Luxurious apartments with home furnishings.


Full-time scientific kvіtnikari and city dwellers can easily “carve out” their podpіchnye roslins to the authorities.

They can grow plants that are more flowering or bear great fruit, they can protect them from spoilage and help them survive a recent transplant. One of the most popular properties of flowering plants is growth stimulants. These preparations can be purchased at any “vitamin store” or prepared independently at home.

Growth stimulants and phytohormones are produced by the plants themselves, but only in small quantities.

Therefore, the gardener’s job is to replenish the supply of these hormones and help the plants to grow healthy and vigorous.

  • It depends on the selected type of stimulant, which can be used for stronger root formation,
  • bright colors
  • By accelerating the growth and ripening of fruits, by approaching cultivation wisely, you can achieve good results and become the owner of a luxurious flower greenhouse.

The type of any stimulant that hour yogo vikoristannya must lie under the head of the active speech. How can you quickly grow a tree, how can you please your eyes with beautiful succulent leaves or blooming flowers? It is necessary to correctly identify phytohormones that fall into the following groups:

auxins – are responsible for the strengthening of the root system and the distribution of root streams;

Hysterols regulate the process of coloring and fruit formation;

Cytokinins – regulate the growth and development of spines.

The use of such drugs as abscisic acid, the drug "Crohn's" or "ABA" is used when bitten.

So that the flowers grow more beautifully, bloom more luxuriantly, and soothe your eyes and eyes even more.

After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
Text call

Kviti, kviti, color, A month for joy - for me for malt.
Flowers, flowers, colors, A month for joy - for me for kindness.
Kviti, kviti, colors.
It’s a joyful month, the little earthling is not a burden.

so that today goes better
pray over our trichy:

Grant, Lord God, everything in abundance, everything to spare.
After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
I plant, I plant, for joy, for malt, for light, for lunch.

And whoever wants to spoil my goodness, it’s not for the sake of him, it’s for him.
Mova, zubi, gubi, key, lock.

And hanging from them, you need to say clearly:
Where I plant, sit there, never mind the wind, never blow, and never trample.
After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
Mother earth, mother of the Holy Church.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
so that the transplanted plants take root better
There is a house at the door, there is a door at the gate, there is a gate in an open field.
After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
I'll lean towards the exit and I'll lean towards the exit.

Come, Morning Month, and come, Evening Month, fall on my life, so that it grows like a tall forest, like goodwill.
Goy, the sun, did not fall, my fruits did not fall, but they fell and fell into the weeds and weeds.
The dog sits on the lancet, guarding the owner's booth.

Moon Moon, save and protect, protect my city.
There will be savings, there will be thefts, and from evil people, and from forest animals, and from any kind of wild beast, and from unclean water, and from fire, and from the juice of the chaklun. My word. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Amen. from the quota discounts
spider mite
After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
, thrips, scales and

boletus worm
get stuck:
After planting the flowers, go around the flowerbed behind the year arrow and see:
add cyclamen - boil 50 g of bulbs in 0.5 liters of water until the bulbs are boiled.
Strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

Apply a pen to the stem, stems and leaves infested with mites. After 5-6 days this operation is repeated again;.

Persian chamomile infusion – 100 g of finely ground chamomile, pour 1 liter of water.

Let it steep for 12 years and process.

Then for 1 liter of water take 5 ml of infusion, 4 g of green mil, mix and sprinkle everything. After 24 years of brushing, wash the skin with warm water. While washing your hands, say: The water came and took everything away. I sucked the flowers and gave them water to drink. 9 times:

“I return to my home those that I myself gave into the hands of others.

I turn myself around to see my donkey’s beauty.

I’m turning back to my homestead the kviti that I’ve made a misfortune with with my own rights.

Let the eye grow again and shut up.

They will not dry out, but will grow, bloom, will no longer perish before the eyes of others, before the evil tongue, before the hateful and venerable words.

Grow, multiply, bloom and delight my eye and everyone who lives in the house with your beauty.
