Our garden keeps an eye on the Trojans.

Troyandi In order for your beloved Trojans to delight you with their colors, you need to look after them properly. In this article I will tell you about the main tasks that need to be carried out in the rose garden and what is needed

correct insight

for the Trojan flight.

The main stages of summer surveillance of the Trojans:

1. Illness and disability revealed

At the end of spring - at the beginning of the summer, there is a smut, so you can earn money, and then take a look around the bushes of the Trojans.

I’ll take a quick look around and not miss the appearance of sickness or the appearance of bad people.

If you have ailments, they need to be cut with pruning shears and burned.

It's important! Wash the area around you that is disinfected, and after trimming diseased stems, be sure to wipe the pruning shears so as not to spread the infection. If you notice the appearance of harmful trojans, you need to treat your body with drugs intended for their reduction.

Report on the fight against Trojan diseases.

2. Collection of wild plants from wood chips Another thing to gain respect for is that in the first half of the summer, on the splintered bushes of the Trojans, wild carnations from the root beds can grow. Tsoogo is not able to admit in Zhodomoy time, to the pagoni pagoni dier silnі, stirring Bagato Kharchuvannya, on the rods of the bagoto bagato forces of the I did not see the sorcerer, then the sorcerer, chipped into the wild spike.

Pagons that grow from wood can be distinguished from varietal ones with the following marks - as a rule, on these pagons the thorns are smaller and are found in abundance

greater quantity , and the leaves of these varieties are light and fine. 3. Additional observation of the weak-growing bushes of the Trojans at the beginning of summer

If you believe that your trojans are weakened and developing poorly, then you need to carry out

What kind of supervision is required for the influx of trojans to continue coloring:

Samy damn good news- Check out the old cards every now and then. Do not wait until the stench has dried and the fruits begin to form, even if it is consumed on the whole great quantity strength! In order for new buds to appear,

Quiet Trojans cut both individual flowers and fermented

Ale to increase respect!

If your plants bloom only once a summer, then if you cut off all the flowers, then in the spring no fruit will appear on these bushes, then you still need to deprive some of the flowers.

Well, of course, it’s not a good idea to forget about the basic supervision of growing trees, and about weeding the weeds, regularly watering and fluffing the soil under the bushes throughout the summer.

Zastosovuyu vishezhedanі come to watch the trojans inflow, you remove the mіtsnі, healthy bushes and color.

It doesn’t matter that most people adore the Trojans and grow them in their garden plots, but most of them don’t know how to keep track of the Trojans.

In kvitna, you can gradually open the shelter for a day.

At night it’s better to deprive them. If the temperature rises significantly, remove the lid completely. To protect the trojans from spring night frosts, you can cover them with lightweight materials or spruce branches. The stench protects the bushes from strong sleepy smells. From the shelter of the Troyand (before the release of the brunettes) purchase

Bordeaux's countryside


To sample a bucket of water, take 300 g of quicklime.

Flight is carried out and life is carried out using pagons. For this purpose, the green patches of the Trojans are built near the ground and covered with a jar..

Water the pastures in the dry soil, preventing it from over-drying. Preventive brushing with preparations to remove copper is carried out in the lip. For example, at the end of summer, watering will quickly disappear.

Sickles are invigorated with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Young pastures are cut off. Rooted live baits are transferred to the potters or are lost under the shelters of open ground

How to keep an eye on the Trojans of the spring?

  1. U
  2. climbing Trojans
  3. Extended fences are being cut.
  4. Watering begins.

The main point is to fluff up the soil and weed it.

In the spring, dry sumish (sand from the earth, with peat) is prepared to warm the larynx for the winter.

  • Before the hour of night frosts, the bushes of the trojans are heated with dry madness (height 15-20 cm).
  • The Trojans of spring are being monitored and preparing for the winter.
  • For this purpose, sprinkling with Bordeaux mixture (1%) is carried out.

Carrying out pruning will allow you to give any plant greater decorativeness, and the bushes will be more active in growing buds, forming pods and producing new buds, and therefore flowers.


Keeping an eye on the hatchlings must include adequate and regular watering to ensure a fresh nest. normal rhubarb vologists. It is important to water the plants in the garden with water so that the little bits have warmed up in the sun, preventing moisture from getting on the leaves and especially the buds of the plant. The fragments are growing in the world

root system

As we go deeper and deeper into the ground, we need to cover up a large number of things that can be found, carefully from this century.

The frequency of watering the trojans is determined by the type of soil.

Since the soil in your garden is important to water, occasional watering is not necessary.


The removal of weeds must be carried out after pruning the tea leaves; regular mulching will not cause such problems.

It is necessary to spread potassium fertilizer around the root collar.

There may be a ready-made warehouse or, for example, a hot aftertaste, or a large amount of dried banana peel. The greatest good thing for the Trojans is the ash of the village. Start adding it already in the spring - by pressing at the root.

If the soil absorbs water, you need to spread the mulch with a ten-centimeter ball.

Sirka has gone a long way to fight such ailments as Trojans:

boar dew , scab, various types of plamysts and spider mites. Yakshcho pounced on the Chagarniks: larvae, caterpillar, Popelitz Toshcho, can recommend vidvar Girkoye Pertsu-5-6 pepper for 1 lder of 24, 24 Gods, perpetrati, which guess the cums-shkіdnik.

When planting the trojans in the ground, do not cover the chipped area with bare soil; the root neck may be buried by approximately three centimeters; water the Troyandi trochki cold water

clearly, even more often, under the root;

Don’t overdo it with the preparations; making living sums will probably slow down in mid-summer. And one more little pleasure Try on the root neck of the Trojan, at a distance of 7-10 cm, plant a clove of chasnik. Such friendship will be friendly for both parties. I love you, dear friends! There are plenty of summer residents in their own

garden plot

to visit the queen of the kvitivs - the nobility and the strict Trojans. Its graceful colors delicate aroma

The frequency of watering depends on the type of soil in your garden plot.

On loamy soils, once a week is enough, and such soil is good for the water.

And for the Trojans, which grow on light, fertile and soupy soils, they need crops twice a day. To moisten the soil, completely cover the root zone with a ball of organic mulch, for example, thyrsa, thyrsoa, shavings, garden compost, humus.

Make an immediate contribution The speck of the Trojans will urgently demand additional food. Why it is important to regularly condition your green newborns at least 2 times a month. It is especially important to prepare after the first phase of flowering of the trojans, so that they gain strength for further development and formation of buds.

In the other half of the summer, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied to the plants, between potassium-phosphorus stores and the distribution of microelements.

At this time, buying a specialized product for Trojans is not difficult. However, many gardeners are respected for better preparing their gardens with self-prepared organic ingredients. For example, good people are respected. To prepare 3 kg of pus, pour 30 liters of water into a barrel, tightly cover the container with a lid for a short fermentation and let it simmer. Mix the prepared concentrate and dilute it clean water at a ratio of 1:5 and vikorist for watering

horny bushes

4.5-5 liters per rinse for skin growth.