The senior preschool age is a development of the movie according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Modern development of children of preschool age for the Federal State Educational Standard

Correctly shaping a child - tse zavdannya like a father. An active part in the її virishennі may be brothers and vihovateli.

Introduction of new norms

In 2013/14, all pre-school mortgages were transferred to a robot for new ones. The reason for this was the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (No.

Yake recognized by the Federal State Educational Standard at a kindergarten?

Movlennєviy razvitok doshkіlnyat z GEF zaznâєєє zavodnіnnya foundations splkuvannya as part of the cultural recession of the nation, as well as the constant replenishment of the vocabulary stock, the formation of literate, sv'yazkovoї monologic and dialogical rozmovi. For this achievement, creativity is needed, the formation of intonation and sound culture of dialogue, a competent phonetic ear, the cultivation of child literature, and the development of a child of different genres. Movlennєviy development of preschoolers from the Federal State Educational Standards (6-7 years) forms a change of mind for a further study of reading that letter.

Head of preschool education

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the movement development of preschool children should be set as follows: molding as the correct way, and th mislennya baby. The results of the monitoring show that in the last hour the number of preschool children grew up, as if there were damage to the buildings, you can speak correctly.

It is important to shape the language of preschoolers at the same time, to talk about its cleanliness, to correct the problems ahead of time, as they are respected by the adopted rules and norms of the Russian language.

Head of preschool education (FGZS)

The movement development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard (the goals and objectives are briefly reviewed above) is carried out in decals directly:

  • enrichment of the educational sphere of preschoolers with the necessary information for help to take, guard, experimental activity;
  • emphasizing emotionally-sensitive information for the hour of intercourse with things, objects, and people;
  • systematization of information about the necessities of life, the formation of statements about the unity of the material world;
  • vihovannya dbaylivogo setting to nature, fixing positive emotions;
  • a creation of minds that will accept the manifestation and support of the interests of a preschooler, the ability to show their independence current activities;
  • podtrimka molding educational processes at the little ones.

Vikhovator robot z FGZS

The main task of any facilitator is the developmental development of preschoolers from the Federal State Educational Standard. Zavdyaki youmu sees the beginning of the formation of communicative minds of children. Full implementation of the goal - molding to completion preschool age universal intercourse of a baby with people, yakі yogo otchuyut. A preschooler of an older age is easily guilty of being the representatives of society for a century, a social camp, a status.

Movlennєviy rozvitok doshkіlnjat according to GEF (6-7 years) transfer volodinnya usnoy rosіyskoy movoy, orienting the hour of the connection to the spymaster, vіnnya vydbirati raznі form and spriymati zmіst rozmovi.

Directions for the development of a preschooler from the FGZS

According to the new standards, children's gardens of goiter and yazan give preschool children the following direct development:

  • funeral;
  • social and communicative;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • move;
  • physical.

About the peculiarities of the educational development

The Federal State Educational Standard has filed a cognitive-motional development in the surrounding region.

Under the educational development, it is possible to develop the formation of drinking capacity, the development of interest, activity in the education of preschool children. As a task to put the formation of the information of a preschooler, the development of the first statements about other people, about oneself, about different objects, about, about, about the blue, about the power of objects (colors, shapes, rhythms, sounds, materials, parts, quantity, whole, hour, calm, space , ruh, consequences, causes).

The vocational development of preschoolers according to the FGZS helps mold the love of the little ones to their own country. Activities form a statement about the cultural values ​​of the people, traditions, as well as about national saints, help to confirm the information about the planet Earth, natural processes, phenomena, diversity of peoples and lands.

The specifics of the modern development of preschool children

Movlennєviy development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the 1st young group to put the head of my education as a necessary way of culture and education. It is also busy helping the little ones to improve their vocabulary stock, to form phonetic hearing.

How are the moments to be nurtured by educators, how are they planning to develop the development of preschool children?

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, in the preschool period, for the help of cognitive culture, it is necessary to mold children with the first manifestations of the disease. In the world, the image of the world is changing in the little ones. Don’t forget about those that the ways of knowing that rose in a little person are simply awakened by the manifestations of grown-ups, as if building to perceive the most important things and objects with their own intellect, then as children get to know different things for help. Elderly people are vvazhayut for the better to assemble information, not attaching due respect to human stosunki. Preschool children who are impromptu and swiftly acquire a great flow of knowledge, to that they play an even greater role for people.

Peculiarities of the development of triric baby

For a trinity child, the basis of light perception is a detailed image of reality. World of children of this age - specific names of objects, objects, phenomena. The knowledge of the world follows the principle: what I am running, I am cursing, I know. The child marvels at objects from different sides. Yomu tsіkavi zovnіshni (Who? What?), Internal (Navіshcho? Yak?) Characteristics of the subject. Such a vіtsі vіn does not have a building independent osyagat different parameters. Movlennєviy development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the first young group is directly assisted in the process of learning new speeches, phenomena, searches for interrelationship between other natural processes.

Peculiarities of the development of a baby of another young group

The kids of another young group of buildings are to establish the fallacy and the first links between the objects and the objects, the spivvіdnosti vnіshnі and zvnіshnі characteristics of speeches, to analyze the meaning of okremih from them for the life of the people. Povnotsіnny movlennєviy development of preschool children according to the FGZS in another young group allows the little ones of this group to join each other, to learn to grow up with the grown-ups.

Peculiarities of the development of the chotiric baby

In the chotiric vіtsі shaping the specialty zaznaє suttєvih zmin, caused by physiological processes that occur in the cortex of the brain, modifications of psychic reactions, as well as an increase in the level of self-improvement. There is an accumulation of a total stock of information about the phenomena that are trapping around the children. Even more important is the development of preschoolers. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the middle group is the first period, if the reception of information on the verbal level is activated. Children begin to conquer, to understand the differences of the cliques about the current world. Tsey century transfers the molding of the best interests of preschoolers, this requires a special development program.

Peculiarities of the development of the pyatiric baby

This child already has a lot of accumulations of information about objects, manifestations, the world of the world, it is important to popovnyuvat it at the same time. A permanent development of preschoolers according to the FGZS gives the opportunity to move on to an elementary primary knowledge of such concepts as “symbol”, “hour”, “sign”. The stench will be more important for further preparation before school.

Such an understandable facilitator zaprovadzhuє, zdіysnyuyuchi movlennєviy development of preschoolers from the Federal State Educational Standard. Yogo manager - zatsikaviti baby. For example, for the formation of singing symbols, children practice from a globe, signs road traffic, months, climate zones, group icons. A serious topic is respected by the “Hour”. So far, the child has no idea about what this term means. Vin is weakly orientated, what a day it is today, and also if that chi is another day. It is important for you to correctly and intelligently explain what is tomorrow, today and tomorrow.

Movlennєviy development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard is straightened out by the folding of roses about the hour, calendars. Vihovatel, knowing the little ones and understanding them, creating a “little bit of the past” among the group. As a result, among preschool children, statements about non-living things, living nature, and interrelationships between them are expanding. Importantly, so that the violators helped their subdivisions, straightened them out of the folding process of recognition, at once established causal-inheritance links, shrunk the positive setting to a superfluous light.

An important moment that the molding of the child's cognitive features is pouring in is the manifestation of motivation. The development of a pre-schooler of the building of the building and without intermediary to lay the building of the building quickly to win the received information. Do you have a current development of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The program "From the people to school" is the guarantee of the successful molding of the little one. The language of the child develops even more quickly - for a six-digit one, the “bank” of 4000 slov is normal.

Ways to create a medium for preschool children

In order to ensure the formation of the special features of preschoolers, it is important to develop the subject-spacious middle in all of them.

At the Federal State Educational Standard, up to є chіtkі vomogi, yakі spriyat poslennyu іinteresu doshkіlnjat. Vidpovidno up to standards, can be polyfunctional, transformed, rich, accessible, variable, and also safe. For the abundance of the world, we give children, as well as change the educational program.

One of the top minds in the process of creating a developing space-subject medium is to respect the consistency of the material up to the age of small ones. Vono is important and important. Federal State Educational Standards of DO allow an individual child to a skin child, which is the building of the world who has found a well-known caregiver with a significant work experience with small children.

It is important to note that in the skin attack group of children it is the responsibility to develop the skills, taken earlier, on which the current education programs for preschool children are based.

Pіdbivaєmo pіdbags

Children at the age of 3-5 years old, as if they are going through the stage of transition to the game activity, to the middle to take the chances and development of the main skills. The laws of thought, movement, respect allow the creation of a medium of substantive activity (playing situations), as well as the development of minds and development of specificity.

The youngest group of preschool children may have different kinds of activity, but there are connections between the groyu and the navchannyam. Vihovateli young groups goiter zastosovuvaty robot and game, group, subject occupation.

The middle group transfers a smooth transition from playing activity to academic work.

In the older group, the plot-role play is of great importance, which presents special vimogi. The master is guilty of forming a subject-development medium, motivating pre-schoolers for learning activity.

AT preparatory group vikoristovuyut navchalnі methods, vіdpovіdnі GEF, yakі help prepare children for school. Depending on the level of training, preschoolers will gain a lot of success with a little more education.

Julia Ageeva
Current development is valid for FGZS preschool education

Current development is valid for FGZS

preschool education

The system was formed in Russia by a stretch of ten years preschool education none of the serious changes. Broken down and typing in the rank of the Federal Derzhavny lighting standard for preschool education(GEF DO) . Tsі zmіni buli nіbіbnі y zvyazku z rozumіnnyam importanty sama preschool education for a distant success development that navchannya dermal baby, safe yaks educate children of the preschool age.

The snakes bumped not less lighting activities, as well as the professional competence of teachers, as well as the financing of the implementation of the main preschool education programs.

Illumination diyalnost zdiisnyuєtsya in different types of diyalnosti and ohoplyu sing directly development of children, which are called illuminated areas. Federal State Educational Standard appoints 5 oblasts:

1) socially - communicative development- directed to the assimilation of norms and values ​​adopted by the society, development interplay and interplay of children with grown-up and one-year-olds, the formation of independence;

2) funeral development - conveying the development of children's interests, drinking capacity and cognitive motivation, forming cognitive activities, development of uavi that creative activity;

3) current development- includes my own enrichment, as a special combination of culture, enrichment of the active vocabulary, development of sonic, grammatically correct dialogue and monologue movi;

4) artistic - more aesthetically pleasing development - transfer of development reconsiderations of a valuable-smyslovy sprynyattya and rozumіnnya tvorіv mystetstva, the world of nature, the formation of an aesthetic setting to a superfluous world;

5) physical development- includes on-the-spot awareness of the vital activity, the formation of healthy values way of life.

Modern development as early as the most relevant preschool age.

main goal movable development - cere development volnogo splkuvannya with grown-up and children, volodinnya constructive ways and ways of mutual interaction with otochyuchimi.


1) volodinnya promova as a special splicing of that culture (it means, it is required to form the dream of children on such a level, so that the stench is not difficult to establish contacts with one-year-olds and grown-ups, so that their mova was irritating);

2) enrichment of the active vocabulary preschooler that fall into the vocabulary of the teacher and the father, for the expansion of the vocabulary of children, friendly minds are created with a complex - thematic planning work);

3) development of sonic, Grammatically correct dialogical and monologue mov (our connection of language is made up of two parts-dialogue and monologue. The most important material for her is a dictionary and mastering the grammatical mode of the mov, so that you can change the words, z'ednuvati nyaїh);

4) development of creative creativity(the work is not simple, let it be, children independently put together the simplest short explanations, take part in the creation of new phrases, see new moves in the plot of fairy tales, etc. All the same, we become possible, as we create for our mind);

5) familiarity with book culture, child literature, hearing texts in various genres in child literature (the main problem lies in the fact that the book has ceased to be valuable in rich sims, children do not sing the sound of home reading as a listener );

6) the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a rethinking of the acquisition of literacy movnih sounds to lie down and form the right way);

7) development sound and intonation culture, phonemic to hearing (a child will acquire a system of voices, vim’s sounds, speak in a different way, read verses; a child learns to name words with a singing sound, assigning a place to the sound of a word).

Development of a preschool child For the most part, it is most successful in the minds of the wealthy developing medium, as a unity of social and natural benefits, raznomanitnu diyalnist and prosperity movnogo dosvidu children.

Developing the middle is a natural environment, rationally organized, rich various sensory toys and game materials.

In such a medium, it is possible to turn on one hour to the active learning and creative activity of all the children of the group.

Movlennєve developing medium as a part of the zagalnoy, it is directed to an effective whimsical inflow, to the formation of an active cognitional setting up to the necessary world and the appearances of a native movie and a movie. To that fold movnoї developing middles - the most important direct increase in the quality of work rozvitku movie doshkіlnjat.

Movna developing the middle - the subject is sharpened, the role of the grown-up is important in the case of the folded infusion of its promotion on the development of the different sides of the promotion preschooler.

Movlenneva middle, Created in the song group, - the factor is either a streaming or an activating process mobile development baby to that developing middle, importantly vrakhovuvat riven mobile development, interests, needs of children of this group as the main components movnoї developing the middle is seen offensive:

Mova teacher;

Methods and methods of currying development of different sides;

Specially for the skin group.

One of the most important warehouses is the literate language of the teacher, the teachers themselves lay the foundations for the culture of the child’s language, form the foundations current activities of children, doluchaє їх up to the cultural development of the language of the teacher of the DNZ maє first and foremost that spirituality. Golovnym є kіst її movnogo zmіstu, scho zabezpechuє vysokoі results pratsі. Mova of the teacher may come vimogam:

1) CORRECTNESS - tobto. compliance with modern standards. Listening to the teacher, the children are not guilty of anything, they speak out, sensu wash through the wrong vimovi chi non-standardly prompted phrase.

2) ACCURACY - that is the exact language - the language of the language, in which the action is adequately reflected and is clearly indicated by the word those that can be said.

3) LOGIC - that's the obviousness of the 3 flavoring components: the cob, the main part and the end of the tongue. It is also important to remember the teacher correctly, competently, logically to say to himself all the propositions and parts of the speech.

4) PURITY - i.e. the presence of the moving elements, the distant literary movement. Zasmіchuє movu of the teacher that unrealistic instilling in him of posterior slіv, dialectic, slang and slang virazіv.

5) VIRAZIVNIST - tse singularity of the mov, which instills respect and interest, which creates an atmosphere of emotional spontaneity.

6) WEALTH - to judge about the new one by the number of words and their meaning. More lexical and semantic richness. Ale іsnuє y syntactic understanding wealth: tse vikoristannya speaking propositions: simple and foldable, plain and not plain, foldable, foldable, unionless, etc. The richness of the language is uninterruptedly connected with equal culture, erudition, erudition.

7) TRANSLATION open the situation is mind-blowing. Dorechnіst vimagає as a teacher of gnuchkostі modern behavior: chi vmіє vіn indicate the correctness i dotsilnist slіv, forms and turnovers, their meanings, zazdalegіd transfer to the robot how to master them.

Methods and methods of currying the development of children special possession - pіdbіr їх without intermediary lie down in the form of peculiarities mobile development children of the skin age group

Features mobile development first young group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

development movie yak sobi splkuvannya (commission, hint, srazok, pov'yazana mova that іn.);

(announcement, reading);

4. independent viewing of pictures, toys, books (on the development of an initiative movie)

Features mobile development other young group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. Methods and methods, directed at development move yak sobi splkuvannya (hand-in-hand, prompt, zrazok animal, srazok vzaєmodії y vyglyadі movi y varіznyh types dіyalnostі);

3. Methods and methods, directing to the molding in the mind of hearing and feeling (move, speak, read);

4. organization "A bunch of cіkavih speeches"(Stimulation of independent review of books, pictures, toys, items for development of initiative movement.

Features the development of the middle group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. Methods and methods, directed at development move like sobi splkuvannya (satisfaction with consumption in otrimannі and discussed information; shaping navichok splkuvannya with one-year-olds; familiarity with formulas modern etiquette);

3. Methods and methods, aimed at shaping the mind of hearing and feeling (hearing of children; clarification of opinions; hint; explanation of the whistleblower - emphasis on stimulating the awareness of the interest);

"A bunch of cіkavih speeches" development of an explanatory movie). organization of activity in "A bunch of cіkavih speeches"(set of pictures, photographs, leaflets, loops, magnets, etc.) development of an explanatory movie).

Features mobile development senior and prepared

before school group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. Methods and methods, directed at development move yak zasobi splkuvannya (knowledge of the formulas modern etiquette, purposeful molding of all groups of dialogue minds; reduce the literacy of your point of view);

3. Methods and methods for acquiring, directing to the formation of the beginning of independent rozpovidanya (hunting for an instigation of children; transformation of the connection between an innocence; a record of a repetition of an innocence; clarification, clarification);

4. organization of activities "A bunch of cіkavih speeches"(additional fold - emphasis on the expanded manifestation of children about rіznomanіtі navkolishny svіtu; organization of a meeting with upcoming discussions);

For such features mobile development at the skin eyelid group:

1. Created in a friendly manner for molding movnih kill that novice of children not only in a specially organized training, but also in independent activity;

2. High rhubarb is safe movnoї activity of children;

3. Feasting on children movnimi vminnyami and beginners in the natural environment of a lively romantic movement.

Movlennєviy vydpovidno to GEF TO include rozvitok move that artistic literature.

The main directions of robotic movie development:

1. Glossary development: mastering the meaning of words and their pre-river living obviously from the context of the situation, from the situation, in which case there is a connection.

2. Vihovannya sound culture movie: development spriynyattya zvukіv rіdnoї movi ta vimovi.

3. Forming a grammatical arrangement.

4. Rostovka zvyaznogo move(Dialogue (rozmovna) language monologue language (disambiguation).

5. Formation of an elementary awareness of the manifestations of the movement movie: razrіznennya sound of that word, znakhodzhennya mіstsya sound of the word. Vihovannya love and interest to the artistic word.

Pobudova lighting The process can be grounded on adequate for all forms of work with children. The choice of forms of work is designed by the teacher independently and to lie down according to the contingent of students, equipment and specifics preschool mortgage , cultural and regional features, in view of the creative approach of the teacher development movie kids illumination situation.

illuminating situations vicorist:

– at non-intermediate organizations lighting activities - in the process of organizing various activities of children, tasks GEF. The stench is straightened out for molding in children development decrease in different types of activity (playing, communicative, cognitive-preliminary, adopting artistic literature and folklore, constructive, exemplary, musical, rukhovoi);

- in the course of regime moments and directing to the consolidation of the latest knowledge and in the present, their stagnation in new minds, showing a child's activity, self-reliance and creativity.

Look at the butt lighting situations, scho vykoristovuyutsya for .

O. M. Eltsova appoints what for development game splintering victorious game initial situation (IOS). It should be noted that this knowledge form is not the IOS itself, but those that are more specific, as they are specially introduced by the teacher.

1. Situations - illustrations. Suitable for the young preschool age. Simple scenes from the life of children are played. For the help of various playing materials and didactic aids, the teacher demonstrates to children zrazki socially acceptable behavior, and learn to activate their skills of effective communication.

2. Situations - right. Get out of the middle group. The stench of the child is active. Children train at vikonannі okremih igrovih diy and zv'yazuvannі їх at the plot, begin to regulate mutually with one-year-olds within the framework of igrovoї vzaєmodії.

3. Situations - problems. Get out of the old age. The fate of situations - problems with which the children have mastered the main directions of social benefits, їх "vіdpratsyuvannya" that modeling of the strategy of one's behavior among the world of people. Taking an active part, the child knows how to feel and experience, learn to accept and accept them.

4. Situations - assessments. Hang out with the preparatory group. The stench is carrying out an analysis of the adopted decision, its assessment from the side of the children themselves. In this way, the problem of the game is already resolved, but in the case of an adult, it is necessary to help the child to analyze and obgruntuvat accept the decision, evaluate yoga.

A. G. Arushanova pronounces the form mobile development children - scenarios for activating the game (Dialogue) interrogation. Such a form includes roaming from children, didactic, ruhlivy, folk games; staging, dramatization, obstezhennya subjects and іn.

A number of authors (L. S. Kiselova, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova) consider the design activity as a variant of the integrated training method preschoolers as a way to organize the pedagogical process, foundations on the interplay of the teacher and development, step by step practical action from the reach of the set goal. Implementation lighting gallery« Modern development» possible through the project method. Vikoristovuyuchi project activity, children automatically master new understanding and manifestations in different spheres of life. essence "method of projects" in illumine participate in such an organization lighting process, when a child gains knowledge of that vmіnnya, dosvіd creative activity, emotionally-valuable setting to efficiency in the process of planning and vikonnannya of practical tasks, which step by step are folded. Golovne zavdannya - help the child to believe in his own strength, to the fact that most of the time she is clearly accepted by the children, those who were crying, those who knew that they brought the stench themselves.

Technology of design and development of the project method at DNP with integration in retail lighting areas - a unique way of ensuring spivpratsi, spivtvorchosti children and adults, a way to implement a special-oriented approach to enlighten.

Integrated learning gives children the opportunity to think, create, fantasize, write, learn, develop communicative thought, improve the vocabulary and form the grammatical structure of the language.

Such a form preschool education yak gra sponukaє children to enter the contact, є motive to communicative activity. Bizіkova O. A proponuє іgri s prepared texts: ruhomі "King", "Kite", "Snake", "Liski" that in. ; didactic "I was born a gardener", "Farbi", "Smishinki" ta in (master diversityіnіtsiаtivnyh y replik vіdpovіd, reach vykonannya basic rules of conducting dialogue); didactic games that convey dialogue interaction, but do not take revenge on those who are ready replica: Who is fooling whom, "Entrusted", "Similar - not similar", "Get ready for a pie", games with phone "Viklik doctor", "Mom's call to work", "Bureau of Good Services".

One more butt form modern development of preschoolers to propagate the author: Kuzevanova O.V., Koblova T.A. current newspapers, books of self-confidence, problem situations, gatherings, interactive move standee, calendar podіy and іn.

Pozdeva S. I. means that “when organizing, be it lighting situation, be something busy in preschool lighting pledge to the teacher respectfully:

First, to think over the organization of various ways in the grown-childish and childish activity,

In a different way, bachiti resources of various stages of employment for development communicative competence of children”.

So rank, different forms of work and resources at the plan rozvitku movie doshkіlnjat, forming the communicative competence of children, yakscho: - children sleepily vibrate the cicave and it is significant for them to start and play the game, speaking to the helpers at the age of one, - improve, clarify and activate their vocabulary, vikonuyuchi language that practical task, - the teacher speaks not as a zhorst kerivnik, but as an organizer of the lighting activities, which does not advertise its communicative advantage, but supports it to help the child become an active communicator.

Municipal preschool primary mortgage child nursery No. 5 "Lisovichok" of the combined type of the city of Bui, Kostroma region

"Modern development of children of preschool age"

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist

Abizova Tetyana Anatoliivna

1. Theoretical foundations of the program and methodology for the development of preschool language.

The problem of development of pre-school promotions is complex, and the oscillations are based on the data not only of psychology and pedagogy, but also of deep learning, sociolinguistics, as well as psycholinguistics.

Works of representatives of different directions of science clearly explain how important the role of properly organized communication is in modern development. Complexes PIDHID to PITIN DOWN MOLOVANT TO MOTHEN SPILKANNE in Dytyachomi Sadku (dimensor with the same one, one yak on the employes, so the pose of busy) is valid for the zbizhennya that zbagachennia can for the observant ditini. volodinnya native mova have the most sensitive for this period.

Theoretical approach to the solution of the problem is based on the findings about the regularities of the development of preschool children, formulated by L.S. Vigotsky, D.B. Elkonina, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhina, A.M. Shakhnarovich. AT infamous looking You can look at the nature of our living things like this:

Mova children develop after the generalization of movnih yavishch, spriynyattya movi grown up and vlasnoi movnoi activity;

Carrying out the tasks of the navchannі movi є shaping the movnih zagalnen and elementary recognition of the appearances of the mov and mov;

Orientation of children on current manifestations creates minds for independent guards of the movement, at the development of promotion.

The beginning of the language, the development of the language is seen in the linguistic sphere (like a child’s mother’s language learners – phonetic, lexical, grammatical), and in the sphere the formation of a child’s bonding with each other with one and the grown-up ones (like a child’s mother with communicative thoughts). Zvіdsi istotnym zavdannya staє like shaping culture promotion, and th culture spіlkuvannya.

Zahalnovidomo, which is born without special education from the early century, shows great interest in modern action, creates new words, oriented like meanings, and the grammatical bіk of a movie. With a spontaneous movement development, less than a few of them reach a high level, so it is necessary to direct the movement of movement and movement. The central task of such a teaching is the formation of the current recognition and elementary recognition of the phenomena of the movie and the movie. It creates in children an interest in a native movie and ensures the creative nature of the movie.

The development of the movie in the preschool child (ambulance native to my mother) is a rich aspect process for its nature. So, this process is organically connected with the rozumovym development, the shards of a person’s rozvinene thought - tse movement, movne - verbal-logical thought. Vzaimozv'yazok movnogo razvitku, vovolodinnya mine and rozumovogo, educational development witness about the greatness of the meaning of the movie in the development of the mind.

Vodnochas vzaymosv'yazok movnogo (movnoy) and іntelektualnogo razvitie child need to look at the right way - from the intellect to mov. Such a view can be mentally christened as an analysis of the modern (linguistic) function of the intellect. To understand the role of the intellect, the romatic activity of the volodin my.

These are the main aspects of the intellectual-moving interrelationships, organically included in the process of maturation, the development and molding of the language.

Particularly clearly the link of the movable and the intellectual development of children appears at the formation of the link of the tongue, tobto. move zmistovnoy, logical, consequential. In order to clearly tell about anything, it is necessary to clearly present the object of reference (subject, subject), to analyze, to select the main powers and qualities, to establish a difference in the blue (causally inherited, timchas) between objects and manifestations. In addition, it is necessary to choose the most suitable words for expressing a given thought of the word, to remember the simplicity of the folded speech, to win the different words for the sound of the okremy speech and the part of the speech.

In the molding of a svyaznogo movement, it clearly protrudes and vzaєmozv'yazok movable and aesthetic aspect. It shows the sound of the language, the richness of the child of the Volodya with the richness of native language, її grammatical way, and at the same time, it brings out the rozum of the rosy, aesthetic, emotional development.

The development of pre-school promotions is closely related to the visions of the formation of artistic-moving activities as one of the indispensable elements of the aesthetic development of children. So, learning to retell folklore and literary works with the method of shaping the mind of preschoolers will be connected with the monologue of the necessary, including the awareness of children with the figurative features of the artistic text (pairings, epithets, metaphors, and synonyms). At the same time, about those volodinnya, in such a way, gloomy, clarifying the artistic perception of literary works, like, including the elements of a svіdomogo setting to the artistic text, taking its emotionally-non-intermediate character, tobto. zalishaetsya true aesthetic spryyattyam.

In the molding of creative rozpo_dannya, it is already important to note that the child is placed before the movie in its aesthetic function, which is manifested in the choice of modern image-creating features for instilling an artistic image.

Nauchannia preschoolers learn native language and hope for the accomplishment of tasks moral upheaval. Here, the zmist of literary creations, paintings are directly poured in. Umіnnya children rozpіdati svіlno, in groups (“teams”) transfer and vmіnnya domicile among themselves, at the same time you need to help your comrade, act like you too.

Navchannya doshkіlnyat rіdnoї movi, rozvitko movi nadaє rich possiblity vyrіshennya and іnshih zavdan moral and esthetic vihovannya children. It should not only go to the development of a monologue mov (retelling, rozpovidannya), but also to the private ("structural") aspects of the development of a native mov - the development of a sound culture of a mov, vocabulary work, the formation of a grammatical arrangement of a mov.

So, the work on the semantic side of the word, the semantically enriched vocabulary of children, their vocabulary, which is developing, can and is guilty of including the introduction of words into the language of children (and in the language of language) groups of words that mean the quality of people, assessments of її vchinkіv, such Yakosti and estimates.

In such a rite, full of love for my mother, the development of my heights is taken as a shear of a full-fledged molding of a child - a preschooler, which represents a great opportunity for the crown of riches of the rozumous, aesthetic and moral development of children.

The high rіven of a modern development of a preschooler includes:

Volodinnya literary norms and the rules of native language, free vocabulary and grammar, while expressing one’s thoughts, and folded, whether of some type of speech;

Uminnya to make contact with grown-ups and one-year-olds: listen, ask, speak, rebuke, explain;

Knowing the rules of modern etiquette, vminnya koristuvatisya them stalely in the situation;

2. The main directions of work for the development of preschool education .

Modern development

    My Volodinnya is like a special combination of that culture;

    enrichment of the active vocabulary;

    development of a coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monological movement;

    development of creative creativity;

    the development of sound and intonational culture of movement, phonemic to hearing;

    familiarity with book culture, childish literature; listening to texts of various genres in children's literature;

    the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a change of mind for learning to read and write

The main tasks of the language development are the development of the sound culture of the language, the vocabulary robot, the formation of the grammatical mode of the movement, the sangling with the prompting of the raised speech - they vary from group to group, the skin stage is stepwise, the method of learning is complicated by the development of the skin task. Skin movement may be a lot of problems, as it is necessary to remember everyone who works with children. Let's take a look at the specific shifts of the day at the light and storage position.

one). The development of the zv'yaznogo movement.

According to the age to preschoolers, we can see the development of two forms of the mov - dialogical and monologue.

Dialogue is characterized by a change of conversation between two or two (polylogue) is quiet, who speaks on a topic related to any situation. In dialogue, all kinds of opportunistic, spontaneous (prohannya, atmoga) are presented, fed with a minimum syntactic folding, vicarious particles. Movnі zasobi posilyuyutsya gestures, mime.

It is necessary to develop a dialogue in the children for a century (to ask, to give advice, to explain, to ask, to give a replica), corying with one’s own different ways in order to understand the situation.

For whom vikoristovuyutsya talks on the most addictive topics, connected with the life of a child in a family, a childish garden, with friends that are grown up, with interests and affections. At the dialosis itself, it develops in the mind of listening to the speaker, to put the power, to show the fallow in the context. All these newbies are necessary for the development of monologue thinking of children.

Development of monologue movement.

When navchannі children pobudovі razgornuty vyslovlyuvannya need to form the stench of the elementary knowledge of the structure of the text (cob, middle, end), the manifestation of the link between speeches and structural parts of the vyslovlyuvannya. The showman himself (make a connection between propositions) stands as one of the most important minds in the formation of the connection between the language of speech.

For a complete libertarian, there are typical variants of the phrases. The widest way to make propositions is the whole langur link. The main reasons for the call are the borrowers ("The bunny came. The bunny loves the carrot"), the lexical repetition ("The bunny shoots. It's cold for the bunny"), the synonymous change ("The bunny shoots. The fluff has fun").

Lantsyugovy zv'azok to rob language more with a gnuchka and a rіznomanіtnoy, tk. in this way, the children begin to uniquely repeat one and the same word.

Propositions can be combined with an additional parallel connection, so that the stinks are not completed, but are put together and navitayutsya. ("A strong wind blows. Zaєts hunkered down in a hole").

It is necessary for the teachers of the preschoolers to encourage the lingering texts to develop the theme and the main idea of ​​the development, heading it.

The role of the organization of svyaznogo vyslovlyuvannya graє іntonatsіya is great, for this it is correct to shape the intonation of the okremoi proposition spriyaє the design of the structural unity and semantic closure of the text in a zahal.

Behind the method of transmission and the way of cladding, there are such types of interpretation: description, description, mirkuvannya.

Description- tse special text, which is based on a global thesis, which designates and names the subject or object; then let's go over a sign, dominance, yakostey, processes; completes the description of the summation with a phrase that gives an assessment of the subject of the order.

The description is reminiscent of static, soft structure, which allows you to vary, rearrange it by places by places.

For texts - descriptions of victorious links, which are characterized by the fact that the object is called, and then the skin quality, like a promise, comes to the characteristics of the object.

Doshkіlnjat begin to describe toys, object chi plot pictures, vlasnі little ones chi їх conceived, natural phenomena, people, creatures.

Learning prompt texts - descriptions to help formulate in children the elementary statements about the structure and function of the description text.

Advice- This is the development of the plot, which develops in an hour. The main purpose of the opovіdі is to convey the development of a diy chi camp of the subject, which includes such podії, scenes, paintings.

structure permutation of yoga elements can destroy the sequence of the next line. Therefore, the rose scheme is the cob, the middle, the end (tying, climax, rozvyazuvannya).

The role of encouragement to start teaching children in different ways of organizing beginnings is important (the words "once", "once"; may be assigned a month and (chi) hour of departure, diy).

Pre-school children can become different types of incriminating texts: realistic explanations, fairy tales, based on the picture (or on a series of plot pictures)

p align="justify"> The work on the formation of a statement about the structure of an opposing text develops in children the ability to analyze the structure of an artistic text and transfer the acquired skills to independent verbal creativity.

Mіrkuvannya- The whole text, which includes causal-inherited constructions, food, assessment. It includes the thesis (pochatkovu proposition), the confirmation of the hanging camp and the visnovok, which sings out of the new one.

The structure of the mirroring, like a description, is not hard: proofs of a hanging thesis can be pressed in a different sequence. At mirkuvanni, you can have not one, but a sprat of position, and you can have a sprat of visnovkіv, or one of them.

It is especially necessary to substantiate the developments in preschool children, logically mirkuvati, explain, bring, robiti vysnovki, zagalnyuvati vyslovlene, and tsі vminnya develop in this type of text, like mirkuvannya.

The beginning of folding texts in different types is developed in such forms of work, like conversation, analysis (assessment) of the text of a different type, folding a plan and arranging it according to a new one, drawing up a scheme (model) to a text of a different kind.

2) Development of a preschooler's vocabulary.

The word is the most important loneliness of the mov, as to serve as the name of objects, processes, authorities. Opanuvannya by the vocabulary warehouse of native language is the necessary intellectual development of the yogo grammatical mode, the development of a coherent monologue movement, the development of the sound side of the movement.

The verbal recognition (naming) of objects will be acquired by children when they are aware of the extraneous action. A dictionary of preschoolers will be required for a syllabic grower, and for a more advanced one (clarification of the meaning of words, semantic accuracy of the use of synonyms, antonyms, rich-meaning words, romanization of figurative meanings).

The word will be conquered by a child, shvidshe, as if navchannya її vzhivannya pov'yazane z її zmistom, and the processes of work on words are established associative links.

In the development of the vocabulary of preschoolers, the principle of combining words among thematic groups is important. Odinitsі movi pov'yazanі mіzh itself that lie alone in the same way. Supplement of words, which form a thematic row, is a semantic field, which expands around the core. So, the word "head" has a rich meaning in the meaning "arkush of a coniferous tree" to enter in a semantic field: tree - stovbur - gіlki - needles - green - fluffy - growth - falling off; a needle for sewing to enter into another semantic field: to sew - to sew up - to embroider - to cloth - a shirt - a vіzerunok - a gostra - stupidly thin.

One of the main tasks of vocabulary work is the improvement, expansion and activation of the vocabulary stock.

The basis of the enrichment of a child's vocabulary should be the development of modern knowledge of children of thematic words, antonymic pairs, richly meaningful words.

You see the lexical work to be carried out in the form of verbal games, right, vikonnannya creative tasks in mutual communication with other current tasks.


The formation of a grammatical mode of language in a child - a preschooler includes work on morphology (changing words for genders, numbers, words), word creation (illuminating one word on the basis of another for additional special aids), syntax (making simple and colloquial speech).

The morphological mode of promotion of pre-schoolers includes all the grammatical forms (crim deiahs), the wines are folded with the age of children. Most of the space is occupied by the names of those words, prote zrostaє vzhivannya іnshih parts of the movement - prikmetniki, borrowers, clerks, chislіvnikіv.

Names designate objects, speeches, people, creatures, abstract authorities. They may grammatically categorize gender, number, vіdmіnka (divided for canopies and change in number and vіdminka). It is necessary to correct the children in the correct implantation of the varicose forms (especially in the form of the genus varicose veins (plums, oranges, olives)). The name of the rechenni is one of the most important components, It is necessary to use the prikmetnik in the family, the number and the vіdminku, to be coordinated with the word. The children need to show different ways to please a name-bearer with prikmetniks and idioms.

Die-slovo designates the deed or the camp of the subject, vіdrіznyaєtsya by the view (we will perfect it, we will not perfect it), change according to persons, numbers, hours, canopies and ways. Children are guilty of correctly accustoming the words in the form of 1, 2, 3 individuals one and many (I want, you want, you want, I want, I want to stink). Doshkіlnyata owe the right to live in the category of the clan, spіvvіdnosyachi dіyu that object of the woman (the girl said), the man (the boy read) or the middle family (the sun shone) with the words of the past hour.

Vitlumachalny way of the word is manifested in the form of the current day, past or future hour (wine gray, grave, grace). Children are brought up to the adoption of the mandated way of the word - dії, until someone is suddenly awake (go, bіzhi, bizhimo, way to live, let's go) and until the adoption of the mental method - it is possible or peredbachuvanoї dії (grave bi, read bi).

The prikmetnik means the sign of the subject and expresses the meaning in the grammatical categories of gender, number, vіdminka.

To know the children with the blessings of the name and the clerk in the family, the number and the votive mark, with the last and short marks (merry, merry, merry, merry), with the steps of the privnyannia of prikmetniks (kind - kind, quiet - quieter).


Children are brought up to enlightenment on the basis of another single-root word, which is not motivated (to be taken from the new one for the change of that form) for additional affixes (completion, prefixes, suffixes).

Ways of saying Russian rіznomanіtnі: sufіksalny (teach - teacher), prefіksalny (write - rewrite), zmіshany (zastіlny, rozbіgtisya).

Children can, in the form of a vyhіdny word, choose a word nest (snіg - snіzhinka, snіgovy - snіgovik, prolisok).

Opanuvannya in various ways to the word-creator helps preschoolers to correctly get used to the names of children’s creatures (hare, fox), objects of dishes (tsukornitsa, kavnitsa), directly diy (їhav - poїhav - viїhav) thinly.

syntax. Children are taught the ways of making words in word formation and speech of various types - simple and colloquial.

4) Development of the sound side of the promotion.

Enveloping with the sound features of the movie, the child spires to the ear of the mind (creation of the sense, recognizing the phonological features of the movie).

Linear sound units - sound - warehouse - word - phrase - the text may have an independent length, follow one after another, at the same time prosodic units appear with them: verbal voice, intonation (movie melody, voice strength, movement tempo and timbre).

It is practical for me to transfer my speech by ear and correctly play all the sounds of the same movement, for this, the work of forming the sound of the language in preschoolers is due to be carried out systematically.

Important features of sound variability of a movie are tone, timbre, pauses, different types of voices.

It is necessary to teach the children how to properly express themselves with intonation, to be intonation-like little ones, conveying the meaning of the meaning, and emotional peculiarities. At the same time, while shaping, use the right pace, fluency, and fluently in the situation, clearly express sounds, words, phrases, speech (diction).

5) Development of figurative promo.

A development of a figurative movie - an important storehouse cultivation of the culture of the movie in a sensual term. Under the culture of the language, it is necessary to understand the norms of the literary movement, to convey one’s thoughts, almost, clearly, to the recognition of that method, to express it in a meaningful way, grammatically correct, as if it were eloquent.

Mova becomes figurative, without middle ground, and alive in that mood, as a child develops an interest in movnogo wealth, develops in the moment to win at his promo nayriznomanіtnіshi viraznі zasobi.

The most important sources are the development of the diversity of the child's language and the creation of artistic literature and conventional folk art, including small folklore forms (adjectives, orders, riddles, potions, lichilki, phraseological units).

II young group.

M, b, p, t, d, n, k, year, x, f, c, p, s, c.

Terms "sound", "word".

Slovnikov's robot.

Activation of various parts of the promotion.

Request for confirmation Who is it? What is it? Yaky? What to rob? What can work with her?

Games "What is the subject?"

Who is working?

Who can say more about an apple, like a wono?

"What's up, what's next?"


Clothes, dishes, toys

Words with opposite meanings:

great little one,

High low.

Promote a grammatical harmony.

Change of words for vіdminkami.

The weather of the names of the relatives, number.

Receivers, on, for, pіd, navkolo.

Ancestral vіdminok one and many in igames

"What's gone?"

“Why don’t you eat in Lyalki?”


Zaychenya, tsukornitsa.

Uvіyshov, viyshov.

The development of the zv'yaznogo movement.

Retelling of a well-known fairy tale, short stories;

Short essay on the picture;

Rozpovidi about toys.

Middle group.

Sound movie editing.

(s, s', z, z', w, year, u, l, p, p')

The terms "sound", "word" are being specified;

Know the words similar to those of different meanings;

Sound line.

Slovnikov's robot.


toys, clothes, furniture, vegetables, dishes

Until these words (snіg, snіzhinka, winter)

Pіdbіr obіvіv to dії

Synonyms and antonyms

Rich meaning of words (foot, pen)

Explain words, give clouding

Who (sho) can be easy, important, kind, cheerful?

"Selling a lansy slіv ..."

Promote a grammatical harmony.

Generic birth of one and many

Anniversary of names and references in the family, number, note

Orientation of completion of words for її uzgodzhennі at birth develops (kind lad, cheerful girl, blakitne wind)

Receivers, pid, mizh, navkolo.


children's creatures, live their names in one and many of the generic vіdmіnka

kachenya - kachenyata - there were no kachenyata

Make sure to name the dishes, make sure that not all names of the dishes sound similar

Utvorennia different forms of disbelief.

Change the words according to their appearances and numbers.

Zv'yazne movement.

Retelling like a well-known, and unknown, small fairy tales and a confession;

Description from the picture;

From special notice;

Move, place objects and toys;

A scheme is given for the storage of a sleepy opov_dannya.

Senior group.

Sound movie editing.

Differentiation of sounds z-z, s-ts, sh-zh, ch-sch, s-sh, s-zh, c-h, l-r.

Pіdbіr phrases similar to the sound.

Slovnikov's robot.

words that mean material;

Synonyms, antonyms, rich meanings.

Promote a grammatical harmony.

Pogodzhennya prikmetnikov іz іmennikami;

The adoption of important forms of discourse in the manner of the order;

From low words to choose a word pair;

Pidbіr disputed words from quiet.


from changing, motley, zbіshuvalnym suffixes.

Folding collapsible words.

The development of the zv'yaznogo movement.

Perekazka without the help of grown-ups;

Mіsce that hour dії in the description of the picture;

Explanation of that fairy tale;

Rozpovіdі z special dosvіdu

descriptions and descriptions.

Preparing for school group.

Sound movie editing.

Development of the sound analysis of the word;

The development is similar to the rhythm of ta rimi. "Our green crocodile ...", "Children, hare, walkers?"

Slovnikov's robot.

Antonyms, synonyms, richly meaningful words.

Words from portable meanings.

Pratsyuvati over clarifications rozuminnya slіv. What can be deep? Dribnim? Easy? Important?

Promote a grammatical harmony.

Pogodzhennya іmennikіv and prikmetnikіv at the genus, number, vіdmіnku. The bosses are getting more comfortable, the child is guilty herself to know the need for the form.

“Ask at the squirrel, how many eyes are in her eyes?”

Poednannya with names that do not schilyayutsya. “Pishov at the new coat”, “Grave on the piano”.

Complimentary task and adoption of the word for additional prefixes and suffixes big - overbig - overbig.

The development of the zv'yaznogo movement.

Forming the mind will be different types of speech (description, description, reflection), complementing their structures and vicarious different types of connections between parts of the speech.

A development of the figurative language of older preschool children.

It is necessary, without a doubt, to look closely at the children of the young and middle preschool years, but it is necessary to voice the importance of working on the imagery of the language of the older preschool age.

We are faced with tse zavdannya vyrishuetsya when aware of different genres of artistic literature, zokrema and works of small folklore forms (additions, orders, riddles, phraseological units). After reading literary works, it is necessary to give respect to children as a way of writing, and to give them an artistic form. It is necessary to give various instructions for choosing epithets, arguments, metaphors, and other figurative means.

When familiar with artistic literature, children will become familiar with the specifics of literary genres, their artistic merits, begin to understand the meaning of figurative expressions, and the strength of their victories in the text. Special creative tasks, which are carried out on the basis of phraseological units, adjectives, orders, riddles, lead children to the transfer of various works of artistic virtuosity to independent verbal creativity. The work with phraseological units is guilty of turning the respect of children up to the unimaginable virazivs, and the use of synonyms and antonyms to phraseological units develops the awareness of the generalized sense of small folklore forms.

("hack on the nose" - remember for a while, "hang your head" - confuse).

The formation of the figurativeness of the promotion may be carried out in unity with the development of the other features of the connected language, which are based on the revelations about the compositional features of the fairy tale, description, fables, verses, a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and understanding of the creativeness of the literary traditions.


1. Special course "The program and methodology for the development of the movement of children of the preschool age in the kindergarten". M. 1994

2. "Zanyattya z razvitku movlennya kindergarten" pid ed. O.S. Ushakov. M., Prosvitnitstvo 1993

3. Movnі igri that rightly rozkrito at the book "Come up with a word." M., Enlightenment. Magazine " Preschool education s No. 8 for 1989

Modern technologies for the development of children in the minds of the implementation of FDMR preschool education

"Pedagogy is obliged to focus not on yesterday, but on tomorrow, the development of a child, only then it is possible to viklikat in the process of learning to life those processes, as if at once lie near the zone of the nearest development" L. S. Vigotsky

Shanovnі colleagues, I will propagate to your respect the theme of the public lecture: "Modern technologies for the development of children in the minds of the implementation of the FGZ of preschool education."
The Federal Sovereign Educational Standard for Preschool Education "Movlennevy development" is seen as the main lighting area. (on slide)
Nine developments of children's promotions are filled with one of the actual problems of modern preschool education. The first moment in the successful development of tasks for the development of the mind of preschool children is the right choice of pedagogical technologies, which would be no less adequate to the age-old abilities of children, and ensured the ability to easily overcome the mind of children in different forms of work. The organization of the development of the educational and educational activities of the transfer of effective technologies to the development of the child's promotion.
Pedagogical technologies - the whole system of methods, methods, methods of training, lighting aids, contributions to achieving a positive result in the development of dynamic changes in the special development of a child in modern minds.
Please choose the right technology to display on the screen.
At the link with the verse, I pronounce your respect for the revelation of offensive technologies, which are victorious in my practice
1. First technology, I want to talk about it, singsongly, often take on practice teachers, - this is the method of scientific modeling or mnemonics.
1.1. Mnemotechnics (in translation from Greek - "mystery of memory") is a system of various devices that make it easier to remember. Those who are mentally associative - are remembered, and those who do not make mental associative connections. - Forget it.
K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "To consider a child like a child, you should not forget five words - you will be tormented for a long time and for no reason, but to link twenty such words with pictures, and win a lie."
The head of the selection of mnemotechnical training aids is presented on the slide:
Like a method, a robot with mnemonics will be from simple to folding. The simplest mnemonic squares, mnemonic paths are built into the robot, and then mnemonic tables are introduced step by step.
To improve the vocabulary stock and when guessing and guessing riddles, children are satisfied with vicorists to use mnemonic squares, mnemonic paths.
When navchannі skladannya opovidan, when reciting artistic literature, when memorizing verses with effective didactic material є mnemonic tables.
Menimotable- tse graphic and often graphic images of the characters of the fairy tale, natural phenomena, deyakyh diy toshcho. bud. We will support the images of the main heroes of the fairy tale at the table, and bring those objects, under that appearance, like "tied up" around them.
Opanuvannya by the process of scientific modelling, spruce up the development of the rosy traits of children. The child learns to make, learn, group the material with the method of memorization, language develops, memory and thought. One of the approaches to scientific modeling is Euler's geometrical scheme. With the help of symbols, children inadvertently visualize the blue between the understandings of the impersonal objects, vibrating in their own circle. Then at the crossbar of the kіl (Kіl of Euler) the same signs of objects are seen. Children rank objects, denoting their similarity on the back, that bv vіdmіnnostі.
Cola Euler wins in the process of developing the composition of creative and narrative narrative descriptions.
In this rank, vikoristovuyuchi in robots given game technology, I form the social dosvіd of children, I correct in the minds of the know about, yakі mayut not one, but at the same time dekіlkom signs and virіshyu tsіli kіlіy kіli nayts_kavіshih movnyh, logical zavdan, yakі nebhіdnі dіtinі іdіnіdіnіpіd hіp preparatory to school.
2. Now I want to learn about the technology of activating the teaching of the language as a way of making a connection (author Olga Alfonsasovna Bilobrikina).
On the idea of ​​the author of technology, the most important reason for the thoroughness of the current activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally friendly situation, which will take an active part in the current splkuvanni.
To the main types of activity of a preschooler, there is a rough splintering, hence, a playful splintering is the necessary basis, at the borders of which there is a formation of that full-fledged activeness of the child through the language of linguistic games.
Linguistic games presented in this technology allow developing see different movnoї activity, skin child easily and voluntarily show intellectual initiative, which is specific to the development of not just a romatic work, but cognitive activity, as it is not swayed by practical needs, nor by an appraisal.
Shanovni colleagues, I will preach to you rightfully so.
Let's try to name a couple of words after two words.
- Goduє, psuє
- Budinok, walls
LYE - Budinki and walls help
– Sim'ya, soul
SCHELKO - Sim'ya at once - the soul on the mission. Miraculous!
The most important mental development of language is the creation of a comfortable communicative field in the world, as well as the breadth and depth of the inclusion of formulas of language etiquette in different situations of communication. The introduction of the formulas of the moveable etiquette in the development of the formation of etiquette and the formation of preschool spriyat also special didactic family games and the right, as presented by the collection "The system of robotics for the formation of the movable etiquette and the culture of conflict." Zagalna meta i sim'ї, i nursery- good vihovana, cultured that enlightened person.
In this collection, I have broken down the system of rules for the brave and inveterate fathers, formulating the situation of the modern etiquette. I give respect to the slide:
Today people are intellectually smart, self-reliant, original thinkers, creative people who are able to accept non-standard solutions. Pedagogical technologies of language development can change the process of teaching and learning, and improve them.

These technologies can be directly injected into the development of the communicative movement of children of the preschool age.

Presentation on the topic: Modern technologies for the development of children in the minds of the implementation of FDMR preschool education


“Motive development of children of the preschool age in the minds of the implementation


Prepared by:

teacher-speech therapist

MBDOU No. 34 m. Shakhti

Lavrinenko N. A.


Tell me and I will forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Get me and I'll learn...

(People's wisdom)

To help the Standard until the results of the development of the program are presented as the main guidelines for preschool education. At Etapi, the completed Doshkiynoye, to finish the good, goodbye to the good movy, we can make the same bazhannya, we can vicoristovati mow for the vijacan of their own dumas, soil, the prisoners of a plist of the situations of the sides of the sides of the widespread.

In this hour, there is a decrease in the activity of children, the reasons for which are:

Rizke worsening of children's health;

a global decrease in the global level of culture among the sspіlstvі;

Іstotne izmenshennya obsyagu splkuvannya splkuvannya grown up and children through the employment of fathers, їх unpreparedness in feedings vyhovannya;

Lack of respect for teachers to nourish the development of children.

Therefore, the development of the movement, like before, is most relevant to the preschool age.

Basic meta development in the minds of the implementation of GEF DO- the development of a free intercourse with grown-up children, volodinnya in constructive ways and in ways of mutual interaction with otochyuchiy.

The task of the development of a modern development at the Federal State Educational Standard DO:

    Volodinnya mine as a special combination of cultures s. It is required to formulate the movement of children on such a level, so that the stink is not small, it is difficult to establish contacts with one-year-olds and grown-ups, so that their mova would be irritating.

    Improvement of the active vocabulary . In order to expand the vocabulary of children, friendly minds are created with a complex-thematic planning work.

    A development of a coherent, grammatically correct dialogue and monologue movement. The sound of the movement is formed from a dialogue and a monologue. Budivelniy material for her is a vocabulary that mastered the grammatical structure of the language, tobto. vminnya change the words, eat them at the speech.

    A development of movement creativity . The work is not simple, allowing children to independently put together the simplest short explanations, take part in the creation of phrases, see new moves from the plot of the fairy tale. All the same, we can do it, as we create it for someone to wash.

    The development of sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing . The child has conquered the system of voices, Vimov’s words, and in the meantime speak fluently, read the verses.

    Familiarity with book culture, child literature, understanding of texts in various genres in child literature . The main problem lies in the fact that the book has ceased to be valuable in rich families, children do not get enough home reading - hearing, the book can become a companion of children.

    Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a rethink of learning to read and write.

Similar priorities are arranged indiscriminately.

1. Mova is accepted as a conversation. In order to constructively interact with grown-up and one-year-olds, the child is guilty of freely allowing dialogical intercourse and winning all verbal and non-verbal intercourse.

2. The standard of directives for the development of the creative potential of the skin child, the formation of creative activity and self-reliance. The task of developing modern creativity among preschoolers is to shape the position of an active participant in modern interaction.

3. In the process of appropriating the child’s creation in its own way, apprehend artistic images, enriching them with a fluffy vibe, spiving them with your own special dosvidom. Spriynyattya artistic creations are accepted as from the priyom_v shaping of creative specialties, which reflect the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

Movie development principles:

    the principle of interrelationship of sensory, rozum, and movable development;

    the principle of communicative-diyalnisny approach to the development of language;

    the principle of the development of modern sensitivity;

    the principle of forming an elementary recognition of the manifestations of the movie;

    the principle of mutual work on the different sides of the movie;

    the principle of improving the motivation of movnoї activity;

    principle of safe active modern practice

The main directions of work for the development of the movement of children:

    Vocabulary development. Assimilated the meaning of words and phrases before the river, depending on the context, depending on the situation, in which case there is a conversation.

    Sound movie editing. A rosette of sprynyattya sounds in native mov and wimov.

    Forming a grammatical arrangement. Morphology (changing words for genders, numbers, words), syntax (mastering different types of word-finding and speech), vocabulary.

    The development of the zv'yaznogo movement. Dialogue (rozmovna) mova, monologue movement (rozmovidnya).

    Formation of the elementary recognition of the phenomena of the movie and the movie. The difference between the sound of that word, the significance of the sound of the word, the development of love and interest to the artistic word.

Form the method of robotic development:

    Attention: non-intermediate caution (caution in nature, excursions) and indirect caution (figurative accuracy, looking at toys and paintings, talking about toys, pictures).

    verbal : reading and explanation of works of art, memorizing, retelling, summarizing the conversation, explanation without relying on scientific material.

    Practical: didactic games, communicative games, verbal games, dramatization games, staging, didactic right, plastic studies, round dance games.

Get the movie development:

    mating of grown-up children;

    culturally modern middle;

    teaching native language;

    art literature;

    image-making art, music, theater;

    busy with other programs.

How is the movement development of tie-ups with other types of activity?

1. Gaming activity

Igrova diyalnistnost є important lankoy and mental implementation of the head of the movable development. Through the playful activity, the development of dialogical movement is revealed; active vocabulary; vminnya vikoristovuvaty at movі words that vyslovlyuvannya, scho vobrabrazhayut child's statement about the moral character of people. And for a more effective development of the language activity, it is necessary for the teacher: to develop the need to follow the rules of the language activity; turn the sound of the voice to the norms of the modern etiquette; to help the child accurately, correctly, correctly, to be able to speak and to express the thought game situations; create optimal mindsets for the implementation of effective behavioral behavior of children in role play.

2. Knowingly - doslidnitska activity

Movlennєviy razvitok without intermediary po'yazany z pіznavalno-dіyalnіstyu. The molding of the new ones takes place in three stages.

At the first stage (Reproductive, for the active participation of the grown-up) in the child, the formulas are formed in the form of primed, it is logically connected with the development (from 2 to 5 words) as in looking at the independent development, so in looking at the nutrition of the grown-up.

At another stage (Independent selection of good algorithms, rules, etc.) the child improves and refines the active vocabulary, lives new words in his promo; expanding the scope of the vocabulary with the words of thematic groups in a way up to those roses (with the improvement of the vіku).

At the third stage (Creative realization of knowledge and death) a further development of the manifestation of creative activity is being developed, word-creation is developing, which reflects the manifestation of the child about the necessary world (with the improvement of the mind).

3. Communication activities

Communicative activity is one of the main ones for the development of children, the shards are implemented in them all the tasks of the development of the development of children. Starting from childhood, in the process of communication, a child develops a roman language, a language of respect, an acquired intonation and sound culture, a development of articulation, an enrichment of vocabulary; grammatical devices, phonetic-phonemic processes, communication of dialogical movement are developed step by step.

The head task of the teacher is the creation of the minds of the practical implementation of the children's educational potential.

4. Encouragement of artistic literature and folklore

In the course of the implementation of this type of activity through a dialogue with the author, the comments and discussions between the creators of the language are considered to be self-sufficient as a separate link, improvement of the active and passive vocabulary, and, as a result, the connection develops, grammatically correct. It is important here that the teacher gave the child the opportunity to express their thoughts, to support the food. In the process of adopting artistic literature and folklore, the text is understood by ear, and at the reflexive stage, children stage TV, sing, which absorbs the development of the sound and intonation culture of the movie, phonemic hearing and the formation of sound-synth literacy.

5. Design

The organization of a group construction, the arrangement of budvels, the discussion of constructions and the naming of details help the child to understand language as a way of splintering, to improve the active and passive vocabulary, to develop a link, grammatically correct dialogical and monological movement. Designing a grandiose investment in the development of fine motor skills of the hands, especially if children practice little details designer, appliqués or with natural material, which in its own way has embodied the development of the movie.

6. Image-creating activity

Enriching the vocabulary of a child-preschooler is learned through familiarity with the main and additional colors, creations of figurative art and other genres (painting, book graphics, folk decorative art, sculpture), with different techniques (shape, color, color, composition). In the course of the implementation of this type of activity, the teacher creates minds for the creation of an active vocabulary (description of fragments in small prints), grammatical forms and manifestations (when describing the details of the application, fragments in small prints); the development of a svyaznogo movement (nutrition and vіdpovіdі pіd hour of productive activity, a description of a wet virobu or a little one).

Activation of fine motor skills in the process of creative activity is actively embedding brain centers, leading to the development of new skills.

7. Music activity

In the process of musical activity, there is an improvement in vocabulary, development of articulation, sound and intonational culture of movement, phonemic hearing and phonemic adaptation. With a specially organized activity, children, with additional verbal aids, show their affection for musical creations at the sight of a coherent movement.

8. Self-service and elementary butt work

In the process of activity of children from self-service, the teacher can be able to activate their movement activity, turn the respect of children to the vlasnoi movi, develop an emotionally positive response to the prohannya of that mature adult.

It is important to viroblyat in children for the time being to express your scum, skarga, food, to give in to food, to take part in the butt joint with grown-up and one-year-olds, to read the rules of modern etiquette of talking with otochyuchimi.

9. Engine activity

The development of rukhovoї activity and the development of mov are rebuyed at a directly proportional fallow: the more active, the more the mov is destined. Krim included in everyday employment and games with preschoolers of different classes of the rukhovyh and important є development of the mind to learn about what to win: to tell about those, with such a method, as in the sequence of stench to win.

The development of a child of preschool age is most successfully developed in the minds of an enriched developing medium, which ensures the safety of the social and natural benefits, the diversity of activity and the welfare of the children.

Interaction with fathers

An important role is played by the development of children and the inclusion of fathers in the lighting process. Recommended such forms of work from sіm'єyu:

    master class;

    round style;


    Batkiv club;

    intellectual game “What? De? If?";

    individual consultations;

    initial presentations.

Creation of a moving developing center - the most important direct promotion of the quality of work for the development of preschoolers.

As the main components of the developing developing medium, they are seen as follows:

    language of the teacher;

    methods and techniques for the development of different sides of the promotion of preschool children;

    special possession of the skin group.

Competent speech of the teacher As one of the most important warehouses, the teacher herself lays the foundations for the culture of the child's language, forms the foundations for the movement's activity of children, attaching them to the culture of oral speech. The language of the teacher can be supported by such vimog:

    CORRECTNESS - to comply with modern standards.

    PRECISION - that is the exact language - the language of the language, in which the action is adequately reflected and is clearly indicated by the word those that can be said.

    LOGIC - that is the manifestation of the 3 sensory components: the cob, the main part and the end of the speech.

    PURITY - that is the essence of moving elements, distant types of literary movement.

    VIRAZIVNIST - this is the peculiarity of the mov, which inspires respect and interest, which creates an atmosphere of emotional spontaneity.

    WEALTH - to judge about the new by the number of words and their semantic richness.

    TRANSLATION - that's getting used to the language of loneliness, which shows the situation to the minds of the mind.

Create yourself. Just as there are no children without revelation, so there is no teacher without creative inspirations. Creative success to you!
