Trimming of the Trojans in the spring before the Ukrittyam.



It’s no secret that these kettles need to be closed against frost.

If you don’t know how to do it, first decided to break the rose garden, then this article is for you.

Let's talk about those

How to shelter the Trojans for the winter, which is necessary to work from afar, is absolutely necessary.

We also know about preparing livestock and planting new bushes.

  • Keeping an eye on the Trojans in the spring.
  • Preparation before winter
  • In the spring, Trojans need to be prepared and sheltered before the cold weather.
  • You can also plant new bushes.

It is necessary to prepare all types: climbing, standard, ground-curved and others.

First of all, it is necessary to work in the spring - here are some tips about those so that your blood cells gain strength before winter.

Who needs your fate?

  1. Cover that pruning for the winter
  2. To properly prepare the rose garden before the cold weather, you need to follow all the descriptions below.
  3. Kviti is to blame for the additional mischief of the village.

For this reason, you need to water it quickly and often fluff up the soil.

  • Since autumn began not with “woman’s summer”, but with anger, then it is necessary to open the rose garden.
  • It is also necessary to spare the Trojans from dry and old heels.
  • Then proceed to cutting the molded sections.

There are some nuances here.

Climbing plants are trimmed off their young tops and then removed from their supports.

As we have already said before, hybrid tea varieties are cut in half.

Reshta (ground cover, miniature species, floribunda) are cut at the third of the day.

Should you prune Trojans for the winter?

It is necessary to work until frost.!

Most regions of our country are at the end of life.

For the cold weather, the end of spring, the beginning of harvest.

  1. In modern regions it is possible all year round.
  2. How to properly seal Trojans for the winter?
  3. All the advanced stages of Wiconia, now the time has come to proceed to the final stage - the end.
  4. There is nowhere without something.
  5. The climate of our region is disastrous for the moist Trojans in the cold season.

Warding up for the winter in the Moscow region and other regions with moderate temperatures occurs at the time of frost.

Important moment

Light frosts from 0 to -2 degrees will not harm you, but will lead to crusting.

Make them stronger.

But at -5 degrees it is already necessary to work hard.

Because the weather was just frosty, the time had come to start.

  • There is also nothing complicated here.
  • Before covering the trays, they must be buried 25-30 cm with earth mixed with sand.
  • The proportions are 1:1.

Next, build a frame.

You can make it from available materials.

The frame must stand above the skin tabernacle, hanging over the top. lifelong speeches.

And after the completion of the tabernacles, it is necessary to restore the imbalance.

Therefore, the revival of the spring season is an obligatory approach, which may be planned immediately. Fahivtsi are pleased to prepare for the Trojans of the spring. The first one is to place a sickle on the cob of the spring, when the flowering ends.

The other one is like spring and winter. Many amateur gardeners decided to carry out the first autumn cultivation with the vicors of pus or the infusion of herbal cuttings - the so-called “green stuff”. These ingredients have proven themselves miraculously during the summer months.

And after the end of the flowering season, the Trojans begin to prepare for a period of calm.

This means that “summer” is kind, that revenge

great quantity

nitrogen and spring are not suitable for them.

During this period, you do not need any microelements - copper, magnesium, saliva.
The stench is no longer needed while the growing season is underway.

Therefore, special adaptations of the “Agricola Troyanda” type are not suitable in this situation.

How to prepare for the Trojans
great strength
organics, stinks and stinks continue to grow, expending all efforts on the preparation of green mass.
The ripening of young pagons will be delayed, which will inevitably be affected by their winter hardiness.

Obviously, the reservoir of vitality, which is introduced in the spring, is liable to be significantly disrupted by those that stagnate in the spring or in the spring.

It is very easy to prepare wood ash - it contains potassium, calcium and other living elements.

Or you can simply dig in some banana peelings to get plenty of potassium.

In autumn wood, lightly grown goodness is quickly washed out of the soil.

By replacing rare inoculations with granulated ones, which are not collected immediately, the plants will be reliably safe for living under the snow cover. That's why the fakhivtsi call ready-made granulated dobrova, for example “Osinne”, the best product for the spring season. In dry weather, after applying, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the pot with water. Another activity that can be carried out close to the cold weather, such as in the late spring or early in the evening, can be replaced by overflowing, adding a little more to the new one.

It is also good to sprinkle on top of the roots, without scalding them into the soil, so that it serves as an additional protection against freezing.

Living substances from this plant completely penetrate into the soil and are gradually processed by soil microorganisms in a hand-made form for the plants.

In the spring, the robots at the fruit town quickly rush around. The greatest respect of summer residents and gardeners at this time is focused on preparation

decorative bags until winter.

And the beautiful Troyand deserves special respect from the heather and leaf fall.

Preparation before winter

In the spring, the Trojans need to prepare their huts before winter arrives.

All the main tasks involved in overseeing the rose garden are currently aimed at helping the chagarniks grow before frost.

Reduce watering of pots and fluffing up the soil, in order to slow down the growth of young timber and prevent the destruction of the village.. Yakshcho autumn board- Build a frame with hilts over the tents, removing the air at the end.

Cut off mature buds so that your rose garden does not waste energy on setting fruit. Also, to speed up the deterioration, pinch the tops of young sections.

For example, at the end of the spring, warm the plants with dry peat or compost to a height of 5-7 cm. Rosary for growing up

Prepare the plantings for the heather cob, add to them

organically good

Autumn plantingapproximately the other half is in life.

From the bushes one can see unseen carapaces and wen.

Large lengths of hybrid tea plants are cut by 1/2, and miniatures, floribunda, ground-curved and polyanthus - by 1/3.

The climbing Trojans have tops that have not yet been seen, weak and old legs. Afterwards, remove it from the support, tie it with synthetic twine and place it on a ball of yaline spruce branches..

Preparation of live bait

At the hour of autumn circumcision of the Trojans

prepare wood live bait

Choose well-spread, straight, single stems 4-5 mm thick.

Cut the live bait up to 20 cm deep with three layers of skin.

The cut at the lower end of the petiole is made under the skin, and at the upper part of the petiole - obliquely in the middle of the internode. After preparing the required quantity of live bait, tie them in a bunch, sunbathe them in a burlap sack and store them in soft sand at a temperature of +1″C.

Gotujemo ukrittya

Light frosts dampen the hulls, but in the event of a persistent cold spell, warm the husks with dry earth and sand in a 1:1 mixture with a 15-25 cm ball.

When the outside temperature drops to -5°C, it’s time to insulate your home.

Frosts begin the growing season of plants, and as soon as the temperature rises above zero (which is not uncommon in our winters), the plants “boil” again and replenish the juice. It is more unsuitable to melt when frost strikes again: the ice freezes and the ice expands, tearing the fabrics. At the cracks that have healed, they are consumed by pathogenic microorganisms, which often lead to the rotting and death of the plant.

This itself is necessary due to its feasibility

at different intervals

slow down the vegetation of plants in the spring, change the flow of juice, increase the growth rate of tissue scarring, and also establish winter protection to ensure a safe minimum temperature range. Keeping an eye on the Trojans near Veresna - we assume that it is vegetation

Monitoring of the Trojans during this period is based on the galvanized growing season.

To prevent the growth of new logs, do not loosen or dig the soil between the bushes.

It is also taken through flowers (with long stems).

The trunks that will continue to grow should be pinched for the most obvious wrinkling, otherwise the stinks may die without reaching the village.

Autumn colors

At the heights of the spring, carefully follow the watering of the Trojans. The amount of water that is found in the root system is not to blame, but it is clear that this is due to the growth of new plantings. Young growth cannot mature until winter and, naturally, is killed by the first frost. In addition, when watering the ryasny

, Trojans develop a surface root system, because the winter coat is easy to wear.

In case of significant autumn falls, if there is a problem of excessive water saturation of the horny bushes, you can protect them by covering the plantings.

This can be done with the help of metal arcs using a stretched gap. However, you should not go to the other extreme and end up watering too much. It is possible to work in the middle of the heather, since the autumn may be dry.

Grind completely the natural atmospheric fallout for the growth of the plants.

If the autumn is dry and warm, water the bushes at least once a week, using 2-3 liters less water, at least once a week.

Before covering the plants for the winter, it is necessary to prune them.

This visit is a boon both for old rich people and for young gardeners.

For the cob, the leaves are removed from the stem, as well as all the weaknesses, ailments, and decay that have not been seen.

All buds, flowers, and fruits also ripen. Next, choose 3 to 5 strong movements each day to continue your work, while others cut directly. stems that are missing, shorten them.

In this case, since the flower stalks are concentrated at the upper part of the stem, pruning should be carried out so that the length does not shorten.

If the threads are spread evenly across the surface of the stem, then, according to the type of trojans, cut short (remove 3-4 lines) or medium trim (remove 5-7 lines).

Grandifloras and remontant trojans will require middle pruning if 5-7 good-sized lower branches are removed. Short pruning with excess 3-4 lines on the skin will be used for polyanthus, floribunda and hybrid tea trojans


All tall varieties need to be pruned short.

Roslin's surplus leaves, stems, and shoots appear to be depleted.

It is better to burn them down so that the stench does not serve as a breeding ground for fungal and other diseases this coming season. Shelter from the winter cold In some winters with little snow, it is recommended to use a wind-dry shelter, which is one of the most effective.

For this, frames of bent wood or planks are prepared over the tents, which are wrapped in roofing felt, burlap or craft paper. Waterproofing material is placed on top - plait, lutrasil, roofing felt.

In times when the trojans are not enough, in order to protect them in such a way, before insulation, carefully pin the nails to the ground with wooden or metal pins.

In this case, spruce branches, polystyrene foam, or a covering material are placed under the stem to protect them from the cold of the frozen ground.

Pletisti Troyandi can be removed from the supports and insulated in the same way as bush varieties. Sometimes, if the Trojans surround the figural arches and gazebo, it may be impossible to remove them without damaging them.

In this plant, the long stems are tied with yaline spruce branches, then with paper or burlap.

The remaining ball of such a “coat” is waterproofing material.

When the standard trojans are covered, the following actions are performed: from one side of the drill, an earthen breast is excavated to 25-30 cm. The standard is bent to the ground and pinned with special hooks. Place spruce branches, polystyrene foam and a ball of sand under the crown of the tree. The plant is already growing and the preparation of spring is simply necessary so that the plant can overwinter as comfortably as possible.

Here it’s important to properly select a warehouse of living materials.

First, it is necessary to turn off the elements that could be consumed by the influx, otherwise the plant will not be able to prepare for the cold weather, and will spend the entire hour of life growing under the influence of organic substances.

In other words, the survival of late autumn can also serve as protection against freezing and winter weather.

How and when the Trojans of spring are preparing

Life is one of the types of holistic observation.

The preparation of the spring season takes place in two stages.

The first is serpen-veresen, the other is veresen-zhovten.

Summer flowers take away most of the living waters from the plants, and the resulting growth will require renewed balance.

For this spring, the soil should be provided with phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

These elements of the obligatory nature are present in the good for survival.

As a supplement to add calcium, you can dilute one spoon of calcium nitrate or superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Grind out such a bucket to cover the area of ​​4 square meters. Also, to keep them alive, gardeners should be encouraged

folk ways

  1. : bury ashes or banana skins under the bushes.
    This is due to the fact that the stench is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of various living elements, especially those rich in potassium and calcium.
  2. It is better to burn them down so that the stench does not serve as a breeding ground for fungal and other diseases this coming season. Important features of the good Trojans of spring You can easily replace the rooted goodness with the rooted one, fertilize the trojans using the method of sprinkling, with the help of which the concentration of substances in such a species is liable to vary from those that you have been victorious from emergency root survival.
  3. With deep-rooted goodness, the intensity of the madness will be at least 3 times less.
  4. Image 3. – Squeezing the kvitka/Ridne dobrivo

autumn period

For Trojans, the best granulated goodness, the lowest analogues, is rare.

  • We can recommend that you buy a special kind in the store, as it is called - “Autumn”, and prepare your own “weaks” for them.
  • The root elements from such fertilization are gradually absorbed by the growth, and continue to live under the snow and nourish the root system.
  • As the autumn looked like a plank, again it’s not good to indulge in rare survivals.

The shortage of brown organic elements will always have a negative impact on external view growth, which is healthy and full-fledged development, which is difficult in the minds due to the deficiency of minerals.

Proceed to all the good in the world and the rule of the “golden mean” without sacrificing anyone. Therefore, too much goodness also leads to the suppression of the trojans, due to the excess of living elements on the leaves, white spots appear, the growth begins to gradually wither. In order for the Trojans to grow beautiful, beautiful, effective and to enjoy bright colors, there is no need to spoil them with all sorts of chemical goodness.

Properly selected place for planting, optimal watering and moderately competent growth growth will ensure your

Country house luxurious kvitnik. Secretly good for kvitivs

Having recovered the spring flowers and having seen the air temperature drop to 5-7 ° C, you can start pruning the trojans and sheltering them for the winter.

After you have prepared

  • preparatory work
  • , the beautiful Trojans will only be deprived of a good winter and a wonderful awakening in the spring.
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