Troyanda garden. Wonder what "trojan" is in other dictionaries

Description of sorts. Troyandy is one of the oldest and most beautiful colors, reminiscent of old hours. The ancient Greeks and Romans were crying with trojans, the middle minstrels spawned their beauty, the chants were growing near the monastic gardens and brewing new varieties. With the help of bagats, the Trojan was a symbol of beauty; Viroshchuvat and choose the best the best vidi trojans were located at the Ancient Skhodі, near China, India, Asia Minor. And yet, the selection works for the breeding of hybrids of trojans were widely flared up in the lands of Europe, at least in the 18th century. Until the 19th century, Trojans were transported in Europe, which bloomed once per season. Until the end of the century, there were already close to 4000 such varieties. It gave post-stock selection robots the opportunity to hybridize and breed new varieties, which became the main forms for the creation of the main groups of modern trojans.

How to invigorate a trojan from shipshiny? Kind of simple. The juveniles of the trojans are full of red colors, and the juveniles of the trojans are green. All Trojans and shipshiny give priority to fat, black clays. If you don’t have such people, then change the compost, which is better retranslated, and even more rotten (it’s impossible to make fresh rot for planting trojans!), I filled it with this clay, like you have. It’s better to plant them in such a way that the sun squandered on them, so it’s safer, the sun, and there was an openwork pivtin over them, then the stench won’t burn and it’s bright. Ale is better than the midday sun, lower pivtin. In the dark trojans bloom even worse.

Irrespective of the visibility of the folding of the growing, the trojands with skin rock grow more and more wide in the landscaping and like a mature culture in the wet and closed ground.

The culture of the Trojans was taken up long before our time. Wild plants are seen, called thorns, widely expanded in the krains of Pivnichnaya pivkulі - in Europe, Asia, Pivnichniy America.

The first garden Trojans appeared at the warm, sleepy lands, at the Close Descent - at Babylon, Persia, Syria, Transcaucasia. Here the assortment is molded on the basis of deciduous species of damascus, centifolia and yellow Persian trojandium. Zvіdsi culture of the Trojans penetrated to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to the Balkan Pivostrіv. In Bulgaria, in the Kazanlitsky Valley, Damascene troyanda is widely cultivated at the same time, which gives the most common troyand oil.

Recently, the Trojan gallica began to spread widely in France, but the French Trojan, close for its power to Damascus and centifolia. In the 17th-18th centuries, France became the center of Trojan culture in Europe, here great collections of various species were selected and numerical varieties similar to those species appeared. In the 19th century in England, hybrids between French and Damascus Trojans were taken away again, which took away the name of the Portland Trojans.

Second center of culture garden trojans wine from China and India on the basis of evergreen heat-loving tea trojans, to which Chinese and Indian trojans with white-and-red and red kvitas and teas with yellow zapashnim kvіta were secured.

Skhіdnoazіatskiy vidi trojans were brought to Europe in the XVIII century. From this hour, the creation of new forms of cross-breeding among themselves of different species and varieties begins.

At present, there are over 20 thousand different varieties of trojands, for their biological power, which are united for success in mental groups, the largest expansion of such parks, remontant, tea-hybrid, floribunda, polyanthus and weaves.

Rіd vіdnositsya up to the family of roses and more than 300 species, which grow in the world's climate, varieties, forms and more than 20 thousand varieties. Cultural trojans reach the largest subgenus - troyand, which includes 135 species. Troyandi are deciduous, more often evergreen rich-stem chagars with a height of 35 cm to 2-2.5 m and short (up to 12 m) strong liana with thin pagons, which can be called along a support or spread along the ground. Pagons and leaves of various sizes and forms, however, forms and without thorns, flowers of terry, napіvmrovі, naryznomanіtnіshої forms, zabarvlennya, single or selected in shields or khurtovinnі sutsvіtya, zapashnі and odorless. Bagatov_kova culture of trojans in different climatic and soil minds, the appearance of a majestic variety of garden forms and varieties to make a folding walk with different biological features and decorative features called for the need to be found in garden groups. Take the same thing if you want to make it smarter, but also help you to orient yourself in the choice of assortment and rozrobtsі priyomіv viroshchuvannya.

Modern garden classification Trojans are seen over 25 thousand Trojans, represented by 56 classes and garden groups. All fundamentally different trojans can be firstly added to old і modern trojans.

Repairing forms in the house of decorative growth, attached for growing room minds♦ Small compact growths (up to 35 cm at the height) with prominent flowers for cultivated trojans up to 5 cm in diameter of erysipelas, red or white color. Trojandi miniature ♦ Compact, bushy, very velvety, curls up to 20 cm, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, numerous, often terry, fragrant, variegated infestation.

Vymoga to vologia: regular watering regularly, watering the winter. Miniature trojans are often dry.

Temperature regime: imperceptible. Light regime: growth of peaceful lighting, more importantly skhіdna or zahіdna exposition, but at the time of the rooting of baitfish, it's more illumined.

Vymoga to soil: optimal soil mix from greenhouse, leafy and soddy soils with piskom at spivvіdnosnі 2:2:1:1, in kvіtnі - herb podzhivlennya razmeny organic and mineral dobriv obov'yazkove.

Reproduction: live bait in linden, take root in the sand of water, bazhana with phytohormones.

Features: more revenge in a tight container. Weak pagons of obov'yazkovo need to be seen. Need regular circumcision. Transplant - shorichna.

Old and modern Trojans

The cordon date, which gives the opportunity to divide the great variety of trojans into two great groups of old and modern trojans, є 1867, is officially respected by the fate of the appearance of the first tea-hybrid variety of trojans La France. Tsey is truly revolutionary in the sense of development of selection, the variety was introduced by the French breeder Guyot and conceived the creation of all modern hybrids and varieties of trojans.

In such a rank, to the old trojans we carry a mustache garden varieties trojans, bred before the appearance of the tea-hybrid variety, and before modern trojans - all varieties and hybrids, taken off after 1867.

Before old trojand bring see different about park trojans, Gallic, French, Damascus, Centifolia, Portland.

Bengali or Chinese, Bourbon, Noiset, tea and remontant trojandi. Modern Trojans represented by offensive garden groups of trojands: hybrid tea trojands, polyanthus trojands, floribunda trojands, grandiflora trojands, miniatures, climbing trojands.

Park Trojans

The qiu group of common gardens has varieties that contain up to 10 species of European and Asian herbs, their varieties and hybrids. Varieties of park trojands can be hybrids, when they were mixed, wild plants of trojand and different kinds of herbs grew. The very springs of this park and Trojans are resurrected by unsightlyness, promoted by winter hardiness and resistance to sickness and sickness. Most of the park trojans successfully overwinter without additional shelter. The number of trojans of livestock is multiplied, introduced and introduced to young shoots. For planting parks, trojans give priority to well-illuminated villages, but they can endure and light pivtin. The park trojans bloom once a season, not even a trivial hour, but even more clearly. The flowers of the new season are settled at the park trojans on old woods, which have been trimmed, the stench is practically not affected by the trimmings, which also makes it easier to keep an eye on them. Є early-flowering varieties. Park Trojans are priced for beauty great booth, a large amount of greenery and cherry blossoms. Park trojans hang out alone or in groups and vicarious like decorative plantings, living flesh, for decorating kvtnikiv and like tapeworms.

The most wide-ranging species in this garden group of Trojans trojan zvichinaі troyanda is ugly, or trojan rugosa. Troyanda is awesome it is characterized by a sparse bushy budwood bush with thinly curved arched needles. The bush height can reach 3 m. The tickets are small, trochs are larger than 3 div in diameter, single tickets are selected in a cluster of 3-5 tickets. More important than the zabarvlennya of flowers - rosy, pale rosy, light cream, white. Blossom in chervni, brightly stretched 2-3 tyzhniv. Troyanda is ugly, or husky, it is blown up by a thick budwood bush, which is made up of a number of upright thorns, densely covered with great and ancient thorns. Straight pagons begin to grow closer to the top. The bush can reach 2 m of the crown,

The needles are covered with heavily wrinkled dark green large glossy leaves, the flowers are of medium size up to 7 cm in diameter or larger up to 10-12 cm in diameter. The tickets can be simple and double-sided, single or selected in a succulent for a short time, 3-5 pieces each. Overwhelmed by the zabarvlennya of tickets - purple-chervone, more rosy and white. Tsvіte zvіte zvіchі v chervnі dosit trivalo - up to 4 tizhnіv - and even brightly. Quite trojandi rugosi can be beautiful delicate aroma. A lot of varieties of trojandi rugosi have been bred, which are bred by the world and infested with flowers; stinks are valued for building re-blooming throughout the season, decorative bushes that grow quickly, winter hardiness and unviableness.

Repair Trojans

This garden group of trojans was taken away from France in the 19th century after the crossing of Damascene and French trojans with tea trojans. The main advantage of the remontant trojans was the decline in the appearance of tea trojans, as the building of re-flowering, as well as the shape of the flower, became a common sight. In French and Damascene trojans, remontant trojans became resistant to low winter temperatures. Bushes of remontant trojands are high, up to 2 m curls, strong. Flowers of remontant trojans are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, round-cupped shape, terry with a strong aroma, selected 3-5 flowers per pagon. Pervazhayuchi colors: white, rozhevy, red shades. Flowering of remontant trojandi girls: the first time it is clear in red for 3-4 days, suddenly, for example, sickle - the middle of spring. In the middle smuz of Russia, de at the moment poserіgaєtsya suttєve

temperature drop, autumn color weak, and the cold fates of the morning. The critical temperature for remontant trojans, if stinks can hibernate without shelter, є -12 ° С, then trojans should be vkrivat for the winter. With the advent of tea-hybrid trojans remontant trojans trochs have spent their immense popularity, but, as before, they are loved by gardeners and vicorist for landscaping, creating combinations. flower compositions, in such bushes of remontant trojans they can act like a screen or decay.

Hybrid Tea Trojans

A group of tea-hybrid trojans can be considered, perhaps, the most popular and the most popular of all garden trojans. As it was already guessed, the appearance of the first hybrid of the garden group of Trojans became a revolution in the selection of Trojans. The first hybrid of the letters was taken away as a result of the crossbreeding of the remontant and tea trojans of the names "La France". Tsey hybrid having started a bunch of beautiful varieties that we ate in our own best capacity different forms: tea Trojans gave the Visukan hybrids the shape of a flower and the beauty of zabarvlennya, and the remontant ones - the building of a bagatorase flower for a long season, winter hardiness and stamina to the point of illness. Quite varieties of tea-hybrid trojans are breathed in by the beauty of addition, the richness of the charm and the miraculous aroma. The tickets are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, terry, single, roztashovanny on the quotation, 7-9 pieces. The prevailing colors are white, horny, buzkovy, yellow, orange, red and faceless transitional colors. Narazі іsnuyutі dvuhkolorovі ekzemplyarі tea-hybrid trojands. The bloom of tea-hybrid trojands starts from the end of the chervnia and until autumn it is clear. Massive flowers bloom from the end of the black to the end of the lime, and then, after a short calm, a friend of the bloom blooms, which lasts until the late autumn. In this rank, tea-hybrid trojans grow into practically uninterrupted flowers. Tea-hybrid trojans are not floorings that stay until cold, like parks and remontant trojans. Critical for them is the temperature of -10-12 ° C, so the stench of the stench is a strong shelter for the winter and for this reason it is good to overwinter. Today, over 2000 miraculous varieties of tea-hybrid trojands have been created, which are distinguished by the height and shape of the bush, the structure of the leaves - from the lower to the thick fluffy, the rosemary and the degree of terry flowers, the bark of the flowers.

Polyanthus Trojans

Polyanthus, which means rich flowers, trojans were introduced in France in the 19th century as a result of crossing the dwarf form of rich flowers trojans with Chinese tea trojans. Otrimany hybrid mav short (up to 40 cm) compact bush, covered with numerous small tickets. The first grade of polyanthus trojans was discovered in 1875, having omitted the name "Packer". The most valuable qualities of polyanthus trojands are good winter hardiness and even trival bloom, like passing through stages and becoming practically uninterrupted. Flowering trojans start in the other half of the chervnya and stay until the end of spring. Flowers of polyanthus trojans dribni (up to 3 cm in diameter), napіvtakhrovі and terry, selected in the pisne scutellum succulent on kіntsі vtechі. The sum of flowers is made up of 30-40 flowers, but the number of flowers in some varieties can be 100. More important colors: red, orange, erysipelas, white. Cicavo, that flowers of polyanthus trojands are practically relieved of the aroma. For overwintering polyanthus trojans, take a light coat, as this group of trojans is exposed to severe winter hardiness. Polyanthus trojandi zavdyaki compact form bushes are widely vicorous in decorative gardening at the warehouse of various floral compositions, for folding of oscillating borders, for group plantings.


The whole group of trojans is behind all the evils. Trojands of the floribunda group, which means brightly fluffy, were taken on the cob of the 20th century by the way of crossing polyanthic trojands from tea-hybrid trojands, and they unreservedly reprimanded all breeders and lovers of trojands. Strictly seeming, without a middle in crossing of polyanthus trojands with tea-hybrid boules from hybrid-polyanthus trojands, and a little bit in the course of further selection work and crossing of a new hybrid with other varieties of trojands of boules from floribunda trojands group. This group occupies the intermediate position between the bright colors and the high colors, repeatedly quick trojans. In the tea-hybrid trojandi floribunda, the shape of the flower, terryness, wide range of zabarvleni and aroma subsided to the full extent, in the case of polyanthus, they took away good winter hardiness, the compact form of the bush, the wine-colored richness and healthiness to practically uninterrupted. bright color. In the past, the floribunda group expanded and now it will grow in its own trojandi with a more varied bush habit: dwarf, no more than 30 cm to tight vigorous, 150 cm tall. Varieties of trojans of the floribunda group are also distinguished by roses and the shape of flowers, which can be small and large, up to 10 cm in diameter, simple, double and terry, as well as the size of the flower. Succulents can be small, medium and rich. The number of tickets for a rich flower bag can be 150 pieces. The floribunda group now has all sorts of trojands, the pagons of which end up with corymb succulents with flowers, which are close in shape to flowers of tea-hybrid trojands. Variety of colors in a variety of ways: red, orange, coral, yellow, rozhev, lavender, and more and more. Zavdyaks of their decorativeness, brilliance, variety of charm, garne form floribunda troyands grow more and more broad and widely vicorist in various forms of decorative flower design. The stench miraculously looks at the curbs, group plantings, like a tapeworm. Іsnuyut standard form Troyand floribunda. Troyandi floribunda is also widely sought after for picking.

Trojandi grandiflora

Troyandi grandiflora is a new garden group, culled recently, in the 50s and 60s of the XX century, as a crossing of tea-breeding trojans and floribunda troyands. Behind their decorative qualities, the shape and size of the flower stench are close to tea-hybrid trojans, but even better, the blooms of troyandi grandiflora faded into floribunda trojans. However, the new hybrid has a significantly greater winter hardiness, tightness and vigorous growth of the growth, lower vihіdnі forms. Ancestor Queen Elizabeth. Bushes of trojand grandiflora reach 2 m of cusp and are covered with budwood. The flowers, which shape the tea-hybrid trojands, are selected in small flowers, so written, like in floribunda trojands. Troyandi grandiflori bloom even brightly and trivalo, from the other half of the wormwood until the middle of spring. Most important colors: red, erysipelas, white. Troyandi tsієї garden groupi are widely vicorous for decorative decoration, at the sight of group

single landings, for zrіzuvannya. Іsnuyut stambovі forms troyand grandiflora.

Miniature Trojans

Varieties of this garden group of trojans are taken from crossbreeding of low-growing forms of Chinese trojans from polyanthus trojans, as well as other varieties of other groups. As the name stands out, this group is characterized by a compact low (no more than 30 cm) bushes and small flowers 1-2 cm in diameter). The leaves of miniature trojands are also dry, fresh dark green color, glossy. Bushes look even more erratic and are valued for thinness, decorativeness and a little fantasy look that they create in the miniature of the great erysipelas bushes. Zabarvlennya votok nayriznomanіtnisha, clean or with an additional color element at the sight of the husband or oblyamіvki. More important colors: white, horny, violet, red, orange, also two-coloured varieties. The flowers can be single or taken from the branch on the top of the pagon. Rich varieties exude a strong accommodating aroma. Miniature trojans bloom brightly for a long time, practically until frost, develop forms with repeated blooms. With the valuable qualities of miniature trojans, winter is high and winter-hardy and good resistance to illnesses and poor people. In this hour, selection works are being carried out at a straight distance, development and improvement of these traits.

Trojan ground cover

Miniature trojans to make the same shape Grunto-pokrivnyh trojans. These flat-growing bushes, to creep, with their long-growth pagons, cover the ground, making the kilim out of greenery and flowers. Kviti drіbnі, zіbranі in tufted succulent, є form, zdatnі until re-flowering. Zavdyaks to a low growth and building to grow, satisfying the color of erysipelas curtains, ground-covering trojans widely vicorous for the creation of original floral compositions, brightly colored patches on lawns and like framing galyavins. The stench is good to join with the flamboyant villages and chagarnikovy forms and osatly fluffy spruce.

The small compact shape of bushes of miniature trojans allows them to be vicoristed for folding shaky slit borders, low livestock, like framing flower beds. Іsnuyut stamps and miners' forms of miniature trojans.

Varieties of ground cover trojans

One of the most beautiful varieties of ground-covering trojans from brightly-pearl-erysipelas lower veins of breeding by Japanese breeders is called Noemi.

Roseromantic(kviti bіli non-makhrovі), Im-mensee(lower erysipelas non-double), Repandia(rozhevі non-double), LavenderDream(dark rozhevі napіvіvrovі), SnowCapet(white, dry, terry), Sommermerchen(intensely erysipelas, drіbnі, napіvmrovі), Somerwind(densely erysipelas middle, napіvmrovі), Fairy(Light-rozhevі, drіbnі, terry).

Weave and pidloz weaving trojandi

Wild trojans served as a wild form for the creation of climbing curly-haired trojans, which make old-sounding pagons. Zagalnoy badge all plaited curly trojans are strong and wild-haired, they can curl along a support, straighten strictly vertically uphill to a height of up to 4 m, or hang softly, satisfying a cascade of fluffy needles. right weaving trojandi, or rambler. The stench trembles with swedish growths, their bellies are thin, or drooping pagons reach a height of 2 to 5 m and require support. Flowers are small, not more than 4-5 cm in diameter, double or densely doubled, in a pyramidal flower, in which you can have up to 10-15 tickets. More important colors: white, rozheve, red, more varieties do not have a pronounced aroma. Flowering tsі weaving trojandi 1 time per season, ale to plant trivale, more flowers can grow up to 5-6 tizhniv, starting from the middle of the wormwood in fallow land weather minds. To bloom trojands on the batogs of the past fate, for all the days of the pagons that they overwintered, that for the winter it is necessary for them to be safe over the winter, so as not to allow the freezing of the pagons. It should be noted that weaving trojans in general can be covered with thermophilic roslins, and they can be grown more often in warm weather, de stinks can overwinter without shelter. Weaving Trojans are sensitive to the water, as they may come out of the walls, they will stink, or they will be blamed for the comrade's growth. Vogkіst can provoke the vindication of fungal infections, which is extremely unbearable. Climbing curly Trojans most often require support, so that the stink of special supporting organs is allowed to look like suckers or bushes, powerful other curly-haired trees. However, there are a number of forms and varieties of trojans, which are made stronger by pagons,

yakі can climb uphill along the wall without supplementary support, vikoristovuyuchi like chіplyayuchi organs of their thorns. To such trojans lie like trojan climber(literally "singing") with strong stems. The stench can be lifted without support on a height of up to 6 m, large tickets are selected in a bunch of 5-7 tickets; є sorts, scho three times to call 1 time per season, and re-kvituch_ pisno and clear stretch of the blue lit.

Up to a group of climbing trojans include also large plaited plaited trojandi, varieties of such boules were bred as a result of cross-breeding of rich flowers trojandi multiflora, zokrema її sorti carney, known to Europe since the beginning of the 19th century, prosi vihura, yak bula was brought from 1861 to Nimechchini from China, from other garden groups. The main direct way, at which selection works were carried out, was the creation of varieties from the hardened, arched pagons. Flowers of this type of trojans are large, selected in small ones up to 5 flowers of flowers, may bloom again. A special place in the group of climbing curly-haired trojans is occupied by forms and varieties of trojans, introduced in 1940 by Wilhelm Kordes. The stench enters to a group of climbing trojans under a mental name trojandi Cordes i є vigorous high bushes 2-2.5 m curls with strong weaving pagons. Flowers of different varieties are divided by rosemary and the degree of terryness and are non-double, or simple, densely terry, selected from small flowers. To call the trojandi of Cordes even more and brightly until autumn, they swell with hot winters and stamina until they fall ill.

group melodious trojans one sees the singing world mentally and has one's own varieties of trojans, which are characterized by a strong high volume growth. Up to it one can see upright growths of chagarnikov, or in the form of tangled trojands of 2-2.5 m, yakі є essentially park trojands, building up to re-flowering. The stench rises up in the povnyann with climbing trojans, which hover, winter hardiness and stamina to sickness, but for the winter it also wiggles obov'yazkovo.

With rich varieties of weaving trojands, you can mold the standard forms on the mіtsnu, to finish the high stovburi with soft cascading needles, which hang beautifully. For splitting the standard (or napіvіvіtkovih) trojands, the cultivated variety is pinned to the boles of wild trojands at a height of 50 to 150 cm. weeping form trojands for splitting, take trojands that fit in, the form of trojand rambler is more important. Stamp forms are supra-decorative and predict marvelous flowery trees. You can win as a compositional center when creating different flower compositions, as well as in the role of solitaires when decorating, for example, galyavin. In single landings on aphids of emerald grass, standard trojands look even more erratic.

Climbing curly trojans occupy an important place at the vertical landscaping and absolutely irreplaceable when arches, espaliers, crypt transitions, galleries, decorative floral columns, pyramids, walls, for decorative design of entrances, pergolas, pergolas, balconies and walls. Just close the trojands on the support only to a singing level, their batogs softly hang down, creating a cascading effect. For the help of climbing curly-haired trojans, you can create romantic clumps in the garden with a bench and long garlands of trojans that hang over it. Weaving Trojans also miraculously merge with various small architectural forms.


You see the trojans look up behind the height, the nature of the growth of the stems (like they can be upright, so they climb thinly) and behind the richness of other signs. Up to 400 species, over 1000 species and close to 25000 varieties of trojans. All Trojans are subdivided into more than 30 groups, of which the most include:

Park Trojans. Biggest decorative vidi, form that sort of troyand. They often grow in tight bushes up to 3 m long. Find home:

Troyanda bila ♦ Shrub, upright shrub, up to 3 m crown; leaves up to 10 cm long, folded in 5 - 7 leaves, pubescent below; succulents of small quilts, quilts up to 8 cm in diameter, flat, terry or nappy terry; color is one-time, ale clear, near red. Troyanda zhovta ♦ Up to 2 m zavvishee, pagons covered with thorns; flowers are single, up to 8 cm in diameter, sometimes densely doubled, yellow or creamy. Troyanda smorshkuvata ♦ Kushch kulyastoї form, up to 2 m curl; pubescent hairs; leaves up to 22 cm long, folded from 5 - 9 leaves, tovst, strongly wrinkled, downy downy; flowers up to 6 in succulent, large, up to 12 cm in diameter, ringing erysipelas. Yak rich varieties. Troyanda zvichayna » Chagarnik, shrub up to 3 m, crowns, arcuate spines; leaves up to 10 cm long, stacked from 5 - 9 leaves, bliskuch, green; succulents are small, flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, terry or nap_vmrovі, light rozhevі or white; blossom at the red. Vvazhaetsya best food for trojans.

Іlestі trojandi. Troyandi with lash-like, arch-like or creeping pagons, disposable flowers, al trivale, flowers are settled on the tops or at the upper part of the pagons of the 1st or 2nd order of torso growth; often picked at the color, sound without smell. Repair Trojans. Upright bushes up to 2 m and larger than the crown; large leaves, 3-5 flowers on flower-bearing leaves, terry, large, up to 12 cm in diameter, fragrant, variegated. For the winter it is necessary to twist. Characteristically, it is not one-time bloom: the first time - from the middle of the wormwood, the other - in autumn.

Tea Trojans. Height up to five meters; the flowers sound singly, up to 14 cm in diameter, with a thinned shape, terry, richly decorated, the color is often remontant. Heat-loving, in the case of wet soil, it is less likely to grow on pivdni.

Tea hybrid trojandi. Chagarnik up to 1.2 m; leaves are folded out of 5 leaves; quilts singly or in small succulents, up to 16 cm in diameter, flat, terry or napіvmrovі, farbuvannya raznomanіtne; bloom from lime to frost with short breaks. Bigger st_yk_ to sickness.

Poliant trojandi. Compact, up to 70 cm bushy curls; leaves dribne; flowers in flowers, small, up to 5 cm in diameter, simple or thick double, white, erysipelas red, mostly odorless; bloom from another decade of wormwood until frost. For the winter, a pimple is needed.

Hybrid polyanthus. Blossom, like polyanthus trojand, great flower, like hybrid tea; height up to 80 cm; succulent on the ends of pagons, zabarvlennya razne, the aroma is weak. More frost-resistant, lower representatives of the upper group.

Floribunda. The color of the trivality of flowers, like in hybrid-polyanthus or polyanthus, rosemary, the form of that zabarvlennya - like in tea-hybrid, bloom even more clearly.

Grapdiflori. Chagarnik up to 1.5 m-codule; the flowers are too large, singly or in small flowers, up to 13 cm in diameter, terry, rich in variety, fragrant; bloom brightly from an ear of cherv until frost. Less sick to the point of being afflicted with downy dew.

Miniatures. The description is given in the section "Decorative-Quiet Roslini".

Vymogi up to water: do not endure the super-moisture and the place with high floods of ground waters.

Vimogi to warmth and light: warmly-and light-loving, in the shade not hyena, the color is even worse. For the winter more (krim okremih species park trojands) will need to be covered, in front of which from the bush you can see all the tickets, leafing and not seeing the tops of the pagons, and the bush is covered with earth and covered with the leaves of the beast, with yellow bushes or mulch. Pagons of remontant and standard trojans are pressed down to the ground (the rest are attached with wooden studs) and covered with coniferous spruce branches, the pagons of trojans of weaving are laid on spruce branches, roofing felt or roofing material and covered with insulating materials, sometimes with pus; є variant of covering the trojans with a path installed above them frames or boxes made of thermal insulation materials to the animal.

Vimogi to the soil: they wrote a rhodochy soil with a pH of 5.8 - 6.5; for soils with greater or lesser pH, another form of reclamation is needed (div. division "Grunti"). The need for macro- and microelements in trojans is 5-8 times higher, lower in sexual crops. The introduction of kindness and improvement of obov'yazkovі.

Reproduction: rozpodilom kuschiv, root caps, cuts, root live bait (only root-bearing trojandi), splitting canina on thorns like podschepi; rooted bait live hanging hanging, inlet and autumn with a lump of earth, moreover best hour for planting trojans near the middle smoothie - another half of the zhovtnya.

Peculiarities: between trojans, but not less than 30 cm, and between rows - not less than 90 cm. Bazhana shochna prophylactic treatment with insecticides and fungicides.

Vikoristannya: rіzne, vіd zhivoploіv to zrіzannya ta vagonka.

Park Trojans

white scotch(kviti bіli, middle, napіvmrovі), Jean Bicolor(orange with yellow, middle), Theano(rozhevі, middle, nap_vmrovі), Damascus(from pale erysipelas to red, large, terry), Alba(white-rozhevy, white, great, simple and terry), Centifolna(Nasicheno-rozhevі, big, strong-double), Pink Grotendorst(pale erysipelas, small, terry),

Lutea Captivity(zhovti, great, terry), French, or Gallica(dark rosy, medium, double and double), Madame Ballue(violet-red, middle, nap_vmrovі), Griseldis(Yaskravo-rozhevі, middle, napіvmrovі).

Repair Trojans

Frau Karl Drushki(Kviti bili, great); Ulrich Brunner Filz, Hugh Dickson, Ms John Laing(chervonі, middle, shіlnі, terry); Alfred Colomb(red, middle, terry); Georg Arende(light-rozhevі, more zapashnі); Helen Keller(Bright carmine-red, medium, terry); Dobrinya Mikitovich(rosy).

Hybrid Tea Trojans Chervoni

Criteron, Alegro, Norita, Satan, American Praid, Baccarat, Dam de Ker, Ankle Walter, Angelica, Mister Lincoln, Mirandi, Concorde, Super Star, Chrysler Imperial, Alexander, Duft-wolke, Rose Gaujar, Ferry Porsche, Crimson Glory, Tetyana, Crepe de Chine, Red Rock. Roses and buzkovs

Wienerwald, Lady X, Fortune, President Macia, Flamingo, Royal Hynes, Mainzer Fast-nacht, Silver Star, Summer Queen, Electron, Pink Favourite, Folklore. Zhovtiі orange

Amster Gold, Landora, Peer Gynt, Joya, Madame Meillant, Di Welt, Doris Tistermann, Gloria Day, Super Star, Feuerzauber, Grander Zhenni, Harry Wheatcroft. Bіli

John. Kennedy, Silver Jubilee, Enchantress, Moscow Ranok, Parfum de la Nizh, White Svoi, IV-Ning Star, White Masburnis, White Christmas.

Polyanthus Trojans

Border King(kviti bright-strawberry-red), Orange triumph(orange-red), De Ruyters Herald(intensively red), Le Ponceau(wine red), Excelsior(bright-crimson-rozhevі), Chi no Ferri(rozhevі), Eulalia Berridge(light rosy), Maryse(creamy white).

Trojandi floribunda Chervoni

Alain, Cordula, Allotria, Gabriella, Hanna Cocker, Gustav Fram, Lilli Marlene, Zorina, Picasso, Lighterlo, Mercedes, Nordia, Highlight, Rumba, Tornado. Orange

Marina, Matangi, Promenent, Salzburg, Orange Senseigen, Samba. Zhovti

Freesia, Arthur Behl, Charleston (with orange-red glare), Sunsprite, Jan Speck. Rozhev

Santener de Lourdes, Sonya, Regensberg, Shoking Blue, Bonika 82, Blue River. Bіli

Margaret Merila, Iceberg, La Minuet(With a red oblyamіvkoy), Akito, Jack Frost, Grus en Aachen.

Trojandi grandiflora

Komsomol Vognik(Quotes are intensely red, velvety, even large, weakly terry), Queen Elizabeth(sparkly-rozhevі, terry, zapashnі), Stella(Rіvnogo erysipelas tone, large, terry), a lion(Two-coloured: bright-red in the middle and white bells, even large, terry).

Miniature Trojans Kroyem

Meyrov, Zwergkenig, Little Bakker, Roslini, Scar-



Hummingbird, Elvina, Little Prince, Orange Meylan-



Baby Carnival(the tone of the flower is lemon yellow,

pass at the rozhevy), Beat of the Sunshine, Gu-

Letta, Little Lemme, Sonnenkind, Sunny Meylan-

dina, Rise Shine.

Roses and buzkovs

Xi Ho, Daniella, Eleanor, June Time, Pink Sim-

foni, Rosemary, Fresh Pink; Lavender Jewel,

Zvergkenigin, Blue Transition, Bluenette.


White Dream, White Jam.

Weaving Trojans Chervoni

Flammentanz, Excelsa, Super Excelsa, Warburg, Crimson Rambler, Heidelberg, Dortmund, Santana, Blue Rambler(Red red to dark purple), Grus an Heidelberg, Simpati, Pauls Scarlet Climber, Blaise S'upirіor, Dane dec Silfe. Rozhev

N'yuDown, Dorothy Perkins, Karlsruhe, Townsendschen, Blossom Time, Rosaryum Utherzen, Hendel, Camping, Lavinia, Paul Noel, Pauls Himaline Mayek, CoralDown, American Pillar, Super Dorothy, Moning Jewel, Albertin, Sorvet. Yellow and orange

Glen Dale, Golden Shauers, Madeleine Saltzer, Alkhі-mist, Glory de Dijon, Goldstern, Lian, Salita, Goldener Olimp. Bіli

White Flight, Swan Lake, Ilse Kron Superior, Bobby James, White Cascade, Harlequin(Kviti cream-white).

Greenhouse Trojan culture

In the fallow type of greenhouses, they organize bulky soil, or (in terrestrial ones) dig the soil to a depth of 60-70 centimeters. In all vipadkah vikoristovyut life-giving soil, dressing with compost or humus - up to 8 kilograms and top mineral fertilizer - 90 grams per 1 square. meter.

Planting should be carried out more often in spring, or even in autumn, with strong seedlings, burying the root neck by 5 centimeters, or mulching after planting and watering the surface of the soil with a ball of humus with a tovshchina of 5 centimeters. Shrubs are trimmed shortly: strong pagons are shortened by two or three brunki, weak ones are seen. At a temperature of 3-5 °, the seedlings take root with a two-two stretch for half a month. Then the temperature in the greenhouses is gradually brought up to 18-20 °. The young girls will pinch, so that they will take good care of the bushes. As soon as they begin to grow stronger, trojans once every ten days should be treated with superphosphate - 80 grams each, potassium nitrate 40 grams per 1 square. meter. Once or twice a day, the soil should be thoroughly watered, loosened and stalked for the appearance of ailments and shkidnikiv.

In the greenhouses of the Trojans, most often the rosemary, the spider mite, and dew. The inlet of the greenhouse is ventilated with a chilo-dobovo and filled with a crade, not allowing the temperature to rise above 25 °. At the first river, it grows, in order to form strong bushes, the buds are removed. At Veresni, it is necessary to irrigate and water once a month. In the zhovtni-chest, give the trojans a mind for the passage of a calm period, lowering the temperature to minus 6-8 °.

In the middle of the chest, trimming is carried out: vigorous varieties - for five or six, weak-growing varieties - for two or three veins. Warm up the greenhouses on the cob of sichnya. After two or two and a half months, the Trojans bloom. Nekvituchi pagons and bichni buds are seen.

Zrіzayut kvіti vrantsі, at the phase navіvrozpi: buds. On the pagons, two or three well-placed brunki are left. Zrіzanі kvіti povyazyut at the bundles ", 10-50 pieces, and put in a dark cold place at cold water.

A number of the great states of Moscow and Leningrad have organized the cultivation of trojans on a piece substrate - gravel, expanded clay with automatic feeding. This method is more cost-effective, as it gives the possibility of starting a thorough system of eating and maintaining the optimal regimen to increase the number of roslins on a single area, to speed up the work for the accountant, to replace the soil, to expand the soil and soil.

We have the best vigonkovy varieties and abroad є "Super Star, Baccarat, New Yorker" Geheimrat Duisberg, Virgo, Message, Charlotte Armstrong, Queen Elizabeth, Ophelia, Madama Butterfly.

About the "queen of the garden" - the trojan - it is written richly. Nasampered, for the Pivnіchny entry, the growth is problematic. Our Trojans do not live like that, like they live. I on the right here is not in winter weather, but in winter weather. The Trojans roam in the winter even in rich regions. But there, de continental climate, there are no problems. With the current cold weather, the Trojans are curving until spring and everything will be fine. Here, at the Pivnichny entrance, the cold is rising pizno, with which you can swell hard frost without snow - the axis of the Trojans and perished. If you kill them earlier, then the stench can be completely suppressed in case of trials warm weather, moreover, it is positive, to finish the temple, the temperature can never come in the middle of winter. Trojans need dry ukrittya.

If you have three types of Floribunda (not high, with a bouquet, not over large flowers), then you need to cut them before winter for the winter, leaving the stem of the crown approximately 25-30 cm, which is burnt with a squeak or peat, having curled the maize completely.

Like you have all the trojans, with lonely flurries great tickets(I mean Grandiflora or Tea-Hybridni), you need to trim them by 40 cm and you can cut them up to 25-30 cm. Tse dah that protects the trojans from the autumn boards. So that the Trojans do not suffocate, the spitting is not guilty of reaching the earth, and so that, without taking the wind, they lay a stone for the beast. You can put such a ukrittya if it's autumn. And if it's frosty, throw the spruce branches on the beast right up to the ground. The wintering of the wines is overwhelmed by the snow, and the Trojans miraculously overwinter at their quiet house.

Hanging, as if only to warm the sun more, take spruce branches on the back, otherwise the trojands will not succumb, and if there is a threat of severe frosts in a mine, clean up the smelting and boxes. I’ll only sweat more and more Trojans. It can be said that young trojans are afraid of spring frosts, and the axis of mature bushes can easily endure autumn frosts down to -4 ... -5 degrees and continue blooming like no matter what, don’t hurry to tell it too early.

Why work, how do you have bushes or weaves, there are more, trojans, who are hovering around? In autumn, the batogs are shortened by 12-15 cm, so that they grow further away. Lay a slab under the bushes, to isolate the trojans from the bushes of the water from the ground. They bend down the whiskers, forwardly blowing their leaves, buds and flowers. From above, they screech with dry sleep or leaves, at the extreme slope - with lutrasil, and then saturate it with spitting to the very earth, so that it doesn’t get wet. Fasten with 3-4 lashes with poles, so that the cover does not spread in the wind. Do not put a spruce on such an ukrittya. Hanging on the back of the head take the spitting, then clean up the hay and spitting from the ground, pull the batogs up to the supports.

The ground cover and polyanthus trojans do not ring out and do not cut, but rather burn with peat or squeak, like hangings in the roslin. Ale, you can put some spruce branches into the soil for zatrimannya snow.

To be honest, it’s better to plant not Trojans at the Pivnichny entrance, but terry herbs, that’s the name of Trojan parks. You don’t need to wrap them up, the stench blooms practically all summer, it smells wonderful, they don’t get sick and they don’t hurt anyone, for the mind of a smart watch, which is lying in small organic podzhivlennya on the cob of lea and regular virizann to the very grunt of the old stalks.

Transplantation with a breast of earth trojans should be transferred at one o'clock, to bring flowers to the next hour. Їm watering in a dry hour on the ground. Under the hour of budding, fresh pus (1:10), potassium without chlorine and superphosphate, for example, lita (1 tablespoon of skin per 10 liters of water). Mineral supplementation can be replaced with AVA goodness (1 tbsp without top under a large bush and 1 teaspoon - a small one 1 time for 3 rocks), as it is laid on a small clay near the bush.

Trojans are attacked by popelitsya. The simplest and most environmentally friendly product is the Healthy Garden preparation (2 grains per 1 liter of water). You can replace it with "Fitoverm" (1 ml per 3 liters of water). At the time of the appearance of irzhі on the leaves or the downy dew, zastosovyte "Zircon" (4 drops per 1 liter of water). When black patches appear, or oblyamіvki on the leaves, give potassium, so as not to avenge chlorine (carbon dioxide or sulfuric acid). And give me more more deeply rooted preparation "Uniflor-buton" (1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water). At the extreme point, cover with erysipelas of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Rozvedennya, viroshchuvannya that sight.
Cultivated varieties of trojans are propagated only vegetatively: split by the eye (occulation) and live bait, rooted stem greens and saplings of live bait, rose under the bush and root covers, as well as mother plants of root-bearing plants, as well as sprouting. For now, we multiply only a few thorns and wild plants, see trojans. This is also the time of victory for specialized selection robots. Okuluvannya trojand. The most popular way for gardeners to propagate varietal planting material trojan e summer

okuluvannya with a sleeping eye, yak to be carried out at the middle smoothie of Russia, for example, lime - on the cob of sickle. For starters, it should be said that splitting is the most promising and most promising way of propagating trojans, so that the culture of trojans is successful in the middle districts and in more savory areas, it is possible to grow the planting material in the minds of the minds. Trying to get the planting material out of other crops for the cultivation of the wet soil will end in failure. The main reason for the failure is the inability to grow up to new ground minds. Plants of trojans, grown on pivdnі on deeply drained soils, may have a poorly drained root system, which can go deep into the soil near the bushes of water. On our weakly drained soils with important underlaying clay, more galvanized is formed

Preparation of food before budding

When preparing for splitting, 2-3 days before budding, lightly splinter the wood and in dry weather, water regularly, so that the cambium is saturated with water and the bark is easily water-creamed under the tree. Immediately before the budding, in the root neck, the spices dig the earth, open the neck and rub the neck with a wet ganchirka in the earth. After that, proceed to the splitting.

After the end of the occlusion, the food is lightly shriveled up, or mulched with a thick ball of good overripe pus root system, rather attached to such grount minds. Suggestions for our climatic minds, guilty mothers:

high frostiness,

resist to mushroom diseases,

strong growth,

Trival period of vegetation,

garnoy sumіsnistyu z usіma varieties,

fringed with a bunch of thorns,

strained, well galvanized by a deep root system,

stіykіstyu to the excess and unsatisfactory vologists.

At the same time, we strongly believe in trojanda canina, as if it is the most promising food for growing trojanda cultivars.

Cleavage of trojans on the basis of food is carried out, as already mentioned, by the method of budding - the widest and most advanced way of propagating cultivars. in the minds middle smugaїї you can spend the spring, until the opening of the field (for example, the day - on the cob of grass), and with a sleeping eye or on the cob of autumn (from the end of the linden to the first decade of spring).

The spring period of budding is rather short (2-3 days), so in the states they give priority to summer budding. Oculation of trojans can be carried out in the root neck and whether it is a leak, the thickness of which is not less than 4 mm for the mind of a good measles recovery. Harvesting livestock is carried out before the actual budding from the re-mothering of varietal mother plants. Livestock is harvested from the middle part of the mature, well-sighted flow with a whole design of axillary brunkas. In the eyes of the saplings, the leaves are immediately visible, leaving only 1/3-1/2 parts of the petiole for the clarity of the occlusion.

As if budding, for whatever reasons, it is possible to tie the pagons into bunches, stick with labels and save them until budding from a cold wet place near moss, or in the refrigerator, lit up with volog tkankin that spit.

The eye is pierced with a resolutely special occult knife, hooting over a thin ball of wood, on which the judge's beam is clearly visible, which goes to the nirk. Zrіz is guilty of passing no closer than 8 mm above the nick and up to 12 mm below it. The thick dozhina of the shield is close to 2 cm. watering every day, so that at the moment of occlusion the cambial ball is full of water. Tse accept the shortest respite from measles and the shortest survival of the eyes. Before dipping, open the root neck of the subsplitting, rub it thoroughly, cut a T-like opening in the root neck and insert it into a new point. . Then, with a slight turn of the knife, the left-handed and right-handed kremlin the bark and squeeze it to the tree, to protect the exposure of the cambium from oxidation. Tse one of the minds of the success of occultation. Take the view shield with the left hand by the petiole of the leaf, and cut the bark with the right knife and insert the shield as far as it will go. The place of occultation is tightly bound with polyethylene plaid. The process of growing splintered eyes with food is carried out for 10-15 days, then after 2-3 days the budding is checked. Like a brunka is green, and the petiole, with a slight onslaught, falls, okuleuvannya took root. If the strapping is cut into the bark, they will loosen or replace it. Vіdsotok prizhivannja okulyuvan at an average smuzy is also high - mayzhe 90 %.

To ensure a good wintering of occulants, planting should be carried out on high, non-flooding, drained plots, good gas stations. organic fertilizers. For the subglottis of occulants, it is recommended to use vicorist sand, fresh coniferous thyrsus or other light sterile materials.

Most of the saplings of the trojans, the growers let out already at the sight of the splintered dews. Most often serve as a food troyanda canina. To take away bushes of trojands, splitting should be carried out at the root neck, and splitting boles on single pagons at a height of 1.2-2 m from the ground. To form good crowns, 3-4 years are required.

How to split cultural trojans to stop like this:

spring budding, or okuluvannya germinating vіchkom, at the period of vishіdnogo ruhu juice;

winter chipping live bait in the root shya pіdshepi.

Live reproduction. In the rest of the hour, there was a widening of the reproduction of varietal trojans by live bait (root trojans). Thus, the growths may be devastating in front of the splits: the saplings are cheaper, faster, simpler, they do not settle wild growth, with the death of the above-ground part from the root neck, new cultural pagons are restored.

When trojans are propagated by live bait, it is necessary to grow wood chips, carry out splitting, and the term grows saplings shortly.

For successful rooting of live bait, the following is necessary: ​​the physiological readiness of the live bait before rooting and the optimal mind for rooting (temperature, moisture content, substrate). Dotrimannya termіnіv cuttings and the correct preparation of the growing line is the guarantee of the successful reproduction of root-bearing trojands.

Reproduction of trojans with green bait to carry out an inflow from the other half of the wormwood to the end of the linden - the cob of sickle in greenhouses and to the wet soil under the plyvkovy ukritty. Pіznіshe zhivtsyuvannya gives naygіrshі results with rezimіvlі. The life of a variety of Trojans like you can be rooted in a wonderful kvitkovy miner on the weekend or on the balcony

For summer live bait, take live bait from soil trojans. Livestock is harvested from narcotic single pagons with buds. As practice shows, the living things take root more quickly, taken from the wild, more weakly developed? Zovsіm unsuitable for narіzki zhivtsіv so zvánі zhіlі і slosnі herb'yanistі pagony. Important value for the rooting of livestock in May them nitrogen and carbohydrates. Zhivtsi with a great amount of nitrogen take root faster, lower livestock with a high amount of carbohydrates. The mother plants, designated for the capture of living creatures, are not next to be treated with nitrogen fertilizers. It would be better, if the growers know the lack of nitrogen ingestion. One-sided saplings in the stage of budding are cut on live bait in 2 inter-nodes (with 3 sheets) or in 1 inter-nodes (with 2 sheets). In case of lack of material for varieties that are well rooted, it is possible to vicorist livestock in 1 inter-node with 1 leaf and 1 nirka, ruffled in the lower end of the petiole. The lower edge is flared navsky with a cut of 45 ° without a middle under the lower ridge, the upper one - 5 mm higher than the ridge. For quick viparovuvannya, the bottom sheet is zvіzayut zovsіm, іnshі - half. Livestock harvesting before planting with growth stimulants (heteroauxin, indolyl oil)

Zhivtsyuvannya troyand

Live bait is narrated from one-sided saplings of trees at the stage of budding, live bait can be different: from two interveneers with three sheets up to one intervest with one sheet in case of missing material. The lower zrіz shatter from the point of 45 degrees. Without a middle under a nirka, the upper one - on a stand 5 mm higher than a nirka. After cutting livestock with the method of rapid evaporation of the water, the bottom sheet is zowsim, the leaves are cut in half. Livestock is processed with a growth stimulant to speed up rooting and visage pokhilo into a fluffy light substrate

acid that іn) not only speed up the process of rooting, but also add more root strength. The villages of trojans are treated with a dose of heteroauxin 200 mg per 1 water, drenched in the lower end for 2/3 of the year at 20-24 years. Green bait is processed with heteroauxin 40-45 mg per 1 liter of water for 12-15 years, having sunk their lower ends to a depth of 2-3 cm.

During the operation, the cuttings were traced to the mother on the vase, but not all varieties and groups of trojans however, take root well, grow successfully and develop on the wet root. Kindly take root, establish a rooted system and grow from live bait weaving, miniature, tea-hybrid (rich varieties), polyanthus troyand and floribunda troyand. Remontant trojans are rottenly rooted, but having taken root, they do not successfully develop on the wet root, rich varieties of remontant trojans do not give root. Park trojans also give bad results when multiplying livestock.

As a vicor substrate, coarse-grained river sand, sumish sand with dry peat. The substrate is disinfected by frying, or it is processed to finish with a small amount of potassium permanganate. The substrate is guilty of ho-; take good care of the water, be more penetrating and do not avenge the sickness. Before planting, the substrate must be watered lightly.

Live bait should be planted directly, or else it died at a depth: a depth of 1-2 cm on a row in rows of 4-8 cm, between rows of 6-10 cm.

It’s not about the mass reproduction of trojans, the living creatures can hang out not in the ridge, but in the neighborhood of mountaineers.

Optimal wash for rooting green livestock: temperature 22-25 ° C, water content 95-100 %. Plivkovy ukrittya allow you to create the optimal mind for quick rooting, increased moisture is created by partial obstruction of the middle of the plіvkovy ukrittya. After 10-15 days, a callus appears on the lower ends of live bait, after 20-25 days - a root. During this period, a bath is short, and when the days are gloomy, they take shade and carry out airing. One by one petioles can be simply twisted with jars. Livestock of summer terms of Cherenkov-

I will require more overwintering in the greenhouses or other light areas with lower positive temperatures (3-5 ° C).

For the preservation of the rooted baits of trojans, it is possible to vicorate a dry basement, which is well ventilated, with a constant temperature of 0-3 ° C and a moisture content of 65-70 %.

Hanging bait, which were saved, hang in vіdkritiy ґrunt for a boost. Trojan landing. Troyandi are warm-and light-loving plants, so when planting a place for them, they choose bright, brightened by the sun and protected from cold winds. Landings are recommended to be taken in the first half of the day. Unacceptable stagnant cold weather, as well as irrigation and thaw water, perched water near the places where trojans landed. Groundwater flood can be no thicker than 1-1.5 m.

Trojans are well-cultivated, well-cultivated loamy or clayey with additional sand, fertilized with cow's humus and humus, neutral (pH 65-67) soil. In light soils add clay, which is retransferred with rot, soddy land, vapno, in the case of a clayey man - sand, peat, rot, compost and vapno. Fresh rotting under the landing of trojans is zaboronyaetsya: it is possible to find the roots and provoke the vindication of fungal infections.

In the minds of the average smuga, the Trojans ring out the hangings. The soil for planting is prepared in the fall, digging deep into the soil at a depth of 30-50 cm with one-hour introduction great number organic and mineral additives. Organic fertilizers should be applied as overripe pus, humus and other compost, peat compost zocrema, 10-15 kg / m 2 rozrahunka. Mineral dobriva - looks like superphosphate (12 g / m 2), rather than granulated, and 9 g / m 2 potassium sulfide or potassium nitrate. Dodatkovo to make a horn or a brush borosno (400 g / m 2). Kisli Grunti vapnuyut from autumn.

Vapor doses for soils, kg/m 2

Light suppurators 0.3-0.4

Loamy 0.5-0.5

Heavy clay 0.6-1

For the replenishment of a mechanical warehouse of important soil APPLY, G / m 2:

sand 7000-8000 stale 4500-5000

superphosphate 40—50

potassium nitrate 16-20

village ash 80-100.

Roots of splits and rooty trojans on important soils penetrate to a depth of up to 1 m, on legens - up to 1.5 m. That is why it is so necessary when planting trojans on a trival, growing in deep soil cultivation and high in organic waters near the soil.

When viroshchuvannі troyand slіd unikati dobriv, scho sweep chlorine. Troyand is also bad to endure the increased acidity of the soil. The acidity of the middle ground hinders the process of laying out organic speeches, which is why the acidity of the soil is periodically altered and added with a vape, especially when mulching with peat.

In the middle smooth, the planting of trojands in wet soil is carried out on a hinged soil (in kvіtnі - on the cob of grass) and like vines - in the fall, in the arc of the term, so that the growths have taken root. At autumn settlement trojands develop more quickly, but young plantings are often bad to endure cold cold winters and die for a good shelter. Conditional one-way sadzhantsi due mothers 2-3 bases.

Trojan landing from a container

When planting trojans from the container, the bushes are taken out of the space, in the yakіy vіn rіs, and placed at the preparation of the planting pit so that the vines are no lower than the equal, on the rіs. In other words, the surface of the soil in the container is to be found on the same level as the surface of the soil at the landing site, it is not recommended to bury the roslin

Trojan landing

1. Sajantsi z pіdsohlim roіnnyam pomіsti for doba before planting near the water, so that the root system is saturated with water, so that it is better to reschedule the planting.

2. For a long time, the root needs to be cut with a pruner to a healthy village.

3 - The planting pit is to blame for such expansion, so that the root system of the plantation was freely placed in it.

4. To pile on the bottom with pits of humps of the soil of such height, so that the area of ​​splitting of 1 1 planted on a new plantation was buried no less than 10 cm lower than the rіvenu of the soil.

5. Seize the pit with life-giving soil maize

to the top and narrow it down with your feet about a sapling, covering the hump of the earth with a root neck.

6. Before the residual piping, the trojan should be lightly watered, so that the earth seeps out with water.

7. Seize the pit to the top with soil and burn the trojans to a height of 15 cm with compost, or we will mix the soil with good pus

of them skeletal vtech i well laid out the root system with a length of 30-35 cm; yards - 3-5 main pagons and a good root system. Vіdstan at the landing of trojans to fall like a vіd biological features cultivars (strength of growth, form a bush at the stage of new development), Orientation for landing of trojans:

between roslins for hybrid tea, polyanthus, floribunda and grandiflora - 30-

35 cm, between rows - 70-90 cm;

- for remontant vіdpovіdno 50-60 ta

for park and weaving 45-50 and 80-100 cm;

for miniatures 15-20 and 40-50 cm.

When planting in spring, the upper part of the pagons is cut squarely according to the variety of that garden group, strong pagons are shortened to 10-15 cm, covering them with 2-3 well-formed brunki, on weak ones - 1-2 each. At the autumn planting, the awnings should be shriveled, in the wake of the fall of the shelter.

When planting late and too early, the roots grow to a healthy village with a garden knife or a pruner, soak a creamy botanka from clay and 10% fresh pus. To avoid pus, add 100 mg of a growth stimulant (heteroauxin) per 10 liters of dissolved clay. It protects the root of the breath, activates the development of that growth of fabrics, adhering to the most obvious root of the trojans. As soon as the trojans were dried, then before planting they should be planted on the harvest near the water, and without delay before planting, lower the roots into a manure-clay botanka.

Planting Curly Trojans

Curly plaited trojans slіd visadzhuvati puffed up on vіdnoshennia up to support. As if the trojands hang around the walls of the buddіvl or budіvl, it’s necessary to see the foundation of the wall, so that water, which runs down the plank from the dahu or overhang, did not call out the locking of the trojand’s root neck. In addition, the place is shabby to the support of the roslin, it looks stable and mіtsnіshe stays in the ground.

Landing of standard trojans

Standard trojans, require support. For which, in the bottom of the planting pits, a wooden keel is driven in front of the tree, until then we will fasten the visadzhen roslin. In places, the stem is attached to the support to the leg, it is protected with cuffs made of thin fabric or other material, which protects the sensitive stem from the pocket. It is also recommended to wrap the chippings on the stems with moss and spit, to ensure that it is dried out

When planting trojans in the minds of the middle smoky, for the best lightening, the rows are oriented from the sun to the sun for warming the soil and the sun. Planting yams are prepared in autumn to grow a sufficient size, fallow in the size of the root system, but not less than 40 x 40 x 40 cm. For skin growth, apply 5 kg of humus or compost. When planting, stitch, so that the root was well straightened and evenly spread. Roslini hang 3-4 cm lower than the rіven, on which the stink grew in the rose.

When planting trojans, growing in containers, earthen balls, braiding roots, sometimes they cut through 2-3 cuts to a depth of 1-1.5 cm to activate the growth of a young root and do not grow.

It is recommended that you have a plug -in chillybati at the brushpower of the same time, the rore of the trojan is no more than 10 cm. 2 °C. When plantings are buried, splitting of trojandium, especially the floribunda and grandiflora groups, should be transferred to the roots, which will ensure the safety of the supplementary eating of the roslin. After planting, the trojands should be watered lightly and covered with fluffy humus, or better with peat and dampened peat to a height of 10-15 cm, or covered with a ply. Tse spryaє to the shortest survival of roslyn.

After that, how to destroy the trojans at the start and spread the 2-3 cm long pagons, when the weather is gloomy, they grow up, and they know the spitting, the soil is mulched.

When planting standard trojands, in order to kill the hangings, the high-stretched split part is often covered with moss and tied with paper, and everything is seen whole only after 1 - 1.5 days, if the nirks are already destroyed at the plant.

In the first river after planting, with good refueling of the soil with fertilizers, the need for replanting is not blamed, but then the stench will become obov'yazkovimi. Їх next spіvіdnosti with phases of growth and development of trojans:

pershu spend hanging, growing on the cob; to a friend - in the period of budding; - the third - after the end of the flower and before the ear of growth;

the fourth - before the cob old vtech.

Revitalization Organic and mineral speech

Persha/druga Gnoivka or rozchin

cow'yaku (1: 10) with the addition of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium sulphurate per 10 l of retail (with a rosemary of 10 l / m 2)

Third 25 g superphosphate i 15-20 g

potassium sulfate per 1 m 2

Fourth 25 g superphosphate i 15-20 g

potassium sulfate

In the period of rooting, that cob of growth of pagoniv should be watered clearly, until it is fully established.

Gruntovaya culture of troyands on zrіzuvannya

Troyand is a wonderful visual material. For the cultivation of high-acid culture of trojans for ripening, it is necessary to take heat, protected from the wind with a rich, deep-grained and safe dose of undergrowth.

The most optimal wash for soil culture of trojans for growing security is row planting with wide inter-rows (for good cultivation of the soil and fighting with grasses and twigs), placing bushes in a row for remontant varieties on plants 50 -40 cm3-50 cm for tea centimeters. For planting, choose well-formed saplings from a strong root system.

The trojands are ripening in the stage of the Great Bud, at which the sepals have begun to open and pellusts have appeared. Dovga quotation (extra 1 m-0.5 m) ensures the safety of the great, well-formed bud and the stability of yoga in safe transportation. Spouses are carried out early in the morning or early in the evening. Zrіzanі kvіti vіdrazu vіschayut cold water up to the very cup and tremayut near the cold, dark privyshlennі.

Trojans, designated for management, are packed in a bag with plywood or cardboard non-sticky boxes, the leather bud is burnt soft papyrus. Before the correction, that half hour, the highway of Trojans is found near the refrigeration units.

Schodenna change the water at the vases, the renewal of the views, the splitting of the lower ends of the pagons to give the tribal preservation of fresh colors.

Room culture of the Trojans

In room minds, root trojans grow more often, grown from green livestock. The stench is good to grow and take off, not throwing off the leaves, as it is guarded by the roslins, the chips on the thorns. For growing in room minds, vicory is made from tea-hybrid small-growing varieties - Madame Jules Boucher, Madame Butterfly, Ophelia and others, recommended for vinaigrette, as well as floribunda trojans, polyanthus, miniatures and bengal.

Rooted live bait hangs from small, more beautifully tall, mountaineers, at the bottom of some laying shards or shmatochki zeglini-drainage. The land for planting vicorist is life-giving turf with additional addition of humus (1: 1). Trimayut troyands of curtains and vents on the brightest place, pritinyuuchi mountaineers in the overheated sun. Water it regularly, but not often, near the world's dried-out earth. In spekotny days, the growths are obscured, and the appointments are checked, but so, so that it doesn’t stretch. Once every ten days, trojans annually drink a weak korov'yaku (1:10) or flower sum (3-4 grams per liter of water). After skin watering, the soil should be loosened.

Until the end of summer, they pinch, so that the growths were better prepared before winter. In the warm months of autumn, change the watering of the roslins and transfer them to a cold place with a temperature of 8-10 °. In fierce heat, bring in trojandi in the warmth of the place, cut the pagons into three or five brunok and force watering.

The flowers that bloom, at the same time, are seen with one or two sheets, as well as from the upper brunok, new flower-bearing pagons are rapidly developing. The Trojans transplanted into larger expanses of dishes, as if the root vikoristovuvali the whole earth and entwined good with a lump. The best thing is to grow the hangings, until the brunoks are opened.

Family: rozhevі (Rosaceae).


Various species of trojans thrive in the subtropical and subtropical zones of the Pivnichnoy pivkulіta near the mountainous regions of the tropics.

The form: Chagarniki and liani.


Troyanda - a number of decorative chagars. There are close to 350 species of trojans, many of which are grown in gardens and greenhouses. For growing near wet soil, the following types of trojans are most suitable: tea-hybrid, polyanthus, floribunda and park.

Hybrid Tea Trojans (R. hybrid tea) - decorative roslins with straight, more rosy tufts of frills 60-80 cm. Large, shkiryast, gleaming or matte leaves may be different infestation - from bright green to bronze-red. Troyanda tea is a hybrid with large flowers, which reach 10-12 centimeters in diameter. The flowers are cone-shaped, kelich-shaped or cup-shaped, most often terry with a variety of different charms, which they see the receiving aroma. Trivality of flowers hybrid tea trojandi- From the end of the red to the late autumn.

Troyandi poliantovi (R. polyantha) - decorative, low-growing (the stem of a trojand species reaches only 30-50 centimeters at the height) grows, which is compact bushes. At the end of the dermal vein, the flowers bloom. The leaves are small, shkiryaste. Flowers are small (about 5 cm in diameter), medium-sized or densely doubled, richly dressed.

Trojandi Floribunda (R. floribunda) - bushy ornamental roslina, which reaches 40-100 centimeters at a height, the bushes end in small hairy flowers. Shkiryaste gleaming leaves may be green and red-bronze zabarvlennya. The trojans have simple, terry and terry, flat, different sizes, cup-like or kelich-like forms. Zabarvlennya kvіtok raznomanіtne, deyakі varieties of the same mind may have a strong aroma. It blooms brightly and it’s been fresh for a long time.

Miniature Trojans (R. chinensis Minima) - small growths up to 50 centimeters high. The tickets sound close to 4-5 centimeters in diameter. The form of that farbuvannya of flowers is different.

Trojandi Grandiflora (R. grandiflora) - a group of varieties, otrimanih crossbreeding Floribunda trojans with hybrid tea. Vіdrіznyayutsya vigorous bushes (up to 2 meters), pіdvishchennoy zimostіykіstyu, great rosemіry flowers, clearing up and thriving flowers.

Park Trojans (Old Garden Roses) - nevibagly, strongly bushy decorative growths that reach 2 meters at height, with unpaired, shkiryastym, glossy leaves and numerous large, simple (more like terry) flowers of the correct form. Selected fruits are formed from simyanok, zanurenikh at the m'yasist kvіtkolozhe yaskrevy koloru. The flowering period is even more trivaly, the flowers show a subtle reception aroma. Before the group of park trojans, there are a number of different species: yellow trojan, bila troy, wrinkled troy, damaska ​​thin troy.

Troyanda is ugly, or troyanda rugosa (R. rugosa) - the color of the trival hour is purple-red or with more forgiveness and terry flowers.

Troyanda bila (R. alba) is a decorative upright chagar plant from park trojans, up to 2.5 meters high. Leafing shkiryaste, with a sirvatim infusion. Forgive that terry flowers, which reach 6-8 centimeters in diameter, may be white, rosy-white and erysipelas zabarvlennya that vyshukany aroma. The period of flowering of white trojans is planting worm-lime. This species is the ancestor of a number of addictive and vitrival varieties of trojans.

troyanda smerdyucha, or troyanda zhovta (R. foetida) - high (up to 3 meters) decorative chagarnik with long, thin, gleaming curved or plaited pagons of brown-red color, densely covered with spikes and frizzy bristles. Unpaired, unacceptably smelling leaves are composed of 5-9 small ovoid leaves, bluish-green and lustrous to the beast, pubescent below. Quotes yellow trojandi, which reach 7 centimeters in diameter, single, terry, yellow with an ore-red center, may have an unacceptable smell characteristic of the sight. The fruits of kulyasti, red color.

The group of weaving trojans is also subdivided into sprat species:

Curly Trojans (R. rambler) - growths with long gnuchny pagons-batogs of a zavdovka, 1.5 to 5 meters long (fallow variety). The vouchers are small, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, simple, double or terry, gathered in fluff. Zabarvlennya tickets raznomanitne. Leaves of trojand curly dribnі, shkіryastі. The color is clear in the first half of the summer.

climbing trojans, or weave (R. climber) - varieties selected as a result of crossbreeding of Trojans with other species. Vіdrіznyayutsya strong growths, pagons of the trojand mind reach a height of 2-4 meters and more. The color is clear, the flowers are over 4 centimeters in diameter, selected in a flower.

Climbings (R. climbing) - climbing trojandi, taken away as a result of mutations of bushy species - tea trojandi, trojandi Floribunda thin. The cards are single, large up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Qi forms of naivebaglivishi z plaited trojands.

Wash your mouth

Roslina troyanda vіddaє vіdkaє vіdkritim, kindly lighten and protect from the cold winds of the villagers, which is bad to endure the shading. Do not blame the stagnation of the water of the root. Soils of bazhan and relatives, important, loamy, deeply cultivated. More details about the trojans, and also about those, like to see the trojans, you can find out about special trojans.


At the garden kvіtnikarstvі troyand know the widest zastosuvannya. Troyanda is a flower, perhaps, one of the most beloved by Russian gardeners. And the zavdyaks of the varied forms and the charm of the trojan miraculously fit into any kind of landscape gardening. Troyands are bred in, for decoration i, i. Qi kvіti miraculously look like a group, so in single plantings. Combining different varieties of trojans, you can create non-banal and fiery rose gardens. Chagarniki troyand miraculously look at. Trojandi weave vicory for decoration, garnets, arbors and folds. For sale on this day, you can build different arches for trojans and other supports for trojans of weaving varieties, which will look miraculously above the paths, belya entrances. Trojan bushes are planted for planting in the foreground. Troyandy ground cover buildings create an unusually majestic kilim. The borders of the trojans can be roztashovuvatysya bіlya dorіzhok і gatherings, along the edge of the flower beds. For sure, the Trojans look like a tick. Trojans stambovі can become a good color for the parterre or a regular kvіtnik. Dwarf forms of trojans also rotate room culture. In the garden, the stench can become an embellishment for flowerpots and flowerpots, miniature trojans look miraculously among the mountaineers.

In addition, the trojans rotate and on zrіz. Bouquets of troyands are traditionally bestowed at the most pure vipadkas.

The extract of trojand vicor is found in cooking as an aromatic speech in the preparation of confectionery recipes. Bagatma is in love with cooking with trojans.

Zavdyaki beautiful aroma and rich symbols of trojand oil, extract and pellus of troyand know the widest zastosuvannia in perfumery and cosmetics.


More species of trojans will require the formation of a bush. Obov'yazkova Trojan. Necessary regular deep fluffing of the soil, bright watering trojand (through the skin 7-10 days, fallow in the weather). Obov'yazkovі periodic pіdzhivlennya troyand mineral and organic fertilizers. Fertilize with spring trojans, during the period of active vegetation; the phase of budding has the same color.

Roslini povnjano zimostiyki, prote troyandi vzimku recommended vkrivat twilight and plіvkoy, like a beast of piping a small ball of peat or earth, you can squirm with roofing paper or a wooden box.


For now, ring out only wild trojans. At the garden kvіtnikarstvo most zastosovuєtsya vegetative reproduction troyand - (steblovi and zderev'yanilimi), rozpodіlom bushes, caps,.

Zhivtsyuvannya troyand spend naprikintsі worms - the cob of linden. Narize living creatures with trioma nirks of leather during the flowering period. For the rooting of the Trojans, they hang at the boxes with the landing bag and streak it with plіvkoy. The planting of trojans from zhivtsi at the vіdkritiy ґrunt is carried out at the herb.

For the formation of stamps, sound to carry out trojans.

Ailments and poor people

Widened trojand shkidniki - popelitsya, spider mite, rose sawyer, rose pea. It is recommended to treat with insecticides. Popelitsya on the Trojans is most often the result of perennial growth with nitrogen fertilizers. When approved, the zduttya (halіv) on the sheet is necessary to trim. Ailment trojand - sira rottenness, іrzha, black plyamistіst. Quite often the bog dew grows on the trojans. With the method of prevention, trojans were ill, and the trojans kept a lookout for the trojans.

Popular varieties

Varieties of hybrid tea trojans

Varieties of climbing trojans

Variety Trojandi Grandiflora

    ‘Queen Elizabeth’- bright-rozheva terry flower with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. Bushes 90 centimeters curls. The color is clear.

    'A lion'- a red-white trojan, a flower-like flower, up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Bushes are upright, up to 80 centimeters high. The color is clear.

Variety ground cover trojandi 'Scarlet'- cherry-red trojans with cup-like terry flowers, chosen in swirls. Kviti reach 3-4 centimeters in diameter. Bloom brightly from lime to leaf fall. The variety is resistant to disease, frost-resistant.

Varieties of trojandi Floribunda

    'Deutsche Welle'- violet trojan with a strong aroma. Color brightly. Quiet terry. The bush is compact, up to 60 cm high.

    'Limonella'- troyanda of lemon yellow color. Terry flowers, with rounded pellets.

Name: Troyanda sadova.

Latin name: Rose.

Family: Rosaceae (Rosaceae)

vidi: The family of roses is even greater Before the new tree enters, chagarniki and herbaceous growths. Leafing through the chergove, simple or folded, with loose leaflets. The tickets are correct, divided-pellust, single or in succulent, five-, or even chotirivimirn. Calyx 5 (4-6)-leafy, sometimes with podchahtyam. Pelyustok 5 (4), sometimes larger, chicks sound rich, like 1-5. The flower ring is flat, swollen or ugly, cup-like or goblet-shaped, called hypanthia, on the edge of which sit sepals, pelyustki and tichinki. Pistils one chi bagato. The tie is upper, lower or middle. Fruits of various varieties, dry juices, stoneworts, symyankas, leaflets and selected fruits.
According to the form of fruits, the family is divided into 4 subgroups.
I. Pіrodina spireina: dry plaid - selected leaflet; Chagarniki; leaflets ring out silently. The split is small. The largest vine of spirea.
II. Pidrodina apple tree; hibny plaid - apple. Chia trees. Before them, one can see the number of low cultivation fruit trees; from the number of wild plants in medicine, vicorist gorobina, glory, wild apple.
III. Pіrodina rozhevі: fruits are dry or juicy; herbs, more like Chagarnica. To which branch do the most wild plants grow medicinal roslins.
IV. Pіrodina slivovі: plіd - kіstyanka; trees or chagarniki. Before them, there are also a number of cultivating fruit trees, which are more or less vicarious in medicine. For wild-growing, you can show wild cherry, for subtropical ones - almond and laurel cherry.
Chemical warehouseїх so raznomanіtny. Even more often there is a significant amount of tannins in all organs of roslin, and especially rich in rhizomes. Roots, woods of stovburiv and gіlok, plum and apple trees often contain the glycoside floridin, which contains the aglycone phloretin, which has strong antibacterial power. Other active glycosides are trapped. Salicylic glycosides are characteristic of spi- racine pydrodynes, but are also found in erysipelas pydrodynes. Often there are flavonoids, while in plums, isoflavones prevail. Juicy fruit rich in zukri and organic acids: apple, lemon, tartar.
The fruits are widely zastosovuyutsya in medicine. So, prunes, which avenge rich potassium hydrotartrate, stagnate like a lower carry. Cherries and raspberries look fresh in the preparation of syrups for relishing the relish of children's practice. From the juice of the most sour, the best wild, apples, they prepare an infusion of malic acid saliva, which is prescribed for undercrowding. The most cultivated stone fruits of almonds, apricots, peaches, plums, and alich are given for medicine with fatty oil with a low iodine number. We have the glycoside amygdalin, which produces hydrocyanic acid. Amіgdalіn and nіdіkі spoluki, vіdomih for the characteristic hot-almond relish and smell, widely züstrіchayutsya in pіrodіnі plum and in smaller quantities - in apple, and not only in nasinnі, ale and in leaves (lavno-cherry) and flowers (wild cherry). The wild-looking hot almond grows in the mountains of Central Asia at an altitude of 800-1600 meters, revenge is close to 2% amygdala and 40-50% oily olive. The same woman's oil and amygdalin can be taken from the steppe almond - the beaver, which makes great growths in the steppe smoothie, and from the Siberian apricot, the tassels of which are harvested from the wild plants of the Northern Siberia and the Far Descent of the chagarniks. Stovburi fruit trees and plum trees see gum from cracks, which is used in medicine. The Trojans are glorified by the ethereal olive. Zustrichayutsya essential oils look like glycosides. Thus, the glycoside gene of knowledge in the bagatar rhizomes grassy roslin a dekilkoh of close species of erysipelas. Ce gravilat mіsk, kolyuriya gravilatopodіbna і Kokand straight-winger. The glycoside during the fermentation of syrovin decomposes tsukor and ethereal oliya, which is removed by distillation; oliya may have a clove smell, mindfulness with a high mix of eugenol (more than 80%). Ursolic acid is often thickened. A number of types of riches on vitamins. Other speeches are being traversed: saponins have been found in some species.

Type of roslin: Low chagarnica with slender stems, thick thorns and dark green folded-porous leaves.

Quotes, succulent: Quantity of pellusts at the quotation varies from 5 to 30

Picking features, drying and picking: Seeds of spring are picked early-early at the time of opening and dry quickly at a low temperature and good ventilation. It is best to dry on the mountains with a thin ball on a thick paper.

History of Roslin: People fell in love with the subtlety of forms, that zabarvlennya, subtle aroma of trojand from immemorial hours.
It was over twenty hundred years ago. In Hellas, an unimaginable storm was going on for the shortest warm weather. And for food, which at once in Nature is beautiful and beautiful, one of the young scholars of the philosopher Socrates, not long thinking, reaching out to the trojans, staring її and giving food. How to celebrate the retelling, this lad, whose name was Leander, and win over from his original magician.
Following a long-standing Greek retelling, the Trojans vinified with miraculous flower nectar, which gave the gods immortality and carelessly spilled on the benguet by the god of love Erot. Trojans became chervonims in the blood of the goddess Aphrodite, a yak, walking in the garden at dawn, if the Trojans smell especially, the bula was enchanted by its beauty and was sickened, to sniff and pick up its own beauty, but inadvertently pricked her finger on the thorn and blew her blood trojandi.
For a long time Trojans fell in love with people and became a home garden culture. The Romans had a cicava tradition: picking up friends for dinner at midnight, as a sign of intimacy, hang white trojans over the table. Zvіdsi i pіshov classic viraz “said under the Trojans” - that’s a secret, keep it secret. Said under the trojans do not give voice.

Wikoristanya at cosmetics: Cosmetics are widely zastosovuє trojandu. The trojans’ pellets (for which one do not tell the trojans that they gave you) are necessary to dry and prepare a lotion, a mask from them, to make an oily sweatshirt, like to make your skin smooth and velvety. It is not for nothing that the great teachings of old Avicenna, the doctor, the philosopher, and sings writing at his verses:
Mask. Hanging in a dark, cold place, grind the pellets in a bowl and add up to 1 teaspoon of horny boar, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream or tops, 1 teaspoon of egg white, mix thoroughly, pour 10 quills. Sumish put on the cleansed skin of the face and shiї for 20-30 quills. The mask is miraculously alive, tones the skin, and can help me to help me.
Lotion. Fill 0.5 bottles of fresh pelyustok to the top with sprinkles, close it tightly, infuse 1 extract, strain, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin or 1 tablespoon of sorbitol diluted with hot water, cleanse before going to bed.
Oliya Rozheva. Put 1 flask of dry pelyust into the enamel kitchen, pour 1 flask of dewy olives, put in a water bath or in the oven for 2 years. Do not remove the oil, wipe it with it before going to bed with dry and normal skin.

Tsіkavі facts: Troyandy should be grown not only for decorative purposes, but also for the extraction of the most important erysipelas oil - an indispensable component for the preparation of perfumes of other varieties. One drop of erysipelas oil is enough to make dozens of bottles of the best perfumes! And to take 1 gram of erysipelas oil, like koshtuє like 2 kg of gold, it is necessary to recycle up to 30 kg of trojand pellets.
Seeds of trojand vikoristovuyutsya like syrovine for ethereal oil, perfumes, vitamins, tannic extract of barvniks, surrogate tea and for making wine and drink.

Likarsky parts: Likarskoy syrovina є pelyustki troyand.

Korisny vmist: Seeds of trojans to purify ethereal oliї, zucru, organic acids, visc, bitterness, fatty oliї.

Dії: The preparations of trojandi are brought to lightly astringent and zastosovuyut in cases of diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, ailments of the leg, upper dyhal channels.

Luxurious recipes:

Nasty pelyustok zastosovuyut with hemorrhoids. 1 tablespoon of pelyustok napolyagat 2 years, prociditi. Take 0.5 bottles 3-4 times a day.

Tea hybrid. TROYANDA, a genus of deciduous and evergreen chagars (the birthplace of rose flowers). 250 300 species, in the pomor and subtropical belts of Pivnichnaya pivkul. Numerical (over 25,000) varieties of vicorist are found in ornamental gardening. Warmth and… Illustrative encyclopedic dictionary

Y, female. Back.Virobni: Rose; Rosoul. Pokhodzhennya: (Latin rosa.) Name day: 2 limes, 23 sickles, 30 sickles, 4 ver. Glossary of special names. Troyanda (zapozich., femin.) "Troyanda" (Latin) Gypsy names. Dictionary of meaning. Glossary of special names

- (Latin rosa). 1) Chagarnikov grew up. sim. double-sided, with stock, everyone knows a ticket, originally from the same place, can be richly seen. 2) especially the facets of the diamond. 3) a troyanda of views: a map, a figure, 32 directions of views are marked on the yakіy; avenge pid ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

One of the widest mythopoetic images. At the borders of the diverse and many "quote" code R. takes a lot of space. Thus, Brahma, who quarrels about the fortune of Vishnu, giving the lotus a hand, ala, swaying R., is shown to you. Encyclopedia of mythology

Troyanda; Rozka, Rosulya, Zalya Dictionary of Russian synonyms. troyanda queen of flowers (traditional poet); rozan (outdated) Glossary of Russian synonyms. Practical guide M: Russian language. Z. Y. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Glossary of synonyms

Women. rosan man. bush that flower Rosa, pivdenny. peak, zap. towel. Dika troyanda, shipshina; garden, centifolia, terry. Chinese Trojan, Hybiscus. Sadovyh and troyands were bred by sight of an indistinguishable number of porids. Be handsome, yak peak, app. | Tistechko, … Dahl's Dark Dictionary

- (Rosa), rіd roslinі fam. erysipelas. Deciduous or evergreen chagars, which climb at times, ring out with thorny stems. Leaves with priroslis grown to petioles, chergovі, b. hours unpaired. The flowers are singly or shield-like. Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Around the window at the Roman and Gothic spores of the XII XV century. with a stone lining at the sight of radial exchanges that come out of the central edge. Troy is also called a similar decorative motif that crowns the arches of the Gothic vein. Art Encyclopedia

- "ROSE" (The Rose) USA, 1979, 134 min. Musical film, suitable film. The American couple Bette Midler in the first leading role in the cinema created a character that, having predicted the famous Janis Joplin to everyone, she tragically perished in… Encyclopedia of cinema

TROYANNY- TROYANDA, the arc of the expansion of wild plants and the cultivation of chagarnik this. erysipelas. From the number of species (Rosa gallica, damascena, centifolia and іn), the Frenchman R., the visusheni pelyustka, was officially respected earlier. Great medical encyclopedia


  • Roza Soloukhina-Zasidateleva. At the back of the win. Mykola Karpov. Little Ostarbeiter, Rosa Soloukhina-Zasidateleva, Mikola Karpov. There were few children among the Ostarbeiters. Save two of them - Rosie Soloukhinoy-Zasidatelyova and Mikoli Karpova - and folded the right book. Life in a foreign land and captivity, primus ...