See that nice sort of garden hydrangea with the names of that photo! Hydrangea varieties. Leaves, quotations and the essence of hydrangea paniculata

Nature has enough to fill up the bagato decorative chagarniks, trees and lyan hydrangeas, you see that varieties for Russian gardens are just a small part of them. Have botanic gardens average smog Russia, as well as in some private collections, you can have a shorstka, oaky, sawdust, vidhilena petiolate hydrangea, as well as sargent and bretschneiter.

Unique, hydrangea with oak leaves - garniy chagarnik, as it will be more beautiful than vidomy persh for everything for gardening, which can be prosuvati, and then lovers. How to rob the beauty of a chagarnik, a whole leaf, like an oak leaf, like a viplya, name it.

And those who are able to rob them during the day, all those basic colors, as they pass through a row of cheeky, horny and red ones, especially if they are found on a regular basis, ale as well as variations in the tin. Yogo kviti are beautiful, ale oskilki vin I set up my kits of brunka vossen, and the stench of frost, like at the hydrangea, if you want your bachiti, where we will be stolen.

However, not all of them can be perceived comfortably in our minds, so only the collection can be seriously connected with roslins. On the thought of great gardeners in the middle smog of Russia, all kinds of views of merit for respect for the rakhunok two main criteria - simplicity to look at and decorativeness of the growth. Below is about those who look after the dews, and about those who reproduce and form hydrangea of ​​these varieties.

Tim is not the man, who deserves credit for the interest just for his leaf and for his decorative measles, how to shake things up. Wines to carry dry runts, ale it does not get filthy drained runts. Tsia hydrangea, how to be like from the New States, cultivated near the zone.

Ukritta for the winter

Not being native, tsі diversified growth є part of our Russian decline. A nyvidomisha hydrangea is a great hydrangea of ​​a great leaf, which is great for everything, you and your garden. The hydrangea of ​​the great leaf is great - a light chagarnik, which blooms like a lita with pastel tones or theater quotes for an extravagant solid hydrangea: from white, red, horny, dark horny and blue to violet. The hydrangea of ​​the great leaf is great, there are two succulents.

Hortensia shorstka - embellishment of collections of vichiznyany gardeners.

The hydrangea of ​​the great leaf is great - the head is flat.

Sutsvittya at kuli and sutsvittyakh with a flat head. The shape of the body is spherical, even more familiar. Flat sutsvittya, so called tylerny, may be flat that umbrella color. The crown of the quits on the periphery is used for the formation of comas to the inner quitts.


Another one-on-one versatile hydrangea, a great success, Annabelle. Sutsvittya, creamy and spherical in shape, from lime to spring. So, how big a leaf is to endure is thin, and the versatility is not similar to that of a light sound. Yogo beautiful and great quits become three mens gigantic, so the stems can bear a great number of navi, when you are angry, do not become angry.

Panicovana hydrangea

The hydrangea is panicked to grow from one of the other species of hydrangea by volots and grow vertically.

The wine is very stable until frost and unstable water, below the best sorts. For example, the hydrangea is panicovana lita, if the color is re-created from the white on the arch of light-rhyme. The whole variety will be half-tied, but you can also feel good on the sun, for the wash, the soil is not dry. If you want to save the gracious call of the rose line, more beautiful than the speed in the birch and the square. The size is not binding; as long as you don’t kill the chagarnik, the chagarnik is more vibrant than it’s, as it will be three times smaller.

Hydrangea with oak leaves

Goreanga from an oak leaf is valued by a great number of people for a leaf. The oak leaf also has a garnishing color of autumn. A lot of bushes are developed with garnishing volots, so that you can become horny and can go on to the breast. Tsya hydrangea is beautiful as a container roslina either okremo, or on the cordon bagator_ichnikiv. Rik at rik mi all part and part of the process of hydrangea planting in the gardens. All types are more beautiful than oak leaves, the floors are more characteristic and can be changed in the main sleep or pivot.

Read on from ts_y statty:

Tree-like hydrangea

In Russian gardens there is a wide variety of extensions under the names "Bila Kulyasta" and "Bila Kushova Hydrangea".

Quite a variety of roses in our area bloom more early on in some species (here from the middle of the summer) and bloom until late autumn. Special preparation before winter is not required, splinters tree-like variety finish the frosty and calm winter without ukrittya.

Vyshіdna hydrangea

Visible hydrangea rose from the worm-limes with wonderful quotes. As soon as we can spare you, we can help you more. Tsya alpinist hydrangea is a large part of the wall. Without a pidtrimka, you will be able to finish it with a rough bead, as you can reach a meter. Viscous hydrangea is still popular among birds for nibbling, especially for black-browed birds, which are to be burned.

Tsei hydrangea is ideal for embellishing a wall covered with a facade or a trunk of an old tree. Botanical family: hydrangea. Vikoristannya: how to isolate chagarnik, how to embellish the tinted wall, ruin or stovbur of an old tree, be it a position, which will replace it.

A sample of hydrangeas will be well hung on a couple of nyrok, but in the whole drop the chagarnik will grow larger, and the ear of flowers will collapse (approximately at the end of the lime tree). To that, on the thought of bagatokh sadіvnikіv, stealing the robustness of the formation of only weakened and young adults at once with the notes, so they got their way.

Hiking: Japan, Sakhalin Island, Korea. Main characteristics: hydrangea anomaly can grow and grow up to 25 m at the height of the plant on its own root, leafy leaves, rounded and dark green, the color in flat feeds is creamy-bile and sterile.

"Svitlyachok": bright green leaves, cover with oil zhovtoy koloru and wide parasols of large sizes. "Petiolaris": dark green leaves and wide parasols of large squares. "Medium podkladka": pale green leaves with cream and wide parasols with large colors.

The bush of hydrangea tree-like with the great bili sutsvitty of the classic form - a miraculous embellishment for a booth.

Blossoming period: from the worm to the first frosts, fallow in appearance. Rivne of folding: it is quite easy to crumble near the ground, if you need to touch it. Injection: hydrangeas are required in proportion to the specs and sleepy light, which smells like a stench. H. "Petyolaris" price tin.

Therefore, it is recommended to see ailments in a part, struggling from stagnant water, using permanganate and disinfecting tools. For example, the old wines and the dead stems are taken from the cleaned plant. Bagatoric roslini z clarify the colors and bright and lively quotes, hydrangea is an even more popular type, how to decorate the garden, how to grow it with a calm space, we are warm and beautiful, how to live! We've got a great list of articles, ordered by abetta, to allow you to see for yourself a lot of different types of hydrangeas present in nature, and you could have vibrated among the middle of the most suitable hydrangeas that are suitable for you and for your home!


For Russian gardens, Roslina is the best decorative one. Yogo can be viroshuvati yak in the form of a bush, as well as a large trunk tree. Blizzard hydrangea є bagatoria growth, so you can grow up to 40 rockets in one month.

Інші news on the topic: Hortensia

Bila hydrangea, botanically called what є hydrangea paniculum, є dew, which grows in China. Its main characteristic is the stiffness to the cold climate and its special shape to the albu. Seemingly, that hydrangea ailments are welcome to be involved in therapy and effectively against them with direct actions. Blakitna hydrangea є especially with st_ykoy dew, a yak in our latitudes is unlikely to be sedate to parasitic attacks. The stench requires regular watering that guarantees regular watering.

  • There are various mechanisms that regulate the color of cich colors.
  • Mi bachimo, yak tse zrobiti.
The cultivation of hydrangeas is not even more easy, and I will explain the expansion.

Leaves chagarnika make dovgastu form, color trivale. The first buds are still in the heart, and the main period is the serpent and the spring. Sutsvittya is a piridal form of a green bar, like a step-by-step sta blido-creamy abo bilim.

Vosseni, well, there was a lot of sleep, a sultry sort of stuffed up trochas of erysipelas, tseglyany or black-purple barnacles, and then again green.

The stench, as a rule, is even stiffer to the height of the growth, and it is unlikely that you can walk near unacceptable land, but maybe it’s too busy sleepy misci... However, if we want the mothers of the guides, it is necessary to immediately take care of those foreign visits. Hortensia want the land, because it is neutral, ale ideal buv bi sour. We are guilty of referentially assessing, for the versatility of inserting: if our substrate is neutral or not, we would like to vibrate the miraculous varieties in blue. It will be more beautiful if it is zosereditsya on varieties with garnim chewy worms or zosereditsya on a white one.

Watching that vyroshuvannya khurtovinnoy hydrangea to finish the simple. Tsya roslina is unwavering, a style to our minds, and it is good to go through without being ukrittha suvorі zimi.

Vvazhaєtsya, how the formation of hydrangeas, or rather, weak giloks and pagones, does not give a mass color, but then її around the time will be bigger. If you see a hydrangea - do you see the canopy?

Changes to the pH value to important employees and vrahoyuchi ryasna, as needed by the roslin, if it is still easy to save it. Porada maє hotiti Blaky hydrangeas only if our land permits us. In a moment, we can get involved in working with alumina salts based on aluminum salts, which is even greater than that. One of the solutions can be the distribution of roslin in the great sacred concrete mountaineers, filled with an acidic substrate. By stretching out the deyakogo for hours, you can enjoy the blue world.

Yakshcho water, yaku mi vikoristovuєmo for growing up, vіdom, if it is easy to adapt the result in an hour. For mothers, it’s worth garnishing hydrangeas, it’s often necessary to grow up, especially during the summer season, if you live in the center - on the first day of the island. By fixing the worm, the ideal boule of water is not less than 7-8 years of water for every day of watering the skin. There is a great number of watering not just for the great number of sleepy exchanges. It’s a pity that a lot of people will have to hang out before an hour, and the leaves will be weaker to the number of opics.

Deyak gardeners keep dying, which is more dry and beautiful until spring, the odor of odor is given by the odd smell of chagarnik from frost.

There are two aspects to not forming fallow areas, and I recommend to build up all the same, but the hinges do not need to refresh the eyes to the first spots, but they have progressed.

The mother of hydrangea from the bereft of flowers, the abundance of good and kindly generic vidus for acidophilus in the birch tree is unstoppable. Yaksho runt є neutral or neutral, it is necessary to broaden products based on sulphate on the ground. However, the results are not expected to be reliable. You have remembered signs of leaf chlorosis, more beautifully you can get involved with products based on chelated saline, in which you can learn from other roots. Chlorosis can lead to an unreasonable growth of growths and flowers.

Hortensia khurtovina is a lofty, written bush for your adjoining dilyanka.

Ideal exhibition is a partly view. The ideal place for all the Italy is that the camp is sleeping and it is darkened during the day. In girskiy districts, the exhibition in general can be good, at that hour near the center of Pivden it is more beautiful than the development of it in the middle, so it’s worth seeing.

The preparation of hydrangeas is an even more important operation and can be seen with a singing inability to sing, so that the flowers are not compromised. Call the price of adding the hinges after the end of the frost. A wider zvichkoyu є the speed of all gilts of the base. Ideal, from the side, є on the other hand, only the oldest and the most recent ones, or the least of the energy gilk. We are guilty of pіdtrimuvati philії, as the plant virobliav past fate, that reconversion їkh. Dekhto pidshtovkhuє to himself, to distribute їkh to a friend, a third pair expensive stone from the earth.

Oakleaf red

On the top of the front hurtovina, the hydrangea is oak-leaved not on the walls of the house, but expanded in our gardens. However, it’s a mischief, the devil grows, with the arrival of autumn, the crimson leaves are adorned and the even more effective look. decorative viglyad(Malunok 3).

Tse stimulates the development of new roslinnosty and rob the bushes of more, unique cryptographic problems. Shvidshe for everything, if you have pushed "hydrangea, yaku you thought", however, like garna quit! It’s not just a quit, because it’s not just a quit, because we know it’s sense quit. A hydrangea card as a symbol of the idea of ​​eating, if you want to vibrate out of a dead-end situation, and, as a date, you can send a message about being asked to go through the hundred-rooms, the situation of the hundred.

Hortensia is oak-leaved and has a color like a garden for all seasons. Fixing in the summer and ending in the early morning, there is a joy to your gentlemen with gorgeous sutsvitty with a fragrant, aromatic aroma, for every pleasure to fly bdzhilki, snowstorms and coma. Quotes, as a rule, may be more balanced, їхнє sutsvіttya has the shape of a cone.

Planting a hydrangea goes on in the tiniest of monsters, or pivotin, on the flowers of the plant, the price is not worth it. If you feel bad about the runt, then it is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati vologoponiknі sumіshі. We will not take pidzhiviti ґrunt with a gentleness and dobry.

Yak і in front of the dewline, the oak-leaved hydrangea look outwardly vimaga zovsіm simple-minded: it is enough to take the necessary soil for the whole growth-loving dewline, do not give the land to overshoot.

The Dublin hydrangea can be carried out for hanging or for a fall. You can see that little pagony is seen, giving you the power to become newer.

Hydrangea is oak-leaved, which is rich in species of chagarnik, and grows in high style before cold weather. However, at the first time of life for the winter, it is more beautiful to transplant it into a housekeeper and look out for a grower.

Transplant and propagation of hydrangea

Perezadzhuyuchi roselin in ґrunt, їkh it is necessary to grow at the hole with a glybinium close to 60 cm at a height of 1-1.5 m one from one.

Before tim, yak perezhuvati hydrangea at the preparation of the meal, then dobrivat from the sechovina, organics and granulated superphosphate.

After hanging down, I will break off at the age of living for a few rocks. And after the end of the hour, the growth of life becomes more and more important.

The propagation of hydrangea is shown in several ways:

  • live bait;
  • introduced;
  • for help nasinnya.

For lively life, green children are drawn and put in the refrigerator. The stench is wrapped in a PVC package from a free-for-all. Naprikіntsі zimі zimі vіdzhuyut from the mountaineers with runtom. Before Tim, plant a hydrangea in a gardener, soak the lower part of the petiole with up to 1% of a stock of heteroauxin powder and talcum powder.

Nezhno-rozhevі and bіdo-fioletovі sutsvіttya are favorites among the modern gardeners.

The housekeeper, in which there is a proliferation of hydrangeas, should be covered with plavkoy, and after a couple of months (until the middle of spring) the green pahony of the dewdrop will need to hang in the greenhouse. tiny mіsci... Until the end of the year, change the song at the runt on the last place.

Propagation of hydrangeas for women is produced as follows:

  • Hanging attachments hang from the container and lightly stick with soil;
  • before the appearance of steam, it will calm down in the cool ta vologic mice;
  • the time of the planting is carried over at the place with room temperature;
  • at the ґrunt visadzhuєtsya already written when passing through the frost.

In order to multiply the hydrangea by the introduced:

  • slid vibrati healthy in the flow of roselin;
  • laying in the fluff with peat and gravim ґrunt;
  • pin;
  • From the top, stick it with a primer and cover it with a piece of water close to 20 cm of the pagon.

The land for plivkoy is guilty of being let go. On the offensive rik, if there is a root and a new pagony, it is possible to go to the village and sit in the runt.

Chagarnik at the period of color is similar to the color of Galyavin. The majestic droplets cover the greens so delightfully that the garden just smells. Zovnishny viglyad buds are unaware, wines are similar to small let's go cool small colors... Hydrangea became popular in the middle of Russian gardeners through its lack of sensitivity, versatility in the appearance of hydrangea.

Hydrangea became popular in the middle of Russian gardeners through its lack of sensitivity, versatility in the appearance of hydrangea.

Rid roselin to enter the great group of hydrangea family. Until now, there are small trees and shrubs. Usyo roslin in the group of ponad 80 species. Hortensia came to Russia from Japan. Roslina has such a clear aroma, which is single, a small note to dissolve the warmth of lithium. Dovgy hour Kviti decorated the apartments, ale the selectionists opened the kraєvidi, as they embellished the dilyanki. Hortensia has ceased to be afraid of the cold climate, frost and boards. Zavdyaki vchenyi vcheni buds have become popular throughout the country.

See the hydrangeas (video)

See that sort of hydrangea

Family yaskravikh koloriv nalichu ponad 100 sorts. For the singing clime, select the necessary viewer, fix the lookout, distribute and expand the middle of friends. In the middle of the growing developmental activity, one picks up the most popular varieties, which are also transformed by gardeners.

Hydrangea is oaky

I will name the variety through the similarity of the leaf shape. The stench of thriving, seven-bladed, like a mighty tree - oak. Growth at a height up to 2 meters. Sutsvittya conceal the shape of a cone. At the base, the best part is roasted, and up to the top, it sounds. Leaving a stretch of light and autumn changes. From bright green step by step go to purple and burgundy. Quotes are terry and fluffy. The form of essence is great voloti. With an oaky white hydrangea, close up the facades of the bud... Cover the windows with free windows. Quite a few booths will be placed on an independent basis, so it is possible to make them only with Kazkov's palaces.

Hydrangea is oaky

Hydrangea poplyasta

Chagarnik tsikaviy call. The variety is deciduous. Visota syagaє 2m. The crown is wide and wide and falling. To enter such a pidlozi kul, or the sphere of cherguvan leaves and buds. Leaves are pubescent on the thick side. On the forest, there are a lot of young pagones, as they see the color of buds. To fill the leaf is great - up to 15cm. Along the edges there is a clear cut. Sutsvittya is formed until the middle of the summer and will delight the gentlemen until the first snow. One way to stand near the fluffy carpet of girls.

The variety is not afraid of winter, That pidijde for vyroshuvannya on the whole territory of Russia. Young booths may freeze, and then shrink, and let the chances be frozen before the coming seasons. Quote for growth on all types of runtu, її can be seen in any kind of music, do not forget about the vibe of the most common on dіlyantsі. The bush will be good.

Hydrangea poplyasta

Paramidal type: Sutsvіttya mayut the form of pіramіdi. The stench sounds up to the top. When close to a close look, it will be stored in large and horny buds. To the side is the whole bouquet of rhyme. Until the autumn season, we will grow weary, so that it shimmers under the swirls of a bright, albeit not hot, dream, so that we can quiet down lovers of apartments before the next winter. Roslin bring your charm to main season, decorate the dilyanka until the first frost

Hortensia shorstka

The variety can be seen as a leaf. The stench is great, shorts on the dot, may be stronger than the pubescence. The color of the leaves of the prickly and the weeds are emery-greens. Insha vіdmіnnіst - not high growth. There is no food for a meter. So it’s awkward to explain. The levy of the upper ground part of the bush is vidmerzaє. Roslina sees a choroku. Blossom to repair from the middle of the lime tree.

Gardeners choose a variety because of the leaf: it is so original, it is not necessary to color, to create a divoving decoration for a dilyanka. The shortness of the leaves of the leaf is the enemy of medium vivid, chocolate and red wine. Zmyuyuchi kilka developed over the season, I will re-create the whole garden, albeit especially adorable to see the worm-like leaves.

Hortensia shorstka

Hortensia Sargent

A viglyad who is in line with the charms. Kazkova Korolivska Sargent befitting everyone. Leaves on the dotted with oxamite. The dermal pelust of the rozkrytomu buds roztasovana okremo. The originality of going through the divine transitions to the colorways: the color of the violet tone changes from the dark to the dark. Skip the lungs of the cyatki in misses. A large bush can grow with small fruit trees - up to 4 m. Razkvitayuchi naprikіntsі lita, creep to the first snow.

Hortensia Sargent

Hortensia krupnolistova (sadova)

Large leaves may be oval shaped and sharpened with a finish. Postupovo garden card enlarge. Sutsvittya - in the form of kul, common and schilny. The skin of the body is gradually reduced to the last. To be built, if you see a bud, then you can roll a ball on top of the earth. The variety is bagato koloriv: blue, bilious, rusky. Gardeners will bring them into one bush, and clean up the strings of quintuple kilim.

Hortensia krupnolistova (sadova)

Hortensia cheshkova (kucheryava)

The species grows like crappy, curly stems, due to growth in natural minds. Miluvatisya is possible in Japan, China and on Sakhalin. On the stems, there are not many large species of growth. The stems grow out of the buds, so that they make a big bag. It’s built, that color (blue, rozevi, violet) pouches were cut out with a dark green background. The petiolate view is seen in the shaded mice. It’s not a good idea to keep quiet with your buds, depriving you of a sprinkle of tea on the cob of litas.

Kucheryave variety can be used to decorate the fence, place a spot on the verandah, original in the interior. Hortensia will become a tsikovoy kolorova fenced in, where the Kremlin ovochevy culture comes from kvitkovyh. The pereshkovy variety is thermophilic, it can be snatched from frost, crooked for the winter. root system and the stems, the dewlines have changed.

Hortensia cheshkova (kucheryava)

Hydrangea promenist

The variety is no longer vibaglivy, at nyogo majestic quantity kolorovykh kolorіv. Naybіlsh add bіlі hydrangeas. Divovizhnі sutsvіttya roztashovuyutsya on a very thin stem. Pelusts may form lower rounded ovals, which are sharpened by fire. Nearby you can play with great fluffy kulbabs. Visota bushes - 3 m Leaves are more oval, slightly more twisted.

The variety is not frosty, it should be warm until cold. Korinnya zakryvayut leaves or compost rasp.

Hydrangea promenist

Hydrangea pilchasta

Viddaє perevagu yaskravim sleepy exchanges, as they create a special microclimate. The bush is not high. Zrazkovo zrostannya - up to 1.2 -1.4 m.

Naycharyvnishim from varieties є type "Blakitny ptah". I call Yogo a bird of Happiness. The cooler of the blackish pelusts becomes flat and so lower that it’s built, the axis-axis flies. The peels are spreading one over one, flaping to the original composition with big buds, but they did not spread. Succulent forms are shaped - volots at the glades of the flat shields. Pilchasty viglyad will show frost up to 25 degrees.

Hydrangea pilchasta

Planting hydrangea on garden dilyantsi

Quite a bush not to love very critical things. Part of the day you need to spend your time at tini. Ale not slid to rob the dark part of the territory. Quote check on the sun. Iakshit hydrangea on a bright sun, it just burns out. You will become a bitch, and then a dry one. The abundance of the color is to be found in the acidity of the soil.

There are no rules for robots with varieties. Most of them are flexible, it is good to take root and grow. In one season, a great garnish bouquet of flowers is formed.

Vibir and preparatory work

Obviously pick up a place on the territory of the house for the hydrangea. Let us dig a hole. Rosemir to lay down in a variety of that root system. Standard size for young bush:

  • diameter - 05 by 05 m;
  • glybin - up to 70 cm.

Yakshu to pereadzhuyut mature bushes, to dig a trench near a new trench, approximately virakhovyu and the area to grow bushes. Upcoming events:

  • at the bottom there is a drainage ball;
  • peat fouling;
  • to get a pic;
  • approximately half the needles and shavings are added;
  • the upper ball is easy.

At the root of the growing meadow, bring in goodness, so that the warehouse is normalized.

Especially a look behind the hydrangea (video)

Technology and terms of planting hydrangeas on dilyantsi

Roses will be taken care of by the canopy. Look at the roots, clean up the items, clean them up and distribute them. Finest hour planting - spring... Roslina wakes up to close at the runt so she can winter. Yakshcho work from the boom of the canopy, the root grows, a little more neatly. Zmenshuvati will please a number of pagons, and even a stem.

Gallery: hydrangea (56 photos)

Look out for the hydrangea on the dacha dilyantsi

Garniy and correctly formed bushes with clear colors can be rejected as if they had a correct guess.

Frequency and rules of watering

Hortensia to love vology. The soil depends on the need for water. Schob zberigati rіdinu yґruntі shoot a ball of mulch. Tse can be from materials, as well as to a specialist:

  • needles;
  • displacement;
  • leaf;
  • bark;
  • shavings.

Watering should be carried out in fallow areas from the climate:

  • dry season - 2 times per day;
  • wood hour - 1 time per day.

Watered for the help of the stilt foldable, the skin bush vimagaє approximately 50 liters of water. To that, as in the garden of a lot of small bushes, there are opportunities for watering with a hose. The water is pure and sweet.

If the soil is covered with mulch, then watering can be done up to 1 time per month.

Hortensia to love vology

Pіdzhivlennya hydrangea

At the time of growth, the bush is filled with cinnamon components. The stench to help the growth of the healthy state of health. Immediately after a transplant, for sadzhants, such a set is good:

  • superphosphate;
  • a dope;
  • sirchaniy kaliy.

If you fix the shape, you can use the quotations of the buds:

  • superphosphate;
  • sirchaniy kaliy.

I will stop spending time in front of ukrittyam bushes for the winter:

  • gniy;
  • compost.

Rozrakhunks should be carried out on 1 square meter of land.

In the period of growing hydrangea, the soil is saturated with cinnamon components.

Appointing that particularity of the style of hydrangea

Obov'yazkovim method for a glance є obr_zannya. Without it, the roslin will become uncomfortable, similar to the raztripani pins, so erasing the sides. In such a viglyadі їm it is important to trim the buds. The bush will feel like it’s falling to the ground. Beauty and charm to ruin.

  1. Vesnyans obr_zuvannya allow for the summer season to make more adjustments. The main form will be reversed as well. Fill it up more beautifully than the stalk of a whisker 20cm. Roslina will go on and on and on and on.
  2. If it is necessary to cut the curly varieties, then it is not cardinal, but it changes the stem, but it will grow. This is the way of transferring the change of bichonies.
  3. Autumn obrіzka vikonuє role of sanitary robots. Weak and old pagony see.

Preparing hydrangeas before winter

Gotuvati kusch to mend from winter till winter. Before winter, the heads are covered with burgundy ribbons.

  1. In the middle of the zhovtnya, the earth is piddling, pidgortayut. The ground is raised to a height of approximately 30 cm.
  2. At the fall of the leaves, fix the lowering jigs, pressing them to the ground. Then we cover the whole bush with jalins - spruce branches.

Hydrangea should be closed with a curtain material, with peat growing, and with old leaves that have fallen off.

Obov'yazkovy method for a glance є the formation of hydrangeas.

Options for Hydrangea in landscape design

Rizni varieties on the same date set the mind for the establishment of practical masterpieces, unique in style and design. Styles, for some hydrangeas become the basis, rich. Most popular:

  1. Silskiy. Put old-fashioned objects (visok, cat, teapot) on the day. Navkolo, for in them there is a set of amnesty for the bushes. Weidde has an unrivaled composition: a flimsy viz, a cute cat, an original teapot.
  2. English quotation. Ensemble of transmission of life, writing meadows. Hydrangea high-growth to take revenge in the center, undersized varieties double stitch.
  3. Skhidny style. The hydrangeas are used to decorate the Japanese ornament. Vin vidіlyaє piece stitches, bridging the quilt zone.
  4. Country... On the dіlyantsі roztashovuyut great number garden objects of designer decoration: flowerpots, benches, arbours. Kviti visjuyut the order or for the accessories, you can see it.
  5. Seredzemomorsky style. The hydrangea is not hung in the soil, but in boxes, containers, which are originally roasted all over the place or fenced off. There are vertical stitches in the drawers, and a new viglyad is provided at the skin gathering of the design.

Propagation of hydrangeas with live bait (video)

For any style to be familiar with different varieties of hydrangeas. Nice to improve the cleanliness, and to add to the gentry. Special views Guess about the neediness, romance and kindness of the gentlemen. All at once to become a proof of the pratsovitosti and individuality of going to the end of your home and near calmness.

Let's talk about secrets ...

What did you see? Did you get pain in the slopes? І Vi do not know a bit, but also:

  • the uncomfortable feeling of being oversaturated is comfortable and easy;
  • bіl pіd hour chi fіsichnykh right;
  • discomfort with pidyomas and descents;
  • burning in dilyantsi loam, swelling;
  • unacceptable crunch, clack not for the hairy bazhan;
  • for no reason and unbearable pain in the slopes.

We ask you to be connected to the power supply: what do you want? Can you get such a big boon? Did you get angry at the ineffective treatment of the pennies? The hour has come to end the zim! Chi zgodni? This year's publication is an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which a doctor has opened secrets for pain in the slopes, for arthritis and arthrosis.

Uvaga, only SOGODNI!
