Herbaceous garden plants.

Troyandi On this page you will find the most interesting: rich plants for the garden herbaceous plants , wood, chagarniks, chagarniks and kviti. All smells have been removed from various sections of the site. Having moved to the required section, you can add a photo and name different species

Tsikavlyat you from the photo gallery - tables.

About skins from different species, you can read the report on the supplementary pages, where information about the peculiarities of their growth and observation is posted.

This information will help you choose fruits

Another important use of herbs is their thick leaves: cut into small pieces at river height, creating a thin mulch that absorbs the liquid from the dried soil. This organic mulch, which spreads over months, also naturally enriches the soil and regenerates soil. lifelong speeches

, accessible roslins.

Single or rich growth color: spring - summer (depending on the variety) Sprouts, which are developing and growing in one place through many fates, play the most important role in human life. The stench is actively vicorized not only in brightening the minds of life,, lower classmates and gardeners, they represent a variety of fruit plants and valuable types of wood, essential in a ship. Among them are evergreens kvituchi rosliny

Lying down or leaves, all fertile types of herbs remove their stump and preserve their

Garni view

stretching out his fate, regardless of adversity.

I can easily explain the herbs: the stench is not only decorative, but also noticeable, the stench is to be said more than once every day.

A special treasure for all gardeners in a hurry, for those who love the garden without taking the time to devote to its maintenance, and for the category of lazy gardeners!

added: 10/31/2014 14:49 "Green Garden", TOV 2013 r_k

Nowadays, the popularity of “potato-growing towns” has increased. More and more people are desiring aesthetic beauty and harmony. There is little hope in the garden right, which is very important to reach. Besides, this is physically important..

Therefore, when you start finishing things off, plan everything out well, so that you don’t waste your energy on reworking.

Landing requires only a few

simple rules In order to achieve, for example, fine fluffing of the soil, carefully create a wide and deep opening for planting. Between the open terraces and the gravel gardens there are different types of fire pits. Stinks grow in dry, porous soil. Having moved to the required section, you can add a photo and name On the terrace there was simply the sky, also choose shoes that are lost in the pillows or, for light penetration, good thickness and low height.

This will also be a favorite site for Falari.

On the soft and well-worn coastal banks, rest in the hakonehola, as the leaves expand their golden leaves, in the shade, as in the sun, as the soil becomes deprived of freshness.

Well-drained soil can go through winter without problems.

In areas that are deprived of moisture at this time, lightning, sedges and desamplings prevail.

Fragmatity and reeds of Provence resist the cold in marshy soils. Plant them at the beginning of autumn or at the end of winter, when the soil begins to warm up. Provide an opening for planting that is equivalent to the diameter and height of the root ball.

Finish the soil, place the upper part of the root drum on level ground, tuck, pack and immediately.

· Water regularly flows into the first river from the bottom of the growths and when it is dry.- lupine, phloxy, hemerocalis, irises, aquilegia, common poppy, alpine poppy, solidago, convalia, pivonia, helenium;

· cibulin bagatoriums - lilies, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, fritilaria, scyla, birdflower, decorative cybuls;

· bulbocybulns- gladiolus and montbretsia;

Trimming and multiplying rich growths

Marvel at the rocks, like the saxifrags.

What is the effect of pruning bushes from native and backyard bushes, trees and chagarniks?

Maintenance of the flower bed

· At the end of winter, keep the water off so as not to damage the young shoots and the roots of the early seedlings, use the same for non-permanent herbs and paint the mitten with persistent ones. Open the menu with French or rolls and pour onto the area to form a natural mulch.

Be aware of the zakhist, the establishment of spring on the bagatoriums, sensitive to the cold.

· Bulbovi- Georgina, Begonia bulbova, Gloxinia, cyclamen.

· what the leaves look like: deciduous: bagatory

those whose leaves die in the winter (hostas, pyvonias, daylilies);

evergreens: bagatory , some leaves have a whole ribs (bergenia, yucca, pachysandra). for the type of laying of the butternut browns:

In the spring, spread mulch and mulch between the weeds to limit the weeds and summer watering.

· Apply to fresh, warm soil after weeding and scrubbing. Roslina, especially summer and autumn

kvituchi vidy . :
Look at the preventive care of extremely high species such as delphiniums.
Trim the soil regularly with clean and flexible weeds and water.

Installing a rich soil cover in your garden will allow you to limit the weeding.

These installations require minor maintenance and are included in all parts. Expanding and expanding on the ground, the stinks create a thick and decorative growth, like a trivamic bunch of rocks! We have collected below 70 of the best-selling bagatoric covering plants from below.

· To find out the most suitable variety for your needs and the variety you want tea leaves

For any aromatic plant for clay soil, please contact our service.

· autumn bookmarks : fruit trees, whose flowers bloom in the spring and bloom in the coming doom (ponies, irises, primroses, bergenia).

according to the date before sun:

light-loving - rich fruits, for the development of any necessary openings, good lightening of the place (Aistria, poppy, phlox, fine leaves); Do you know what kind of growth you are approaching?

· Accept those who require neither water nor light! Are you kidding about the blue leaf plant?

· Try to bring a wild and graphic color near the garden, somewhere in the mountains, or light, or near the ground, to see the alley and create a cordon. The lily of the valley is a symbol of happiness, as people take 1 herb for themselves and appear to be a shortcut for the satisfaction of everyone. You want the hanging bells, the perfume for the musk, the tradition that emanates from you, to rub off rich herbal plants one way at a time. The thrush is completely invasive. As they grow, their horizontal and flattened rhizomes become deprived of their growth. In growth in

open ground and in the potter, calling in the middle. It is vikorized in the undergrowth, kilims and ground coverings, borders, planters, ridges in pots and cut pots.

Everything looks like a ground cover.

Inspired by summer flowers, which often begin with grass or on the cob of wormwood, dewdrops enliven all compositions in massifs and rockeries.

· You can also create compact boundaries or support the foot of stems, fruit trees, and other trees in a vertical position.

according to the water supply:


· vologubni

· navkolovodni

· Vodni

behind decorative signs:

· beautiful flowers · leaf-decorative

· roslini with aromatic ta

beautiful quotes

· rose plants with decorative fruits

  • Due to its simplicity and practicality without maintenance, this bagatoric is ideal for dry gardens, as well as in farm gardens, where you go in and out during the holiday season.
  • Small or large, one-sided or rich, its unique form and its primary color always give the same impression.
Herbaceous and juicy, stinks grow without problems.

Planting bagatoric vines.

Sow them with grass-worms. Place them in the ground near the sickle-spring.:

1. You will appreciate alchemy, vitrival and rural rosemary, as a covering in the garden for the plant and decorative leaves, as well as for their color in the gloom throughout the summer.· Roslini with a decorative glaze.

And also, for the sake of clarity, bags of bags should be divided into groups

This is an invasive bacterial infection that can easily grow.

2. It is worth getting rich soil, good moisture and fresh. This is due to the sunshine of the private branch.

3. Anemony is a rich plant with a low cultural requirement, suitable for growing a garden, terrace or balcony. They are already valued for the clarity of their color and the fineness of their colors in different colors.

4.Curbs- rich flowers and decorative leafy plants.

5. Use them to create the main flower plant (iris, pivonia, delphinium, popovnik, dzvinochok, poppy, phlox, hosta, etc.); Photos - flower-decorative plants that grow to maintain cut flowers (cala, gladiolus, gerbera, carnation, freesia, etc.); Container

6. - mainly found in containers, balcony boxes and hanging planters for vertical gardening (begonia, lobelia, balsam, pelargonium, petunia, fuchsia, etc.); curly - herbaceous vines that support supports and are used for decorating pergolas, gazebos, fences, retaining walls

and wall budinki (clematis);

Tsibulni - okrema valuable group of rich ones (kvitkovyh roslin, which quickly die and overwinter in the species of cibulin (lily, crocus, tulip, daffodil, hazel grouse, lily, etc.). From the very beginning, you need to decide what you want to do in business. Invite farmers to grow a variety of mixborders, combining them with conifers, chagarkas and lianas.

You can also show your imagination and create something unusual and original.

First of all, the flowerbeds and plots are compatible. It is not advisable to overwhelm a small flowerbed of agaric plants in the middle of a large lawn, but instead, plant a path that leads through a small plot with tall agaric flowers on both sides so that the passage resembles a narrow tunnel. If your plot is large, or if you want to plant a few small flower beds, select elements and zones (

high places

and trees or small garden forms).

In other words, the relationship between the surrounding flower bed and the size of the entire flower bed.

The large flat mixborder with its small flowerbeds looks crowded, and one tall flowerbed in the middle of a small flowerbed looks empty. Follow the consistency of style and shape. If you wanted to create a garden of garden plants in a regular style, it is important to carefully consider everything: parallel lines will be parallel, making flower beds the same width.

Pivkolo - pvkolo, not just an egg. Otherwise, your regular plantings will look sloppy. It’s important to plant a bunch of fruit trees in a quiet place to duplicate, as the plants may fall out, and replacements in regular plantings need to be identical so as not to ruin the symmetry.

If you want to create a border with rich colors in a landscape style, try to use unique straight lines, giving priority to soft turns and turns. 2. Sign up

I look around at points- gardens, where there are 2-3 day colors (for example, blue and black or yellow-hot-red).

The addition of harmonious colors makes the garden calm and easy to enjoy, while at the same time giving more room for creativity than monochrome gardens. Moreover, the closest garden to the created one will have the power to plant a gardener’s cob.

Gardens of kvitivs that mutually support each other - gardens, in which games will be on the same colors, but there will be one in the same number. The most popular color pairs: yellow-violet, red-green, blue-orange. If you decide to create such a garden from rich fruits, remember that the most important thing is gardens, gardens that will replenish life with energy. However, the stench exudes a melodious quality, so as not to transform the “energetic” garden into a “screaming and intrusive” one.

4. Give special respect plant shapes and leaf textures.

The very combination of different shapes and textures, as well as color, gives the garden gloss and style (don’t try to mix too many different elements, it can end up too ugly). In order to be admired from afar, it is better to go to the gardeners with great fruits or fruits collected from the great garden, so that you can take a look small apartments And the lacy leaves are more beautiful from a close distance.

5. Irrigate the terms of color, combine the plants in such a way as to achieve a consistent color and a decorative effect that extends throughout the current season.

Remember that the rare flowering plant blooms for more than a month, so when you create flower beds or borders, try to vikorize as many of their varieties as possible.

If, for example, you plant only one side of the flower bed on one side and only one side of the flower bed, then you will have a decorative flowerbed on one side of the flower bed. 6. In groups try to accommodate an unpaired quantity at once water-rich rich drinks and stop keeping a close eye on them (especially in the first years of life).

We’ll talk about this later in the report.

Planting bagatoriums

It is important to prepare the place for planting sprouts in the fall, dig up the soil, pull out the roots of the weeds and allow the soil to freeze thoroughly. In the spring, fluff up the soil and add peat compost. Sand, compost and leaf soil are added to important clayey soils. U medium smoothie The most favorable term for planting agaric plants with an open root system in the soil in a permanent place: the other half of the plant is a cob of grass. At this hour the bagatorniks are hanging out, kvituchi vlitku and spring: astilbe, bagatoric aster, helenium, chamomile, phlox.

· Start planting them when the first shoots appear and stop when the plants begin to grow strongly. This period is short - no more than two years, you need to invest in something new.

· Bagatorichniki, kvituchi spring

· , - iris, bathhouse, pivonia, primrose - transplant from the middle of the sickle to the middle of the heather. It is possible to replant rich growths immediately after flowering.

When transplanting to a larger late term

· The growths often do not grow up, as a result, they have to take root and spend the winter poorly.

When planting and transplanting sprouts, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules: clean the root from the substrate

, remove broken and rotten parts, shorten the roots.

· Work in the shade so that the trees do not dry out. stand behind the planting clay

· : in delphinium, helenium, and phlox, cover the root collar with a thin ball of earth (5-10 cm). And the axis of the rhizome of the iris is not to be dried up, there is no one to love.

· Georgina and pivonia roots cannot be baked into a ball thicker than 2-3 cm, so as not to bury the roots of the renewal. Don’t overly bury it, focus on the growth rate of the plants in the pot.

· neatly sip on the soil or press firmly with soil.

When transplanting to a larger late term Root can be added to the water to speed up the establishment of the sprouts.

· The growths often do not grow up, as a result, they have to take root and spend the winter poorly. When growing weeds with peat, it is better to protect the weeds and promote the growth of weeds.

Thickness of planting fermented plants lie at its current residual height and shape and develop the minimum living space required for adult growth.

For greater reach Swedish effect The strength of the renewed knitnik will increase.

It’s not scary, because the bagatorium can be divided and replanted in the future, if it starts to feel bad or oppressive.

  • The approximate quantity of fermenters that can be planted per 1 m2 outside their living space in adulthood:
  • Strong growth 1-3 pcs/m2
  • Middle plants 4-6 pcs/m2
  • Low growing plants 12-30 pcs/m2
  • Miniatures up to 50 pcs/m2

Dribnotsvinkov (podliski, muscari) 100 or more pcs/m2

Keeping an eye on the bags

1. Most of the rich fruits are unobtrusive and do not require any special attention, but to achieve the rich and bitter appearance of the fruit, it is still necessary to follow the steps: Mulch the soil

2. ..

On the one hand, this helps to preserve the vegetation in the soil and increase the germination of weeds; on the other hand, such plantings look neater. The very material used for mulching often appears as an element of garden design..

Live up bagatoriki trichy First - in the spring during the growing season -

comprehensive kindness Another - during the period of budding or flowering -

3. good with a great replacement of potassium and phosphorus elements. The third is the principle of color, when the lines of renewal are laid –

4. potassium-phosphorus supplements without nitrogen. If necessary, water, weed and fluff.

5. With a properly selected assortment and mulched plantings, watering the flower beds with rich water is necessary only during very dry periods. It is recommended to water at the root of the tree. Clean the edges regularly.

6. Careful borders will give your garden a professional look. A lot of rich plants (especially high ones) will fall apart at the hour of flowering, or their flower stalks will break under their flowers.

7. In this case, it is important to use neutral tones so that the smell is as noticeable as possible. It’s time to divide the mixture. The skin cells of the fatty cells that have grown will require a subfloor. If you don’t care, then the growth will either hang out from the sides, or lose its decorative effect, and then stop blooming. The last hour for semi-rich people:

8. early spring It's autumn. Dig up the rhizomes, cibulini and non-wintering bulbotsibulini

Bagatorichnyh Roslyn