Show the flower beds. Ready schemes of flower compositions. The simplest kvіtnik from bagatorіchnіv

Schob ur_znomanіtnіtі landscape neobov'yazkovo vdavatisya to the services of professional landscapers. Garni kvіtniki emerge from nevibagly bagatorіchnyh dews. You can show your imagination and create a flower bed with bagatorists at the dacha with your own hands. Under the hour of rozrobka it is necessary to think over everything to the last detail - the space, the shape, the filling, the seasonality and the coloring of the future quilt. After knowing the basics landscape design you can proceed to the layout of the deli and the planting of decorative roslins.

Bagatorіchniki for flowerbeds and kvіtnikіv

The creation of an effective and bright flowerbed will require a respectful approach to the selection of plantings. It is important to remember to wash the height, the height, the farbuvannya, the seasonality and the trivality of the flower of the bagatorist.

Kvіtnik from bagatorіchnіv

Low-growing bugs

The height of low-growing baguettes for flowerbeds does not exceed 30-40 cm. summer cottages Such a look is especially popular.

Primrose- a low-growing rhizomatous bagatorichnik with a height of no more than 30 cm. If you hang different varieties of flowers (Aurikula, Dribnozubchasta, Yuliya) on the flowerbed, then you can be adorable with a kilim from the cob of spring to mid-summer.

Primula Auricula burgundy color

Iris bearded dwarf– “garden orchid” with flower-bearing height of 23-37 cm. A short period of flowering compensates for decorative leaves, which saves privability until late autumn.

Iris pygmy golovach

Acquisition(abbreviation) - a bastard-blooded bastard. Bushes grow with time, making living kilim. There may be a rich variety of different colors of different infestation - from white to blue and purple. The peculiarity is the color in two stages. The first one is from the last grass to the middle of the lime, the other is from the cob to the end of spring. Expanded varieties: Cascade, Hybrid and Deltoid.

Obrieta "Purple Cascade"

Bigoniya sadova- low tickets for flower beds with decorative leaves of burgundy, rye or olive color. Three types of begonia are widely used in landscape design: bulbous, ampelna and evergreen. The height of the bush is 15-30 cm, the diameter of the flower is up to 15 cm;

Color diversity of garden begonia

- Flowers from chervnia in spring with frequent flowers of violet, blue, white or black color. Nevibaglivy to the warehouse of the soil and the lighting of the house. Make a special charm terry varieties ringer. The height of the chagarnik is 25-30 cm, the diameter is up to 30 cm.

Dzvinochok Carpathian Karl Foster

To create a bright composition with their own hands, often vicorists are bred - beautiful short flowers on a flower bed can act as a bright accent or as a background for the whole composition. Gruntoblood horticultural species: styloid phlox, yaskochka, woolly stakhis, thyme, periwinkle, and tenacious succulent.

Middle-growth decorative plants

Middle-grown is accepted to vvazhat bushes of frills from 30 to 70 cm. When creating a quilt, landscape designers choose:

Lilynik- unviable in growing, unviable to life and resistant to dry land. The height of the flower nose is about 50-60 cm, the flowering period is from the cob to the end of summer. The colors of the din of lilies are hostile.

Variety of views of the lilinik

tree- Succulent selection in cats. There are a lot of varieties with white and red colors of different varieties. Tse bagatorichnik trivalny tsvіtinnya.

Tree decorative garden

Phlox panicled cycavia as garnier flowers, and as unusual forms of flowers. Round, cylindrical, nap_vkulyast, pyramidal and parasol are sharpened. Razrіznyayut early, middle and pіznі floksi. Popular varieties: Bіlosnіzhka, Selena, Tenor, Blakytny Paradise.

Phlox khurtovitii Cleopatra

Such representatives of medium-sized bugs as rhodiola, pivonia, gypsophila, iris, voloshka, chamomile, rudbeckia, echinacea, aquilegia.

Tall mushrooms

Tall growths are the soloists of the kvitnik, which set the "mood" of all the flower beds. You need to choose with special attention. Yakscho kvituchі bagatorіchniki If they are inconspicuous, then the whole composition will lose its privatility.

The most beautiful high-quality suites for flowerbeds:

(plakun-grass) - bloom all summer, growth on different soils that is suitable for decorating flowerbeds of different garden styles. The height of the bush reaches 140 cm, the infestation of flowers is raspberry.

Derbennik іvolisty "Lady Sekvill"

stock-troyanda(mallow) one’s own vacillation and simplicity at once. However, the card is well combined with low-growing, medium-sized specimens in kvitniks, mixed borders and rabatkas. Fashionable outfits mallow: bright purple, violet and yellow.

Terry stock-troyanda in the garden

Delphinium hybrid– candles bloom up to 1-2.5 m. Varieties of white and purple delphinium were bred.

Delphinium blue and purple color

flower bed baguette floksіv, daylilies and other middle-grown ones beautifully complement high flowers, for example: mordovnik, hybrid goldenrod, astrantia, gelenium, cow'yak, Japanese keriya, buzulnik, zhorgina.

Bagatoriční kvіti uninterrupted color

Correctly picking varieties of bugs, the period of flowering flowerbeds stretch out from the cob of wormwood until the middle of spring. Choose bugatorical tickets, which are the most worthy, like blooming all summer.

carnations. Low frost-resistant varieties: carnation grass'yanka, Uralska, Fischer. It is good to endure on dry land, but it will require regular rejuvenation.

Raspberry flowers of Fischer's carnation

The height of the candle-like blossoms is 35-60 cm, the varietal palette includes lavender, lilac, black and erysipelas.

Shavliya dibrova in flower composition

Astrantia- Nevibagly flowers for flowerbeds that bloom all summer. To support the color, you need to see the tickets, what to say. Astrantia looks especially beautiful in the presence of ground blood and in mixed borders.

Astrantia is great - a flower flower

When decorating flowerbeds with bagatories, you should also vicorist:

  • geranium crooked-red;
  • cuff m'yaku;
  • phlox caroline;
  • armeria primorsk;
  • ptarmikolistny tree;
  • echinacea;
  • rod-like loosestrife and yolisty.

Kutovy kvіtnik uninterrupted bloom

For gardeners-pochatkivtsiv, it’s better to vicorist, I’m ready to prepare a scheme for flowerbeds of uninterrupted flowers from bagatorichnikiv. The order on the photo option of the quilt changes from season to season, saving its decorativeness.

From the photo you can stitch, as the accents change, and the bright looking flower bed changes. The color scheme of the composition in summer period you can change a few things by adding a variety of little twine, dolphinium and aquilegia of another kind. The spring look of the kvіtnik is marked by daffodils, iris and hellebore.

Secrets of flower coloring

The image of flowerbeds from bagatorichniks is 90% determined by the color scheme. When arranging the scheme with a hand, it is important to keep the rules of color harmony:

  1. In the contrasting plantings, the growth of one color is not to be mixed up - it is the fault of being set up with ashlars. The most striking and distant colors: violet and yellow, blue and orange, green and red. A line of a flower bed looks like a river in the front area of ​​a deli.
  2. In the zone of vіdpochinku, specimens of native vіdtinkiv are more likely to hang out. It is permissible to choose one color accent. Cicavi options: red with burgundy or erysipelas, blue with black or violet. You can dilute the composition.
  3. Shrews and white tones visually smooth out the stringiness of the curtain, and dark colors reinforce the vibrancy of the ash trees.
  4. As a background for warm tones (yellow, red, orange), ground-blooded bugs of cold colors (violet, black, greens) appear.

Porada. In front of the scheme of the composition, it is necessary to display it on the arch paper paper - knowing all the colors. The original picture is additionally focused on the placement of color accents.

Classification of bugs by color

Form flowerbeds and kvіtnikіv for bagatorіchnіv

Rosemary and the shape of the flower bed are chosen in the fallow land according to the parameters of the plot: area, change and roztashuvannya budinka.

Choose the date of rozmіru that month

The rosemary of the flower composition can be directly proportional to the area of ​​the plot. IN small garden organically looking neat, compact kvіtnik. On a spacious zamіskom maєtka, you can place a sprat of small ones or one large flower bed.

Selecting the place for the sealing

Razmіschuvatiyu composition z bugatorіchnіv slid і mіstsі, yak kindly look through vikon boudinka and z frontal side of the litter. When planning an armchair, flowerbeds can be turned in a “classic” proportion, for which:

  • 13% of the area is to be built under the bunks and spores of the state's recognition;
  • 20% - garden paths and doors;
  • 50-55% - garden and city;
  • 12-15% - flower plantings.

Armchair bed of uninterrupted color

Features of different configurations

The shape of the landscape element can be separated only by the imagination of the vikonavtsya, the dimensions of the plot and the characteristics of the soil. On what variant of zupinity do you choose: a geometric chivalric figured quilt?

Oval ta round flower bed. Concentric stakes mark between the fluffy plantings, creating an effective composition - flowers start from the outside perimeter and reach the peak in the very center. Roslins are grouped for periods of decorativeness, for which reason, for a stretch of one season, the plantings seem to change sprat times.

Kvitkov composition round shape

A plus of the round composition is the possibility of hanging from different growths. Near the center, villages and chagars can grow, and along the edge of the stake - grassy.

Rectangular quilt. The simplicity of the form is compensated by the creation of unique ornaments in the middle of the perimeter. You can either have rounded compositions, diagonal lines or lamaní bagatohedrons.

Square quilt. Primitive geometry makes it possible to create vivid pictures of chagars, low-growing and primordial roslins, which bloom all summer.

Trikutna flowerbed. Vіdokremleno kvіtuchі tricutniks look beautiful, only with the "kutastoї" shape of the plot. In other ways, it is necessary to compose in graphic contours, for example, a star. The composition of the folding configuration will require a solid selection of roslin. The optimal choice is herbal bugs (daffodils, periwinkle, adonis, alisum, hyacinth).

Tricky flowerbeds on the lot

Dovgi flower beds. Kvіtniki rozmіshchuyusya vzdovzh dorіzhok, fencing, serve as framing landscape elements or zoning the lot. So zvani, rabatki, buvayut symmetrical and asymmetric.

The selection of the flowerbed option is due to the mindfulness of the grandiose idea of ​​architectural and landscape design, as well as the little dewy vizeronka.

Schemes of kvіtnikіv and flowerbeds for bagatorіchnіv

Before Tim, how to form a flower bed, it is necessary to fold report plan compositions. Below are the ready-made schemes of the quilts, in which the phases of color, the height of the growth and the color scheme are insured.

Path to the garden

The plan of the “Path to the Garden” quit is designed for decorating garden stitches or framing the entrance to the lot. The composition has grown-ups, unsightly sights.

Circuit description:

  • A - Yalivets - decorative bagatorichnik with soft needles, for the victory of sleepy months and peaceful watering.
  • B - Highlander of Controversy - low-growing growth up to 25 cm high, blooms all summer, and in autumn the leaves are filled with a red color.
  • C - Shavliya - dry-resistant bagator, growth per space is more than 8 years.
  • D - Perstach - medium-sized chagar with flowers of white color, flowering period - from lime to sickle.
  • E - Gelenium - rich herbaceous roslin, which grows up to 1.5 m; vletka will require frequent watering.
  • F - Formium - a stemless bagatorichnik from greenish-gray leaves, allowing for dormant months and regular watering.

Scheme of framing the track with tickets

Composition in erysipelas

Cicavi butt - a flowerbed with bagatorichnikiv in one colors. Roslini of different heights are harmoniously selected for a single composition.

Flower bed project includes:

  • A - Sedum (sedum) - a low-growing variety is selected.
  • B - Astra - the composition has roslina curls hanging 25-30 cm erysipelas color(Hepi End, Abenshine).
  • C - Georges - when planting it is important to take care of good drainage, the flower will require regular watering.
  • D - Euonymus - an openwork crown of a chagarnik of autumn becomes a chervonim; pіdіyde krilatiy, sakhalіnskiy and verrucosa see frills 1-1.5 m.
  • E - Anemoni - close to 50 divs make up the curls; vіddaє vіddaє prievagu pіvtinі i roduchem soil.

Decorating a kvіtnik in erysipelas

Poednannya bagatorіchnyh kvіtіv on flowerbeds from representatives of coniferous cultures create a complete picture. Tse is not just a small kvitnik, but a landscape composition.

For molding a kvіtnik and obshtuvannya patio zadіyanі:

  • A - Weymutov's Pine - a pid_yde for great plots, shards have grown a tree grows up to 70 m; in a small garden, you can replace it with a compact thuja - the maximum height is 20 m.
  • B - Bamboo - an exotic culture that adds originality to all compositions; the leaflet leaves a zone for a greater lull.
  • C - Khosta - leaf-decorative bagatorichnik; black, gray, green and golden leaves with an oblyamіvkoy utavlyayut pishnі bushes with high flower-noses.
  • D - Begonia - tickets can be hung in the middle at the ground or begonia at the miners; another option is to make it easier to watch for the rich thicket.
  • E - Skhizakhirium khurtovy - grayish-black leaves are folded into a small bunch with a height of about 80 cm; the cereal bush is not viable to the warehouse of the soil and agrotechnical minds.
  • F - Rudbeckia - herbaceous bagatorichnik of the Aistrov family; in the composition, there are mid-growing vibes: hairy rudbeckia, two-coloured or hoary.

Scheme of landscaping Patio

With beautiful floral compositions, you can decorate the garden paths with a flower, piece water, small architectural forms, or just decorate the front entrance with your own hands. Bagatorichny landings- the ability to be gracious with a damp wicker of a sprat of seasons.

Kvitnik, as an artist, reluctantly picks farby and creates paintings, only not on canvases, but on flowerbeds from living flowers. In our days, people more and more often give priority to garnish quitniks replace traditional towns at their dachas. At the article, we can see how it is right to pick up the lines for folding flower beds in different styles.

Vibir roslin for flower beds

Choose a color for the hour of making flower beds

If you want to show your imagination and vrahuvati diyu, to put different colors on the psyche of a person, then you can create flowerbeds to create a different character. І tse not guarded.

  • Flowerbeds, grown in orange, red tones, are alert, and they can play, as if marveling at them for a long time.
  • Navpaki, flowerbeds at Blakitnyh i blue colors calm down. Like a bright sun, the orange-yellow flowerbed looks like a bright sun, and in the gloomy days it illuminates the lot.

Sound when the flowerbeds are closed, zastosovuyut different colors, sometimes bring contrast, but neutral. white color vikoristovuyut for their smoothing. For example, they look beautiful every day:

  • red color with yellow and green,
  • purple with yellow,
  • blue with orange.

All lie down for the sake of the gardener.

The splash of lightness of the house on the vibir roslyn

Fallow in the light of light, the flowers look different for flowerbeds of different colors.

  • For example, flowers of blue, violet or blackite zabarvlennya in pіvіnі look brightly, and on the sun stink they look effectively.
  • When choosing colors for a flower bed, it is necessary to remember that the stench is due to bloom at once, like a flower bed of a regular type. As the flower bed is created irregularly, then the flower different types can be seen sequentially one by one.

Vybіr mind kvіtіv rich in what to lie in vіd roztashuvannya flowerbeds.

  • For the good illumination of the villagers, you need a bed and a ticket to love the growth in the sun.

  • On the flowerbed, scho at pіvtіnі, slіd visajuvati tіnyovitrivali roslini, for example, convalії, brothers and forget-me-nots.
    • The bagatoric growth of the host is also better than the growth of pivtin. Decorative її polygaє in juicy green, gray-black or yellowish-lined sheets, edged with light oblyamіvkoy.
    • Nevibagliv astilba not to love the bright sun. She has a garne of rіzblene leaves and quills in looking fluffy red, erysipelas and white tassels.

  • When choosing apartments, it is necessary to lie, that the deacons from them are able to work differently until the ground and watering, so you can hang on one flower bed more beautifully than such apartments, as if they are similar to their vimogami. So, for example, bagatorichni roslini when it is a year old, they start “chewing” with nitrogen, so that if there are rich leaves and there will be no more leaves, and cibulins, on the other hand, they will require nitrogen refreshment.

Susidstvo odnorichnyh and bagatorichnyh roslin

On the same and the same flower beds, there are many who often plant bagatorichniks according to the nature with singles and cibulin roslins.

  • The most early blooming are cibulins, such as daffodils and tulips.
  • Janitors start blooming on the cob of wormwood. In the same term, okremi vidi bagatorichiv, for example, pіvonії and іrisi, are released.

  • The flower of the odnorichniki in the garden of the zebіlsh lime and serpen.

The largest width of the flowerbeds


Mixborder is a flower bed of irregular geometric shape.

  • For їх creation of vicorist, spilno bagatorіchnі ta odnorichnі roslini, And in the mixborders of the great square - navit chagarniki that tree.
  • Roslins pick up so that the blooms are uninterrupted all season long. See also inconspicuous flowers, ale with beautiful decorative leaves.

For example, at the center of the mixborder, you can hang a boxwood with a polynomial, behind them you can decorate in groups a decorative cibula, verbena, a bagatokolostnik and a tree. Frame the edge of the geranium, with the cuff of that finger. If a mixborder is seen as a white wall or a parkan, then red clematis looks good in the background.


Rokarіy - tse majestic flowerbed in the middle of the stone of the great boulders.

  • Often the elements of rockeries are fountains and piece rates.
  • On such a flower bed, you can plant a bluehead (Eryngium). Tsei ennobling rep'yah, which reaches a height of up to one meter, may be bluish gray color already beautifully looking at the stones and pebbles.
  • Garni will be here and miles of little flowers of the Carpathian twinkle, a bushy bush that looks like a grassy bush. Tsya roslin is already unsightly and long-lived.
  • In order to add yaskravih farb to the rockery, you can squirt with ground-curving roslins - awl-shaped phlox, thyme, yaskochka, violets, primrose, irises.

  • Daffodils and tulips are also suitable for decorating a stone bed. And the ferns, heyheri and hosts will give you an elegant look.
  • It is necessary to consult with specialists, buying like roses for rockeries, which can grow in the specific minds of a particular region.

Regular flowerbeds

Kvіtniki, scho mayut suvori geometric forms, are called regular flower beds.

  • On them hang low-growing singles, courtiers and cibulin suites.
  • For a regular flower bed, it is necessary to keep an eye on it all the time, because it is not allowed here to breathe in the first form, and the growth, as it grows, strives to go beyond the crossed borders.
  • Regular flowerbeds are used to decorate large open-air maidans. On summer cottages, such flowerbeds are rarely seen.

Vertical flower beds

Even more popular among gardeners are vertical flower beds, in which vicarious curly bushes grow.

  • The supports for such kvіtnikіv can be buti gazebos, walls, special constructions with twigs or rods, pergolas, garden sculptures.
  • The creation of a vertical flowerbed vimaga chimalo practice and fantasy, ale її beauty is true.
  • The stinks occupy even a small area, and they can be done on small garden plots.
  • Basically, for vertical gardening, vicorosity is single-growing, which gives new batogs and flowers - all kinds of nasturtium, begonia, petunia, and a lot of other ampelous varieties.
  • In this hour, it is already fashionable to wink for vertical gardening with a new hybrid ampelous petunia - caliberchoa with small flowers, and also for superb bright flowers on 1.5 - 2-meter vtechs.
  • Nabula of popularity Fortunia is also a hybrid of petunia, which can have more luck.
  • For a green background, you can successfully vicorist dichondra, which has recently appeared for sale. Tsya climbing roslina may be rounded, small green and bluish leaves, alekstvennoy near the new inconspicuous.
  • Nolani - tse gruntopokrivnі roslini, but you can hang out and have vertical quilts. The lashes that are immersed in them are filled with black and buzzy liko-like quilts. The stinks are not able to be seen, they can grow in the shaded places, endure the misfortune of the water well, be afraid of the wind. To give the roslin the necessary shape, pinch it. In addition, with bright nasturtium and black shaves, as well as white petunias or dark black phacelia, nolani look even more effective.

Rabatki and curbs

Uzdovzh garden paths, the walls of the parkan break up the old flowerbeds - discounts.

  • You can decorate galyavini with borders from tickets, barrel stake trees. - Borders, ridges, edging of flower beds should be decorated with beautiful bagatar low-growing roslins, for example, saxifrage, primrose, awl-like or dwarf phloxes, saplings, edelweiss, dwarf astalbs and others.
  • On robots, you can hang primroses, like when right sight grow up to 25 cm, bloom with chervonim, raspberry, erysipelas, white blossoms, one of the first flowers of the season. Blossom to black.
  • The color of the phloxy is changed by the primroses on the rabats, the stench is released in the last days of the herb, to a wide range of zabarvlennya in the lower erysipelas, buzkovyh and violet or purple tones.
  • I use a lot of undersized flyers, for the help of which they embellish ridges and borders, for example, aistri, begonia, daisies, nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, lobelia. Tse is far from new translation. However, the choice of bastards is more beautiful, for those who do not need to hang out for a short time, which will significantly reduce their work in the garden during the spring period.
  • Low-growing lyon narbon, fluffy blue tickets at the linden, large-flowered gatsaniya, with the flowers of small flowers, which chamomiles tell, the oman of mosques with golden flowers.
  • Bagato gardener yak border roslini vikoristovuyut urban culture of spinach and lettuce. Garneau looks like a border of curly green and dark purple lettuce. Salads of different varieties can be reminiscent of prom_zhki between kvіtami.


A flower bed, formed after a strict geometrical form and establishing a harmonious ensemble with life, which is worth a charge, is called a parterre.

  • Parterres are supplemented with arabesques - flowerbeds, vykonanimi in the forms of blizzards, flowers or any other. Ale, making such flowerbeds is laborious and expensive, so stench is practically not stink in the dachas.

Group landings

A lot of those who create landscape design on the premises are covered with group plantings of flowers and other plants.

  • Such flowerbeds add their natural look, because the stink cannot be correct geometry and asymmetrical.
  • Vykorivuyut for decorating sculptures, fountain chi stіni budinka.
  • For such a quilt, ring vicorist like some flowers, for example, hanging - tulips, crocuses and primroses. Aistri, zinnia, georgina, lily, and gladiolus hang in the summer group.
  • It is possible to make group plantings of 4-5 types of roslins, and if necessary, pick them up. harmony day rozmіrіv, zabarvlennya kvіtіv that leaf.
  • Creating such a kvіtnik, it is necessary to pragnate to reach the naturalness of yoga. sane looking nibi yoga was created by nature, not man.
  • Butts of group plantings can be used for delphinium with chamomile and lily or day lily with hosta, tradescantia and iris. Garno to go as far as to plant high twinkles in a group with a fern and a foxglove.

Bagatorivne flowerbeds

Popular design solutions include the vlastuvannya of raised flowerbeds, like a memory of a little bit of a dilyanka.

  • Such steps of flowerbeds have enchanted gardeners can create independently from other materials, for example, from planks, cauliflowers, car tires.
  • You can place trojans or floks near the center, place the middle rive with light quilts, which can be the middle height, and low hangings on the lower tier dark suites. It will be tsіkavo, as if such a flower bed will grow in one color, but with different colors.


The best option for plots of a small area are round or square monoclembie, on the yak visadzhuyut the song type of kvitiv, for example, troyandi, georgia or aistri.

Irregular flower beds

Irregular flowerbeds knew, perhaps, the largest expansion among gardeners.

The stench can not be any suvorih rules for their power.

  • They hang flowers in different terms bagatoric, and so single growths.
  • The best way to grow a flower bed is to choose a variety of single colors, among which they create barvy compositions. It is precisely to speed up the terms of flower, to grow them with a seedling, and not by sowing without intermediary in the soil.
  • In the middle of the flower bed, or in the background, like a flower bed, there is a white wall or a parkan, a trace of a visadzhuvati other kviti, for example, a lavater, a cosmea, a high decorative dormouse or a saffron saffron.
  • Near the center you can hang bagatorichnі roslini, for example, dolphinium, Turkish carnation, lupine. Even more beautiful terry pіvonії vіd white and horn to dark burgundy colors. True, the stench does not bloom long, and then later we will decorate the flowerbed with beautiful rіzblenym leaves until deep autumn.
  • Plant a flower bed with original and richly tiered flower beds, decorative cibules, the flowers of which are similar to non-vibrant cules.

  • All spring, summer and autumn they can decorate the kvtnik with a decorative tree.
  • Universal decorative shrub for dacha and host. If you plant it correctly, so that there is no stagnation of water, then after it, with regular watering, it is practically not necessary to look after it. The choice of varieties is already great - from great and tall, to low curbs. A decorative element is the leaves of different colors of green, yellow, black and line. Hostas can grow in space different lighting. But it’s better still for her pivtin. It’s a good winter, for a variety that can be beautifully large leaves, you can boldly plant it in the center of a flower bed and don’t touch it richly.
  • Cibulin and Bulbov high growth also zastosovuyt for the creation of flower beds - іsnuє bezlіch varieties of lilies, gladiolus, georgines. But here it is necessary to remember that the bulbi georgines and cibulins of gladiolus should be dug up for the winter, and save them from the cold spring until spring.
  • As it gets closer to the edges, then the growth grows lower behind the height.
  • Even better on the flowerbeds of single zhorghinis. The stench of the bushes, mayut a wide range of colors, bloom brightly almost all summer until the frost itself and unsightly to the sight. Before the speech, today's buildings are strongly thriving after being healed during the hanging planting. Otherwise, it will become tight for the Russians in a month.
  • Breeders have created impersonal varieties of aster, low and high, which can be different infestations, expansions and forms of flowers. Even more beautiful is the large head of the aistree and the brightly fluffy kulyasty of the aistree of medium size.
  • Petunia zavdyaki її bright color that rіznomanіtyu farb.
  • It is possible to supplement the gaps between the squares on a well-lit flower bed with Khsuston's ageratum - a small 20 cm long feather.
  • When the flowerbeds are closed, it’s better not to get overwhelmed by the great variety of views. Designers recommend vikoristovuvaty one or two tickets, adding a stretch of litas, as well as reshta roslin step by step change one to one. Such a butt can be a flower bed with visagenim broad-leaved and red until autumn bergenia, lily or hosta.
  • Along the edges of the flower beds, a flower border is hung, for which stunting of low-growth or ground-covered growths, which can make unfamiliar dry flowers. For example, you can hang like a curb honeydew, alissum, shawl, cuff, lavender. The border is also crowned with an awl-like phlox, Steller's polyne or gray sidum. Below is a photo of Dany Roslin for flowerbeds.

To create a unique landscape design on the premises, you can add flowerbeds. different types. With your planning greatest effect will be reached by the help of Roslyn. The main principle of the gardener is to serve as a biological and harmonious unity of flowers for flower beds.

The middle of different options for flowerbeds of kvіtkarі-pochatkіvtsі is ruined for an hour. The most difficult thing is to talk about food about those who choose tickets for a flower bed. What is better, bagatarians or singles? Yak looks cloudy decorative roslins on the green lawn, Budov, entrusted from the path? Our review of the main types of flowerbeds is intended for everyone who wants to create a kvtnik with their hands and to please their vitvor practically the whole river.

Amazing flowerbeds

At one of the largest forums in kvіtnikarіv - the school fair "Flora of Holland" 2013 in the community of Aalsmeier - the motto of the participants was the phrase "We want to cheer everyone up." The respect of the numerical representatives was turned on by two great exhibits - a heart of red trojans over a field of erysipelas gerberas and an outline of a tulip with ornamental cabbages of medium black, erysipelas, white colors.

It is important to show such compositions at the dacha, but the words "to cheer everyone" went out for help, you can take the flowerbed for the garden. Є the canons of landscape design, їm need to follow the hour of creation different types kvіtnikov. But the creative policy of thought did not sway anyone. Original shapes, non-primary contours garni kviti for flowerbeds to help zdivuvati all. Yaskravi monoliths to shed in the middle of a neatly trimmed lawn, lower pivony thoughtfully to shear large buds to evergreen boxwood. There are a lot of other ideas for creating beautiful elements of a kvіtnik, which will bring the whole world to life.

The best place for making flower beds

Competently planned and properly planted shoes will become a favorite detail of the patio, the center of gravity in the English, German and Japanese gardens, if you want to spend the whole free hour. Navit on obmezhennym expanse є mozhlivіst harmonically podnati odnatіchnі kviti for flowerbeds and bagatorіchniki, gazebos and benches.

It is due to the transfer of the ability to look after the roslins (watering, fluffing, weeding, feeding). Obov'yazkovo slid vrahuvati vomogi kolorіv to factors dovkilla. At the front garden, under the trees, and closer to the house, shade-loving and shade-loving ornamental cultures hang out. Sleepy area by the garden, protected from cold winds, brought in for light by heat-loving apartments.

Not a lot of theory, but the main see the flower beds

There are different classifications of quilts, more often they are divided into regular and irregular ones. Before the first group, one can see flowerbeds of regular geometric shape, typical of rice - symmetrical placement of growths, as a rule, fluttering at once. In plantings, there are clear boundaries, there are no smooth transitions, like irregular compositions.

To the regular ones, you can see more mono-flowers, for them, bagatori gardens (tulips, primroses, trojands, pivonias, zhorginis) are suitable. If you choose single tickets for flowerbeds, then vrakhovuyut, if different cultivars are released.

In an irregular composition, growths are planted in zones, which are based on natural transitions between plots, varying in height and zabarvlennyam. Next pick assortment for such a flower bed with improved savings decorative look not less than 6-7 months on the river.

Sorry flowerbed

Gardens, front gardens, yards and towns are embellished with curly kvtniki round abo square shape. You can have contours in a rhombus, a star, other geometric shapes, as shown in the photo of the flower beds from the squares in the statue. It is easy to remember that stinks are found independently on the lawn or become part of other decorative plantings. Simple flowerbeds of tulips with different pellusts, but of the same height, or a lot of roslins with colors of contrasting colors look out of sight.

Rosemary beds can be smaller than one meter (type 75). Often the diameter of the flower beds is over 1 m, the main roses - in 3 to 6 m of the top and bottom, 50-80 cm at the height. When bazhanni create flowerbeds with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, but it’s more important to watch the plantings. The leather bed is obliged to protrude over the lawn with its lower beam by 8-15 cm. Another option for the design of the edge is to cover the black slab and the beast with decorative crushed stone.

Folding flower beds

When folding bagatorіvnevoї system z kvіtіv resolutely pick up її components - decorative plants. In addition, they lift the entire structure, supplement it with natural stone, small architectural forms. Near the center there are high-growth trees, for example, dolphins, floxi, geleniums. In the world, middle growth and low species of flower crops are changing to the edges. For a folding flowerbed, the photo of which is presented below, tulips, iris, astilbe, begonia are suitable.

Replaced flower beds "chotiri seasons"

Birch-grass - the hour of early spring roslins. Summer and autumn cultures will come to change, which bloom up to 60 days. To these groups one can see aistry, cinnamon, georgia, chrysanthemum, gelenium. Single tickets for flowerbeds can replace the early spring growths on the cob of summer, which have spent decorativeness. Such changes on decorative beds have become a common practice.

Conductive landscape designers and amateur gardeners develop the “formulas” of changing indoor spaces, thus saving Garni view chotiri season roku. More and more popular are flowerbeds in containers, flowerpots, cats, barrels, vіzkah. Small behind the roses, the stench is suitable for any part of the garden, looking good from the gank, the terrace. You need only a little more often, you may need shelter for the winter. Popular cultures for containers: petunia, fuchsia, pelargonium, begonia, nasturtium, balsam.

Unchanged flowerbeds

Є decorative cultures, the flowers of which continue for a three-hour period. Crimson, vicorous evergreens and succulents. Conifers, decorative leaves and “pillows” are popular growths for such types of quilts, like rock gardens, mixborders and rockeries. The stench requires a minimum watch, as if on the back of the head is properly knitted. With a strong growth of pillow forms and succulents, it will be necessary to transplant and rejuvenate.

Trojandi - tse kviti for a flower bed, no matter what type. The shape of the rose garden varies greatly, which is inspired by gardeners, vlasniks dacha plots, cottages fantasize, show kmіtlivіst.

Island flowerbeds

Middle Maidanchiks different expansions on the lawns, you can build island flowerbeds, look out for a look from the sides. To lay down all kinds of flower beds to irregular compositions, in which there is no strict geometry of figures.

Decorating the flowerbeds with squares can be even simpler: a boulder is laid on a prepared maidanchik 2-2.5 m 2, and 3 bushes of pivonia or 5 low-growing irises near different colors of trees; Another option is 7-10 roses of cinnamon or primrose bushes. Such a decorative garden needs a clumsy sight: weeding, nourishing, watering. Island flowerbeds often become the center of the stalls;

  • decorative herbs;
  • bushes of clematis;
  • dwarf conifers (yalivets, biota, yew);
  • traditional bagatori on choli with the queen's garden - troyanda.

"Sadi Semiramidi" at the dacha

Flowerbeds can be grown in a sprat of tiers, which gives them an extraordinary look and easier sight. For the power of kvіtnikіv it is necessary to fortify the banks of the waters, to decorate the slopes of the humpbacks. With a richly tiered layout, the height of the kvіtnik can become a sprat of meters. To embellish the schila, it is better to vikoristovuvat bastard roses, as shown in the diagram below, behind the text of the article.

According to the thought of the famous landscape designer Enton Paul, the quilts are obov'yazkovo owing to the waters with a small waterfall, a lake, a stake, a fountain. I entrusted the good growth of water-loving flowers in the flowerbeds from the water. Name the deaky hygrophytes - bathing suit, kalyuzhnitsa, loosestrife of ivory. Good stinks are felt right on the swampy birch of the lake or stream. Trohi far away, you can plant bagatori - aquilegia, bergenia, primrose, hosta.

Creation and decoration flowerbeds

Flowerbeds can be one of the details of a practically any type of quilt. Often they are given a central position in the front garden or on the stalls. As the center of the structure rises above the edges, then with such a placement, all the apartments are more visible. For flowerbeds, this sickly may be of great importance, it will help to improve the improved and water regimes, making it easier to look after the seedlings. On the other side of the business, visit the following:

  • vydalnya turf, to avenge the rhizomes of the weeds;
  • supplementation of the substrate (addition of wood ash, humus, compost);
  • mixing components with a pitchfork;
  • introduction of mineral fertilizers;
  • rozmіtka for additional kilochkіv and twine.

On a flower bed of a twisted form, planting is carried out in rows, on a round one - start from the center. Sound the edge of the flower bed with turf, solid, natural stone, be some kind of decorative material. Vykoristovuyutsya decorative-leaf roslini, coniferous chagarniki.

Yakі kvіti hanging on the flowerbed?

Flowerbeds are made from roslin, which winter and do not winter near wet soil. In another type, more and more vikoristovuyutsya containers. In flower beds, decorative leafy growths are also present, but there are no more additions. Kilimov flowerbeds are planted with low-growing bastards and single-flowered flowerbeds, which means that the place is given to leafy-decorative crops with a variety of vegetative organs.

Popular bugatorical tickets for flowerbeds - nevibagly ephemeroids - roslini, cibulini and bulbi, which spend most of the season in a sleeping camp, spring awakening of nature. Before the others, randomly different hyacinths, crocuses, bagatoli tulips, vitrival muscari, proud daffodils and hazel grouses are released.

Kviti for flowerbeds. perelik

Assortments of decorative roslins are regularly updated with new varieties. One of the current trends is the creation of dwarf forms of popular summer and autumn rich colors. Breeders are also working on breeding hybrids ornamental crops, which is approved for viroshchuvannya in containers. It’s less trouble to make a showcase of low-growing flowers for flowerbeds:

  • Ageratum - odnorichnі or bagatorіchnі roslini with cheap tickets various zabarvlennya (bіlі, blakytnі, rozhevі, buzkovі).
  • Alyssum (beetroot) is a short-growing one-man or bagator. Zhovt pelyust.
  • Antirinum, or left ziv. It is even more different than the variety of unusual vines of the dwarf variety "Tom Tamb", the tall one - "Madama Butterfly", the ampelous one - "Lampion".
  • Aistra is single, popular varieties are “Bilosnizhka”, “Isadora”, “Blakitny іnіy”.
  • Astilba ( dwarf vidi see 8 divs).
  • Periwinkle is an evergreen bagatorichnik that spreads.
  • Chornobrivtsi (tagetes) low-growing varieties Antigua, Kilimanjaro, Tiger Eyes.
  • Begonia varieties Organdy, Cock Tail (15-25 cm).
  • Viola (violet, brothers) - herbaceous singles or bagatories. The tickets are black, yellow, red.
  • The saxifrage is a rhizomatous bagatorichnik, making curtains. Height - 5 cm.
  • Nasturtium - varieties "Alaska", "Cherry troyanda", "Day and night".
  • Forget-me-nots, daisies are traditional undersized flowers for flowerbeds.

Vykoristovuyutsya when the flowerbeds are arranged are popular batory decorative growths: hybrid petunia, carnation, mallow, troyanda, phlox. Freshness and a shaky look to put on edelweiss and shards.


The design of the flower beds is not guilty of vibrating from the global canvas of the chosen style for the garden (English, German, Italian, Japanese, tropical, vintage and eco-style). Landscape designer Enton Paul respects the main principles of simplicity and beauty in the environment. Meister chooses decorative crops for his compositions, which harmonize with the forms of the garden and the garden.

Garni kviti call out to me, I feel a home calmness and calmness. Early on you see the gank, you have a savory fresh wind, you look at the flower bed - and it’s so kind to the soul!

It would be so easy to choose tickets for a flower bed! Barvist bags with a lot of stench - at the nearest store. But a lot of summer residents, enchanted by beautiful pictures, do not give meaning to the peculiarities of growing and the terms of color. The results are not won by those who planned.

Some flowers need to be grown through the rose garden, so that during the spring sowing (when vіdkritiy ґrunt) the stench blooms only closer to autumn, the others are bright and folded at the sight, the third has a short flowering period, the fourth is not to blame for light frosts. This list can be extended to infinity. To that, rushing to the store for our tickets, sprobit vibir zazdalegid: why do you want to bachiti at the dacha, how much time and effort are you ready to spend for the sake of the garden flower? Just as importantly, take a look at the distributions and tickets - you will know about the rules of your own growth, at the same time learn about the rules of their cultivation.

Rules for planting tickets on flowerbeds

When choosing a place for flowerbeds and selection of flower crops, please follow the simple rules:


A place for a quiet place to get sleepy, not blown by the winds: think not only about the aesthetic appearance of the flower bed, but also about the comfort for the apartments.


It’s more beautiful (that and more practical) to build one larger flower bed, lower sprats of small ones.

Not varto robiti її overly chimeric form: curly quilts look miraculous, but it’s important to finish their quilts.

Plan and color

Use olives, patterns, paper and paint a plan for printing tickets on flower beds. Try not to work on such strings of combinations. The stench “looks” an eye and looks ungraciously. And yet you still want to go to one flower bed of the faceless brightly fluffy roses, spreading them with monophonic smugs. Even more beautifully looking, he dressed in white suits. At this stage, you will need the following publications:


Obov'yazkovo insure the height of the colors! Turn around the flower bed more beautifully undersized roslins:
  • (stunted species);
  • dwarf and so on.
At the middle part of the flower bed, hang out medium-sized see tickets:
  • (undersized);
  • and others.
Color the center of the flower bed tall flower crops:
  • viscolous;
  • and others.
You can also decorate the center of the flower bed, the original look is beautiful.

And if you want to grow the flowers of the same height, arrange a flower bed near a flat pyramid, then flat flower beds do not look so beautiful.

Terms of color

Try to pick varieties of ornamental crops with the same term flower. Will be covered, as if the growth will bloom at day time destroying your thoughts seriously vіzerunok.


How to delve into especially ґrunti for skin public view If you leave for flowerbeds, then you can easily get lost, I’ll say to my head mind: the soil sum is the fault of the yakomoga zhivnish, turn on the black soil (ideally), good priming and dobrivami.

In addition, hang out those roslins, as well as adapted to your region. To give respect to bagatoric tickets for flowerbeds, even with them there is less trouble, less with odnorichniks.

Roztashuvannya bagatorіchnіv in the flowerbed

There are a lot of bugatarians at the “childish” miniature flooring, so you want to hang them on the flowerbed more summarily. Do not allow such pardons! In the course of time, the stench grows and grows rich in space. For example, you can hang around 1-2 bushes per 1 m2. Roslini of medium height ( , ) - 4-5 pcs each, low-growing quiti ( , ) boldly plant 6-8 pcs per 1 m2, and you can see that creeping (azorella, hauttuynia) can be settled even more: 9-10 pcs per skin square meter flower beds.

And don’t let me bang you, because right after the landing, the flowerbed looks empty... And from now on, plant bagatorichny kvіti over that heap, in the year of the strong, the growth will “forget” the weak.

Beautiful flowerbed with bagatorichnikiv

For її cladding, find a sleepy place with a size of 3.5x2.5 m.

The report list of Roslins is added to the scheme.

Booth for tickets

The garni roslins need a garni budinok, chi not so? Let's take a look at the most popular flowerbeds and plants recommended before growing on them.

Under the dry name, I cry less ... geometry, to that the virtues here hang out at the geometric order.

Moreover, the flowerbed itself can be a form. The symmetry of the roztashuvannya roslin can be obviously lifted, or the ice is crushed - to your liking. When regular flower beds are assembled, it is necessary to select those growing plants, which will bloom at once:

  • astilbi;
  • and many others.
In addition, the height of the colors for a regular flower bed is more or less the same, so that the principle of symmetry is applied to everything.

And the axis here is to turn around here! Wisajuwati can be used in irregular flower beds different growths: dwarf trees and chagarniki, bagatorichnі and single flowers with different flower terms.

And practical summer residents are smart enough to write in the list of vegetable crops: , and many others. Really, why not? Fantasize and you!

Striking construction! Broken with stone, vine, colored tiles and navit with marmur - it’s built to become a rodinka, be it a garden.

Even more effective rich parts of the planting of flower beds, the creation of which will require chimalih zusil, materials and pennies. And you can hang onto it everything that your darling cares about: creamy and yellow daffodils look spectacular in the same way with erysipelas and yellow ones. And framing for flowerbeds can become i.

The simplest of the flower beds.

Might as well be-like forms, but you will be filled with colors of the same type.

Let's talk about our favorite colors. Describe the advantages of all - you can write more than one article, I will also be surrounded by a trio of leaders.


Short (up to 20 cm) beautiful kvitucha roslin with openwork leaves suitable for lovers of thin borders in flower beds.