Hydrangea blue planting that sight. How to change the color of the hydrangea. How to change the color of hydrangea to erysipelas?

Hydrangea adds rich kvіtnikarіv, as dosvіdchenih, so і pochatkіvtsіv. Roslin is valued for the decorative zvnishnіy look, the non-vibrant shape of the leaves and the flowery flowers. I will call myself the French Princess Hortense. In the past, yoga was called hydrangea, which is shifted like a "vessel of water." Tim himself is supported by those who grow up needing a wealth of vologists. Prote scientific name did not take root among kvіtnikarіv. Until this hour, the victory is hoped for on the cob variant.

It is also poetic for Rilke to serve for the establishment of progress and progress, which are necessary for this style: at the stagnation of the stake, which in itself is the top level, the plane and the movement, the life of the development, the expansion, the decay and the rebirth. Likewise, ruh posterigacha - like a poet, and a reader at a time. The dynamics of spontaneity is manifested in the uninterrupted "summary" analogues, the skin of some kind of pragmatic feeling, but inevitably destroys our tests.

In his own attempt to capture and depict the surface and, hence, the essence and nature of the flower, Rilke stand before the impossibly: he is guilty of describing the daily visual spontaneity - color - in terms that can be conveyed by a daily verbal medium. That’s why it’s vindicated, just to the point of analogy, that’s the same. Indeed, the progression of these regions led us far and wide at the glance of human nature, until the ticket resounds in these cordons and did not bring our independence to the heroically at the final stanza.


Hydrangea grows most often in gardens, but it is also possible to grow a flower in domestic minds. There are close to 80 different varieties of roslin. This is how it looked like:

  • khurtovin;
  • anabel;
  • large-leaved;
  • Chereshkova;
  • wood-like;
  • erysipelas.

At room minds it is recommended to revenge the large-leaved hydrangea. Tse z tim, that there is a lesser stay until frost and it is bad to endure temperature drops. See different tickets are expanded in the territories of Northern Asia, Pivdennoy and Pivnіchnoy America, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, Japan. Batkivshchyna large-leaved hydrangea China comes into play. In a warm subtropical climate, rosemary can reach 4 meters of curl. In a cold climate, it can be less than a meter tall. This year, breeders have bred new varieties with more blossoms. Ale nainezvichaynishoy є blakitna.

Comparing with the artist's olive miner helps us in the sphere of art, trying people to create images of nature. Wanting human pragnennya, the mysticism is far away from the splendid human spryyatt, it’s beyond the appointed pragmatism to represent that knowledge in a single isolated medium. In this rank, we know, like Rilke himself, like a posterigach, like someone who is guilty of making money, like that, like a ticket can be. Well, at the same time, Rilke gets bogged down in intensive separation of color, that kind of quality, like a wine.

The temperature of that place is roztashuvannya

Often you can feel that growing is easy to trim. Such a thought is blamed on quiet people, who do not know how to see a black hydrangea. Always need to remember about those who take a ticket to the heat-loving. Youmu needs a temperature of 18-20 degrees. If it is warmer in the occupied place, then the roslin will more often throw off the leaves. A flower to love fresher the next day, to that influx її it’s a good idea to bring it to the balcony. However, it is necessary to unify the flow of cold air. The optimum temperature to charge is 4-8 degrees.

We are drawn in and clayed by the leaves of those pellusts of the flower: on the third line, we consider ourselves to be the premises for the pellusts, guarding the natural light from the yogo without middle presence, we have become part of the flower. And all the same, it’s a friend of a friend, a crack of a ticket with an old paper, calling out to us, telling us about the world of people, for whom the ticket of obov’yazkovo can be marked by us, її human posterigachs. Colors - gray, purple, yellow and blue - call out the image of the human body. In such a rank, the residual marnistity of these privnyan, nareshti, rozpіnaєtsya and vіdokremlyuєtsya with your gut and serpentine tone and tone of the poet’s voice.


In the meantime, during the period of flowering and active growth, the hydrangea should be planted in the spring, or in that place, where the light rose. The best for a flower, if the top is lightened, and the stem of that leaf is in a weak shade. Hydrangea blakytna badly transfer directions sleeping room, prote heavily darkened months are also suitable. The period of blossoming is getting late, and there are few blossoms on the growth. In addition, it takes a little time to bring light to the point that the hydrangea of ​​black becomes weak. It is not possible to allow the dotik of a ticket with a fold. Tse prizved until the appearance of opik_v on the sheet.

Syntactically, tovsta gut calls out a short pause, and then we richly dove after that. I’m sorry, first for everything, the reader is guilty of zupinitis, to look at the body of philosophical caution, so that on the vіdmіnu vіd descriptive images, like you were blown away. In spite of our chіkuvannyam, the rest of the stanza put an end to the description like analogs, and philosophical introspection: the color develops and strengthens one's life and independence.

Vologist. Watering

In the period from spring to deep autumn hydrangea blakitna vimaga ryasno watering. However, it is important not to overdo it. Watering is carried out near the top of the soil. Water can be soft. Roslin needs to be brushed periodically. Irrigation frequency is shortened up to 1 time per 1.5 months. Hydrangea blakitna is able to endure a little dryness, but it is impossible to allow complete drying of the earthen breast.

Wines can no longer match the analogy with the human world, the shards of wines are not a part of that world: the balance is reduced to zero, and we are most suited to metaphors, which help us to understand the essence of the flowers. Tilki kvіtka - not farbuyuchі kastruli, papyr for writing or pіzhaarna child - you can remind yourself with such a rank with such a rank. Just a little flower of eternal life, like a river, so a natural phenomenon, and like a vitver of mysticism in poetry.

Change the pH level of the soil

This epiphany is characteristic of the Rilkean Dingeyticht, and the form of the verse itself: this is a suvorian sonnet, and the remaining stanza, as often in the traditional form of a sonnet, originates from a new-found rozuminnya, a rapt change in perspective. The shape of the sonnet, one, such a bilsh glyboko structures virsh I manner of the description of the rilke: progressovna vid to the rospada tsvitіnnya kviki - Zmuychi Peteta Perevnyanni with the process of Lyudskii, to the yoga of the residual one, so far away, it is so far away. about the world's vindication.


For hanging roslini, you can take a ready-made substrate. Yakscho necessary for the soil I didn’t know in the store, yoga can be prepared independently. For this, take 3 parts of turf, 3 parts of leafy soil and 1 part of sand. Hydrangea love sour soil. The pH level can become 4-5.5. The more sour the soil will be, the darker the flock will be.

How can we comprehend the "spooky" blue that joy? The reason for the emotional life of the quote is clearly beyond the boundaries of human caution. In the shortest time he sings, like a poster, he could draw an analogy with human emotions, or tell him about his inner feelings, if he becomes a witness of his rebirth, - but don’t break the wine. Natomiste is my fault to understand the rest of the row, like the voice of the flower itself. Kvіtka, os scho, then took away the ability to talk about your own inner strength, remember not only about the bottom, through the way you go, but about її thoughts and those emotions.


In the period of flowering and active growth, the room hydrangea blakitna will require supplementary eating. For whom it is necessary to zastosovuyt a complex of mineral kindness for roslins, yakі vіddat sour soils. Spend pіzhivlennya once a day. 2 g of fertilizer is sufficient per liter of water. Varto means that it is a great number of people to endure, whether it be roslin, among them the hydrangea is black.

Zovnishnіy vglyad speech, yak mi zvikli priymati on vladnyh minds and yak those that we can manipulate, here bob razrobleniy autonomous. We can’t, in fact, manipulate, control, or make it clearer to understand the quote and the proper shape and color: numerical differences, as if it’s possible to lead us to Oman, have shown that we can’t fall for such words.

It is our duty to natomist to go beyond the limits of our power; let him see our experience of sprinyattya, by the same time allowing it to appear and reveal itself to us. Todі, and even more so, if you can speak with us, and we can try, even if we will share, we will understand. Similarly, syntax, rhyme and rhythm of the verse are the object of our vision.

Landing that sight. Reproduction. Transfer

Іsnuє kіlka vidіv simplest and effective for room ticketsє zhivtsyuvannya. For this, it is necessary to take the lower young pagons with a length of 7-8 cm. They can have 3-4 leaves. You need to look at live bait evenly, not under the hood, at a distance of 3-4 cm from the first node. The lower leaves are visible. Landing is carried out in a deep container, filled with summish peat and sand, on a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

What is more important, possible - for Rimi "Blau" for "Grau" can hardly be unsuitable - where the pairing of "Kindershurze" with "Lebens Kurze"; Tse є miraculous divinations about the links between children, life and death, as well as the re-reading of the residual stanza, if life is reminiscent. Here is the object of the verse, which the woman sleeps with, still more than learning to life. She appears on the cob, as if she were another woman, to sit with others, smell and laugh.

For the help of the title, її vіdminnіst becomes wiser. It is marvelous, however, that in this active image, the tone is dark, and it becomes clear that the woman is close to death. A strong image, as if it were infamous - and hostile, so just like this Sunday, form a dance on the basis of a stake, - but not so terrible, like the wines appear before. The coming cry, for whom the presence of death is no longer obvious, it can be seen in the distance, but you can clearly see the anguish, the famous “Abshovanim”.

It takes 3-6 days for the hydrangea blakytna to take root. Watching over the young dewy is needed retel. In the first seven days, yoga should be applied up to 4 times a day, then shortly up to 1-2 times. After rooting, the growths are transplanted by the miners with the preparation of the soil. Shchob kushch buv pishnіshim, yogo needs to be pinched from the grass. Bloom the hydrangea of ​​the coming fate.

Planting a black hydrangea in the open ground.

Wanting here and not to talk about the power of the death of the poetic self, but without intermediary dosvіd: vіn directly vodchuvav "Buv Abshid Heuss", and kohaniy, like vіn vtrativ, pіshov forever. More poetically, I - tse "oh Ver" until death and can not force the building to take care of my life. In this manner, on the vіdmіnu vіd kvіtki, yogo perebuvannya in life and the past, inspire vipadkovymi and pіdlyagaє vіdklikannyu at any hour. Death here, however, is not the same, buti. Rilk affirms that light is a stage. The metaphor is old, but it saves its strength: the people are gray in life, they turn to reality only once, if death comes.

Like a bush of hydrangeas virus great, it is better to plant it. For whom the roslin was divided in such a way that on both parts there was a top, and a root. Bushes of hydrangeas hang around kvіtkovy miner and bring goodwill. Dodatkovo zrіz the root is processed by phytohormone.


Її carry out hangings on the cob of the vegetative period. The essence of the procedure is to remove the frogs and old succulents, which have strongly retracted. As a result, roslin blooms more beautifully. Until then, new strong pagons will appear. Ale, do not try hard. The hydrangea is heavily trimmed and has a bad color. On pagons, it is necessary to overwhelm 2 to 6 pairs of healthy brunios. After trimming the hydrangea is not necessary to grow. If the hydrangea grows thicker, then part of the pagons can be seen, having seen the roots.

And all the same, it is necessary to bring from itself the “smug of reality”, “greens of greens”. Here we may once again remember two poetic podії. From one side, death is respected by a single rightful reality; there is nothing to be afraid of chi unikati, but just a part of life. And death brings natural reality from itself, sharply contrasting from the fictitious scene with the light of the poetic self. Formerly in this cycle we were wondering about the reality and expansion, the eternal truth of the natural world. The last thing is, obviously, if the shadow of the one who lives, passes over it, “like knowing this reality”, I see, wanting to be timchasovo, the eternity of another life and my own power.

calm period

Pochatkіvtsі kvіtnikari can be turbulent, remembering that hydrangeas are falling leaves. As if there was a charge, there are no reasons for praise. At the flower, a period of calm has begun, which is almost 3 months. Obviously, it’s important to recognize the white hydrangea at the bare necks, but as soon as the lettuce is caught, then you can change it, because it’s a beautiful black hydrangea itself. How to see the winter ticket? The whole process is even simpler. Watering is significantly shortened, the prote cannot be allowed to hang the earthen breast. No need for kindness. Before birch, tidy up the hydrangea in a cold, dark place. The young growths, which did not grow trees, do not throw off the leaves and winter, not entering the camp of peace.

However, the wines do not have the strength to reach that eternal foundation and are guilty of continuing the grace in life, “do not applaud”. I am powerless over death, but I came to the understanding of the mutual connection between life and death, circular nature, revealed by eternal truth. A flower can inspire death, for that matter, to see the poetic ones in the front verses, instinctively understanding the nature of the hour.

Virsh leaves us in life, in knowledge, as if it were my place, the cycle of trivatime is eternal. In front of the summer plank, we turn to the miraculous landscape, which encroaches on the beholder. The reason for this is that, in fact, the theory itself important speech, It’s not like that, but on the right it’s not like that, It’s guilty of virobly more precisely manifested surface and forms in order to imagine the object of being immersed in life Rich can imagine for yourself, without relying on the advance of the artist’s notification about її іsnuvannya.

Ailments and bad guys. Ways to fight

Among the children are seen:

  1. Popelitsya. To get rid of the shkіdnik, it is necessary to make roslin miles apart. In times of strong infection, it is possible to quickly use organophosphorus insecticidal and acaricidal preparations of a wide range of drugs.
  2. Spider mite. In the fight against him, they will be assisted by an apprenticeship. The water should be warmed up. If you don’t get a positive effect, you can speed up with drugs that zastosovuvannym usunennya popelitsi.

Hydrangea is shy to such ailments:

Tsej zsuv emphasis z posterigacha on self-submission of the speech itself, if it is right to conduct it, it will lead to the obvious adoption of the eternal truth of the object. For consumption, say, for example: Tulane, Nancy. "Blakitna hydrangea Rilke" - Cycling at the Vichny. Articles on the Internet.

Ale є i zovsіm different types. Not only through їhnє richness of flowers, but to those who are easy to see behind the garden and the growth in the mountaineers - as if you have respect for the sprat of basic rules. Most of the species of hydrangeas have a lot of vaping, soil rich in humus with sufficient soil moisture.

  1. Steblov nematode. Leaves fall ill, the stem and succulence, after which the growth loses its susceptibility. It is impossible to vryatuvat the damaged ticket. Yogo happen to be in trouble, so that the widening of the sickness on other growths will disappear.
  2. Pomilkov's boron dew. Appears on leaves and stems at the sight of oily beaches. Year of the stink zhovtiyut that zbіlshuyutsya. on the turning side of the affected leaf is yellowish poured. Through high water that temperature of 18-20 degrees is affected boron dew hydrangea is black. Watching that gleeful growth of the growth, the water of mid-mile water is used by the guards of the battlefields of the growth. In 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute (15 g) that (150 g).
  3. Chlorosis. Hydrangea, stricken with cym ill, may have light leaves with dark veins. Cause to chlorosis large number vapna or humus in the soil. In order to turn the growth of the thick look, it is necessary to dilute potassium nitrate (40 g) in 10 liters of water and water the flower 2-3 times. After 3 days, the vicorist will grow in such proportions themselves.
  4. Hydrangea is more sensitive to light that watering. As soon as the flower is missing the vologists, then it leaves more often and twists. Zayviy watering to cause root decay. It is most often seen during periods of calm, if the temperature is significantly lower. Too much freshening up to the setting of the bright flames on the leaves. For lack of growth, growth is normal and does not bloom.
  5. Dosit often kvіtkarі-pochatkіvtsі stikayutsya z tim, scho hydrangea v'yanut leaves. The reasons for blaming the problem are kіlka. For the cob, it is necessary to know that the Vologdas have a sufficient ticket. Possibly, roslina can be found under direct sleepy light. Leaves can be consumed in the presence of unsatisfied food, and itself in the absence of nitrogen fertilizers. If the place of rotting is taken correctly, watering is sufficient and regular regeneration, which means hydrangea ailments for chlorosis.

The ticket can be turned not only on the subway, but also on the street, obviously, as the climate permits. Hydrangea does not deprive anyone of baiduzhim zavdyaki to his unimaginable old-fashioned look. Vaughn is not the most foldable growth at sight. Behind her, a newcomer will run into her, and miracles will become a reward for turbota.

In the botanical name of hydrangeas, hydrangeas of expressions, the great one will drink water: the word resembles a wreath and means “weaver water”. The stench of the vip steaming richly drive on the great leaf and do not like dry land! Especially, if the stench is found in the houses, regular delivery of water is important. Tim is not less, we stink of the flowers of the written growth and the rich flower.

Those who can take the water from the rain, slacken their hydrangeas and do good, to those who stink for the better. The farming state is a simple chagar garden with large, pine green leaves and fluffy for example litas in different floral colors from pastel shades to bright white, from bright red or horn to blue and purple.

Blakytna hydrangea can also be used as a vikoristan in design. Її decorative look it is easy to embellish whether it is an application. The card is wonderfully suitable for registration thematic parties but fun. As it is necessary to create an atmosphere of tenderness and romance, hydrangea miraculously vporaetsya from these tasks.

Farmer gardening feels good in the sun, like a pivtin, the docks don’t have a dry soil. Farmer's chickens grow on a single fox, that is, on the necks, which grew at the front of the roci. It’s not your fault that yoga should be fast, but it’s still necessary for expansion, it is recommended Pokrokov procedure: virіzati only for a second, and offensive rock - stand unruly

Garden gardening: blue and pink

Farmer's chickens are blooming more importantly, to those who don't fall down, the stench is still attached to the dry camp. Who buys garden gardening and grows in the garden, put food, which flowers vines through the sprats of the rocks. The reason for this apparition is the barvnik dolphinidine at the tickets, which one accepts different colors fallow due to the acidity of the soil.

Quite a hydrangea to embellish a small garden beyond the rosemary or a front garden, to plant a deciduous chagar garden at the pivtin, with great flowers I turn the garden into a garn kazka.

Zagalni vіdomostі

On a deep thought, hydrangea is considered one of the most beautiful. fluffy chagars.

Planting garden hydrangea bushes in a row can make livestock, miraculously looking at the framed garden paths.

A lot of varieties of garden hydrangea miraculously feel both in the sun and in pivtin.

Large leaf hydrangea

The most popular medium garden hydrangeas, Deservedly koristuetsya hydrangea krupnolista. Pishnі kulyasti sutsvittya, behind yakim mayzhe invisible leafing to embellish navіt overlooked garden.

At bagatioh Western countries Large-leaved hydrangea is a favorite of the rural garden, її spectacular blooms embellish the bush until autumn.

Tsey beautifully fluffy chagarnik looks miraculously in a group fluent bagatoriks Himself adding their own color accents.

A lot of varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas miraculously feel both in the sun and in pivtin. In the climate minds of Russia, a lot of problems are blamed for safety beautifully blooming chagars in the cold season. After a stable negative temperature is established, all chagars grow (compost dries up to the roots, 15-20 cm high, everything is covered with lutrasil and covered with spruce branches). It’s better for the bushes to sip with snow for the winter, for which a shovel is needed for collecting snow. Such a shovel of the lungs and navіt pіdlіtok can be thrown with snow to the top.

Gorshchikov's hydrangea

Gorshkova hydrangea - similar to large-leaved hydrangeas, but also an absolute low.

In the summer months, in the open air, hydrangea can live only in the shade, there may be different varieties and varieties.

During the first frosts, the mountaineer's hydrangea prevails over the top cover, it is necessary to transfer it to winter garden what a cold place.

Hydrangea to love the Vologda

Hydrangea is a generic botanical name Hydrangea - which means “water-lover” in translation from Greek.

I truth, cym garnim chagarniks, necessary watery soil, but dry summer period they need constant watering.

Hydrangea tree-like

Bushes of tree-like hydrangeas (H. arborescens), may be more kuli, the whole chagarnik is gaining popularity from rock to rock.

This kind of chagarnik can be a big deal: you can spend a good hour in the shade. In the middle of the summer, there are majestic succulents with a diameter of up to 25 centimeters.

Postupovo, vіdtsvіtayuchi, sutsvіtya nabuvayut lower-green zabarvlennya, but do not fall still rich tizhnіv, kushch slumbering, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Hydrangea khurtovina

Hydrangea khurtovina ranks among the classics of the garden group of hydrangeas.

Flowers begin at the sight of unborrowed tickets, step by step the stench is covered with a red sludge.

Tsya hydrangeas bloom from serps in spring, її more blooming maє their beauty.

Different varieties of hydrangea paniculata vіrіznyayutsya by the size and shape of blossoming, by the hour of blooming and by the density of large sterile flowers.

Hydrangea Kyushu may have a strong aroma.

Mystery of Blakyt's Confusion

Blakitne zabarvlennya votok to fall in the sort of roslin and in the mix of aluminum in the soil.

That's why the black hydrangea saved its unimpressive color, it's enough once every two days to water the water for watering the aluminum sulfate.

Ale hydrangea can save aluminum less sour soilіz indicator of acidity vіd 4 to 5.

The best way to grow a black hydrangea on garden land appointments especially for rhododendrons.


All the higher listed hydrangeas, perfectly developed in the countryside with other roslins, but the hydrangea of ​​the petiole, which you can see, is a clear expression of the individual, supporting high wall, she's chіplyaєtsya povіtryanymi korintsy for kam'yanі abo wooden walls, making a sucilny kilim majestic kіlkіst bloom.

Hydrangea tree-like Invincible Spirit

This variety of withdrawals from the USA, the color of the hydrangea tree-like, which miraculously winters in Russia, were only a little better, that the world is green in the world, but the dermal hortensia wanted the mother of the erysipelas variety of hydrangeas, but we have a bad winter.

The new American cultivar Invincible Spirit may bloom when dark erysipelas is released, then change to bright erysipelas.

Yak i in other forms tree-like hydrangea, Flower blooms on young pagons - it guarantees bloom in the minds of the coldest winters.

Yakshcho, after winter, the flogs were saved, bushes make up the impersonal not great ones, with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Blossom, and with a strong circumcision - large blossoms with a diameter of up to 30 cm.

Breeders announce repeated blooms, which continue the wild flowering up to 4 months - from black to spring.

The bush of a new variety is 1.2 meters high, the diameter of the troch is larger.

Agrotechnics of cultivation is the same as for tree-like hydrangeas.

Properly trimmed hydrangeas

Often, flower-amateurs are stuck with the problem of rare hydrangea flowers.

In order for the hydrangea to bloom brightly, it is necessary to vibrate correctly circumcised chagarnik.

So, as in large-leaved hydrangeas, flower brunki are laid on pagons of the front rock, it means that it is necessary for the pagons to save a charge, and for the curtains it is necessary to trim only the frozen and dry tops of the pagons.

Hydrangea khurtovina, on the other hand, sets the flowers on the pagons of flowing rock, which means that the hanging needles can be shortened on the 23rd, and at the same time stimulate the bloom.

Don’t cut the bushes, they grow quickly, the flowers grow brighter.

Hydrangea tree-like blooms just like that on young pagons and trimming of old thorns;
