"Everyday life with a girl-monster": characters and descriptions of the plot. Everyday Life with Monster Girls: Characters and Description of the Story All Characters Everyday Life with Monster Girls

At the world of Naruto, two fates passed without a hitch. A lot of newcomers added a number of enlightened sinobi in the early tyuninu that day. The heroes of the head did not sit on the mіstsі - having become the skin of one of the legendary Sannins - the three great ninjas of Konokh. The lad at the orange one continued learning from the wise, ale eccentric Dzirai, step by step converges on a new scree of combat meisternost. Sakura hung at the helper and trusted person of the healer Tsunade - the new leader of the Settlement Leaf. Well, and Sasuke, whose pride has called to vygnannya from Konoha, joining the time of the union with the evil Orochimaru, moreover, he respects the skin, which is less victorious until the singing hour.

The short rebar ended, and they rushed off in a storm with a hurricane swish. At Konohu, the new sprouts of old chvars, sown by the first Hokage, are re-growing. The taemnichiy leader of Akatsuki instilled a plan for the coming of light panuvannya. It’s restless in the village of Pisku and the dry lands, the old secrets are merged, and it’s clear that if you happen to pay for the rahunki. Dovgoochіkuvane continuation of the manga breathed new life the series has a new hope for the hearts of unnamed fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (52116)

    The swordsman Tatsumi, a simple lad from the country's labor force, fought to Moscow in order to earn a penny for his starving village.
    And having gone there, it is not difficult to find out that the capital is great and beautiful, it is only visible. The place was loaded with corruption, zhorstokost and lawless, like going like the prime minister, who would rule the country through lashtunki.
    Ale yak usim vіdomo - "One at the field is not a warrior" and nothing can be seen here, especially if your enemy is the head of the state, more precisely than the one who pretends to be.
    How do you know Tatsumi is of the same mind and how can you change it? Marvel at it yourself.

  • (52097)

    Fairy Tail is famous all over the world for its crazy windings of the Guild of Enchanters for Hire. Young Charivnitsia Lucy Bula was imperative, pushing, having become one member, she poisoned in the Miracle itself in the Sviti Gildiy ... Doty, docks did not know his own comrades - voguhovyuy, all in his gateway, cats, hepical, hepical , bored-berserk Elsa, glamorous and magisterial Loki ... Together, they should be healthy, chimalo enemies, and survive the impersonal unforgettable benefits!

  • (46727)

    18-row Sora and 11-row Siro - brother and sister stars, completed weekends and gamblers. If two self-identities have been struck, an unshakable union “Empty Space” has been born, which will instill fear in all similar gamers. Wanting to shake and mutilate in public lads not like a child, Merezh’s little Siro is a genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology, which cannot be deceived. It’s a pity, the old opponents vanquished without a hitch, so Siro treated the shakhivnitsy so much, de from the first moves, the master’s handwriting was visible. Having won on the crossroads, the heroes took away their proposition - to move to another world, to understand and appreciate their talents!

    Why not? Our world Soru and Siro don’t care for anything, but let’s have fun with the world. 16 races live in the game world, for which people are respected by the weakest and the untalented. And yet, the miracle boys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkії - the single land of people, and we believe that the success of Sori and Siro will not be obscured. The messengers of the Earth need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they can throw a cry to the god Tetu - his own, before the speech, old know. Just think about it, what do you need to do?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46460)

    Fairy Tail is famous all over the world for its crazy windings of the Guild of Enchanters for Hire. Young Charivnitsia Lucy Bula was imperative, pushing, having become one member, she was poisoned in a nedudovysh in the svіtі gildiy ... Doty, the docks did not know his own comrades - we are voguyly with the voggy of the bucket of Natsu, Kota, hepical, hepical, hepical, bored berserk Elsa, glamorous and lordly Loki ... Together, they should be healthy and chimalo enemies and survive the impersonal unforgettable benefits!

  • (62936)

    A student at the University of Kaneki Ken, after an unfortunate slump, spends his time at the liquorice, deyom pomilkovo transplant the organs of one of the gulls - a potion that gorges on the human body. Now vin himself becomes one of them, and for people he transforms into an outcast who indulges in poverty. But how can you become your own for other people? Chi now the world has no more room for it? Tse anime rozpovist about the share of Kaneki and about those, which swelled the veins in the future of Tokyo, deriving an uninterrupted war between two species.

  • (35404)

    The continent, which lies at the center of the Ignol ocean, is the great central one and more chotiri - Pivdenniy, Pivnichniy, Skhidniy and Zakhidniy and the gods themselves look after him, and the name of Yente Isla.
    І І ім'я, scho throwing into Zhah be someone on Ente Isla - Lord of Darkness Mao.
    Vіn lord of the potoybіchny svіtu, where musty dark creatures live.
    Vіn є vtіlennya fear and fear.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao, having voiced the war to the human race and shinning death and ruin throughout the entire continent, Ente Isla.
    The rulers of Temryavi were served by 4 mighty generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malakoda.
    Four Demon Generals defeated the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared, standing up against the army of hell. The hero of that yoga comrade raised Vladika's war at the entrance, gave Adramelech at the pivnoch and Malakoda at Pvdnі. The hero having united the army of the human race and attacked the central continent, where the castle of the Lord of Darkness was standing.

  • (33782)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a skinny blue-eyed young man in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is attributed to a large number of believers, and our hero - neither to the temple, nor to the victims, all donations are placed at the sake dance. Lap at shiny khustci podroblyaet maistrom on all hands, tiny voices on the walls, but do it better to go even worse. Navit movast Mayu, as a richly rokіv pratsyuє sinki - Sacred armor Yato - left the ruler. And without a shield, the young god is not the strongest for the greatest mortal magician; And who cares about such a celestial being?

    Like a pretty high school student Xієrі Іkі rushed under the vantage in order to hide the lad in black. It was badly skinned - the girl did not perish, but she got the building of “come out” from the body and walk “on that side”. Zustrivshi Yato there and knowing about the guilt of his bead, Khієri overcame the homeless god of health, for he himself knew that no one could live a long time among the worlds. The axis only, having got to know each other more closely, understood that the lower Yato does not have the strength to solve this problem. Well, you need to take it right into your own hands and especially direct the tramp on the true path: a little bit of a short-lived streak, then help earn more, and then, marvel at what you see. It is not without reason to say: what the woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33743)

    AT high school the art of Suimei University is a faceless garden, and a booth "Sakura". As if there are strict rules in the gurtozhitka, then everything is possible in Sakura, not without reason її mіstseve prіzvisko - a divine house. So, like a genius and a god of god, I entrusted here, then the bagmen of the “cherry garden” are talented and cicavi lads, as if they were already vibrating from the “swamp”. Take if you want Misaki, who sells to major studios in the best anime, or a friend of the playboy screenwriter Jin or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only on Merezhi and on the phone. Matched with them head hero Sorata Kanda is a simpleton, like having spent more than enough at the "psychiatric hospital" for ... love to the guts!

    Tom Chihiro-sensei, the head of the group, entrusted Sorata, as the only sufferer, to instruct her cousin Masiro, who is being transferred to her school from distant Britain. The trendy blonde gave herself to Candi as a right, bright angel. True, at the party with the new courts, the guest was trimming sparsely and spoke little, but the fresh shanuvalnik attributed everything to mindful stress and therefore the road. Just a good stress check on Sorata vranci, if you wake up Masiro. The hero with a zakhom ozumіv, scho yogo new znayoma - the great artist is absolutely not in the light of the world, so, independently, to dress up is not good! And Tihiro’s approach is here like here - see Kanda always see her sister, even if the lad is already working out on the guts!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33999)

    at the XXI century svіtovіy spіlnotі nareshti far away to systematize the mysticism of magic and raise yoga to a new day. Zdatnyh vikoristovuvaty magic after the completion of nine classes in Japan, none of them check at the schools of magic - but it’s even better for entrants to add up to sleep. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, one hundred of the best ones should be secured on the first graduation, the rest - in the reserve, on the other, moreover, the depositors deposited less than the first hundred, "Kvitkam". Others, "Buryani", learn independently. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination is constantly hovering in the school, and even instill a different form in both of them.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born with a difference of 11 months, which allowed them to learn on one rotation. When entering the First School, the sister opines among the Tsvetkov, and the brother - among the Buryaniv: despite the miraculous theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for you.
    Zagalom, we are cherished by the middle brother and sister, as well as their new friends - Tibi Eriki, Saidze Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Sibati Mіdzukі - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Tournament of Nine Schools and more.

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (30000)

    "Sim Mortal Sins", when there were great wars, shoved by the British. But once they ring at the try to knock down the monarchs and beat the warriors of the Holy Litsar. Let the Holy Persons rule the coup d'état and seize power from their own hands. And "Sim Mortal Sins", now izgoї, have scattered throughout the whole kingdom, whoever you are. Princess Elizabeth could have flown out of the castle. Vaughn virushit virushiti on the tricks of Meliodas, the gang of Simka Grekhiv. Now the whole family can unite anew, to bring their innocence and avenge the wickedness.

  • (28749)

    2021 rec. Having consumed the unknown virus "Gastreya" on the ground, which for a few days may have all the people. Ale tse is not just a virus, like Ebola chi Plague. Vin does not drive people in. Gastreya is a sensible infection, as if it were reborn DNA, transforming it into a terrible monster.
    The war began and the results passed 10 years. People knew how to fight infection. The only one who cannot endure Gastrea, the most special metal is Varanium. For the first time, people aroused the majestic monoliths and surrounded Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few people, having survived, can live behind the monoliths in the world, but it’s a pity that the threat has not gone anywhere. Gastrea dosі chekaє zruchnuyu moment schob porinut Tokyo that neschishchi surpluses of people. There is no hope. Blame people for less food. But the terrible virus had another effect. Є tі, who are already people with this virus in the blood. Cі children, "Cursed children" (including girls) mayut superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the virus is wider, even more richly lower in the body of a splendid person. Only a few stinks can resist the generations of "Gastrya" and more people can afford nothing more. How can our heroes vryatuvat leftovers of living people and know the faces of a stingy virus? Marvel at it yourself.

  • (27820)

    The story in "Steins, Gate" unfolds through the river after "Chaos, Head".
    The tension of the story takes place in the realistically created district of Akakhibara, in the famous shopping center of otaku in Tokyo. The opening to the plot is as follows: a group of friends are assembled in Akikhibari as an attachment for strengthening textual reminders in the past. The experiments of the heroes of the grieve zatsіkavluєєtsya taєmnicha organization under the name of SERN, yak occupies with powerful achievements in the sphere more expensive by the hour. And now friends have to report gigantic zusils in order not to be hoarded with CERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    The series 23β has been added, as an alternative term to the transition to the continuation in SG0.
  • (27112)

    Thirty thousand graves from Japan and far more from the rest of the world were locked up in insurance on a richly colorful online role-playing game "Legend of the Ancients". From one side, gamers moved to new World Physically, the illusion of reality seemed to be even more hopeless. On the other hand, the “fallen” saved a lot of avatars and newcomers, the interface of the koristuvach and the pumping system, that death at the grі led only until Sunday in the cathedral of the nearest great place. Understanding that there is no great mark, and not naming anyone for leaving, the graves began to beat together - alone, to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, and others - to resist lawlessness.

    Siroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a mighty warrior in the grі, they have long known one behind the legendary guild "God's tea". It’s a pity, those hours are gone for a while, but in the new reality you can catch up with old acquaintances and just good lads, you won’t be boring with them. And the smut - in the world of "Legends" appeared the root of the population, as if vvazhe pribultsiv great and immortal heroes. Mimovoli wants to become such a face of the Round Table, which beats dragons and rages girls. Well, the girls are on the verge of vistache, monsters and robbers, and for help, there is a place on the bed of Akibi's living room. Golovna - die in grі all the same, it’s not warto, it’s better to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27227)

    The world of Hunter x Hunter has a class of people called Mislivtsy, yak, vikoristovuyuchi psychic strength and training of strong vistas of struggle, dol_dzhuyut wild little bits of a civilized world. The head hero, a young man on the name of Gon (Gun), is the son of the greatest Mislivets. Yogo batko taєmniche znik richly rokіv that, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gun) virіshuє drink yogo with his feet. Dear wines to know a few companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose meta is wealth. Kurapika is the one who survived from his clan, whose meta is the pomsta. Killua is a scumbag hired killer, whose meta is training. At once, the stinks reach me and become Myslivtsy, but it’s less than a first gathering on the old old path ... And before that, the history of Killua and yoga sim'ї, the history of avenging Kurapiki that, obviously, the beginning, the new day, come in handy! The series of soundings on the site of Kurapika ... Who checks us out through the rocks of rock?

  • (28035)

    The race of ghouls is from ancient times. Її representatives of zovsіm are not against people, stink of them to love - it is more important to look at the orphan. Lovers of human beings do not quarrel with us, strong, swedish and tenacious - but there are not enough of them, to that the ghouls vibrated the rules of polution and masquerading, and the scoundrels themselves punish them quietly to give the fighters from uncleanness. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but, as it seems, they sounded. The authorities do not care about Ludozherіv as a threat, moreover, they consider them as an ideal basis for the creation of super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time.

    The main character Ken Kanek checks for a pain in the ass of a new way, because he understands that people and ghouls are similar: just one and one eat the same in the direct meaning, and in the figurative. The truth of life is zhorstok, it is not possible to rebuild it, and the strongest one is the one who does not enter. And far away already!

  • (26739)

    Diya is seen in an alternative reality, where the demons have been known for a long time; near the Pacific Ocean, to navit the island - "Itogamidzima", de demons, є povnotsіnmi hulks and may be equal with people of law. Prote іsnuyut and people-magicians, yakі lead polyuvannya on them, zokrema on vampіrіv. Zvichayny Japanese schoolboy on the name of Akatsuki Kodze z unreasonable reason pretended to be a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. Behind him, a young girl Khimeraki Yukina begins to follow, or a “shaman of the blade”, as she is guilty of following the Akatsuki and hitting yoga at the time, as if she were viyde z-pid control.

  • (25472)

    The story tells about a young man named after Saitam, who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. Yomu 25, fox-like and beautiful, so strong flooring, that with one blow annihilyuє all the ills for the people. Vin jokes to himself on the difficult way of life, along the way handing out potilichniks to monsters and hardships.

  • (23186)

    In time for you to play in the game. What will be for the country - roulette roll. Your life will be at stake. After death, people, yak perished overnight, spend at Quin Decim, de їm lie down to play in a group. Ale, those who are with them are true, the Court of Heaven.

  • Real monsters want to contact us! Three fates of this world recognized that harpies, centaurs, girls-guts and others see fairy tales - not just a guess; stench - flesh and blood, not seeming already about luska, pіr'ya, horns that іkla. Zavdyaki "Law on cultural exchange between species" if mythical sources are assimilated in the suspіlstvі or, accepted, slandered. nig on the head. Napіzmіya on іm'ya Mіya come, to live with him. Kimihito's robot is stoked in order to change things about her, so that she can be integrated into everyday life. Unfortunately, for Kurusu, Miya is an undeniably sexy character, and the “Law on Cultural Exchange” is even better for cross-species differences. The prote situation gets worse, if the coquettish harpy and the centaur girl are in the air. What is the work of the cei yunak with raging hormones?

    It so happened that the outstanding student of the senior school Kimikhito Kurus lives alone at the great house. Pardon coordinator of the cultural exchange project attaches to a new girl-lamia. And all for nothing, but the guest will suffocate in a clapping and begin to calm down. The situation is aggravated if Mrs. Smith starts to illegally settle to Kurus and other enchanting sources. And so girls! Bіdolashny Kimіkhіto now has a bad luck: having become worthy of new monsters, nibi yom is not enough Mії.

    Kimihito Kurusu

    Head hero anime everyday life with a girl-monster ”- an excellent senior student. Cute, but not red. Black-haired, karo-eyed. But in most of the scenes, your eyes look like white circles, taking on a normal color, only if the youngster is shocked, or can make an important decision. Trohi naivny, kind and self-confessed. Dobre shiє, vmіє prepare. Across the cordon Timchasovo live alone.


    Zdebіlshoy in the anime "Everyday life with a monster girl" all the characters are not familiar people. For example, Miya - napіvdіvchina-napіzmіya. There is the first guest at Kurusu's booth.

    Mії has red hair, eyes of burshtin color, sharpened red hair, old tongue and ikla. Ale, the main feature of the girl is a 7-meter snake tail, so you can’t beat it.

    Miya is coquettish and constantly flirting with Kimihito, not wasting her hopes to calm down early. For the sake of the new won, you begin to learn to prepare, not brutally respect, that all її stravi є are absolutely unnatural.

    Be afraid of amputations, you can’t stay in the cold for a long time because of your cold-bloodedness, love to eat eggs.

    I'm even jealous if I'm angry with Kimihito, b'є yogo's tail. Zvertaetsya to the lad "Dear".


    Harpy girl. Ignorant of my age, looking like a child. Papi has black hair that orange eyes, the deputy of human legs - birds, the deputy of hands - wings with one thumb. Through tse maiden it is important to trim deaky objects and wear clothes with clasps. Love video games and malt.

    Papa is light-weighted, rozsiyana, rottenly remembers what you see, and quickly forgets everything, through which sometime in the anime “Everyday life with a girl-monster” the characters call them “Kuryachі mіzki”.


    Slime. Before the appearance of Suu, it was important that there was no such thing.

    The right form of the girl is a jelly-like masa with green “hair”. But it was easier to contact people, Suu takes on a human-like form. Sound out a copy of Papa's parameters, and yet, as if it were fading rich water, looking more mature.

    In the anime "Everyday Life with a Monster Girl" the characters can be eccentric. Suu no blame: she vvazha for the better to walk naked through the features of her body, but sometimes clothes and a cloak. The specialty was not small on the back, but it was less likely to imitate the behavior of the otochyuchy.


    All the characters in the anime "Everyday Life with a Girl-Monster" are not similar one to one, not only in soundness, but in characters.

    Cyria - fair-haired centaur girl. Blakitnook, svetloshkir, fist-breast, with kіnsky ears. Even striman that vіddana. In the native land of Cyria, there are more strict rules: you can only sit on the back of a centaur. Such a maestro maiden knows Kimikhito. However, I don’t show my yoma almost like I’m crying, on the vіdmіnu vіd Mії, but rather strain.

    One of the biggest ur_vnovazhenih and calm sacks at the booth Kurusu. In the anime "Everyday Life with a Girl-Monster", the characters of which are not disturbed by a calm vdacha, Tsirija tries to stream other girls, so that the stench can be crossed all the borders of what is permitted.

    Merone Lorelei

    Blackytnooka mermaid z dovgymi give birth to hair, with fins between fingers and fins instead of vuh. Zamіst nіg at Mero hvіst, which is the head of the girl's problems: to be brought to wear long-term cloth she changed into a disabled visa. Perebuvayuchi among friends, volіє manage less bikini.

    Forever already vvіchliva, with good manners, through tse bagato someone knows that the girl is from a noble homeland.

    Dream about such a kohannya, like the Kazakh "Mermaid". To that it is necessary to suffer, bachachi Kimikhito z іnshoy.

    Rachnera Arachnera

    In the anime "Everyday Life with a Girl-Monster" the characters seem to call out an ambiguous reaction.

    Rakhner's bushy hair is pretty to finish off, so forget about the supplements of the eyes and the lower part of the body.

    Through the specific nature of Rakhner, love does not greet the estranged, the girl had problems with the family that they accept.

    Chi do not tolerate nonsense, dosit cynical and maє sadistic skill. To love to perfect the technique of tying with spider threads on other monster girls without any luck. However, when you try to help, no one can be fooled in a right way.


    Dullahan girl. Itself vvazhє more beautifully call yourself the Messenger of Death.

    A miniature (1.58 m) of the white-haired Lala is taken in by a monster, not respecting his whole human appearance. The maiden is built without any expenses, to strengthen her head from the body and so to sleep. Through this particularity, Lale has to wear a scarf consistently.

    In the meantime, move among the worlds and take away the souls of the dead, cherish the dead. On the back, she showed up for Kimihito, but Agent Smіt zumіla її vodmoviti. On the vіdmіnu vіd reshti sacks budinka, do not try to calm the lad, to that scho vpovnena, after the death of wines and so it will be її.

    Mrs Smith

    Kuroko is the coordinator of the cultural exchange program and the commander of the monster pen, created to catch potentially unsafe evils. Viddaє perevagu business style clothes and sonceathic eyepieces.

    Prior to your work, you should be put without help, because you care that you pay little and don’t encourage. Came to Kimihito's booth of girl-monsters, to spare her at their meal and make her work easier. Often, up to Kurus for a cup of kawi or obid, but never in advance of the possibility of collapsing with yoga guests.

    At the world of Naruto, two fates passed without a hitch. A lot of newcomers added a number of enlightened sinobi in the early tyuninu that day. The heroes of the head did not sit on the mіstsі - having become the skin of one of the legendary Sannins - the three great ninjas of Konokh. The lad at the orange one continued learning from the wise, ale eccentric Dzirai, step by step converges on a new scree of combat meisternost. Sakura hung at the helper and trusted person of the healer Tsunade - the new leader of the Settlement Leaf. Well, and Sasuke, whose pride has called to vygnannya from Konoha, joining the time of the union with the evil Orochimaru, moreover, he respects the skin, which is less victorious until the singing hour.

    The short rebar ended, and they rushed off in a storm with a hurricane swish. At Konohu, the new sprouts of old chvars, sown by the first Hokage, are re-growing. The taemnichiy leader of Akatsuki instilled a plan for the coming of light panuvannya. It is restless in the village of Pisku and the dry lands, the old taemnits are merging together, and it is clear that if you happen to pay for the rahunki. The long-awaited continuation of the manga has breathed new life into the series and a new hope into the hearts of indifferent fans!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (52116)

    The swordsman Tatsumi, a simple lad from the country's labor force, fought to Moscow in order to earn a penny for his starving village.
    And having gone there, it is not difficult to find out that the capital is great and beautiful, it is only visible. The place was loaded with corruption, zhorstokost and lawless, like going like the prime minister, who would rule the country through lashtunki.
    Ale yak usim vіdomo - "One at the field is not a warrior" and nothing can be seen here, especially if your enemy is the head of the state, more precisely than the one who pretends to be.
    How do you know Tatsumi is of the same mind and how can you change it? Marvel at it yourself.

  • (52097)

    Fairy Tail is famous all over the world for its crazy windings of the Guild of Enchanters for Hire. Young Charivnitsia Lucy Bula was imperative, pushing, having become one member, she poisoned in the Miracle itself in the Sviti Gildiy ... Doty, docks did not know his own comrades - voguhovyuy, all in his gateway, cats, hepical, hepical , bored-berserk Elsa, glamorous and magisterial Loki ... Together, they should be healthy, chimalo enemies, and survive the impersonal unforgettable benefits!

  • (46727)

    18-row Sora and 11-row Siro - brother and sister stars, completed weekends and gamblers. If two self-identities have been struck, an unshakable union “Empty Space” has been born, which will instill fear in all similar gamers. Wanting to shake and mutilate in public lads not like a child, Merezh’s little Siro is a genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology, which cannot be deceived. It’s a pity, the old opponents vanquished without a hitch, so Siro treated the shakhivnitsy so much, de from the first moves, the master’s handwriting was visible. Having won on the crossroads, the heroes took away their proposition - to move to another world, to understand and appreciate their talents!

    Why not? Our world Soru and Siro don’t care for anything, but let’s have fun with the world. 16 races live in the game world, for which people are respected by the weakest and the untalented. And yet, the miracle boys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elkії - the single land of people, and we believe that the success of Sori and Siro will not be obscured. The messengers of the Earth need to unite all the races of Disboard - and then they can throw a cry to the god Tetu - his own, before the speech, old know. Just think about it, what do you need to do?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46460)

    Fairy Tail is famous all over the world for its crazy windings of the Guild of Enchanters for Hire. Young Charivnitsia Lucy Bula was imperative, pushing, having become one member, she was poisoned in a nedudovysh in the svіtі gildiy ... Doty, the docks did not know his own comrades - we are voguyly with the voggy of the bucket of Natsu, Kota, hepical, hepical, hepical, bored berserk Elsa, glamorous and lordly Loki ... Together, they should be healthy and chimalo enemies and survive the impersonal unforgettable benefits!

  • (62936)

    A student at the University of Kaneki Ken, after an unfortunate slump, spends his time at the liquorice, deyom pomilkovo transplant the organs of one of the gulls - a potion that gorges on the human body. Now vin himself becomes one of them, and for people he transforms into an outcast who indulges in poverty. But how can you become your own for other people? Chi now the world has no more room for it? Tse anime rozpovist about the share of Kaneki and about those, which swelled the veins in the future of Tokyo, deriving an uninterrupted war between two species.

  • (35404)

    The continent, which lies at the center of the Ignol ocean, is the great central one and more chotiri - Pivdenniy, Pivnichniy, Skhidniy and Zakhidniy and the gods themselves look after him, and the name of Yente Isla.
    І І ім'я, scho throwing into Zhah be someone on Ente Isla - Lord of Darkness Mao.
    Vіn lord of the potoybіchny svіtu, where musty dark creatures live.
    Vіn є vtіlennya fear and fear.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao, having voiced the war to the human race and shinning death and ruin throughout the entire continent, Ente Isla.
    The rulers of Temryavi were served by 4 mighty generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malakoda.
    Four Demon Generals defeated the attack on 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared, standing up against the army of hell. The hero of that yoga comrade raised Vladika's war at the entrance, gave Adramelech at the pivnoch and Malakoda at Pvdnі. The hero having united the army of the human race and attacked the central continent, where the castle of the Lord of Darkness was standing.

  • (33782)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a skinny blue-eyed young man in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is attributed to a large number of believers, and our hero - neither to the temple, nor to the victims, all donations are placed at the sake dance. The lad at the shiny khusttsі podroblyaє majstr on all hands, tiny voices on the walls, but do it better to go badly. Navit movast Mayu, as a richly rokіv pratsyuє sinki - Sacred armor Yato - left the ruler. And without a shield, the young god is not the strongest for the greatest mortal magician; And who cares about such a celestial being?

    Like a pretty high school student Xієrі Іkі rushed under the vantage in order to hide the lad in black. It was badly skinned - the girl did not perish, but she got the building of “come out” from the body and walk “on that side”. Zustrivshi Yato there and knowing about the guilt of his bead, Khієri overcame the homeless god of health, for he himself knew that no one could live a long time among the worlds. The axis only, having got to know each other more closely, understood that the lower Yato does not have the strength to solve this problem. Well, you need to take it right into your own hands and especially direct the tramp on the true path: a little bit of a short-lived streak, then help earn more, and then, marvel at what you see. It is not without reason to say: what the woman wants - God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33743)

    At the senior school of arts at Suimei University, there are a lot of flowers, and there is a Sakura booth. As if there are strict rules in the gurtozhitka, then everything is possible in Sakura, not without reason її mіstseve prіzvisko - a divine house. So, like a genius and a god of god, I entrusted here, then the bagmen of the “cherry garden” are talented and cicavi lads, as if they were already vibrating from the “swamp”. Take if you want Misaki, who sells to major studios in the best anime, or a friend of the playboy screenwriter Jin or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only on Merezhi and on the phone. Tired of them, the main hero Sorata Kanda is a simpleton, who has spent more than enough at the "psychiatric hospital" for ... love to the guts!

    Tom Chihiro-sensei, the head of the group, entrusted Sorata, as the only sufferer, to instruct her cousin Masiro, who is being transferred to her school from distant Britain. The trendy blonde gave herself to Candi as a right, bright angel. True, at the party with the new courts, the guest was trimming sparsely and spoke little, but the fresh shanuvalnik attributed everything to mindful stress and therefore the road. Just a good stress check on Sorata vranci, if you wake up Masiro. The hero with a zakhom ozumіv, scho yogo new znayoma - the great artist is absolutely not in the light of the world, so, independently, to dress up is not good! And Tihiro’s approach is here like here - see Kanda always see her sister, even if the lad is already working out on the guts!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33999)

    at the XXI century svіtovіy spіlnotі nareshti far away to systematize the mysticism of magic and raise yoga to a new day. Zdatnyh vikoristovuvaty magic after the completion of nine classes in Japan, none of them check at the schools of magic - but it’s even better for entrants to add up to sleep. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, one hundred of the best ones should be secured on the first graduation, the rest - in the reserve, on the other, moreover, the depositors deposited less than the first hundred, "Kvitkam". Others, "Buryani", learn independently. At the same time, an atmosphere of discrimination is constantly hovering in the school, and even instill a different form in both of them.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born with a difference of 11 months, which allowed them to learn on one rotation. When entering the First School, the sister opines among the Tsvetkov, and the brother - among the Buryaniv: despite the miraculous theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for you.
    Zagalom, we are cherished by the middle brother and sister, as well as their new friends - Tibi Eriki, Saidze Leonhart (you can just Leo) and Sibati Mіdzukі - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Tournament of Nine Schools and more.

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (30000)

    "Sim Mortal Sins", when there were great wars, shoved by the British. But once they ring at the try to knock down the monarchs and beat the warriors of the Holy Litsar. Let the Holy Persons rule the coup d'état and seize power from their own hands. And "Sim Mortal Sins", now izgoї, have scattered throughout the whole kingdom, whoever you are. Princess Elizabeth could have flown out of the castle. Vaughn virushit virushiti on the tricks of Meliodas, the gang of Simka Grekhiv. Now the whole family can unite anew, to bring their innocence and avenge the wickedness.

  • (28749)

    2021 rec. Having consumed the unknown virus "Gastreya" on the ground, which for a few days may have all the people. Ale tse is not just a virus, like Ebola chi Plague. Vin does not drive people in. Gastreya is a sensible infection, as if it were reborn DNA, transforming it into a terrible monster.
    The war began and the results passed 10 years. People knew how to fight infection. The only one who cannot endure Gastrea, the most special metal is Varanium. For the first time, people aroused the majestic monoliths and surrounded Tokyo with them. It seemed that now few people, having survived, can live behind the monoliths in the world, but it’s a pity that the threat has not gone anywhere. Gastrea dosі chekaє zruchnuyu moment schob porinut Tokyo that neschishchi surpluses of people. There is no hope. Blame people for less food. But the terrible virus had another effect. Є tі, who are already people with this virus in the blood. Cі children, "Cursed children" (including girls) mayut superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the virus is wider, even more richly lower in the body of a splendid person. Only a few stinks can resist the generations of "Gastrya" and more people can afford nothing more. How can our heroes vryatuvat leftovers of living people and know the faces of a stingy virus? Marvel at it yourself.

  • (27820)

    The story in "Steins, Gate" unfolds through the river after "Chaos, Head".
    The tension of the story takes place in the realistically created district of Akakhibara, in the famous shopping center of otaku in Tokyo. The opening to the plot is as follows: a group of friends are assembled in Akikhibari as an attachment for strengthening textual reminders in the past. The experiments of the heroes of the grieve zatsіkavluєєtsya taєmnicha organization under the name of SERN, yak occupies with powerful achievements in the sphere more expensive by the hour. And now friends have to report gigantic zusils in order not to be hoarded with CERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    The series 23β has been added, as an alternative term to the transition to the continuation in SG0.
  • (27112)

    Thirty thousand graves from Japan and far more from the rest of the world were locked up in insurance on a richly colorful online role-playing game "Legend of the Ancients". From one side, the gamers were transferred to the new world physically, the illusion of reality seemed to be even more hopeless. On the other hand, the “fallen” saved a lot of avatars and newcomers, the interface of the koristuvach and the pumping system, that death at the grі led only until Sunday in the cathedral of the nearest great place. Understanding that there is no great mark, and not naming anyone for leaving, the graves began to beat together - alone, to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, and others - to resist lawlessness.

    Siroe and Naotsugu, a student and a clerk in the world, a cunning magician and a mighty warrior in the grі, they have long known one behind the legendary guild "God's tea". It’s a pity, those hours are gone for a while, but in the new reality you can catch up with old acquaintances and just good lads, you won’t be boring with them. And the smut - in the world of "Legends" appeared the root of the population, as if vvazhe pribultsiv great and immortal heroes. Mimovoli wants to become such a face of the Round Table, which beats dragons and rages girls. Well, the girls are on the verge of vistache, monsters and robbers, and for help, there is a place on the bed of Akibi's living room. Golovna - die in grі all the same, it’s not warto, it’s better to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27227)

    The world of Hunter x Hunter has a class of people called Mislivtsy, yak, vikoristovuyuchi psychic strength and training of strong vistas of struggle, dol_dzhuyut wild little bits of a civilized world. The head hero, a young man on the name of Gon (Gun), is the son of the greatest Mislivets. Yogo batko taєmniche znik richly rokіv that, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gun) virіshuє drink yogo with his feet. Dear wines to know a few companions: Leorio, an ambitious doctor of medical sciences, whose meta is wealth. Kurapika is the one who survived from his clan, whose meta is the pomsta. Killua is a scumbag hired killer, whose meta is training. At once, the stinks reach me and become Myslivtsy, but it’s less than a first gathering on the old old path ... And before that, the history of Killua and yoga sim'ї, the history of avenging Kurapiki that, obviously, the beginning, the new day, come in handy! The series of soundings on the site of Kurapika ... Who checks us out through the rocks of rock?

  • (28035)

    The race of ghouls is from ancient times. Її representatives of zovsіm are not against people, stink of them to love - it is more important to look at the orphan. Lovers of human beings do not quarrel with us, strong, swedish and tenacious - but there are not enough of them, to that the ghouls vibrated the rules of polution and masquerading, and the scoundrels themselves punish them quietly to give the fighters from uncleanness. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but, as it seems, they sounded. The authorities do not care about Ludozherіv as a threat, moreover, they consider them as an ideal basis for the creation of super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time.

    The main character Ken Kanek checks for a pain in the ass of a new way, because he understands that people and ghouls are similar: just one and one eat the same in the direct meaning, and in the figurative. The truth of life is zhorstok, it is not possible to rebuild it, and the strongest one is the one who does not enter. And far away already!

  • (26739)

    Diya is seen in an alternative reality, where the demons have been known for a long time; near the Pacific Ocean, to navit the island - "Itogamidzima", de demons, є povnotsіnmi hulks and may be equal with people of law. Prote іsnuyut and people-magicians, yakі lead polyuvannya on them, zokrema on vampіrіv. Zvichayny Japanese schoolboy on the name of Akatsuki Kodze z unreasonable reason pretended to be a "purebred vampire", the fourth in number. Behind him, a young girl Khimeraki Yukina begins to follow, or a “shaman of the blade”, as she is guilty of following the Akatsuki and hitting yoga at the time, as if she were viyde z-pid control.

  • (25472)

    The story tells about a young man named after Saitam, who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. Yomu 25, fox-like and beautiful, so strong flooring, that with one blow annihilyuє all the ills for the people. Vin jokes to himself on a difficult life path, along the way handing out potilichniks to monsters and hardships.

  • (23186)

    In time for you to play in the game. What will be for the country - roulette roll. Your life will be at stake. After death, people, yak perished overnight, spend at Quin Decim, de їm lie down to play in a group. Ale, those who are with them are true, the Court of Heaven.

  • Say no to schools, groups for interests and clubs. Say no to the friends of the childishness, school beauties, and strangers. sexy bazhannya, you can easily expand your list after revisiting.
    The graphics were pleasing, all the breasts and poses were painted like a trace in the soul. Music and sounds are heard.
    To bring trauma to the warehouse of the harem. How long has the axis been so far away for the main character? For a quantity of taking away the number of wines, having outdone even rich yaosh. then suddenly it appeared. So bravo for a savory blow to the gopniks on the cob.
    Looked at the work of the old school. A harem comedy of the old school, but with new teachings, in particular, extraordinary girls. Mustache stamps on the mist, but looking even more easily, that is welcome.
    Briefly on the harem.
    The figure is good, not bad, the suit is not bad at all. Environmentally friendly. You can save on gasoline, on the subway. Under the hour of travel є for what trimatisya. Vіdminny variant. we have a centaurid for our type.
    Ale, the axis, like she won, herself guessed about Hercules, spring. Hercules is filthy skinny because of the centaur.
    It’s bad for yourself to control, it’s easy to kill your partner. Vidpovidno to the Greek myths, you can look out for nothing. zakohana cutie, but who knows. for an amateur.
    Harpy. The myths are represented by evil maidens of children and human souls. In our mind, everything is much simpler. It’s not good to remember everything, for someone who is slightly ill. .Yakі costly koshtuyut. It will be stable to bring income to your family. And if there is a traffic jam on the road, then we will transport you again. At the bed, everything will be in the usual way, so you won’t forget the last time you came there.
    A girl with a rare body. Like a rare terminator, ale only from the water. You can take that form as you please. Tse one great plus :). In addition, it’s її body in light mode, no more than a bucket, it’s even more compact, and you don’t need to change the booths under it. Practically, the girl is folded only a few pluses, to the fact that such zdіbnostі zavzhd korisnі. At the bed, everything will be wet, but even more cicavo.
    I would like to see a pug diva, or a pug a siren. Not attached to sushi (I want to know how to understand sushi) and change in the armchair. A smutty dignity that can please Ariel's chanters. І in the retellings of wealthy peoples є vіdomostі about sluts between people and mermaids, with the advent of the people of children, like people were like people, but with the ribnoy Luska zamіst shkіri to that there is a chance, that a child is born as a whole.
    Rachnera Arachnera
    Arachne. Vidpovіdno to myths, strayed a trifle, rude to the wrong people, for which she was turned into a singsong voice, from the ranks of not Peter Parker. Tse venets zbochennya. arachnophobia. If you want to just try it for once, it’s not a problem. Tse scientific interest. And from yakshcho on a post-yniy basis, like a companion of tsebochennya. I especially do not like spiders. Vyavimo povagu to the choice) tim more yakshcho vrahuvaty other members of the harem the word "twisted" vzagali vіdpochivaє. Also pіdіyde lovers of BDSM, zokrema yoga first letter B-bondage.
    The harem is right. Zagalom gives even richer pluses to his master. Taking bi Suu ta Tsentoriya for yourself.
    Wondering, good time. Everything is required. Bulo fun that tsіkavo.
