Styling the wedding. Fun in the skid style

Skid, yak vidomo, - thin on the right. And yet there is a divine beauty and charm, a talented history and a cycle of aromas and farab. For a bagatokh Skhid - a divine Kazka, in which one so wants to be found! Our florists will tell you to touch the world and viruses at a small increase in price, however, you will not be able to draw up those tickets at a distant land. In order to see an uninvolved ghostly charm, it is enough to take a look at the side of our virtual catalog, and present miraculous thematic bouquets and compositions. Naturally charming motives At once, our florists set out to a whole series of exclusive robots, to guess about the Kazak atmosphere, about the light of belongings, Kazoks, sheikhs and princes!

Vibrate bouquet із trojand

At the basic screen - quick screens

For the establishment of pink bouquets in a common style, our florists are vikoristyuyu from the most popular calls. Kozhen bouquet - nemov screen

  • great, great orchid;
  • great trojands of yaskravikh vidtinkiv (red, burgundy, scrub-horny, ore);
  • carnations: chervons, violets, creams;
  • great, malovnichi gerberi;
  • chervonі vogniki tulips;
  • rosip "samotsvіtіv" from exotic colors: freesії, bouvardії, eustomi, hydrangea and bagatokh іnshih.

Skidny style - tse, nezminno, richness, ob'єm and brawl farb. The very fact, great, bouquets, how to guess about the magic of Retreat, bagatoskladov. At the same time, the colors can be very strong, smilivian, hostile. Such, for example, is the yak in the bouquet "1001 nich". In the original composition - burgundy Trojandi variety El Toro, violet carnations, great elder gerberies. Exotic notes are added by freesia, bouvardia and eustoma, with a wide range of decorative greens. Qia is a colorful robot - a wonderful gift for a true princess, who is rosy at the rosy and beautiful. I will tell you about my wedding quotes - a bouquet of "1001 nich" of all kinds of openings in order to embellish the most momentous moments of life!

Vitonishing character, chic call

Unimportant for those with a common style - the whole variety of shapes and patterns, textures and ornaments, viglyadines are always perfectly and harmoniously. Yaskraviy butt - a bouquet of "Jasmine", folded by our florists with freesia, eustoma, violet hydrangea and papaya trojands in addition to decorative berries and juicy greenery. All barvy writing is selected in a fashionable drop box and decorated with satin decorative lines.

Another common sense of our belongings is a rich and elegant composition under the name "Wanda". Present of the blue and violet orchids - the Nemov are gorgeous embellishment with pearls and amethysts. Such a gift will be worthy of obov'yazkovo prizinovucham skid chic. At the same time, the composition "Wanda" is suitable for embellishing both home and office interiors. It is possible to create a surprise for a close lyudin, having taken over the delivery of quotes to the office or to a home. Our delivery service is great for you!

In view of the prosperity and prosperity, robots will not be unmistakable, since they called them the name of their favorite malt malt. For example, an “appetizing” bouquet of violet and creamy carnations “Ingir” is a smilive and original solution. Tse of wonderful gifts for spontaneous "gourmets in style", creative people, extraordinary, quiet, who is overwhelmed by Skhid. Let's match the mood of the robot with the "savory" name of the malt malt. "Yagidny sherbet" is a composition of a trojan horse of an unseen horny-buzkovy coloru, versatile succulents and decorative berries. Robot garn and bagata, there are no stalls in the retail market, they will be honored with the price of original solutions.

Shid - the whole magical history, to rewrite the good, to hang out with the reality, de and mice rozkoshi, beauty and, very well, love. About all the secrets of the common charm of the "Perska Kazka" - a divine history, disclosed by my new national quits, red tulips. Twenty-five quilt "vogniks" were selected from the packs of felt, satin stitches and satin stitches. This elegant gift is obov'yazkovo enchantment is quiet, but in the backyard there is a special charm and beauty in natural beauty.

We have raised only a small part of quiet, divine bouquets, so that we can help you to create a positive and positive mood for people who are in love. Do you want to give a special gift in a skidny style, and you know for sure, yak vin maє viglyadati? Just tell our florists about your idea - and at once we can get one of the local histories Go to an exclusive bouquet.

Imagine, mriite, marvel - grant kokhanim a kazka from the site!

Especially, a fair Kazakh atmosphere can be created by organizing the fun in the general style. Such a visit should not be lost at the memory, not only by the sites themselves, but by the number of guests.

Yak Organizuvati Skidne Vesillya

Fun in the skid style: decor in the details

You cannot live like this today without such important attributes such as the name, the traditional Arabic music and the dance of the old ones. About the tse that richly іnshy varto podbati zzdalegіd. Otzhe, let's talk about the lectures about those that are necessary for fun in a skid style.

You can buy a request for fun in a skidny style in a special-purpose shop-salon, or create it yourself. Smolder, for the requested boule showcasing in the traditional skid style with the characteristic vіzerunks, supplemented with yaskravіy lines, overwhelmingly red and gold.

Why would you want a gold one? To that end, the colors were symbolized by health, energy of life, strength, wealth, prosperity, addiction and love. The efforts of the witness to associate with the gathering.

Request for a Weekend in a Skid Style

Vesіlnaya palіra in a skidny style?

Within the framework of the weighty cleanliness, the traditional style will not be deprived of the classic colors, middle chervonia, black and white flowers. Skhid - tse misce, scho will share in itself the whole palette of yaskravikh living vidtinkiv - from the fire-hot to smaragdian. However, when decorating, the wedding is not varied, it should be 3-4 colors.

The image of the nominated in the common style

Cloth is called izdriznyaetsya vishukanistyu, richness of fabrics and raskishshuyu vіzerunkіv. As a rule, picking up the common name yaskrava with the abundance of expensive stone. At the beginning of the traditional cloth, the outfit is named at the vestilla of the skidny style, we will be as close as possible.

As on the streets of the specter, it is sometimes called a vbrannya, like curling shoulders, ale in an ideal - the hands of the wicked named may be closed. The fabric can be either seam or satin. Embellish at the sight of a stone and a bead on the cloth of a child to symbolize wealth, good luck and prosperity.

Vbrannya nominated. Skidny style

As soon as you have done it, you have to catch up with the general style of the party, it is recommended to set up a kind of make-up for the nominated, who are not aware of the fact that the price of the fair is going to go. In yakosti fati you can vikoristovuvati hijab or a thin shavkovy hustka.

Make-up for weight in a skidny style

The suit of the betrothed for fun in a skidny style

I am guilty of nominations, but also for nyogo, so it’s just like for your friend’s half, there will be brutalities, look at all the evidence of what you see.

The costume of a skidny named may be classic, for someone who has a bud is guilty of giving the colors of a bouquet named, and may be specially prepared for a style of descent, de nominally, a lot of vishivka. Vіzerunki in outfit called symbolize wealth and good luck.

For especially brave young people, who want to see all the traditions of descent, the casual designers will propose costumes for the sultans and the common princes. A suit for a shady named man includes a shirt with natural fabrics, an embroidered robe with a belt, a sharovari and a turban.

Vbrannya named for fun in a skidny style

Bouquet named in a skidny style

Atmosphere Descend can get involved in young people. Special for all the vipad of maє buti and a bouquet called. You can bootie, lilia, trojandi and іnshі apartments, how to harmonize with the nominated wives. Complement the quilt composition and add to the stylistics of the wedding ceremony with the help of a shovkov line, sewn with rhinestones and decorate stones.

Bouquet for the name of the common style

How best to carry out the fun with the skid style?

The general style has nature. And the place, de є watermische, will become nayromantic for the young, which can be arranged in a dusi Skhod. Vibravshi green dilyanka, you can rozkinuti bast, specially embellishments for the whole world with simple ornaments. For the guests of the new-born cholovіkovі and squads it was comfortable, the grass can be covered with kilims.

De maє passes and fun in the skid style

In a cold time, rock has gone down, it can be sacredly moved to the adjoining room with the adjoining decor for the tract. There, de vіdbuvaєtsya sіdne vesіllya, there is no mіstsya zvichny stіltsyam. It is necessary to substitute for hand low sofas, equipped with pillows with common symbols and soft kilims.

The moment the wedding was held, it did not change the atmosphere to the atmosphere. We will not take over the aromas of pakhoshchiv.

How to spend more fun with the skid style

Vesilny style in a skidny style

Guests of the lesson entry in the skidny style are welcomed to be treated with fruits and malts, which may be honored. Before the speech, the majority of the guests will fall in love with the hookah.

One of the options for making friends unforgettable and unprecedented is to design your holy day in that particular image. The fun in the skidny style is to complete the exotic solution, but even more demanded.

Features of training

As young people have gone to a wide variety of options, followed by vrahuvati as significant material vitrati, and the specifics of the celebration itself. At the Gathering, all close relatives are engaged in preparation until the wedding, both from the side of the named, as well as from the side of the named. Traditionally, the number of people is growing. If young people do not belong to the ethnic group of the population, if the wedding is carried out by a different rank, it is not a style, but a call, it is simply necessary to turn to the designer for a decorated party.

The assistance of a professional stylist in the whole range is simply unappreciated. Win pidbere primischennya and embellish yogo in the required style. Pidgotu that carried out the program of stowage areas.

The option of self-preparation is mens who are in charge of finances, but it will take more than an hour for a turbot to organize and organize a wedding.

What is the demand for virіshity nasampere, how did you praise the decision to prepare the fun not to be brutalized to the stylist? The sequence is as follows:

  • It is necessary to vibrate at a restaurant or a restaurant or a place on an obvious turn, as a result of transferring a visit to the restoration. Virishiti, yak and chim to embellish the mice.
  • It is not enough deprived of the right to change the attributes of the formalization of the cleanliness, or it is necessary to vibrate and replace the clothes not only for the names, but for the greater barvism, picking up close relatives from the common style.
  • Think over the menu and serving the table. Stravi abo would like to be served, as it is to be served at the party, which is also responsible for the style of the saint.
  • Vigadati scenarios for carrying out tracts. When the programs are folded, it is necessary to complete the selection of rozvagi, the fragments of the wicked sounds, do not allow frivolity and vulgarity of fries and rozvag.
  • Vibrate among your friends to find a professional toastmaster.
  • Obmirkuvati embellish the transport for the names and mail.

Vibir miscya

The best option for carrying out the cleanup will be a restaurant or a cafe, with obvious thematic decoration of the hall and a variety of cuisine. To be overwhelmed by the addition of a few individual touches in the embellishment filled in and discuss the menu. On Skhodі it is established with a special svyatkuvati celebration. The first design is sacred to the barvysta. For the drapery of the pride, use the fabrics in bright, juicy tones. Additional design elements can be lіkhtarі, lamps and vases, vikonanі in ethnic style.

It is planned to see the restoration, to give a shady color, to make the arch grow more beautifully, and to create a space for the guests at the puffs, or to wear the chohli with tassels and fringes on the stilettos. Mysce reєstratsії pre-river embellish with kilims and yaskravim pillows.

Vbrannya are young

The cloth is named can be of a traditional style. Ale, schob pidkresliti the style of cleanliness, more beautifully vibrate models with a rich embellishment.

But it is possible to adapt to the style of a skidny female selection.

According to the style of accessories and make-up, we will complete the image of the name, we will transform it into a Kazakh-romantic one.

Up to the classic costume of the dubbed enough kravatku and khustku at kolorovіy gamі vesіllya.


Requested leaflets, viconories for vicarious fonts, ornaments and vizirunks, to help guests get to those Maybut saint. The decal, hovering over the bottom of the photo, will help you zorієntuvatisya with the vibrator of the leaves.

Serving the table and menu

Candles in the original candlesticks, either Moroccan lichtars, vitonized glechiks and podnosy, figurines of camels and elephants - all the elements of serving the tables in a clear way to address the theme of the holy.

On some small tables, it is possible to place herbs from fruits and malt malts.



For the performances of theatrical performances and for the stage performances for theatrical performances. The main roles are developed between the names and the names, the images of which are based on the selected plot, the roles of another plan are created by professional actors, who, with their own range, create a unique game space for all the participants.

A young couple, quietly interacting with the actors, will take part in all theatrical scenes and will mark the end with a low point. All scenarios of disintegration on the basis of both ancient Indian traditions and other cultures
that traditional light.


The Madhura theater proposes a ready-made plot in the basis of what kind of young and old who found the Indian epic Ramayana - the history of the sacrifice of the young and the name of the young cohan from the full of unprecedented fears.

She is nominated to re-incarnate on the Tsar's Sita, so I will take into account the virility, love and purity, I will be beautiful, as Ravana is the lord of evil, who will be victorious and bogged down in her dwelling, for the sake of health, be a hero of the name, be a man zarady kohanoi, kidna viusha just for fun
his name.

So, having passed the kryz bezlich viprobuvan, win the rewind of the evil demon and vivilnya his kohan is full.

The plot will be shown in an interactive format from the participants in the study.

It is based on the traditional ceremony of friendship, for example, what kind of organization the program is organized, how to play on the repertoire of the theater, or for the bazhany of the deputy, from the members of the supplementary creative groups.

Theater Madhura proponuє you spend Wedding Music in naynezvichaynіshіy i zbagachenіy svoїmi davnіmi spokonvіchnimi zvichayami kulturі svitu - in Starodavnіy Іndії, yak zanurit usіh її uchasnikіv in Picturesque davnoіndіysky's World, scho is staying at vladі napіvbogіv - pokrovitelіv stihіy i natural yavisch, crafts i yavisch and takozh itself Creator. The spiritual wealth of the people of the whole land is to give your saint the strength and to bury your confusion not only in the whole life, but in the next seven nations.

Do you want your friendliness to pass in a non-specific form, to forget, and the guests didn’t just get satisfied, but rather shared their enemies?


The details of the script will be summed up with the clients in advance and can be changed for the benefit of the client.

The day before the ceremony (or earlier) my name will be given to the named, and also to the guests, take a trip to the Indian store, maybe you can vibrate with the traditional weights, accessories and embellishments. On a whole day in the evenings, in the early evening, to apply on the hands and feet the traditional vesting ornaments from hni - "mehendi". Qia procedure is trivial 1-2 years.

On the day of the wedding, our staff will help the named and the name, as well as dress up at the wedding party. The name is to create a special make-up.

Vlasne, fun to play, as a rule, mutilate. On the okremikh naming machines, she is named with the guests to welcome the party to the party.

At the moment, a small temple is already ready, with special incentives for the ceremony. We cover it with an awning, embellish the choirma with palm trees on the kutas, and tidy up without any zapashnye color, which is more important than the new color.

Traditionally, on the Indian Vesilia, for this naming and it is called the symbol of the blessing of their fathers on the bed, there is a small, albeit important ritual called "gay cold" - the rite of the ringing of the winter The ceremony "gayk kholud" duzhe nagadu sacredly farb "holi", with the same price, there is only one farba here - zhovta. Use a handful of all the people present to use their foreheads, and then dry one of them with gum powder.

Let the name be cast on a flat stone and check, if a number of people blame the tree palanque for a rich one, call on a sweet-red sary, with an unlawful embellishment. Seven times to go around the named, and then, zupinivshis, ask the young to look one by one in the eyes. Look, it is called "shubho drishti" - the best look.

The whole process is going down to a small temple "Vedi", built of five bamboo clubs, covered with colorful fabrics. At the center of it, the fire is burning, the name of the name is called as a sacrifice to the gods to throw all those elements for happiness, as it is to be happy with a social life, and there are good enough for a friend's house, honey, olive oil ...

Priest, vimovlyayuy prayer and hanging oath of the young, from one hand named a garland of kits that poured milk.

For what nouns to put a chervona farba on a cholo, and I continued my name: now the stench is already a cholovik that squad. Only those words are meant to be exchanged with hoops, and all those who are present are covered with peels for blessing.

Let's take one end of the name of the named to tie with the sash of the named, which means the union and the cunning one to one. For all the young people they walked around the sacred fire 7 times. The whole rite of passage is to create a copy of the puta.

Then we must fight the svyatkuvati in the primacy, called "bozargan", and the whole vistava with dances and songs develops. Before an hour of concert and promotion programs, relatives and guests are young to give their gifts.


Efforts to make fun of style for old Indian culture. For carrying out rituals and wedding ceremonies, you will be requested to know about all the subtle rules of the ceremony of the Indian wedding.



The moment of the wedding, the call is decorated according to the given style - the most famous and popular for the color palette and juice (bright) farb from the light. Inter'єr can be included in
decorative sculptures for yourself, to symbolize happiness, success, wealth and prosperity for the family. Decorating with fabrics to set a zagalny flavor, to designate the main colors and vidtinka, as it will be victorious at the moment, to create the main dust, on which the whole panorama will be visible. Decorated with quotes, bring a nizhnu vishukanist to the composition, create a vision of the holy, add color and harmoniously complement it. It’s like a weighty cortege to take a palanquin, wrapped in small garlands of kits, namists and barvy vizirunks. On the palanquin of the named and named to deliver to the month
the ceremony



Musical decoration - the atmosphere is sacred. Look, I’ll put on a skinny snake, I’ll add some extra feeling. At the traditional Indian festival, the atmosphere of cleanliness is created by a professional musical team, which is to represent the harmonious sound of young instruments - flute, sitar, phizharmonic, mridang, karatal, etc. The stench is ideal to enjoy the action, to pass through, and the zagalny flavor of the fun, spiritually inspiring.



I pay special respect to the Indian name. In the main part of a red color, ale in a small color can be a green color. The head vidmіnnistyu mіzh zvychanym and svyatkovy sari є design. Vbrannya named maє buty is brightly dyed with golden threads. Krim tsyogo sari embellish with vishivka with namistins, rhinestones, embellishments, embellishments with gold, ornaments. Such weighty sari can be put in one row from the master of the art. It is also a very special place to sit here with the wonderful embellishments of the name. Bracelets for arms and legs, massive earrings, rings on all fingers, adornments and rich jewelry embellishments. The color of the hand named from both sides is embellished with a tattoo from hni. Іndіyskі dіvchata vikhodyat zamіzh bosonіzh. Ale, before the hour of Christmas, to take "chappal" - zruchne vzuttya, scho there is minimal crinkle. Odyag of the named - dhoti - odyag of a white color, embroidered with gold, vin perezaniy in a fiery belt, the head is adorned with a yaskravoy turban (turban). Guests are welcome to wear a dress of yaskravo and svyatkovo - ask for the uniqueness of the dignified and big tones from the olyaz, let the stench smell the young yaks of yaskravo.



The Madhura Theater will propose to include in your banquet menu the traditional Indian malt, prepared according to the old recipes, to add your Christmas style and replace the standard dessert menu. You can also substitute with us the best of traditional Indian cuisine.



Saturday is the most widespread day for the behavior of stowage areas. Ale on the thought of astrologers, far away. Every day Saturn is a self-defeating planet that self-deceived. Making friends, like making friends with the "blessing" of the planet, we’re ready to do it yourself again. I’m not ready to do anything like that, they don’t guarantee the eyes of the happy whore. Transfer the wedding to another day.

Ale not on Tuesday and Thursday! The patrons of Mars and Jupiter can bring the young homeland a lot of weldings and nerves, scandals and inviting health.

Seredovishchem Keru Merkury. The principle has a pleasant day for fun. Ale only for quiet people, hto in their vchinka they swear by proofs of rosum, and in return for couples in order to rozrakhunka. If you burn with strong feelings, then in an hour Mercury will cool the fuse and bring a sweet love.

Monday is the day of Misyatsya. Nayzagadkovіsha planet mortgages a subtle emotional link between friends. Alas, it's a pity, there’s a lot of hitka, it’s not a trip of a thousand miles to the water surface.

Friday that week - ideal days for laying the boat. All astrologers have one voice. On Friday, Venus intercepts - the planet of harmony to the world, before that there was only one zakhanich. Not_lya perebuvaє near the order of Sontsya. And that means, be-yak on the right, young of the day, bring joy.

Deyakim youngsters want exotic things. It’s the way of life, literally, in heaven, but there’s a lot of organizing the weight of the cleanliness of the skid style.

Skid on the right is thin!

Go to the senses of the deyakoy part of the mystery, riddles. You live under your own laws, and they are not reasonable for Europeans. Shіdne fun is a whole lot of action, and as soon as a pair of vibe is too much fun, it’s not forgotten for all life.

For carrying out a skidny meeting, it is necessary to go to Emirates, Turechchini, Egypt. You can power sacredly near a skidny restaurant or a cafe, de є all necessary attributes.

Shіdnі vesіllja leash for the first glance, the building is fun and yaskravim species. Spravojn shіdne vesіllya is a serious ritual from a great philosophical text, a spiritual rite, to which the participants are put even more seriously. Wandering and going, the fun is radically seen one in one, a little more skinny in its own way.

Why would you want to go to bed?

It’s more sacred, I’m going to flush everybody, I don’t overwhelm anyone with baiduzhim. The guests will be obliged to take part in the same visit.

Vesіllа to reclaim from vbrannya. It is possible, savagely, to be overshadowed by the traditional ones, adding the finishing touches to the deyak. It is called maybe to kill yaskraviy makіyazh, having focused on the eyes, and to replace the fatty to close the head, and to expose us with a light screech. Add nominations to complement my costume with a low headdress - a turban chi skullcap. Guests can smell yaskravі khustki, embellishments, turbans.

Є th іnshy option. At the RAGS, everyone goes to the European costume, and on a banquet they change clothes at the school's collection, having a great fantasy. So navіt tsіkavіshe. All will be more rosy, dress up yaskravish and extravagant, and that means that it will be most sacred to be tsikavim that unviable.

The banquet can be held in the city, but the most beautiful option is the fixing of the banquet hall, sometimes if you wish. Guests roast themselves on numerous soft pillows, not expensive sofas, on soft kilims. The aroma of plowing, the smell of old grasses, muffled light - everything is sacred at the garnet. Slid memory, how fun to love species. Tom needs the hand of a fakhivtsa here. Leave everything at the table, the colorful music can sound, and if you hear some fun, then the music for dances is fired up. We will not ask the professional dancers to ask, but the stench showed their own art, fakira chi spivak. At the end of the banquet, there is simply a Kazkovo viglyadatime turn in the fire show, like a miracle to replace the traditional fireworks. To do everything to set up a unique marketing program, as you will not remember your farbs and temperament.

Chastuvannya in a skidny style - a lot of fruit, malt, spices and gostrich spices. First and foremost, dark yak nich kava with cardamom and cinnamon, seasoned with hookah.

For example, it is sacred to the young to grant a charming lamp, I go to the lamp of Alladin. Come on, the viconuє all the bazhannya are named, sob їхнє life bulo is similar to a skidnu kazka.

Beautiful shops for gifts in Russia, so you can do it

  1. - Shop for a present to the competition. There is no such original and great assortment in anyone. Duzhe shvidke reacted to the order.
  2. - Cool gifts for normal prices.