Modes of water-thermal processing of fibers from various fabrics. Technique for making a wet-and-thermal wrapping of clothes

It’s wonderful, but we don’t think about those that we think we sew, don’t always sit well on us, but bought in stores, wind up, as if it’s the same model, sit like a glove. We sing to everyone with their dosvіd and throw a shit. Alerich is not in good health! Let's take a look.

What mi robimo is not good? Required to lie on the surface. Mayzhe nіhto z pochatkіvtsіv nіhtоblyaі vіbіvі vіrbіv vіrbіv vіrbіv аbо volugo yak їх їх їхівння, і in the process. Whom the Pole has a head pardon!

Volo-thermal processing - tse necessary action for whether I will open that piece. It is called the processing of details in a viroba with a pair of chimes and a sing-song form of details cut. This is an even more complex operation, as to become 15-25% of the laboriousness of the workmanship.

Terms SOT

SOT is one of the first stages of preparation before sewing, to that before opening the fabric. Decate, then. to carry out a water-thermal processing, with a method of protecting the further shrinkage of the fabric when wearing and stretching.

After decating the fabric, proceed to cutting that sewing. Having finished the row, seam allowances spread out on different sides of details. Some allowances for seams, as well as pleats for folds request one side, that is. fasten for the help of dust at the singing position. For changing the torso of seams, folds or folds add, nibi press.

The skin of the gentleman is constantly understanding the meaning of the word " vodprasuvat» or « ask", Shchotizhnya problyayuchi tse z viprana bіznoy. With the wrong choice temperature regime Prasuvannya on fabrics are established glint, so called lasi. You can tidy them up for help, through a vologiy proprasuvach, stretching 3-5 strands, spitting in a pair on the plate, de blisk is revealed.

For the help of water-thermal processing, as a rule, it is possible to change, if necessary, the size of the details of the sample - judgeі pull. Prasuvati, to change it to the required size, you can, for example, okat the sleeve, so that you can cleanly stick yoga into the armhole. For this additional basting row, it is necessary to tighten the sleeves between the designated marks. Because of what, for additional help, it is necessary to pour in some time on virib to complete hanging. As a result, we obsessively change the sleeves, which is easy to enter at the armhole, without creating creases.

Protilezhnaya sutyuzhuvannya operation vіdtyaguvannya". Vaughn vikoristovuєtsya for podovzhennya cut details.

These operations, as a rule, must always be carried out with the COT of pants. It is depicted on the little one, in some places it is necessary to draw and draw out the details of the cut. Chervoniy shabby lines marked vdtyaguvannya, and blue arcs - sutyuzhuvannya. Farbuvannyam with an arrow is shown straight in the drawstring.

Praska during these operations is not guilty of spending a long time in one place, you can bring the shards before the appearance of the las.

On the cob of the article, they guessed the word " proprasuvach". Let's take a look, how can we win? The dressing is a piece of smooth fabric with a size of 46 cm x 30 cm. short version prorasuvannya - a piece of fabric, for which the fabric is sewn. Vin is guilty of both dry and wet. Necessity for proprasuvachi vіdpadє, yakscho may know zapobіzhnu podshva.

Let's guess, that the vologo-thermal processing of the seams should be broken every time after the laying of the row. Moreover, all the stitches and hairpins in front of the SOT obov'yazkovo are taken away. Shards of cast iron pins in the fabric after the SOT process are smeared on the front side of the fabric.

Important: when proprosuvanni details of the cut of the seam, it is necessary to lay the paperwork in order to hide the appearance of the seam on the front side of the detail.
Remember: starting from the widest part to the big narrow part, to conduct the right-of-way strictly according to the share thread and starting from the beginning details, and then - great.

Vadij .

In order to make it viyshov neatly, and the details were nabula bazhany shape and look, when sewing, carry out a water-thermal processing.

The vologo-thermal dressing is made for the help of special equipment: cleaning, cleaning and other attachments (Fig. 44). At garment factories for which vicory there are presses, steam dummies.

Rice. 44. Equipment for water-thermal processing: a - prask; b - spray gun; in - prasuvalna doshka; g - proprasuvach

Bavovnyan and fabrics are used with highly heated electric cleaning with a temperature regulator and fabric steamer. For the help of the thermostat, it is necessary to set the temperature for heating the bottom of the laundry, which is suitable for this type of fabric.

The steam humidifier of the laundry keeps the fabric in the weaving process.

Praska is to blame for the mother’s equal soft surface and a clean replacement cover, as well as for the supply of an electric cord for trimming.

Propasuvannya - a cladding of white bavovnyan and abo llyanoy fabric, which serves to spoil the surface of the treated details like opals. More shortly, yakscho tse bavovna chi lion. Ideally pіdіyde prozor fabric, for example, cambric. It’s good to see in this mood, de and scho it’s necessary to practice: don’t blame the unfortunate folds and folds. Before the first zastosuvannyam proprasuvach must be viprati.

Appointment pulverizer for application to the material in the manufacturing process.

Rules for the implementation of water-thermal work

  1. Before the cob of moisture-thermal processing, it is recommended to test for the clap of the fabric, as it is necessary to process it.
  2. Before the water-thermal processing, it is necessary to remove the traces of the cracked cradle, as well as the mustache hairpins, as they can tuck the bottom of the dress and remove the traces on the fabric.
  3. The water-thermal processing is carried out after the skin sewing operation until the vaporization of the water.
  4. When carrying out the hygro-thermal processing, straighten the folds in such a way that the folds and folds do not disappear.
  5. After processing, it is necessary to give a smoothed detail, otherwise I will become cold again, so that the created form will disappear.

Basic operations of water-thermal processing

Asking. The part, or the sewing pattern, is laid on a board and pressed with hot dust in the seam area, along the fold or the edge of the part, in order to change their torso (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Appropriation

Distribution. In a sewing garment, allowances for seams are laid out at the opposite side, and they are fastened at such a position with hot laundry (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​Dispatch

Request. In a sewing machine, the seam allowances or the edge of the part are laid on one side and fastened in such a position (Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Request

Safe working rules

  1. Before the cob of work, change over at the right place, power cord and plugs, install the thermostat on the required floor.
  2. Under an hour of work, wiggle it and wiggle it with dry hands, trim the fork by the plastic case.
  3. Put the prask on the stand, stitch, so that the cord does not stick out of the bottom of the praski.
  4. Don't deprive the high praise without seeing it.
  5. After the robot, put the prask ubik (on the back) and turn it off.

Practical robot number 14
Carrying out water-thermal work

You need: signs of machine robots, vikonan at the in-line lesson, prask, prask, proprasuvach.

The order of vikonannya roboti

Head 1. Ask for the eyes:

  • the detail "Zrazok obmіtuvannya" - at the sphere of the zigzag-like line;
  • two details of the “Zrazok seam vpіdginannya” - in the gallery of the machine row and zginіv;
  • two details of the "Strike Seam" - in the gallery of the machine row.

Manager 2. Expand two details of the strike seam, expanding the seam allowances in the different sides.

Manager 3. Request a stitch of the strike seam, placing the seam allowances in one stitch.

New understanding

Vologo-thermal processing, steam-boost, thermostat, right-hand plate, right-way; requesting, asking, requesting.

Control nutrition

  1. Is it necessary to make a sample on the klaptik of the broken fabric before praskoyu?
  2. Yakim viyde virib, how to carry out yoga-thermal processing once - after sewing the whole fabrication?
  3. Why volog tkankin prasuyut until completely hung up, and then let him cool down?
  4. Should I continue the operation?
  5. What is the reason for the distribution of requests?

Vologo-thermal processing occupies a significant place in the process of preparing the upper garment.

Yakist that old look it’s very good to lie down in the form of a viconnannya of water-thermal processing, for additional viroba to put on the necessary volumetric shape, to practice or to ask for seams, twists, folds, to thin the edges of the sides, comirіv, bottom, put on the fabrics, etc. .

The essence of the water-thermal processing is due to the fact that, under the influence of heat, the fibers of the fabric are softened, so that the threads of the fabric can be pulled up (pulled up) or, navpaki, fastened (sutyuzhuvaty), to sink the fabrics and press them into a voluminous form.

Tsyu ob'єmnu form krіplyuyut for additional warmth and vise, more like vologa z fabrics. If the vologa is seen in full obsyazі, then the fabric can often turn in the cob position (relax) and the bulk form will be unstable.

The processes of water-thermal processing are subdivided into pre-pairing (pre-pairing), pressing and v_dparyuvannya. Prasuvannya includes rozprosuvannya, zaprosuvannya, pripasuvannya, sutyuzhuvannya and vіdtyaguvannya.

Installation for water-thermal processing

The main possessions of water-thermal robots are praski, presses with different pillows, vіdparyuvachi and steam mannequins.

Praski (Fig. 60) zastosovuyt for vykonannya rіznіh oprіznіy vologo-teploї ї obrobki yak іn the process і preparation, і і і і і і і і і іn the residual izoblennі іrob. Praski pod_lyayut on light, medium and large weights from 1 to 10 kg. During the preparation of human and childish coats, the most zastosuvannya took off the praski with a weight of 4 to 8 kg. Depending on the nature of the heating of the laundry, steam, electric and steam electric are separated depending on the nature of the heating. The most zastosuvannya was taken away by electric cleaners with spiral or tubular electric heating elements and steam electric ones.

To regulate the heating temperature, the body of the prask is inserted with a thermostat, which maintains a constant heating temperature.

At the table 7 pointed technical characteristic Prasok, scho zastosovyatsya when preparing human and childish coats.

Presi (Fig. 61) stop for various labor-intensive operations of water-thermal processing.

Stopping pressure allows you to significantly increase the productivity of work during surgery, improve the quality of work and make it easier to work.

Razrіznyayut presses with electromechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic drives.

Fallowly in the form of a susceptibility of pressure pres is applied to: lungs (PLP-1, PLP-2) from susily to 1000 kgf, middle (GP-2, GPG-1, PSP-1, PSP-2) from susily to 2000-2500 kgf and important (CCI, CCI-2) iz zusilyam presuvannya 4000-5000 kgf і more than that іn.

For the purpose of designing universal presses, special presses are widely used for sewing sleeves - type SPRC-4, for attaching shoulder sleeves and sleeves - type POR-3 and in.

Heating of pressure pillows is carried out for additional superheated steam and electric heating elements: spiral, tubular (SHADES) and heaters.

In the rest of the hour, for internal processing and residual water-thermal processing of human and child coats, press-drinking machines of the Pannonia company (Ugorshchina) with an electromechanical drive from susillam pressing up to 2000 kgf are widely used.

Heating of the upper pillow - combinations (steam and electric heating). Heating the bottom cushion - then.

A pair of top cushions are victorious for steaming parts before pressing and for removing the las.

More durable and economical pillows with TENs and heaters. When the pillows are heated, the upper and lower pillows are sometimes heated, and when the pillows are heated, the upper press pillow is heated with electric heating elements. The lower cushions of the press are equipped with spring mats, water chambers with humic coatings, hollow surfaces, etc. In addition, the lower pillows are covered with cloth. Fallen in the wake of operations on the press, pillows are installed in different sizes according to the shape and sizes. The main characteristics of pillows presіv, zastosovuvanih pіd hour vygotovlennya coat, induced in the table. eight.

Efficient modes of moisture-thermal processing of fabrics (temperature, moisture content, pressure and pressing hour) are established on the basis of special conditions, so that the stench is safe on the given form, on the details.

The heating temperature of the pillows with electric heating is regulated by additional thermostats in different designs, for example, a TR-200 type thermostat.

The pressure between the pressure pads is regulated by a way to change the degree of compression of the springs.

The pressure hour is regulated by additional electronic relays for the hour (EPVT-2 type) or motor relays (E-52 type).

Vіdparyuvachі (fig. 62) zastosovuyt for znyattya last nadannya produktsії commodity vglyadu. Vapors are steamed with superheated steam. Distinguish stationary vіdparyuvachі, in which steam is supplied from the boiler plant, and portable, in which steam is settled in a special tank. The working body of the steamers is a gum and metal shield with openings and a nozzle, reinforced on a flexible hose. Vіdparyuvannya zdіysnyuyut a path to move the shields with a couple along the virob. As a substitute for the shield, the nozzle is reinforced, then the steam should be straightened under the hood 15-20 ° to the surface of the pipe. When working on steamers, it is necessary to keep the steam, to get the steam out of the fixtures, to overheat and not to condense at the sight of water droplets, so that the elevation of the air is getting worse and the air is looking good.

Vaporization mannequins (Fig. 63) should be stopped for residual parasitization of various prototypes. The edges of the sides, lapels, comira and the bottom, with which, in front, stretch on the presses. When working on steam mannequins, they put pressure on the mannequin, straighten it, tighten the edges of the sides with special clamps and turn on the fan, which blows up the middle of the steam mannequin. Under the splash of the wind, the virus is being corrected. Let's let the overheated steam through, so as to steam it up, and hotter again at a temperature of 80 ° C, so that the heat hangs at the straightened station. The productivity of a steam mannequin type PVM-5 is up to 250 vr per change.

Main methods of work on the press

Before working on the press, it is necessary to turn on the heating of the pillows 10-25 minutes before the start of the work, turn on the water supply to the sprayer and turn on the pneumatic system (for presses with pneumatic drives). Let's set the next temperature, time and hour of the drying time according to the processing modes, installed for fabrics, which are used for pressing. After the regulation of the press, it is necessary to reconsider this robot, that is the same as the press. For this, put a small piece of fabric on the bottom cushion of the press, as it is necessary to process it on the press. One end of the fabric is folded in two or three balls, curled up, allowing it to lower the upper cushion of the press, pressing on the start buttons. After the completion of the pressing of the cloth, the correctness of the adjustment of the press is determined.

The robot on the presses is beaten by the offensive sequence:

  • lay the part on the bottom cushion of the press;
  • put proprasuvach on the part;
  • allow proprasuvach;
  • close the press, pushing two buttons;
  • open press;
  • know the detail.

At the time of incorrect packing of the details, it is necessary to inadvertently press the press, pressing on the emergency button or the pedal. After releasing the press, straighten the part and turn on the press again. If the emergency button is turned on, or the pedal is less likely to be on the vignette, the shards after the first closing of the press are automatically switched on by the time relay, as if it were safe for the pressure switch, as it is installed on the scale.

Organization of a working space for water-thermal robots

For vikonannya prasuvalnyh robots, a style of such expansions is installed, so that the detail, which is being processed, will be redistributed to the new one (Fig. 64). The steel is covered with cloth and canvas. From the right side of the table, a metal stand is installed for laundry.

Plentiful and press working spaces are equipped with various outbuildings, so as to increase the efficiency of the processing and increase the productivity of the work on the operation.

Under the hour of work with dust, zastosovuyut different pads (Fig. 65).

Sprayers are installed on the skin clean table or press (Fig. 66), in which water is supplied from a water supply line or a special tank with a pump.

Prasuvannya virobiv viroblyayat through proprasuvach.

As a worker at the same time serving two presses, then the same working space is equipped with mechanical ventilation.

Operations of water-thermal processing sound standing up.


The terminology of the operations of water-thermal processing is the same for these operations themselves, regardless of what the stench is like. Terminology is given in Table. 9.

Technical mind on vikonannya vologo-thermal robots

Volo-thermal robots rely on the relay of technological minds, so that in the process of volo-thermal processing, non-searchable defects can be found: fallen, fallen, melted fibers, lasi, incorrectly jammed, warped edges, uneven seating of fabrics in details. bud.

p align="justify"> Particular attention to the need for technical minds is needed when processing fabrics with varying amounts of synthetic fibers.

An increase in the analysis of fabrics may be minimal, an overworld increase in the quality of fabrics (the appearance of light or dark patches, a pozhovtinnya thinly).

When vikonannі operations vologo-thermal processing of virobіv nebhіdno dotremuvatsya such technical minds.

1. The moisture-thermal processing of the details of the finished fabrics is carried out from the front laying until the complete removal of the moisture applied to the fabric.

2. When vikonannі vologo-thermal processing to correct the unevenness of the edges, adjust the necessary shape of the parts, wear out the mini, unnecessary swelling, stretching and lasi.

3. The water-thermal processing of details and the shirring from the shirring is done without threading, from the front side - through the threading of the linen fabric (for fabrics with lavsan fiber through the threading of the baize, flannel). Zastosuvannya proprasuvachіv s іnshih fabrics is not recommended.

4. The sides are attached from the side of the hem, the lapels - from the side of the polochka, the comir - from the side of the lower comir, the bottom of the fold - from the side of the vortex of the fold. Kishenі in the process of dressing is added from the frill and from the front side (through the right side), and in the remaining process - only from the front side.

5. Volo-thermal processing of parts and bending on presses is done from the front side or from the frill (attaching the sides, bottom) through the proprasuvach.

6. When dressing the fabrics of light fabrics, the tables for dressing are covered with white linen or white cloth.

7. After the rest of the preparation, it is ready to be dried and cooled (put on the mannequin or in a raised look) until the form is fully fixed. Trivality of drying coats made of flax fabric 50-75 min., with flax fabric 30-40 min., suit with flax fabric 30-40 min.

8. When sewing stitches, request for a bag of thick and medium fabrics, allowances for seams on the back of the head are lightly stretched and spread out, and then requested for a roll with a normal fit.

9. Processing of fibers from fabrics from synthetic fibers should be carried out only on the surface, which can regulate the temperature of the right surfaces, a vice, the hour of the windshield and the exposure.

10. Volo-thermal processing of parts and fabrication is to be carried out for the fabrication modes established for these fabrics (Table 10).

(Note. The gaps in the columns mean that the given fabrics are not processed for which setting.)

Rules for safety techniques for those working on presses and machines

Bezpeka work on presses and machines is rich in why lie in the form of organization and support in the order of the working job. Work on presses requires respect and strict compliance with safety instructions.

1. Before the cob of work, it is necessary to check the presence of the fence, the correctness of the electrical wiring and the presence of the ground. Without grounding the robot on presses and machines is not allowed.

2. The press must be switched on to the working position 20-30 minutes before the cob is changed, when the press cushions are retracted.

3. After the completion of the work of the press and the equipment, it is necessary to minimize the electric circuit with a knife switch.

4. Closing the press cushions can be pressed with a path to push only on two buttons. As soon as the press closes on the pressure on one button, then pin the robot and tell about the inadequacy.

5. It is necessary to check for the presence of water in the apparatus with a vise behind the pressure gauge scale.

6. Add water to the appliance as soon as the outlet valve opens and the steam is released. When working on the device, the shield (or nozzle) needs to be trimmed so that the stream of the bet, which to go out, was straightened into the front of the worker.

7. When working on the presses, it is harrowed: the upper cushion is torn, so that the opiknut is hidden, the upper cushion is wetted with a jet of water from the spray gun, so that the opik pore is hidden; come close to the pillows of the press at їх closes and closes; pratsyuvati with a v_dkritim casing of the electrical panel and removed fences; straighten the wrinkles on the prefabricated products at the closing hour of the press pillows; deprive us of the press without the need; curl the pillows of the press when they are played; to speak out, to speak up, to win over third-party rights, to allow third-party workers to enter the working area, to work on presses without instructions.

8. In case of all noted malfunctions in robotic presses and devices, it is necessary to inadvertently fix the robot and help the administration and mechanics.

Under the hour of sewing different fabrics, it is often necessary to carry out a moisture-thermal processing of the fabric. For example, when sewing pants, it is sometimes necessary to more precisely “plant” the pants according to the figure, the back halves of the pants at the seats should be expanded, stretched out to the vologa a piece of fabric with a praska and in such a rite to give an additional volume to that area. Deyakі dіlyanki stanіv navpak it is necessary to zavuzit. It is impossible to do without a moisture-thermal dressing when stitching the sleeves, the eye of which is to smoothly continue the line of the shoulder and in.

What is decathing of fabrics

In most cases, under the water-thermal processing, the fabric is de-rolled, it seems simpler, piece-seated fabric, which can be stored in its warehouse or fiber.
It is especially important for modern bag fabrics on a knitted basis, which can be used for bavovnyan fiber, stretch fabrics.

In order to determine whether it is necessary to carry out the decathing of fabrics, pass a small piece of fabric (a piece) with hot dust. As if the fabric has changed its rozmіri, it means that it is necessary to decool the clothes, sometimes to wind "prati" in warm water and lightly dry it, and to wash it with hot laundry along the frill until completely hanging.
Even if you don’t work for an hour, then after the early dressing up, the clothes can change a lot. Trousers become short and narrow, the shirt is tight at the shoulders, skinny.

Deyakі fabrics when zlazhennі give a great shrinkage for the length and troch less for the width. Deyaki fabrics give the same fit in both straight lines, so that I pull the change behind me, and then create a dress that is not only a zavdovka, but also a sash. In order to avoid the appearance of such an "effect" after the beginning of the fabric, or the fabric of the piece fibers (crepe, staple, etc.), the fabric must be turned over for shrinkage and, as it is necessary, to carry out a moisture-thermal processing, de-cutting.

The process of hygro-thermal processing is carried out in cured fabrics, steamed fibers and slightly dried.
In domestic minds, decathing is possible in such a way. Vovnyanu or bavovnyanu fabric is equally enliven (with a spray gun) vivoritnogo side, and then pass it through a thin fabric in a share directly until completely dry.

Peculiarities of de-cutting of various fabrics

Fabric of piece fiber soak the shoulder in the water, lightly shake it, growl in the dry stretch, after 2-3 years, the fabric is swollen and passed along the vivorit boci.
Before the loose thermal processing of fabrics with a stuffed baby, it is recommended to check the stiffness of the barvnik with a soaking path.

Bavovnyanі, llanі and shovkovі fabrics before cutting, you can not decant, but just iron it to remove bruises and wrinkles, lightly stretching it from the vivorit side along the golden thread. Before decathing, it is necessary to turn over a small piece of fabric, so that it does not get overwhelmed with flakes from water.
Soak the cloth in hot water, let it dry, and lightly tuck it into a frill.
Decanting the added fabrics, spritz them with a spray gun, pass from the reverse side straight through the share thread. if the fabric is not too thin, then the whole process can be done without a spray gun, passing the fabric with steam dust.

Vovnyany, napivvovnyany sunbathe in good health in a wide range (for 2 liters of warm water, 1 tablespoon of octa and 1 teaspoon of salt) and leave for 10-12 years. Rozgornіt, store vdvіchі behind a share thread front side in the middle, going up the edges. Pass from the side of the side to the share directly through the bavovnyan or the llana of the pass.

Fabrics with natural stitching suffer slight shrinkage. Їx dosit proprasuvati through the vologiy proprasuvach, eating a share thread. Ale, in deyakih vipadki can vikonat vologo-thermal processing (especially crepe fabrics), adding gelatin to the water. Then let's dry it and propasuvati at the lightly entrusted camp.
Creepy, shovkovy and staple fabrics soak in warm water with an ointment, vіdіzhmіt і, not twisting, hanging in the shade, without sagging and stretching. Fold the navpil, pass along the solid thread from the vivorit side.

Fabrics with lavsan should be worn only from the vivorit side, not even hot dust through the laying of a lightly flannel proprasuvach.
After decatation of tacked, filled, seamed and staple fabrics, it is necessary to cut the edges, shards, the shrinkage of the edge will be noticeably less, the shrinkage of the fabric web will be lower.

Fabrics made from synthetic fibers, when sprayed on them, give a significant seating, so they need to be dressed with a bandage before cutting.

Sometimes the fabrics are stitched with skewed threads. If there is no defect before cutting, it will sit badly, the details will be skewed, the seams will be twisted.
To use the warp of the fabric, it is necessary to fold the slit edge (transverse straight), I will clarify the thread and fold the fabric navpіl at the share straight. Pull the edges of the fabric along the line, overfilled with a twisted thread and soldered edges. Scrape the fabric along the edges and edges with studs, then pass through a wet dresser, smoothing it out.

It is necessary to make use of slack and creases, zbіgu of solid and transverse threads on the upper and lower parts of the fabric. And just like that, you commemorated this defect immediately after the purchase, then better than fabric turn to the store. Tse vvazhaetsya factory defect and goiter exchange such fabric and turn pennies.

A lot of modern fabrics to cover the houses of various fibers, as a rule, are connected with the technological features of their production. For example, stretch fabrics are made to be soft, water-resistant, stretchy and even house. preservative fibers. For the production of such fabrics, a few types of fibers are victorious, the skin of which gives power to the fabric, so the water-thermal processing of these fabrics, decotting - is one mind, so that you will not change your designs by the year.

However, it is your responsibility to ensure that such a frontal fragmentation of the fabric is necessary for the wound. Turn that back on a small piece of fabric її dominance, and less than the last thing, you need to work the shrinkage of the fabric chi ni piece by piece.
Div. also

  1. SOT setup
  2. COT operations
  3. TU for vikonannya SOT
  1. Appointment is the essence of SOT. Ways of vikonanny SOT.

When preparing clothes, the water-thermal processing takes 15-25% of the hour of the manufacturing process.

SOT - special processing of details of clothing or sewing fabrics on a special setting with a twist of water, heat and vice with a method of nadannya їm singly volumetric-spatial form.

COT can be:

Internal process (changing the edges, removing folds, curvilinear surfaces)


Purpose of SOT:

· Change of volumetric-spatial form of details to a virobu

· Dressing of loose seams

Residual improvement of virobiv

・Glue parts


prasuvannyam - the right surface of the dust moves over the material with an one-hour press on the new material, or two rollers are pushed through, which are pressed one to one, which are wrapped in different straight lines (the last method of processing)

press - the material is squeezed between two right surfaces, which can be warmed without moving along it (parallel method)

steaming - Zastosovuyt with residual SOT, with this pressure on the vibrator, be carried out in pairs without a hot surface injection.

  1. Mode and parameters COT. Etapi vikonannya SOT. SOT defects

Different materials react differently to COT, which fallow type:

- fibrous warehouse (budovi molecules)

- the degree of twist and the interweaving of fabric threads

· - Tovschini of the obroblyuvanny package

Therefore, in order to ensure a good result, save the necessary physical and mechanical powers, increase the productivity of the practice, select the SOT mode

COT mode - the range of the value of the main factors (temperature, water content, trivality infusion and vice) and their interrelationships, which ensure the safety of the efficiency.

Vologa a necessary factor that speeds up even heating of the material, transferring it to a high-elastic mill, that protects the balls of the material, that sticks to surfaces, that it heats up, that it is melted (from the introduction of water, one and the same deformation reaches 4 times more).
Warm ensure a smooth heating of the material to a temperature, with a change in the building temperature, reversely change its power when heated and further cooled to normal temperature. Tsya temperature is called heat resistance temperature of the material.
Trivality to contact ensure the stability of the form, which is hoped for, is selected in the fallowing of the physical and mechanical authorities of the material and the comradeship of the package.
vice a factor that determines the geometry of the joint and the quality of gluing;

How many vologists to serve lie down depending on the type of material and become 20-30% when water-cooled and 2-6% when steam-cooled. Too much moisture increases the trivality of the work, lowers the productivity of the work, removes the blame, lowers the quality of the work.

Heat resistance of the material to be installed for the heat resistance of fibers (for sumishovs - for the lower one)

Trivality to contact It has been experimentally established that the most deformations (70-80%) occur in the first 1-2 seconds of warming up.

Vice pressing- At the middle to become (0.2 -1) 10 5 Pa. It has been experimentally established that the repositioning of the vise does not lead to an increase in deformation, but rather the sealing of the las.

When vikonannі vologo-teplovoї obrobki all chotiri factors closely tied one to one. For the implementation of the SOT process, it is necessary to heat the materials evenly to a temperature that does not exceed the temperature of the heat resistance of the materials. When the temperature of the surface is hot, lie down for a while, pouring it onto the material. For even heating of materials, it is necessary to make 20-30% of the weight of the dry material, and the lower pillow of the press is to blame for the temperature of 110 degrees, so as not to cool the lower balls of materials.

A change in one of the parameters of the COT can be compensated for by an increase in others.

Stages of SOT

SOT founded on the power of high-polymer materials, which serve as syrovina for the preparation of clothing, change one's life for the sake of warmth.

Under the infusion on the materials of the vologists and the warmth of the stench can be three camps:

ü - sklopodіbne (characterized by small springy and easy-turning deformations)

ü - highly elastic (yoma of power is great, and even more werewolf deformations)

ü - viscous (characterized by a sharp increase in permanent deformations)

Deformation of clothes with SOT is carried out only if the material is known in high elastic become. Plasticizers at which time the vologa comes out warmly.

The COT process requires materials deformations, as a polyga in straightened, twisted, stretched and squeezed fibers.

COT process adds up to three stages :

Preparation of materials before molding

Forming the material (changing the configuration of fibers, primus deformation, viroblen with additional pressure by stretching the song interval for an hour)

Fixation of the removed form (by way of removing the vice, introducing water in the process of drying and cooling the material at the introduction of temperature by stretching the singing interval for an hour)

SOT defects blame the result on the destruction of the processing mode of the filthy distribution of parts before closing the press.

Revisiting the installed parameters to produce defects, zokrema. and inexhaustible.

Overheating of temperature: lasi, plami, opal, temperature-free shrinkage, loose surface of fibers, pozhovtinnya, color intrusion (blue din)

Transferring to the vice: change the structure of the material, short term wear

Moving to the hour: defects and fibers, deterioration of physical and mechanical powers

The relocation of health is an incomparably visible vology, a decrease in the ability to save the form.

Before defects be seen:

  • Plyami - zabrudnennya, zabarvlennya zabarvlennya okremih dilyanok
  • Lasi is an irrelevant glare to the material, which is created by the splashed surface of the fibers as a result of the straightened fermentation of light.
  • Opal - temperature sensitive surface material
  • Thermal shrinkage - a change in the size of the details for the rahun of the shortening of the fibers under the influence of the increased temperature
  • Gone - the appearance of a scratchy scratch on the surface
  • Singed to the pile - the temperature of the pile will not change without changing the power of the foundation
  • Pozhovtinnya - adding "warm" warm weather to the surface material or other woodworkers.
  • Prolyagannya allowance - sewing from the front side seam allowances and folds
  • Weakness of one of the details along the line of the seam - damage to the smoothness of the surface fabric in the area of ​​​​the seam due to a nasty sutyuzhuvannya fit

Defects are subject to



SOT setup

Divide into 5 groups:

  1. universal press
  2. special press
  3. tables for dressing
  4. praski
  5. supplement that other possession

Zastosuvannya press give the possibility of mechanization of the most laborious operations of SOT, increase the productivity of work, improve the quality of work and make it easier to work.

Press release- when the pillows are working, they slightly squeeze the finished part, the upper pillow is heated in pairs and may be impersonally opened for exit.

Vapor control mannequin– appointments for residual COT of shoulder sewing machines. It is folded from a fan, the basis of that brush, on a kind of clothing hood with warm-resistant fabric for the shape of a figure of a singing size. Ready virib put on the mannequin, stretch it, squeeze the edges and press it again (all wrinkle and folds are straightened). Let's let the heated steam pass through (they steam the virib), then - hotter again (dry the virib).

Prasuvalni tables- to wash a flat prasuval slab of various rosemaries. The stove is heated by steam up to 110 degrees and can be attached for vacuum extraction. Prasuvannya shatter with prasko with an one-hour laying on of a pair of scrambled viroba.

prasky- Zastosovuyut for SOT virobiv as in the process of yogo preparation, so in the case of residual processing.

In fallow according to heating method razreznyayut Praski:


steam electric

With the method of dominating the temperature regime, zastosovuyut praski with thermostats. For vikonannnya different operations zastosovuyut praski, scho vіdznyayutsya one kind of one masa rozmіrom, pouzhnіstyu.

Decathiri- zastosovat for the processing of fabrics in pairs with the method of improving the density (strengthening, increasing the softness and the loss of shrinkage in the process of processing and operation)

Attachment for SOT

One can see them



Pads - stop when working with manual praskoy

Proprasuvachi- for zabіgannya obroblyuvannyh surfacing vіd opalіv ta las. They are made from thin linen, flannel, baize, linen.

COT operations

ü Right-hand processing of the detail - Vikonannya a number of operations SOT parts to be collected for the help of the right-handed possession.

ü Presuvannya - volo-thermal processing of the fabric for an additional press with a method of changing the comradeship of the seam, the edge or fastening of the seams in the required position.

ü Distribution - laying out seam allowances or folds on the protelyzhnі side and fixing them at the same position for additional cleaning of the press. Kut nahely allowance for the seam to the plane of the part in the fixed steel is due to add 5-10 °.

ü Appropriation - changing the commissure of the seam, I will bend or the edge of the detail for additional help

ü Proposal – vydalennya zginіv and zaminіv on the fabric or the details of the praskoy praskoy for help SOT

ü Request - laying the edges of parts, allowances for a seam or folds on one side and fixing them at the same position for additional processing

ü sutyuzhuvannya - Changing the linear expansion of parts on the other yards for additional water-thermal processing to fix swelling on the total yard.

ü Vіdtyaguvannya - Larger lines of details on the next section for additional water-thermal processing to remove the curved line on the total section.

ü Vіdparyuvannya - making a pair of viroba for the last time, which was blamed as a result of the prasuvannya.

ü Steaming – water-thermal processing, which ensures the supply of the fiber with a pair

ü Decathlon - water-thermal processing of the material with porosity and drying for the protection of further gardens.
