Vologo-thermal processing of sewing wastes (SOT).


Water-thermal processing plays an important role in the process of preparing the outer garment. Yakiness is that external look

There are a lot of viruses in which to lie in the core of the wicker-thermal processing, after which the virus is given the required volumetric shape, inserted or stitched seams, twists, folds, thin the edges of the sides, sides, bottom, shrinkage. Any replacements on fabric, etc. .

The essence of the moisture-thermal processing lies in the fact that under the influence of heat, the moisture fibers of the fabric soften, so the threads of the fabric can be chewed (pulled) or, for example, shortened (twisted), the fabric can be sunk and rubbed I'll take a shape.

This volumetric shape is secured with the help of heat and a vice, the surface being pulled out from the fabric.

If the fiber is exposed to constant wear, the fabric can often turn in the cob position (relax) and the volumetric shape of the fabric will be unstable.

The processes of moisture-thermal processing are divided into pre-sowing (pre-sowing), pre-sowing and steaming.

Prasuvannya includes asking, requesting, adding, wooing and pulling.

Installation for moisture-thermal treatment

The main equipment for water-thermal work includes sands, presses with rubber pillows, steam and steam mannequins. Praskas (Fig. 60) should be cured for various operations of water-thermal treatment both during the preparation process and during the residual fertilization of the product. Powders are poured into light, medium and heavy weights ranging from 1 to 10 kg.

During the preparation of human and children's coats, the greatest amount of sand was taken from 4 to 8 kg of powder.

Due to the nature of heating, the powder is divided into steam, electric and steam-electric.

Presses are available with electromechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic drives.

It is important to divide the press into: light (PLP-1, PLP-2) due to intense pressure up to 1000 kgf, medium (GP-2, GPG-1, PSP-1, PSP-2) due to high pressure 2000-2500 kgf that is important (TPP, TPP-2) due to the intense pressure of 4000-5000 kgf and more and more.

In addition to these universal presses, special presses are widely used for pressing the fit of sleeves - type SPRCH-4, for adjusting shoulder sections and rolling sleeves - type POR-3 and others.

Heating of the press pads is carried out using superheated steam and electric heating elements: spiral, tubular parts (SHADOWS) and conductors.

Currently, for internal process and residual heat-thermal treatment of human and children's coats, press-pumping machines from Pannonia (Ugorshchina) with an electromechanical drive are widely used for pressurization up to 2000 kgf.

Heating of the upper cushion - combinations (steam and electric heating).

The heating of the lower cushion is time-consuming.

A pair from the upper pillow is vicorized to steam the parts before pre-drying and removing the lass.

More durable and economical are pillows with shades and liners.

When the pillows are heated, the upper and lower pillows are sometimes heated, and when the pillows are heated with electric heating elements, the upper pillow of the press is heated.

The lower cushions of the presses are equipped with spring mats, water chambers with gum coating, bare surfaces, etc., so that the pressing pressure is distributed more evenly on the pressed part.

In addition, the lower pillows are covered with cloth.

The steamers (Fig. 62) must be sealed to ensure that the product looks marketable.

Viruses are steamed with superheated steam. There are stationary steam units, in which steam is supplied from the boiler unit, and portable steam units, in which the steam is created in a special tank. The working body of the steam cleaner is a humic or metal brush with openings or a nozzle mounted on a flexible hose.

Steaming is carried out by moving the brush with a pair of virobes.

If the nozzle is reinforced instead of the brush, then the steam should be straightened under the cut 15-20 ° to the surface of the nozzle.

During the hour of operation on the steamers, keep the steam running until it is overheated and there is condensation, like droplets of water, the remains of the supernatant are absorbed by the drying water. vyglyad virobi.

  • Steam and steam mannequins (Fig. 63) are frozen for residual drying
  • various viruses
  • .
  • The edges of the sides, lapels, chest and bottom are placed in front on the presses.
  • When working on steam-powered mannequins, the fan is pulled onto the mannequin, straightened, the edges of the sides are pressed with special clamps, and a fan is turned on, which blows air through the middle of the steam-powered mannequin.
  • As the air flows in, the vibration straightens out.

If the part is placed incorrectly, you must carefully open the press by pressing the emergency button or pedal.

After opening the press, straighten the part and turn on the press again.

If you use the emergency button or the pedal, the clock relay automatically switches on after the first closing of the press, which ensures the display of the press, which is set on the scale.

Organization of a work place for moisture-thermal robots

For the execution of traditional work, install a table of such dimensions so that you can select or place the part that will be formed on the surface (Fig. 64).

The table is covered with cloth and canvas.

Right-handed, install a metal stand for sanding on the table.

High-quality and high-pressure work stations are equipped with various devices that provide reduced processing capacity and increased productivity during the operation.

At the end of the work with sanding agents, solidify the different blocks (Fig. 65).

Sprayers (small 66) are installed on the skin table or press, in which water is supplied through a water pipe or a special tank with a pump.

Prasuvannya virobіv is carried out through proprasuvac.

If a worker simultaneously services two presses, then such work places will be equipped with local ventilation.

Operations of thermal-thermal treatment must be performed standing up.

Terminology of the operation of moisture-thermal processing of germs

The terminology of the operations of thermal-thermal treatment, however, is the same for these operations themselves, regardless of the type of smell they are associated with.

Terminology is given in table.


2. When finishing the thermal-thermal processing, correct uneven edges, create the required shape of parts, remove replacements, unnecessary bulges, stretching and lacing.

3. Thermal-thermal processing of parts and components is completed without turning, front side- through the processing of linen fabric (for fabrics with lavsan fiber through the processing of flannel, flannel).

Drying of fabrics from other fabrics is not recommended.

4. Place the sides on the sides of the flaps, the lapels on the side of the lapel, the chest on the side of the lower chest, the bottom of the waistband on the side of the collar.

In the process of processing, the jelly is prepared from the inside out and from the front side (through a pressurizer), and in the case of residual processing - only from the front side.

5. The thermal-thermal processing of parts and components on the presses is carried out from the front side or from the turn (adjusting the sides, bottom) through a prosuvach.

6. When drying eggs from light-colored fabrics, the tables for drying are covered with white linen or buffalo fabric.

7. After the remaining drying, the finished product should be dried and cooled (stretched on a mannequin or hanging up) until the given form is completely fixed.

Drying time for a coat with linen fabric is 50-75 minutes, for a suit with linen fabric 30-40 times, for a suit with linen fabric 30-40 times, for a suit with linen fabric 20-25 times.

(8. When sewing stitch seams from fabrics made from thick and medium fabrics, the seam allowances on the front are lightly pressed and pressed, and then sewn on the back under normal folding.)

9. Processing of fibers from fabrics made of synthetic fibers is carried out only on a cold surface, which allows regulating the temperature of the pressing surfaces, the vise, the time of drying and curing.

10. Water-thermal processing of parts and virobes must be carried out due to the installation of processing modes for these fabrics (Table 10).


Blanks in the columns mean that the fabric details are not included in the installation.

3. After finishing the work of the press and equipment, it is necessary to disconnect the electrical switch.

4. Closing the press pads will cause pressure on two buttons.

If the press closes by pressing one button, then the robot will start and report a malfunction.

5. During the operation of steam cleaners of the OAG-2 type, it is necessary to check for the presence of water in the device and with a vice behind the pressure gauge scale.

6. Add water to the device after the shut-off valve is open and the steam has been released.

When working on the machine, the brush (or nozzle) must be trimmed so that the steam stream that comes out is directed away from the person doing the work.

7. When working on presses, it is necessary to: roll the upper cushions to remove the wax, wet the upper cushion with a jet of water from a spray bottle to remove the steam;

approach the press pads when they are closed and open; protect the electrical panel from the open casing and remove the fences; straighten the folds in the finished product while closing the press pads;

7. When working on presses, it is necessary to: roll the upper cushions to remove the wax, wet the upper cushion with a jet of water from a spray bottle to remove the steam;

deprive the press of attention unnecessarily; close the pillows of the press when it gets hot;

roll out, unwind, fold third-party containers, allow third-party people into the work area, work on presses without instructions.

  • 8. In case of any malfunctions observed in the robot presses and devices, it is necessary to promptly start the robot and notify the administration or mechanic.
  • Back forward
  • Respect!
  • The previous view of the slides is included in the review for informational purposes only and may not reveal all the possibilities of the presentation.
  • I've tsked you

given the job, be a caress, show us another version.

Purpose: Be aware of the history of development and the rules of working with sand.

Zavdannya: read the material about the evolution of dust, its stagnation and bark in our time;

organize the implementation of the work to organize a work place for the implementation of water-thermal work; become familiar with the terminology of COT;

to strengthen the motivation of students in the subjects of technology and local studies;

gain independence and accuracy from a robot..

Lesson type:.

integrations (technology, local history, history).

How to work with the sand?


Repetition and information about educational information

  • To verify the knowledge, the following information is presented:
  • Why is it necessary to check before cleaning whether the thermostat disk is correctly installed on the surface of the thermostat?

Do you need to try a specially formulated powder before applying it for light, lightly woven fabric?

Vologo-thermal processing of sewing threads Water-thermal processing is an important part of the preparation of clothes, which takes up about 20% of what is needed at the time. For additional help with moisture-thermal treatment (

Praski ) straighten the edges, sew the shape of parts, see the fiber applied to the fabric and remove irregularities in formed areas, replace, stretch, etc.і Vologo-thermal processing can be in the middle (processional).

healthy residual In the middle

process The moisture-thermal processing is completed during the preparation of the main parts and the assembling of the garment.


The wet-heat processing serves to secure the cut-out forms during the processing of parts and gives the finished product a marketable appearance.

SOT is used for the assistance of sanders, steam presses and steam-drying mannequins. For an even distribution, the vologgers use vikory sprays on the surface. Fabrics made from natural and viscose seam fabrics, as well as acetate fibers that are used for washing, are especially useful because fabrics without dye are susceptible to sanding. For the protection of fabric fibers from damage ( disgrace

) heat-thermal processing of parts and finished components is hammered through an ironing pad (.


) from linen or filled fabric, the splinters are more easily absorbed by water and are less resistant to fire when pressed with a hot surface of the sand. IV. Doslednytska work of students

And why were you wondering and when the stars appeared, the powder appeared?

Who is Yogo Vinais? Why is it so hot and delicious?

In technology lessons we don’t study this topic in such detail, but in local studies lessons we learn to continue working with healthy nutrition, but also in sight
pre-slednitskaya robots
, what a stench you can imagine.
Presentation of the pre-sleuth robot group of scientists (Presentation 1)
Development of new material.
(Presentation 2)
Without boasting, I will say:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!!
It’s too difficult to go to me,

With wrinkles and folds. Walk for miles Merry and smooth!

So, I'm a reliable friend- this is a heating attachment. Yogo working part - sole

(metal, smooth) – it gets very hot and smoothes out the fabric.

When using this powder, grab it by the handle, which is made from a material that is bad at conducting heat - wood or plastic.

Aluminum sole.

One of the main advantages of aluminum compared to other metals is its ability to heat up quickly and cool down quickly.

Ale is aluminum and a great shortfall - this is its softness.

The aluminum sole shows signs of sagging. The stench may be invisible to the eye or not noticeable when you touch it, but there may be a trace of microscopic scum. The sole is made of stainless steel. Stainless steel soles are more reliable, durable and less prone to wear. Stainless steel is easy to clean and adheres well to any fabric.

In some models, there are special coatings on the surface of the steel, which allows fabric to be passed through them, ensuring an even distribution of temperature, and the coating softness and ease of sanding on the garment.

The sole is made of ceramics and metal ceramics.

The leather of the forging moves in smooth conditions with metal soles, it is wonderful to clean it from carbon deposits, which will protect high brightnessі prasuvannya..

  • Like a heating element of the powder, shades and spirals are formed.
  • The weight of such models of sanders does not exceed 1.5 kg.
  • Praskas with ceramic soles wear very poorly, because enamel is a very brittle material.
  • That's why ceramics reach you

Have a great relationship and take care during its operation. Ceramics are very easy to withstand chips, rips and cracks.

The sole is made of teflon, titanium and ceramics. The most important, slimy and expensive ones these days are coatings made of Teflon, titanium and ceramics. These very clear materials, which are immediately unbreakable, are intended to last a lot of times.

The electric sands are blowing


Cloths, blouses, and blouses should be passed from the inside of the back, and then from the front side. The folds should be placed on the front side so that the stench does not dissipate. Place the trail along a straight thread: either a single thread or a cross thread. When passing along the bias thread, the look can be deformed and the look can be compressed. For an additional bet, you can replace the worn one or strongly crush the virib, hanging it over a basin with dill for even digestion, and then, again in a vologist, give it away.

When HOT is applied to the plots, the virobu may develop an unfavorable shine or gloss ( lasi.

  1. ).
    • This is the result of the creation of tightly compressed fibers from the fibers, which are fixed during the drying process (
    • become fixed
    • ) in the singer's position.
  2. The appearance of lass depends on the temperature of the sand and the structure of the deposited parts.
    • After the completion of the honeycomb, the finished product is dried and cooled on a stand until the given form is firmly fixed.
    • When working with COT, you must follow
  3. safety rules
    • Problems with robots:
    • Illuminated cord;
    • Opki: now, about the sole of the sand and from the burning cord;
    • Electric shock.
    • What you need to do to get started:
  4. Check the integrity of the cord and the cleanliness of the sanding pad;
    • Verify the presence of humic kilimk.
    • What you need to work during your work hours:

Vikonuvati vologo-thermal obrobka, standing on a gum kilimka;

Apply the powder with dry hands, grasping the body of the plug, not the cord; Place the powder on a special stand; Make sure that the cord does not stick to the soles of the sand and that the sand does not heat up;
Vikoristovvat for textile making or spray gun. What you need to do after completing the work:
Apply the powder;
Place it on a special stand. In order to correctly understand the thermal-thermal processing of parts or virobus, define such terminology.
zmist robots Galuz zastosuvannya
Change the stitching of the seam or the edge of the part Kishenі, straps, edge at the bottom of the waistband
Place the seam allowances on one side and secure them in this position Folds, allowances of unbroken cut

Spread the seam allowances on both sides and secure them in this position

  1. Stitched seam of the belt, flounce
  2. When you start to wash it, make sure that the powder is clean and that it hasn’t overheated.
  3. When vikonnnі SOT, the plot of the details is obliterated or the virus will be grown closer to the working one.
  4. During the final skin machine operation, the piece is cut off and the parts are removed and then pressed until the fabric dries completely.
  5. Place your right hand to the left, straight ahead with the thread.
  6. Questions must be withheld for a full hour from a straightened or raised appearance.

V. Registration of deleted records.

  • What are your family's old sayings?
  • What can you tell us about them?
  • Why does your family use old-fashioned powder?

VI. The practical part..

"Familiarity with the terminology that is involved in the development of water-thermal work": Materials

card from the factory, the worker is sewing.

  1. Robot head:
  2. Paste this card on your shirt.
Fill out this tablet so that the number of the baby confirms the song term. Apply the powder with dry hands, grasping the body of the plug, not the cord;

Malyunok Termini:

inquire, inquire, inquire, inquire, inquire. VII.

Repetition of the grafted material. For the learning material follow the crossword puzzle ().

Presentation 3 VIII. Reflection.

Questionnaire. Questionnaire.

    Pray, please, for nourishment.
    Select the type of option you select.
    What's new?

    Select the type of option you select.
    What's new?

    What do you need in life?
    Select the type of option you select.
    What's new?
    important news

    What are your family's old sayings?
    Select the type of option you select.
    What's new?

  1. Don't know
    Select the type of option you select.
    What's new?

Do you know the history of these speeches?

Is this lesson of interest to you, old lady?

  1. IX.
  2. Suitability of pouches.
  3. Literature.
  4. Golondaryova N.B.
  5. "Technology, lesson planning", - Volgograd, 2005.
  6. Semenova M., “The practice and revival of ancient words”, - St. Petersburg, “Abetka-classics”, 2001.
  7. Simonenko V.D.
  8. "Technology", 5th grade, - M.: "Venta - Graf", 2002.
  9. Simonenko V.D.
  10. "Technology", 5th grade, - M.: "Venta - Graf", 2005.
  11. www.radiorus.ru
  12. nnm.ru/blogs/horror1017/istoriya_utyuga/#comment_11518370


At the current stage of development of sewing manufacturing, the improvement in the efficiency of manufacturing and the improvement of the quality of the clothes that are produced are of particular importance.

Due to the fact that the population's ability to rely on sewing machines has moved forward, there has been a need for further refinement of technological processes for preparing clothes. The increase in the efficiency of production and the yield of sewing spinners is largely due to water-thermal treatment (WHT), which greatly contributes to the productivity of the process, the commercial appearance and wear resistance of the clothes.

Under water-thermal shrinkage (HTH) of sewing wastes

understand the special processing of parts and everything with moisture, heat and pressure. The complexity of the SOT processes becomes more than 30% due to the overall complexity of the fabrication of clothing, which indicates its weight. The quality of the product and its external appearance largely depend on the damp-heat processing during the sewing process, and during residual processing. This kind of finishing is used mainly to give a spacious shape to the parts during seam processing, as well as for residual finishing and joining of parts with glue. Basic terms and meaning. The main operations of water-thermal processing: Ironing - giving the part or product a molded form for additional drying. Rozprasuvannya- laying out seam allowances or folds on the opposite side and securing them in their position for additional pressing. Request- Laying seam allowances or folds, the edge of the part on one side and securing them in this position for additional pressing. Sutyuzhuvannya changing the linear dimensions of the parts on the adjacent sections in the HOT form to give the desired shape.

Extraction- Increased linear dimensions of parts on adjacent sections with the help of additional COT for cutting out the shape; Steam bath– dressing the virobu in pairs for visualization;

Decatuvannya - moisture-thermal treatment of the material to protect further shrinkage.:  preparation of the finished product before deformation, so that the textile fibers are transferred to a high-elastic mill using a technological steam.

 characterized by the amount of deformation of threads and fabrics, fibers and molecules due to the mechanical flow of heated working surfaces onto them.

In this case, the magnitude and resistance of deformation depend on the distribution of the pressure on the finished product, the porosity of the fabric and a number of other factors.

 drying and stabilization of the finished product, then. transfer of textile fibers at the edges of the frame. The physical factors that determine the acidity of honeycomb in a finished product are: heat Q (cal), Under the infusion of heat and moisture, the power of tissues changes through the molecular nature of the binding of clay water into the fluid of the body. The transfer of water and steam, and the flow of heat into the middle of the fabric is due to the nature of the molecular bond.

 moisture content of the product W (%),  mechanical action on the product P (MPa)  hour t (s). SOT is divided into  internal process, What is involved in the molding of volumetric sections, the distribution and request of seams, the folding and pressing of edges, the gluing of parts?

The shoulder sections were made and laid down before the sleeves were placed on a special well or on a POR-3 brand press.

After soaking, steam the mixtures to remove the lass that was created during the soaking process in the steaming areas. After steaming, hang the virus on a mannequin or a hanger for 2-3 years to thoroughly dry and secure the shape of the virus.

Then clean the vibrator with a hand brush using a saw, hang a label on the lower hinge on the left side, check the vibro’s moisture content and set the grade of the vibrob.

During use, the clothing becomes deformed, changing its commercial appearance, which implies a periodic update of its new appearance in the appearance of residual honeycomb. Suitable for heavy labor-intensive operations of water-thermal processing.

The heating temperature of the pillows with electric heating is regulated using additional thermostats of different designs, for example, a thermostat type TR-200.

The pressure between the press pads is adjusted by changing the pressure level of the springs. The pre-heating hour is regulated by an electronic (type ERVT-2) or motor (type E-52) relay.

  1. The steamers are used to ensure that the products are in a marketable appearance.
  2. Viruses are steamed with superheated steam.
  3. There are stationary steam units, in which steam is supplied from the boiler unit, and portable steam units, in which the steam is created in a special tank.
  1. The working body of the steam cleaner is a humic or metal brush with openings or a nozzle mounted on a flexible hose.

Steaming is carried out by moving the brush with a pair of virobes.

If the nozzle is reinforced instead of the brush, then the steam should be straightened under the cut 15-20 ° to the surface of the nozzle. During the hour of operation on the steamers, keep the steam running until it is overheated and there is condensation, like droplets of water, the remains of the supernatant are absorbed by the drying water. vyglyad virobi.


Stick for residual drying of various germs.

The edges of the sides, lapels, chest and bottom are placed in front on the presses.

When working on steam-powered mannequins, the fan is pulled onto the mannequin, straightened, the edges of the sides are pressed with special clamps, and a fan is turned on, which blows air through the middle of the steam-powered mannequin.

As the air flows in, the vibration straightens out.

Then pass superheated steam, which evaporates the virus, and hot air at a temperature of 80 ° C, which dries the virus on the flattened surface.

The productivity of the steam-dummy type PVM-5 is up to 250 units per shift.

Installation of heating system

SOT operations

TU on Vikonannya SOT – the surface of the sanding agent is moved over the material with a one-hour vice on the new or material, two rollers are inserted and pressed one to the other, which are wrapped in different directions (the last method of processing)

presuvannyam – the material is compressed between two warming surfaces without moving along it (parallel method)

steamed - Stagnate with residual honeycomb, in which case the pressure on the vibration is carried out with steam without pouring the hot surface.

  1. COT parameter mode.

Etapi vikonannya SOT. SOT defects Different materials react differently to SOT, which

lie low


· -fibrous warehouse (budovi molecules)

· - the level of twist and interweaving of fabric threads

· -Tovshchini of the obliterated package Therefore, to ensure the desired result, save the required physical and mechanical power, increase productivity, you should select the COT mode

COT mode – this is the range of values ​​of the main factors (temperature, humidity, dryness and pressure) and their interactions, which will ensure the smoothness of the robot.
Vologa a necessary factor that accelerates the uniform heating of the material, transferring it to a highly elastic state, which protects the balls of the material from sticking to the surfaces that heat, from melting (from the introduction of vologi one and the same deformation I can reach 4 times faster). Warm.
will ensure uniform heating of the material to a temperature at which the product will reversely change its power when heated and then cooled to normal temperature. This temperature is called
temperature of heat and strength of the material Troublesome contact

will ensure the stability of the form, which is expected to be selected in accordance with the physical and mechanical properties of the material and the thickness of the package. Vice

The factor that determines the geometry of the connection and the importance of gluing lies under the physical and mechanical influences of the material and the formed operation. The quantity of food that is served

will ensure uniform heating of the material to a temperature at which the product will reversely change its power when heated and then cooled to normal temperature. lie in the form of the material and become 20-30% when fermented with water and 2-6% when fermented with steam.

Excessive moisture increases the complexity of processing, reduces productivity, reduces the productivity of processing, and reduces the acidity of processing. Thermal resistance of the material

In the case of moisture-thermal processing, all these factors are closely linked one to another.

To initiate the SOT process, it is necessary to uniformly heat the materials to a temperature that does not exceed the heat resistance temperature of the materials.

At this temperature, the surface temperature, which heats up, is allowed to pour into the material for an hour.

For uniform heating of the materials, the mixture must be 20-30% of the weight of the air-dry material, and the lower cushion of the press must be at a temperature of 110 degrees, so as not to prevent the lower balls of the materials from cooling. Changes in one of the COT parameters may be compensated for by increases in others. Etapi SOT

SOT rebuilt

on the power of high-polymer materials, which serve as the raw material for clothing, change your everyday life under the influx of moisture and heat.

When heat is poured onto the materials, stench may occur in

three times:

ü - slope-like (characterized by small spring and easily reversible deformations) ü - highly elastic (to the power of great, or even reverse deformations)ü - viscous-flowing (characterized by a sharp increase in permanent deformations) The deformation of the clothes during SOT is carried out only if the material is damaged y highly elastic

become. Plasticizers At this point the vologa acts warmly.

In the SOT process, the material is subject to deformation, Steam bath :

which lies in straightened, folded, stretched and compressed fibers.

COT process

develops from

Preparation of materials before molding (softening of fibers, creation of minds for deformation) Shaping of the material (change in fiber configuration, primus deformation, vibrated using a vice for a long period of time)

Fixation of the cut form (by removing the pressure, removing the moisture in the process of drying and cooling the material at the same temperature for a period of an hour)

SOT defects

blamed on the results of disruption of the processing regime and the rotten distribution of parts before closing the press.

Rearranging the settings of parameters can lead to defects and damage.

and invincible.

Temperature changes: welts, splashes, scorches, temperature shrinkage, damage to the surface of the fibers, yellowing, loss of color (blue gama) Transposition of the vice: changes in the structure of the material, shortening the term wear

  • Changes of the hour: fiber defects, loss of physical and mechanical forces
  • Lasi - an unfavorable shine to the material, creating a rippled surface of the fibers as a result of the direct reflection of the light.
  • Opal – temperature damage to the surface of the material
  • Thermal shrinkage - change in the size of parts per frame, shortening of fibers under elevated temperatures
  • Weeding - the appearance of dripping damage to the surface
  • Scorching the pile - temperature damage to the pile without change will become the basis of power
  • Pozhovtinya – adding “warm” liquids to the surface of the material or surrounding areas.
  • Laying out the seam allowance - lifting seam allowances and folds from the front side
  • Weakness of one of the parts along the seam line - a sign of damage to the smoothness of the surface of the fabric in the seam area due to a poor ironing fit

Defects are divided into



The steamers are used to ensure that the products are in a marketable appearance.

Divide into 5 groups:

  1. universal press
  2. special press
  3. ceremonial tables
  4. Water-thermal processing is an important part of the preparation of clothes, which takes up about 20% of what is needed at the time.
  5. additional and other possession

Zastosuvannya press makes it possible to mechanize the most labor-intensive SOT operations, increase productivity, improve processing efficiency and make work easier

Pres-vidparyuvach– during operation, the pillows gently squeeze the stained part, the top pillow is heated with steam and there are no openings for its exit.

Steam and shock mannequin– purposes for the residual honeycomb of the shoulder sewing heaps. Folds from a fan, a base and a frame, into a soft cover made of warm fabric with a shape of a perfect size. Ready virib

Pull it onto the mannequin, spread it, crimp the edges and press it tightly (all wrinkles and folds are straightened). Then pass the heated steam (steam the virus), then hot air (dry the virus)

Ceremony tables- wash a flat slab of different sizes.

The plate is heated with steam up to 110 degrees and equipped with a device for vacuum vacuuming. Prasuvannya should be robbed of the dust with the one-hour casting of the virobu with a couple. Praski

- To freeze for HOT viruses both during the process of their preparation and during residual fermentation.

In a lien

depending on the heating method

separate the powders: Electric


In order to adjust the temperature regime, apply wax to the thermostats.

To carry out various operations, freeze the powders so that they are divided into one mass, size, and thickness.


– to quilt for fabric processing using a steam method of dyeing the flesh (strengthening, increasing the softness and eliminating shrinkage during processing and operation) stand when working with a hand sander. Their shapes and dimensions are consistent with bevelling operations.

Proprasuvachi– to protect stained surfaces from scorching and lasing.

Viruses are steamed with superheated steam.

ü Made from thin linen fabric, flannel, flannel, linen. Ironing parts

ü - Vikonannya a number of operations SOT parts virobu for additional assistance. Presuvannya

ü understand the special processing of parts and everything with moisture, heat and pressure. - moisture-thermal processing of the virob using an additional press using the method of changing the thickness of the seam, the edge and fastening of the seams in the required position.

ü - laying out seam allowances or folds on the opposite side and securing them in place using additional sanding and pressing. When cutting the seam allowance to the flatness of the part in the fixed position, adjust it to 5-10°.

ü Seasoning - change the stitching of the seam, bend or edge of the part using additional pressed fabric

ü The quality of the product and its external appearance largely depend on the damp-heat processing during the sewing process, and during residual processing. Proprasuvannya

ü Basic terms and meaning. – removal of wrinkles and creases on fabric or parts using sand using additional HOT

ü Rozprasuvannya - laying the edges of parts, seam allowances or folds on one side and securing them in any position using additional pressed processing

ü Request - Change in the linear dimensions of parts on adjacent sections using additional moisture-heat treatment to create a convexity on the adjacent section.

ü - Increased linear dimensions of parts on adjacent sections using additional moisture-heat treatment to trim the bent line on the adjacent section. - testing the virob with a couple to remove the las that emerged as a result of the process.

ü Sutyuzhuvannya Steaming

The moisture-thermal processing of germs occupies a central place in the process of sewing clothes. Using the method of wet-thermal processing, the product is given the necessary volumetric shape, seams are pressed, irregularities are tightened, wrinkles are removed, parts are replaced, and laxities are removed., blouses, etc.).

Ironing and stretching change the size of the surrounding sections of the garment parts and give the details the necessary spacious shape.

When ironing, the size of the fabric can be shortened (for example, with a bulge on the breasts).