Evidence of the difference in the Russian Railways pursuit. Zvannya special warehouse for zaliznichny transport

Employees of the RZ, as a locomotive, as well as a motive brigade, are guided by the posadovaya instructions, to wear singing clothes. About those, like, won, the form of the landlords in Russia, we will talk in the whole statty - a short description, indications, indications, history of the revision and modification.

About the lucky shape

Formation of the name of the official to talk about his honor to the corporation BAT RZ. It is viscous for all structural infants. About belonging to the regional branch of the company, speak a special sign on the sleeves of the shirt or shirts - abbreviation of the name. Pensioners-zaliznichniki may have the right to adopt their own formations with these signs, as they are taken away from them at the moment of going to the merits of the changes.

Representatives of "Russian Zaliznyts" mean the following about their new form of the zaliznytsya:

  • Recognition of a universal new brand of the corporation.
  • Uniqueness of singing war.
  • Vrahuvannya of historical traditions, respect for the decline.
  • Comfort, handiness, functionality and security, both in the general and in the ceremonial form of the guests.
  • Aesthetic zvnіshnіy viglyad, originality, transformation to the latest fashion trends in the field of working clothes.

A complete set of models of items in the wardrobe and accessories has been transferred for the skin guide, which at once becomes a form of form. With all this in her, it is not allowed to add something to yourself - embellishment, headwear, light, shirt, etc.

  • The costume is two rocky.
  • Upper winter and summer clothes (raincoats, jackets, coats) - 4 rocks. For working people - 3 rock.

On all forms of zaliznichniks, in the general order, there is a sign - an oval contoured gray shield with a red edging and red stylized embroidered letters from "Russian Railways". It is necessary to fit on the sleeve - shirts, suits, outerwear.

The main types of forms can be seen in chotiri:

  • Provider;
  • a guide;
  • foreman of the locomotive brigade;
  • kasira.

Vimogi to the uniform RZ

The form of the owner, the photo of which you can look at the statty, you can tell such vimogs:

  • natural viglyad;
  • economy;
  • weariness;
  • practicality;
  • bezpeka;
  • minimum unification of traditions;
  • specific mods.

In addition, she is a visonan in harmony with the main company colors - sirim, siblyastim, worm-name and dark-blue. Great respect comes to the choice of all kinds of fabrics. Vona is guilty of being dyhayuchayu (gyroscopic), brudovidshtovuvalnuyu, zrazkovo trimati form і is not strong until crushing.

An important mind and a reasonable cheapness of material - even the collective of sportsmen of the Republic of Zavod are numbered in a number of millions. To that and when opening, there is a minimum of vitrat. It is very important - the form is constructed according to Russian patterns.

Klasi pratsivnikiv and specialtyag

The form of the owner of the Russian Federation, photos of which you can use in the material, - the whole set of specialtypes of the five main classes of robots at the RZ:

  • Kerivniki of the middle Lanka.
  • Kerіvniki young rozryad and row warehouse.
  • Officials of companies' trips.
  • Labor of the locomotive brigade.
  • Pratsivniki stations.

The ancestors of the first three classes may not be deprived of the usual ceremonial costume, but the first formations of the upper dress. Mashinistiv supply vests and light jackets. For the first time there are no top odds transferred. The warehouses of the most popular classes are easy to understand.

Provider's kit

Tsya zhіnocha form of the zaliznichnik is stored in the coming elements:

  • Shovkov stripe from the symbolic designations of the Russian Railways.
  • Firmova hat with the company logo.
  • Winter hat of tanned sheepskin, decorated with a cockade.
  • Chervoniy winter scarf.
  • Spіdnitsі: chervona (ceremonial) and sіra (povsyakdenna).
  • Blouses with pink sleeves: white, black and white.
  • Sira knitted vest.
  • Syriy pants.
  • Sira jacket on bliskavtsi is trimmed with a red edging.
  • Work apron.
  • The coat is insulated in a darker winter.

Household set

The new form of the zoo is composed of the following components:

  • Firmova kravatka і zatiskach to her.
  • Kashket.
  • Sheepskin hat for the winter period.
  • Work apron.
  • Shirts with pink sleeves - bla and blakitna.
  • Syriy knitted vest.
  • Syriy pants.
  • Two types of jackets - gray without pads, embellished with worm edging, and with pads from fabric-raincoat fabric.
  • Winter warming raincoat іf pіdstіbkoyu.

Form of the foreman of the locomotive brigade

Behind the words of the authors, the form of the greenhouse is given for the use of new nanotechnologies - fabrics, which are rich in food, weariness, and important. The set itself is stored from several warehouses:

  • Firmova kravatka machinist.
  • Kashket, embellishments on the outskirts with a gray line, and on the body - with a red edging.
  • The jacket has been molded to the color grafit on bliskavts.
  • A dark jacket is insulated with a padding.
  • Syriy knitted vest.
  • Work pants.
  • Shirt.

Station form

Form for the zaliznichnikiv-kasiriv, as well as for the employees of the train station:

  • Formal seam scarf from the symbol "Russian Zaliznits".
  • Blouses with pink sleeves and varied designs.
  • Sera is a direct spydnitsya.
  • Matching the style of the pants.
  • Napivvovnyany chervoniy vest (costume fabric).
  • Make a gray jacket.

Greetings and specialties

The form for pratsivniks of firm travels was distributed okremo - the project was named by the artist-designer Olena Petrova and the company "BTK-group". So, for the workers "Sapsana", "Lastivka" and those of the first trips, special forms of the zaliznichnik have been broken up, a photo of one of them is presented below. The crimson suit, the upper dressing, the wines of the great miracles of the crawfish, shiyni khustki, women, cholovichi scarves and others.

Primitively, the preparation of a uniform suit for the head of the Russian Railways. The fabric for the new bullet was specially brought from Great Britain, and the robot will be picked up by hand. The chase, the hassle, and the com_r were embroidered with special threads, to avenge the middle.

There is one more special feature, like all the formations of the names of the workers of the Republic of Poland, - the same gudziki, specially broken up by the Heraldic joy for the President. Є We roundly list the wings with the sides and the emblem of the head Russian retail corporation.

About the establishment of the new form

The modernization of the form was rosy in 2003 - that the outright corporation voiced about the start of the competition, which is open to all models. The minds came up with data from the experience of the ancestors of the zaliznitsa themselves - that they made themselves untouchable and unharmed in the old form, there is little taboo for the new.

Through three rocks, the show was shown as a form of a zaliznichnik, as well as other accessories and signs. Their robots were presented by velmi vidnі designer-fashion models:

  • Petersburg Salon Olen Badmavoi.
  • Moscow FPK "Expocentre".
  • Chuvaskiy Dim mod І. Dadiani.
  • Denis Samachov's Moscow studio that is very rich. ін.

The protest of the magazine was named Viktoriya Andreyanova, the designer from Moscow, as the winner. The robots themselves were both original and happy, so knitted from the historical past. In 2008, the first complex display of clothing for guides, clerks and machines was introduced. On the offensive fate, I will try out the party, but it was brought to the place on Zhovtneviy zaliznitsa. And as early as 2010, it was supplemented with the help of the urahuvannya of the more promising and the suggestions of the protagonists, the form began to appear in a massive step-by-step manner in all the appearances of the RH.

Student form

On the basis of the personnel workers 'form, the form of students in the field workers' mortgages is not unified. However, the scientists of the cutaneous goiters are crocheted to wear a dress for busyness - a lot of things in a good way to dress up the workers:

  • Black or dark blue strict straight back pants.
  • It is a classic, generous shirt with shoulder straps, and in one and only singing one - blakitna or bla.
  • We will transport the symbol to the viglyadi of the zaliznichnykh.
  • Inodі - a knitted vest with a frame edging.
  • Kashket or a pilot with a Russian Railways logo.

Also, the practice of so-called student corrals has been expanded - a recruitment of non-professional colleges and schools for training by providers during the summer period. It is good to wear a suitable uniform for students. The uniform of a jacket-linen with low stripes - the name of the emblem of the paddock itself, the initial mortgage, the character of the youthful proprietor, the student’s community. The name resembles the word "tsilina" - in the Radiansk period, the name of the day-to-day canons, and todi - of the labor summer semester.

Form of the tsarist Russia

The history of the zaliznichnik's form has been developed since 1809. I was tied with the Institute to the Corps of Engineers and installed a bullet napivvyyskova, which was designated on the form of both cadets and graduates. They were drawn from the gilded stars of the ages. Until 1867 p. The graduates wore high uniforms. Z 1830 to 1932 p. zaliznichnikov also rendered goodziki from a chrest-like crossing with an anchor and sooki.

There is little about the uniforms of the suits of the first services. For example, for the workers of Tsarskosilskaya zaliznitsa, the stench was siphoned from behind the cordon. Firemen, machinery, and pomichny officers, conductors and chief conductors wore a military uniform and a helmet. The remaining two categories also have the right to carry a fascinating knife. Z 1855 p. Visluga of rockets became known as special middle galloons: 5 rockiv - for cuff sleeves, 10 rockiv - for komir and kashket.

Persha єdina form of the bull was introduced in 1878 p. The following indications were found in the following series:

  • engineer of zal_znichny kol_y;
  • central official establish;
  • an official of the regional establishment;
  • rank-and-file servicemen.

Vіdminnostі - tse colіr vipushok, which buv a worm-name, synonym, we chew that green.

In 1904, the Russian engineers and officials of Mali have 7 types of uniforms:

  • everyday life;
  • road;
  • zvychana;
  • summer;
  • ceremonial;
  • special;
  • svyatkovy.

The main features of the history of the landlord's form in Rostov and other cities are clear:

  • 1926 p. - zaprovadzhennya of the first radyansky uniform dress of the worker of the zaliznichnykh koliy.
  • 1932 - the appearance of new features: blue cloth and red signs of visibility on the buttonholes - zirki, hexagons, kuti.
  • 1943 - the appearance of personal titles and signs of prominence on the shoulder straps. Affiliation to the present of the sphere of the state-of-the-art gifts began with a special emblem: the town - the alarmists, the steam locomotive - the locomotives, the car - the team of the guards, the radio sickle and the hammer on the back of the French hammer and the key -
  • 1955 p. - the shape of the nabula is larger than the civilian one, and the signs have been moved to the buttonhole.
  • 1963 - belts of the vlasny sign Zaliznytsya SRCP - a wheel framed by krill.
  • Born 1973, 1979 - Variations of signs of awareness.

1995, a new form of the Russian Federation has appeared:

  • transverse nap_vpogoni with rows of stars, scho to overlap.
  • The emblem: a wheel at the shape of an ellipse with krills (for a special and middle managerial warehouse, it is embroidered with a golden color, for a young Lanka and ordinary sportsmen - a golden color for a metal).
  • Cap badge on headdresses: a golden technical sign (hammer and key) in elips, framed by krill and laurel spikes.

As I can judge, taking a short historical course, I will describe those photographs of the current form of the participants, the happy working class of the workers of the Russian Federation, the most efficient, naturally combined season for all

Vivchennya ії ії development of uniforms is shown, wіth thе development wіth аnу tied tο thе habits οf thе suspension, wі wі wі wі wі wі wіn thе new social processes іn thіѕ hour.

The general rule of thumb is the evolution of the uniform of the uniform in Russia. In the era of a risky suspension, details are added to the classroom to close the hierarchy. Pid hour Another holy war, he became a labor front and the zaliznichniki nadyagayut chase... Until 1955 p. the country renews the state's talent shaping suit shukaє shliakhi voskonalennya. Democratic re-creation of the 60s, the emergence of new materials allow for uniform uniforms, while saving ideas, to get close to a casual suit.
Life does not stand at home, making correctives in all spheres of activity. I’m not thinking about the new models of costumes, which will be continued.

Form fakhivtsiv to the Institute of the Corps of Engineers

The history of the uniforms of the school workers is irregularly tied with the cob of preparation of the staff of the engineers from the future and the operation of the school
Oskіlki іnstitut buv with the first mortgage, the form of graduates and cadets gave the form at that hour. At the meeting of the ranks were served by fly from golden stars. The first vikhovantsy of the Institute were allowed to wear an officer's uniform, ale not an epaulet.

Epoleti Corps of Engineers of the Nobility (1809-1827):

Odyagu uniform industrial zaliznichny transport (1936-1943).

The workers of the NKPS have given a new special form to the workers of industrial rail transport. By order of the NKTP SRSR ed 7 worm 1936 No. 967 for industrial railway transport on all important industrial routes, with the addition of the "Statute on the discipline of robots and services in public transport of the SRSR". At article 15 of chapter 3 of the Statute, the chief executives of operational galuzei of public transport (exploitation, traction, number of that call) were punished until the hour of the visibility of services, but they were punished strictly for the established form.
At the presentation of the statistics, the Narkomtyazhprom has broken the draft of the uniform, which sent to the committee of the Presidium of the Central Exhibition Complex of the USSR, because of the hardened form of the uniform in the civilian drug commissariats and organizations, and then they hardened 1936 leaves.
8 chest 1936 by order No. 1966 of the People's Commissariat for Railway Engineering solidified this form of odyagu:
1. For an ordinary and young head of the warehouse:

2. For a middle-class warehouse manager:

  • a raglan coat of the same zrazka that color, which is for an ordinary warehouse, ale from the material of reduced quality; for the winter hour yak is unbearable outfit - shkiryan coat from the farmstead komіr;
  • for the winter hour - a jacket from a blue cloth on a choice of goodziks of white metal, from a black leather belt from a white metal buckle, a light jacket from a light fabric. Before the jacket, there was a bila shirt s dark cravatka;
  • pants navipusk from the cuffs at the bottom from dark blue cloth or lightweight fabric;
  • as an unstable uniform for the head of the warehouse was allowed to be carried in litnє hour bili pants navipusk ta bily coat with an open letter.
  • headdress on winter an hour served a hat-finka of dark blue cloth, chipped with a brown khutr, that kashket army cut, dark blue colora with black shkіryanim varnished goat and pіdborіd belt. For the head of the warehouse kashket It was sewn from cloth, for a private - from cloth. Vlіtku - kashket bіlogo koloru. The emblem of the house, which is an image of a gilded storehouse, which collapses on a blast furnace and a cowpery of raspberry color, is a sign for the headdress of the bul.

    For the visualization of the chief warehouse behind the boule settlements, five-square (with the upper rounded part) sleeve valves were introduced with signs of indication and the emblem of the household. The sleeves were worn on both sleeves below the shirt. At the upper part of the valve, the emblem of the house was expanded, and in the lower part there was a field of color for the type of services ( blue- for locomotive and carriage services, zhovte for a call, greener- for the road that raspberry - for the exploitation), on which they primed signs behind the landings, which are metal, pokrytyuyu emelyu kuti, six-walkers and stars, analogous to wear on buttonholes at the NKPS. The head of the transport department of the NKTP 5 chest 1936 roku bulo solidified Regulations on the form of clothing for workers in the industrial transport Narkomtyazhprom, in which the details were written down and signs .


    1. Jail operator, senior conductor, foreman of the guide and leader;
    2. Senior shooter, assistant to the machinist, telegraph operator and їm pivnі;
    3. Chergovy at the station, chief of carriage inspections, commodity clerk of stations 2 and 3 classes and їm rivnі;
    4. Senior telegraph operator, engine operator of a steam locomotive, road master of the 3rd class and їm їм рівні;
    5. Engineer-instructor, head of the train, commodity cashier of the station of the 1st class and їm rivnі;
    6. Chergovy on the depot, robotic, road master of the 1st category and їm pivnі;
    7. Technik, dispatcher, inspector-instructor and їм рівні;
    8. Engineer, senior technician, revizor and їm pivnі;
    9. Senior engineer of transport management of NKTP, senior inspector of transport management of NKTP, senior revizor and їм рівні;
    10. Outpost. the head of the transport department of the NKTP, the head of the secretary of the transport department of the NKTP, the head of the exploitation department and the head of the department;
    11. The head of the transport department of the NKTP, the head of the hall. workshops, the head of the shop and the head of the shop;
    12. Head of transport management NKTP, zast. head of transport management of NKTP, head engineer of transport management of NKTP and їм рівні. signs .
    The qia form persisted until 1943, since the form was expanded on the standard industrial transit transport. odyagі signs zagalny zaliznichny transport Tsey principle is simple and up to the present day.

Zaliznichna form Rossiya zrazka 1954 rock.

On 12 April 1954, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the SRSR “About the Personal Title and Signs of Identity for Workers of Civil Ministries and Departments” was seen. Yogo mayzhe through pik, tobto. On 3 spring 1955, the decision was made for the sake of Ministries of the SRSR No. 1624 "Formation of clothes and signs for a special warehouse for public transport."
Rada of Ministries to the Union of the RSR praised:
1) Priynyati propozitsіyu Mіnіsterstva shlyahіv spoluchennya about zmіnu FORMS odyagu that zaprovadzhennya novih znakіv vіdmіnnostі vіdpovіdno before Holds For Mіnіstrіv CPCP od 1954 roku 6 Lipnya №1390 for Osobowa warehouse Zaliznicnovo transport bezposeredno pov'yazanogo s Rukh poїzdіv, obslugovuvannyam pasazhirіv that transported vantazhіv zgіdno h Supplements No. 1 and 2.
2) Set a discount on the cost of a uniform for a particular senior and middle manager of a warehouse, the salaries of which do not exceed 1100 rubles per month, at a rate of 20% of a cost, and for a young individual and a young special head of an egg warehouse, at the size of 40% vartostі, and for quiet, who will not take away the booze-free special garment -50% vartosti.
3) Press the line for the payment of the uniform for the young person and the private on the lines cupboards, and sieve pratsivnikiv - for 1 pik.
4) Zobov'yazati Ministra of nobles with two lines to confirm the time sheet of the posad of a special storehouse for transport for rejection of uniforms and signs of visibility, and also set the order of that line before the transition to change the form of mystery.
5) Work of the Ministry of industrial goods for a wide range of products of the CPCS without preservation of the preparation of fabrics for the uniform storage of a special warehouse for the transport of goods and the supply of cisterns of fabrics. a uniform for a special warehouse for private transport
6) Respect such, having lost the rank, paragraph 2 Decree to Radnarkom SRSR from 4th spring of 1943 No. 951 and Resolution to Radnarkom SRSR from 4 leaves of 1944 to rock # 1546.
"At Dodatku No. 1 to Decide for the sake of Ministries of the SRSR from the 3rd spring of 1955, No. 1624 was given a description of the uniform and the signs of approval for a special warehouse of public transport, without an average tied to the transport of passengers.
I) Formova odyag .
Formna odyag a special warehouse for the warehouse transport shall be stored for the following items:
Tunic- single-breasted with a detachable box, which stays on one slider and 5 metal buzzes from the images of the technical sign on them, rostered in one row, from two upper burrowing cavities with valves.

Tunic for a young warehouse that jacket:

An overcoat for a middle-sized warehouse:

Gudziki a coat, a jacket, an overcoat and a coat of the chief chief's warehouse, gilded from the images of the coat of arms of the Radiansky Union. For the senior and middle chief of the warehouse coat Prepare for: charge - from the outer fabric of the dark blue color, lithium - from the outer fabric of the light gray color, additional beads coat- for the chief of the warehouse with seam fabric, for the senior and middle one - for extra, llyano, or staple fabric.
For a young boss and an ordinary warehouse: winter - from cloth of dark blue color, lithium - from bavovnya cloth of dark blue color.
Tuzhurka - for the head of the warehouse of the Ministry of the Ministry - double-breasted, without edging, with open lapels, protruding transverse quills in the fields, and a single chest swell with a group of Uudziks in three rows. When wearing a tuzhurtsi, wear a shirt of a white or light-gray color from a black suture crochet. When visiting the line, the headquarters of the department of the Ministry of Nobles is allowed to wear a jacket.
Pants- Navigation without edging і smears - from the same fabric, scho coat that jacket.
Overcoat - double-breasted with a drape of chi cloth of dark blue color with two rows of metal gudzik_v. For the head of the warehouse, the warehouse will be edged with a light green cloth.
Coat litnє- for the head of the warehouse double-sided from light-blue fabric.
Cloak a coat - for the senior manager of the warehouse from the gummed up fabrics, for the middle manager of the warehouse from the gummed up bavovnya fabrics of dark blue color.
The cap - from the cloth of the uniform cloth of the tunic with the black oxymite - for the senior, senior and middle chief of the warehouse, and cloth - for the children. Caps to be edged with a cloth as before service. On the outskirts kashketi krіpitsya technical sign. Over the goat kashketi A special vyshichogo head of the warehouse is attached with a gilding technical sign at the wink and the gilding of the filigran, the goat is framed by the embroidered oak leaves. For the senior superintendent of the warehouse above the goat there is a middle filigran, and the casket of the first workers - with a varnished remnant. On the cashier of the machinist on the upper edge of the outskirts of the lower edge, a biliy shovkovy galloon is sewn on. On the box of the head conductor, replace the lacquered repair with a braided cord of red color. Papakha- from the black astrakhan for the head of the warehouse with the light green cloth top, on which the crocheted braid lace, embroidered with gold. A cap- vushanka - for the senior, middle, young head of the warehouse, the private warehouse of the black karakul and the tsigeyka. A technical sign will be attached to the center of the hat and caps-vushanka in front of the center.

The cap of the big, senior, middle and young warehouses:

The cap of the driver, the head conductor and the woman take :

Papakha a warehouse that wushanka hat :

II) Formova odyag for women.
Cloth with an insert, which can be stuck on one slider and 4 metal gudziki with two bosom breasts and a belt.
Spіdnytsya six-pronged from two houses.
Cloth vigotvlyaєatsya: for the senior, senior, middle, young chief of the warehouse and the private warehouse winter- from the outer fabric in dark blue color, litnє for a special, senior chief of the warehouse - from the outer fabric of light-gray color, for the middle, young chief, and private warehouse - from the white, back, staple fabric.
Overcoat ta cloak- Installed zrazka.
Head ubіr lіtnіy take behind color cloth, wintering - a cap- Wushanka.
III) Signs of awareness .
1) Signs of awareness vstanovlyuyutsya for posadovoy acquaintance.
Signs of confirmation є buttonholes on the commanders of the overcoat, summer coat, raincoat, jacket, jacket and cloth .
Loops It is a rectangle with beveled edges, 10 cm wide, 3.3 cm wide at once with edging.
2) Loops They are prepared for the senior, senior and middle manager of the warehouse from black oxamite, and for the first classics - from black cloth.
Edges of buttonholes:
for the head of the warehouse with a gilded cord;
for the first workers by service:
Rukha, passenger, commercial, vantage robots, and the ring is crimson, the locomotive and carriage government is blue, the number of civilian sporuds is green cloth, edging width is 3mm.
3) On the buttonhole floor:

Ryadoviy warehouse:

Mashinist class 3:

Mashinist class 2:

Mashinist 1 class:

Young warehouse:

Middle warehouse:

Senior warehouse:

Vishy warehouse:

Intercessor of the Minister of Shlyakhiv of the SRSR:

The first patron of the Minister of Shlyakhiv of the SRSR:

Ministry of Education of the USSR:

a) Ministra of nobles obtained - a gold technical sign on the laurel-oak wine and the coat of arms of the Radiansky Union with a size of 25 mm;
b) the first intercessors of the Ministry of Gentlemen of their own - embellish with a gold technical sign at the laurel-oak wine and the lower star on the other promenade similar lines with a size of 25 mm;
c) the intercessor of the Ministra - a gold technical sign and 4 zirki with a size of 20 mm leather;
d) members of the Ministry of Railways - a gold technical sign and 3 zirki with a size of 20 mm skin;
e) a solution for the headquarters of the warehouse for transport - a gold technical sign and a zirka from 1 to 3 with a size of 20 mm for leather;
f) for the senior warehouse manager - two late twisted cords with a width of 3 mm for leather, a technical sign and a bile of metal lines from 1 to 3 with a size of 15 mm for leather;
g) middle warehouse - one twisted cord with a width of 3 mm, a technical sign and a bili metal grain from 1 to 3 with a size of 12 mm leather
4) On the field of the buttonhole of a young boss and an ordinary warehouse, late smogs are sewn on, on the buttonholes of locomotive machines, along with a technical sign, there is a metal emblem-steam locomotive.
5) On the collar tabs of public transport signs, add a technical sign.
Editorial notes:
1. The size of the metal technical mark is 15 mm (20mm diagonal).
2. Krim emblem-steam locomotive played emblem-electric locomotive. The emblems were created as a white, young metal (maybe old chase). Signs were also worn by drivers of machinery and firemen. Resolution for the sake of ministries of the CPSR was approved by the order of the ministry of shlyakhs from the date of 9 April 1955 "About the formation of clothes and signs for a special warehouse for public transport" chorno-bіlі babies of a new uniform and signs were introduced. Shift to a new form of clothing signs in the first half of the year 1956, on the 5-day term to the Intercessor Ministra Gundobin, he was given taxes on the consolidated posad of a special warehouse for public transport. The report card was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Shoulders with the receipt of the SRSR No. 91C from the 28th spring of 1955. Win buv pere_kom posad pratsіvnikіv zalіznichnogo transport, "bezpossidno tied with a collapse of travel, service passengers and transported vantazhiv". Before the turn of the boules, they were included in the services, which were included before the warehouse of the managerial office and the office. The examples included:
1) Visch, the senior and middle chief warehouse, is allowed to wear chobit that shtan_v - bridge.
2) Vishche, the senior and middle managerial warehouse for the Caucasus, Middle Asia and Holidays, is allowed to wear big jackets - big pants.
3) For hats, swelling, buttonholes and signs of the term cupboards do not vstanovlyuyutsya, oskіlki stench bathe in the protsіvniki for gotіvka in the trade fencing.

Zaliznichna form Rossiya zrazka 1985 rock.

The form is filled with the order of the Ministry of Railways No. 13Ts vid 19 birch 1985 p.
With this mandate, a change was introduced that type of objects in the uniform of the signs .
Formna odyag includes:

For the summer period, it is allowed to wear all categories of the chief and private in the warehouse of the uniform suit of the model "jacket and pants" with worsted fabric in dark blue color: for men - jacketі pants, for women - jacketі sp_dnitsya .
Costume pidrozdіlyaєtsya on two categories: for the chief manager of the warehouse and the first workers.
On clothes ( coat, pidzhak, jacket , cloak, shirt) guilty buty attached signs, which include:

On the signs, the technical sign i signs, which will lead to the development of the land, which will be stored from the beginning and the smog. A detailed conversion of posad and general signage is posted on the site

Zalіznitsya with comrade Stalіnі Bula military organization. At the singers' vipadki, the zaliznichniki were taken to the barracks position. Zaliznichniki mali their uniforms, I'm going to Vijs'kova.

Since 1943, in all military organizations, chases have been introduced in all military organizations, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the USSR On the 13th spring of 1943, having seen the order №711C. In addition to the chases of the boules, new names have been introduced, new signs of and new formations have been introduced. The young head of the warehouse was assigned the orders of the head of the hall, at once from the heads of the galuzev management and the heads of the department - for the gifts of the head of the enterprise. The People's Commissar of Shlakhiv was assigned to the middle and senior chief of warehouses by order of orders, for the submissions from the chiefs of the warehouse, the chief of the administration, the department, the office of the NKPS. For the sake of the People's Commissars of the Socialist Republic of Russia, for the donations of the People's Commissar of the Nobles, they were assigned by the decree for the sake of the People's Commissars of the USSR.
Prior to the rank of the chief of the warehouse lay the general director of the nobility of the first rank, the vice general director of the nobility of the first and the other rank, the general director of the first, the other, and the third rank. Before the rank of the senior chief of the warehouse lay the director-colonel, director-colonel and engineer-major. Termіn vislugi mali five rockіv. Before the rank of the middle chief of the warehouse lay the engineer-captain, engineer-lieutenant and technik-lieutenant. Termin їkh vislugi becoming chotiri rocky. The young head warehouse is a technician of the first, the other is of the third rank, the senior brigade and brigade are mali termini vislugi in three rock (brigade - two rock). Personal call bully dovichnі, relieved call for a deprivation for a large court. For the head of the warehouse, the bulldozer needs a special order.

Shoulder strap of the director - colonel of service to the rukh.
The chase of the vischey, the senior and middle chief of the warehouses, bully with a tight six-yard walk with parallel sides. The chases of the young boss and the rank-and-file warehouses fought away from a distance, and lay down between two well-known six-year-olds. The upper end of the upper six-foot loop has made a blunt kut with a hanging bevel of the side sides of 1 cm.

Shoulder strap of the young chief of the warehouse.
The skin service of the room is small of its own emblem. The emblem of the service to the ruk of the image of a green rose with a watchdog lіvoruch and svitlofor in the middle. In the end, the price of the image was changed for a triple six-week payment. The emblem of the traction service is the profile of the locomotive, and for the workers of the electric traction - the electric locomotive (stop, vіm, started to finish it rіdko). The service was symbolized by the arched zaliznichny place, and at the service the sound was connected with the emblem of the placements on the kut square iz inscribed at the new stake, with the help of a hill with a golden ruby ​​mid and two baptismal ruby ​​baptisms. The emblem of the administrative service bully a sickle and a hammer, imposed on a five-door star and a French key.

The form of a special warehouse for transport was added to the ceremonial and every day, but at the side of the house it was used for the winter and summer. The order was given to the parade uniform for all categories of parades, but the generals, the protégés of the trust of sleeping carriages of direct delivery, perhaps, the spokesmen to the People's Commissariat and those who did
A special storehouse of the zaliznichny transport was laid down for such a form of clothing as for the heads. The growth of the big one in the fact that the overcoat, the gymnasts and the kittens were on the lions, the "childish" bik, the replacement of the trousers was put on the spidnitsa, and the substitute for the cacket in the greater number of the vipads - the birch. The women wore a tribute to the Kubanka.
(more details -


About the signs and order of their use, we will shape the organization of the public transport of the zagalny koristuvannya, which will take part in the organization of the trip and the serviced passengers.

The document does not require state registration
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. -

Sheet of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 12/30/2009 N 01/18166-DK.


Subject to clause 1 of article 29 of the Federal Law dated 10 June 2003 N 17-FZ "On the Railroad Transport in the Russian Federation" (Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 2, Art. 169, N 28, Art. 2884; 2007, N 46, article 5554; 2008, No. 30 (part 1), article 3597, No. 30 (part 2), article 3616, No. 52 (part 1), article 6249; 2009, No. 1 article. 21)
I punish:
signs pratsivnik in organizing zaliznichny transport zagalny koristuvannya, which without a priori take part in organizing the route of travels and serviced passengers, under the guidance of No 1 until the end of the order;
the procedure for wearing signs in view of the organization of the organization of the public transport, which will take a part in the organization of the trip and the service of N 2 passengers until the last

I.N. Levitin

Dodatok N 1. Signs of awareness pratsivnik in the organization of public transport for outbound corridor, which without a doubt take part in the organization of the route of travel and service of passengers

Naymenuvannya plant

Sign of identity


Apparatus for managing the organization

The president

Galloon of a special civil wicker with a medium width of 30 mm, edging with a edging set for organizing a collar from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid, a glimpse of a special baby with a diameter of 35 mm, installed for organizing, is placed at the wines of two gilks of a special baby with an inner glare. The zirka at the wink is roasted on the wall 10 mm from the upper edge of the braid to the lower edge of the wink

First Vice President

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid on a 10 mm window, there is a shittya at the top of the glass of a medium-sized color of a special baby. Dovzhina shittya -150 mm, height -15-20 mm. Above the haptuvannya, there are three glimpses of a special baby with an internal glimpse of a color with a diameter of 25 mm set for organizing. Come from the upper edge of the braid to the warehouse sheet 10 mm. From the upper edge of the sheet to the lower edge of the window 10 mm. Drawn between zerkami on the horizontal 35 mm.

Senior Vice President

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid on a 10 mm window, there is a shittya at the top of the glass of a medium-sized color of a special baby. Dovzhina shittya -150 mm, height -15-20 mm. Above the haptuvans, there are two glimpses of a special baby with an inner glare, set for organizing a colora with a diameter of 25 mm. Come from the upper edge of the braid to the warehouse sheet 10 mm. From the upper edge of the sheet to the lower edge of the window 10 mm. Drawn between zerkami on the horizontal 35 mm.

Vice President; chief accountant

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid on a 10 mm window, there is a shittya at the top of the glass of a medium-sized color of a special baby. Dovzhina shittya -150 mm, height -15-20 mm. Above the haptuvannyas, there is one glimmer of a special little baby with an inner glare of a color with a diameter of 25 mm, set for organizing. Come from the upper edge of the braid to the warehouse sheet 10 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Head of department of department of management

the head of the department of administration;
head dispatcher;
head rev_zor from the security of the ruch

Apparatus for managing structural children and organizations (krim zaliznits)

General Director of the Central Directorate

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid on a 10 mm window, there are three eyes of a special baby with a medium-sized colorah with an inner glare set for organizing a color with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

head of the central directorate (directorate); general director of the center

Dispatchers of all naymenuvan

Signs of awareness It is stored in two galloons of a medium-sized collar with a width of 15 mm, edged with an edging set for the company along the upper and lower edge and in the middle between the galloons. Above the galloons on a 10 mm window, there is a chotiri of eyes of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner edge of a color set for the company with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Apparatus keruvannya zaliznitsi (organizing)

the head of the hall;
general director

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid on a 10 mm window, there are three eyes of a special baby with a medium-sized colorah with an inner glare set for organizing a color with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid with a bend of 10 mm, there are two windows of a special baby with a medium-sized collar with an inner glare installed in an organizer with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Service chief

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid with a bead of 10 mm, one glimpse of a special baby with a medium-sized collar with an inner glare installed in an organizer collar with a diameter of 25 mm is raised. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Head of the independent department

Signs of awareness

Dispatchers of all naymenuvan

Signs of awareness

Pidrozdіli to the governing body, structural pіdrozdі or zalіznitsі

Head of department

Galloon of a medium-sized color of a special civil wicker with a width of 30 mm, edging with an edging set for organizing a color from both sides of a galloon. Above the braid with a bead of 10 mm, one glimpse of a special baby with a medium-sized collar with an inner glare installed in an organizer collar with a diameter of 25 mm is raised. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Golovny revizor from bezpeki to ruhu poizdiv

Signs of awareness It is stored in two galloons of a silver collar with a width of 15 mm, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge and in the middle between the galloons. Above the galloons with a 10 mm bead, three eyes of a special baby with a medium diameter from the inner glaze, installed in an organization with a diameter of 25 mm, are spread out. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Head of the department;
the head of the regional agency (viddilu) of the company transport service;
the head of the agency (viddilu) of the company transport service at the viddilenni zaliznitsa;
the head of the distance, depot, railway station, station of the postal and 1st class, wheel machine station;

Signs of awareness It is stored in two galloons of a silver collar with a width of 15 mm, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge and in the middle between the galloons. Above the braids with a bend of 10 mm, two glazes of a special baby with a medium-sized colorah from the inner glaze, installed in an organizer coloru with a diameter of 25 mm, are roasted. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

the head of the reserve of the conductors of the passenger cars;
head of the railway station, railway station 2 and 3 class;
head of the new train; head of the child's room

Signs of awareness

Service revizor;
dispatchers of all naymenuvan;
the head of the railway station, the 4th class station;
head of the turnaround locomotive depot;
head of traction station; the head of the repair and revision department, the power supply distance;
the head of the district (contact mesh, vantazhny, electrical supply);
chief technologist of the main locomotive depot, carriage depot, distance of the number;
head mechanic of the main locomotive depot, wagon depot, distance of the number;
head power engineer

Signs of awareness it is stored from one braid with a 15 mm wide collar, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge. Above the galloons on the 10 mm wall, there is a chotiri of eyes of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner glaze, set for organizing a colora with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Head of ticket offices at Moscow and St. Petersburg retail agencies for servicing passengers
Chergovy z viddilennya zaliznitsi; dispatchers of all the names of the private stations;
dispatcher (station) of the railway station to the class;
machinist-instructor of locomotive crews;
locomotive machinist class 1;
senior energy dispatcher; energy dispatcher;
the head of the railway station, the 5th class station;
head of the department of virobnitstva;
the head of the station of the locomotive crews; head of the reserve of locomotive crews;
Chergovy according to the zaliznichny station of the 1st class;
Chergovy locomotive depot (main);
senior electrical engineer of the state signalization, centralization and blocking, communication, electrical supply;
senior master: depot, wagon railroad car, electric power supply distance, distance number, vantage-razvantazhvalnyh robots;
chief (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train

Signs of awareness it is stored from one braid with a 15 mm wide collar, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge. Above the galloons with a 10 mm bead, three eyes of a special baby with a medium diameter from the inner glaze, installed in an organization with a diameter of 25 mm, are spread out. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Head of the technical point of view of locomotives and cars;
the head of a wheelbarrow, railroad train, carriage (for vyprobuvanny and vimiryuvanny); Chergovy on the zaliznichny station 2 and 3 classes;
mashinist locomotive 2 class;
dispatcher of shunting zal_znichnyh stations 2nd class;
Chergovy on the sortuvaln_y gіrtsі, park, Chergovy station of the centralization station;
service station for locomotive crews, locomotive turnover station;
Chergovy assistant to the head of the station;
maister usih naymenuvan (except for the distance of civilian sporuds, water supply and water supply)

Signs of awareness

Zavidvach: by receipt cash registers, a group of registers and votnostі for the sale of passenger tickets;
receptionist (including the senior one): locomotives, motor-car unmanned warehouse and wagons at the depot; for the repair of the number

Signs of awareness It is stored from one braid with a silver collar 15 mm wide, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar on the upper and lower edges. Above the braids with a bend of 10 mm, one glimpse of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner glaze, placed in an organizatsion colora with a diameter of 25 mm, is raised. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Chergovy on the zaliznichny station 4 and 5 class;
kasir kvitkovy (senior) on the retail transport; mashinist locomotive class 3;
engine operator of diesel train, engine operator of parking and alarm machines (self-driving);
crane operator (crane operator) for an hour of robots on self-contained parking cranes;
assistant to the driver of the driver of the railroad car;
assistant to the diesel engine driver;
assistant of the machine operator of the hall alarm machines;
assistant to the engine operator of the steam locomotive;
assistant to the locomotive machine operator;
assistant of the electric locomotive machine operator;
assistant to the driver of the electric train;
kasir (including senior):
luggage, goods (vantazhny) on galery transport;
organizer of visits;
Chergovy line post;
oglyadach of cars, oglyadach-repairman

Signs of awareness stored in one braid with a silver collar 15 mm wide, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge

Operator of the post of centralization;
Chergovy from vidachі dovidok, agent for transferring vantages to the subcordonial station (point), agent for vantage and baggage, vantage and luggage manager, Chergovy: railway station hall, passenger service agency, passenger carriage service

Signs of nobility

Technical schools and scientific centers

Head of the technical school, navalny center

Signs of awareness It is stored in two galloons of a silver collar with a width of 15 mm, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge and in the middle between the galloons. Above the braids with a bend of 10 mm, one glimpse of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner glaze, placed in an organizatsion colora with a diameter of 25 mm, is raised. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Vikladach (senior vicladach) technical school, navchny center

Signs of awareness it is stored from one braid with a 15 mm wide collar, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge. Above the galloons with a bend of 10 mm, there are two glazes of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner glaze, installed in an organizer color with a diameter of 25 mm. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Master of the virobnichesky navchannya technical school, navalny center

Signs of awareness it is stored from one braid with a 15 mm wide collar, edged with edging installed for organizing the collar along the upper and lower edge. Above the braids with a bend of 10 mm, one glimpse of a special baby with a medium-sized color from the inner glaze, placed in an organizer colora with a diameter of 25 mm, is raised. From the top edge of the sheet to the bottom edge of the back 10 mm

Note: patron of the Kerivnik (chief), chief engineer signs The same rank is set lower than the signs in the indication of the type of standard.

Dodatok N 2. The order of carrying signs in visibility and form the organizers of the organization of public transport in the form of organizers of public transport

1. Signs of awareness It is located in a fallow area from the settlement camp of pratsivnikiv. Signs of awareness add on sleeves (on suits and outerwear) and bibs (on shirts and blouses).

2. Wristbands signs They are galloons, which are sewn on the offense of the sleeves from the seam to the seam and spread over them with zirkami and shittyam.
Signs of awareness sewn on the sleeve with a bend of 8-10 divs from the lower edge of the sleeve to the lower edge of the lace.

3. For wear on shirts (blouses) badges, analogous to the sleeves, a little changed in size, which can be expanded onto the valve from the fabric and the color of the dress. The size of the valve is 65-70 mm wide;
Breast badges grow on the left sides of the breasts above the chest swelling.

4. On the left sleeves of the suits, the upper garment of the senior, senior, middle, young boss and the rank-and-file warehouse, there is a sign of belonging to the organization (emblem) at the oval shape (or the fabric) of the contoured shield installed for the organization of the ring.
At the contour board, there is an image of the officially hardened emblem of organization. The emblem can be used to name the structural subsidiary of the enterprise.

5. Size of the sleeve mark - width 75 mm, height -50 mm.
The sleeve badge is to be sewn from the 8-10 divs to the upper edge of the sleeve.

6. On the comіrі pіdzhak of the costume of the storehouse, the shittya at the viglyadі gіlok sіblyastoy koloru of a special little one is put up.

7. On the outskirts of the Kashketi storehouse, there is a shitty of the middle color of a special baby. To take revenge over the haptuvans cockade at the viglyadі rosette of a medium-sized color, placed in the middle of the officially hardened company emblem, a technical sign (edged wheel) on the color set for organizing the color. Diameter cockardi-30mm.
On the outskirts of the kashketi and the headdresses of the senior, middle, young chief and private, there are only a few cockade .
On the wickers of the kashketi in the food warehouse, the side of the silky colorah is ripped out, and the wadding is 3-5 mm across the edges of the kozirka. The edge of the side on the goat kashketiє shittya medium-sized color, which is stored in two gilks of a special baby, distributed to one to one. On the goats of the Kashketi in the senior warehouse there is one side, on the goats of the Kashketi in the middle, young boss and the private warehouse there is no shitty.

8. Gudziki for all categories of workers in the middle color with a rim and images of the official organization.

The workers of the zaliznitsa have taken care of their new professional form, and the skin road brought the services of the service with its own visual elements, characteristic of the singing region.

All the reasons for this simple reason, but a large number of Russian Railways workers represented lovely and beautiful Russian women. For example, on the Pivnichno-Kavkazkiy zaliznitsa, in the winter hour, the guards coquettishly put on their beautiful heads of Kuban women, their coats were worn with natural astrakhan fur.

Until all kinds of top dressing, and the whole overcoat, or a coat, a tunic, a shirt, before which it is necessary to sew on the skin shoulder side of the chase, fasten the visible signs, chevrons, buttonholes, so you could have seen about the rank, put the singer ... services of that chi іnshoy teacher. The set included standard and non-standard trousers or spіdnitsі, buli-shaped caskets.

Standard chases bully vitriman at the same color gamy, scho y odyag. Vvazhavsya for the beautiful blue or black color. In the summer period, on the winter halls, they wore the form of light tones, repaired from boiling-bile tones and finished sewing the forms of light-creamy images.

The history of the retail form

Then the stinks, the stench, squeakyly, came to the hallway of the visitors, and the transport structure of the RZ itself was located behind the military structure, which was documented. The very epaulette at its own hour is set off from the urahuvannyam epaulet.

It is necessary to have a hard bit of credit on the shoulder seam, the other edge just cuddling for the help of the uniform goodzik bilya komir.

They themselves were set on the prototypes of the metal, superficial lizarsky obladunks, who served the war as a result of a strike, as a result of a cold strike. The persons of the noble prowess were painted on the shoulder mats of the lati, they were drawn at the viglyad of the family coat of arms.

Pochnachennaya chase in vіyskovyh pіdrozdіlah fell in utrimanny harness, and straps in the bag for cartridges, including knapsack straps in the standard position, including the creation of the named mobility of one shoulder, as well as For an hour it was lowered, in which ammunition had a cartridge bag, chevron galloons or sleeves were fastened.

The historical path to the development of the zaliznichnoy form without becoming a vignette and evolving so, as the life of our Russian suspension was developing, it is fallen as a result of the new development of the development of social nutrition and the growth of this society.

This is a historical, regular occurrence, confirmed by the hour itself.

It’s about the epoch itself, if in the suspension there is a strict class gradation and from the consolidation of the hierarchical descent. If a friend svitova vіyna vibrated, and the tylova part of the land was reimagined to the single labor front, the workers of all ranks began to carry the chase on their shoulders. The end of the bloody war. people turned to peaceful times, new places, backwaters, new life for the people of Radiansk. The zaliznichna form once again became aware of the change, having become more similar to the bum odeag, with the signs of prominence being spared.

Form fakhivtsiv to the Institute of the Corps of Engineers

The first educational forms appeared in 1809, if the Institute was sent to the Corps of Engineers of Gentlemen. Tsey navchalny mortgage mav gotuvati technical kadri for zaliznits. The cadets and graduates of the initial mortgage on the day corrected the form of a vіyskogo zrazka. The ringing and the repairs of the great people were distributed according to the average years and the gilded stars by them. All the institutes wore an officer’s uniform, but the new bully was in the middle of the day.


Nine rocks have passed and the greens of the VIP appear on the uniforms of the zaliznichniks. In 1830, smooth goodies changed to a new format. Now there are images on them in a cross-like position of yakir and sokir. At the head of the warehouse, on the uniforms, the emblem of the state at the viglyadi of a two-headed eagle is established. Oudziki with an anchor and a sokiroyu served until 1932, when a sign appeared to fold with the hammer of that key.

MPS emblem

In the other half of the nineteenth century, in 1871, the Ministry of Shlyakhivs started to know a new emblem, on which a wheel was depicted and two krills were spread. Nadal the emblem changed its viglyad, ale the smyslova, the deciphering indicated that the smut of the credo of Russian roads was changing, the stinks of the shit, the comfort was expected to be accurate, the passenger was able to take care of it. Since 1876, rock has become a single form for zaliznichniki. The winyat of the old land of Finland, unaffected by those who are in the land of today at the warehouse of the Russian Empire.

Distribution of services

Gradation of services, which work at the Ministry of Gentries, received at that hour, go for the choir by discharges. Until the first row, the boules were brought into being, all of them, who, for their special diploma, took part in the work of the engineer of the nobles, and took them into the settlement. Before another category, the bureaucratic "brother" was brought in, as she served in the central institutions. Before the warehouse, the third category included officials who work at regional installations. Up to the fourth rank they brought the rush to the retail services.

The personnel of the depot services and the stations, the formation of a suit, is deprived of the color of the vipushka on the double curtains. Colori bouly: zhovty from blue and chervonia from green.

Ostannya formovaya reform zaliznichnikiv vіdbulasya 08.24.1904 to rock. For every hour, the engineer and the bureaucratic store of a small number of established forms of uniforms, up to which included: road, summer, everyday, special, special, Christmastide and ceremonial outfit.

Earlier, right up to 1867, the engineering warehouse was wearing the uniform of a viscous zrazka. Nadal to the graduates of the Institute began to assign the community of engineers and the rank of the provincial secretary.

About the vivid form of the clock in the first half of the nineteenth century, it is not very large. The head designer and creator of the hall, from St. Petersburg in Tsarskoe Selo, Pan Franz Anton Rittter von Gerstner, procured a uniform, which was designed for carriage conductors, near the lands of Western Europe. The management of the St. Petersburg-Moscow area has seen a situation in front of one ear of the regular movement between Moscow and St. Petersburg, in which all the service personnel are drawn to a number of company units. Viy'skova terminology, as and earlier, was acquired. The first company was stocked with firemen, machinery and others. Another company included: conductors and chief conductors. The stench wore a viskovy uniform, the role of a visonuval's headdress was a helmet. Punished obov'yazkovo wear a fascinating knife and black harness.

Since 1855, the lower ranks: machinery and the mainstream, have served five rockies on the Mykolaiv road, wore middle laces on sleeve cuffs, for ten-day service they relied on the delivery of galloons to caskets and comics.

The road mater has a metal breastplate that has a sleeve sign. Krym, in the first class of fakhivtsov on kashketi boules galunny smuzhki in a number of three pieces. Fakhivtsi of another class were worn on caskets two braids, and for specials of the third class they had one braid.

The Krymska Viyna ended, the Russian property was meaningfully disputed, and the investment of private capital was needed, which has been inserted into the Russia’s gallery for the future. During the twelve-month period, five dozen private joint-stock partnerships were introduced into the distance, which introduced the form of their own education.

At the last hour, right up to 1932, the services of the lower ranks were in shape, which was lost in the hour of the Russian empire.

Since 1932, repaired by the rock, the formation of the zaliznichnik's costume has become a dark blue color. The visible signs of the buttonholes were visualized on the email of a red collar. For an ordinary that young warehouse - tse buli kuti, the middle Lanka wore hexagons at their buttonholes, and the senior command warehouse - zirochki.


In the middle of the Great Patriotic War, 1943, chases were starting to take off in the army and the foreign form. The middle, senior and senior command warehouse of salarians wearing epaulettes with light green sprinkles with medium galloon. The perezichny and the young warehouse were chased, prepared from the cloth material of the Chorny kolor. The tsia amunits_ya bula is available in a combined version: at the cob sleeves, the shoulder strap is six-cut across the shape, and the stitching is sewn on, like a rectangle.

Galuzy emblems

Galuzev, the significance of the state's gift of zaliznichniki, began at the viglyadi of the emblema, at the beginning of the preparation of the vikoristovuvavsya metal oxidations. The entire administrative service wore an emblem with a sickle and a hammer, overlaid on a French hammer and a key; They, who in the zaliznitsy, got the security of the ruch, were seen by the emblem of the light. The locomotive machines were worn on the emblem of the steam locomotive image, the conductors of the emblem from the images of the carriage, at the gala weekends on the emblem of the beautiful place. A civil suit form of the 1955 roku. Visible signs appear on the buttonholes.

On the halls of the Radianskiy Union in 1963, the symbols of the emblema were lost, and that wheel appeared. The key and hammer of the technical sign lost itself to us.

Since 1973, they have been fixing the rock, following the order of the Ministry of Gentry with the receipt of the SRSR, signs of robots and services change on the public transport. The overseas and young warehouse is now worn on the sleeves of jackets, jackets, coats and coats with a retail sign of a five-cut form. The width of the road is sixty five millimeters, and the height varies from ten five to one hundred and eight millimeters. The five-square-foot field of the sign has little black color, the edging seemed to be green. The wines have a technical sign of zhovtikh tones. Vishche Vinka was seen as an emblem of outdoor transport. The lower part of the wine was filled with the words "Metro" or "MPS".

Through a lot of rockets, there is a change of uniform for robots and services, such as work on retail transport. The main parts of the clothing were lost without changes, including color scale: light-gray for summer season and black for winter season. Having confirmed the order of the posadovy report card, hto mav zabezpechuvatsya galuzevim ogyag at the general obsyazi. Nasamper - the people are still quiet, who have become unaware of the unprecedented flow of recent trips, borrowing from the transported vantages or servicing the passengers. We will assign a mandate to start reviewing the figures for the overall performance, and the part of all terms and conditions is assigned. Razrіznyayuchі signs of the senior administrative lanka can also be seen. The buttonholes and laces are embroidered with a golden color. At an ordinary that young warehouse, the parameters of the five-sided stripe change, and it doesn’t change the height, now it varies from ninety to one hundred millimeters. Buttonholes for all warehouses are available in sizes sixty to thirty millimeters.

Since 1985, repairing the rock, the entire chief warehouse of the older and most important Lanka will be provided with double-breasted jackets and coats, and the workers will be provided with single-breasted upper garments. The number of pants is showcased in the same color as pidzhaki and coat. Now it is wintering odyag having filled up a dark blue vidtinka. For the summer season, the colors did not change. Yak golovniy ubir for choloviks is seen as kashketi with the appearance of tulle, vitriman in costume gamy, near ma black colir. For a woman's status, the mandate is vovnyani berets, costume color to be taken. For the winter period, for an hour, the landowners will be provided with Vushanka hats, as a material to serve as a gray astrakhan for the chiefs of a food lanka, a black astrakhan to be worn by a senior and middle warehouse of services. For the solution of the category of wintering head ubir, one should choose either from a piece farm, or from a tsigeyka, a colir chorniy. The upper part of the hats is made from black cloth. Vidmіtni signs from 1979 rock did not know the zhіdnі zminіn. Shittya, galuni, emblem, cockade, gudzichny set of mali showcases in zhovt_y kolorov_y gamі.

From the beginning of 1995 to the rock, the chargias are seen in signs of development and in the uniform of the zealous.

Order of the Ministry of Nobles of the Russian Federation issued 22.12.1994 N 14TS "About the formation of odyag".

I know that the chase is turning, though now at the viglyadі napіvpogonіv, the little stars can be crossed across. The view of the emblem is now represented by the krill elips - the shaped wheel. The senior that head of the warehouse will take away the emblem, I will wear golden threads from the vicars. For an ordinary, for a young warehouse and a middle Lanka, the chiefs in the emblem will use the emblem from the metal and from the golden images. The parameters of the cockade on the headgear may be of the same size: width 20 mm, height 30 mm. Dark green colors of the field, golden framed by the view of a laurel leaf, rostered at the base of the ellipse. The shaping of the technical sign from the golden color is crushed on the floor of the cockade. Women wear a cap badge at the head of an ellipse on the pilots; The crossed hammer and key is a technical sign, which is located on a dark green field. On the right and left parts of the stake, the image is enlarged.

Suchasna RZ form

The rest of the uniforms were carried out in 2010.

Order to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2009 N 217 "About the signs of awareness and the procedure for carrying out the formalities of the organizers of the organization of public transport for the local transport, as they can take a part in the organization of the service.
