Hibiscus kіmnatny doglyad vzimku. Watching the room hibiscus - video. Like at home to look after the room tickets.

Rosan Chinese is one of the most beautiful roslins, as you can see at the dealership of any gardener. Although such a name can hardly be often used, then "hibiscus" or "Chinese troyanda" is constantly heard by all lovers of dacha cultivation.

The wide breadth of the trojan of the Chinese language is not vipadkovym, so it is possible to grow it in the minds of the miners, so it is on the wet ground. Tse, as well as a beautiful ovnіshnіy looking to shy yogo invisible part of the front garden of chi terasi.

It is not difficult to guess behind the name of the growth that the turns of її іsnuvannya begin in China. Itself here yogo bulo was revealed for the first time over two years ago. However, the Chinese rose is a variety of different varieties, which can be planted on the rich continents of the earth's backcountry.

Particularly wide vines have been found in tropical lands, where you can see the most striking and unimaginable varieties.

Vzagali tsya the ticket is brought to the Malvian family, as it is a selection of more than a thousand species of different roslins and close to hundreds of slopes.

Roslin characteristic:

  • Rosan Chinese at a height can reach close to 4-5 meters, being a roslin from an average size, gleaming leaves, pagons that come in one kind of one, and great squares.
  • Let us give special respect to the rest of the varto, shards of stink to the marvelous creations of nature. You can fold and forgive, with a brightly-curved middle and edges of the pellets.
  • Already individually bred varieties with napіvmrovimi and terry quilts (red, black, bіlі, buzkovі).
  • The natural appearance of the Chinese rosan is small, yak in diameter reaches 10 cm, prote in breeding varieties of their size can reach up to 15 cm.
  • The most popular types of roselin are Cardinal, Casablanca, Rio ta Conig.

As has already been said before, the Chinese trojan is good for living in the minds of a closed destination. Naviti vy vyshili yogo on wet ground, it is necessary to grow yogo at home, in a more warm place and in a special place for yours.

If you want to go about landing today, then before this it is necessary to prepare the soil:

  • Visipati її in the capacity for future growth, entrust її and add mineral kindly, like enriching the land with the necessary for parostkіv speech.
  • Then we will not have to spend a lot of sowing today, after which we check on their sprouts, raising the temperature at about 15 degrees W with the effect of a greenhouse, so that we covered the animal with a plastic bag.

As if you were virish to multiply the roslin with live bait, then:

  • Plant them next in the vicinity of the mountaineers, otherwise they have a great capacity, de stinks will be found one kind of one in a sufficient place.
  • During this period, the next temperature should be trimmed dovkilla at a level of 20 degrees C and place the miners in the sleepy area.
  • In the process of germination, that growth is necessary in a sufficient amount of watering the growth, for which the sound of vicorist rozpilyuvach, to the one who does not give the vine the amount of land to grow the soil.

After that, as a new Chinese rose has turned into parosts of a frill of about 10-12 cm, the time has come for transplantation on the open air.

For this soil can be buti, and the place - light and free access sleepy shifts. Although it is possible to call tsia roslina not whimsical, you need to be smart about it for a successful development of that color.

Vzagalі viroshchuvannya can be rozpochati vіrazu on vіdkritoma gruntі, protse can vimagati sevnyh forces. Often the parostas suffer from the winds and the woods, as if to slay the growths of the weak at the very early age to that yogo away the growth may be not so great, as it seemed to be.

The best thing for the rose of the Chinese myst will be the growth of a village with a great amount of light that heat. However, even more often a direct sleepy prominnya can be unfriendly to appear on the roslini, to which the presence of a small shade will be positive. Yakshcho we are talking about viroshchuvannya in room minds, then the color of such roslins will be trival, to those who, whatever the weather, are unfriendly minds, do not care about the current development.

Dogliad different period roku:

  • At the winter time, the best temperature will be close to -15 degrees C; at the bottom, the leaves fall off, in the midst of a few pagons and a small stubble of chagar.
  • Let the varto add more respect to watering, to the fact that for this flower it’s not safe to create an earthen breast with hanging soil. With the arrival of autumn, the watering was slower in steps, so that the preparation was ready for the cold period.

The best soil for growing will be the earth, like a bagat for humus. Vaughn can buti dosit pozhivnuyu, to that sled periodically vikoristovuvat complex dobriva. In the period of the most active growth, then in the first months of the year, a good harvest should be carried out, the shards of the chaffarnik will require brown tongues.

Transplantation is necessary to be carried out on a hinged rock, prote for more old growths, the frequency of this process can be changed.

Well, if there are cuts, then it is the mother’s shaping nature that is to blame, so you should create the shape of a splint, shortening outwardly long and too weakly frogs. Tse allow not only to give the chagarnik a pleasant, cheerful look, but let us brighten up its color more.

Like and be-yakі іnshі roslini, rosan chinensis can be smilier to the point of being astoundingly small komakhs-skіdniki. For whom it is possible to vicoristowat special obraskuvannya chi watering. However, with a greater carelessness, wash the mind of the insane middle man, as it is often easy to swallow.

The very first step is to select the optimal place for the raising of the ticket. It is important that it not be supernaturally warm or cold, wind it dry.

More information can be learned from the video.

Bagato who feels, what do you know room ticket I’ll call it “Chinese Troy”, but I can’t understand more that it is one of the most diverse varieties of hibiscus, which grows right on the streets of the city, and in the brewery districts has long been successfully cultivated as a mountaineer of flowers.

Culture characteristic

Troyanda kohannya - this is how the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands called the garden hibiscus. The flowers of the rose line can often be woven into the hair of the girls, the stench effectively enhanced the beauty of the beauty with the juices of their blossoms. Tsya roslina is brought up to the Malvov family and is cultivated like a small tree in a room. kvitkovy miner, as well as the splendid chagarnik near the greenhouse garden.

A flower of hibiscus is striking with its beauty

Hibiscus appearing in European botanical gardens at the XIII century. Today yoga can be seen in rich countries: Thailand, Egypt, China, and also in Sudan and on the islands of Ceylon and Java.

Chinese Trojan evergreen roslina with a bare stem and worm leaves, which sound like falling in a period of calm. The succulent is to harvest the volume, fallow in the variety, freshen up with a juicy color and openwork of the pellets. Plid hibiscus may look like a box that breaks up into five chasms. The last of the trochs are shredded with harmata, ale in the deaky species of culture out of the blue.

Hibiscus can be brought to longevity, vіk yogo dovgy and become close to 20 years.

Hibiscus tree in the garden

Tsya culture miraculously rises to the formation of bushes and right sight you can reach three meters of curls.

Gіki roslini may sour prismak, and sіk yogo may have its own storehouse of organic acids, anthocyanins, pectin and gibiskovu acid, so to drink from the roslini brown and refreshing. Likuvalnoy tsey napіy shatter bactericidal, blood back, zhovchogіnnі and sechogіnі power.

Table: seasonal watch for the growth

Sort and see Chinese Trojans

Among the great variety of varieties of hibiscus, one can see a few popular ones, which can be grown in the minds of the apartment:

  1. - you can reach a few meters of curls, grow quickly, you will need a lot of money. The Chinese trojan is also light-loving, and in case of lack of lighting, it may not bloom. Flowers up to 12 cm in diameter are terry. From this grade, a tonic drink is prepared from a healthy diet.
  2. otherwise the Syrian troyanda, deciduous roslina, which guess the mallow. Cultivated like in open soil, so in flowerpots of apartments and greenhouses. When transplanting, only the upper ball of soil is replaced. To love light and warmth, there is a lot of diversity.
  3. Hibiscus rossichenopelusny- the petals of the flower are of a different kind and are brought back, and the uterus is strongly seen forward, which makes this variety even more exotic looking. Red and orange colors; watch like a Chinese Trojan.
  4. Hibiscus Sudanese we know who loves hibiscus tea. This species is often called roselli or simply Sudanese troyanda. The diameter of the card is 10 cm, the color is red. Roslina can be spared, crimson root.
  5. or herbaceous bovine species in the SRSR, near Tashkent by the method of crossbreeding erysipelas, red and gostroleaf hibiscus. Resurrect great roses vouchers (about 27 cm in diameter). Leafing with the shape of a maple tree, making a reddish vіdtinok. Zdatny wintering in warm soils with warming in frosty periods.
  6. - named after Daniel Cooper, who brought yoga to England. Variety of ripples, under brightening the leaves become erysipelas. Flowers with the old mother, large, pink flowers, which change the color of the tips of the pellets to the core of the bud. The variety has stable immunity.
  7. - Variety with villages stovburom. Color brightly and regularly. Succulent zhorstke, brightly-zhovte with chervonim streaks. May close to 15 varieties.

Photo gallery: such a different hibiscus

Video: how the color of the lipolike hibiscus in Israel

Watching for a ticket to the miner in domestic minds

We must first learn that the hibiscus is growing with the daily trips, and it’s important to think about it, it will be warm and light for you. On the first day of the day, or the day of the new quarter itself, even though it is normal to take the rose. Golovne, give him the correct light regime, to the fact that when lighting is not enough, the hibiscus stops blooming.

On a note: as your rose grew in the shade, do not hurry to sharply blame it on the sun, hibiscus takes a strong leaf opal. Raise the rose to the sleepy light step by step, moving the giblets of Daedalus closer to the window.

Kvіtuchі gibiskusi on the clarified pіdvіkonnі

The temperature of the middle middle is due to fluctuate in the range of 20 ° -22 ° С, the Chinese trojan reacts primly to the strong sintering and cold of the night. That’s why it’s not a wake-up call for nothing, but on a spicy day, secure a ticket in case of overheating by airing and spraying.

Landing and transplant

The soil for the Chinese Trojans is guilty of being light, lively and close to neutral. An ideal warehouse is a sum of turfy, leafy and humus soils with sand (4:3:1:1) or one part of the sand and humus of grass from two parts of the magnificent garden soil. At Grunt, add a wooden vugill.

The root of the hibiscus does not tolerate the stagnation of water in the mountain worker, that grower needs to provide drainage for the introduction of water. For whom, you can sip a ball of expanded clay or granular pebbles with a ball of about 4 cm at the bottom of the miner.

Video: transshipment of hibiscus

The young hibiscus is transplanted once to the river, changing the mountaineer of one volume to a larger space. Natomist, starting from the trinity vіku, it is necessary at the shhorіchnіy pass vіdpadє, and transplant the Chinese trojand only once on three-chotiri rocks. The culture is fast-growing, for that the miner needs to choose vidpovidny, for that he doesn’t love the tightness of hibiscus, and as soon as it becomes tight, he will improve his age.

Video: I planted a hibiscus at a great mountaineer (special notice)

Watering and rejuvenation of room growth

Hibiscus will require a humid atmosphere, so it is necessary to water and brush it regularly:

h Vuho povitrya zovsіm not priyaє tsvіtіnnyu, so like the buds need moisture, to open up. Moreover, the dryness provokes the leafing of that coma attack. . Talking about those that cannot be opened in a dry atmosphere, does not mean that it is necessary to touch them. After such a procedure, the lower pellets will rot and the bud will open. The vlastovuvaty souls followed only the leaves, and the buds will get away from the vologa, as if they were steaming from the surface of the leaf. It is also possible to put a hand-rail from a dewy plant with water for cooling.

Hibiscus to love warmth and water

On a note: tanks with water for increasing the level of moisture again, around the hibiscus can stand without a middle order. It is not possible to put a miner out of a ticket at the piddon with water.

More often than not, the combination with a spray gun is not a good thing to rot the leaves, then the flow, especially cold water, ruin the root. It is necessary to water the Chinese Trojan often and regularly, but the offensive watering is due only after the upper soil has dried out by about 5 cm. Water for irrigation can be at a constant, room temperature.

Spring hibiscus is fertilized with fertilizers, which avenge potassium and phosphorus, which is suitable for growth and color. Introduce all other microelements varto during the active period once in the 2-3rd of the month, nitrogen, and in the case of hibiscus growth, they should be unique.

Yak zmusity hibiscus flowers

If the hibiscus does not bloom, then simply replace the soil with the miner and increase the levels of illumination. In this way, the growth of young pagons is stimulated, on which buds are formed. Regularly educate and spray bright color Chinese trojans.

with meager lighting, hibiscus does not bloom

Often autumns do not start burning for a long time, and on the streets it already becomes chilly. The hibiscus is aware of the temperature difference, especially as the summer was seen to be smoky, and actively forming buds. Vikoristovuyuchi tsyu osoblivіst roslini, you can stimulate the Chinese troyanda piece by piece on the back of the flower.

There is one more secret of stimulation, which was won by our grandmothers. When transplanting the growth into the soil with a miner, the growth of a trojan, a wooden stick or cod is inserted on a small vіdstanі vіd stovbur. Tse mozhe zdatisya namovіrnym, but kvіtkarі stverdzhuyut, scho tsey method zmushuє hіbiskus vіsti not just regularly, and th sequently, raspuskayuchi on kvіttsi.

hіbiskus can be provoked to bloom in the middle of winter

If the roslin is sitting at the place of the great mountain-maker, then the cob will grow in the new, growing greenery, and then we will know the hour and strength for flowering. Kvіtkova єmnіst owes but proportional to the crown of growth. It’s true, if you plant hibiscus near the germinal soil, then the wine and the big tree should be given to the roots to finish the seedlings.

Correctly, that svoєchasne podzhivlennya also sprya tsvіtіnnyu gibiskus. For this, it is sufficient once for 20 days to bring in vologii soil a mixture of superphosphate or a complex kindly from a voucher store with a special warehouse for stimulating color.

І not varto exploit the ticket of the Czech Republic. A short break in the winter period will allow us to enter the active phase of the growth of the canopy with new forces and please brighter flowers.

Video: blooming terry yellow hibiscus

calm period

The building hibiscus does not go to a calm winter hour, it becomes active and blooms the whole period until spring at room temperature. It’s enough to provide more light for you every day, and that rіven vologostі povіtrya. Ale for garniy self-confidence and the correct development of hibiscus can be grown during the period of fall of the leaves. For this yoga, it is necessary to rearrange in the shade, that cold place, and shorten the watering.

For the winter, hibiscus can be taken into the depths of the room, supplied with batteries

The volume of one watering should not be changed varto, but the axis of the interval should be increased. Orientation can be on a dry ball. How little wine is dried up to a depth of 5 cm, it means that you can water the roslin on the third day. It is necessary to squash the roslin during the whole period, only if it is too dry, but often it is not necessary to do it, but it is not necessary to do it for a year.

The optimum calm temperature for Chinese trojand for laying new brunnocks is about 15°C. If the temperature is higher, then hibiscus does not “fall asleep” and develop, but means vimagatima eating. I do not vistachatime light and water, I am more sick and sick, dead, withered. The lowest temperature range is 13-14 ° C, if the temperature drops lower, the flower gets colder and sicker. Watering the hibiscus is clear at low temperatures, the kvtnik is risky to stock the root growth.

For the fierce Chinese trojan is already ready before awakening, for that you can feed the giblets to the light and increase the temperature of the morning, and at the same time water it. Through a sprat of tizhniv after residual adaptation of growth to new minds, they should be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

Before the awakening itself, you can trim the hibiscus, which will stimulate yoga glamor.

New cut needed

The cut that forms the hibiscus is necessary, it provokes the growth on the bright color. In addition, if you don’t cut the Chinese trojan, it’s a bush to change into impassable and negarny thickets. It is possible to shear the roslin not only by hanging, but it may be some other period, until the rules are reached. Like, for example, the bush is trimmed over that pizno, at the herb, then the flowers can not be found. You can cut less than those needles, as you have already seen.

After the skin color, pinch the tips of the veins, and let the bibishcus go bіchnі pagons, on which the buds are also formed.

Cardinal insult to hibiscus

To go out, that the skin is uncut, is only one flower, that it has not blossomed, and the possibility of mercy has been spent on it. Parallel to the stovbur, the pagons are called “djigs”, it is necessary to plant them in the first black, just like the chicks, so that they grow in the middle of the crown. Tree pagons that grow parallel to the main needles are also recommended to be sheared. For orientation, a vicorist sheet is called, the animals are called: the skin will flow shortly over such a sheet in one third.

You can form a bush in a fallow place in the morning of the morning: on a narrow undergrowth, grow a compact tree, and on a plant near a plant, grow a rose bush. It is easy to overdo it in the example of hibiscus, this culture is already growing green mass, and the leaves are becoming thicker and thicker.

Video: guiding "marafet"

Video: cut

How to pinch hibiscus

It is possible to splurge on hibiscus, but the shards of the pronounced and obov'yazykovy period of calm wines cannot. It’s worth it to work if the month is at the growth phase, so that the growing juices in the whole period go straight from the root to the stems.

Є k_lka ways of splitting, and the most accessible - for splitting:

What is the hibiscus afraid of?

Kіmnatnі roslini more often know the attack of shkіdnikіv or infections on vіdmіnu vіd vіdmіvі vіdkritomu ґruntі, splinters are in a closed space and sooner chi pіzno spend the temperature of the haircut, dry, stretch or cold. At that hour, just like the sky, the middle is regulated by a natural path, at some walls we ourselves create a wash for morning and often have mercy. In order for the mother to be able to immediately help the ailing growth, it is necessary to recognize the symptoms that signal hibiscus about her wrong camp, and to know with such means you can correct the camp that has developed.

Table: zmіsti problems and pardon

Photo gallery: expanding the disease of hibiscus


The room of the Chinese Trojan breeds in two ways: by birth and by living. The first way is laborious and accessible only to breeders or tolerant kvіtnikar zі skhilnіstyu up to scrupulous to take, and from diliti kushch zhivtsyuvannyam tse is not only easy, but it's acceptable, so like zhivtsіv take all varieties of especially in pink growth of flowering.

Reproduction of living quarters

Sound live hibiscus after cuttings.

Young chicks are placed near a vessel with water, like a vase. The capacity of the next vibrati from the dark warehouse and more beautifully, as if it would be possible to hit it at once with needles, like a kovpak, we can also see through, for example, with a glass jar. The water will soon grow and the stench will start rooting more quickly, and it will be around the 25th or 30th day.

Live hibiscus, ready to take root in the ground

After the appearance of roots of live bait, they are transferred to peat soil with the addition of a large fraction.

Moss sphagnum, donations from the soil, is also beneficially signified on rooted hibiscus live bait. Before the landing of live bait near the ground, it is necessary to see all the leaves from the skin, the top two crimson.

Through pіvroku livestock to transform into young roslini and skins can be transplanted into an okremy mountaineer at the next 12 months.

The influx of hibiscus, which has taken root, blooms already in the first river

For now, reproduction

For now, they hang from the end of the month to the ear of the birch.

Before sowing them, they soak at the rozchini Epina for 12-14 years and then lay on top of the water on top of the sum that is made up of pisku and peat. At the top, they attach a centimeter with the same warehouse to the second one and crimp the capacity with the crops with a slope, or tighten it with a plіvkoy to imitate a greenhouse atmosphere.

Last box of hibiscus

The temperature in the area of ​​sprouting should be kept constant, so as not to go beyond 25 ° C-27 ° C, but with all the greenhouse procedures, it is necessary to ventilate the mini-greenhouse regularly to prevent the appearance of healthy fungus. Under an hour of repeated baths, the water content of the soil is checked and, if necessary, obscured. In order not to stress the seedlings with temperature changes, the water in the atomizers is responsible for being three times warmer than the room temperature.

If the siants form another reference sheet, they can be picked up in small small containers.

Rose garden for hibiscus from nasinnya

Hibiscus, growing from the present, bloom less for another third river.

Video: growing hibiscus with us

Video: planting hibiscus in okrip

Video: transplant after hanging with okrop

Video: Hibiscus rose garden without land

Hibiscus is ideally suited for lovers of roomy apartments, who see the difference in exotic exoticism. The Chinese trojan, however, can easily endure even a weak light, and temperature differences, and wind a healthy stretch, or a short-hour dry. Zavdyaki of such an unbelievable nature, hibiscus are often exhibited at the halls, offices, great vіtalen and in the corridors of great mortgages.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus) is a genus of flower groves of the Malvov family (Malvaceae), which avenges hundreds of species of low trees, chagars, opal and single grasses. The range of their expansion is great and hoary tropical and subtropical areas of the old and the new world.

All species have thin, upright, pagons, which are clearly bellowing, with black-spiral leaf stashes. Leaves dovogochereshkove, ovoid to lanceolate, with serrated or shoveled edges. Flowers are axillary, large, split-pelustkovy, liukopodibnoy form, from 4 to 20 cm in diameter, with a pronounced androgynophore, which raises a bunch of tartarids with yellow pilyoviki above the ovary. Zabarvlennya votok nayrіznomanіtnіsha і lie down in the form of that variety. The leather card lives only one day, but the bright flower is trival and cassock. When the flowers ripen, the five-tufted fruits-boxes from the absence of a dream.

See hibiscus

In room minds, it is more common to see it this way.

Chinese hibiscus, vіdomy yak Chinese Trojan(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is one of the oldest in culture, imported to Europe in the 17th century from Northern Asia. Evergreen Chagarnik in the natural medium, which reaches 2.5 - 5 m of the crown and 1.5 - 3 m of the crown. The leaves are simple, glossy, dark green, egg-shaped, with sharp edges and serrated edges. The hour of blossoming is three early spring i to deep autumn. Flowers are p'yatipelyustkovі, bright-red, large, 10 - 12 cm in diameter.

The collectors have created impersonal varieties of the same kind, which are quarrelsome for zabarvlennyam tickets of that terry. The most popular of them:

"Alicante" and "Paramaribo" - with simple red tickets;
"Sunshine Purple" - rosy-eye cards, simple;
"Flamingo" and "Rio" - tickets from erysipelas and maroon heart, simple;
"Anita Buis" - tickets are yellow-zhovtogaryachі, simple;
"Ankara" - yellow cards with a red heart, simple;
"Bangkok" - yellow cards with maroon heart, simple;
"Bari" - lemon-yellow flowers with a dark core, simple;
"Rosa" - salmon-rozhevy, terry and nap_vmrovі slips;
"Koenig" - yellow, terry tickets;
"Hamburg" - cards of carmine-red, terry.

In addition, the popular variety "Variegate" - with stringed leaves.

Hibiscus marsh(Hibiscus moscheutos) - a great herbaceous bagatorich with leaks, which dies for the winter. The height of the growth in the natural environment can reach 2.5 m. The leaves are heart-shaped, with a serrated edge. The surface of the leaf blade is short, slightly pubescent. The flowers are simple, rather large, about 20 cm in diameter. Androgynophore is relatively short, although commemorative.

Hibiscus Syrian(Hibiscus syriacus) is a deciduous chagar plant native to China and India. In my fatherland, roslin can reach a height of 4 meters. The leaves are bright green, on mature pagons - trilopate, with a rounded-serrated edge. Flowers from mid-summer to frost. Flowers are close to 10 cm in diameter, different varieties of red and taupe, in larger ones - with a dark raspberry center. Androginophore is short, pylons are light yellow or white.

Popular varieties:

"Diana" and "Jeanne d'Arc" - the tickets are pure white, simple;
"Hamburg" - cards of carmine-red, terry;
Hamabo - pale erysipelas with a dark red center, simple;
"Notwoodone" - the flowers are pure pale-lilac, the lower petals are large, they make the five-pellet cup, the upper ones are short, narrow, numerical;
"Meehanii" - lilac flowers with a burgundy center, simple, leafy lines, with a nervous wide creamy-white edge; "Oiseau Bleu" - blue-violet flowers with a burgundy center, simple;
"Red heart" - the tickets were white with a dark red center, simple; "William R. Smith" - the tickets are clean, simple;
"Woodbridge" - dark pink cards with a red center, sorry.

Hibiscus rozsicheno pelustny(Hibiscus schizopetalus), originally from Central Africa, is one of the most beautiful representatives of the genus. Evergreen Chagarnik, about 3 m high. Leaves are green, glossy, simple, twisted obovate shape, with a serrated edge. Kvitki p'yatipelyustkovі, orange-red. The petals themselves are deeply rosy, with thin uneven parts, similar to a fringe, arcuately curved back. Zavdyaks of such a form of kviti are guessed by lacework Chinese likhtariki. The androginophore is a long dove, the yogo kinchik with the tartars is often bent like a hook.

Hibiscus hybrid(Hibiscus hybridus), xoch i not є okremim view, Not less popular with kvіtnikarіv. Three species of hibiscus were crossed into the roslin by a path: marsh, vermilion, and gostroleaf. From the skin of its ancestors - grassy swamp species - hybrid hibiscus, taking those chi and other powers, zocrema, great flowers, short leaves, and dwindling to winter, the above-ground part of the pagons.

Fallow in the variety of the bushes, they grow not only for the zabarvlennym flowers and their terry, but also for the shape of the bush and its height.

"Coelestis" - purple-black flowers, simple, the shape of the chagarnik is sonorous, the legs are short;
"Albus" - flowers are white, simple, bush is wide, medium-sized;
"Lady Stanley" - white-and-rozhevy flowers with a dark red center, napіvmrovі, medium-sized chagar, narrow form;
"Diana" - pure white flowers, simple, edges of fluffy feathers, tall chagar;
"Hamabo" - fawn-rozhevy flowers, the lower half of the pellets is larger rich color or with red smugs, tall chagarnik;
"Russian Violet" - dark rosy flowers, tall chagarnik;
"Violet Elar Double" - violet-blue flowers with red patches of white base, terry or double terry, tall chagar.

Watch for hibiscus in room minds

Hibiscus dosit simple from the watcher, she does not require special respect. Practically, be a kvіtnikar can provide you with all the necessary minimum, so that you can create a friendly mind for growth.

Lighting. Mabut, this is one of the main vimogs. Roslina dosit light-loving, but let's see the bright pink light. The optimal level of illumination for you is at the borders of 3000 - 3900 lux. At lower values, it is impossible for the hibiscus to catch a flower, and a direct sleepy night can burn the lower leaves.

When placed in a room, it is best to add the order from the windows of the windward chi of a similar direction. On a pivdenny bude, it will be necessary to have shade on a midday year, and a pivnіchne vіkno without additional lighting is not suitable for him.

Gibiskus is a fast-growing growth, and in the winter hour it is necessary to increase the level of lightness, so that natural light in this period will obviously not stick out, and the frogs will strongly wilt, become thin and weak, which is bad to signify on old-fashioned. Trivality of a light day may be 8-10 years.

Temperature. Summer temperatures, optimal for hibiscus, match the climate middle smuga Russia. At the winter hour, for the duration of the supplementary warming, wine will require cold weather, which will increase the growth of young fagonists and help them to win. But it is not recommended to lower the temperature to 10 ° C and lower, otherwise the skin will not grow.

See the grassy part with the above-ground part, which you see, you can put it in the basement for a non-freezing place for some time and blame it on the world only after the hatching of the first nirok. After that, we should ensure a cold morning light until the middle of spring.

Watering. Irrigation mode should be selected fallow in view of how much roslin should lie down. For trees and chagarniks, such a regime is ensured, when the surface of the earth in a mountain worker gets a little dry, for grassy swamps, seeing the earth, they keep it at a steadily wet (albeit not wet) stand. Vinyatkom, at times, there is a period of calm, if the above-ground part of the growth is in the air. Todi can be practically dispensed with without watering. Enough more stitches, so that the earth does not dry out completely.

Water content. As practice shows, the additional moisture content of hibiscus does not require and calmly endure the dry weather of many apartments. Ale, periodically the crown of the species with glossy smooth leaves can be rinsed under a warm shower (as it is allowed to grow the growth), cleaning them from the saw and wood.

clipping. Calmly endure hibiscus more strongly, for the help of which it is possible to raise the bushiness of the crown and the troch to galvanize the rampant growth of the pagons. Ale її slid to carry out on the cob of spring - for example, autumn, to the cob of laying flower brunok, which are formed on young growth. Otherwise, the color will be better for the term.

With a stretch of the mustache, you can pinch the tops of the pagons.

Life. During the growing season, once every three years, carry out revitalization with complex fertilizers. room roslin. At the same time, choose the life sum with the minimum amount of nitrogen, which provokes the growth of the green mass on the Skoda flower.

I will not require a fee for the annual growth of Roslin.

Priming. The hibiscus soil is known to be light, lively, neutral or slightly acidic. For yogo cultivation, prepare the soil and, but you can prepare the earthling sumit yourself. Є kіlka variantіv, аkі dosvіdchenі kvіtkarі recommend for tsієї roslina:

1) turfy, leafy, humusy land and coarse-grained river sand at a ratio of 4:3:1:1;
2) soddy, humus (or leafy) earth, peat and coarse-grained river sand at a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

Whenever there is a warehouse in the otriman, the next thing is to add a little bit of wooden vugill, which will prevent the appearance of fresh rot, and a brush harrow. On the days of the mountaineer, it is necessary to form a good drainage ball, so that the stagnation of water after watering is overcome.

Transplant hіbіskus hаnіnі, gorshchiki greater diameter. If a copy is already too great for transplanting, you can do without replacing the upper ball of the soil, having seen the root system old to the cob.

multiply ce roslin and stem. For the moment they hang in the middle of winter in a bag of peat and dog and place them near a mini-greenhouse, under a slope. For the best similarity, they can be soaked in advance for 12 years in a different stimulant. The flowers of siyantsiv lie in sight. The species of trees and chagarniks on the new one can be checked in 3-4 rocks, and the swamp hibiscus blooms on the first life cycle.

On live bait, a part of the upper pagons with 2 - 3 inter-nodes is spawned. It is easy to root the root, it is easy to root, it is rooted to inspire at the glass with water.

Ailments and poor people. Most of the time, hibiscus is addicted to us. At the first signs of infection, it is advisable to treat the growth with Actelic, Fitoverm, or otherwise. chemical preparation like a splash.

These same preparations can be vikoristovuvaty and with a pile of other shkіdnikіv, for example, or.

From the disease, the most wide-ranging ones that develop as a result of an incorrect sight.

The greenery bushes do not bloom and do not bud;
- The buds fall off without opening: one of the reasons may be short alive speeches, light or miserly watering, as well as low temperature.
- Pozhovtinnya leaves without falling off can be viklikana development of chlorosis, sickness, associated with watering with hard water, to avenge chlorine and calcium. To eliminate the effects and prevent the growth, water it with a wide range of chelate of the hallway, according to the instructions given on the packaging.
- The fall of the lower leaves and the appearance of new ones, which only break up: most often due to diseases of the roots of the swampy soil at low temperatures.
- Vіdmiranny pagonіv autumn - a natural process for those herbaceous species hіbiskus, for example, marsh, from which for the winter only the smallest parts of stems are kept green.
- Ponikli leafing with dry land - a clear lack of watering.

Hibiscus. It is rich to see that hibiscus tea is drunk, prepared from dried flowers of hibiscus. However, in the industrial version for preparing hibiscus, there is only one of the representatives of the genus - Hibiscus sabdariffa(Hibiscus sabdariffa) chi Roselle. This herbaceous bagatorium native to Western Africa is cultivated today practically in all tropical and subtropical mixtures. The height of the growth can reach 2.5 m. The leaves are dark green, with a dark green, deeply rosy, three-, five-lobed, 8-15 cm plant. Flowers with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm, from pale yellow to white color with a maroon flame in the center. A cup of tovst, fleshy, її tovshchina in the base 1 - 2 cm. Zavdyaki rich in organic acids and zucrіv will serve as syrovina for preparing jams and jelly, and together with pelyusts - for the famous hibiscus tea. At the same time, the leaves of the young pagons of the plant grow.

The hibiscus sabdariffa is not adnexal for wiping in the minds of the room, the shards can be strained root system and more powerful to the light. But you can try yoga in the garden like a one-man.

Jaskra is a representative of the Malvovian family, with barvy, beautiful, exotic flowers and smooth, pointed at the ends, emerald leaves. Expansion in the tropical middle. Zavdyaki its exotic beauty and unsightly, yoga everywhere home ticket, so hibiscus live in їzhu, wear like embellishment and navit vikoristovuyut for the preparation of farbi.

You know you? The first riddles about hibiscus can be seen even before the era of Ancient Greece. Before Europe, it was consumed in the 17th century from Asia.

Popular view of indoor hibiscus

The world has close to three hundred species. Three of the most popular types of indoor hibiscus are Chinese, Syrian, rose-pelust.


Hibiscus Chineseornamental, evergreen chagar, which grows on the islands of the Pacific region and on the native gathering of Asia. You can see close to 500 varieties of this hibiscus.

Reach three meters uphill, dark emerald leaves with notches and large (up to 16 cm at the crossbar) simple cards, vsіlyaki zabarvlennya. Their infestation varies from red to erysipelas, from fiery-yellow-hot to yellow.

After opening the flower bud, live close to get it, if you want to intermittently bloom all the growths, three on the cob of birch until the end of autumn. Tse widely v_domy and even wider view for home morning. It is important that the wines positively affect the atmosphere in the host, cleansing it. The flower of this hibiscus is small in sight at the watchful eye.


Hibiscus Syrian (Syrian troyanda, Berizka)deciduous chagarnik, Asia Minor (India, China) is respected by the fatherland. One of the few sights of hibiscus building growth in open space in a peaceful climate.

Lives up to a hundred years, with this growth it is more normal and blooms only after 3 or even 4 years. The flowers are similar to mallows, the leaves are green, even brighter. There are a lot of sorts of Syrian Trojans. You know you? The Syrian hibiscus is the sovereign flower of Malaysia, the symbol of Haiti. Yogo kvіti ruby ​​and rye zabarvlennya - nevid'mna part have a good time in some provinces of India.

Rossіcheno pelustny

Hibiscus rossicheno pelust (Schizopetalus, Princess Earrings)evergreen chagar, which reaches a meter at the height, expanding, behind different gerels, from Central Africa and Brazil. Bloom from the end of spring to the end of leaf fall.

Kvіti with a strongly visible queen ahead are red, orange or red-orange. They have rossіchenі pelyustki bent іz fringe. Sounds reach a width of no more than 8 cm. Leaves are brighter, greener. In our climate, it can grow less in greenhouses than in a homely atmosphere.

Viroshchuvannya room hibiscus in home minds

Hibiscus is not shy and can endure the wrong change. Hello, what do you want sob flower of hibiscus blossomed, then varto dotrimuvatisya kіlkoh simple rules to watch over him at home minds.

Watering and lighting

Follow watering with standing, soft, warm water. Do not allow the soil to dry out, as it is the yogi of the supra-world water.

Overhead and inflow watering can be light and partial (as the upper ball of the soil is dry), and the autumn-winter period of warto swell a few days after the drying of the soil.

Hibiscus is light-loving rose, but the light is not guilty but scorching. To this, it was easy to see that in the summer season the lighting was radiant, indirect, and in the winter season it was about additional lighting. It is better to place the flowerpots of the Chinese room trojans on the opposite side and the western side.

Temperature regime

Vidpovidna temperature for hibiscus - +20 ° С - +25 ° С, on the cob of autumn її should be lowered to +16 ° С - +18 ° С, and in winter - up to +14 ° С - +16 ° С. not є zagalnoobov'yazkovoy umovoy for the life of growth, but kvіtkovі brunki zavyazyutsya vyklyuchyuyutsya at low temperatures.

Important! The minimum allowable temperature for hibiscus is up to +10 ° C. At +10 ° C and lower, the leaves begin to fall off at the growing line.

Water content

A flower of hibiscus does not succumb to such an ostentatious display, as water and in that plan, it’s even easier to keep an eye on him - Finish frequently by spraying the roslin with warm water. This is also beneficial for the appearance of mites. Do not follow the post-cooking in the period of exuberant blooms, the shards, when zatikanni water on the fluffs of the tickets, will soon be in'yanennya.

Soil for planting and cultivation

Hibiscus is not picky and good for the soil. ale it is best for you to get soil from equal parts of sand, humus, peat and earth, you can add more pieces of wooden vugill. Do not wink dry korivnyak, which is not retransferred.

The soil is to be blamed for being light and loose for more access to the root. Push land elsewhere. Shards of the Chinese Trojan are filthy to endure the burden of the water of the soil, then the watcher for her may allow drainage Obov'yazkovo.

Life is kind

For zahochennya tsvetіnnya, in tsey period next to fertilize gibiscus mineral fermentation with nitrogen shomіsyatsya. Chelate zaliza and midi will also be brown. You can draw with organic kindness.

Sometimes it is allowed to be fed with magnesium leaf path. The growth reacts well and to the application of weak water roses to root growth. In the winter period, more often, use the fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium at half the dosage. And for an hour of peace, do not give peace. Before you start dobriv, do not forget to water the hibiscus.

Circumcision of hibiscus

Є k_lka simple rules, how to correctly scribble Chinese room troyanda. Previously, the trimming may be carried out at the vіtsi two rokіv.

The best hour for whom is the ear of spring, and then autumn. Check for 3 days after watering, the opening of the leaf is 5 mm, the opening can be 45 °. Do not trim more than 2/3 of the needles.

Hibiscus transplant

Transplant the young hibiscus to a short, mature - once in a couple of years. The best hour is early spring. Water the roslin ahead.

Important!After transplanting sprat days, start watering at the bottom. Tse help the roots better than sprout.

Reproduction of indoor hibiscus

Є 2 ways of reproduction: for the help of us, for the help of living creatures.

If the first way is better for you, then start in the middle of winter - the beginning of spring. Soak grains in "Epіnі" or analogue for 12 years.

Take soil from peat and sand. Put a pid slope. Keep the temperature close to +27°C. Before the appearance of 2-3 leaves, for an hour, cover the gardens, ventilate; after - to transplant a small miner at a great miner.

Another popular way. Most often yoga is vibrated after cuttings. Zhivets is guilty of mother 3-4 knots, and close to 10 cm long.

Too late, leave a large vdvich. Fill with growth stimulants. Place live bait near the soil from the sum of peat and pist or water, cover it with slop or plіvkoy.

Keep in mind that the temperature of the trim was not lower than +25 °С. After that, as the root appeared - to transplant the miner from the earth (humus, sand, sod land and leafy land at spivvіdnoshennі 2:1:1:1).

Yak zmusity hibiscus flowers

So that the Chinese trojan flourished enough to win the cherry blossoms. Let the plants get indirect light, get the right temperatures for the different seasons, change the ground and fertilize it, don't forget to trim the hibiscus, as the buds are formed on young pagons.

Take care of the simple rules of sight and wonder of the growth, long gladdening you with your flowers.

At this article, you were told about the miracle beautiful dew, about yoga popular see and about those, how to grow hibiscus in home minds. Let's hope that the information was bala cіkava and korisna, and your flowerpot is growing, blooming and quieting you more than one river.

Chi bula tsia article brown?
Ta nі

Hibiscus is a tree-like tree of the Malvov family, popular since long ago, blooming with great buds to a thriving flower. In ancient Greece, a single flower was called a stock rose, a troch year - a mallow. At the present day garden, there is a rose in the house under the name of the Chinese Trojan. In the wild nature, an exotic flower native to Asia Minor is represented by deciduous and evergreen chagars or trees. Watching the hibiscus is even simpler, it is rich in kvіtnikarіv with the ease of growing the tsiu roslina at home or in your garden.

Kіmnatna chinese troyanda

The Chinese troyanda is a homely decorative flower roslin, which can often be seen at the dwelling booths and apartments. Tsya kіmnatna kvіtka to dosit actively develops that color in apartment minds.

Evergreen tree-like chagar, which reaches a two-meter height in home minds or a three-meter height - in greenhouses.

Room hіbiskus with dark green, smooth, serrated edges, corrugated leaves and single flower buds, as if in a wide-open look, they make big bowls with a diameter of 9 to 15 cm, piercing the hearts of rich kvіtnikarіv.

Fall-bearing varieties, Chinese trojand flowers are simple or terry, red, white, erysipelas yellow color. The trivality of the color of one flower becomes three more than 2 days. With a good eye, that mind of the morning can reach a thriving bloom in the period from early spring to late autumn.

Deyakі kvіtkarі viroshchayut kіmnatny gibiskus like a standard tree.

In the natural middle ground of roslin, we do not only bar it with embellishment, its leaves live like a salad, from flower buds we prepare farba for hair. Dry fruits of vicarious hibiscus for the preparation of everyone's favorite fragrant drink "Karkade".

Looking after the room hibiscus

The Chinese Trojans love the bright roses of light without direct consumption of sleepy changes. In a shaded place, the flower is unlikely to bloom. In the spring, when it stabilizes warm weather, warm up again, wine the chagarnik on the street, without any care for you, the defender, stretching out that sun to burn.

The optimum temperature for morning indoor hibiscus vletka is 20-25 degrees, in the winter period - no lower than 14 degrees. In cold minds, the growth begins to massively throw off the leaves.

Tsei exotic looking vimogliviy up to high water repeat. I'm lucky to give you more to punish. With the method of hygiene and prevention, the appearance of shkidlivih coma of the ticket periodically fluctuates. warm souls. When it is important to protect the flower buds from getting wet, otherwise the stench can swell. It is possible to increase the water content of the plant, the growth of this flower, it is possible, as a matter of fact, to put a charge on it, filling it with expanded clay or pebbles.

The introduction of the good is carried out during the spring-autumn period with periodicity - 1 time for 10 days. How to revive vicorist organic and mineral goodness, how to make it according to your will. For the winter, qi dobriva is replaced by phosphorus-potassium preparations. Їx to bring in a weak concentration of color booster.

How to cut a trojan correctly?

Watching for hibiscus in domestic minds includes the circumcision procedure. Її to carry out before the very transplantation and until the spadix of the vegetative brunok near the flower. Shearing of the Chinese trojandi is carried out with the help of a bush garnoi form, as well as to stimulate the development of young buds and accelerate the formation of flower buds. Shriveled mustache and shriveled up hairs.

In order to protect the juice from wounds, the spices are sprinkled with garden var. Circumcision, which rejuvenates, is carried out in an offensive rank: the pagons sprout in full, covering the stems with a length of 15 cm from the base with one point of growth. Like only young chicks to destroy at the saplings, to cut weak and thin pagons. Summer pruning of stems is carried out with the method of bringing flowers closer to hibiscus. In this way, one can reach a thriving bloom, starting from early autumn and until the beginning of spring.

Transplantation that sight after flower

The Chinese trojans love to develop in the tightness, so the landing is carried out in the tightness. At the great and spacious mountain-grower, this flower will grow rapidly green mass, but with it it will not bloom. The transplantation of young specimens is carried out in a short time by the method of transshipment of earthen breast. The old ones, who have reached the fifth century, are transplanted not more often than once for three rocks, vicorista is a couple of centimeters more for the front mountaineer. Old growths do not turbulate, they vibrate the surface replacement of the old soil with new ones.

After the flower of the room, the hibiscus will require repair. Irrigation for roslini quickly to a minimum. After that, as if it were falling, they trim the pagons, and place the chagar plant in a cold and dark place. In the coming spring, the Chinese trojand is turned to a colossal life - to increase watering and place it near a warm, sleepy place.

Methods for reproduction of indoor hibiscus

Reproduction of this exotic in domestic minds is carried out for the help of the plant and upper petioles. Nasіnєve viroshchuvannya is a laborious process and requires patience, for that a lot of kvіtnikarіv give the priority of living. For the reproduction of vicorist, live bait, which was lost after spring trimming. The stench is successfully rooted in the peat-peat sumish under the glassy Ukrainians. A month later, after rooting, the live bait will be planted in the live soil and pinched to stimulate the growth of the beetle groves. Take the reproduction of Chinese Trojans at home, let me help you kvituchі roslini within 3-4 months.

Prevention of illness

Leaves, pagons and flower buds of the Chinese trojand - the love of lasso thrips, spider mite and the pope. The appearance of tsikh komakh was zoomed in by the wrong sight and instead of a ticket. Weakly infected plants are cultivated miles apart. At the start-up stage, the drug Aktellik is victorious.

Through parts of the overflow, or indistinct illumination, the leaves begin to grow in mass, the leaves do not form, the buds do not form. Optimize your eyesight to your green lover, and even then you will receive it without a turbo.

Sadovі see hibiscus

Plants of modern selection, cultivars of hibiscus were bred, which are recognized for growing in regions with a peaceful climate near wet soils - ce syrian hibiscus, swamp hibiscus, garden hibiscus and herb hibiscus. All stinks frost-resistant varietiesіz high decorative yaksami.

Syrian hibiscus

Horticultural Syrian hibiscus is one of the most requested varieties for open ground. Tsyu kvіtku viroshchuet like a stem and compact chagarnik no more than 1.5 meters high. In the natural medium, the syrian hibiscus is the size of a gigantic roslin, which reaches a 5-meter height with bright green oval leaves and single flowers of the most addictive zabarvlennya.

In the cultivated form, hibiscus Syrian - tse decorative roslina, which flowers are simple with terry flowers, fallow in the grade. Zabarvlennya kvіtok - bіle, all vіdtinki erysipelas and buzkovy tone.

Hibiscus herbaceous

Herbaceous hibiscus is a decorative roslina with massive erect stems up to 3 meters high. Leafing great, behind the shape guessing leafing dormouse. Fall-bearing varieties, zabarvlennya flowers bіlim, pale erysipelas, chervonim and raspberry.

Herbaceous hibiscus is a sleep-loving and winter-hardy chagar with a trivalent flowering period, which starts on the cob of sickle and ends on the cob of spring. Zavdyaky to the fact that the hibiscus of grasses is not viable in the watchful roslin, as it grows practically on any types of soil, yogo fell in love with rich kvіtnikarіv.

In the view of the tree-like Syrian hibiscus, the herbaceous variety needs to be trimmed with roots, the shards of the advancing fate of the wines bloom only on new pagons. If you leave the old ones (like, before speech, they will die by 2/3 of the height), there will be no bloom. Today there are over 1000 hybrids and varieties of miraculous garden growth.

Swamp hibiscus

Tse bagatorichna roslina, yak roam not less in the garden, but in the minds of the home. For its beauty, the swamp hibiscus does not go to the Trojans. The flowers are large, with horn-red pelyustki and dark flames at the wreath. The leaves are smooth, dark green zabarvlennya. Swamp hibiscus grows in other varieties with advanced frost resistance and suffers temperature drops to -30 degrees. Yogo successfully grows in the Siberian gardens.

garden hibiscus

Tse bagatorichne herbaceous roslin otrimane as a result of crossbreeding of dekilkoh varieties. Garden hibiscus is admired by the efficiency and high decorativeness of the leaves and large flower buds.

Ninі іsnuіє kіlka іbrіdnyh cultivars of thіѕ type:

  • Youth - garden card, which reaches a five-meter height with light green leaves and bright erysipelas flowers. Flower buds with a white bottom make the shape of a tulip.
  • Piznіy is a unique species with beautiful oval-shaped leaves and raspberry blossoms near the twins. The height of the chagarnik is 1 m-code.
  • Blіdo-ryzheva - a garden flower up to 2 meters high, with yellow-green leaves and bright-erysipelas flowers in the form of a tulip.
  • Erysipelas-porcelain - middle-sized garden chagarnik height up to 120 cm, color great tickets erysipelas color with a white posture in the form of twins. Leaves juice, bright green color, rostashovane on long petioles.

Irrespective of those that all sorts of varieties are not repulsed by a special attention to detail, all the same, there are rules that need to be trimmed in the process of their cultivation.

Looking after the garden hibiscus

Viroshchuvannya gibiskus fields at the low entrances, as if to sprout yogo distant growth, rose and flower:

  • Smart watering. It is necessary to water this flower often, especially on spicy summer days, and only after the soil dries out.
  • Razpushuvannya promotes aeration of the soil, which is also important for the root system of roslin.
  • Trimming of chagarniks is carried out with the method of hygiene and the creation of a tree or a beautifully shaped chagarnik.
  • Proper planting of hibiscus is very important. Aje, in the distance, the growth of that flower grows in one place for 20 years.

Viroshchuvannya hibiscus to be carried out on a dilyantsi with kindred and fluffy earth, deem no winds of that pale sun. The planting of roslins is carried out in the spring, so that until the autumn the gardeners caught on to take root that plant. The hanging of young bushes is carried out in deep planting pits, filled with a good drainage ball - 15 cm, sand, then compost - such a community. Lay on top garden soil mix with sand and peat. Let's plant the sprouts so that the root neck will be on par with the soil. After this garden, it is clear to water. As planned planting hibiscus for the winter, barrel colo roslyn mulch and cover it with spruce branches of autumn.

How to propagate hibiscus?

Reproduction garden varieties hіbiskus - an even simpler process, which gives the power to the skin kvіtnikar, to bring on the cobwebs. Viroshchuvannya tsgogo exotic cards zdіysnyuєtsya dekіlkoma ways - nasіnyam, splintering, live bait and introductions.

For now

Reproduction of hibiscus in a unique way is carried out in the winter period. Now to plant at the sich-fierce in a container with food-peat sum. Before planting, the planting material will be soaked at the rozchini Epina for 24 years.

Posіvi nakryvayut prozoroy plіvkoy or folded it is placed near the heat of the room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. Before the appearance of the descent of syantsy, regularly check and revitalize with a spray bottle.

Visajuvannya young roslins vіdkritiy ґrunt on post_yne mіstse living is carried out for example grass. Nasіnєve viroshchuvannya let me otrimati young kvituchі bushes Vzhe first rock landing.


Reproduction for help of living creatures in the air. For this vicorist, pagons with 2-3 inter-nodes. Mіstsya zrіzіv obroblyayut root stimulant and visajuyut at the min_ greenhouse with peat land. In a month, if the livestock take root, they are transplanted into the miners with a lively bag for growing. Transplantation near the open soil is carried out at the stage of shaping the bush. Reproduction of hibiscus live bait practically always gives a successful result.

Wintering of young hibiscus

Irrespective of those who have high frost resistance, young specimens will need shelter for the winter. Some gardeners replant the roslins in the mountaineers and save them from the dark and cold weather until spring, and then cover the shelter from the frame, covered with lutrasil or agrotex.

Axis and all sight, which is necessary for exotic hibiscus in the house and garden. Dotrimuyuchis tsikh simple rules, growing one of the most listed varieties will be awkward.
