If you obscurate the Trojans with Bordeaux native land. Bordeaux native land on the varty of my trojans

For the hostile minds of the growth of the Trojans, the stamina is reduced to a rich ailment. Sometimes the stench of the floorings will be taken care of, what to bend.

One of the most widespread ailments powdery mildew. On the surface of leaves, stems, buds, thorns, trojans settle boron white, poppyasty or gray color. A weak one is poured on the back of the head and winnowed over with blazing or sultry flames, and then gradually grows and establishes a strong mass on the surface of the damaged plot. As a result, young parts of the trojans die before the hour.

Come fight:

Autumn pruning of the wounded pagons, picking up the scorched leaves and their scorching

Digging up the soil with the turnover of the layer (when it happens, the death of fungi occurs in the event of failures near the soil again);

In autumn, or early in spring (before the opening of the nirok), after trimming the dammed pagons, and picking the fallen leaves, cover with a 1-hundred rozchin blue vitriol.

During the growing season, including the flowering hour, carry out regular washing of bushes with an interval of 8-10 days with a variety of blue vitriol with additional mil: 200-300 g of a rare green mil (or 72-hundred of gospodarska) in 9 l soft drive, 20-30 g of blue vitriol, mix in 1 liter of water, gently mixing miliy vodka, pour into a new thin stream of sulphate of mid sulphate.

To drink trojans, zastosovuyut chalk or a colostrum, at a temperature of +20 - 25 ° C, a circulatory day is established, which is even more toxic for fungal spores.

For the application of vicorist, 1% suspension of colloidal sirka is used. It is indicated that the sirka can give a stimulating effect on the development of trojans.

In addition, in autumn, that spring soil around the bushes of trojans can be covered with wood ash (100-120 g per 1 sq. Meter) and lightly placed in the surface ball.

In the evening, you can add an infusion of cow'yaku. Bacteria, which are found in gnoyivtsi, destroy the mycelium, the bogeyman of the downy dew. In such a rank biological method fight that more deeply rooted trojan.

Irzha. Dosit rіdkіsna, but even more unsafe ailment. Hanging on the stalks of white leaves, which open up, and the root necks appear orange pilucha mass of spores. Inflow, on the lower side of the leaf, there are small orange-yellow sporulation pads. The illness of Troyand Irzhei is stronger in the rocks with that warm spring. Irzhi mushrooms are seen near roslin pozhivnі speechovina, greatly disrupt their physiological functions: photosynthesis decreases, breathing becomes more difficult, speech exchange decreases. Everything is ignoring the trojans, causing the leaves to dry out, the deformation of the stems, pagons, and flowers.

Methods of fighting: trimming the wounded pagons, picking up those spalling, digging up the soil, picking up the trojans before covering for the winter with one of the preparations:

4-hundred bordeaux motherland, or 4-hundred rozchiny zalizny vitriol (before the opening of bruniok). During the growing season, it can be covered with a mid-mile rozchin as against bog dew.

Black weeping. In case of this illness in the other half of the year, dark brown interstitial patches are established on the leaves, petioles and stipules. different expansions. Appearing ailments with a lack of potassium, trojans especially often suffer in the warmth and water of summer. With a strong infection, the leaves are dark, wither and fall off. The fungus overwinters on pagons and leaves.

Come fight: picking up and spitting ailing leaves and pagons, digging up the soil with a large layer, autumn or early spring sifting trojans and soil before releasing the brunok with one of the preparations: cold vitriol- 3 vіdsotkovy, nitrafen - 2 vіdsotkovy, Bordeaux rіdina 3 percent.

During the growing season, cover with a 1-hundred bordeaux native land or a mid-mile-long patch, as if against the bog dew.

Cancer - it sounds like it looks brown, with a depressed surface patch, which blames the base of the stem. The edges of the patches can be thickened, the bark at the same time cracks. A fungus that causes cancer, or an opium stem, penetrates through wounds, which is blamed for attacks on trojans and other shkidniks, or for mechanical damage.

It is necessary to be careful when fluffing the soil under bushes. As if the edges of the cancerous patches close up, the whole stalk is over the defeat of the plot.

Dosvіdchenі gardeners, like before, plant in their gardens not pure blue vitriol, but new preparations on yoga basis, but Bordeaux homeland. Moreover, according to the opinions of people, I trust them, it’s better still to work with dry powders of blue vitriol and vapna, to bathe already prepared rare concentrate.

For over 100 years, the Bordeaux native land has been stagnant near the gardens. Vaughan vvazhaetsya one of the best chemical preparations against scab and fungal diseases of trees and chagarniks. Vikoristovuyut її green cone, tobto. until the release of leafy and flower brunioks. Also, you can vicorate for disinfection of wounds and other poshkodzhen on the bark for addition to the garden watering. The cooked look has a turquoise color core.

How to cook Bordeaux native. It is necessary to buy a package, on which it is written “Bordosk sumish”. New one has 2 sachets - with medium vitriol ( blue color) and vapnom. Only plastic or glass utensils are suitable for preparing homemade dishes. Sprinkle in a liter glass jar 300 g of blue vitriol is mixed in hot water (50-60 ° C). Okremo at the vіdrі 400 g of vapna is extinguished in a small amount of water, then we bring the vapnyan milk with water to 10 l and thoroughly mix it. Dali into each rozchin with a thin glass, with constant stirring, pour vitriol. Ready rozchin is filtered and poured at the obpriskuvach. I’m still adding a tablespoon of rare gospodarsky sweet to the obpriskuvach. It helps the Bordeaux natives to stick to the necks more quickly, and it means to seal the super-chicks of mushrooms.

Obov'yazkovo reverify the acidity of the radiny. I rob it like this: I lower it by 3-4 whilins in the span of the flowers. If wine turns into a red color, it means that there may be a lack of puddle reaction. Then I add a few more drops of vape milk, resolutely mix it up. Vikoristovuvat Bordeaux homeland is necessary once.

With the price of a 3 percent sky-blaky homeland, I will smash all the curtains early fruits of the treeі chagarniki, grapes, troyandi, hydrangeas, wood-like pivonia, come down the smell of grass, iris and floksiv Tobto. those growths, yakі the most shillnі to ailments called mushrooms.

Why do I care that it is necessary to vicorate the bordeaux native itself, and not the modern preparations of midi (Chlorokis midi, HOM chi Kuproksat)? The fact that in our gardens the trees already suffer from lack of calcium, soils often have a weakly acidic, and sometimes an acidic reaction. Well, at the stage of hanging leafy and flowery brunoks, we don’t just block shkіdniki, but we give calcium growth to the roses. during the growing season, as you need to protect yourself against ailments in the most chemical way, rather than vicorist, clean preparations and midi.

Ale mіy dosvіd kazhe, scho odnієї prіnіїї prіznі prіdі bordeaux suffices, dalі for prophylaxis phytosporin vitosporin is better. The most safe way to stream sickness. Even though the roslins were ill, then they should repeat the appellation of the Bordeaux homeland of autumn

Bordeaux native land is also like blue vitriol, which can cause ruin to people. For this reason, the defender (eyepieces, capelyukh, dressing gown, mittens and respirator) cannot be harmed.

Today, we tell you, like shkіdniki and ailments of the trojans, and how to fight with them in case of growing cich beautiful tickets. In our article we can see best ways exaltation and prevention of black weeds, spider mites and other ailments and shkidnikiv.


The triumph of the trojans in the face of various illnesses is an important stage in the cultivation of noble growth. And in order for your success to succeed, it is necessary to know exactly the symptoms of ailment as much as possible. effective methods fight.

The most widespread trojan infections are:

  • irzha;
  • powdery mildew;
  • mellowness.

Most of the next from іrzhі. Significantly tse illness is even simpler, shards of yogo head symptoms can be called the appearance of a patch of ore color and a settled spore on a leaf, as if it were not difficult to begin to fall off. Trojans are easily attacked by disease. What can help you? You can vicorist people's well-being, for example, Nasty from Pauline. Ale, before the winter, obov'yazkovo to strike at the defeat of the leaves of the trojand, so that the ailment did not cross the distance.

To prepare the tincture, take 1 kg of fresh polyna leaves, 50 g of dry and pour 10 liters of water all the way. Let the warehouse brew for two stretches, after which it is possible to carry out a trial. Varto means that the infusion is ready to finish it for a long time - for the whole hour you can beat the ailment from the miners, we recommend that you prepare it for a long time.. If such a zasіb is not to be helped, vicorist the Bordeaux native land for the harvest.

Trimming of Trojans by the Bordeaux native land

Another strong enemy of the Trojans is the bog dew. Їy zvjayut urazhyutsya kvіti, scho grow among the miners near the apartment. It’s not easy to recognize the sickness, the shards of it appear in the light white infusion on a ticket. Like only super-flowers vizryut, on the leaves begin to settle light drops, similar to dew. Fight these ailments smoothly, you don’t dare to betray a good fortune. Obov'yazkovo for prevention, cut trojans with vitriol and try to prevent sharp temperature fluctuations, which will also spread the bog dew.

Prevention didn't help? Treat our pleasures:

  • At an early stage, the roslin can be cultivated for an additional infusion of pus and wood ash, once for a week.
  • At the middle stage, the bushes with trojans need to be planted with a mile-and-a-half spread - once every 10 days.
  • Like a disease, the greater part of the trojans were struck, the next vicarious chemical preparationsBenomyl abo Topsin-M.

Another unsafe illness is black blistering, which is especially unsafe for tea trojans. The sickness begins to appear with a filthy watch, if the rose is watching a lack of living elements. Spriyaє її pojavі that peresvolozhennju ґruntu. The main symptoms of illness can be seen:

  • the appearance of dark dots;
  • fixing yellow edging on the sheet;
  • attached growth.

At the cob stage, clean up the damaged parts of the tea trojandite and sprinkle the bushes with tincture of horsetail. Even though these methods did not help you, to cultivate the rose, be a kind of way to avenge honey. For preventive purposes, bushes can also be cultivated with Bordeaux native land, but not more often than once for 7 days. How not to practice, to happen to see the bush and burn it, so that the black weeping does not spill over into healthy growth in your garden.


As you could remember, fight against ailments even more smoothly, with great chances that the Trojans will perish all the same. That is why it is so important to know that you can keep an eye on the Trojans, and as a prophylactic visit to help them do not fall ill with beautiful colors. For example, you can cook vodvari with tyutyun or a watchmaker, and use them for bushes. This method is even safer, and with it, it doesn’t call out the sound of an ailment.

You didn’t win any bi-variant of prevention, remember that your Trojan fell ill, and you happened to see, weeds and organic leftovers near the bushes of the varto, tidy up and burn. There can live sick people, if only they will be able to, move to other branches. Therefore, take it as a rule that looking after the thick linen of shoes is guilty of including weeding and weeding the weeds around the bush.

trojandi ailment

Another option to protect bushes with trojans is calendula or chamomile near the flowerbed. Tsі kvіti mayut aroma, like a popelitsa and mites. How to hang around a private house nearby, to allow the protection of trojans from fungal infections.

An important moment of yakіsnoї prophylaxis is the removal of all leaves from the bush before wintering. If you forget about your visit, then early spring trojandi can be affected by an active influx of fungal infections. At the thought of finishing the kvtnikarіv, late in the autumn of Troy, it is also necessary to fertilize for an additional 3% variety of blue vitriol;


Chimalo among the trojans of enemies and among the middle shkіdniks. Biggest view - spider mite, which is not a safe yak for rooms, so for garden flowers, as well as thrips and shields. Almost a trace of a spider mite - coma, as if it thrives in the skin garden, hostile no less than trojandi, ale and grapes, apple trees and other fruit trees and flowers. Once upon a time, raise a bud until the growth loses its immunity, that buv until it perishes.

The spider mites are more fuzzy, you can’t get enough of that coma, then it’s easy to reveal their presence - a thin spider web appears on the lower part of the leaf. In order to get rid of the tick again, it is necessary to fight with it at all stages of the life cycle of this child. Same important rule- Correctly selected insecticides. Just make sure to take care of nitrogen, and also prepare, at the warehouse of some phosphates and pyrethrins, and not only don’t take a shkіdnik, but also increase its number.

Spider mite on Trojan

The best way to cultivate bushes with trojans of vicory is to use acaricides or folk remedies that have increased their effectiveness against spider mites. For example, try to cultivate infected bushes for additional help miles apart. At the time of vikonann, it is necessary to follow him, having squandered the roses on all the leaves, especially on their lower part, so to love the ticks to settle. You can also vicorist Fitoverm, repeating the test for reliability after 15 days

Can you protect yourself from a spider mite? Іsnuє sprat options:

  • At the beginning of the active growth of the Trojans, the guardian of the growth is guilty of turning on the parts of the watering, in order to allow the rise of the authority of the growth of the growth (stay to the mite).
  • Try once for a sprat of tizhniv to grow a mile-long growth.
  • Do not vikoristovyte preparations and a wide range of diy, oskolki tse can stock coma, scho harchuyuyutsya spider mites.

All these rules are expanding, including, and on bedroom trojandi, yakі not less suffer from mites, lower gardens. Also, remember that cold weather is just approaching, the spider mites move from the bush in the disgrace of the leaves and spend the winter there. The very same, as winter comes, all the remnants of growth in the garden should be burned.


Now let's move on to trips and shields - no less unsafe for trojans shkіdnikіv. Tripsies are small black lumps up to 3 mm long, which are also important. Most of the stench lives near the buds. Particularly suffer tea trojans seen in the sinter, if thrips penetrate the middle of the fabric and eat juices. Then, in this period, it is easier to bring out the shkіdnik, even if the edges of the pellets begin to darken, the eggs are settling on them. The problem is that even if you don’t often fight, the thrips will weaken your well-being, and the stench will become less resistant to fungal infections.

What are the methods of fighting zasosuvati? You can vicariously prepare special preparations, but if you need it, it is necessary to carry out a re-processing, but not earlier than the next two days after the first. This is necessary in order not to stock the trojan itself. It is true, during this period new thripsies can settle on the roslini, so that they can start laying eggs. In order to get away from him, wipe the bushes with trojans of roses from the master's mil with chemical dressings. Don't forget to wash the roses with water. You can also vicoristize systemic insecticides by adding streaks of dog shampoo like blix to them for suppleness.

When carrying out the dressing of the shoes, take care of the damage to the parts of the growth, de sound the thrips to lay their eggs, and also trim the flower-carriers - now the shkidniks will not be eating. In order for the larvae of shkіdnikіv, which are deposited near the soil, to grow, it is necessary to carefully push the soil near the root of the trojandia, lifting the thrips to the mountain, after which it is possible to cultivate the land with insecticides. No less important is the correct prophylaxis against trips. In front of you, often look around the bushes with trojans, so that you can see them when they appear, especially at the bakery, if the larva of the shkidnik in just a couple of days transforms into a grown-up person. To the very same varto obov'yazkovo water the trojans and increase the water content around the apartment, which will help to galvanize the growing coma.

Vision of the damage to the parts of the erysipelas

Also, we are sent by the skipper of the room garden trojans you can use a shield. The main peculiarity of the cієї coma in the mіtsny and mіtsny shells, which protects the shkіdnik from the influx of chemical diseases. Tsya komakha will eat the juice of roslin, seeing the nectar that is left on the stems and leaves of trojandia - you yourself can make a shield from them. The grown-up individuals attach themselves to the roslin and are crooked by their own shield, the stars of it are even more foldable. Himself through the chain and otrimav his name.

How to get rid of shields? It’s easier to clean up the shkіdnik at the early stages, it’s important for him to plant the bushes as soon as the shields appear. Viyavili sticky pour? Bravely take up the fight. There are no special preparations directed at the fight against itself with shields, and that one is not afraid of such benefits. To that shield I happen to know by hand, zmivayuchi from the growth for the help of the mile line of that ganchirochka.

Since the number of shkidniks is already large, add sprats of gossa or olії to the size (for skin liter size). Such a sumish blocking access to the sour shields. That prevention is important:

  • Follow along, so that the bushes were not thickened and well ventilated, as it is necessary - to conduct.
  • Take away the weeds that fall from grace, where can a shield live.
  • Obprisskuyte kuschi at the baker.

In the rest of the 3 springs of spring and autumn, I buy sprat varieties of trojans, from weaving to tea shy. Various shapes and sizes are now lingering in my business, but a lot of people unite them zagalna badge- "gusset", because that's the name of the red tsyatki.

In this photo of a trojan, a yak was white when zrіzanny. On the morning of the flowerpot, I succumbed to such a picture.

In the photo below for the trojan in the garden. The number of "guests" is less rich, and the stench is a little lighter.

There is nothing criminal in these “guests”, but if you want to take clean white color Tse becomes a problem.

I could not immediately know the reason for the blame for this misfortune. So come in, like digging + ash, they didn’t give any results. For a long time, I read information about such chickens. Htos kav, scho stink z'yavlyayutsya in the plank that vozgali vokostі, thin fog. Other authors sang that the reaction of the trojans to the call attack was such a good thing. Ale, the board didn’t bulo, but the chickens are coming, pulling and expanding wider and wider. This infection, mute for the Lanzug reaction, spread to the erysipelas, and then choked zhovti trojandi. Rozhev vzagali pleased with shriveled pelyustki, as can be seen in the photo below.

On the back of my mind, I thought, what sira rottenness attacking, but having looked at the row of buds, she did not know the analogous signs.

To supplement everything, on the leaves of my beloved white tea trojan, I showed such an “affiliation”. Not otherwise, the black plume itself swirled in the guest! There were no such assortment of patches on the leaf, and the patches themselves were not on the sheet. And here, at the end of the season, such a variety of everything! Possibly, black plaits - the last of the lack of potassium, but strongly on the price of not varto rozrakhovuvat.

The results of a search for liking and an analysis of a set of sores led me to Bordeaux madness. Ozbroїvshis, I rushed into the bey.

Why the fungicide itself?

Behind the fact, I can recruit various unreasonable flames; beautiful roslins. For this, I need a wide range of faces, so that I could zastosuvat in the complex with smaller entries.

This drug should be used more for others on the leaves of roslin, but it is necessary, with special care, to increase the concentration of the difference, so as not to reduce the opik. It is best to win the sum in the period when the buds have blossomed and it is possible to harvest all parts of the growth.

How to breed sumish and why you can’t cheat

The first time I opened the sachet for 5 liters of water, rozchin wiyshov too much concentration and mischievous lower pellets of one of my trojans. Now a bag of 200 g of sumishi I add navpіl and razvodzhu tsyu kіlkіst for 2 buckets of 5 liters. І close to 100 rubles. quick vapn
Bordeaux native does not need to be treated with drugs, as they are placed near the puddle medium. I have learned this lesson well, if I have grown cherries.

How to heal the ailment of Roslin

In my mind, we were small with patches on the pelusts of an unfamiliar journey, which the pellusts had dried up with the balls. erysipelas trojandi and "Gothic" zabarvlennya on the leaves of white tea troyand. I tried to speed up with a whole complex of entries:

1) Bordeaux native land;
2) ash during digging into the soil;
3) transplantation on a new one, grown on the front stage with ash;
4) spalling of cut parts of growth and її leaves.

Finishing process

The process itself did not take a lot of time.

1. For the cob, she brought ash from the burnt trees (polіn), dug up the soil around the growth on the bagnet shovel and added ash to the soil. Sipala on the eye, close to 3-4 zhmen.
2. With the simplest broom from the wind, she sprinkled the growths over the beast down.


It’s important to judge the result of this battle with a hundred hundred guarantee, but new buds like autumn made you happy.

Ale, not varto, please. Possibly, the chickens did not show up, because the weather was dry, or the autumn temperature was not up to par.

Let's wonder what the upcoming season will have. I am planning to add 7 new bushes. I will be glad to recommend varieties, I am glad that they are thin, it’s impossible to lie, without getting stuck in them.
