Do-it-yourself vouchers with organza. Do-it-yourself pink slips with organzas: a master-class for postcards and ideas for finishing masters

For robots, you need the following tools and materials:

  • tell abo felt;
  • scissors;
  • sirniki or igniter;
  • English hairpin;
  • embellish us as a truth;
  • head and thread;
  • shmatok schіlnogo cardboard.

The first cut is to make cardboard templates. For this cardboard, cut a stake of different diameters, for example, 7, 8 and 9 cm. For this one, її can be folded four times and neatly folded in one go. Dali otrimani kola dvіchі fold navpіl, lіnієyu zgin fight rozrіz, not reaching a centimeter to the edge. Farther, finishing the uncut parts, it is necessary to cut the cuts on the blanks. Come out chotiri pelyustki with a whole middle. Pelyusts are scorched with a sirnik or with a flare, a gap between the pelyusts is also.

Next, fold the ticket. A head with a thread is stretched through the piece of cardboard, on it the pellets are strung in the order of change, while straightening them. After the process is completed, the neck is removed, the sprats are once again stitched and the center of the flower is sewn on for beauty. In order to make a brooch from a ticket, from a felt fabric we see about a diameter of a troch more than an English hairpin. Open the pin at the fabric, and glue the pin to the flower.

In order for the ticket to look neat, it is necessary to master the techniques of preparing tickets, if you want the basics:

  • twisting by hand, a similar technique is used to prepare receipts for additional lines from the atlas;
  • classical technique;
  • ganutel - zastosuvannya drot, hair or thread for molding pellets of the necessary design;
  • the method of thermal processing, which also allows you to give blanks of the necessary form.

The biggest expansion is the two remaining refurbishment of the technology.

When vikoristannі classic tehnіkі, pelyustki on the cob starch with a special warehouse. Dali, for the help of a specialized bulk, to scatter the pelluses of the necessary design. We prepare for the help of a cardboard template.

Thermal treatment of steel was carried out with the appearance of viscose and polyester, synthetic fragments melted under the injection high temperature changing its form. For rahunok tsієї domineering pelyustі easily nabuvayut nebhіdnoї form.

Kviti z chiffon and organza with your own hands: pokrokovy meister class with photo

Required tools and materials

For robots you need:

  • organza and chiffon in different colors;
  • igniter or candle;
  • shmatochok povsti;
  • accessories (beads, glass beads, rhinestones);
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • head with thread;
  • glue gun;
  • fastener for a brooch, for example, an English hairpin.

Etapi roboti

The fabric is smoothed with prasko, after which circles of various diameters are seen from it. After that, the edges of all the mugs are scorched for additional igniters or candles, after which the mugs are folded into a flower and neatly stitched. The center of the flower is embellished with decorative fittings, for example, namistins. Sew on the right side or glue the pin for attaching the brooch. Viyshla rozkіshna yaskrava kvіtka.

Secrets of the harmonious color change

It is possible to establish the principle of complementary day, so that for the additional stake of Itten, you can designate two contrasting colors and ideas in the composition.

So, coristing with a stake of Itten, you can put together a triad of colors, inscribing the right tricot in the ring, cut some and put on the colors you need.

Analogous to the day - taken from two to five similar colors, stashed nearby one view of one for the number of itten, come out non-contrasting, calm composition of color. The scheme works both with muted tones and with clear sounds.

It is possible to select a different-complementary combination of colors, with one color being the main one, and two additional ones. The contrast of the scheme will be smaller, lower with a complementary one.

Іsnuyut and folded compositions and schemes later, prote for the base level, the information provided is more or less sufficient.

How can you winkowty tickets with organzi

You can win art masterpieces, which have appeared in the form of brooches, piece bouquets, embellishments on panels, bracelets, decorative rings, hairpins, and earrings. In a word, the spectrum of zastosuvannya becomes less than a free fantasy.

In the distance, additional additions when folding tickets with organza: beads, we are truly that mesh

Decorative fittings can even help with creativity - for help, you can imitate dew on pelustka, weavers, chickadees, embellish the center of the bud and the edges of the pelyust, rob the garn fringe. Read on the Internet cіkavih video that photo is applied in the distant setting of decorative fittings.

Organza is a goofy and repeating material, from which miraculous combinations are made. Wonderful flowers with organzas are easy to work with your own hands, light a candle or a lighter under your hand. So, as a fabric can melt, then having melted its edges, you can create any design of the card.

Quotes from organzi different sizes. It is necessary to carefully burn the skin of the leather over the candle, or for an additional igniter. They gave up only to pick up all the pellusts and sew them all at once.

After weaving the fabric with fire, we fill it with an invisible look. Choose a ticket - sew it in the center and decorate with beads.

as if the clappers of the organza were vizati kviti with the pellets or the squares, for example, then after the cuts, that choice would be absolutely.

Quotes from folded quarters

Trochy folded another type of organza card. Here it is necessary to look at mugs of the same size and burn them along the edge of their skins. Let's fold the kitchenette into quarters according to the skin of the skin and sew it with a thread.

What fabrics will be different colors or structure, then visit to finish original card, how you can embellish the curtains or create a composition

Trojandy with organzi with your own hands

From the zhorstkoy organza, miraculous triplets emerge. In order to build a trojan, it is necessary to make a line, a length of about one meter (you can tie it) and a width of 5-6 cm.

Fallow, in fact, in some kind of beck you will light up the pellets, looking at the flowers will be different. Like a trojandi pelyude with an organza, it will be turned up in the middle - there will be a bud. Before speech, for a bud, you can win a short line.

To prepare a ticket, we need:



Candle and igniter or sirniki

Brooch pin

Decorative naming

Thread with a bare

Cardboard lid in a swollen box

I majestic bajannya create

For cob robimo templates with paper, 3 stakes of different diameter. I pronounce a diameter of 10 cm, 9 cm and 8 cm.

Virizaemo from organzi blanks of 4 pieces of skin diameter. For clarity, we fold the organza four times and fold it around.

The leather circle is folded 2 times, the folds are cut not reaching the end of 1 cm.

Trimaёmo for uncut kinchik and rounded kuti. Axis that can be seen:

The blanks are ready for further processing. We burn the pellets over the candle.

Rozsuvayuchi pelyustki scorch between pelyustki.

The scorched pellets are ready for picking.

For the convenience of folding, the proponous stupor is attached to the foot (The idea is not mine, I found it on the Internet. To the same author.) Pull the thread into the neck and insert the cardboard box into the ears.

Nanizuemo pelyustki on the head, pochinayuchi z more. At the process, it is corrected, giving a good shape.

If all the pelyusts are strung, the neck is pulled, the sprat is sewn and fastened.

We decorate the middle with namistins. The ticket is ready. If you want to make a brooch, then continue!

From the felt we can see the colo, the trochs more space hairpins. Robimo small holes to insert a hairpin.

Glue the hairpin to the flower with glue. Our brochure is ready!

What will your book be like to lie down less than your imagination! Good luck and creative inspiration to you!

You can marvel at my other works here:

The originality of the image to lie not in the form of vartos brannya, but in the form of vishakanih dribnitsa, as if to shy away the yogo thoroughly. Purchased or made with your own hands, the organzas will become ideal additions not only to the spring or evening party, but also to the children's cloth.

They can vikoristovuvatisya as a decor for curtains, embellishment on leaflets and for rich other items. Zastosuvannya tsikh darling compositions lie down only in your imagination. To prepare a ticket, follow a mind, like a fabric we lie in ready-made. For the cob, let's take a look at the power of fabric and see organzi.

Organza - fabric description

Organza was previously made from a seam, then from viscose. The modern virobniks vikoristovuyut a thread from the polyester - the fabric comes out of the gap and nevagoma, but at the same time, it is clearly trimming the shape.

Tse bezpechuєtsya schіlny twisted between two threads, and fallow in the їхної tovshchina that color will come out see different fabrics:

  • matte or gleaming,
  • gradient abo chameleon,
  • monophonic or cheerful,
  • with sawing of different colors,
  • with jacquard little chi with embroidery;
  • stitches of different widths.

For the preparation of the tickets, the pidide is not leather fabric. For example, an organza with embroidery is used for sewing curtains and cloth. The most popular among needlewomen are matte and gleaming plain fabrics.

Glittering organza - love material for tickets on bows,
decorate for zachіski and brooches

Efficient suits for a bright wedding come out of the filings.

The organza with the filings looks like Christmas, and the flowers with the fabrics will be the children of the chosen one.

For romantic images, fantasy suits with an organza gradient, a chameleon and fabrics with a baby are recommended.

Gradient organza is a wonderful fit for fantasy images.

Organza chameleon - for foldable quilts that shimmer.

Three lines with a gradient color appear to be charming flowers, as you can wink for making bouquets, including vishityh.

Nice summer image

To create flowers with organzas with your own hands is simply a smut to know the basic techniques. For whom "Khrestik" prepared a glance at the simplest master classes.

Basic principles for creating tickets with organza

Creation be-like, navit naivishukanishoy, vouchers or folding compositions start from the preparation of the details of that production in the singing sequence. Handicrafts were foreseen by a sprig of technicians, for the help of which people flower masterpieces:

  • classic with bubbles,
  • with thermal processing,
  • kanzashi,
  • 3 lines.

It is easier for the Pochatkivtsy to master the technique from the zastosuvannya of the thermal processing of the pellusts, and the more mature mastrins create their masterpieces from the zastovannya kіlkoh prijomіv.

Classic floristry

This technique is called seam floristry and Japanese technique. Ancient Mystery The folded tickets came from Japan. However, it is too zastosovne and to other fabrics: viscose, cambric, organza. For the preparation of tickets, a soldering iron and a set of special brass tools on the handles are required. At the new one there are round couches of different diameters - bulbs, as well as dressing, knives, p'yata, gachki, filiers and special tools for chrysanthemums, convalescences and fantasy colors.

Pelyusts on vikrіytsі virіzuyutsya, starch or vytrimuyutsya in gelatinі and hang - for the rahunok this edge is not ripped, and the pelyust will trim the shape.


Archives from the past with their creation. Free download!

For the application of natural virgins, the pelyust-preparation is laid on a special pillow and passed over with a new hot tool. Then, from the ready-made pelyustok, a flower is picked up on the thread.

MK z preparation of quotations from Japanese technology:

Forgive the tickets with thermal processing edges

The preparation of the pellets is similar to the classical method: it is necessary to cut the blanks exactly behind the template.

Sob the edges are not sagging and not rotting, they need to be refinished. For whom do you need a candle. Shards of organza are made from synthetic fabric - they won't burn, but melt. It has simplicity and folding at the same time: the pellet easily fills the necessary shape, but it is necessary to carefully melt it, otherwise you can zapsuvati zagotovlya, having melted the zayve. The peculiarity of the melted edge of the organza is the rounded edge of the dark eye. Zavdyaki new pelyustki look especially charming.

A thread slip is taken, and the core is embellished with beads, namistins, sequins.

The flower looks more organic, as the pellets do not fall right in the middle, but break the skin of the troch.


This technique is universal, scallops allow you to make dresses like from blanks, knitted from fabrics, and to stitch stitches from organza. The bottom line is that the skin patch is bagatora-like folded tissue. You can fix the okremі elements on a thread or melt over the half-width edge, in such a manner gluing them together.

The technique is most suitable for creating different colors, used for embellishment, photo frames, leaflets, decorating gift boxes, and for incorporating undifferentiated creative ideas.

MK for the preparation of a ticket with organza at the technical Kanzashi:

Tickets for a line

Tsya technique - the first step in i guiding variant for mastrin-pochatk_vts_v. A stitch from an organza may have an edge, so the feathers look neat, and we need only an edge to finish with fire. The width and length of the line should be laid down according to the planned size of the card. The creation of letters by this technique is a wonderful option for joint creativity with children.

Vishukani tickets with organzi for special vipadki

At the more advanced technicians, the edge of the pellusts is covered with less thermal processing. To add chic, you can use a special work to replace the melting, or on top of it. Such a flower will become a vishuka color of a spring bouquet or a bottom decor for a dress. Let's learn how to create elegant kviti with organza, and the master class will help us.

For the preparation of this type of color, organza is an ideal option, it is not necessary to make the shards and showcase the glitter pasted on the beads or beads.

To prepare tickets, we need:

  • organza,
  • prozory fabric glue,
  • white or silver glitter,
  • knives and hairpins,
  • sewing needle and thread to match the fabric.

First crock. Look at the pellet template. Nebkhіdna kіlkіst that rozmіri lie down according to your idea. For the lower support under the cup, two pellets are sufficient.

Another crochet. Gently spread the glue on the edge of the pellusts, sip it with glitter and hang.

If you create a ticket for embellishing a garment, then it is still better to melt the edges over the candle - you don’t forget the sagging of the threads, and then decorate with glitter.

Third crock. With a thread in the tone of the fabric, sew the middle of the pellet with great stitches. When tightened, folds are established, which should be sealed with additional stitches. As you prepare a servlet for a cup, just pull the folds together, and then straighten them out, giving the quiz a lightness.

As a newcomer to coloring, practice on the back of the scraps to choose the correct size of the folds.

Fourth crochet. Eat the ready-made pellets in a ticket with a bare thread. The middle can also be embellished with glitter or beads. The head of the ticket is ready to be glued on a wooden stick, yak, with bazhanni, decorated with a floral stitch.

Here you will find the original of the master class, from which you can make templates for details!

Kvіti more vishukanі and tsіkavi squirm even more folded, but more respectfully follow cover instructions help you get out of the way!

Meister-class zі georgina z organzy:

Meister-class zі liliії zі organzi:

Original stock of vikoristannya kvіtіv s organzy

As a rule, fabric suits serve as an embellishment for spring evening cloth, capelyukhi, clutches, romantic or at the sight. But I especially enchant the mini-compositions.

Vikoristovuetsya to embellish the suit of the betrothed, and with a few other little flowers, we will create a wonderful decor or a photo frame.

From the knots of organza, an accordion is picked up on a thread with a neck. Let's sweat the crown out of the felt.

For the help of transparent glue (or threads), the crown creaks in the ring and sits at the center of the back with organza.

The final decor is behind the bajans: namistinki, merezhivo, bliskіtki, pіdvіski. The crown can be fastened both on, and on a hairpin-clip. Your little one will be in the grip!

embellishment have a good time- Bezmezhne field for fantasy. With the help of the great namists, you can tie a necklace or a bracelet with an organza with an organza.

Organza is a good material for creating lower, elegant and chic and commemorative colors. Raznomanіtnіst tekhnіk let navіt mastrin-pochatkіvtsam create masterpieces.

In order to grow a lotus from tulle, we also need a small piece of felt fabric, which is like a vicarious base for a pellust.

The sequence of preparing a textile lotus:

On thin cardboard, there are small dome-shaped contours of large and small pellets - this is a blank, behind which we see tulle.

As soon as you work the ticket in the future, finish the designations of the rozmіrіv - nadalі, with otrimanny dosvіdu, you can experiment with the dimensions of the virobіv on the authority's judgment.

From the felt fabric we can see about a diameter of 5 cm and we start sewing up to the new lotus pellet.

The first three balls are large pellets (8 pieces per skin), the rest are small (6 pieces).

Put the skin on the ball one on one so that the pellets are rolled closer to the center of the lotus.

The middle of the ticket is decorated for the help of namistinok.

On tsimu everything - garniy self-robbed lotus ready.


It is possible to build from the old tulle astra, which vikoristovuetsya like a zhorstka lining for pellusts, so to make a voluminous and virulent card.

We need chotiri similar for the size (40 * 25 cm) straight cut tulle and 2 cut tulle.

We can see the necessary pieces of fabric and put them one on one: tulle for the beast, tulle for the bottom. We choose textiles from an accordion with a gap between 2 cm.

Having picked up the accordion, we twist it in the center and fix it with a thin coil.

It was no longer enough to form from the preparation of a double ticket - we straighten the tulle according to the stake, so that the aster nabula round shape. With this, the folds will grow and become smaller.

The tulle trims its shape well, you are not guilty of problems because of this. Dali lift the ball of tulle up the hill.

We form neat pellusts, evenly spreading the tulle along the aistri cola.

To work with tulle with your own hands, the aster is not necessary for a rich hour and zusil - it’s easy to prepare a ticket, so, with it, it looks even more beautiful.


Do-it-yourself Trojans with organzas are also not foldable at the vikonan. It is recommended to vikoristovuvat schіlnu organza, oskolki won't trim the shape and drapery is shorter.

Before you, you need to cut square blanks for pellets with a size of 3-4 cm.

Square blanks
