Tree-like hydrangea 'Grandiflora', planting, growing, inspection.


Planting hydrangea can help brighten up problem areas in the garden.

Keeping an eye on the culture, insanely, will require singing skills and zusil.

Please just marvel at the photo of this beauty, so you can switch – it’s a candle!

Description of hydrangea hurtovina

Hydrangea hurtovina is a class of tea leaves and trees from the Saxifraga family.

Originally from Far Away.

The height of the hydrangea bush reaches 3 meters (each variety is up to 10 m).

The straight growths and branches are flowing.

From another point in the growing season, the stems become villages.

The leaves are opposite, large, and have sharp teeth. Hydrangea delights gardeners during the exciting flowering period

Among other types of hydrangea, the hydrangea grows in the form of a flower.

There are a lot of different thinned flowers collected in a pyramid-shaped body. Similar flowers reach up to 30 cm of the hem and 20 cm of the hem.

The flowers are very clear, creating a gorgeous crown, from dark to dark. The first color comes after 3-4 days of growth. Fermented cats are a chameleon: until the fall, more fertilized ones are replaced by horny ones.

The mature bush of hydrangea is completely winter-hardy. Hortensia is a very water-loving girl, but she may not be able to stand being with such “amateur drinkers.”

To preserve moisture under the crown, it is recommended to plant the ground cover: i.

Planting hydrangeas is even easier Planting of hydrangea hurtovina is carried out early spring

that spring.

The planting hole is wide, up to 70 cm in diameter, for an even distribution of roots.

The brew is filled with a portion of mineral or organic goodness and is formed.

When planting a hydrangea garden, the root collar cannot be buried. If the planting hole is filled with soil and compacted, it is necessary to water it thoroughly with water. Porada.

In the spring, planting of hydrangea can only be done in wet regions. It’s only in the spring.

Stand between the bushes - no less than one and a half meters.

In group plantings of hydrangeas, in order to achieve a smooth movement of the crowns, the gardens can be planted with less space from each other. Around the world, such plantings are growing thinner.

Looking at the snowstorm with frequent hydrangea

Hydrangea khurtovina is a fairly powerful and primly growing plant. Correct insight will help you reach the brightest


for a healthy and healthy life.



Pruning the obyazkova for hydrangea hurtovina.

Otherwise, the bush develops poorly and does not bloom. Older ones need to be rejuvenated.

For which purpose they cut under the stump.

I will continue to renew myself in two years.

Standard methods for growing hydrangea hydrangea require more gentle pruning.


  1. Young gardeners mop up winter cover with spruce branches and other materials.
  2. In regions with a harsh climate, cover the required vegetation.
  3. Don’t eat chagarna grass for the winter

A photo of a hydrangea in the garden conveys all its beauty and relieves the heels of the difficulties when growing. Propagation of hydrangea Hydrangea hurtovina reproduces in the following ways:




It’s immediately clear that propagating hydrangeas in plants does not work.

  • The present day is even more frivolous, it produces unfriendly gatherings, its quality is lost,
  • butter bush
  • You can get rid of it through chotiri roki.
  • Real hydrangea
  • The most widespread method of propagation is live bait.

Live bait is cut from the same mature fish.

The hydrangea begins to ripen when the hydrangea produces buds.

Important! Live bait, cut in the spring and spring, takes root badly. Rules for cutting live bait:

the live bait is guilty of at least three bets;

the lower section under the bottom at the distance is 2 cm;

the upper cut above the bottom with a 5-div window (if a small upper cut can flow, you can work);

the lower leaves are lost, 1-2 leaves are lost at the top; Leaves that are lost are cut off in half. Sajants are facing the sickle of advancing doom.

Until that time, the petiole is already mated to young pasta.

When flower buds appear during this period, they need to be wrapped so that the growth can gain strength.

The young plant needs to be hibernated for the winter, and only after the first bloom the bush is considered winter-hardy.

It’s easy to pick out the added hydrangea.

At the vikopan, a groove with a depth of 20-25 cm is pressed down on one side of the fence.

Shallow cuts are made on the stem in advance at the root area where the roots have been sprouted.

At the ditch, the outlet is pinned or fixed with a stone.

The upper part must remain above the ground, in a vertical position.

  • The ditch becomes filled with earth and turns into dirt.
  • Hydrangea is easily propagated by dilutions Already in the coming spring, give out young shoots. It’s not a good idea to rush to strengthen them from the uterine bush.
  • It will be possible to earn money through the river, if the young animals gain enough strength.
  • All varieties of power of the maternal bush are preserved.
  • Sickness and mischief

Hydrangea in the garden is full of ailments and pests.

The most serious illnesses can be expected:

The fight against diseases must be carried out regularly with special drugs and do not forget about preventive measures.

Rolls can significantly damage hydrangea leaves.

Shkidniki hydrangea khurtovina:

ravliki - grub on leaves;



“Grandiflora” is among the five most popular varieties of hydrangea for the Moscow region.

This is due to the rare properties of high frost resistance, low vigor and rich fruity color.


Description of the variety

Grandiflora forms a thick bush or tree with a wide oval crown, up to 7 meters in height and thus one of the most common hydrangeas.

Gilki dovgi, lamka wood.

Coloring begins at the beginning and can last until the end of the coloring.

If you look closely, the color of the tree is very clear; Instead of old panicles, new ones are constantly appearing. The flowers are pyramidal in shape, even the largest ones - the largest ones can exceed 40 cm. The flowers are formed mainly by large sterile cells: the fertile parts are located in the middle of the body, and the flowers practically do not smell.

In the photo, the hydrangea "Grandiflora" looks very white, but in reality the flowers may be creamy.

Closer to autumn, the stench will fade into erysipelas.

Restore respect: cream of hydrangea “Grandiflora” is based on the same variety tree-like hydrangea by the name itself.

All different speeches.

  1. Planting and looking at the garden
  2. The splinters of the plant grew and grew, for this you will need to grow a large plot - approximately 5...6 square meters.
  3. The farmer must be taken away from the wind and the bright midday sun, but with whose kindness the sun or evening is illuminated.
  4. Like other hydrangeas for the garden, “Grandiflora” grows well on plump, mildly fertile slightly acidic and acidic soils. On the lower branches it bends: death is low, and

flaming color You won’t wait. You can grow gorgeous teacups, with cone-shaped flowers, such as hydrangea hurtovina grandiflora.

This plant is one of the most popular among amateur gardeners.

I deserve this kind of money for nothing. There are few reasons for this that we will look at today. Detailed description of the variety grandiflora

Hydrangea grandiflora can most often be grown, like chagarna or a small tree.

The height of this tree can reach two, or even three meters. The green leaves on the bush appear much later than the other types. The main feature of the hydrangea is its unique

great size

  • , and bring the form into existence.
  • The length of one of them can be as much as 30 cm. The outer world suggests a small pyramid or cone.
  • The flowering period lasts until the end of spring, from the beginning of the linden tree.
  • Unfortunately, there is one peculiarity.
  • It is impossible for fruits to grow.

The fermentation of this plant varies from others, it is possible to change the tanks.

So, the first flowers that appear will be soft creamy, after which they will become richly white, and at the end

summer period

- Yaskravo-rozhevimi.

This is how hydrangea grandiflora won over many gardeners.

There are few reasons for this:

The planting of such a plant is not very difficult on the right, but in this case it is quite satisfactory.

And the axis will not provide you with special turbos, even though everything in this diet is absolutely elementary.

I want to talk about a few things in good time.

Well, planting hydrangeas.

Having chosen a place for further “living” of your plant, you need to think about what kind of soil is responsible for the growth of hydrangea panikulata? You yourself need to stay away from the language. All about soil

For normal growth of plants, the soil is necessary, instead of increased acidity to pH 6.5.


It's simple.

Indeed, if the soil is neutral instead of acidic, then hydrangea simply will not develop, and in that case, if the meadows are overgrown, the growth simply will not survive.

When planting is planned, it is necessary to remember not to add soil to this type of soil instead of vapour, wood ash, and also clay.

So what kind of soil does it plant?

The best option is an early storage: 2 parts turf soil, peat and 1 part humus, sand. Sometimes you add additional pine needles. Don't harm it.

The main aspect is the nativeness of the soil.

  1. Even during the active flowering period, this plant survives great quantity brown rivers.
  2. It's the flowering period.
  3. When the first buds appear on the plant, it is necessary to fertilize it with a mixture of superphosphate, potassium sulphide, and soybeans.

The first two will need 35 g each, and the remaining two will need 25 g. This amount is distributed per square meter.

To prolong the flowering period, use special mineral supplements. For this you need to take 30 g of sumisha per 10 liters of water. Planting hydrangea hurtovina involves a number of steps.

We have already discussed the main points.

Now let's move on to the stage of propagation of this plant.

  • How to carry out this procedure correctly?
  • The expectations for such a diet are lower.
  • Caring for this plant requires prompt replanting of new bushes from the main one, pruning and much more.

Let’s talk about how we can dissolve


Hydrangea khurtovina is a fairly powerful and primly growing plant.

Hydrangea panikulata grandiflora is best suited for systematic pruning.

Above those, this process beneficially flows the development of the growth.

The fluidity of growth increases, and a greater number of new buds and flowers appear.

For a very rich color, you can use the bulk of old live bait.

And the best option is to trim everything into 3 lines.

Obviously, if the flowering period has passed, it is necessary to cut off all old buds.

What's the matter? It’s simple, because the stench draws a large amount of living minerals and the base of the kush takes away a small part, from which the burning plant of the plant is constantly degraded. How to take care of hydrangea during the winter?

One of the most important positive features of this plant is its frost resistance.

So, in the cold season, fate will not be able to wrap hydrangea.

This tree will bear this winter with good grace.

And with the coming of spring, I will once again delight you with the most beautiful flowers.

Ale, if you wrap it up, after all, there will be no harm in it. Young chases are especially popular. How robiti is the insulation?

What's the point of vicorism? Himself in a simple way

є dry leaves.

It is necessary to cover the bush with just one ball of them.

You can still use old burlap. You need to burn the bush with it and seal it with dart..

Vaughn appears, among other species, to be rich in positive powers. One of them is frost resistance. This moment requires worship, living for the minds of the bitter winters of Russia.

It’s also good to remember once again about those who don’t bring a lot of cool turbos.

I, the whole hour will be spent on this, it will be generously wineed with the wonderful great buds of the wonderful hydrangea.

Hydrangea hurtovina Grandiflora is a small chagarna, the height of which can reach 1.5 m in height. The kvitka lost its name from the outside looking in

- the flowers create their own “brooms” up to 25 cm long. It is important to know that there are isolated speeches in the tea garden, so be careful when working with them. The wild hydrangea is native to Japan and China. There are over 25 species, among which the most popular is Hydrangea Grandiflora.

Before planting, trim the root of the hydrangea. The procedure must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to cause harm root system


Before placing the root in the open soil, do not bury the soil too much.

Dig up the bushes with earth and mulch with peat, pine needles and leaf humus.

Until the flower takes root, cover it from direct sunlight.

  1. Look at the life
  2. There is no need to worry about watering when caring for hydrangeas.
  3. The chagarnik loves water so much that he loves it clearly and often. The soil cannot be allowed to dry out - the soil is primarily to blame for its degeneration. The summer period is especially busy.
  4. To ensure that the growth is in good bloom, the moisture of the plant should be maintained within a radius of 50 cm around the bush.

During cold and rainy periods, the number of waterings can be shortened.

Reproduction and preparation before winter

Hydrangea reproduces from livestock.

In the spring, cut pastures with 4-5 shoots from the bush and plant them in acidic soil.

The pagons are thoroughly watered and darkened to prevent direct dormouse changes. You can cover the skin live with a jar to create a greenhouse effect. After the first leaves of the bushes appear, they can be planted in a permanent place.

It’s easy to pick out the added hydrangea.

Call it in the middle of the heart. Farmers recommend not allowing the plants to bloom in another river after transplanting. During this period, the agony may be felt, and then all the light will disappear. During the winter, young bushes are covered with pine leaves to protect the root system from frost. Both young and mature chagarniks need to be cured for the winter.

The heaviest part of the flower is the root, and then cover it with rotted pus. You can use dry leaves or peat to insulate it. In this case, you will have the opportunity to place a 15-20 cm ball on top of the bush. In the sinks, even in the coldest winter, the pasta can be covered with yalin or pine needles.

You can open the card and fluff up the soil only after sunrise

The gardener's gardener is a frequent "guest".

She eats up the leaves and young flowers. Mollusks are especially unsafe during the winter period. They can be treated with the help of special chemical preparations that spread around the bush.

Fragments of grass can be found in the sloping, darkened plots, planting bushes in the open area. Spider mites and spider mites are another part of the mischief. Luckily, stench is easily killed by chemicals. Other people can easily become poor. Well, the best treatment is prevention.

And in the spring it’s best to weed out the Grandiflora bushes.

copper vitriol

  • and Bordosky countryside.
  • In general,
  • correct insight
  • , timely revitalization and watering are guaranteed
  • long life
  • and a beautiful hydrangea flower.

And a little about secrets... Have you ever felt an unbearable pain in the corners?

And you don’t know much about this:

inability to easily and comfortably change your shoes; discomfort during ascents and descents; an unacceptable crunch, a clatter not for the rich fruits of life;

between and after physical rights;

burning in the area of ​​the nodules and swelling;

  1. causeless and sometimes unbearable pain in the joints.
  2. Now give me the answer to the question: are you in power?
  3. How can such a thing be tolerated?
  4. How many pennies have you spent on ineffective celebrations?
  5. That's right - it's time to stop!
  6. The thrill of life up to 40 years
  7. Aroma of fruits
  8. Resistance to illness
  9. “Nestivna” for the poor people

Varieties of hydrangea:

  • Kyushu
  • Lime Light
  • Pinky Winky
  • Grandiflora, including hydrangea, is a tree-like grandiflora.

Each type of hydrangea has its own characteristics.

The naked eye, as a rule, notices the loss of vitality.

For example, hydrangea hurtovina Pinky Vinky has different colors: white at the beginning, then gently russet, bright russet and finally deep purple.

Hydrangea hurtovina Lime Light bears white flowers, which until autumn bloom with a green tint, which is reminiscent of the color of lime.


Hydrangea hurtina grandiflora grows in nature on the island of Sakhalin, and also grows in Japan, Korea and China.

Initially, the flower, which became popular in gardening, was brought from China in the 18th century, and a little later - from Japan.

Like a decorative plant, it can be grown in any part of the world.

If you do enough to grow your mind, hydrangea will become a wonderful living color.

The procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring.

To remove excess color, you need to trim the small grains short. To achieve faster growth, you need to choose pruning that is sparing. To mold the sprouts into a bush shape, you need to cut the logs into three logs.

To remove it

more beautiful tree

, it is necessary to pinch all the sections except the main one several times.

  • After that, the barrels are aimed at the cob of the summer using the “on the ring” method.
  • The length of the burr needs to be shortened to the first line.
  • If you reach the required diameter, cut it off at a height of half a meter.
  • After this, the skeletal gills begin to grow and the crown is formed.

Protection from unfavorable factors

  • Cover young plants for the winter.
  • After the hydrangea first blooms, after about 3-5 years, it will be frost-resistant.
  • And then there will be no need to steal the hydrangea.
  • Think about which hydrangea grows well:

Illuminated place or light Thefts in the wind are vast Vology soil

Severate or weakly acidic earth

    Unpleasant minds for hydrangea:

    Yaskrave sunny


    Dry land

Luzhny Ground