter - freeze, save the stench of good.

You need to take a large spoonful of gorobin yagid (for example, grono), grind it until I become porridge. At qiu, put a large spoonful of syrah in a bowl (boil yogo in front). Instead of a sir, you can take sour cream or tops. At the very same place, a small spoonful of honey, a zhovtok of one egg, is administered. All-everything is rubbed with a fork, so that it comes out uniformly.

Place the warehouse near the gauze, then put it on the eyes. It is left for 20 strands and streaked with contrasting water: warm, then cold.

Vitamin serna mask

The recipe is more helpful for fighting with zі zmorshki on the eyes. Warehouse is rich, rich in vitamins and gifts healthy looking, elasticity.

You need the pulp of one stubby apricot, a small spoonful of syrah, stilki -.

Rinse the apricot, know the new skin and treat it well until I become porridge. Add|Add| sir, oil | oil |, mix. On the eyes, it is necessary to apply evenly and remove 15 quills.

Mask for the eyes of the sir, vershkіv ta olії

This mask is good for dark areas of the eyes, pigmentation and early wrinkle.

Whisk one dessert spoonful of syrah, stilki and vershkiv ta olії. Mix it up. In the masa, add borosna and starch (potato) to the tongs. Weide to reach a thick consistency. Її next put with a tovstim ball around the eyes for an injection with a stretch of fifteen whilins.

Eye mask

In order to relieve a slight swelling, carry out an exhalation of the skins under the eyes and in general improve hot-eyed shkiri povik, recommend preparing a mask with an effect that will improve. Such a result can be reached for the power of components: syrup, potatoes, parsley, honey. All components are adjusted, taken approximately by the amount, in equal parts and mixed.

Mask around the eyes: sir, olive oil, milk, honey

If you look at the eye and pigmentation, try this mask.

Take two large spoonfuls of syrah, add a small spoonful of honey to them, a large spoonful of preheated natural milk, a dash of olive oil and mix everything. The hour is standard, and then - washing with warm running water.

Vіd zmorshok

Take a large spoonful of syrah, stylki - tops of high fat content, half a dessert spoon of olive oil. As if there is no algae, replace it with olive, or be something dewy. Mix everything and put it with the same ball on the povіki for the 20th century.

Get the right proportions, choose only fresh products for home procedures, carefully check all the folds of the cob on the elbow. Remember, be it "experiments" not varto start from the sensitive and delicate area of ​​the povik! And also share with us overwhelmed homemade recipes or store-bought recipes.

Ecology of life. Beauty: Shkіra is about as thin as the eyes. Itself from tsієї region zazvichayut utvoryuvatisya mimic zmorshki that out there is the most beautiful sight of the real century. It is better to start a yakomog earlier - from 20 years. Іsnuє anonymous recipes for masks for shkiri navkolo eyes and povіk with different ingredients and for different purposes and age groups.

The skin is almost as thin as the eyes. Itself from tsієї region zazvichayut utvoryuvatisya mimic zmorshki that out there is the most beautiful sight of the real century. It is better to start a yakomog earlier - from 20 years.

Іsnuє anonymous recipes for masks for shkiri navkolo eyes and povіk with different ingredients and for different purposes and age groups.

Shkіra povik often require relief, relief of inflammation, swelling, supplementary eating, and incubation. For a century behind her, varto stezhit more retelnіshe, sob to hide the wrinkle.

In this article, the choice of masks for povіk and shkіri is the simplest for the eyes, prepared and stagnant in household minds.

Masks for shkiri on the eyes with parsley

Mask of green parsley and sour cream. Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of parsley, chopped into a porridge. Apply the mask on the skin around the eyes, cover the beast with water swabs. Zmite through 15 whips with warm water.

Mask with parsley and olive. Mix 10 g of finely chopped parsley with 20 g of topsoil.

Mask of green parsley. Just apply fresh parsley on the buns, cover with wet cotton swabs and leave on 15 strands. Wash with warm water.

Mask for pov_k from parsley root. Tsya mask will help with swollen povik. Spend some parsley root on a dry tert, put some porridge on the porridge for 15-20 minutes | minutes.

Masks for shkiri navkolo eyes with potatoes

Qi masks mean sinci pid eyes and liven up shkir.

The simplest - vіdvariti potato plant in uniform, pokat poki won okholone. If the potatoes become just warm, cut them with a knife into two parts and put 30-40 quills on the eyes.

Mask with orphan potatoes, milk that is boroshn. Grate some unpeeled potatoes on a grated grate. Mix 2 teaspoons of masi, which is wiyshla, with 1 tablespoon of milk and two teaspoons - borosna. Apply otriman sumish on the skin of the eyes for 15-20 quills.

Masks for povik with honey

For dry skins pіdіyde such a mask navkolko navkolko eyes: Mix one teaspoon of honey with egg zhovtkom. Apply a coat on the skin and fill it with 10 patches.

Honey mask for povіk vіd smorshok: Mix two teaspoons of honey with two spoons of white plastic and a spoonful of honey tea. Add|Add| drive, so that the mask took off the necessary density. Pіdіrіyte otriman sumіsh for a couple, to steam the plastics. Apply on the skin of the eyes for 20 coats. Wrap the mask with warmth, sweat cold water. Enliven skin with cream after application.

Honey-syrova mask for pov_k. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of syrup, and a tablespoon of tops or a sprat of olive oil. Apply on the skin of the eyes for 15 coats.
Other recipes for masks for eyelids

Peach mask. Rose the stiglia peach and add a spoonful of tops, sour cream, milk or starch to the oatmeal porridge.

banana mask. Stiglia banana rose in a porridge, mixed with a teaspoon of milk and applied on the skin of a povik for 10-15 strands.

Vivsyan mask. This mask will calm the torn skin and smooth out the dry lower skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of whole plastics from 4 tablespoons of milk or tops. If the plastics swell, burn them into 2 parts and burn the skin with gauze. Put prepared compresses on the eyes for 20 strands.

Tse you will be happy:

6 miraculous remedies to fight pigment spots

Work this mask on the basis of "Panthenol" 2 times a day, and see what happens!

Mask for shkіri povіk іz polunitsі. Tsya homemade mask to live that rozgladzhuє shkіru around the eyes. Mix 2-3 half-mortars with a fork until thick masi and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Cover the mask with gauze and put it on the eyes for 20 quills. After removing the mask, wipe the skin soaked in milk with a cotton swab.

Sauerkraut mask. Burn the cabbage in gauze and put it on the wick. Lie with her 15-20 quills at the dark host.

Mask of fresh cabbage. Dribly cut the cabbage, burn it in gauze and put it on the eyes for 15-20 quills. published
