Hydrangea khurtovina rozheva.


Zagalnye Vidomosti

Growing near the bush, hydrangea can reach a height of one and a half meters with round bunches of flowers in different colors. When planting, take into account the size of the new growth and position it between the bushes. How to choose the right place for planting and securing necessary minds Vologosti, then hydrangea pleases the eye with bright farbs and

healthy looking

for a very long time, in spite of everything, I didn’t notice anything special. It is better to plant them either one at a time or in rows, for example, along the path to the booth or in a row around the gazebo. , Hydrangea varieties with photos and names There are curls up to three meters high with tea leaves, at which point the young races with the flowers at the ends begin. The stem of the flower has a green tint that never turns white or creamy. і Representatives of this species are divided into: Rozheva (“Invincibelle Spirit”)

bila (“Sterilist”) what great color there is,

"Annabelle" "Grandiflora"

(this is the name given to representatives of the hydrangea plant) with colorful white flowers.

Pilchasta hydrangea Bluebird - rose-grown 1.5 m curls, it is possible to change the color of the flower from delicate to erysipelas, depending on the acidity of the soil. Pilchasta hydrangea Preciosa - There are already beautiful flat colors of yellowish green, and then raspberry.

Winter-hardy appearance, withstands frost down to -20 ° C. It looks like a chagarna or a tree 2-5 meters high.

Hydrangea Phantom – it’s richly colored, it grows fast, it’s not afraid of frost, it can look like a bush, and it can be shaped like a tree.

On average you can grow up to 30 rocks. May the honey aroma fade.

I rarely get sick. Hydrangea Grandiflora (“Grandiflora”)

- resistant to frost, but young pasta is still pruned before winter, and the stink grows over time. The flowers are cones of a dark-red color.

The leaves are dark green matte (slightly velvety). Hydrangea Lime Light

It develops from large flowers with a light green tint, which blooms with erysipelas until autumn. Dark green, slightly velvety, rich and tanned at the end of the leaves.

The chagarnik has a rounded curl shape of 1.5 meters. Hydrangea Pink Diamond

– appears with narrowly pyramidal flowers of a bright horn color, which develop more dark infusion closer to the end of coloring (from linden to spring). Winter-bearing plant, and young pastures are being cultivated.

Hydrangea Kyushu (“Kyushu”) - chagarnik, up to 3 meters high, can be added to a fine shape with light thin, conical flowers of white color with a honey aroma.

The leaves have a glossy surface.

Hydrangea Tardiva

– appears with late flowers (from spring until the first frost) and narrow conical flowers. Hydrangea Bobo (“BoBo”) - A type of hydrangea that is frost-resistant.

The dark green leaves (20 cm long) have a glossy front side and a short back side. Flowers in mid-summer with white fluffy flowers, ending with erysipelas. This type of vikorist is used to decorate columns, gazebos, arches and others in the appearance of hanging vines, as

– appears with late flowers (from spring until the first frost) and narrow conical flowers. Chereshkova hydrangea , Reaching 25 meters, the curls can entwine sporids, fasten with wind suction cups, or spread along the ground.

The tender-pink flowers (diameter 25 cm) fall off quickly.

Pagoni is red-brown with dark green leaves.



Vikorist is treated by gardeners as a living creature.

Reaches 2 meters in height, has oval, cross-shaped, pale green leaves and small flowers.

Hydrangea planting and observation in open ground

Hydrangea already loves shade and shade, and is afraid of direct syllable changes, which increases the growth and development of plants, the flowering of flowers and imperfections.

Planting of dew plants should be carried out in the spring, on warm soil, if there is no risk of night frosts.

Hydrangea cannot be tolerated by Grunti.

The earth feels fluffy.

You can also familiarize yourself with the rules for growing indoor hydrangea when looking at your home.

Dobrivo for hydrangeas

Hydrangea can add moisture to the soil and thus add organic and mineral nutrients during planting.

Since the bush is great, well-groomed and with well-rooted roots, then dig a hole, not just at the base, but at a distance from the stem (the soil may be flat and vikorist if you will).

After which the bush is cut and cut in the middle with a knife.

Reproduction of hydrangeas with live bait

Like live bait, they are better than their brothers, who are infected during thinning. The lower leaves are shaved off. Insert the prepared pasta under a small hole near the ground (after adding coarse sand).

The top is cut off

plastic dance

or the bottle of the bank.

The planting site should be in the shade and monitor the vegetation.

In a peaceful place of residence, the plant that has taken root must be replanted through three rocks.

- Result of robotic work. You can, with the help of chemicals, spread them out in special containers near the bush so as not to stain the soil. Yakshcho
from the dark side of the sheet appeared

zhovti weep

At the beginning the flowers are creamy in color, then turn red, and by the time they fall off they become almost red.

Those pelyuts that made the fruit, the scraps and the lemon juice begin to fall off early.

And those, which are sterile, have a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm, and are folded into 4 pellets. The flowers of this variety are very fragrant. Hydrangea “Pink Diamond” has a long lasting color unlike any other.
It starts at the beginning of the summer and ends in the middle, or else until the end of the summer.

The plaid, once cured, takes the shape of a box, which contains the treasured beauty of the spring.

Pink Diamond landing and viewing Hydrangea is a thermophilic plant, but it cannot be tolerated directly sleepy exchanges


The chagarnik miraculously tolerates cold, which is especially true in the mountainous regions.

The colder it is in a place and the increase in winter, the greater the chance that it will need to be closed for the winter. While saving the Pink Diamond in return, it is important to remember that it is important to save the very consequences of the past fate, so that the main rewards appear on them themselves. Once firmly tightened, the nails are bent to the ground. Hydrangea khurtovina Pink Diamond (Pink Diamond) - a luscious, effective, neat teacup that reaches a height of 1.5-2 m. Always strong vines do not lose their shape under a bunch of large cone-like flowers, up to 25-30 cm of stem. The leaves are matte green in color, short, and eliptical in shape. It looks like a symmetrical pyramid with a wide base, so large that it can be folded on the cob of flowers

h small colors : creamy white color. As the hour goes by, the flowers bloom dark-red, maybe red, or dark brown. On the cob, the flower brush is light, airy, and in the world of blooming flowers it becomes thick.

The knuckles are 4-spade, round, and regular in shape. small colors : are able to achieve wealth and moisture in the soil.

Soil mix: humus, leaf soil, peat, sand (2:2:1:1). small colors : It is important to note that all types of hydrangea should be placed in the soil until they are exposed; the soil for them is closer to acidic (pH around 5.0). This very reaction of the ground medium is intense and occurs in the middle smoothie. Hydrangea is water-loving.

This is easy to understand, a literal translation of the Latin name hydrangea - a vessel with water. small colors : good taste for all living things.

In the spring, apply a mixture of microelements or per 1 sq. small colors : give 20 - 25 g of honey, 30 - 40 g of superphosphate and 30 -35 g of potassium sulfate.

During the budding period, reduce other vitality by adding 60 - 80 g of superphosphate and 40 - 45 g of potassium sulfate per 1 sq. m. small colors . m; the third and fourth were ready - inflow. Hydrangeas vologniy: 15 - 20 liters under the skin, give once a week, if the boards fall out, 1 time per month is enough.

To enhance the potassium of the growing plants, it is recommended to water them with a weak dose of potassium permanganate. Mulch with peat or thyrsa ball 6 cm and leave them for the summer, raking them from the stems of the plants. Russia.

Cultivated species of hydrangea, an important stock among the list of wild representatives of the distant flora, are extremely decorative.

One of them is Pink Diamond hydrangea, a deciduous chagarb with wonderful, great, long-flowering flowers.

This publication is about this. Hydrangea Pink Diamond: description Growing up to 2-3 m per vine, the bushy bush is valued by gardeners in rich countries for its vertical growth, the size of the pastures and the value of its color.

The flowers are of a wide-pointed shape with a length of 15 to 30 cm, drawn into the shape of wool at the ends of the pagons, hanging and beautiful: they are not affected by the wind and are not afraid of gusts of wind.

Flowers of hydrangea Pink Diamond from linden to mid-spring, coloring the earth with white cones of a candle that are noticeably red in the world of bloom.

Which is basic to the fermented existence,

white color

changes with the hour.

Until autumn, the white blossoms turn erysipelas-coral. It attracts this species with monstrous powers that regenerate - the production of a Swedish renewal in case of frequent mechanical damage or freezing., Kreida, vapnyak, ash, and to enhance the decorative effect of the chagarna, periodically add brown peat and pine needles.

Hydrangea grows quickly, and when planting 4-5-tree seedlings, you can get the first bloom just before the end of the day, as gardeners are planning.

Koli visajuvati? Our experts recommend planting hydrangeas in the spring. Yakshcho

weather mind region is allowed to plant spring crops, then the influx can be anticipated for the appearance of first flowers. Autumn (or spring) is also possible, but remove them 2-3 days before the cold weather and cover the young bush for the winter.

The technology for planting hydrangeas is simple: surface

root system

We do not require deep planting holes; 0.3-0.5 m of space between the shoots of the plant and the development of its roots will be sufficient.

When planning to plant a rose garden, grow the plants near the preparation trench.

The intervals between chagarniks should be no less than 2.5 m, near the garden - 1-1.5 m. Deeply thickened plantings can be easily managed according to demand.

The plantings are first generously shed with water, filled with humus, peat and pine needles for a third.

Rotate the seedlings in the pit so that the root neck is on the same level as the surface soil, straighten the roots, stitches behind it, so that the stinks do not go uphill, sizzle with the earthen mixture that has been lost, and compact.

Then water and mulch thoroughly again, or use some sort of latticework.

In addition, a bush is formed by removing old stems and selecting 8-10 smaller ones from the same sections.

They are trimmed down to 3-5 branches, which is completely enough for a bright summer color.

Well, a simple glance will ensure the miraculous decorativeness of such a flowering crop as the Pink Diamond hydrangea.

The photo presented in the publication demonstrates the growth of every bush, aka living bush, that decorates the vegetative plot - the appearance is actually a garnet, as we can say from the numerous vomits of satisfied kvitnikars.

The origins are from Sakhalin, Japan, and China.

In forest knots, near sparse oak trees.

Hydrangea hurtovina is a small tree up to 10 meters long with a thick rounded crown, egg-shaped or elliptical leaves about 12 cm long.

The leaves of hydrangea hurtweed are weakly pubescent at the top and more pubescent at the bottom, especially along the veins.

The flowers of the long, densely hairy, wide-pyramidal hairs are approximately 25 cm long.

The fruitful flowers are even smaller, their petals are snow-white, fall off early, the fruitless flowers are much larger, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, with white, then erysipelas-colored petals that melt. The first color is avoided at 4 days. Flowers are honey-bearing.

Color trivale - from the middle of the red to the yellow.

Hydrangea khurtovina shvidko grows, is frost-resistant, can withstand temperature drops down to -25 degrees, is capable of keeping the soil wet, is gas-resistant. Beyond the border there are wider varieties: “Kyushu”, “Unique”, “Mathilda”, which are characterized by several

great rewards

And we appreciate the colors, as well as the presence of a pleasant aroma.

Cultivars: Hydrangea hurtova "Grandiflora" (“Grandiflora”) - grows in appearance with mature flowers and large sterile flowers, collected in wide pyramidal flowers about 30 cm long. When the flowers open, the buds are creamy white, the full flowers are simply white, then erysipelas, and in the spring they become greenish-red.

He's growing like crazy.

(Vanille Fraise) is one of the most beautiful hairy hydrangeas.

Bush bush, upright growing, up to 1.5 m in diameter.

There are great pyramidal worlds.

The blossom of hydrangea hurtovina Vanilla Fraze is similar to the horn of midnight frost with tops.

The flower opens white, then the bottom turns midnight blue, and the top turns vanilla white.

The flowers are hydrangea hurtovina Vanilla Fraze on the flowing molds, from this month to this spring. Gives advantage to slightly acidic soil. The landing site may be either dark or dark.

I really love vologda. Frost-resistant up to -29°С. The size and quantity of flowers depends on pruning.

The stronger the pruning, the greater the flowers will be, and in this case the amount of flowers will change, and so on. Plant hydrangea hurtovina Vanilla Fraze in the soil near the soil in the spring, on the day - in the spring and in the spring.

Roslins grow in spring at a distance of about one meter, without which the root collar is not buried.

The size of the yami for young plants is 30 x 30 x 30 cm. U

Hydrangea filamentosa Vanilla Fraze

The root system is not flattened, but it is not ironed.("Phantom") - a herb with a height of up to 2 m with a thick crown. The leaves are green and bright. The flowers are pyramidal, large, about 30 cm long, and form

great amount

white flowers with a horny tinge. Flower hydrangea khurtovina "Phantom" from sickle to yellow.

It gives preference to light, dark, dark.

Hydrangea khurtovina "Phantom" is a very decorative variety. Hydrangea hurtovina "Pink Diamond"

(“Pink Diamond”) is a fashionable variety in Europe.

Deciduous chagarna up to 2 meters tall.

Flowers approximately 30 cm long are formed from sterile and fertile flowers.

Flowers of hydrangea "Pink Diamond" are creamy white when opened, then dark brown, and sometimes red.

Hydrangea hurtovina "Pinky Winky"

("Pinky Winky") is characterized by light green leaves, stinking in the spring, rusty, elliptic, with a saw-toothed edge, short, about 12 cm long.

The flowers are collected in cone-shaped flowers, 20 cm long, and the bicolor flowers are white and purple-red. The color lasts until spring. Hydrangea khurtovina Pinki Vinki gives advantage to fluffy, fertile, acidic soils.

Light-loving, but to endure and drink.

Chi does not tolerate dry conditions.

Pruning: for successful flowering before the beginning of the growing season, hydrangea bushes need to be heavily pruned. Regularly stronger spring, pruning also absorbs trivaloma and bright color


If you don’t grow anything, the sprouts develop poorly and never bloom.
