Vasya has broken down a long and unhappy life.


Unhappy life

First of all, let’s face it, since you’re happy, you need to understand what the root of all problems is, so there’s no reason to bother you with unhappiness. Make sure we know very well what we want: health, money, beauty, food, more leisure time, creative fulfillment... And most importantly, at the same time. So the essence of the problem is that we think we are guilty.

Whoever has money, but I (unfortunate!) have none, I am forced to sit in a suffocating (and cold, sometimes suffocating, and cold at the same time, and even, unfortunately, we know that no one cares) room.

Or even if he was born lucky, he, like his neighbors, was spared, not the same as me!

And nothing better than me, but happiness has come to her!

So let’s figure out why she was spared, but not you.

We ourselves, madly, are also vibrating.

And since our vibrations are in harmony with the vibrations of the Universe, then everything is good with us, we are happy, otherwise we seem to be internally harmonious and calm. But no amount of reconciliation will help here, even if you don’t convince yourself that you are happy, you won’t be happy, but everyone understands. And people, the rhythms of vibrations of which are synchronized with the rhythms of the Universe, but not all of them. However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. Moreover, from the beginning all people are happy people.

However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

The same can be said about the creatures: the stinks are happy, because they don’t care about them.

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

є meaningful fragment.

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

From the book Life, death and life after death.

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

What do we know?

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.


This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

Kübler-Ross Elisabeth

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

Life is coming, Jung's companion with transiting Saturn met together with his mother, young sister and two cousins, conducting a seance.

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

This happened the same way, if the transit Saturn squared to the natal Saturn, on the way to Britney Spears' life began in a small town in the state of Mississippi., і

This is the text However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. You will gain respect for children: they are happy, since they are not tormented by misfortunes when they grow up.

His father was a handsome and friendly contractor with expressed love until the alcoholic hour. Her mother was a school teacher, who, in the opinion of her family, lived in uneasy whore

Luck, as indicated in Simpson’s horoscope, declared itself when transiting Saturn became in opposition to natal Saturn. However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. Simpson

high school

and played for the high school football team. The fragments will be even greater for

3 books ABC for psychics

Nord Mykola Ivanovich However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. Life Life is an arena, where people know that they have waged a battle against death and, no wonder, it is most often the one that overcomes it.

Holy people, magicians and psychics know about this, but most people don’t.

Because living in everyday life, without knowing the unknown, is relaxing, silent sleep in your head However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. From the book The Mystery of Psychic Healing

by Wallis Amy

Your life is like the life of a medium Having understood this simple instruction, you can understand your life like the life of a medium. However, it’s entirely possible to tune in to the World, and it’s not really important. When you come out of the womb, from the “boot,” we are talking about those that you recently left for your body.

Everything is new, open to the light, all your emotions From the books Russian Book of the Dead Hofman Oksana Robertivna

Part 5 Christian Rus' and life after death Christian afterlife It is necessary to say that after the baptism of Russia, Christian straight-forward literature literally rushed to the people in a turbulent stream. Moreover, all those who were not required rushed out. From the books of Mi in the Galaxy

Life is lost and your life is closed. If you know that all life is a gra, then you need to know that the gra is even cruel: we were pulled from it without our participation and now;

leaving her voluntarily is not so easy; she has no rules; Let's face it, no one wins, but A voice of conscience and an oppositionist in the world of music, Vasil Goncharov, having released his sixth album as part of the project Vasya Oblomov, who called it too much:“It’s such an unlucky life”

. The artist dissects today's marriage

, Vіdsіkє for the society to put in the title of the long-play. Oblomov is a prolific artist: since the release of his debut album in 2011, he managed to quickly release a full-format recording (Crime 2015)"Breaks"

It’s impossible to write off the shells, although the stench is insane, it can be drawn to a mini-album, and the same outline is not monumental). It’s time to stroll through the payment area.

Intro Order- A short story about those who, in sum, provide an incomparable picture of what is happening in Russia: everything is rotten, aka, censored: “We’re waltzing!”

I’m getting ready to squash my thoughts like notes in the margins like cold water. In internal emigration This resonates with my work and work at the factory, where everyone else manages to say “put down”, and Let’s be friends - a wonderful program to pass an evening or two. Vasya continues the concept of “friend or foe” in the upcoming track, The ruffle is unclear

, but this time the identification is carried out in the name of an unidentified and unidentified inhabitant. Well, in Wide food cola laconic instructions are given: how is the virility of an uninformed inhabitant. Conformism is always evident in the closest traditions of the “Lucky Seasons” Grigory Oster: listen and learn everything

Vikonana sarcasm flagellation changes to straightforwardness Dovge and unhappy life, Wikonan in tones Joy is given to the rude h

"Multiple moves"(2014). Poignant and bitter, the title song of the album, haunts the listener with heavy thoughts: I bark to others, why am I so ugly myself? the type of reflection is minimal.“Remember Death” - that’s how the title of the track is translated in Latin Grigory Oster.

The text of one song mirrors the other, unless permanent antitheses emerge. Long lasting (in direct sense) composition Repair

, Wikonana, like a theatrical sketch, in guises, has a captivating generosity, and the musical conductor calls out associations with old satirical couplets “on the topic of the day.” There is an obvious problem with the restoration of life, but in the scenery of the 21st century: there are pretexts with heat, noise, and a seemingly everyday hypermarket. The track is a monolithic monument (and, swedishly, a tombstone) of statics (repair) in dynamics (works from processing).

Remember the message for the child ABVGDeyka

? If your name is still connected with something educational and nostalgic – forget it. Oblomov will teach you to select situational synonyms for the words “sousid”, “deputy” and “colleague”, Skoda, but Vasily’s creativity will begin to call not all characters by their proper names, but rather to refresh the associative links viscous It's okay - these are the words a person uses if they accidentally step on their foot. Well, if it didn’t work out, I really wanted it to work out normally. Track - a picture from the reference: the agony of marriage, the need to understand and the hope. On this composition, in the spring of 2016, a clip was released, where the hero of the video, with sadistic calm, is filmed from behind, visualizing/popping eye toys.

The visualization of an elementary metaphor turned out to be very effective. In defiance of society, Oblomov/Goncharov sums up: “We’re not burning yet, but it looks like we’re in hell.” Live forever - collaboration with Glib Samoilov

, Yaka zavdyaki (who through?) Samoilov’s timbre, shvidshe, was fun. Vikonanny style of ex-participant Agati Christie There was like a white noise, as if it was alien. Don't go to the frontman The Matrixx sing about what is happening beside the suffering of the soul that is tossing around, especially about the social sphere, so beloved by Oblomov over the course of six albums.

The song about businessmen is a variation on the theme: what, yaqbi?.. About the merits of the guts and people's artists and corrupt morality. IN Talk nonsense

Let’s get down to the specific cultural figures who loved the “year”. Axis only in the rows of Oblomov stink will become completely caricatured characters Goodbye u dueti z Pavel Chekhov guesses another fruit of their creativity,

Rhythm vikon . Let us note that the composition of 2017 is similar to the old collaboration.

The melancholy tone that Chekhov calls to mind echoes the attacks of the present day and is transferred to the radio “Retro FM”. Thank you, I'm not that old yet. Shut up

Live with a children's choir in the background is truly a miracle. It breathes, inspires and gives strength to live among the typical heroes of Vasya Oblomov’s song. Among the Kulkovs, Dogs, Movchalins and other grotesque people..

So, the arrangement, as before, is simple, the smell is the middle of the chanson (as Vasya Oblomov glorified.

I'm going to Magadan

) and folklore motifs.
The overbearing primitivism of musical parties calls for the creativity of Goncharov’s group of those closest to the people and, at the same time, emphasizes respect on the texts.
This album is for those who are called “whitewashers”, this is the distillation of politics, passing through a musical sieve.
I would like to say that songs can bring goodness, positivity and be receptive to the ears of the inhabitant.

It’s amazing that “there’s always something on TV” and calling a digest of new releases creative in a time-lapse from album to album.
Stop talking.
And Vasya will continue to sing about that land where
V. Mayakovsky

“What is so good and what is so bad” deserves only the artist’s new reading
The kingdom of crooked mirrors needs its own minstrel.

We appreciate your respect: to correctly correct the text of a song, you need to see at least two words
And our close friends sit in the evenings over local tea.
And in the silence of the stench they don’t smell anything, so that their chests ache.
Because hatred in us is less powerful.

Our life differs from words, and words from right.
We attribute everything to share.
And so quietly
Robimo, I see that everything has long been clear to us,

That we have everything under control, and that our life is so beautiful.
We have been stuck with it all the time and never become simpler.
And we are wildly excited about the appearance of military power.
A new salvo and rockets crash into the mountain.

Our life and unhappiness are going our way.

  • About the song
Write to Vasya Oblomov: “The song that gave the name to the whole album.