Why is the Dutch Trojan in'yane. How to preserve the sight of Trojans at the vase

All the time, until living, the people have had a lot and are left with a special shutter. The Roman warriors were adorned with garlands of flowers, which turned around with victory, the flowers were laid on the vvtar as a bloodless sacrifice to the gods. From the distant hours, the tradition has come to us of crowning the head with a vine of flowers, and also giving bouquets with the drive, whether it be a urochist and just like that, as a sign of love, kindness and kindness.

Kviti - the best gift

It is possible to compare with the firms, scho vitiv - tse obov'yazkovy attribute is holy that best present in all the ways of life, ale trimati in the hands of the same unfortunate marvel repeatedly happened to our skin. In the wild context of merrymaking, brought to the mood of that radiant praise, the rich bouquet of trojans is really necessary and looks chic.

Ale ends sacredly, make-up is removed, masks are lifted, and to summaries about those that everything will pass, the bouquet is left, that in the vase - dying lives, doomed to death. Still alive, the vikinuti do not raise a hand, and it is hard to be a witness to the quiet agony, calmly guarding them more peacefully in the world. It’s impossible to turn life into a root of colors, it’s impossible to continue the term of their foundation.

Yak upovilni v'yanennya

- The flower is amazingly beautiful and low, sometimes it looks bad, if we have recently received gifts, a bouquet of trojans is being started. But knowing how to revive the Trojans, you can restore the enormous beauty of the flowers.

The first thing you can do is to put the flowers in such a rank, so that the stalks of that leaf are stubbled near the water. As if the stems are older than old, you can put the flowers at the bath with water, after a certain hour the flowers will come to life. Ale, such a way will not be kind for the big trojans.

It is necessary to remember that you brought home a frosty day, do not immediately bring in the warmth of the place and put a vase with water by it. For the next hour, they should be placed at the refrigerator. There, the tickets will come to you, then you can arrange them. Next, we grow a new sight with a knife, the stalk, at the same time, can be submerged under water. If the stalks of the trojans are narrower, more mature, then it is possible to vikonate a sprig of later roses, so that they do not encroach on the end view. Leafing, as if to appear near the water, to see better.

Efficient resuscitation procedures

For the cob, you can put trojandi in a vase with divine water. Ale, it is significant to continue the life of a bouquet of specially prepared preparations for life. You can cook yogo, like vikoristovuvat 1 tablespoon of zucru and kіtkove kindly. Їх слід to spread in a liter of water. It is also very important to ensure the sterility of the water. For whom it is possible to put an active vugillya near the water, sreble or a sprat of crystals of potassium permanganate.

Zupiniti processes of decay near the water can be supplemented with a few drops of camphor alcohol, glycerin and storms. With such chemical methods, as a vidblyuvach or a spring for washing dishes, you can also beat bacteria near the water. It is recommended for these very purposes one tablet of aspirin per liter of water, or in a teaspoonful of zucru and octu, which can be replaced with citric acid.

shock therapy

More straining resuscitative zasib for a bouquet of letters, which in'yane - donations to the water warehouse with a small amount of alcohol and ammonia. nothing can be spent near the bathroom cold water otherwise, be dazed at the wind, you need to burn them in papyrus. Vrantsі nіd novlyuvati zrіz, vydalyayuchi leaves that thorns, like zanuryuyuyutsya near the water.

Є method of shock therapy, building a day to bring drooping buds of trojand. The stem is cleaned as much as possible from leaves and thorns, and this procedure is carried out with a thicket, buried near the water. The lower age to fight under such a welcoming kut, as it is only possible. A little capacity is poured into the height, if the water reaches the upper point of view.

It is necessary to protect in advance the appearance of the buds themselves and the upper leaves of the trojand, lighting them with a paper towel. Having sunk the stalk into a crack, then cover the dishes, so that the hot water boils less. Thin stems stay near hot water for about 30 seconds, tovstish – twice as long. I scorched and darkened the part of the stalk, and the roslin itself cold water on pіvgodini.

Do not put a vase with a bouquet of trojans on a pidvіkonnya, as if it were spent on a new one from the streets of the sonyachny promenі. It is necessary to prostrate, so that the guests were not in close proximity to fruit vases, especially those that are seen to be troublesome for trojans of ethylene.

Zastosovuyuchi relisted procedures, the trojan can be washed in a decent camp close to the month, turning it into a herbarium later, it’s too expensive, like a memory. So that the buds kept their shape in a dried-up look and move their heads down. In January, the pelyusts of the Trojans can be victorious, filling them with olive oil for a few days.

Є thought, scho kviti, yakі presented with love that kind big heart, stand longer, lower tі, which they formally designated as a podium.

The tickets to the booth allow you to create a fresh and holy atmosphere. The stench delights our eye, reminiscent of the houses with the aroma of that freshness. Having taken a bouquet of trojans as a gift, we, obviously, are trying to savor the aroma of the same sight. Troyanda is the queen of flowers, a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Її kind of long ago, having attached to itself the respect of otochyuyuchih, perhaps, to that you can most often take them away from gifts. A bouquet of trojans can be rich in gifts about what roses, moreover, if you live in a building, revive whether it’s a place, and guess about the reception of gifts, having taken a bouquet as a gift beautiful trojans, we have been trying to preserve their freshness and aroma for a long time. But how do you know, and how can you find ways so that the Trojans stand next to the vase better, with whom they do not waste their beauty?

Troyanda - to finish the primkhliva flower, whether it be wrong її savings can lead to the death of the flower. Ale at the same time how to properly follow a bouquet of trojans, you can stand a sprat of tizhniv. Henceforth, in order to keep the Trojans fresh for a good hour, it is necessary to study these rules as soon as they see them, as if they will help them to save their swedish wind. Let's look at the back of the head, why some Trojans can stand for a long time, and others will come out in a couple of years after the gift.

Why zrіzanі trojandi shvidko v'yanut?

At flower kiosks or trojan shops, other tickets always look fresh; On the right, in what the florists know to know, how to revive the Trojans and grow so that the stench of the trivaly hour saves their first look.

The main reason, through the yak trojandi shvidko v'yanut, vvazhetsya lack of vologda. As long as the flower grows, it will take enough water from the soil, and the flower itself will live in water through the stem. After that, like a flower, she looks alive and beautiful, but if all the water from the flower is known, she is suddenly in the yane. In order to save the zirzanu ticket, it is necessary for me to have more water.

In addition, in shops with tickets, florists vicorist specialize in order to help preserve the freshness of the ticket. As soon as the purchase is made, the ticket does not take away these speeches, it can also be swept away. Therefore, when buying a bouquet, it is necessary to ask the florist, in some way the tickets were processed. Obviously, different chemical components were victorious, so you are unlikely to feel the true joy. In such situations, you can speed up with our joys in such ways, as to continue the life of the Trojans for a few days, or to bring on the days.

Ways, how to continue the life of a well-groomed Trojan

Method 1. After a presented bouquet of trojans, it is not necessary to put them at once in a vase. Lower your back for 2-3 years in a bath with water or a wind. The leaves and stalks of the trojans are due to fall under the water, and the buds are the flowers themselves above the water.

Method 2. The stalks of the flower need to be seen under the frailty and only under running water. Tse dopomozhe to save the trojans from falling into the stalk again, Also, crushed rubble can be broken up, in such a way, the flower is more likely to make water.

Method 3. Like a stalk zirzane evenly, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo pіdrіzati yogo pіd nahil. Otherwise, if you put the bouquet in a vase, the wines will stick with the bottom, so you won’t allow the water to take away the amount of water you need.

Method 4. Water for a bouquet of trojans is due to be fresh and fresh, and so the troyand trivaly hour took its first look, it is necessary to add water to the water pozhivnі speechovina. Of course, you can pick up such a cat at the flower shop, but if you don’t have such a possibility, then you can win the tsukor that ocet. For 1 liter of water, you need 20 g of zucru and 1 tablespoon of 9% otstu.

Method 5. In order to save the life of the ticket, it is necessary to put 1 tablet of aspirin in the vase, you won’t let the water get rotten, and save the beauty of the Trojans.

Method 6. A vase with a bouquet of trojans can stand by a cold host, but not for a stretch. So it is necessary to take care of the sun.

Let's turn Trojan friend of life

Vykhodyachi from the vishchevikladenogo, you can grow visnovok, so you don’t get confused, if the bouquet of trochs is ziv'yav. Find ways to help the Trojans live. At the top, if the trojans are given to you more dearly, you can dry them, so that you will become a garnish for the room.

After the landing of the roslini vіdkritiy ґrunt let him settle down in a new place, without a swishy color. To dry the Troyand with dryness, but with a great shortage of water, bushes will wither, or they will not bloom.

Podbayte about the soil for trojans - wines are guilty of being kindred, lightened and plump. As if the earth is important in your area, no less, lower at a distance, push a maidanchik, where you plant a trinity: their root system germinates up to 70 cm.

Signs of an early trojan attack can manifest itself through incorrect stimulation:

  • Chlorosis develops through lack of magnesium. The leaves are crooked with characteristic chervonims that yellow flames and then fall down.
  • Little nitrogen - the leaves are yellow and stop growing.
  • Nestacha zaliza - the leaf becomes yellow, but the veins of their natural color are not used up.
  • Deficiency of manganese is manifested by the same signs as marriage.

To fill the daily microelements, carry out a complex rejuvenation of the soil.

Another typical pardon of a kvіtnikar-pochatkіvtsya is incorrectly trimmed bushes: numerically, see and sort the “queen” of kvіtіv will require other ways rejuvenation cuts.

Obov'yazkovo avoid weak buds - at the same time we put our strength into the establishment of new buds. Vіdrіzayte wild shoots from below - there you will plant trojand blooms.

Shkidniki and ailments

Komakhi, like people, do not forget their respect for the trojans. Leafing Trojandi may dry up, as if settling on them spider mite or rosanna cicada. Having offended shkіdniki vysmoktuyut sіk іz leaves, multiplying іz majestic shvidkіst, that liquоduvati tsikh darmoїdіv is required promptly.

It's a pity, Trojans are more susceptible to fungal infections, which also lead to growing up to vyanennya. Tse powdery mildew, infectious opik, black splatter, sira rottenness and others.

All fungal ailments need to be treated with systemic fungicides, not forgetting to vicorate different preparations to get rid of the call.

Summer gryzuni - bears, squints, moles - tezh vіdpovidalnі for healthy rosary: ​​stink psyut root system chagarnik, provoking yogo v'yanennya.

Be the ruler of a kvіtnik - it’s busy even more troublesome, and the nasty ones are more difficult - they show you vryatanovannya vіyanennya rozkishnі arable trojandi.

Troyand sickness (video)

Sob not to spend the material, obov'yazkovo save it up social measure Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook just by clicking on the button below:

Respect, only TODAY!

Life be like a trojandy not old-fashioned, if you grow up in a flower bed, or stand by a vase with water, or else, having given as a gift a particularly chic bouquet of a person dear to your heart, we are ready to make it worthy, abi flowers stood there!

Dekilka ways, how to continue the life of a trojan from a bouquet

As a tribute to the florists, the kingdoms of the kingdom and the whole building preserve their beauty for two or three days, or even a whole month for a diligent watch. What is necessary to grow for whom? How to save tickets at the vase for the longest term? Іsnuє chimalo enough effective methods zavdyaky like you can, if you want to, for a few days longer, admire the lower charm of fresh flowers.

And for the great bazhannya, you can try it, so we can hang it at your kvitnik. Like the vouchers were not canned chemical preparations for the preservation of the commodity, it will not be difficult to give them roots, and you will have a new miracle copy.

Video about watchful eye for trojans

Later, having taken as a gift the miraculous trojandochka and a bouquet of flowers, you made up your mind: how to save it? Adzhe zovsim don’t want to run the wind to see such beauty already in a few days! First for everything, remember that it is not necessary to win a ticket gift packaging. The middle of the packaging creates a special microclimate, which helps the roses to adapt in new minds, so it’s better to leave the bouquet in a package if you want to for a few years and a little later, if you don’t like the look of a gift package.

Do not varto put the tickets by the vase, a bunch of them is necessary to “drink”, having lowered the years for three years by the bath with water at room temperature. At the same time, the stems of the leaves are to blame, but I will be covered with water, and the flowers and buds will be called, otherwise, if the water gets in, they can stink (about every change, wrap them with paper). The appearance of a house of a deep wind will significantly ease the task.

Do not varto immediately put the tickets at the vase, a bunch of them is necessary to “drink”, having lowered the years for three years at the bathtub with water at room temperature

To continue the life of the Trojan:

  • under the hour of “drinking” the water right at the bathtub under the water, bridle the stems a couple of centimeters under the slanting kutom and flatten the ends of the stems - so from the capillaries near the stems you can see the corks, and the trojans better drench the water;
  • see the leaves, like a vase appear under the water;
  • the lower part of the flower stems (centimeters per chotiri) should be cleaned of measles;
  • a vase of bazhano of such a height that two thirds of the old stems were attached under the water;
  • in ceramic vases, the water used to be filled with fresh water, the shards of the walls do not let light through;
  • water can be poured into a vase with water supply, while standing or boiled - chlorine, which is hidden in it, not to harm the growths, but on the contrary, it will increase the growth of rotten bacteria;
  • the temperature of the water at the summer time may be cold, and the charge should be warm water;
  • additionally, you can infect the water near the vase with an aspirin tablet, a wooden vugill, a cup of burner, a pinch citric acid otherwise, be like a stone (do not pour yoga out of the water at once!);
  • add zukor to the water to replenish the reserves of carbohydrates in the water - 20 grams per liter of water will be sufficient;
  • if you want, change the water once every two days, again adding tsukor and bactericidal protection, when it is necessary to wash the stems with running water and revitalize it, and relatively miti with sweet;
  • keep the vase with the bouquet far away sleepy shifts that protyagiv, at the cold mist;
  • do not place fruits nearby, ethylene shards, which are seen as fruits, are harmful to them;
  • Today, spray the growth lines with a spray gun, trying not to drag them to the center of the buds.

Kviti s povnistyu rozkritimi, down the leaves of the bath do not varto - the stench will soon wither

As you know for sure that the trojans from the bouquet were treated with chemical preparations, you can boldly drop some dishes for the mitt in the vase, or the utensils for the whiteness - such chemistry is no longer enough for flowers.

Zavdyaki rehabilitate more cunning, you can definitely continue life to the quarters, it’s too early for the smell of the stench, all the same, you’ll start to get drunk. You can spend a few more days standing at the vase for additional drops of ammonia, added to the water, or lower the water for five quills at the okrip, and then put it on cold water. The second, more difficult option: to shift the trojandi by the bath to the bottom, on top cold water so that the kvity did not get wet. Alas, this procedure will happen very soon, the shards of growth will ring out to the “water regime” and the vase will feel uncomfortable.

If you buy the vouchers yourself, then obov'yazkovo savage respect for the steps of their freshness: leaves, like oblyamov heads of votives, strongly adjoin to the buds. Kviti s povnistyu rozkritimi, drooping down the leaves of the bath do not varto - the stench will soon wither.

Bazhan vase pick up such a height, so that two-thirds of the stems were stuck under the water.

Viroshchiuchi miraculous trojandi at the kvіtnik, you, svidshe for everything, hour at an hour you see them on bouquets to decorate the room near the apartment. At such a time, you need not only to take care of, how to save your zrіzanі kvіti, but also recommendations for the very zrіzuvannya, even if it’s rich enough to lie in, skilki to stand the stench at the vase.
