How to spoil the Trojans in the massacre of colors? Really simple! How to farm kviti

Do you want to learn how to work on your own in the most basic colors - blue, green, or even start making trojans in black colors? Such flowers are even unpretentious, they can be made at once from a child and presented with a bouquet on the birthday of a Sussian baby or a reader on the first of spring or the eighth of February. The unforeseen infestation of the trojans' pellets will be forever remembered and will lead to the capture of the one for whom this book is intended.

You can prepare the trojan in the required color at home. For what purpose do you need the Trojans, but not entirely open? The Trojans have not yet opened, because the buds are needed so that only such a stink can stand for a troubling hour by the water and get into the required color. Step by step opening and absorbing the prepared water, the trojans change the color. For rozfarbuvannya Troyand more beautifully vikoristovuvati grarch barvnik and a high vase.

Farming the Trojans is not just a spluttering experiment with children, but an educational experiment for children who can see how water is lost through the capillaries of the stem of the Trojans.

The Trojans stand by the tall vase and stand steadfastly. You need to fill the vase about half with water. Add two teaspoons of barnacle grub to the water. If some Trojans love cold water more, then stir the barnberry well so that it is more easily dissolved in cold water. The color of the water becomes intense. Be sure to drain your vase, you may need more barnberry, if the water is slightly saturated, there will be no result. After you have removed some of the dark color, add two tablespoons of zucchini and stir well until it dissolves. Tsukor needed to speed up the process. As practice shows, tsukor speeds up the process. The licorice is spoiled and the water is quickly consumed by the liquorice.

Also, the liquid of the fermentation is poured through the stem of the trojan. If you cut the stem under the bush, the area of ​​the closed capillaries will be larger, and the water will be absorbed faster. It is recommended to cut the stem of the plant under the bush, under running water. Prepared trojans must be immediately placed in boiled water. In order for the color to change, the products must stand in prepared water for at least three days. After being in the fermented water for about three days, the first shades of color appear on the pellets. Chim more for a trojan If you use it with fermented water, the pellets will have a brighter color.

At home, you and your children can experiment with a variety of different flavors and cob colors. Obviously to the white trojan You can prepare it in any color. Alternatively, you can take not the white one, but the color trojan. In this case you can get rid of even more

How to spoil the Trojans in the massacre of colors

You can create a different color trojan, then. For example, a troyand can be prepared with two quettas: by splitting the stem into two parts and placing them in a separate vase, the skin of which is filled with water. a lot of color.

Moreover, in order to create a variety of colors, you can change the color of the water in the vase every day. This will give an unusual color effect on the pellets.

Pleased with the production of kvitivs in household minds. For an even and beautiful fermentation of the fruits, avoid temperature changes in the area where the fruits are located, and cut the stem first, first placing the flower in water with the fruit. A fresh cut of the flower stalk absorbs water more quickly.

Yak pofarbuvati trojandi

Bright flowers with shades of blue, violet, green, orange, erysipelas and yellow - a whole lot of fun in color! The unforeseen zabarvlennya of the trojans lead to capture. Such a color for the Trojans was created by Peter Van de Werken, who runs the flower company in Holland today.

Rainbow trojans are real trojans, although they cannot be added for planting, they can be bought for a bouquet or dried. One trojan costs about 55 dollars. To remove the iridescent flowering of the flowers, a barnberry is inserted at the stem until the plants grow, after which the color is faded with pellets. This is not a simple process and requires skills and practice.

The Rainbow Trojans are victorious for the creation of unexpected and bright ones flower compositions, cheerful bouquets, and lucky people often take them as gifts.

A similar proof of preparing trojans in one color can be repeated at home. For what needs are the Trojans cut, but not completely open. Allow the Trojans to stand by the water for a long hour, step by step open up and embrace the color that has changed. You also need grub barvnik and a high vase. Before the experiment, you can include children who can watch how water is delivered through the capillaries of the drill to the pellets of the trojans.

Fill the vase halfway with water. Add 2 teaspoons of barnberry to a vase with water and stir well. The water may be filled with water. If the water appears in a bit of prep, add more grub barn for sipping dark color. Then add 2 tablespoons of zukru and stir until melted. Tsukor will help the barnberry quickly rise through the capillaries and the trojan will begin to show color better.

Cut the stem of the trojan with a knife under a cut, trimming it under running water. This method of cutting the stem makes it possible for the capillaries to become resistant and receptive to grub barn. Prepared trojans must be immediately placed in prepared water. Trojans must stand in the prepared water for at least three days until shades of color appear. The more liquid there is in the prepared water, the brighter the pellets will be.

In households, you can taste different varieties of farb. For example, these Trojans, stuffed with blakite farba, reveal a dark green fermentation on the pellets. Chervony Trojans, fermented with the same black barnberry, give a purple fermentation. Having removed the necessary fertilization of the pellets, the plant needs to be rearranged in a vase with clean water.

I needed to put together a bouquet of different colored trojans. As if it appeared so that in given moment There aren’t a lot of fake trojans in coffee shops. I know how to prepare them – from a spray can. After reading on the Internet, they decided to experiment.

Ozhe, Experiment: How to fetch a Trojan?

I quickly found the following instructions from the Internet:
1 You will need light-colored Trojans (mostly white Trojans), as well as grub barn in the required color. Also prepare glass containers for water and clean water.
2 Break up the grub barn by the water. Add barnberry stalks to stir the water, but not to thicken its consistency. Cut the ends of the stems of the trojans with a sharp knife or scissors, being careful not to squeeze the drill. Cutting the stem is necessary in order for the preparation to proceed more quickly.
3 Pour the fermented water into a container or vase, and then place the trojans in it. Now you need to be careful about changing the color of the pellets. The next day you will note the first results of the preparation.
4 The greater the concentration of barnacle near the water, the brighter the fermentation of your trojan will be. You can also mix different varieties of grapes, selecting new original colors, and then select bouquets from manufactured and original products, creating a fantasy combination.

I, axis, what came out of me (photoshow together with instructions):
1. Stage one: preparation of barvnik and Troyandi, day one - 21.50 12/01/12.

2. Another day - 24 years have passed. The edges of the outer pellets have turned blue.

They cut a new stem and put it back, check further =)

3. On the coming day of the 12th year (1.5 days had passed since the beginning of the fermentation), the edges of the trojan had become even more fermented

4. To speed up the process (and test the new method): take a syringe, 1 cube of ink (purple, to differentiate) and inject it into the cup. Viterli speckled-checkamo. Before the speech, the water in which the Troyandka stood was so deprived of the blue union and the stem was replaced.

5. After 3 years, the same changes from another factory were visible - after the blue edging, the purple color became visible

6. For this one: the third day from the cob and the first from the moment of the other (purple, 7 years have passed), the filling of the card began to look like this: the purple edging became brighter

7. To ruin the experiment, we introduced black seed from the other side of the stem into the flowerpot. Chekaemo.

The result was a subtle blend of black color.
Then, I abandoned this idea for a little while and the girl quickly fell asleep.

Visnovok: By zagalom, the desired effect has been achieved, as a result of the prefabricated water, the finished pellets of the trojans will turn into a yellow color. Kharcho’s farba, I got it better, it’s worse. I didn’t get a full and full meal, perhaps because I was too impatient with the process. If you introduce the farb under the blood, the effect will be greater.

Now, since only the flowers are being trampled, I will definitely continue the color of the flowers to follow... =) In the meantime... let’s stock up on a theory =)

Ale vyscheznacheniya site optimistically saying that...
5 Having mastered the complicated technology of preparing trojans, you will soon be able to prepare the flowers at once into a bunch of different stems - for example, the trojan can be prepared into two batches at a time, splitting the stem into two parts and placed them in a different vase, the skin of which is filled with water in a different color.
6 In addition, the color of water in the vase can be changed today - this will give an unexpected effect on the petals.
7 For an even and beautiful fermentation, avoid temperature changes in the area where the pots are located, and cut the stem first, first place the bottom pot in the barn - the fresh cut absorbs water more quickly.

Apparently, cutting the buds “releases sprague” through the stem. The kind of fruit and color of the water, the kind of stench they “smell”, the ones that are stale and the kind of stench that will stand for a long time, and the kind of color their pellets will be.

Shchob get rid of trojandi, you need a grub barberry and a tall vase. Take a bagan white color - The result will be more visible on them. The buds are guilty of not fully blooming - so they will stand longer, change their color and delight us with such miraculous transformations.

Fill the tall vase halfway with water, and fill it there. 2 tsp. barberry and relatively mixed. If the liquid into which the water is steeped is not very rich, you can add a little more barnberry. Preparing the kvitivs should be done quickly, just add tsukor (two pieces of refined sugar) to the water.

It is necessary to hydrate the stem of the flower under running water under the bush- with this method, the capillaries will become unopened and will become sour. The prepared trojan should be placed next to a vase of prepared water, and the vase should be placed in a cool and protected place in a bright place. Outside production of trojans lasts for 17-20 years. And 5-8 years will be enough to prepare the ends of the pellets. When the desired result is achieved, it is necessary to rearrange the pots in the vase with fresh clean water.

More trojans are barbed more intensely and brightly, or you can experiment with trojans of other colors. Yes, yes zhovti trojandi Fold them with blakyt farba, their pellets will become green. And if you prepare red trojans in the same color, they will smell purple.

Trojan can be farmed in kіlka kolorіv overnight. Having cut the stem into several pieces, the skin is placed around a vessel made of different farbe. After an hour, if the pellets start to boil at the razne kolori, the trojan will need to switch out the original water. This way the flower will turn out to be of extraordinary beauty (approximately like the one in the photo below).

In addition, you can create a variety of colors by changing the color of the water in the vase. So, an unexpected effect will appear on these pellets.

Not only Trojans, but also other countries can be prepared in this way.

We also encourage you to watch a short video on English, in which way you will teach in person yak pofarbuvati trojandi in the manner described above.

How to get rid of the trojan? Helpful food barnberries will help.

How to brew a trojan in your home?

Look attractive Blue Trojans. Biologists have not been able to develop a variety of such a species. Such an unimportant ticket can only be taken away from vikorist barvniki. For this purpose, follow the next sequence of actions.

  1. Prepare grub barvnik. Dissolve it in a tall vase with water. The more barn you vikorist, the richer the color of the flower will be. Add one spoonful of turmeric to the water to speed up the process.
  2. Only fresh white fruits are suitable for processing. The buds sway and close. Use scissors or a sharp knife to cut the stem at an angle. Try to earn as much space as possible as soon as possible.
  3. Place the flowerpot next to the vase using prepared barnberries. Leave in this place for 3 days. During this period, store the container in the refrigerator.

This method allows you to remove the flower, which may seem difficult to cut off as if it were natural. You can add any bouquet to it.

Is it possible to farm a trojan in a day? It's definitely possible. It’s enough to stock up on farboy in a spray can, these are sold in florist salons. Powder the farbe onto the pellets. In this case, you can forget about the smell of the Trojans, the fragments of it smell like farboi.

How to get rid of the Trojans in the massacre of colors?

It is effective to complement any bouquet to help the Trojans of different colors. This kind of unconventional cake can be prepared at home.

  1. Most of the rainbow trojans will come out of fresh white flowers. If you didn’t know anything like this, check out the cream or light yellow trojan. Trimming the bud will take more than an hour, until the flowers begin to bloom.
  2. Trim the stem of the flower. Using a knife, cut the stem into pieces. The number of such parts must be avoided due to the number of barbarians that are being victorious.
  3. Cultivate the barnberries in small jars and test tubes.
  4. Remove the skin part of the stem from your barnberry. Make sure that the end of the cuts is completely covered with barnacle.

In such a station the flower can last for three days. During this hour, the skin's pellet will become absorbed in its color.
