About the trojandi sight of autumn. Pozakoreneve revival of Trojans. Wrapping up erysipelas is the last stage of preparation before wintering.

So that the advancing fate of the queen of the kvіtnik was again pleased with their own flowers, it is necessary to competently prepare the Trojans before winter. Mirozpovіmo, how to correctly look at the kvіti until the present severe frosts.

The preparation of trojans before winter begins in the middle of the sickle, if the growth ceases to be supplied with nitrogen. And the rest of the addition of fertilizer (potassium and phosphorus) should be carried out on the very ear of spring. It provokes the molding of scallop measles and reduces the reaction of growth to temperature changes.

On the cob of autumn, trojans can be treated with such a fertilizer: add 10 g of potassium sulfate, 25 g of superphosphate and 2.5 g of boric acid, dilute 10 liters of water and vicorist for an hour of watering for root. Otrimanoy kіlkostі rozchiny can be stachiti on a plot with an area of ​​3-4 square meters. For post-root rejuvenation, prepare a good dose of equal parts of potassium monophosphate and superphosphate (15 g each) and 30 liters of water.

After that, the Trojans prepare for hibernation, and they hide for the winter.

Starting vegetation

Deyakі trojandi new sortіv spent internal "timer", which tells kvіtam the period of hibernation. Such growths can "wisp" frosts with buds and young leaves. After all, the bush is frozen. If nothing happened, it is necessary to help the Trojans "fall asleep" before it hits the frost.

In the middle of spring, start watering step by step, pinch the fluffing of the soil, do not spend the annual refreshment and pinch the buds and young shoots. As soon as the autumn is going to be long, cover it with a trojan, so that the growth does not change.

Also, during spring, regularly tidy up the leaves in the rose garden and burn them. This is necessary so that the excess roslin does not rot and do not infect the Trojans.

Trimming Trojans for the winter

If the night frosts begin (sound at the other half of the spring - an ear of zhovtnya), see all the buds that are gone, grow weak, unseen and grow in the middle of the bush of the bush, as well as the planting of shoots. With this autumn, the formation of the Trojans is carried out step by step from spring to leaf fall, and not in one day, so that the bush swells in the zayvih pagonіv and leafing crop by crop.

So, before the leaf fall on the bushes, there are only 3-5 strong trees with thin bark and 3-4 with well-groomed trees. Too late, bring the stalks.

Trojans are recommended to take a look at the fall of the month, before the operation is performed with the monthly calendar.

Obrobka and subgortanny of bushes

Trim the trojans with a 5% cut blue vitriol or 3% Bordeaux native land. So you don't miss out on your chance for fungal ailments.

Why should the bush be littered with peat so that the area of ​​splitting would appear more hoarse. Sound the ball to peat to become 20-30 cm. When you do this, shake it so that the wine can be completely dry. Take the throat to protect the stems from rotting, and the root system - from freezing.

Preparing trojans to ukrittya - finishing touches

Do not hurry to insulate bushes with spunbond, spruce branches, burlap and other curved materials. Roslini of modern varieties of farmhouses can be frosted down to -10 ° С (and deyakі - up to -20 ° С). Therefore, follow the weather and open the bushes, if the temperature reaches 0 ° C on the streets, but the snow is still not rich. Most often, trojands grow like leaf fall - on the cob of the chest.

Not long before the installation of the Trojans, it is necessary to install arcs or support for supporting the material that is insulated. So the defense of bushes in the midst of freezing and viprivannia will be greater.

Mustaches that grow in the flowerbeds at the dacha, by the garden, even the garni! How can a ticket among such prosperity be called the most beloved? Tse, obviously, the queen of all colors is a beautiful Trojan! For just one fragrance won merit for the royal crown. Lovers of these roslins are guilty of the nobility, like in the autumn to see the Trojans, to those who have to lie down for the winter season.

Rosa guessing small expensive stone, which bestow on their cohanim people Pelyusts are even lower and more, especially cicavi, if a drop of clear dew is buried in them. What a divine scent! It is not for nothing that wines so graft swarthy bjil and various-coloured panicles, to reward them with licorice nectar.

The rose gives people its strength good old days. In addition, how to watch the Trojans in the autumn, how to take care of their vouchers, how to help them to go through the spring dances and how to boost the strength of the roslins we will be in a flow, to fall in their trivale and a riot of flowers.

History of Trojans

For example, the nineteenth century - the ear of the nineteenth century, to England and France, they brought thermophilic evergreen trojands, buds that have a small aroma of their own, which guess the smell of tea. Qi bushes arose with gleaming leaves, noble forms of buds. Ale їhnya naigolovnіsha new decorative yakіst - building trivalo and bugatorazovo bloom, or remontantnіst. This period is considered as the beginning of the history of Trojans.

For a long time, breeders have been working on a mixture of varieties, so they would have eaten the frost resistance of European and remontant Asian Trojans. Just on the cob of the nineteenth century, it was possible to cross two groups of vibes in the distance.

Wash the roost

Basically, the Trojan culture is thermophilic, but the deyaki see building growth in the brains of the minds.

The stench loves the brightly illuminated space: the growths, planted in the shade, bloom weakly, buvay, scho zovsim not bloom. Trojans feel comfortable on well-fertilized, neutral soils. In pivdennih areas can grow on slightly acidic and drained soil.

Less with a steady one clear watering you can spodіvatisya trivale color trojans.

Preparation of tickets before winter

What is the right way to look after the Trojans of autumn, who require the stink of special respect? Respect - tse not zovsіm virny viraz. It is necessary for us to look, which is a kind of phase of growth, in which bushes to go in winter. What does the winter hour mean for the Trojans, how do they increase their wages? If everything is good for those nobility, then the sight of the Trojans in the pre-winter period will be authentically correct.

It turns out that the Trojans live only in the period of growth, if there is an increase in time, the buds of flowers develop, so that the present will bear fruit. I think it’s not so, the life cycle of the trojan has a calm period in order to survive without shkoda winter frost And the spring has come to please with new chicks and fragrant flowers.

How to see the Trojans in the autumn? Vidpovid tse nutrition is the basis for the preparation of roslin before the cold winter. Re-zim_vlya will pass without spending, if you reach the normal physiological state of bushes. Get ready for the winter cold next to the sickle. Significantly increase stability to severe frost introduction of potassium and phosphorus dobriva.

Preparation before winter is done by the correct and proper preparation of the Roslins themselves. It’s necessary, having left the weeding and weeding, I’ll start watering again. With the method of prevention in the case of shkіdniki, it is necessary to treat bushes of trojans with copper-containing preparations.

For the winter period, the trojans lay the foundations of pagons with thyrso, compost, peat or earth to a height of up to 30 cm. Lay pine spruce branches on top of the bagan.

Troyandy sadovі: how to see the autumn?

Axis and the autumn time has come. The rest of the buds, having finished their goiter in front of people, sang like pellusts. Ale trojandi and after the flowers sway the respectful respect, to cover the batogs with the color of offensive rock. Only knowledge about those, in the garden of autumn, will help the kvіtnikers save the growth in the winter cold, so that the stench and far away delighted with their invisible beauty.

Garden troyands grow in the form of a bush. Buvayut strings, straight, sometimes spread on the ground, guessing brightly colored kilim. The skin form will require close scrutiny.

Chi obov'azkovo garden trojandi hide for the winter? You can definitely tell: we will use Trojans without a blame, it is necessary to work. Especially korisne pіdgortannya compost, which one hour to serve ukritty in cold weather, as well as postacani alive speeches. Before that, it’s like pіdsipati compost, it’s necessary to see all the leaves from the roslin, shards of stink and fungus ailments under the hour of winter.

When discussing food about those, like the autumn to see the Trojans, we stick with the problem: cut or not cut the crown. Like a chagarnik, you won’t be hurt by ailments, you won’t need trimming, you’ll be kinder, like in a period of calm wine, having taken all your healthy chicks. If you see or shorten the chasm, you can naughty grow, as if you were standing before the present frosts, even if the weather is not able to start up again. Hangings for molding bushes and shoes need to be seen.

At the fall of the leaves, until the earth is covered with snow, it is recommended to lay out supplies for bears with streaked speeches. As soon as you feel the snow, it is necessary to add additionally to the trojans, puffing up yogo under the chagars, then under such a snowy casing, the frost will not be terrible.

In order to sign up for it, as if you were watching the Trojans at the dachas in autumn, it is necessary to come out of it, as if you see that variety of Trojans growing in your garden. The leather look of the roslin makes for a special approach.

How to keep an eye on the climbing trojan of autumn?

Troyandy, who weave, zastosovuetsya for decorating arches, pyramids, columns, green decoration of balconies, loggias, walls of budils and arbors. The stench is inevitable at the hour of the creation of vertical gardening, miraculously joining with architectural forms. Razbirayuchi pitanya about those, how to see the climbing trojand of autumn, let us point out that there are no signs of other forms. On the cob of autumn, scatter a pinch of roslin, which will spice up the best sight and the ripening of young pagons.

Like all the Trojans, they won't winkrittya, going to the winter. Get ready for such an important procedure as early as before frost, start twisting as soon as the temperature is minus 6 degrees. Slight frosts are less likely to go to the fury of the roslins, the stench of the harvesting is going through, the chases are more beautiful. As a matter of fact, it’s a long way to grow ukrittya, through the lack of time, there will be an increase in growth, and then we will grow.

In dry weather, weaving trojans need to be removed from the supports, carefully twist the batogs, attaching them to the ground with hacks, before doing this, clear the leaves and remove the non-hydnical frogs. On top of the pagons laid on the ground, cover them with spruce branches, dry leaves or wooden screens.

Troyandy curly: autumn sight

English gardeners share their profound knowledge of how to keep an eye on the curly-haired trojans of autumn. Don’t let the trojans run over the motos, but lift them onto a vertical frame, crushed from a tree like a veil, as if fastened from below with door hinges and can be pulled horizontally down. So the batogs hibernate under them until the palette of ramie. Troyanda was chained for such a method, as it is necessary.

Otherwise, it is necessary to keep an eye on the curly-haired roslins in the same way, like watching the wattle of the trojans of autumn. There are no retail outlets.

how to watch the autumn?

Parkovі troyandy moyut thick leaves and beautiful tickets. Tse chagarniki curls 1.5 meters. Modern varieties are known in the first half of summer and bloom without interruption close to the month. Through sprats of rock bushes, growing up, they are no longer so accustomed. It means that the hour has come to rejuvenate for the additional trimming of all the needles, which is no longer possible.

Preparing for winter is not a warehouse of special folding, so that you know all the rules on the topic of how to see the parks in autumn.

The growths of the trojans are endowed with a strong winter hardiness, it is not necessary to turn them on for the winter. And the axis of the deakі varieties and young plantings must be shoved in the frosts, wrapping the chicks with paper, and growing the guttural foundations of the bush. Ts ryatuvatime їх views of the bright sonia and strong winds in early spring.

How to become, what erysipelas pidmerzne, zamuchuvatisya not varto. Radical growth of the growth of the swedish growth of young gerbils, like blooming on the coming river.

How to keep an eye on the Trojan in the autumn mountaineer?

Rose! Who can get rid of baiduzhim, having sipped this marvelously elegant voucher? Such only the lower visukanih words are not honored by the poets and romantic poets! They began to viroshchuvat in the gardens, at the dachas they began to wind at the booths. Why not? Adzhe accepts bachiti tsiliy rіk day after day such an invisible beauty in his vikni.

The bedroom trojans are already primal at the viroshchivani. Zimka bloom less with good lighting, the leaves can often be thrown off, and sometimes the leaves of the river can stand.

For roslins it is possible to work out wintering springs, for which it is necessary to shorten the needles up to 10 cm and bring them to a place with a temperature of zero degrees. With whom, water once a day, not more often.

The autumn watch behind the room includes a trim of the woods. Shorten them by one third, deprive them of five live brunok. The autumn trim sprinkles the lush blossoms of the coming spring and the influx.

The writing of the flower of the trojans will require a great deal of living speeches. І after the completion of the bushes, it is necessary to restore the balance damage. To this, the support of the trojans of autumn is an obov'yazkovy zahid, which can be planned in advance.

Fahіvtsі to please the trojand of autumn dvіchі. The first one is like a sickle on the cob of spring, if the flowers run out. The other is, for example, the spring or the zhovtni.

The active gardeners-amateurs called to spend the first autumn rejuvenation of victorious gnoyivka, or the infusion of herbal chrysanthemum - the so-called "greenery". Offended by these components miraculously proved to be the first hour of the summer months. Ale, after the completion of the flowering of the Trojans, they begin to get ready for a period of calm. Tse means that "years" are kind, like revenge large number nitrogen, autumn is not suitable for them. Do not need during this period deyakі microelements - copper, magnesium, salt. You need the stench, it’s better to go for the growing season. That special support to the type of "Agricola Troyanda" is not suitable for this type of situation.

As if to prepare the bushes of trojans for a great amount of organic matter, the stench continues to grow, investing all the forces in the establishment of the green mass. The ripening of young pagons will be delayed, which will inevitably show their winter hardiness. It is obvious that the storehouse of regeneration, which is brought in in the autumn, is to blame for the fact that it is airy in the quiet, that the curtains or the wind stagnate.

What is needed for successful trojans? How good is the next time?

In sumishah, signs for autumn refreshment troyand, obov'yazkovo is guilty of buti potassium. With a sufficient amount of water, the freezing temperature of the rіdini decreases, which is the case with the clitins. Roslin's metabolism improves, which makes it easier for them to endure winter cold. Until then, such bushes suffer less from the attack of shkіdnikіv and may increase immunity to sickness.

The last element, the essential trojan of autumn, is phosphorus. Wine is also used to processes that accompany the sight of the village. A good way to boost with phosphorus: 50 g of superphosphate is poured into a liter of hot water. After changing the volume of the infusion, bring it up to 10 liters and sprinkle it with trojandi on the leaf.

It is not important to prepare a special rozchin for root support of trojans, which should be avenged and potassium, and phosphorus on your own. In a 10-liter bucket, dilute:

Potassium monophosphate - 16 g;
- superphosphate - 15 g.

Second recipe:

Potassium sulfuric acid - 10 g;
- superphosphate - 25 g;
- boric acid - 2.5 g;
- water - 10 liters.

Winds of such a variety are enough to make trojans on the square, which is more than a few square meters.

It’s even better to make bushes of wood ash - they have potassium, calcium and other living elements. Or you can just bury the root of the banana peel, so that you can also get enough potassium.

At the rainy autumn, the lightly-spread, kind, softly wriggles out of the soil. As a substitute for some fresh granulation, if they do not get in, the growths will be long-term secure for living under the snow cover. To that, the best encouragement for the trojans of the autumn fahivtsy is called ready-made granulated dobriva, for example, “Osinnє”. In dry weather, after bringing in it is necessary, do not forget to shed the bushes clearly with water.

Another respite, like being carried out closer to the cold, in the end of the spring or in the yellow, it is permissible to replace the overflow, adding to the new troch. So dobriva sip on top of the root, not scalding into the ground, so that it served as an additional frostbite from freezing. Pozhivnі rechovina z nego povіlno penetrate the soil and step by step processed by soil microorganism in the form that is good for roslin.

Sadovy ta room ticket for proper growth, that development will require periodic maintenance with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Roslini, which grows on humus or compost soil, does not require supplemental nutrition with microelements. Such is the land and so dosit bagata for all the needs of speech.

Such a need is especially acute in the period of rooting - spring, about which we were told, and after the flowers, at the hour of preparation of the roslin before the winter cold.

The Queen of Quotes is bugatory and to finish the planting of roslin, for advice, for example, from a dolphin, about the planting of which you can know in ours, that will require proper preparation before the winter cold. As a result of various selection crossbreeding, modern Trojans have lost the ability to independently fall into hibernation, like for example a shipshina and, most of all, wintering the first frost on the leaves.

Under the hour of flowering, the Trojans will not require a year.

During the winter cold weather, the growing season or the growth of the erysipelas stalks grows, and then the temperature rises three times higher than zero (which is not uncommon for our climate), the growth “comes to life” again and renews the juice. With the first frosts, the sik freezes, expands and the bark of the trojans can crack. Great is the ability that these cracks have disease-causing bacteria.

The best nourishment for erysipelas and autumn will be:

  • Potassium (potassium sulfuric acid, potassium magnesia, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride);
  • Phosphorus (prostium superphosphate and superphosphate podvіyny);
  • calcium

In the autumn supply of potassium trojans, know the world! "Operated" by him, the roslin "fatten", and the unresolved buds die.

For example, spring trojans need to be given potassium. For this, a special design is prepared: for a 10-liter container, take 16 g of potassium monophosphate and 15 grams of potassium superphosphate. You can bury the ground with bananas, they also have a lot of potassium.

More details about the livelihood on the video

In order to apply decorative trojandi phosphate, it is necessary to prepare offensive solutions: for 10 liters of water, add 10 g of magnesium sulfate. Or, in one liter of hot water, add 50 g of superphosphate. Then it is necessary to remove the nastiy from 10 liters of water and sprinkle the roslin.

Calcium supplementation can be removed, as if it were repaired in 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calcium nitrate.

At Zhovtnі in the soil to make organically good, for example, compost, scho rotting. Vіn dobre pіdіyde і for dobrіva dacha lawn, about the watch over the world rozpovidali at the material.

At the fall of the leaves, there is no longer a shyness, so that you don’t call out the growling growth of the pagons.

Actual nuances of the autumn revival

  • Radki dobriva autumn rather replace on granulation type dobriva "Osinnє". Such refreshments “get wet” not at once, but step by step, safe eating and zahist roslin wind up under the snow;
  • Korenev pіdzhivlennya can be successfully replaced on pozakornev, for example, by a path of obskuvannya. Ale, do not forget to reduce the concentration of the morning speeches in the future;
  • It’s safer to say that in the pre-season it’s better to survive the dry growth of the sparse ones, so that the soil does not rot, the excess of which can be vicorated and for the revitalization of curly roslins, you can find out about these stats.
  • Tenditna and primkhliva troyanda is the most powerful and sympathetic to kind. That's why it's important for her correct choice kind, to the hour that method of their introduction.
  • Look: rozhevі
  • Flowering period: worm, linden, serpen, veresen
  • Height: 30-300cm
  • Colour: white, creamy, yellow, rozhevy, orange, red, burgundy
  • bagatorichnik
  • winter
  • sleepy
  • vologodny

With the arrival of spring, the Trojans begin their mid-term period. The time for flowering in rich varieties has already passed, and the very hour to prepare bushes before winter. If you mean in three words, which is to look after the trojans of autumn, then it will be: trimming, transplanting and folding for the winter. We have already written about them, to which we dedicate the article to other basic robots, which are no less important for the life of the Russians.

Veresen: rest and preparation of planting pits

Start looking after the Trojans at the Veresni from the annual bushes. Ryasne tsvitinnya picking up a lot of lively speeches at the bush, that needs to restore balance, to see the roots of those chicks. Refreshment is carried out either with prepared roses / granules, or bathed with okremo phosphorus and potassium dobriva. The stench sings the growth of the Trojans, speeds up the trees in the flow and raises the stamina of bushes to frost.

For the autumn rejuvenation, granulation is better, because the stench does not immediately get wet, but step by step, by the same time it does not bring the trojan to dry ripening

At the warehouse of goodness, it’s not to blame for nitrogen, to which the wine is poured into the vegetation, the increase in the volume of the green mass of the roslin, and the autumn is not required. If you want to provoke the revival of young pagonists, then it’s better to strengthen the bush and change the normal wintering. That mustache of green bushes, however, will perish in the frost.

Lumbering pagonіv spryає i plucking. Through tyzhden after pіdzhivlennya all the tops of the heels need to be zrіzati by the sector in order to pick up the point of growth.

Irrigation reduction

At the spring, they continue to grow hanging flowers and cease to carry out loosening of the soil and watering, thereby growing new roots. The root system can be suspected to successfully weather the winter. To try to freeze all the frogs, then to stick one sleeping nirka, so that the bush will come to life again. Ale for whom you need more sweat, healthier, mature roots.

In the middle of the month, you can start preparing the land for hanging young bushes. The Trojans have a rule: if you want to plant a suspended Trojan, prepare the land of autumn for it. To that, at the spring, they are busy preparing the soil for the future rose garden.

How to prepare the soil for the future landing?

Having been appointed from the Rosary, let the rosary of the skin bush grow with chicks. Throw your roses to a mature stature, to the one that the strongest decay will not allow the growths to develop normally. The stench will begin to infect one another with fungal infections and will be poorly ventilated. Until then, the lower part of the bush is more yellow, and the leaves are sagging. Ale and even more rare landing tezh nevigidnі. In this weather, the weeds begin to grow up around the Trojans, and the earth suddenly overheats.

When harvesting planting pits, they are guided by the growth of mature growth, even height climbing trojans I can reach three meters

Focus on these numbers:

  • 30 cm - between miniature trojans and patio;
  • pіvmetra - for floribunda and tea trojans;
  • 70 cm - between remontants;
  • meter - between weaving;
  • pіvtora - between park and napіvplestymi.

As trojands are planned as a part of the composition, they should be given a free space between them and other roslins, so that it is possible to carry out trimming and bending for the winter without shkoda for other colors.

If the land is on the farm, then beat it at the warehouse of the gruntosumish, and if it is empty, transfer it to another place of the farm

We choose the depth of planting pits:

  • If the soil has grown on the soil, and nothing has grown on the new one, then the whole earth, as if you were vikopuvatimet with pits, can be victorious for the preparation of the native sumishi.
  • If all the earth for the rose garden was specially brought, then dig a hole, focusing on the root length + 15 cm.
  • On poor food, or clay lands, they create pits of glibshe - about 70 cm, to cover them with a native soil.

Fallow in a large number of planting pits, prepare the necessary sum of soil, orienting that there are close to 2 buckets of earth on the skin bush. The whole sum is created in the following proportions (1 part - 1 bucket): 2 hours of fertile soil + part of sand + part of peat + part of humus + 0.5 part of stained clay + part of soddy land.

Mineral dobriva is added to the warehouse: 2 flasks of stone boron + 2 flasks of ash + 2 flasks dolomite boroshn+ 100 gr. complex dobriva for trojand. Mustache components need to be hung on a sheet of zherstі or plіvku, and then spread along the planting pits.

Please! If you don’t know kіstkovo borosno in the garden and city stores, go ahead and eat food for creatures. It can be sold there as a boost to life.

Zhovten: planting and transplanting young roslins

At the same time, an autumn watch over the trojans is made before planting and transplanting young roslins, as well as picking the soil from the leaf, which is poured, and another smittya. In mature roslins, which do not need to be transplanted, all the leaves ripen, so that the stench does not take away the food from the roots. The time has come for the bush to get ready for winter, and the gardener to make it easier to trim the leaves and the young trees.

We are making a report on the settlement of young trojans:

  • As a rule, the gardeners were bathed with an open root system, and for harvest before planting they soaked in drinking water with a biostimulator.
  • In front of the façade, the skins of the bush are turned over, the top of the leaves is cut and zipped, or the chicks are not ripe, and the above-ground part is also shortened. The optimal bush height is up to 35 cm. More high growth bear the winter harder.
  • The root system is also distorted and as if the root is revealed, which is rotten, then it is verified. Too long root (more than 30 cm) is shortened.
  • Even lower than the splitting point, the sleeping nirks appeared - they can be seen, to that there is a wild overgrowth.
  • For disinfection of the skin, the bushes should be covered with vitriol.

Bush planting:

  • Before planting, the root system is burried at the bovtanka with clay and cow'yaku, and then lowered at the hole.
  • At the skin pit, there may already be swelling of the humpbacks from the prepared ґruntosumіshi.
  • Roslin put on a hump, straightening the roots from the sides of the girochka. At the same time, the roots do not burn uphill, but only down.
  • The splitting point can go down below the rіven to the soil by 5 cm (for climbers - by 7-10 cm).
  • Trimming with one hand the sadzhanets, with the other they dig the earth to the ground level, once they strengthen with their hands.
  • After planting, trample the ground with your feet and water it clearly.
  • As soon as the watering was done, the splinter was scorched, the trojan was lightly lifted and more soil was added.
  • If the vologer climbs up again, bushes rise up to the height of about 20 divas.

Until the end of the year, climbing varieties are lifted from the trellis and step by step bend down to the ground, while the needles are pliable.

When the trojans were suspended, all the roots were straightened, so that the stench marveled down. So root system easier to adapt to new minds

Climbing trojans, who wiggle ukrittya, try to put them on the ground until frosty, until the gillya gnuchki swell up, and squeeze with vantage
