How to braid two ovnish spikelets. How to learn how to weave a spikelet beautifully: Pokrokov's technique, fashionable options for weaving

As you can see, fashion can be cyclical: those who are fashionable today, tomorrow will be in the future for ten years. The same can be said about the widely seen zachіsku "Kolosok". Fifteen years ago a leather fashionista vvazhal with lace to braid her curls with a scythe at the sight of a spikelet. Ale, after a deaky hour, the careless arrangement was received by another, bigger and more relevant at that time. Today, the fashion for "Spikelet" has turned anew, and the wines have come to us three times changed and more with greater variations of vikonnanny.

What is needed for zachіski z pussies at the sight of a spikelet

To braid your hair, you need:

  • Gumki.
  • Invisibles.
  • Hairpins.
  • Zatysk.
  • Wide comb.
  • Combing from a subtle view of the marriage.
  • Hairspray.

Such styling can be done like a clean hair, so it’s brooded on a troch.

How to make everything you see zachіski "Spikelet"

Laying the hair at the sight of the spikelet to rob the urochist navit zvichaynistsky weekday to the wattle fence, won allows fantasies to roam and gives the opportunity to go beyond the limits of the splendid. Below we can see how to weave a braid “Spikelet”, and a leather version is accompanied by a cover photo.

Zachіski "Spikelets" on dovge hair.

Dovge hairy є ideal "canvas" for folding .

"Spikelet" from jgutiv

  1. See the control line and tie it in a tail with a silicone gum.
  2. Scroll the zіbrany khvіst through the base of the control skein in such a rank that the jguti have settled down.
  3. Potim see from the sides two more streaks and tie them with a gumkoy in an okremy tail over the first bundle.
  4. Dali scroll by analogy with the first another whip through yourself.
  5. Continue through all your hair.
  6. In the cinema to take all the hair from the fire tail and decorate with a hairpin.

Bulk spikelet

  1. Separate hair with vertical lines into three parallel parts: the middle part is tovschі, and the two sides are thin.
  2. Braid "Spikelet" navivorit.
  3. Stretch the skein.
  4. Tail the tail under the braid.
  5. Dali bіchnі skeet on earth randomly weave into the main braid.
  6. Fix with invisibility and hairspray.

Zachіska "Spikelet" on the middle hair

  1. Allow such a plethinnya robit with a playful and cicava.
  2. Split hair vertical extension. As an option, you can continue to be nervous.
  3. Spikelet start weaving and braid the lower part of the tiling with it.
  4. Take the reshtu of hair into a tail on the bots.
  5. Pin with a hairpin or garnoy gumka, for example with a bow.

Zachіski "Spikelets" on a short hair

Our mind has a clear image that a scythe is a comb for long hair. Ale, short haircuts are also good for a different kind of lashes. As an option, deyakі mows can be beaten for.

Beach "Spikelet"

  1. At the skronevy part from the right or left side (on your choice) we can see the control.
  2. Divide the sash into three equal parts.
  3. Start weaving a wonderful braid.
  4. Give the skein to the bottom of the beast. Lateral pasmo is superimposed on the beast central.
  5. Fill in the trochs of hair at the lower part.
  6. Continue to weave.
  7. If you allow dozhina hair, then braid like a simple braid.
  8. Tie її gumkoy.
  9. Decorate with hairpins or garnii hairpins.
  10. Seal with hairspray.

Podviyny "Spikelet"

Zachіska from two spikelets

One "Spikelet" is kind, and two are even more beautiful. Such a zachіska to add additional commitment to hair and originality to your image.

Zachіska "2 spikelets"

1. At the very edge of the side see three thin skeins.

2.Start weaving a spikelet, step by step, adding a skein to the beast and from below.

3. Weave a spikelet with a tight and twisted one, so that we have a necessary effect.

4. Braid a spikelet in such a rank all the way from the forehead to the ceiling.

7. By analogy braid a spikelet from the other side.

8. At the other spikelet, you can deprive yourself of the old wind.

9. Give scythes trohi vityagayuchi skein z kіs.

10. Sweat fasten for additional hairpins to the right braid from the left side ty, and left - from the right.

11. Follow, so that the skein at the very face of the boulder was sufficiently worn, so give a list of romantic notes.

There is a great number of master-classes for zachіska with a spikelet beginning with the phrase: “Repair the weaving of the spikelet navivorit ...”, then let's figure out what kind of weaving technique is:

  1. Hairy hair in front according to the whole volume, subdivide into three equal parts.
  2. Law spread the sash under the middle, having crossed them, stretch the insults of the skein in different sides.
  3. Let's sweat the sash under the central one and pull the strands.
  4. Repeat qi kroki on cherzі cherguyuchi lion and right sash.
  5. Kіnets kosi zakripіt gumkoy or garnoy hairpin.

Zachіski with a spikelet and loose hair

A loose hair can be embellished with a spikelet. Such a zachіska to add to the image of a romantic theme and ideally for a urochist.

  1. Split hair prodіlom on bіk.
  2. Pravoruch vіd prodіl vіdіlіt central part.
  3. Divide її into three equal skeins.
  4. Start weaving a braid, be it a variation: french, braid navpaki, classic skinny.
  5. Troch loosen the strands.
  6. Not reaching wuha, close the pussy with invisibility.
  7. Braid the same pussy on the left side and the same relax your pasma.
  8. Skip another braid for the first time and also fix it with invisibility.
  9. For short fixation, fasten with side pins.

  1. Vidіlіt two skeins of the skronevy part one in the center.
  2. At the process of weaving chop thin skeins from the sides view of the main braid.
  3. Bring the weaving of the spikelet hairy all the way.
  4. In the end, close with an elastic band and decorate with hairpins at the sight of the kvitiv.

Hair clip for girls "Spikelet"

  1. Relatively comb your hair.
  2. For the clarity of the robot, lightly wet the skein.
  3. Split hair horizontal extension on two uneven parts. In such a rank, so that the lower one was smaller and thinner than the upper one.
  4. Braid the spikelet from the lower half.
  5. Upper part ring a low tight tail silicone gum.
  6. I’ll grab a gumka again, pick up a scythe wrap її around the tail.
  7. Kіnchik kiski shove at the tail.
  8. Close with invisibility.
  9. For beauty, you can braid decorate with studs.

Video about those, how to weave a braid "Spikelet"

It seems that it is impossible to understand from the photo, how to make that chi іnsu zachіska, so that our readers could easily learn in the technique of weaving “Spikelet”, we made a selection of the first videos.

I have a video master stylist report that priming rozpovіst, how to properly braid the great spikelet on the dove hair. Marveling at this video material, you won’t run out of food, as if you were growing neat and beautiful Kolosok.

Tse first video teach you to weave pіdіyde yak for everyday wear, so і for a special mood.

School girls of the senior classes perebuvayut at the post-yny persecution for the ideal To this end, this video material will help to develop the original independently, without resorting to third-party help. Likewise, the "Spikelets" zachіski, shown on the video, will also be used for girls of a smaller age.

Do not forget that the hair is beautifully styled to create the image of being a neat and harmonious girl, so try, experiment and infuse. Perhaps you have your own secrets of how the garni are made, or share them with us in the comments.

If you are the mother of a little princess, then you are lucky: in the first place, the one who has children is happy, in a different way, the one who has a girl for mothers is the best compliment to her beauty and charm. Without a doubt, just like the little ones of the little one grew persh curls, they immediately rushed to the all-knowing Internet in searches of haircuts for children. As you have seen this article, it means that our excuses are true, and you are looking for a practical and beautiful haircut for a girl. Mirozpovіmo, how to braid a child's spikelet: Pokrokov's instructions to make a zachіska we will forgive that easy process.

How to braid a spikelet of a small girl of a preschool age

Children before school age already rukhlivy: Dovge perebuvannya on the mission is fighting a child. Sob not to let this happen, and not to zapsuvati your own child, mothers have to be calm and pay the child practically on the go. The most practical option for whichever way is kitty spikelet. Vaughn allows unheard-of skeins to always get lost in the tail and reduce injury safety for preschool girls. Tse is more important: loosening hair or hair, zіbrane in a bun, you can cheep it by the neck or the handle of the door - not to cause a fall of a child and a distant slaughter of soft fabrics.

It is necessary for mothers to know that the wattle fence for children of the preschool age can be treated like wattle for schoolchildren and children of the older age. We are in front of them, that the braid of the spikelet is relaxed, not tight on the hair cibulini. At the tight braid, at the same time, due to the tightness of the cibulin, there is a tightness of the lower coat of the head little child,after what microtraumas are blamed.

At the end of the day, braid the braid with a braid, giving the child the opportunity to walk around with loose hair for a couple of years. Tse to improve the blood circulation of the scalp, to give an hour to the cibulins of the vіdpochiti. Before going to bed, braid the hair of a weak pussy, so that the child will get lost in the hour of the night's upheavals.

How to braid a pussy spikelet of a senior schoolboy

Tse that vipadok, if there are no problems from weaving. Older schoolchildren develop intellect, develop perseverance. Why should I spriya bagatorichne sitting at the desk.

Girls, yakі navchayutsya high school, do not require third-party assistance for an hour of weaving: stench can easily move and create different things, see it independently. However, not marveling at the building and looking after the hair on your own, the older girls will require help from their mothers. Go about folding scythes on your head.

Mows for pіdlіtkіv vіdrіznyayutsya zruchnіstyu, beauty and neatness.. The stench is not pleasant to zastosuvannya yaskravih aksesuarіv: shkіlna form zobov'yazuє to suvorostі vglyadі. Similar to the admission to the truth at school evenings or urochistas posture with the walls of the initial mortgage.

Instructions for weaving a spikelet of a child

Weaving kitty laid on mom, how well do school children, so well grown up daughters. Regardless of the simplicity of the spikelet, the older schoolchildren may need help: the weaving may not only be intertwined on curls, but also a beautiful design on the head. Let's take a look at the pokrokovo weaving of the spikelet of a child: from simple to folding.

The classic spikelet takes the cob in the frontal part of the head. Let's look at the process of braiding the hair in the comb of the spikelet, step by step:

  1. Keep your hair down, hang out. Braid the braid on dry hair - save the hair structure. Wet looking stench is better to evil.
  2. Comb your hair, starting from forehead to knchikiv. Smooth with your fingers. If necessary, spritz with varnish - do not allow the beating of a few hairs from the comb.
  3. Whip a big sash in the middle of the head and divide it into three parts.
  4. Start a zvichayne wattle, according to your needs, adding strands with a crown part. Add a little skein, if possible, tie them tight. Remember - this is the rule for children of the senior school age. For preschool children, patch the spikelet for relaxation.
  5. Follow the fence to the level, which is between the lower part of the vukh.
  6. Continue wattle with a great scythe, or tighten it with a gum, creating a wonderful kinsky tail.

Classic spikelet, divided into two parts

Such a spikelet is especially relevant for first-class students. Two parallel spikelets next to embellish hairpins and finish with a fluffy tail.

  1. Let go and hang your hair.
  2. Separate the hair on the head into two equal parts vertical extension from the front to the tiling part.
  3. Take up braiding on one of the parts of the hair: visually outline the middle, remove the greater part of the hair, to help it.
  4. Begin to patch up the classic braid, adding skeins from the bichnyh parts of the hair.
  5. After the end of the weaving decorate with a bow on the tile otherwise, weave the spikelet to the end of the skein, creak with a gum.
  6. To grow those same with a part of the hair on the next day. Keep track of the symmetry of the stitching.

Spit spike "Snake"

duje garne wattle who claim to be an independent zachistka Here, and far away, it’s more about officialdom, we call this different kind of spikelet a snake. Vykoristuyte the report instruction, in a kind of pokrokov the whole process of creating a snake is written:

  1. Yak i in the forward points, start braiding mowing on absolutely dry and clean hair. For pliability, skein should be lightly smeared with mousse.
  2. start braided line: on the back of the head is a standard braid with additional skeins from the side parts of the hair.
  3. After 5-7 centimeters, bend the snake and let it go parallel to the forehead.
  4. Repeat twisting through a sprat of centimeters, bringing the spikelet down. For the possibility to braid 2-3 wigini, after that, go to the standard mowing braid.

If a snake snakes on the hair of a preschooler girl, then it is better to braid the hair in a braid, or to remove the fastenings from the tail of the coat. Older girls will miraculously look like a snake on a loose hair. The zachіska does not need embellishment with accessories: enter the details to create an overstressed effect.

Lighter weaving, yak, when you are right, you can do it quickly. Older girls can master the technique of weaving without any effort, and independently work on a comb with French notes to school or to the urochist. Let's look at the instructions:

  1. Vimiite and hang the head of a child, pіdіyde like drying in the natural environment, so drying with a hairdryer. Trochs soak hair with mousse.
  2. Start weaving a spikelet from the upper part of the head. Take a big sash of hair and divide it into three parts. Follow along, so that the skein does not blow one kind of one rosemary.
  3. Start weaving: just put a sash between the right part of the hair and the central one. Central pastmo mіzh we rule and levim. Continue the doti process, the docks will not end.
  4. Weave the French spikelet to the required dozhina: close the tail or finish it with a great pussy.

Khvist pіdіyde pupils of the senior classes, and the axis of small children to varto patch pussies for the reasons voiced above. It is necessary to reduce the possibility of injury to a child, in the aftermath of a zachіpki sash for foreign objects.

Spikelet to the gatekeepers

Tsya zachіska pіdіyde like little princesses, so and grown-up girls at graduation classes. Zvorotniy spikelet is miraculously suitable for urochist entrances. Embellishments with the right accessories will give odds to be-yakіy, to create the most sophisticated finishes. Prote, varto vrahuvat deyakі nuances before him, as if taking up the weaving:

  • The grain of the spikelet is folded with a wattle, which takes a three-hour hour. Protect yourself, at a glance, because your preschool may have a restless character and cannot sit in one place for 25-30 minutes. For this guy, a cleansing, better for everything, you can’t get into it.
  • Like your child has thin and thin hair, then the spikelet will not be trimmed. A weave of this kind is contraindicated in times.

Follow the next instruction to achieve a brilliant result under the hour of weaving the spikelet.

  1. Comb clean haired child: form a bundle, after which divide yoga into three equal parts.
  2. Grab the left sash, and skip the yogo under the right and the central sash. The right to skip past the left and the middle.
  3. Continue to pay the gatekeeper for this very principle: Skip the main ones.
  4. Close the braid with an elastic band or braid the braid to the end.

To add to the obsyag, to let out a sprat of a strand from the mowing. For whom you can wink a knitting needle for hair and fingers.

Accessories for the spikelet

Be it a fashionista, out of satisfaction, you will not only look like a pussy-spike, but with beautiful accessories woven into such a braid. Mothers follow the nobility, like accessories, they need to come before them, like starting weaving for their daughters, no matter what age:

  • Mousse for hair
    It is necessary to wipe out the unheard-of hairs in the net. Vikoristanya musa continues the life of a spikelet: mothers can not be turbulent that the scythe falls apart in the middle of a school day.
  • Invisibles
    Varto vikoristati, like a haircut of a girl vikonan in a cascade. The stench trims the skein into a spikelet. Do not win the invisibility in the account of preschoolers, as there is no need for it.
  • Gumki
    Moms should buy more humok. Gumki in little girls znikayut zі shvidkіstyu light, so it is necessary to plant a mother under the hand of a strategic reserve. The stench is used to fasten the braid and form the tail. Gumki due to vikoristovuvatisya navіt vіpadku, like a spikelet embellishes the hairpin.
  • Bunty
    Bunty - obov'yazkovі attributes for young schoolchildren. The stench is an unofficial part of the school uniform. Bunty is wonderful to embellish the classic spikelet and spikelet, divided into two parts.

There are no other accessories, which can be used as mothers for painting pussies. Some of them you can grow on your own, having seen a couple of free years and turning on your fantasy. Create embellishment at once with children: the little ones are singly worthy of fiddling with hairpins, which they can show to their classmates in the course of time.

Mow - keep up-to-date weaving, like to come to the rescue of mom, like everyday life, i in urochist moments. We hope that the material about those, how to braid a spikelet of a child, pokrokov's instruction, which was given more, helped you and your fashionistas to become more beautiful.

Beautifully intertwined scythes, which call the winding head of the ear, are called "Spike". Other varieties include "Ribbean Tail", "French Braid", as well as the impersonal underwire, triple, twisted pussies, koshikiv and zigzag.

There is a lot of someone who is in a deaf place, not knowing why to start and how to weave a spikelet correctly. Details blueprints to help you quickly learn how to create effective zachіsok.

The classic spikelet is the foundation for various pussies. Yogo creation takes troch more than 3 khvilin. Having mastered the basic pattern of weaving, the spikelet can be modified in different stripes.

The principle of weaving is inconsistent, but we must be right:

  1. Moisten the hair with water, or soak with mousse, so that the stinks become hearable and do not stray in the fingers for an hour of weaving.
  2. In the area of ​​the thyme part of the head, it is necessary to have hair, a comrade in one skein. Pochatkivtsy are recommended to pick them up in a small ponytail on makivtsi, zakripivshi gumkoy. Tse to ease the cob of the creation of a cleansing and zabigatim її disintegration.
  3. From the right side, another skein of such a comrade is cremated and superimposed to the left over the skein woven into the tail.
  4. On the left side, a third of the sash is taken and superimposed on the front weaves of the curls.
  5. Then it is necessary to make a skein from the main part of the hair, put it to the right curl and continue to weave.
  6. Next, take a curl from the left side of the head and put it to the left skein.
  7. According to one's eyes, the same bundles of hair are left-handed and right-handed
  8. The weave ends with a magnificent scythe with three skeins.
  9. The spikelet is fixed with a garnoy gum.
How to weave a wonderful spikelet. Photo scheme.

The finished braid can be turned up in the middle and stabbed with hairpins. Carefully straighten the skein, and decorate the pussy with small hairpins at the sight of the flowers, drizzle with varnish.

How to braid a spikelet of your own?

You can braid the spikelet yourself. The procedure took a little more than an hour, the shards of the pasma need to be carefully watered, so that the stench was equal and accurate. The hair in front of the cob of the robot needs to be combed well. It is not recommended to constantly look in the mirror, the shards are visible.


  1. It is necessary to carefully remove the upper part of the hair and divide it into 3 equal bundles.
  2. Let's start weaving a fantastic braid, putting a skein on a skein.
  3. After the third overlay of a curl, a small part of the hair is cremated on the side and put into the pussy.
  4. Consistently imposing the same skein according to the comrade, it is necessary to weave the braid to the base of the shi.
  5. Secure the comb with an elastic band.

Weaving kіs on your own requires patience, so that the hands are suddenly shut up and the spikelet can be nervous. That is why beginners need to work out to make a garno mow.

Can you braid a spikelet on a short hair?

How to weave a spikelet (a diagram for stupid ones will show the whole process of braiding), so it’s impossible to create another comb on a short hair without hairpins, invisible, zatyskachi. It is also helpful when the knots are broken up by a tight weave.


  1. Moisten the hair with water and cut it.
  2. From a thin skein, start to weave a great pussy. The thinner the skein, the more often the curls are trimmed in the net.
  3. Passing 6-7 rows, you can begin to take curls dodatkovo, like a spikelet. It is necessary to cross them with roots, so that the stench does not fall apart. In the course of the weaving, almost pinch the hair with hairpins.
  4. Let's then carefully seal the pussy with a gum and drizzle it with varnish.

On a short hair, you can patch a spikelet, not all the hair is vicorist, but only a part. The same is done with two or three cats.

Pokrokovі іnstruktsії plaiting of different variants of the spikelet

Spikelets are more diverse. You can create be-like beautiful haircuts, do not obmezhuyuchis fantasy.

Kolosok on bik

Spikelet on the beak looks unusually and effectively.

The principle of weaving is the same as that of the classic spikelet:

  1. Necessarily relatively combed hair, straight hair back, so that it was not visible for a long time.
  2. Then we carefully take a skein from the side of the head and divide it into 3 equal parts.
  3. The collection of the main hair mass begins after 3-4 crossings of the curls.
  4. Step by step, applying the hair from two sides to the skin skein, it is necessary to weave the braid to the base of the stitch and secure it with an elastic band.

It is better to weave a scythe on a bik from a tovshy skein. Such a spikelet looks original. With an average length of hair, it is necessary to fasten the comb with a pinch with an invisibility. A braid on a b_k is not a pid_yde to a short haircut.


Kolosok navivorit vimagaє greater rightness. On the vіdmіnu view of the classic spikelet, here the skeins are laid down, and do not burn.

How to weave a spikelet (scheme for stupid people) navivorit:

  1. Kindly comb your hair and spray it with a spray, so as not to stray.
  2. V_dokremiti beam closer to the forelock.
  3. Divide into 3 pieces.
  4. Pochat pletinnya, stretching out from below the left sash, between the right and the middle.
  5. Repeat a similar action with the right skein.
  6. To the left skein, add a curl and stretch it uphill from the bottom.
  7. Hair is also applied to the right skein.
  8. Continue weaving vshchent shi.
  9. Weave with a great three-row braid and fasten with an elastic band.

Such a zachіska can be a clear expression of the vizierunok, on the vіdmіnu of the splendid spikelet. The scythe is seen against the glowing background, and it looks voluminous. Spikelet navivorit not farther than pidide to short hair, oskіlki curls are constantly vipadatimut.

2 twisted spikelets

Reinforced figures of disguise will help two neat pussies. Wyvern spikelets peep out of sight on both sides of the head.


  1. The hair is divided into 2 parts. One part is picked up with a gum, the scooby did not respect.
  2. Further, it is necessary to take a small bunch and divide it into 3 equal skeins.
  3. A leather curl is required to be added to the second one, intertwining the left one from the central one, then the right one from the central one.
  4. After 2-3 weaves, you can start to take more hair.
  5. Having finished the braid, it is necessary to tightly tie the tail with a gum, otherwise the hair can straighten out of the hairpin.
  6. Weave another pussy in the same way.

Pussies on the sides of the head are offended like for a long hair, so for the middle one short haircuts. Spikelets can be eaten in one tail.

Navkolo head

The spikelet on the head does not fall apart for a long time. Such a zachіska is suitable for the kindergarten of that school. Vaughn weave on a long and short hair.

1 option for long hair:

  1. Divide the hair into 4 equal parts, having parted it from the top to the top and in the center of the head from the top of the head to the base of the neck.
  2. Close 3 parts with tongs and begin to weave a classic spikelet from the bottom uphill behind the year's arrow, gently rounding the yogo. When weaving, weave 3 skeins, picking hair from both sides.
  3. Having risen to the upper fixed part of the hair, it is necessary to tidy up the tongs and continue the braid to the forelock.
  4. If the hair ends, it is necessary to move on to the 3rd part, and then to the remaining fourth.
  5. Having picked up everything, the hair, the ponytail that was left out, it is necessary to weave it to the end, then we will pick it up with a gum and hide it, closing it with invisibility.

2 option for short hair:

  1. Having combed the hair, the slanted hair was extended from the crown to the top.
  2. Begin to weave the splendid spikelet of the beast, extending the cob, taking the skein from both sides.
  3. After going through everything and turning around, burn it out, until it’s extended, it’s necessary to weave the excess hair to the end.
  4. Lay the pigtail for an extension and fasten it with invisibility.

The spikelet can be embellished with beautiful hairpins and sprinkled with varnish.


Zachіska "Snake" is made up of one classic spikelet, which weaves in a zigzag fashion.

When braiding, hair is taken from both sides, so from one:

  1. Having combed the hair back, it is necessary to make the slanting extended in the form of a shield at the back of the top.
  2. The weave starts from the crone, and is divided into 3 small parts.
  3. Hair under the hour of braiding the spikelet zahoplyuetsya from both sides.
  4. Having reached the vuha, it is necessary to turn the pussy into another beak and weave, making a tricot from the upper spikelet. Now, the appendages of the sash are added to the main ones, and the lower curls are left free.
  5. Having finished the row, the spikelet needs to be unrolled again and continue to weave, the vicorist hobbled hair is no longer burned.
  6. The final stage is the weaving of the spikelet vshchent shiї and pіdbіr hair, which is left out, in one simple three-row braid.

From the bottom, the hair is picked up with an elastic band. The pasma can be carefully twisted in order to give the writing of the “Serpent”.

Spikelet from the tail

Spikelet on the tail is called - "Ribbean tail". Weave yoga additional scheme for stupid. The main secret of the zієї zachіska is that it is created from two folds.


  1. It is necessary to take a high tail on the makіvtsі.
  2. Let's add yoga to 2 equal parts.
  3. Carefully remove a thin curl from the outer side of the right skein and put it in the middle between the two main ones.
  4. Then, from the left sash, it is necessary to take a thin curl and put it again between the two main ones. It is important to carefully trim the skeins with your great fingers that are woven in.
  5. At the bottom, the hair is picked up with an elastic band.

Such a scythe looks thinned, when you do not finish the mitzna, that shvidko does not fall apart.

Braid in braid

Originally looking underwire braid. You will need special care for the hour of weaving.


  1. Take the upper part of the hair and vodokremiti pasmo.
  2. Divide the sash into 3 same curls.
  3. The braiding of the spikelet is navivorit for a while, adding, by virtue of the lion, to the right of shepherding one more.
  4. After three weaves, the hair is taken from the big one and added to the braid.
  5. In the presence of a great skin skein, a thin smoky hair is cremated, as if it were left with a wild weave until the end.
  6. If the main mass of hair ends, it is necessary to weave the braid to the end, with which it is also water-creaming small skeins.
  7. Fasten the spikelet with an elastic band.
  8. From behind the back of the deep-branched ancient curls, a thin braid of navivorit is weaved on top.
  9. Grind offends and scythes and trochs writhe the lower skeins.

For the clarity of the dry skein, which are overwhelmed, at the hour of the weaving, it is necessary to fix it with a special pinch.

Pletinnya 2 cats

Pussies from two sides always refresh the appearance and are especially suitable for young girls.

Їx can be woven into different technologies:

  • simple spikelet;
  • wyvern scythe;
  • rib'yach tail.


  1. Separate the hair navpil, taking one of the parts, and fasten the tie with a pinch or pick it up in a tail.
  2. Start weaving a simple spikelet in the crown, puffing up the braids from both sides. As if the pussy is navivorit, then put the elbows on the bottom, adding the same sash from both sides. With the technique of "Ribbiy tail", the bundle is divided into 2 parts and a small curl, which is cremated from the outer side, is laid between the two main ones.
  3. If you don’t get enough additional sashes for hoarding, weaving continues until the end of the chosen technique.
  4. Another braid is woven behind this scheme.

Not obov'yazkovo prolong maє buti suvoro in the middle. Kosiy continued to reinforce individuality and to help you see the middle of the world.

Rib'yachy tail

It will not be easy for the Pochatkivtsy to create such a cleansing. Ale є relief way - wattle on a high tail.


  1. Zrobity tail.
  2. Separate yogo navpіl and take the offending parts to the hands.
  3. Weaving from the outer side of the left skein, a thin curl is passed between the two main ones, and applied to the right curl, thereby creating the weave.
  4. Let's sweat the strum from the outer side of the right skein and apply to the left part. Chim thin curls, Tim thinned looking at the spikelet.
  5. Weave the pussy to the end and secure it with an elastic band.

Having mastered this type of zachіska, and having learned how to cremate the same skein, you can move on to folded rib's tail. Before them, there is a weaving in the form of a forelock or a hairy top from the fence, as well as a scythe in the form of a tiling part, where it is not necessary to hoover up additional curls.

Potryyny rib'yach tail

Weaving technique fashionable hair clips Mayzhe does not look like a noble rib'yach tail. It is created from three bundles.


  1. On the outer side of the right part, a thin coat is taken and superimposed on the beast on the main curl.
  2. Let's keep the mate under the middle sash and come to the left main part.
  3. Dali thin sash is cremated from the outer side of the left part. Now it will be carried out under it and over the middle curl and applied to the right side.
  4. The braid continues until the end and closes with a gum.

Come out, that the middle part is left unfinished. Vaughn appears in the kіltsі z thin muzhok, scho vіdokremlyuyutsya z levoї and right ї main parts.

Povitryany spikelet

For weaving the pussy, it is necessary to divide all the hair into 3 parts. With this middle passmo there will be no trouble. It is necessary to carefully trim the hour of the whole braid, adjusting the tension of the scythe.

How to weave a spikelet (scheme for blunt ones in the technique of repeated weaving):

  1. Having cut the bunch on the makivtsi, cut the yogo into 3 parts.
  2. The right curl is thrown over the central one.
  3. Potim livy perekidaєtsya over the central one.
  4. Farther away, the woman is choking on the main mass and again throwing herself through the central sash, as if it were her fault to be in the hands.
  5. Diya is repeated from the other side.
  6. In order not to lose the skein for shoveling, the braid is woven in the technique of rib'yach tail. From the outer side of the pasm, small clumps are cremated and spread through the central part, as if they were left alone in the hands.
  7. Having finished weaving, it is necessary to pick up the pussy with an elastic band and straighten the lanks.

Such a braid is suitable for a long hair. For the purpose of adding lightness and volume, it is necessary for an hour of weaving to straighten the lanks, the trochs of the winding їх and the roblyachs in the round turn the vizierunki.


Whilst I create a spikelet at the sight of a bow from one ear to the next and weave on the loose hair.


  1. Gently cut the hair all over the head.
  2. Take a small bunch from the left side in the ear to the forelock and divide it into 3 curls.
  3. Start weaving a classic spikelet, hoarsely adding skeins from both sides.
  4. The lower sash must be left out, and the replacement of the new one should be added to the pussy of the additional sash.
  5. Such a braid continues to the middle of the head.
  6. Let's definitely weave a braid from the right side.
  7. Eat offended pussies and make them invisible.

Tsya is easy charіvna zachіska pіdіyde for long and middle hair.

Square spikelet

Zachіska from the great skeins looks elegant and urochisto. She gets paid on the dovge or the middle hair.


  1. Having taken a bunch of hair in dark hair, it is necessary to divide yoga into 3 large parts.
  2. Start weaving the spikelet navivorit, laying curls under the main skein.
  3. Gradually hoot hair from both sides.
  4. Weaving curls into a braid, it is necessary to make a large part of the big part from their outer side and fasten it with a pinch, so that they do not respect.
  5. Weave the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band.
  6. From the hair that is lost, it is necessary to create a braid for a friend in the same technique.

The result can have a subwire braid - one on top of the other. The more redundant skein, the more you will be more pronounced square shape mow.


For the “Zigzag” folding, a thin comb is needed for extensions. What rіvnіshi extended, tіm more beautifully looked zachіska. This braid is similar to the spikelet "Snake". The difference lies in the fact that when weaving a simple spikelet, it is necessary to hoard additional hair from both sides.

How to weave a spikelet (scheme for stupid ones in the zigzag technique):

  1. Zrobiti extended the zircon of the forelock to the right fold and began to weave the spikelet, hoarsely haired from both sides.
  2. Diyshovshi to the right ear, it is necessary to re-make the openings of the navskys to the left ear.
  3. Then it was necessary to weave a spikelet at the prolezhny bik, again hoarsely hair from both sides.
  4. Dovіvshi scythe to the base of the shi, її complete the splendid braids.

Fastening with a gumkoy spikelet can be embellished with hairpins and clothespins.


The scythe is woven diagonally in different techniques - classic spikelet, spikelet navivorit, rib'yachy tail. It is necessary to start doing such a cleansing from the oblast.

Before the cob, the wattle must be combed hair and taking the sash divided into 3 equal parts. It is necessary to weave the braid down diagonally, picking up the hair from both sides and joining it at the spikelet. Yakshcho hairy middle age, then after the completion of the weaving of the pidhopiti, hair from the protilege side was invisible.


Beautiful zachіska, scho not to go out of fashion - tse cat. At first glance, it looks foldable. You can work on long and medium hair.


  1. Divide the hair into 2 parts, having robbed it extended from one to the second ear and combed the upper part of the hair forward.
  2. At the center on the makіvtsі it is necessary to take a thin skein and divide the yoga into 3 parts.
  3. Start braiding the splendid pussy behind the year's arrow;
  4. If the hair ends, the braid is picked up with an elastic band.

The tail needs to be hidden on the head, secured with invisibility. The cat is embellished with hairpins or pinches.

Spikelet from let out skeins

A scythe with loose skeins looks superficially. Vaughn was inspired on the basis of the spikelet navivorit.


  1. From above, a skein of hair is taken and it is divided into 3 parts.
  2. The curls are intertwined, lining the bottom.
  3. Under the hour, the braiding is mainly applied to the mowing.
  4. On the skin woven sash, a curl is cremated from the outer side and the kill is taken. Dії vykonuyutsya on the right-handed and left-handed.

Diyshovshi to the base of the shii, it is necessary to weave the braid to the end, so let out curls.

Great spikelet

The great spikelet is woven like a long hair, and so it is on the middle hair. We look more beautiful than the thicker hair. Having combed and straightened the skein, it is necessary to remove the upper part of the hair and start braiding the twisted braid. For whom it is necessary to put a sash on the bottom, picking up on the cheeks of the curls from two sides.

It is necessary to make a large skein of cremation;

The leather chotiri weaves are neatly straightened. So we see the spikelet at the same time we write it.

Weaving with a stitch

You can embellish a pussy with a beautiful bright stitch. You can make such a comb on your own. She will weave in 4 skeins, one of which will be a line. Start weaving a braid more beautifully from the top.


  1. Vіdokremiti the upper part of the hair, dividing into 3 parts.
  2. Close with an invisible line under the water-reinforced hair.
  3. Start weaving a spikelet navivorit.
  4. First, put the pasmo under a friend and on the line.
  5. A quarter of a sash on the front and a line.
  6. Another pass a quarter to a line.
  7. Pershu on a friend, zahopivshi hair from the head and spend a pіd strіchku.
  8. Fourth, I persh, having added hair, she was angry on the line.
  9. Prodovzhuvat to the foundations of the shi, the docks will not end in a free hair on the head.
  10. Let's weave the spikelet to the end for this very principle.

Close the stitch carefully or tie a bow.

Following reporting schemes navit naynevmilishi can shvidko learn how to properly pay the spikelets. Thin skeins should be trimmed with a neat comb, and thick curls with a voluminous and fluffy one. Hairdressers with medium and short haircuts can not worry about the hair, which vibrated in a vipadkovo, to that the non-Balian style is in fashion at the same time.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about those, how to weave a spikelet

Spikelet. French braid technique for beginners:

"Spikelet", "dragon", "French braid", "ribbon tail" - all these are called to wear a classic woman's haircut, which exudes beauty, brilliance and simplicity in braids. This is one of the ways to pay the pussy, which is suitable for women, no matter what age. And if you learn the basic variant of the spikelet, then, depending on the type, you can vary the comb in a different way.

The French braid is not a new wine. Won appeared - as we understood from the name - at France, and then went out of fashion, then turned around. Ale є mabut vagomі vіdstav vazhat tsey look zachіskoy klassikoy, even if it's beautiful, і elegantly, і handy ... Such zachіski are not guilty of zastosuvannya: simplicity and beauty - forever!

Ale rokiv 10 to that pіdhіd that glance at the spikelet buv іnshim. It was also important that the hero of our rose was no longer suitable for the tract of paths, for an elegant and effective way out. A funny and grayish rib'yachy tail with a serious, suvor zachіskoy.

There is no such foul approach. The spikelet is practical to walk for, whether it be a drive: a friendly zustrіch, a party, a business trip, a walk ... whatever you want. The only criterion is the correct weaving. The axis here really needs to learn the main lessons.

Basic technique of braiding a spikelet

Otzhe, іsnuє dosit simple circuit yak allow you to easily braid the spikelet with your own hands. We will analyze the different options, but the main type of scythe, on which we will be grounding attacks:

Check the leather item from the cover instructions. We explain step by step, so that you know how to properly style your hair, like on little ones.

  1. Wet the troch of your hair - we call the troch. Tse rob them with hearing and allow them to be laid neatly. Yakshcho є mus, you can speed it up. Golovna, that the hair became hearable and did not spread. To pick up a skein of hair on the makіvtsі, as shown in the little one 3. Tie it up with a gum, so that at the hour of weaving the offending hands will be occupied, and there will be three skeins.
    Figure 3
  2. Having left the sash fixed in the center, pick up two more on the offending sides of the new one.
  3. Translate right sash to livy bik, and move the central one to the right so that it runs under the right pass of the hair.
  4. Put the left pasmo also right-handed, but it can fit over the right, as shown in the little one.
  5. Now spend over the left skein, like in given moment know from the right side, our central sash, and weave the bindings with it at once, dodatkovo, in front of it in one bundle. On the head, a volumetric vuzol of the spikelet base can already be formed.
  6. Continue with this scheme from both sides until you reach the oblast.
  7. Departure to the region of the shiy, to build a continuation at the sight of a magnificent braid. In this rank, the tail of the spikelet will be completed.

Well, from the spikelet is ready. Gumka, which I take on the central sash, or carefully trim and fold, or hide it under the zachskoy. Apply a little varnish and straighten a little, so that the little dragon looks big.

Tsya pokrokov's instruction is just a base, the simplest foundation, on which the impersonal other types of spikelets are founded. Now, having knowledge about this base, you can change the look of your haircut to your fantasies.

French pussy

Beautifully and neatly looking, for example, a spikelet that is plating on a beak. It's stylish, youthful, looking badly on the heads of grown-up women. In principle, the scheme is the same, as we said, only, adding more skeins, it is necessary to twist it like a jig.

Croc by crotch:

  1. Comb your hair back;
  2. From the left or right side, take more skeins and build three small skeins from the new one;
  3. To begin to work the great spikelet, as on the first steps of our instructions - before that, as we began to add additional skeins;
    Weave at the cat's little dodatkovo small skein from that side, as they chose at the first paragraph of this instruction;
  4. Give a step forward to the other side of the head;
  5. According to your will, add a skein from that other side, not forgetting to tighten the pussy, so that the hair does not split and the spikelet does not lose its shape;
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in the great spikelet. At the base of the shii, braid a wonderful braid. Close the braids with hairpins and carefully straighten the skin, so that the comb becomes more voluminous.

On little 10, you can look at a step-by-step illustration of a spikelet on a bik, so that you can follow the instructions correctly.

Baby 10. Pigtail on a bik

French pussy navivorit

This type of pussy is little seen in the classic spikelet for the way of its weaving. Looking at the veins more solidly, the lanks are waking up to the difference and fluffiness. Without a doubt, such a zachіska looks even more elegant.

  1. From the left or right side of the caesura hair, choose more skeins and divide it into three equal strands.
  2. Move the right strand under the central one. And I’ll move it uphill and to the right, like in Figure 12.
    Figure 12. Persha Lanka
  3. Then carry a strand of evil under the right and out of the way at the central part of the pussy.
  4. Start pidhoplyuvati skein from two sides of the pussy, as it has already been shown.
  5. Get an additional sash from the central one, as you now know the right-hander in the kitty.
  6. Two skeins, joined together, pass under the central one.
  7. So itself zrobіt with the left side.
  8. Continue to weave the lanki of the spikelet of doti, the docks do not end with additional strands. Let's weave an amazing braid, finishing with a ponytail. Spravte, schobi z'yavivsya obsyag.

Well, now you can weave a sprat of seeing French pussy. Show your imagination, you can try different ways to make the spikelet look more efficient, more beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the pussy, so that the stench does not fall off and does not puff, but from the other side, it is not tightened too much. Change the central shanks, so that you can mop up all the scythes. Experiment with colors and vicarious hairspray.

You can patch the spikelet on the head or work in the French style. Axis, as if looking at the rest:

You can make a double stitch. Until then, a miracle solution for your donechka.

The technique of weaving the spikelet, basically, follows the very laws, as you could bachiti. It's wonderful, but in a right-handed way, a universal zachіska, always looking beautiful and neat. The little dragon does not allow hair to fall into disguise, which is more convenient and practical.

Zaplіtayuchi pussies, try to zaplyuvati skein from the skin side of the same size, evenly. In addition, you want some hair, a stale form, and that means the beauty of your haircut. In addition, it is necessary to say that the French pussy weaves, as a rule, for straight hair, that if you have a coachman, then you happen to stroke them with a primer, straighten, straighten old look spikelet not zіpsuvsya.

You can embellish the pussy in a different way: with rhinestones, a bow, a bow, different hairpins. At tsiomu, maybe, on the right, they will be less than your relish.

If you want, then sprout two spikelets from the sides. Not obov'yazkovo zaplіt yogo tight and zіbrano. Lower the hairs, straighten the comb, so that she looks like this, don't wear it the first day. Marvel at the little ones 21 and change yourselves:

Figure 21. Keep it simple

Bachite - no need to do a strict cleansing. Improvise.

Do not let the sprat out of the mowing. Let them down so that the stench would not fall off from both sides of the head.
If you smashed two spikelets, then you need to bring them to a mirror-symmetrical look? New? Adzhe zachіska will look like a mother, because the stench will be absolutely asymmetric. Let the flags go and let the shori out! - Let your fantasies run wild. Believe me, this pleasure is not less important, lower instruction!

To grow the spikelet “head down”, so that the weaving went downhill. Only in this situation, do not make a tail at the sight of a magnificent braid, but simply braid the hair that is caught, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

Really, a French pussy - tse zachіska, as it is the fault of buti vіlna vіd obmezhen. Odnomanіtnіst super to speak to the sense itself beautiful woman adzhe golovna meta - welcome to zdivuvati. Look at the little ones 22 and 23.

Rice. 22. Rizny pidkhid
Rice. 23. Another option

It seems that there are two different pussies. Hi! - Tse simple spikelet, orders with relish, ale different ways. Models and celebrity celebrity are dressed with elegant and simple self-corrosion. Build and fashion beautiful pussy sobі, podruzі chi dontsі. You can be inspired, that with sufficient tranquility and diligence, it will be simply miraculous.

Yak shvidko and beautifully bring the hair in order? There are a lot of options for styling hair, and a spikelet is not a wink.

Not all women know how to weave spikelets. Scheme ta report instruction help to grow up with rich thin nets and invisible kis.

How to learn how to weave a spikelet - a scheme for stupid people in the state.

The spikelet is a universal comb for all occasions, it can be braided for everyday going to work, and for going out to the world.

The spikelet will be supplemented by any image. Tsya zachіska pіdіyde volodarka dovgoї and pishnoї shag.

You see the spikelets, they will look miraculously on thin ones, so on short hairs.

To look elegant and effective, it is not necessary to go to the salon. It is not difficult to learn how to weave a spikelet on your own. Knowing the basic weaving techniques, you can experiment endlessly on the basis classic options create new vidi kіs.

First of all, you need to work folded zachіski, it is necessary to try the sprat once in a while to braid an independently classic spikelet.

Pokrokovі instructions with photo

It is easy to learn how to pay a spikelet on your own. Enough to marvel at the Pokrokov's instruction and scheme. The stench will help you to grow up at the setting of hands for an hour of weaving cats.

  1. In front of the braids, the spikelet was next to win and comb the hair.
  2. You can see a bunch of hair and divide into 3 equal skeins (as shown in the photo).
  3. Curl No. 1 is carried out between curls No. 2 and No. 3.
  4. Potim curl No. 3 is carried out between curls No. 2 and No. 1.
  5. Curl No. 2 needs to be carried out between No. 3 and No. 1 from the clumps of hair from the right part of the head.
  6. Then we need to spend the last left curl between the curls that are left out, and want the last hair.
  7. Khreschuyuchi between himself the main skein of hair, the need to draw the tangled curls of the right-handed and left-handed.
  8. If the hair is free to be woven into a spikelet, you can braid the hair that is left out, a wonderful braid.

Spikelet - cover instruction


Braiding scheme of the classic French braid:

Classic version of weaving

Scheme of weaving a French braid:

Scheme of weaving mowing navivorit

french braid

A simple and broad type of spikelet - a French classic braid.

Regardless of the clumsiness of the technique of making such a zachіska, the first weaving of the spikelet does not ring out far away.

Yakіst zachіski lie in vіd faktorіv: for example, in vіd dozhini hairy that yogo structure. Golovne at my right - patience.

Pokrokov's instructions will help you learn how to weave a French pussy on your own.

  1. Sob not bulo kovtuniv, it is necessary to comb the hair. At the chola, the hairy stubble is water-creamed - the basis of the future spikelet. Sob the spikelet of wiishov is ob'emnym, so pasmo can be great.
  2. Divide the bundle of hair into 3 equal parts. Take extreme skeins up to your hands. The middle pasture is filled with freedom.
  3. Cross the sash between yourself: it is necessary to lay the right part in the middle, then the central part of the sash needs to be laid on the lion.
  4. Then we need to weave additional skeins of hair, ruffled from the sides. With one hand, take on the lion and the central part, so that with the other hand you can grab a new skein and return with the right skein.
  5. So the new sash of the left side will start to choke on its own.
  6. Repeat the front crochets, adding new skeins to the spikelet.
  7. If the braid is ready, it is necessary to fasten it with a gum or a hairpin.

beautiful braids

Having learned how to easily braid a classic French braid, you can experiment. Stitches and other accessories will help you to complete a non-repetitive haircut.

Naughty hair can be lightly cured with water or styling tools (pink, gel).

Spike of rib'yach tail

This variety of spikelet can only be folded at first glance, this weaving technique can be mastered just like it is classic.

Pokrokov's instruction:

  1. Bazhano combed hair in front and brushed it with a kick.
  2. At the thyme part of the vіdokremiti pasmo.
  3. Divide її into 3 parts.
  4. Once weave the skein between yourself in the classic way. Hands may be left with 2 skeins.
  5. Vіdokremiti one thin skein from the skin side and cross between them.
  6. With one hand, carefully take the crossing of the skein so that the stench does not rise. With your other hand, lift a new skein from the right and left side, plunging into the braid.
  7. Fix the spikelet with an elastic band. For bazhannya, you can use hairspray, so that the hair was trimmed longer.

Rib'yachy tail - weaving pattern

The main feature of such a spikelet is a robot with thin skeins. Be kind, as if the curls will be the same for the tovshchina.

In order to create the effect of non-balance, it is necessary to take a great skein and cross them.

Spikelet on the head

Spikelet on the head or "koshik" - another cicava variation of the classic spikelet. It’s not important to weave a patchwork, and it’s good to add some kind of image. To create a "cat" on your head, it's enough to follow the following instructions:

  1. Part of the hair was taken in a tail on the makivtsi, and the other part was left free.
  2. Weaving of the spikelet needs to be repaired from the region of the crown. 2 skeins are taken - the right and the central one - from the free hair, the other - the left - from the tail. The scythe is woven all over the head.
  3. For example, it is necessary to fix the knchik of the mowing with an elastic band and to hold it in the middle of the cat.
  4. A beautiful hairpin or another accessory to embellish a comb. To change the spikelet, you can change different styles of wattle, for example, "rib'yachy tail" with a French braid.

Spikelet on the head

Sob the zachіska looked more elegant, bazhana robbed with a dribbling comb a small bouffant of the root hair.

Zachіska "2 spikelets"

As 2 front techniques of weaving the spikelet go with a bang, it is recommended to master another option for a regular braid.

  1. The hair is divided into 2 parts. Better take a thin comb, sob prolong viyshov equally. One part needs to be put on the bik and fixed with a hairpin.
  2. Potіbno relatively comb your hair.
  3. Potim v_dokremiti 3 thin skeins and remember their blackness
  4. First, the pasmo is put in the middle.
  5. The third pasmo is placed between the others and the first.
  6. Hairy from the sides, evenly intertwined in the braid until the end of the long hair.
  7. The other part of the hair is patched just like that, like I'm pershu.
  8. Ready-made spikelets are covered with gumkoy.

Two spikelets from the sides complete the image of the lower and elegant. Zachіska pіdіyde like children, so і girls with long hair.

In order to create a stowage, it is necessary to twist the curled curls over the entire area of ​​the mowing.

Capturing the spikelet with the magic of braiding is not easy: try 2-3 times and you can learn how to create right masterpieces and experiment with the classic French braid. Like not to go out the first time, varto speed up with hints, schemes and cover instructions, to know the subtleties of craftsmanship

Video on the topic
